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Bith a frontispiece.
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ان کا یہ بازار کار
Bedicatory Epistle,
First prefixed to the Edition of 1915 .
In looking round the wide and luminous circle of our great living
Englishmen , to select one to whom I might fitly dedicate this work ,
one who, in his life as in his genius, might illustrate the principle I have
sought to convey ;-elevated by the ideal which he exalts, and serenely
dwelling in a glorious existence with the images born of his imagina
tion , -in looking round for some such man, my thoughts rested upon
you. Afar from our turbulent cabals — from the ignoble jealousy and
the sordid strife which degrade and acerbate the ambition of Genius,
in your Roman Home, you have lived amidst all that is loveliest and
least perishable in the Past, and contributed, with the noblest aims,
and in the purest spirit, to the mighty heirlooms of the Future. Your
youth has been devoted to toil, that your manhood may be consecrated
to fame ;-a fame unsullied by one desire of gold. You have escaped
the two worst perils that beset the Artist in our time and land - the
debasing tendencies of Commerce, and the angry rivalries of Com
petition. You have not wrought your marble for the market - you have
not been tempted by the praises which our vicious criticism has
showered upon exaggeration and distortion, to lower your taste to the
level of the Hour ; you have lived, and you have laboured, as if you
had no rivals, but in the Dead - no purchasers, save in judges of what
is best. In the divine Priesthood of the Beautiful, you have sought
only to increase her worshippers and enrich her temples. The pupil
of Canova, you have inherited his excellences, while you have shunned
his errors :-yours his delicacy, not his affectation. Your heart
resembles him even more than your genius - you have the same noble
enthusiasm for your sublime profession — the same lofty freedom from
envy and the spirit that depreciates — the same generous desire,not to
war with, but to serve, Artists in your art ; aiding, strengthening,
Affixed to the ' Note ' with which this Volume concludes, and which
treats of the distinctions between type and allegory, the Reader will
find, from the pen of one of our most eminent living writers, an
ingenious attempt to explain the interior or typical meanings of the
work now before him.
“ The one," said he, “ is the Dutch School, the other is the Greek .”
“ Sir,” said I , " the Dutch is the most in fashion .”
“ Yes, in painting, perhaps," answered my host, “ but in literature "
“ It was of literature I spoke. Our growing poets are all for simplicity
and Betty Foy ; and our critics hold it the highest praise of a work of
imagination , to say that its characters are exact to common life. Even
in sculpture— "
“ In sculpture ! No-no ! there the high ideal must at least be
essential ! ”
“ Pardon me ; I fear you have not seen Souter Johnny and
Tam O'Shanter ."
“ Ah ! ” said the old gentleman, shaking his head, “ I live very
much out of the world, I see. I suppose Shakspeare has ceased to
be admired ? "
“ On the contrary ; people make the adoration of Shakspeare the
excuse for attacking everybody else. But then our critics have discovered
that Shakspeare is so real !”
“ Real ! The poet who has never once drawn a character to be met
with in actual life -- who has never once descended to a passion that is
false, or a personage who is real !
I was about to reply very severely to this paradox, when I perceived
that my companion was growing a little out of temper. And he who
wishes to catch a Rosicrucian, must take care not to disturb the waters .
-I thought it better, therefore, to turn the conversation.
“ Revenons à nos moutons,” said I ; " you promised to enlighten my
ignorance as to the Rosicrucians.”
“ Well ! ” quoth he, rather sternly ; “ but for what purpose ?
Perhaps you desire only to enter the temple in order to ridicule the
rites ? ”
“ Whatdo you take me for ! Surely, were I so inclined, the fate of
the Abbé de Villars is a sufficient warning to all men not to treat idly
of the realms of the Salamander and the Sylph. Everybody knows
how mysteriously that ingenious personage was deprived of his life, in
l'evenge for the witty mockeries of his Comte de Gabalis."
“ Salamander and Sylph ! I see that you fall into the vulgar error,
and translate literally the allegorical language of the mystics."
With that, the old gentleman condescended to enter into a very
interesting, and, as it seemed to me, a very erudite relation, of the tenets
of the Rosicrucians, some of whom, he asserted, still existed, and still
prosecuted in august secresy, their profound researches into natural
science and occult philosophy.
“ But this fraternity, ” said he, “however respectable and virtuous
virtuous I say, for no monastic order is more severe in the practice of
0 7 7 V of 5 }}
} N 3 and so on for 940 mortal pages in foolscap. I
could scarcely believe my eyes ; in fact, I began to think the lamp
burned singularly blue ; and sundry misgivings as to the unhallowed
nature of the characters I had so unwittingly opened upon, coupled with
the strange hints and mystical language of the old gentleman, crept
through my disordered imagination. Certainly, to say no worse of it,
the whole thing looked uncanny ! I was about, precipitately, to hurry
the papers into my desk, with a pious determination to have nothing
more to do with them, when my eye fell upon a book, neatly bound in
blue morocco, and which in my eagerness, I had hitherto overlooked .
I opened this volume with great precaution, not knowing what might
jump out, and ,-guess my delight, -found that it contained a key
or dictionary to the hieroglyphics. Not to weary the reader with an
account of my labours, I am contented with saying that at last I
imagined myself capable of construing the characters,and set to work
in god earnest. Still it was no easy task, and two years elapsed
before I had made much progress. I then, by way of experiment
N.B. — The notes appended to the text are sometimes by the Author , sometimes by
the Editor. - I have occasionally (but not always) marked the distinction :—where,
however, this is omitted, the ingenuity of the Reader will be rarely at fault.
Due Fontane
Che di diverso effetto hanno liquore ! *
ARISTO), ORLAND. FUR , Canto i. 78 .
* Two Founts
That hold a draught of different effects.
No. 259 . B 1
Vergina era
D'alta beltà, ma sua beltà non cura :
Di natura, d'amor , de ' cieli amici
* Le negligenze sue sono artifici. *
GERUSAL. LIB ., canto ii., xiv . - xviii.
Ar Naples, in the latter half of the of Orpheus into Hades,” “ The Evil
last century, a worthy artist named Eye,” “ The Eumenides," and many
Gaetano Pisani, lived and flourished. others that evince a powerful imagi
He was a musician of great genius, nation, delighting in the fearful and
but not of popular reputation ; there supernatural, but often relieved, by an
was in all his compositions something airy and delicate fancy, with passages
capricious and fantastic, which did not of exquisite grace and beauty. It is
please the taste of the Dilettanti of true that in the selection of his sub
Naples. He was fond of unfamiliar jects from ancient fable, Gaetano
subjects, into which he introduced Pisaniwas much more faithful than
airs and symphonies that excited a his contemporaries to the remote
kind of terror in those who listened. origin and the early genius of Italian
The names of his pieces will probably Opera. That descendant, however
suggest their nature. I find, for in effeminate, of the ancient union be
stance, among his MSS., these titles, tween Song and Drama, when, after
“ The Feast of the Harpies,” “ The long obscurity and dethronement, it
Witches at Benevento , « The Descent regained a punier sceptre, though a
gaudier purple, by the banks of the
* She was a virgin of a glorious beauty,
Etrurian Arno, or amidst the Lagunes
* Neglignotenceheritself
but regarded beauty
is art in those of Venice, had chosen allits primary
favoured by nature, by love, and by the inspirations from the unfamiliar and
heavens. classic sources of heathen legend ;
B 2
Poor man , he had little enough in a sweet English face; shehad married
this !-Ata manufacturing town in him from choice and will you believe
England there is a gravestone, on it ?) she yet loved him . How she came
which the epitaph records one to marry him , or how this shy,unsocial,
Claudius Phillips, whose absolute con- wayward creature ever ventured to
tempt for riches, and inimitable per- propose, I can only explain by asking
formance on the violin, made himthe youto look round and explain first to
admiration of all that knew him ! ” me how half the husbands and half the
Logical conjunction of opposite wives you meet ever found a mate !
