Ore Reserve Estimation of Saprolite Nickel Using I

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Ore Reserve Estimation of Saprolite Nickel Using Inverse Distance

Method in PIT Block 3A Banggai Area Central Sulawesi
To cite this article: Muhammad Khaidir Noor 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 979 012047

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The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 979 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/979/1/012047

Ore Reserve Estimation of Saprolite Nickel Using Inverse

Distance Method in PIT Block 3A Banggai Area Central

Muhammad Khaidir Noor

Mining Engineering Department, Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia, Makassar,

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Reserve estimation is one of important work in evaluating a mining project. It is

estimation of the quality and quantity of the presence of minerals have economic value.
Reserve calculation method plays an important role in determining the efficiency in
commercial exploration of a deposit. This study was intended to calculate ore reserves
contained in the study area especially Pit Block 3A. Nickel ore reserve was estimated by using
detailed exploration data, processing by using Surpac 6.2 by Inverse Distance Weight: Squared
Power estimation method. Ore estimation result obtained from 30 drilling data was 76453.5
ton of Saprolite with density of 1.5 ton/m3 and COG (Cut Off Grade) Ni ≥ 1.6 %, while
overburden data was 112,570.8 tons with waste rock density of 1.2 ton/m3 . Striping Ratio
(SR) was 1.47 : 1 smaller than Stripping Ratio ( SR ) were set of 1.60 : 1.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Exploration activities and calculation of mineral deposits reserves constitute an important step in the
mining operation plan, so that the quantity and quality of mineral deposits must be known by value of
SR (Stripping Ratio) and COG (Cut Of Grade), in order to result high degree of geological confidence
and economy. The use of a computerized system in certain Mine Software can calculate the reserves
and even design a mine with a faster and better approach to calculating mineral deposits.
Surpac 6.2 is one type of GIS Software (Geologic Information System), the CAD group (Computer
Aided Design) which is a software from A Gemcom Software Company Australia. CAD (Computer
Aided Design) is software that provides utility to input data, display visualization, and representation
in 3 dimensions [1].
PT. Kumala Mining is a contractor of PT. Aneka Nusantara International which is a mining
company with nickel ore commodities. This company located in Banggai, Central Sulawesi. The aims
of this research are to calculate tonnage reserves of nickel ore deposits, tonnage of overburden, and
stripping ratio in the Block PIT 3A. Estimating the reserves and stripping ratio in PIT Block 3A at PT.
Kumala Mining Site Project Bunta given limit value of COG (Cut Off Grade): >1.6, density of rock:
1.5 ton/m3, waste: 1.2 ton/m3, standard of SR (Striping Ratio) in company: 1.60 : 1.

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The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 979 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/979/1/012047

2. Basic Theory
2.1 Model Block Method
Block model is one of the existing tool functions in Surpac 6.2, this method effectively used on ore
mineral as it uses attributes of content, quality, density, and lithology as consideration of reserve
estimation [2].
 Geological Database (GDB)
Store drillhole survey, lithology and quality data, generate standardized summary and customizable
reports, and display graphical drillhole data. GDB can display lithology, interval, geophysical and
correlation as well as provide the function of compositing and washability,
 Constraints
All block model functions can be done with constraints. Constraint is a logical combination of one
or more spatial objects in the selected block. Objects that can be used in constraints are plane
surface, DTM, solids (body solids), closed strings and attribute block values. Constraints can be
stored in files for reuse and may be used as a component of other constrains.
 Estimations
Once the block model is created and all the required attributes exist, it should then be done with
some estimation methods. This can be done by estimating and assigning attribute values from
sample data that have XYZ coordinates and the value of the main attribute estimation methods.

