Basic Concepts of Iron and Steel Making: January 2020

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Basic Concepts of Iron and Steel Making

Book · January 2020

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2437-0

0 868

2 authors:

S. K. Dutta Yakshil Chokshi

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda


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About the Book
This book presents the fundamentals of iron and steel making, including the physical
chemistry, thermodynamics and key concepts, while also discussing associated problems and
solutions. It guides the reader through the production process from start to finish, covers the
raw materials, and addresses the types of processes and reactions involved in both
conventional and alternative methods. Though primarily intended as a textbook for students of
metallurgical engineering, the book will also prove a useful reference for professionals and
researchers working in this area.

1. Raw Materials Pages 3-49

2. Blast Furnace Process 51-68
3. Blast Furnace Reactions 69-111
4. Furnace Auxiliaries 113-124
5. Operation of Blast Furnace 125-130

Alternate Methods of Ironmaking

6. Raw Materials for DR Processes 135-147

7. Sponge Iron 149-198
8. Smelting Reduction Processes 199-225
9. Alternate Ironmaking 227-237

Physical Chemistry of Ironmaking

10. Thermodynamics of Reduction 241-269

11. Kinetics 271-290


12. Historical Steelmaking 293-305

13. Raw Materials for Steelmaking 307-319
14. Steelmaking Processes 321-341
15. Oxygen Steelmaking Processes 343-399
16. Electric Furnace Processes 401-496
17. Secondary Steelmaking 497-536
18. Casting Pit Practice 537-549
19. Continuous Casting (Concast) 551-572

Thermodynamics and Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking

20. Thermodynamics 575-621

Pollution in Iron and Steel Industries

21. Carbon Foot Prints for Iron and Steel Production 625-634

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