eulogies ? In proportion, ( Genius, Yet, on reflection this union was not
to thy contempt for riches will be thy so extraordinary after all. The girl
performance on thy violin ! was a natural child of parents too
Gaetano Pisani's talents as a com- noble ever to own and claim her. She
poser had been chiefly exhibited in was brought into Italy to learn the art
music appropriate to this his favourite by which she was to live, for she had
instrument, of all unquestionably the taste and voice ; she was a dependent,
most various and royal in its resources and harshly treated, and poor Pisani
and power over the passions. As was hermaster, and his voice the only
Shakspeare among poets, is the Cre- one she had heard from her cradle,
mona among instruments. Never- that seemed without one tone that
theless, he had composed other pieces, could scorn or chide. And so-well ,
of larger ambition and wider accom- is the rest natural ? Natural or not,
plishment, and, chief of these, his they married . This young wife loved
precious — his unpurchased — his un- her husband ; and young and gentle
published — his unpublishable and
as she was, she might almost be said
imperishable opera of the Siren .” to be the protector of the two. From
This great work had been the dream how many disgraces with the despots
of his boyhood — the mistress of his of San Carlo and the Conservatorio
manhood ; in advancing age " it stood had her unknown officious mediation
beside him like his youth .” Vainly saved him ! In how many ailments
had he struggled to place it before - for his frame was weak - had she
the world. Even bland, unjealous nursed and tended him ! Often , in
Paisiello , Maestro di Capella, shook the dark nights, she would wait at
his gentle head when the musician the theatre, with her lanthorn to light
favoured him with a specimen of one him, and her steady arm to lean on ;
of his most thrilling scenas. And otherwise, in his abstract reveries,
yet, Paisiello, though that music who knows but the musician would
differs from all Durante taught thee have walked after his “ Siren ,” into
to emulate, there may — but patience, the sea ! And then she would so pa
Gaetano Pisani !—bide thy time, and tiently, perhaps ( for in true love there
keep thy violin in tune ! is not always the finest taste ,) so de
Strange as it may appear to the lightedly listen to those storms of
fairer reader, this grotesque personage eccentric and fitful melody, and steal
had yet formed those ties which or- him — whispering praises all the way
dinary mortals are apt to consider from the unwholesome nightwatch
their especial monopoly — he was to rest and sleep ! I said his music
married, and had one child. What was a part of the man, and this gentle
is more strange yet, his wife was a creature seemed a part of the music ;
daughter of quiet, sober, unfantastic it was, in fact, when she sate beside
England ; she was much younger than him that whatever was tender or fairy
himself ; she was fair and gentle, with like in his motleyfantasia crept into the
harmony as by stealth . Doubtless her goblin sport over the starry seas ....
presence acted on the music, and shaped Beautiful she was, but of a very un
and softened it ; but he, who never common beauty — a combination, a
examined how or what his inspira- harmony of opposite attributes. Her
tion, knew it not. All that he knew hair of a gold richer and purer than
was, that he loved and blessed her. that which is seen even in the North ;
He fancied he told her so twenty times but the eyes, of all the dark, tender,
a -day ; but he never did, for he was subduing light of more than Italian
not of many words, even to his wife. almost of oriental - splendour. The
His language was his music, as hers complexion exquisitely fair, but never
-her cares ! He was more commu- the same- vivid in one moment, pale
nicative to his barbiton, as the learned the next. And with the complexion,
Mersennus teaches us to call all the the expression also varied ; nothing
varieties of the great viol family. now so sad, and nothing now so joyous.
Certainly barbiton sounds better than I grieve to say that what we rightly
fiddle ; and barbiton let it be. He entitle education was much neglected
would talk to thatby the hour together for their daughter by this singular
--praise it - scold it - coax it, nay pair. To be syre, neither of them had
(for such is man, even the most guile- much knowledge to bestow : and
not then the fashion ,
less,) he had been known to swear at knowledge wasBut
it ; but for that excess he was always as it is now. accident or nature
penitentially remorseful. And the favoured young Viola. She learned ,
barbiton had a tongue of his own , as of course, her mother's language
could take his own part, and when he with her father's. And she contrived
also scolded, had much the best of it. soon to read and to write : and her
He was a noble fellow , this Violin ! a mother,who, by the way, was a Roman
Tyrolese, the handiwork of the illus- Catholic, taught her betimes to pray.
trious Steiner. There was something But then , to counteract all these acqui.
mysterious in his great age. How sitions, the strange habits of Pisani,
many hands, now dust, had awakened and theincessant watch and care which
his strings ere he became the Robin he required from his wife, often left the
Goodfellow and Familiar of Gaetano child alone with an old nurse ; who,
Pisani ! His very case was venerable ; to be sure, loved her dearly, but who
- beautifully painted , it was said, by was in no way calculated to instruct
Caracci. An English collector had her. Dame Gionetta was every inch
offered more for the case than Pisani Italian and Neapolitan. Her youth
had ever made by the violin. But had been all love, and her age was all
Pisani, who cared not if he had in- superstition . She was garrulous, fond
habited a cabin himself, was proud of -a gossip. Now she would prattle
a palace for the barbiton . His bar- to the girl of cavaliers and princes at
biton, it was his elder child ! He had her feet, and now she would freeze her
another child , and now we must turn blood with tales and legends, perhaps
to her. as old as Greek or Etrurian fable of
How shall I describe thee, Viola ? demon and vampire - of the dances
Certainly the music had something to round the great walnut-tree at Bene
answer for in the advent of thatyoung vento, and the haunting spell of the
stranger. For both in her form and Evil Eye. All this helped silently to
her character you might have traced a weave charmed webs over Viola's
family likeness to that singular and imagination, that afterthought and
spirit-like life of sound which night later years might labour vainly to
after night threw itself in airy and dispel. And all this especially fitted
her to hang, with a fearful joy, upon genius ! Boy or man , thou wilt never
her father's music. Those visionary be a poet, if thou hast not felt the
strains, everstruggling to translateinto ideal, the romance, the Calypso's isle
wild and broken sounds the language that opened to thee, when for the
of unearthly beings, breathed around first time, the magic curtain was
her from her birth. Thus you might drawn aside, and let in the World of
have said that her whole mind was Poetry on the World of Prose !
full of music - associations, memories, And now the initiation was begun .
