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Grade 5-Summer Task

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Student Name:

Student Name:

Dear Parents/Guardians,
As the school year comes to a close, we would like to express our gratitude for your
continued support. This year has been filled with growth, learning, and memorable
experiences. As your child embarks on their summer break, we encourage you to keep them
engaged and motivated through various activities. Here are some guidelines to ensure a
fulfilling and productive summer for your child.
Stay physically active:
Promote a healthy and active lifestyle for your child. Encourage them to engage in outdoor
activities, sports, and games. Aim for at least 60 minutes of active play each day to keep
their bodies fit and energetic.
Reading adventures:
Instill the love of reading in your child. Set aside a dedicated time each day for reading.
Encourage them to explore different genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and age-
appropriate novels. Visit the local library and guide them in choosing books that align with
their interests.
Creative projects:
Engage your child in arts and crafts activities. Provide them with materials to create
artwork, build models, or explore DIY projects. Encourage them to express their creativity
and think critically while working on these projects. Additionally, encourage them to
repurpose materials and emphasize the importance of sustainability.
Family learning:
Make learning a family affair by organizing activities that involve everyone. Play
educational board games, solve puzzles together, or engage in group discussions on various
topics. This not only strengthens family bonds but also enhances critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.
Digital balance:
While technology has its benefits, it's essential to maintain a healthy balance. Encourage
limited screen time, allowing your child to engage in educational apps, online courses, or
activities that promote learning and creativity. Encourage them to use technology
responsibly and develop good digital citizenship habits.
Cultivate life skills:
Student Name:

Involve your child in age-appropriate household chores. Assign them responsibilities such
as setting the table, organizing their belongings, or helping with meal preparation. This
cultivates a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-reliance.
Social awareness and empathy:
Teach your child the importance of giving back to the community. Engage in charitable
activities together, such as volunteering at local shelters, donating to worthy causes, or
organizing fundraising events. Encourage them to think about the needs of others and
develop empathy.
Family connections:
Spend quality time with your child and strengthen family bonds. Plan activities like family
outings, picnics, or game nights. Share stories, create memories, and engage in meaningful
conversations that promote emotional well-being.
1. All the pages of summer task need to be printed and arranged in a booklet.
2. The experiments and models needs to be done by the student itself.
Readymade projects needs to be avoided.
3. The booklet of summer task needs to be returned back after summer holidays.
4. If you have any doubts or need clarification on any aspect of the summer
task, don't hesitate to ask your teachers or parents for help. It's important to
have a clear understanding of what is expected.
5. Approach the summer task with creativity and innovative thinking. Explore
different perspectives, think critically, and express your ideas in a unique and
engaging manner.
6. Before submitting the final task, make sure to revise and proofread your

Wishing you and your family a fantastic summer!

Good luck!
Student Name:

Summer tasks
Decimal Investigation:
Select a recipe and double the quantity of each ingredient.
Write the original and the new quantities as decimals and
calculate the difference between them. Discuss with a family
member how decimals are used in cooking and baking.

Student Name:

Ratio Riddle:
Create a riddle that involves ratios. For example: "I have 4
red pencils and 6 blue pencils. What is the ratio of red
pencils to blue pencils?" Write your riddle on a piece of
paper and give it to a family member or friend to solve.

Student Name:

Triangle Treasure Hunt:

During the summer holidays where ever you go look
for objects that are in the shape of a triangle. Create
a list of the objects you found and identify whether
they are equilateral, isosceles, or scalene triangles.

Student Name:

Sale Shopping:
Look up the prices of three summer items you
would like to buy (e.g., swimsuit, beach towel,
sunglasses). Research different stores and find the
one with the best sale or discount for those items.
Calculate the new sale price and the percentage of
the discount. (Hint: you can also look online stores)
Student Name:

Summer Ratios:
Create a chart of your favorite summer activities
and how long you spend doing each one. Use
ratios to compare the amount of time spent on
different activities. For example, if you spend 3
hours swimming and 2 hours playing basketball,
the ratio would be 3:2.
Student Name:

Demonstrate your experiments via video and write down your scientific
investigations of experiments in your science journal.
1. Stop soil erosion with plants experiment: Materials:
Two identical containers (e.g. plastic cups or pots),
Soil, Water, Small rocks or pebbles, Grass seeds, a
spray bottle. Fill both containers with soil, leaving a
small gap at the top. Sprinkle a thin layer of small
rocks or pebbles on top of the soil in both containers.
In one of the containers, sprinkle grass seeds on top of
the rocks. Lightly spray the grass seeds with water
using the spray bottle. Do-not over-water, as this can
cause the seeds to wash away. Leave both containers in
a sunny spot and water them regularly. After a week or
two, observe both containers and note any differences
in the soil and plants.