2.2 Pit Design

It is one of the applications in Surpac 6.2 for the design of mining pits. Mining pit design is done after
getting areas that have a stripping ratio in accordance with the set. These areas are then formed into
mining blocks by naming such as Block 01, Block 02, and so on. Each of these blocks is limited by a
polygon with different extents [3].
Based on the analysis of the area using the software, the limit of the area of mining (pit limit) and
the limits of mining elevation can be determined. Based on the data, it can be done the overall mining
pit design and the estimated the reserve that has a stripping ratio that has been determined. In
preliminary reserve estimation, it aims to estimate the amount of reserves that can be mined with the
appropriate stripping ratio and obtain ore distribution data. The ore distribution is based on quality of
laboratory analysis from explorotion drilling data [4].
Some stages in pit design using Surpac 6.2 namely: calculation of reserve blocks, field topography
identification, making mine layout and design pit, data of bench geometry (high bench, wide bench
and tilt bench), and data of road geometry (road width and slope of road) [5].

2.3 Stripping Ratio.

The stripping ratio is defined as the ratio of the of material cover (waste) to the ore material (ore). At
ore mines, this ratio is usually expressed in tonnage of waste / tonnage of ore. In coal mines are often
used waste/ton of coal [4].

3. Methodology
The research method is to collect accurate data at field is associated with reserve estimation. The
research methods include; data collection, data processing, and analysis of data [5].

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Reserve Calculation Method
To find out the nickel ore reserves contained in the research area of PIT Block 3A, calculated using
non-conventional methods that use Surpac 6.2. Firstly, this research is done by making geological
database and block model to calculate the area and volume of existing reserves as reference reserves
estimates or to determine the value of nickel ore tonnage. COG (Cut Off Grade) in the calculation of
reserves in this study determined by the company is 1.6%. The level or stage of exploration conducted

The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 979 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/979/1/012047

at PIT Block 3A is an advanced stage. The collected data indicates that the level of confidence in
reserves is higher.
In the use of Surpac 6.2 Software, the step to make a reserve estimation is to first create a
geological database with core drilling data, rock description, and laboratory analysis which further
creates and calculates the volume of block model and its function of Constraint with Inverse Distance
Weight Power 2 method with previous Geological Database created.
Geological database on the outline is the data that contains the geological information
representatives of core drilling (core drilling) exploration, rock description and analysis of the sample
in the preparation laboratory. With the geology database we can visualize 30 drilling point in Pit
Block 3A, even making a cross-section and shape of nickel ore deposit.

Figure 1. Geological database PIT Block 3A. Figure 2. Shape of nickel ore distribution.

By a pre-prepared geological database, it can created block model. Due to the distribution of
laterite nickel deposits located in Pit Block 3A is not uniform then sediment block model required
constraint with modify constraint select with functions that can be modified according to the needs
with grade and lithology parameter. ....................................................
First constraint with lithologic attributes will form a block corresponding to lithology, with upper
and lower boundary on the saprolite zone only, using the top ore and bottom ore boundary of saprolite
zone and the outer boundary of the specified drilling point using the formula, so that the data is
estimated only at lithology/geological database of the saprolite zone.

Figure 3. A Block without constraints. Figure 4. Block with grade and lithology

The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 979 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/979/1/012047

Both constraint select with this grade attribute will separate the appropriate blocks
with the desired grade starting from the lowest grade of 1.6 which is still economical when mined to
the highest grade available in accordance with COG (cut off grade).
Next, marked with some color on the block representing a certain grade of ore located in the
saprolite zone, then the block with color will separate the blocks according to the lowest grade
available in the database that is 1.6 to the highest grade available. It is also intended to separate the
visual distribution of the deposit profile according to the color.

Figure 5. Block with grade constraints based on colours yellow >1.6, green
>2.0 and dark green >2.5.

The volume and tonnage calculated by using Inverse Distance Weight Power 2, with density value
of 1.5 tons/m3 and the lowest grade of COG (cut off grade) determined by the company is 1.6. Then
the calculation of volume only on the saprolite zone and tonnage will only be calculated starting from
the level of >1.6 up. Reserve tonnage is obtained by multiplying the volume of saprolite 50969 m3
with density ore 1.5 ton/m3. So that the ore tonnage is 76453.5 tons in accordance with the calculation
using Surpac 6.2.

4.2 Design of Pit Mine...................................................................................................