sensations of pleasure or pain , all were She was to read, to study, to depict
mixed up inexplicably with those by a gesture, a look, the passions she
sounds that now delighted, and now was to delineate on the boards ;
terrified — that greeted her when her lessons dangerous, in truth, to some,
eyes opened to the sun, and woke her but not to the pure enthusiasm that
trembling on her lonely couch in the comes from Art ; for the mind that
darkness of the night. The legends rightly conceives Art, is but a mirror,
and tales of Gionetta only served to which gives back what is cast on its
make the child better understand the surface faithfully only — while un
signification of those mysterious sullied. She seized on nature and
tones ; they furnished her with words truth intuitively. Her recitations
to the music . It was natural that the became full of unconscious power ;
daughter of such a parentshould soon her voice moved the heart to tears,
evince sometaste in his art. But this or warmed it into generous rage. But
developed itself chiefly in the ear and this arose from that sympathy which
the voice. She was yet a child when genius ever has, even in its earliest
she sang divinely. A great Cardinal, innocence, with whatever feels, or
-great alike in the State and the aspires, or suffers. It was no prema
Conservatorio, heard of her gifts, and ture woman comprehending the love
sent for her. From that moment her or the jealousy that the words ex
fate was decided : she was to be the pressed ; her art was one of those
future glory of Naples, the prima strange secrets which the psycho
donna of San Carlo. The Cardinal logists may unriddle to us if they
insisted upon the accomplishment of please, and tell us why children of
his own predictions, and provided her the simplest minds and the purest
with the most renowned masters. To hearts are often so acute to distin
inspire her with emulation, his Emi- guish, in the tales you tell them, or
nence took her one evening to his the songs you sing, the difference
own box : it would be something to between the true Art and the False
see the performance, something more Passion and Jargon — Homer and
to hear the applause lavished upon Racine ;-echoing back , from hearts
the glittering signoras she was here that have not yet felt what they re
after to excel ! Oh how gloriously peat, the melodious accents of the
that Life of the Stage — that fairy natural pathos. Apart from her
World of Music and Song, dawned studies, Viola was a simple, affection
upon her ! It was the only world that ate, but somewhat wayward child ;
seemed to correspond with her strange wayward, not in temper, for that was
childish thoughts. It appeared to her sweet and docile, but in her moods,
as if, cast hitherto on a foreign shore, which, as I before hinted, changed
she was brought at last to see the from sad to gay and gay to sad with
forms and hear the language of her out an apparent cause . If cause there
native land. Beautiful and true were, it must be traced to the early
enthusiasm , rich with the promise of and mysterious influences I have
Now at last the education is accom- celebrity to his art. The girl's
plished ! Viola is nearly sixteen. perverseness displeased him. How
The Cardinal declares that the time ever, he said nothing - he never
is come when the new name must be scolded in words, but he took up the
inscribed in the Libro d'Oro— the faithful barbiton . Oh , faithful bar
Golden Book set apart to the children biton, how horribly thou didst scold !
of Art and Song. Yes, but in what It screeched - it gabbled — it moaned
character ?—to whose genius is she to —it growled . And Viola's eyes filled
give embodiment and form ? Ah, with tears, for she understood that
there is the secret ! Rumours go language . She stole to her mother,
abroad that the inexhaustible Pai- and whispered in her ear ; and when
siello, charmed with her performance Pisani turned from his employment,
of his Nel cor piu non me sento, lo ! both mother and daughter were
and his Io son Lindoro, will pro- weeping. He looked at them with a
duce some new masterpiece to intro- wondering stare; and then, as if he
duce the debutante . Others insist felt he had been harsh , he flew again
upon it that her forte is the comic, to his Familiar . And now you
and that Cimarosa is hard at work at thought you heard the lullaby which a
another Matrimonio Segreto. But fairy might sing to some fretful change
in the meanwhile there is a check in ling it had adopted and sought to
the diplomacy somewhere . The Car- soothe . Liquid , low , silvery, streamed
dinal is observed to be out of humour. the tones beneath the enchanted bow.
He has said publicly — and the words The most stubborn grief would have
are portentous— “ The silly girl is as paused to hear; and withal, at times,
mad as her father - what she asks is out came a wild, merry , ringing note,
preposterous ! ” Conference follows like a laugh, but not mortal laughter.
conference — the Cardinal talks to the It was one of his most successful airs
poor child very solemnly in his closet from his beloved opera — the Siren in
-all in vain . Naples is distracted the act of charming the waves and
with curiosity and conjecture. The the winds to sleep. Heaven knows
lecture ends in a quarrel, and Viola what next would have come, but his
comes home sullen and pouting : she arm was arrested. Viola had thrown
will not act—she has renounced the herself on his breast, and kissed him,
engagement. with happy eyes that smiled through
Pisani, too inexperienced to be her sunny hair. At that very mo
aware of all the dangers of the stage, ment the door opened — a message
had been pleased at the notion that from the Cardinal. Viola must go to
one, at least, of his name, would add his Eminence at once. Her mother
went with her. All was reconciled
* " Desire it was, 'twas wonder, 'twas de- and settled ; Viola had her way, and
light ." -WIXFEN's translation , selected her own opera. O ye dull
steeds. Poor Pisani is lost in a mist success was won, and the daughter had
of uncomfortable amaze. He arrives united her father's triumph with her
at the theatre - he descends at the own !
great door - he turns round and And there she stands, as all souls
round, and looks about him and bow before her - fairer than the very
about-he misses something—Where Siren he had called from the deeps of
is the violin ? Alas ! his soul, his melody. Oh ! long and sweet recom
voice, his self of self, is left behind ! pense of toil ! Where is on earth
It is but an automaton that the the rapture like that which is known
lackeys conduct up the stairs, through to genius when at last it bursts from
the tier, into the Cardinal's box. its hidden cavern into light and fame !
But then, what bursts upon him !- He did not speak -- he did not
Does he dream ? The first act is move—he stood transfixed , breath
over, (they did not send for him till less--the tears rolling down his
success seemed no longer doubtful,) cheeks : only from time to time his
the first act has decided all. He feels hands still wandered about - mecha
that, by the electric sympathy which nically they sought for the faithful
every the one heart has at once with instrument— why was it not there to
a vast audience. He feels it by the share his triumph ?
breathless stillness of that multitude At last the curtain fell; but on
-he feels it even by the lifted finger such a storm — and diapason of
of the Cardinal. He sees his Viola applause ! Uprose the audience as
on the stage, radiant in her robes and one man — as with one voice that dear
gems— he hears her voice thrilling name was shouted. She came on
through the single heart of the trembling, pale — and in the whole
thousands ! But the scene — the part crowd saw but her father's face. The
-the music ! It is his other child -- audience followed those moistened
his immortal child—the spirit -infant eyes—they recognised with a thrill
of his soul- his darling of many years the daughter's impulse and her
of patient obscurity and pining meaning. The good old Cardinal
genius — his masterpiece -- his opera drew him gently forward — Wild
of the Siren ! musician ! thy daughter has given thee
This, then ,was the mystery that had back more than the life thou gavest !
so galled him—this the cause of the “ My poor violin !” said he,wiping
quarrel with the Cardinal — this the his eyes—“ they will never hiss thee
secret not to be proclaimed till the again now ! "
like magic, produced on her mind an powers never known before : and, as
effect never to be analysed nor for- if searching for a language to express
gotten. It was one that awakened an the strange sensations occasioned by
indistinct haunting reminiscence, as his presence, that presence itself
if she had seen it in those day-dreams whispered to her the melody and the
she had been so wont from infancy to song.
