Mine Planning With GEOVIA MineSched-rev01

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Mine Planning with

GEOVIA MineSched
at KAZ Minerals Aktogay
Aktogay 2024
Senior Planning Engineer - Longterm Budget - KAZ Minerals Kazakhstan

Educational Background
Mining Engineering - UPN Veteran Yogyakarta (2004-2009)

Professional Certifications
• Member of AusIMM JORC (MAusIMM 337400)
• Competent Person Indonesia - Estimasi Cadangan Mineral Emas (Au) dmp (CPI PERHAPI 2108356-264)
• Comptent Person - LSP BNSP Mineral Reserves Estimation (CP ACM 025000042022)

Work Experiences
 2009 - 2011 : Mine Engineer – PT Berau Coal Site Lati
 2011 - 2012 : Mine Planning Engineer – PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals - Newcrest Mining Ltd.
 2012 - 2020 : Mining Planning Engineer, Sr. Mine Planning Engineer, Mining Planning Superintendent –
PT J Resources Nusantara
 2020 - 2021 : Mining Engineering Specialist – Maaden Gold Base Metal, Saudi Arabia
 2021 - 2023 : Mining Engineering - Sr. Specialist Strategic Planning - PT J Resources Nusantara
 2023 - Now : Senior Planning Engineer - Longterm Budget - KAZ Minerals, Kazakhstan
KAZ Minerals is a high growth
copper company focused on large
scale, low cost open pit mining in
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

KAZ Minerals operates the Aktogay

and Bozshakol open-pit copper
mines in the respective East and
Pavlodar regions of Kazakhstan. It
also operates three underground Almaty

mines and associated concentrators

in the East Region of Kazakhstan
and the Bozymchak copper-gold
mine in Kyrgyzstan.

The Group's origins as a copper miner in Kazakhstan stretch back to the

1930s. Following the independence of Kazakhstan in 1991 the Group was
privatised and was subsequently listed on the London Stock Exchange in
2005. After a Restructuring in 2014 the Group was renamed KAZ Minerals
and is now one of the largest copper miners in Kazakhstan. In April 2021,
the Group has been wholly acquired by Nova Resources B.V. and delisted
from the London and Kazakhstan Stock Exchanges on 11 May 2021.
Global Copper Producer in
KAZ Minerals Aktogay
Aktogay is a large scale, low cost open pit
copper mine with a remaining mine life of
around 25 years at an average copper
grade of 0.34%.

The Aktogay site has an annual sulphide

ore processing capacity of 50 million
tonnes from two concentrators. Aktogay
is competitively positioned on the global
cost curve and is expected to produce an
average of 170 kt of copper per year until
the end of LOM.
KAZ Minerals Aktogay

source: https://www.kazminerals.com/news/video-library/
KAZ Minerals Aktogay

Mining Flow Chart in Aktogay Mines
Stages of Mine Planning
Mine Scheduling Softwares
Mine Planning with GEOVIA MineSched at Aktogay
LOM (by years until the end of LOM) 3MP plan (3 months)

Budget (year by months) Weekly Plan (week by days)

Forecast (forecast by months until the end of year) Daily Plan in Surpac (day)
Example: 3 Month Plan Process at Aktogay
Geovia MineSched - Mine Scheduling Process

Define Geology

Setup Schedule


Publish Results
Define Geology - Block Model Input
Creating polygons for Trim block
Trim block Update - Updating block model and Creating Trimfac attribute
MineSched Setup - Mining Location
MineSched Setup -
Equipment productivity Setup
Mining Destination Setup
Dump Leach Pad Planning

Lift6 sequence DLP2

Hauling Roads Setup

Bench roads Pit roads

Surface roads
Mine Planning Scenario and Results

Blastmaster rl320 Stage 8 sequence Mining direction

Haulage Results and Mine Planning Scheduling Report
Advantages of Mine Planning with GEOVIA MineSched

1. Comprehensive use of Geovia Whittle, MineSched and Surpac for strategic and tactical training enables
sequential (rolling) planning. It enables prompt assessment of impact of current changes in mining and geological
conditions on company development strategy.

2. Digital results of mine planning, hauling indicators (tonnes per kilometer) are used to develop cost budget for
goods (fuel, drilling tools, tyres);

3. Planning in a single system, namely using of fixed polygons and block model for LOM planning, and more
detailed quarterly and monthly planning enables reduction of deviations from sequential mining.

4. Dumps and stockpiles development graphical 3D animation For example, an option to develop lifts by cells with
sequential dumping using block modelling. This enables creation of dumping and cell commissioning schedule to
produce more accurate metal production forecasts.

5. Hauling module enables setting of all possible directions and hauling routes in 3D, accounting for road gradients,
turns and switchbacks. It is possible to limit the speed at every section of a road which enables quicker valide
results for determination of the cycle at planning stage. There is also an option to graphically see routes for load
hauling as an addiitonal check.

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