2. Fill a bubble with dry ice vapor experiment: Dry ice, Warm water, Liquid
soap, a bowl or container, Gloves, Safety glasses,
straw. Put on your gloves and safety glasses to protect
your hands and eyes from the dry ice. Place the dry ice
in a container and use a hammer or mallet to break it
into small pieces. Pour warm water into the container
with the dry ice. Add a small amount of liquid soap to
the water and stir gently. Dip straw into the solution
and blow a bubble. Carefully place the bubble onto the
surface of the dry ice and watch as the carbon dioxide
gas fills the bubble, causing it to expand. As the bubble
expands, it will eventually pop, releasing the dry ice
vapor into the air.
Student Name:

3. Construct a homemade lava lamp: A clear

glass jar or bottle, Water, Vegetable oil, Food
coloring, Alka-Seltzer tablets or aspirin. Fill the
glass jar or bottle about 1/4 full with water. Add
several drops of food coloring to the water and
stir. Slowly pour vegetable oil into the jar until
it is almost full, leaving some space at the top.
Wait a few minutes for the oil and water to
separate. Break an Alka-Seltzer tablet into small
pieces. Drop one piece of the tablet into the jar
and watch the reaction. Once the bubbles reach
the top, they pop, and the colored water falls
back down through the oil, creating a lava lamp-
like effect.

4. Model constellations: Material: Black construction

paper, White chalk or white gel pen, Tape or glue, A
star chart (optional). Cut out a piece of black
construction paper into a circle or square shape, this
will be your night sky background. Use the white chalk
or white gel pen to draw stars and constellations onto
the black paper. You can either draw your own
constellations or use a star chart as a guide. Once you
have drawn your constellations, you can cut out small
stars from white paper and use tape or glue to stick
them onto the black paper to make the stars more
visible. Hang up your model constellation in a dark
Student Name:

room and shine a flashlight on it to make the stars glow. As an extension

activity, you can research the real constellations in the night sky and compare
them to the ones you have created.

5. Grow crystal snowflakes: Borax powder, boiling water, Pipe cleaners, String,
Pencils or chopsticks, Scissors, Jar or
glass, Food coloring (optional). Bend your
pipe cleaners into a snowflake shape. You
can use white or colored pipe cleaners. Tie
a string to the top of each snowflake and
attach the other end to a pencil or
chopstick. Make sure the snowflake is
suspended in the jar without touching the
bottom or sides. Mix 3 tablespoons of
borax powder with 1 cup of boiling water
in a separate container. Stir until the borax
powder is completely dissolved. Add food
coloring to the borax solution if desired.
Carefully pour the borax solution into the
jar with the suspended snowflakes. The
snowflakes should be completely covered
with the solution. Let the jar sit in a cool
place overnight. As the water cools, the borax will begin to form crystals
around the snowflakes. The next day, carefully remove the snowflakes from the
jar and rinse them under warm water to remove any excess borax. Allow the
snowflakes to dry completely before handling them.

6. Spin a candle carousel: Materials: Candle, Cardboard,

Scissors, Pins, Glue, Metal plate or baking sheet. Cut out
a square piece of cardboard and fold it diagonally to
create a triangle. Cut a small circular hole at the center
of the folded edge. Cut slits along the two open edges of
the triangle to create flaps. Bend the flaps upwards to
create a three-sided pyramid. Glue the edges of the flaps
together to secure the pyramid shape. Cut out four small
Student Name:

triangles from cardboard and glue them to the bottom corners of the pyramid to
create legs. Use the pins to attach the candle to the center of the metal plate or
baking sheet. Place the pyramid on top of the candle, ensuring that it's balanced
and stable. Light the candle and observe the movement of the pyramid.

7. Find out if water conducts electricity: To test if

water conducts electricity, you can perform a
simple experiment at home using the following
materials: A battery (such as a 9V battery), Two
wires with alligator clips, glass of water, Table
salt. Add a small amount of table salt to the glass
of water and stir until it dissolves. Connect one
end of the wire with an alligator clip to the positive
terminal of the battery and the other end to one of
the electrodes of the LED bulb. Connect the other
wire with an alligator clip to the negative terminal
of the battery and the other end to the second
electrode of the LED bulb. Dip both electrodes of the LED bulb into the glass
of water. If the LED bulb lights up, it means that water is conducting electricity.

8. Watch the heart beat with marshmallows: Materials needed: Marshmallows,

Toothpicks, Plastic drinking straws, Small container, Timer or stopwatch. Cut a
small piece of marshmallow and stick it onto
the end of a toothpick. Insert the toothpick
with the marshmallow into one end of a plastic
straw. Repeat the process to make a second
straw with a marshmallow on the end of the
toothpick. Cut the straws to different lengths
so that one is longer than the other. Place the
straws into a small container, making sure they
are standing upright. Hold the container so that
the straws are level with your heart. Start the
timer or stopwatch. Observe the marshmallows in the straws and watch them
move up and down with each beat of your heart. Compare the movement of the
Student Name:

marshmallows in the longer and shorter straw. The marshmallow in the shorter
straw should move more quickly than the one in the longer straw.