indulge. She could not withdraw Only when all was over, and she
her gaze from that face, and as she saw her father and felt his joy, did
gazed, the awe and coldness that had this wild spell vanish before the
before seized her, vanished, like a sweeter one of the household and
mist from before the sun. filial love. Yet again, as she turned
In the dark splendour of the eyes from the stage, she looked back
that met her own there was indeed so involuntarily, and the stranger's calm
much of gentle encouragement, of and half melancholy smile sunk into
benign and compassionate admiration ; her heart—to live there—to be
so much that warmed, and animated, recalled with confused memories, half
and nerved ; that any one—actor or of pleasure and half of pain.
orator — who has ever observed the Pass over the congratulations of
effect that a single earnest, and kindly the good Cardinal-Virtuoso, aston
look, in the crowd that is to be ished at finding himself and all
addressed and won, will produce upon Naples had been hitherto in the
his mind, may readily account for the wrong on a subject of taste ,-still
sudden and inspiriting influence which more astonished at finding himself
the eye and smile of the stranger and all Naples combining to confess
exercised on the debutante. it; pass over the whispered ecstasies
And while yet she gazed, and the of admiration which buzzed in the
glow returned to her heart, the singer's car, as once more, in her
stranger half rose, as if to recal the modest veil and quiet dress, she
audience to a sense of the courtesy escaped from the crowd of gallants
due to one so fair and young ; and that choked up every avenue behind
the instant his voice gave the signal, the scenes ; pass over the sweet
the audience followed it by a burst of embrace of father and child, return
generous applause. For this stranger ing through the starlit streets and
himself was a marked personage, and along the deserted Chiaja in the
his recent arrival at Naples, had Cardinal's carriage ; never pause now
divided with the new opera the to note the tears and ejaculations of
gossip of the city. And then as the the good, simple-hearted mother . .
applause ceased — clear, full, and see them returned - see the well
freed from every fetter - like a spirit known room, venimus ad larem
from the clay - the Siren's voice nostrum *.-see old Gionetta bustling
poured forth its entrancing music. at the supper ; and hear Pisani, as he
From that time, Viola forgot the rouses the barbiton from its case,
crowd, the hazard, the whole world— communicating all that has happened
except the fairy one over which to the intelligent Familiar; hark to
she presided. It seemed that the the mother's merry low English
stranger's presence only served still laugh,—Why, Viola, strange child,
more to heighten that delusion , in sittest thou apart, thy face leaning
which the artist sees no creation on thy fair hands, thine eyes fixed on
without the circle of his art ; she felt space ? Up, rouse thee ! Every
as if that serene brow, and those
brilliant eyes, inspired her with * We come to our own bouse .
dimple on the cheek of home must to be united . Her feelings, like her
smile to-night. * own character, were strange and
And a happy re -union it was round peculiar. They were not those of a
that humble table ; a feast, Lucullus girl whose heart, for the first time
might have envied in his Hall of reached through the eye, sighs its
Apollo, in the dried grapes and the natural and native language of first
dainty sardines, and the luxurious love. It was not so much admiration ,
polenta, and the old lácrima, a present though the face that reflected itself
from the good Cardinal. The barbi. on every wave of her restless fancies
ton , placed on a chair - a tall, high- was of the rarest order of majesty and
backed chair - beside the musician, beauty ; nor a pleased and enamoured
seemed to take a part in the festive recollection that the sight of this
meal. Its honest varnished face stranger had bequeathed ; it was a
glowed in the light of the lamp ; and human sentiment of gratitude and
there was an impish, sly demureness delight, mixed with something more
in its very silence, as its master, mysterious, of fear and awe. Certainly
between every mouthful, turned to she had seen before those features ;
talk to it of something he had for- but when and how ? only when her
gotten to relate before. The good thoughts had sought to shape out her
wife looked on affectionately, and future, and when in spite of all the
could not eat for joy ; but suddenly attempts to vision forth a fate of
she rose, and placed on the artist's flowers and sunshine, a dark and chill
temples a laurel wreath, which she foreboding made her recoil back into
had woven beforehand in fond antici- her deepest self. It was a something
pation ; and Viola, on the other side found that had long been sought for
her brother , the barbiton , re-arranged by a thousand restless yearnings and
the chaplet, and smoothing back her vague desires, less of the heart than
father's hair, whispered, “ Caro Padre, mind ; not as when youth discovers
you will not let him scold me again !" the one to be beloved, but rather as
Then poor Pisani, rather distracted when the student, long wandering
between the two, and excited both by after theclue to some truth in science,
the lacrima and his triumph, turned sees it glimmer dimly before him, to
to the younger child with so naïve beckon, to recede, to allure, and to
and grotesque a pride, " I don't know wane again. She fell at last into
which to thank the most. You give unquiet slumber, vexed by deformed,
me so much joy, child,-Iam so fleeting, shapeless phantoms; and,
proud of thee and myself. But he waking, as the sun, through a veil of
and I poor fellow , have been so often hazy cloud, glinted with a sickly ray
unhappy together ! ” across the casement, she heard her
Viola's sleep was broken ; that was father settled back betimes to his one
natural. The intoxication of vanity pursuit, and calling forth from his
and triumph, the happiness in the Familiar, a low mournful strain, like
happiness she had caused, all this was a dirge over the dead.
better than sleep. But still from all " And why,” she asked, when she
this, again and again her thoughts descended to the room below,—“ Why,
flew to those haunting eyes, to that my father, was your inspiration so
smile with which for ever the memory sad, after the joy of last night ? " _ “ I
of the triumph, of the happiness, was know not, child. I meant to be merry ,
and compose an air in honour of thee,
* “ Ridete quidquid est Domicachinnorum .” but he is an obstinate fellow , this
CATULL, ad Sirm . Penin. and he would have it so . "
It was the custom of Pisani, except As she thus sat, rather in reverie
when the duties of his profession made than thought, a man coming from
special demand on his time, to devote the direction of Posilipo, with a slow
a certain portion of the mid -day to step and downcast eyes, passed close
sleep ; a habit not so much a luxury by the house, and Viola looking up
as a necessity,to a man who slept very abruptly, started in a kind of terror
little during the night. In fact, as she recognised the stranger. She
whether to compose or to practise, uttered an involuntary exclamation,
the hours of noon were precisely those and the cavalier turning, saw , and
in which Pisani could not have been paused.
active if he would. His genius He stood a moment or two between
resembled those fountains fullatdawn her and the sunlit ocean, contem
and evening, overflowing at night, plating in a silence too serious and
and perfectly dry at the meridian. gentle for the boldness of gallantry ,
During this time, consecrated by her the blushing face and the young
husband to repose, the Signora slight form before him : at length he
generally stole out to make the spoke.
purchases necessary for the little “ Are you happy, my child,” he
household, or to enjoy, as what woman said, in almost a paternal tone, 66 at
does not, a little relaxation in gossip the career that lies before you ?
with some of her own sex. And the From sixteen to thirty, the music
day following this brilliant triumph, in the breath of applause is sweeter
how many congratulations would he than all the music your voice can
have to receive. utter ! ”
At these times it was Viola's habit “ I know not ;" replied Viola,
to seat herself without the door of falteringly, but encouraged by the
the house, under an awning which liquid softness of the accents that
sheltered from the sun, without addressed her— " I know not whether
obstructing the view ; and there now, I am happy now, but I was last night.
with the prompt-book on her knee, And I feel, too, Excellency, that I
on which her eye royes listlessly from have you to thank, though, perhaps,
time to time, you may behold her, the you scarce know why ! ”
vine-leaves clustering from their “ You deceive yourself,” said the
arching trellis over the door behind, cavalier, with a smile. “ I am aware
and the lazy white-sailed boats skim- that I assisted to your merited
ming along the sea that stretched success,and it is you who scarce know
before. how . The why I will tell you : because
I saw in your heart a nobler ambition
* And thus the slow and timid passions than that of the woman's vanity ; it
urged . was the daughter that interested me.