The construction of mining bench designs is based on safety factors with geotechnical
recommendations by using open pit mining method. Based on the direction of ore distribution. Design
of the geometry of the mining bench requires several important parameters, such parameters are:
Standard Stripping Ratio (SR) 1.60: 1, height of bench 3 m, width of bench 1.5 m, and single slope
Construction bench width design that is up to 78.959 mdpl does not change the value of the
geotechnical recommendation decisions, but at the elevation of 73.968 mdpl, width of the bench on the
pit block design changes as far as 15,534 meters and at elevation of 63.908 md as far as 37.998 meters.
This is caused by the uneven distribution of the ore at the elevation. The shape of the pit design on Pit
Block 3A can be seen on figure 6.

The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 979 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/979/1/012047

Based on the factors described above and the consideration of the mining design and
recommendations from geotechnical study that the design of Block 3A pit using surpac 6.2 applies the
open pit mine system. So in getting the volume from the design of Block 3A pit by using Software
Surpac 6.2 is 144778 m3.

Figure 6. Design of PIT Block 3A in DTM. Figure 7. Of PIT Block 3A in String.

4.3 Waste Tonnage/Overburden (OB)

The calculation of overburden is also done based on the calculation of pit volume. Tonnage
overburden is influenced by the extent of pit design results. The overburden tonnage from the pit mine
can be calculated by reducing the pit volume, 144778 m3 with the ore volume, which is 50969 m3 and
multiplying with the waste rock density of 1.2 m3/ton. So in the tonnage can be over burden pit block
3A is 112570.8 tons.

4.4 Striping Ratio (SR) Pit Block 3A

The determination of the stripping ratio relates to the feasibility of ore deposits in PIT 3A to be mined
profitably. The shape of ore and waste deposit illustration can be seen in figure 8.
The value of stripping ratio is calculated by comparing the waste tonnage to ore tonnage. Based on the
calculation of ore tonnage and waste tonnage, namely:
Tonnage Ore = 76453.5 tons..................................................................................................
Tonase Waste = 112570.8 tons..........

Figure 8. Modelling of Ore and Waste.

The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 979 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/979/1/012047

After the tonnage of waste and tonnage of ore calculated in research area obtained value of SR
(stripping ratio), that is 1,47:1. From the value of stripping ratio obtained (1.47:1), it is known that the
value of stripping ratio is smaller than the stripping ratio set by the company, which is 1.60: 1. So that
the reserves of nickel contained Pit Block 3A is feasible to proceed to phase of mining operations
planning and include the category of Inferred Ore Reserve in accordance with the provisions of the
Code-KCMI 2011.

5. Conclusion
From the results of the description and discussion in the previous chapters, it can be concluded as
1. Based on the results of the analysis, the volume of ore reserves is 50969 m3 and tonnage of
saprolite reserves for PIT Block 3A PT. Kumala Mining Site Project Bunta with 30 drilling points
is 76453.5 tons with density of ore 1.5 ton/m3 calculated using Surpac 6.2 with COG (cut off grade)
Ni ≥ 1.6%.
2. Based on pit design and some analysis, pit volume is 144778 m3, waste volume is 93809 m3 and
tonnage from overburden PIT Block 3A is 112570.8 tons with waste rock density 1.2 m3/ton
calculated using Surpac 6.2.
3. Stripping Ratio (SR) of the research area is 1.47: 1. The reserves of nickel deposits contained
Blocks 3A are feasible to be mined, because the SR of the study area is smaller than the SR value
set by PT. Kumala Mining is 1.60: 1.

[1] Group Surpac Minex 2006 Solid Modelling In Surpac Vision (Western Australia: A Gemcom
[2] Group Surpac Minex 2006 Geological Database (Western Australia: A Gemcom Company)
[3] Komite Bersama PERHAPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia) & IAGI (Ikatan Ahli
Geologi Indoensia) 2011 Kode-KCMI 2011 (Indonesia: PERHAPI)
[4] Rauf A 1998 Perhitungan Cadangan Endapan Mineral (Yogyakarta: UPN)
[5] Usman N D 2004 Perhitungan Cadangan Dan Geostatistik (Bandung: Diklat Perencanaan
Tambang Terbuka UNISBA)

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