9. Study water filtration: Materials: Dirty water

(you can add some dirt, food coloring, or other
contaminants to tap water), Two clear plastic
cups, coffee filter, Cotton balls, Sand, Gravel,
funnel. Place one cup on a table and label it
"Dirty Water." Fill the other cup with clean tap
water and label it "Clean Water." Make a
filtration system by placing the funnel over the
dirty water cup and layering the cotton balls,
sand, and gravel inside the funnel in that order.
Place the coffee filter on top of the gravel layer.
Slowly pour the dirty water into the filtration
system and observe the water as it passes
through each layer. Collect the filtered water in the clean water cup. Compare
the appearance and clarity of the filtered water to the dirty water.
Student Name:

My Question:

My Prediction: I predict than

Student Name:

How will I do this?

Student Name:

Fair Test:

I will keep the same:

I will change:
Student Name:

Results: This is what happened

Student Name:

My Conclusion: I found out this

‫‪Student Name:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬دوران تعطیالت آپ اپنے خاندان کے کسی بزرگ (دادا‪ ،‬نانا‪ ،‬تایا‪ ،‬موموں) سے‬
‫مالقات کے دوران انکا انٹرویو کیجئے۔ انکے پسندیدہ مشاغل پر بھی بات کیجئے۔‬
‫‪Student Name:‬‬

‫‪ .2‬آپ کے گھر باغیچہ ہے یا گملوں میں پودے ہیں تو دوران تعطیالت پودوں کی دیکھ‬
‫بھال کیجیئے۔ ابتداء کی تصاویر بھی چسپاں کیجیئے۔ اور اپنی دیکھ بھال کے بعد‬
‫بھی باغیچے ‪/‬گملوں کی تصاویر پر چسپاں کیجیئے۔ اپنے مشاہدات بھی‬
‫‪Student Name:‬‬

‫‪ .3‬روز نامچہ (ڈائری) بنائیے اور کم ازکم پندرہ دن پابندی سے اپنے معموالت زندگی‬
‫اور معموالت عبادات‬
‫‪Student Name:‬‬

‫‪ .4‬دوران تعطیالت اپنے تفریحی سفر کی روداد لکھیئے۔ تصاویر بھی چسپاں‬
‫‪Student Name:‬‬

‫‪ .5‬کاغذ اور چارٹ کی مدد سے مختلف اشکال کی کٹنگ کیجیئے اور چسپاں‬
Student Name:

Student Name:

Information Computer Technology

 Understand the foundations of Artificial Intelligence.
 Construct understanding of basic machine learning and data feeding.
Use the above-mentioned link to learn and practice AI programming. These levels
will allow to start from beginner level, and the
order of difficulty rises with each task.
These activities will allow you to learn about data
feeding and decision making.
The learners can use their CSN id to save the
progress, and at the end of each task a certificate
will be generated which has to be shared with the
teacher (You can use any platform like MS

 Complete Hour of Code using good coding methodology.
The learners will use Minecraft Hour of Code for building
future-ready skills like creativity, problem solving, and
Student Name:

systems thinking, and nurturing a passion for play. Build empathy and learn digital
The learners can use their CSN id to save the progress, and at the end of each task
a certificate will be generated which has to be shared with the teacher (You can use
any platform like MS Teams).

 Learning sequencing, sprites, events, loops, conditional, functions, variables
and for loops,
Learn computer science by trying the lessons below at your own pace! Learn to
create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun
challenges! Make games and creative projects to share with friends, family, and
Above all, have fun while doing these levels ✌️🙂.
Student Name:

Learn and memorize these 6 kalimas of Islam Along with translation.
Student Name:
Student Name:
Student Name:

Practice all the masnoon Dua during summer break

Student Name:
Student Name:
Student Name:
Student Name:

Fill this chart according to your prayer schedule during the summer break
Student Name:
Student Name:
Student Name:

1. Write 10 suggestions about caring for working

Student Name:

2. Make a digital poster to advertise organic and

local foods where they come from and why are
they good for you. Paste related pictures on this
Student Name:

3. Collect 5 advertisements of Pakistani brands from

newspaper/ magazine and paste them here.
Student Name:

4. Create a digital album capturing moments

how you have spent your vacations?
Student Name:

5. Write an article on “Role of school in child’s life” (150-200 words).

Student Name:

Student Name:

6. Make a list of 10 activities that you have done during summer vacations on
daily basis.
Student Name:

7. What is your favorite indoor hobby during vacations? Paste its picture and
write about it.

Student Name:

8. Prepare a dictionary having minimum 5 words of each alphabet (new words)

with meanings. Cover it with beautiful cover with writing a moral value on
its cover.
9. Prepare a chart of Parts of Speech.
10.Write daily diary and bring it after summer break.
11.Make a model of any famous building in Pakistan.

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