Perhaps you would rather I should hers— “ And perhaps, before we meet,
have admired the singer ?” you may have suffered ;-known the
“ No ; oh, no !” first sharp griefs of human life ;
“ Well, I believe you. And now , known low little what fame can gain ,
since we have thus met, I will pause repays what the heart can lose ; but
to counsel you. When next you go be brave and yield not-not even to
to the theatre you will have at your what may seem the piety of sorrow.
feet all the young gallants of Naples. Observe yon tree in your neighbour's
Poor infant ! the flame that dazzles garden. Look how it grows up,
the eye can scorch the wing. Remem- crooked and distorted. Some wind
ber that the only homage that does scattered the germ, from which it
not sully, must be that which these sprung, in the clefts of the rock ;
gallants will not give thee. And choked up and walled round by crags
whatever thy dreams of the future , and buildings, by nature and man,
and I see, while I speak to thee, how its life has been one struggle for the
wandering they are, and wild—may light ; - light which makes to that
only those be fulfilled which centre life, the necessity and the principle :
round the hearth of home. " you see how it has writhed and
*** He paused, as Viola's breast heaved twisted - how , meeting the barrier in
beneath its robe. And with a burst one spot, it has laboured and worked,
of natural and innocent emotions, stem and branches, towards the clear
scarcely comprehending, though an skies at las What has preserved it
Italian, the grave nature of his advice, through each disfavour of birth and
she exclaimed circumstances— why are its leaves as
Ah, Excellency, you cannot know green and fair as those of the vine
how dear to me that home is already. behind you, which, with all its arms,
And my father - there would be no can embrace the open sunshine ? My
home, Signor, without him !” child, because of the very instinct
A deep and melancholy shade that impelled the struggle—because
settled over the face of the cavalier. the labour for the light won to the
He looked up at the quiet house light at length. So with a gallant
buried amidst the vine-leaves, and heart, through every adverse accident
turned again to the vivid , animated of sorrow , and of fate, to turn to the
face of the young actress . sun, to strive for the heaven ; this it
“ It is well,” said he. “ A simple is that gives knowledge to the strong,
heart may be its own best guide, and and happiness to the weak. Ere we
so, go on, and prosper. Adieu, fair meet again , you will turn sad and
singer.” heavy eyes to those quiet boughs, and
“ Adieu, Excellency ; but,” — and when you hear the birds sing from
something she could not resist—an them, and see the sunshine come
anxious, sickening feeling of fear and aslant from crag and housetop to be
hope-impelled her to the question, the playfellow of their leaves, learn
“ I shall see you again, shall I not, at the lesson that Nature teaches you,
San Carlo ?" and strive through darkness to the
“ Not, at least, for some time. I light !"
leave Naples to day.” As he spoke he moved on slowly,
“ Indeed ;" and Viola's heart sunk and left Viola wondering - silent
within her : the poetry of the stage saddened with his dim prophecy of
was gone . coming evil, and yet, through sad
And ," said the cavalier, turning ness, charmed . Involuntarily her
back ,and gently laying his band on eyes followed him — involuntarily sho
grave-looking sombre man, who had tery. And that an old man there,
crossed himself two or three times remembered to have seen him sixty
during the Neapolitan's narrative. years before, in Sweden .”
“Are you not aware of the strange Tush ," returned Cetoxa, “the
reports about this person ; and are same thing has been said of thequack
you not afraid to receive from him a Cagliostro — mere fables. I will believe
gift, which may carry with it the mostthem when I see this diamond turn
fatal consequences. Do you not know to a wisp of hay. For the rest (he
that he is said to be a sorcerer - to added gravely) I consider this illus
possess the mal-occhio - to- ” trious gentleman my friend ; and a
“ Prithee, spare us your antiquated whisper against his honour and repute
superstitions," interrupted Cetoxa, will, in future, be equivalent to an
contemptuously. “ They are out of affront to myself.”
fashion , nothing now goes down but Cetoxa was a redoubted swordsman ,
scepticism and philosophy. And what, and excelled in a peculiarly awkward
after all, do these rumours when sifted, manoeuvre, which he himself had
amount to. They have no origin but added to the variations of the stoc
this — a silly old man of eighty-six, cata . The grave gentleman , however
quite in his dotage, solemnly avers | anxious for the spiritual weal of the
that he saw this same Zanoni seventy Count, had an equal regard for his
years ago— (he himself, the narrator, own corporeal safety. He contented
then a mere boy)-- at Milan. When himself with a look of compassion,
this very Zanoni, as you all see, is at and, turning through the gateway,
least as young as you or ), Belgioso.” ascended the stairs to the gaming.
“ But that,” said the grave gentle tables.
man , “ that is the mystery . Old “ Ha, ha !” said Cetoxa, laughing,
Avelli declares that Zanoni does not our good Loredano is envious of my
seem a day older than when they met diamond. Gentlemen, you sup with
at Milan . He says that even then at me to-night. I assure you I never
Milan - mark this — where, though met a more delightful, sociable, enter
under another name, this Zanoni taining person than my dear friend,
appeared in the same splendour, he the Signor Zanoni.”.
was attended also by the same mys
e “ Quello Ippogifo , grande e strano augello
- Lo porta via ." *
3 ORL. FUR., c. vi . xviii .
3 And now , accompanying this mys- thou openeston us in majestic sadness.
terious Zanoni, am I compelled to bid Rome, seven-hilled Rome ! receive us
a short farewell to Naples. Mount as Memory receives the wayworn ;
behind me--mount on my hippogriff, receive us in silence, amidst ruins !
d. reader - settle yourself at your ease. Where is the traveller we pursue ? Turn
I bought the pillion the other day of the hippogriff loose to graze ; he loves
ET a poet who loves his comfort ; it has the acanthus that wreathes round yon
Le been newly stuffed for your special broken columns. Yes, that is the
ES accommodation . So, so , we ascend ! Arch of Titus, the conqueror of Jeru
d Look as we ride aloft - look ! -- never salem ,—that the Colosseum ! Through
], fear, hippogriffs never stumble ; and one passed the triumph of thedeified
every hippogriff in Italy is warranted invader-in one fell the butchered
to carry elderly gentlemen - look gladiators. Monuments of murder,
down on the gliding landscapes ! how poor the thoughts, how mean the
There, near the ruins of the Oscan's memories ye awaken, compared with
old Atella, rises Aversa, once the those that speak to the heart of man
h strong hold of the Norman ; there on the heights of Phyle, or by thy
gleam the columns of Capua, above lone mound, grey Marathon ! We
r the Vulturnian Stream. Hail to ye, stand amidst weeds, and brambles,
corn-fields, ånd vineyards famous for and long, waving herbage. Where
the old Falernian ! Hail to ye, we stand reigned Nero-here were
golden orange groves of Mola di his tesselated floors ; here
Gaeta ! Hail to ye, sweet shrubs and 66
wild flowers, omnis copia narium, Mighty in the Heaven , a second Heaven ,"
that clothe the mountain skirts of hung the vault of his ivory roofs—
the silent Lautulæ ! Shall we rest at here , arch upon arch , pillar on pillar,
' the Volscian Anxur — the modern glittered to the world the golden
Terracina -- where the lofty rock palace of its master —the Golden
stands like the giant that guards the House of Nero. How the lizard
last borders of the southern land of watches us with his bright timorous
Love ? Away, away ! and hold your eye ! We disturb his reign. Gather
breath as we flit above the Pontine that wild flower : the Golden House
Marshes. Dreary and desolate, their is vanished-- but the wild flower may
miasma is to the gardens we have have kin to those wbich the stranger's
passed what the rank commonplace of hand scattered over the tyrant's grave ;
life is to the heart when it has left -see, over this soil , the grave of Rome,
love behind. Mournful Campagna, Nature strews the wild flowers still !
In the midst of this desolation is
* That hippogriff, great and marvellous an old building of the middle ages.
bird , bears him away. Here dwells a singular Recluse. In
the season of the malaria, the native student—a calm and spiritual life - a
peasant flies the rank vegetation study — a contemplation.
round ; but he, a stranger and a From the Past they turn to the
foreigner, breathes in safety the pesti- Future. Ah ! at the close of the last
lential air. He has no friends, no century, the future seemed a thing
associates, no companions, except tangible—it was woven up in all
books and instruments of science. men's fears and hopes of the Present.
He is often seen wandering over the At the verge of that hundred years,
grass-grown hills, or sauntering Man, the ripest-born of Time,* stood
hrough the streets of the new city, as at the death -bed of the Old World,
not with the absent brow and incurious and beheld the New Orb, blood-red
air of students, but with observant, amidst cloud and vapour, —uncertain
piercing eyes, that seem to dive into if a comet or a sun. Behold the icy
the hearts of the passers by. An old and profound disdain on the brow of
man , but not infirm - erect and the old man — the lofty yet touching
stately, as if in his prime. None sadness that darkens the glorious
know whether he be rich or poor. countenance of Zanoni. Is it that
He asks no charity, and he gives one views with contempt the struggle
none-he does no evil , and seems and its issue, and the other with awe
to confer no good. He is a man or pity ? Wisdom contemplating
wbo appears to have no world be mankind leads but to the two results
yond himself; but appearances are -Compassion or disdain. He who
deceitful; and Science, as well as believes in other worlds can accustom
Benevolence, lives in the Universe. himself to look on this as the natu
This abode, for the first time since ralist on the revolutions of an ant-hill,
thus occupied, a visitor enters. It is or of a leaf. What is the Earth to
Zanoni. Infinity - what its duration to the
You observe those two men seated Eternal! Oh, how much greater is
together, conversing earnestly. Years the soul of one man than the
long and many have flown away since vicissitudes of the whole globe !
they met last — at least, bodily,and face Child of heaven, and heir of immor
to face. But if they are sages, thought tality, how from some star hereafter
can meet thought, and spirit spirit, wilt thou look back on the ant-hill
though oceans divide the forms. and its commotions, from Clovis to
Death itself divides not the wise. Robespierre, from Noah to the Final
Thou meetest Plato when thine eyes Fire. The spirit that can contemplate,
moisten over the Phædo. May Homer that lives only in the intellect, can
live with all men for ever ! ascend to its star, even from the
They converse — they confess to each midst of the Burial-ground called
other — they conjure up the past, and Earth, and while the Sarcophagus
repeople it ; but note how differently called Life immures in its clay the
do such remembrances affect the two. Everlasting !
On Zanoni's face, despite its habitual But thou, Zanoni - thou hast re
calm , the emotions change and go. fused to live only in the intellect
He has acted in the past he surveys ; thou hast not mortified the heart
but not a trace of the humanity that thy pulse still beats with the sweet
participates in joy and sorrow can be music of mortal passion - thy kind
detected on the passionless visage of
his companion ; the Past, to him, as * " An des Jahrhunderts Neige,
is now the Present, has been but as Der reifste Sohn der Zeit ."
nature to the sage, the volume to the DIE KÜNSTLER.
is ' to thee still something warmer wouldst see the world while its
than an abstraction - thou wouldst elements yet struggle through the
look upon this Revolution in its chaos !
cradle, which the storms rock-thou Go !
quieu said of his own immortal acutest minds will be devoted to the
work. " discovery and arrest of the causes of
Then there rushed from all - wit disease. Life, I grant, cannot be
and noble, courtier and republican- made eternal; but it may be pro
a confused chorus, harmonious only longed almost indefinitely. And as
in its anticipation of the brilliant the meaner animal bequeaths its
things to which " the great Revo- vigour to its offspring, so man shall
lution ” was to give birth . Here transmit his improved organisation,
Condorcet is more eloquent than mental and physical, to his sons.
before. O yes, to such a consummation does
“ Il faut absolument que la Super- our age approach !"
stition et le Fanatisme fassent place The venerable Malesherbes sighed .
à la philosophie.* Kings persecute Perhaps he feared the consummation
persons, priests opinion. Without might not come in time for him.
kings, men must be safe ; and without The handsome Marquis de
priests, minds must be free.” and the ladies, yet handsomer than
“ Ah ,” murmured the Marquis, he, looked conviction and delight.
" and as ce cher Diderot has so well But two men there were, seated
sung next to each other, who joined not
• Et des boyaux du dernier prêtre in the general talk ; the one, a stran
Serrez le cou du dernier roi. ' ” + ger newly arrived in Paris, where his
“ And then ," resumed Condorcet - wealth, his person, and his accom
“then commences the Age of Reason ! plishments, had already made him
-Equality in instruction - equality remarked and courted ; the other, an
in institutions— equality in wealth ? old man, somewhere about seventy
The great impediments to knowledge the witty and virtuous, brave and
are, first, the want of a common lan- still light-hearted Cazotte, the author
guage ; and next, the short duration of Le Diable Amoureux ,
of existence. But as to the first, These two conversed familiarly,
when all men are brothers, why not and apart from the rest, and only by
an universal language ? As to the an occasional smile testified their
second, the organic perfectibility of attention to the general coversation.
Yes," said the stranger — " yes,
the vegetable world is undisputed, is
Nature less powerful in the nobler we have met before.”
existence of thinking man ? The very “ I thought I could not forget your
destruction of the two most active countenance ; yet I task in vain my
causes ofphysicaldeterioration - here, recollections of the past .”
luxurious wealth , there, abject “ I will assist you. Recal the time
penury must necessarily prolong when, led by curiosity, or perhaps
the general term of life. The art of the nobler desire of knowledge, you
medicine will then be honoured in sought initiation into the mysterious
the place of war, which is the art of order of Martines de Pasqualis.”
murder ; the noblest study of the
* It is so recorded of Cazotte. Of Martines
* It must necessarily happen that super- de Pasqualis little is known ; even the
stition and fanaticism give place to philo- country to which he belonged is matter of
sophy, conjecture. Equally so the rites, ceremo
† And throttle the neck of the last king, nies, and nature of the cabalistic order he
with a string from the bowels of the last established . St. Martin was a disciple of
priest. the school, and that, atleast, is in its favour ;
See Condorcet's posthumous work on for in spite of his mysticism, no man more
the progress of the Human mind. - EDITOR . beneficent, generous, pure , and virtuous,
“ You will open your own veins to “ Yes, La Harpe,the most wonderful
escape the fraternity of Cain. Be part of all ! You will become a
comforted ; the last drops will not Christian ! ”
follow the razor. For you, venerable This was too much for the audience
Malesherbes,—for you, Aimar Nicolaſ, that a moment before seemed grave
—for you, learned Bailly, —I see them and thoughtful, and they burst into
dress the scaffold ! And all the while, an immoderate fit of laughter, while
O great philosophers, your murderers Cazotte as if exhausted by his pre
will have no word but philosophy on dictions, sunk back in his chair, and
their lips ! ” breathed hard and heavily .
The hush was complete and uni- “ Nay,” said Madame de G
versal when the pupil of Voltairem "you who have predicted such grave
the prince of the academic sceptics, things concerning us, must prophesy
hot La Harpe - cried, with a sarcastic something also about yourself.”
laugh, “ Do not flatter me, 0 prophet, A convulsive tremor shook the
by exemption from the fate of my involuntary prophet ;—it passed, and
companions. Shall I have no part left his countenance elevated by an
to play in this drama of your phan- expression of resignation and calm .
tasies ?” Madame,” said he, after a long
At this question, Cazotte's coun- pause , “ during the siege of Jerusalem ,
tenance lost its unnatural expression we are told by its historian that a
of awe and sternness ; the sardonic man, for seven successive days, went
humour most common to it came back round the ramparts, exclaiming, ‘ Woe
and played in his brightening eyes. to thee, Jerusalem , woe to myself ! ” ”
Well, Cazotte, well ?”
cesses, lived to express the murderous phi- “ And on the seventh day, while he
lanthropy of its agents by the best bon mot thus spoke, a stone from the machines
of the time. Seeing written on the walls, of the Romans dashed him into atoms!”
“ Fraternité ou la Mort, " he observed that
the sentiment should be translated thus With these words Cazotte rose ; and
" Sois mon frère, ou je te tue. 'l the guests, awed in spite of them.
selves, shortly afterwards broke up
1 “ Be my brother or I kill thee ." and retired .
Qui donc t'a donné la mission s'annoncer au peuple que la divinité n'existe pas quel
avantage trouves - tu à persuader à l'homme qu'une force aveugle préside à ses destinées
et frappe au hasard le crime et la vertu ? * -ROBESPIERRE , Discours, Mai 7, 1794.
It was some time before midnight probably of fuel, had prevented its
when the stranger returned home. closing, and it now stood slightly ajar ;
His apartments were situated in one the stranger pushed it open and en
of those vast abodes which may be tered. He passed a small anteroom,
called an epitome of Paris itself. The meanly furnished , and stood in a bed
cellars rented by mechanics, scarcely chamber of meagre and sordid dis
removed a step from paupers, often comfort. Stretched on the bed, and
by outcasts and fugitives from the writhing in pain , lay an old man ; a
law ,-often by some daring writer, single candle lit the room , and threw
who after scattering amongst the its feeble ray over the furrowed and
people doctrines the most subversive death-like face of the sick person . No
of order, or the most libellous on the attendant was by ; he seemed left
characters of priest, minister, and alone to breathe his last. Water,"
king ,-retired amongst the rats, to he moaned , feebly— “ water - I parch
escape the persecution that attends -I burn !” The intruder approached
the virtuous, -the ground -floor occu- the bed, bent over him, and took his
pied by shops — the entresol by artists hand— “ Oh, bless thee, Jean, bless
-the principal stories by nobles, and thee !” said the sufferer ; “hast thou
thegarrets by journeymen or grisettes. brought back the physician already ?
As the stranger passed up the stairs, Sir, I am poor, but I can pay you
a young man ofa form and countenance well. I would not die yet, for that
singularly unprepossessing, emerged young man's sake.” And he sat
from adoorin the entresol,and brushed upright in his bed, and fixed his dim
beside him . His glauce was furtive, eyes anxiously on his visitor.
sinister, savage, and yet timorous ; the “ What are your symptoms, your
man's face was of an ashen paleness, disease ?”
and the features worked convulsively. “ Fire - fire - fire in the heart, the
The stranger paused, and observed entrails—I burn ! "
him with thoughtful looks, as he hur “ How long is it since you have
ried down the stairs. While he thus taken food ?"
stood , he heard a groan from the room “ Food ! only this broth . There is
which the young man had just quitted ; the basin, all I have taken these six
the latter had pulled -to the door with hours. I had scarce drunk it ere
hasty vehemence, but some fragment, these pains began .”
The stranger looked at the basin ,
* Who then invested you with the some portion of the contents was yet
mission to announce to the people that left there.
there is no God ? -what advantage find you
in persuading man that nothing but blind • Who administered this to you ?"
force presides over his destinies, and strikes “ Who ? Jean ! Who else should ?
bap-bazard both crime and virtue ? I have no servant, - none ! I am
poor, very poor, sir. But no ! you table, it was one Voltaire, and the
physicians do not care for the poor. page was opened at his argumentative
I am rich ! can you cure me?" assertion of the existence of the
“ Yes, if Heaven permit. Wait Supreme Being.* The margin was
but a few moments." covered with pencilled notes, in the
The old man was fast sinking under stiff but tremulous hand of old age ;
the rapid effects of poison. The all in attempt to refute or to ridicule
stranger repaired to his own apart. the logic of the sage of Ferney :
ments, and returned in a few moments Voltaire did not go far enough for
with some preparation that had the the annotator ! The clock struck
instant result of an antidote . The two, when the sound of steps was
pain ceased , the blue and livid colour heard without. The stranger silently
receded from the lips ; the old man seated himself on the farther side of
fell into a profound sleep. The the bed, and its drapery screened him,
stranger drew the curtains round the as he sat, from the eyes of a man who
bed, took up the light, and inspected now entered on tiptoe ; it was the
the apartment. The walls of both same person who had passed him on
rooms were hung with drawings of the stairs. The new comer took up
masterly excellence. A portfolio was the candle and approached the bed.
filled with sketches of equal skill ; The old man's face was turned to the
but these last were mostly subjects pillow ; but he lay so still, and his
that appalled the eye and revolted breathing was so inaudible, that his
the taste ; they displayed the human sleep might well, by that hasty,
figure in every variety of suffering- shrinking, guilty glance be mistaken
the rack , the wheel, the gibbet, all for the repose of death . The new
that cruelty has invented to sharpen comer drew back, and a grim smile
the pangs of death , seemed yet more passed over his face ; he replaced the
dreadful from the passionate gusto candle on the table, opened the bureau
and earnest force of the designer. with a key which he took from his
And some of the countenances of pocket, and loaded himself with
those thus delineated were sufficiently several rouleaus of gold , that he
removed from the ideal to show that found in the drawers. At this time
they were portraits ; in a large, bold,
irregular hand, was written beneath materialisme,quiprevalut parmi les grands
these drawings, “ The Future of the et parmi les beaux esprits ; on lui doit en
Aristocrats. " In a corner of the partie cette espêce de philosophie pratique
qui , reduisant l'Egoisme en Systême, regarde
room, and close by an old bureau, à société humaine comme un guerre de
was a small bundle, over which, as if ruse, le succès commela règle du juste et
to hide it, a cloak was thrown care- de l'injuste, la probité comme une affaire
de goût, ou de bienséance, le monde comme
lessly. Several shelves were filled le patrimonie des fripons adroits. DISCOURS
with books; these were almost entirely DE ROBESPIERRE,May 7, 1794.
the works of the philosophers of the * Histoire de Jenni.
time-- the philosophers of the material 1 This sect ( the Encyclopædists) pro .
school, especially the Encyclopédistes, pagate with much zeal the doctrine of mate .
whom Robespierre afterwards 80 rialism , which prevails among the great and
singularly attacked , when the coward the wits; we owe to it, partly, that kind of
deemed it unsafe to leave his reign practical philosophy which , reducing Ego
without a God. * tism to a system , looks upon society, as a
A volume lay on a war of cunning - success the rule of right
and wrong - honesty as an affair of taste or
* Cette secte (les Encyclopédistes) pro- decency - and the world as the patrimony
pagea avec beaucoup de zèle l'opinion du of clever scoundrels.
the old man began to wake. He Hast thou not fed me on philosophy ?
stirred , he looked up ; he turned his Hast thou not said , ' Be virtuous, be
eyes towards the light now waning in good, be just, for the sake of man
its socket ; he saw the robber at his kind ; but there is no life after this
work ; he sat erect for an instant, as life ?' Mankind ! why should I love
if transfixed , more even by astonish- mankind ? Hideous and misshapen,
ment than terror. At last he sprang mankind jeer at me as I pass the
from his bed streets. What hast thou done to
“ Just Heaven ! do I dream ! Thou me ? Thou hast taken away from
—thou — thou for whom I toiled and me, who am the scoff of this world ,
starved !-Thou ! ” the hopes of another ! Is there no
The robber started ; the gold fell other life ? Well, then, I want thy gold ,
from his hand , and rolled on the floor. that at least I may hasten to make the
“ What ! ” he said , “ art thou not best of this ! ”
dead yet ? Has the poison failed ? ” “ Monster ! Curses light on thy
“ Poison, boy ! Ah ! ” shrieked the ingratitude, thy
old man , and covered his face with “ And who hears thy curses ? Thou
his hands; then, with sudden energy, knowést there is no God ! Mark me ;
he exclaimed, “ Jean ! Jean ! recal I have prepared all to fly. See_
that word. Rob, plunder me if thou have my passport ; my horses wait
wilt, but do not say thou couldst without ; relays are ordered. I have
murder one who only lived for thee ! thy gold .” (And the wretch, as he
There, there, take the gold ; I hoarded spoke, continued coldly to load his
it but for thee. Go-- go !" and the person with the rouleaus.) “ And now ,
old man , who, in his passion, had if I spare thy life, how shall I be sure
quitted his bed, fell at the feet of the thatthou wiltnot inform againstmine?"
foiled assassin , and writhed on the He advanced with a gloomy scowland
ground -- the mental agony more in. a menacing gesture as he spoke.
tolerable than that of the body, which The old man's anger changed to fear.
he had so lately undergone. The robber He cowered before the savage. " Let
looked at him with a hard disdain . me live ! let me live !-that--that- "
“ What have I ever done to thee, « That--what ? "
wretch ?” cried the old man , 6 what " I may pardon thee ! Yes, thou
but loved and cherished thee ? Thou hast nothing to fear from me. I
wert an orphan an outcast. I nur- swear it !"
tured, nursed , adopted thee as my son. “ Swear ! But by whom and what,
If men call me a miser, it was but that old man ? I cannot believe thee, if
none might despise thee, my heir, be thou believest not in any God ! Ha,
cause nature has stunted and deformed ha ! behold the result of thy lessons. "
thee, when I was no more. Thou Another moment, and those mur
wouldst have had all when was derous fingers would have strangled
dead : Couldst thou not spare me a their prey. But between the assassin
few months or days--nothing to thy and his victim rose a form that seemed
youth, all that is left to my age ?, almost to both a visitor from the
What have I done to thee ?” . world that both denied - stately with
“ Thou hast continued to live, and majestic strength, gloriouswith awful
thou wouldst niake no will." beauty .
“ Mon Dieu ! Mon Dieu ! ” The ruffian recoiled , looked, trem
“ Ton Dieu ! Thy God ! Fool ! |bled, and then turned and fled from
Hast thou not told me, from my the chamber. The old man fell again
childhood, that there is no God ? to the ground insensible.
To know how a bad man will act when in power, reverse all the doctrines he preaches
when obscure . - S . MONTAGUE .
Antipathies also form a part of magic ( falsely ) so called . Man naturally has the same
instinct as the animals ; which warns them involuntarily against the creatures that
are hostile or fatal to their existence. But he so often neglects it that it becomes
dormant. Not so the true cultivator of The Great Science , &c.
When he again saw the old man the education can do all ; and before he
next day, the stranger found him calm, was eight years old, the little Jean's (6
and surprisingly recovered from the favourite expressions were – La
scene and sufferings of the night. He lumière et la vertu .” * The boy showed
expressed his gratitude to his pre- talents, especially in art. The pro
server with tearful fervour, and stated tector sought for a master who was as
that he had already sent for a relation, free from " superstition ” as himself,
who would make arrangements for his and selected the painter, David. That
future safety and mode of life. “ For person, as hideous as his pupil, and
I have money yet left," said the old whose dispositions were as vicious as
man ; “ and henceforth have no his professional abilities were undeni
motive to be a miser.” He proceeded able, was certainly as free from
then briefly to relate the origin and “ superstition ” as the protector could
circumstances of his connexion with desire. It was reserved for Robes
his intended murderer. pierre hereafter to make the san
It seems that in earlier life he had guinary painter believe in the Etre
quarrelled with his relations— from a Supréme. The boy was early sensible
difference in opinions of belief. Re- of his ugliness, which was almost
jecting all religion as a fable, he yet preternatural. His benefactor found
cultivated feelings that inclined him it in vain to reconcile him to the
-for though his intellect was weak, malice of nature by his philosophical
his dispositions were good- to that aphorisms ; but when he pointed out
false and exaggerated sensibility to him that in this world money, like
which its dupes so often mistake for charity, covers a multitude of defects,
benevolence . He had no children ; the boy listened eagerly and was
he resolved to adopt an enfant du consoled. To save money for his
peuple. He resolved to educate this protégé — for the only thing in the
boy according to “Reason." He world he loved - this became the
selected an orphan of the lowest ex- patron's passion. Verily, he had met
traction, whose defects of person and with his reward.
constitution only yet the more moved “ But I am thankful he has es
his pity, and finally engrossed his caped ,” said the old man, wiping his
affection. In this outcasthe not only eyes. “ Had he left me a beggar, I
loved a son, he loved a theory ! He could never have accused him.”
brought him up most philosophically.
Helvetius had proved to him that * Light and virtue.
“ No, for you are the author of his when your opinions on Death and the
crimes." philosophy of Revolutions might be
“ How ! I, who never ceased to different. "
inculcate the beauty of virtue ? Ex- “ Never !”
plain yourself.” “ You enchant me, cousin Réné ,"
“ Alas, if thy pupil did not make said the old man who had listened to
this clear to thee last night from his his relation with delight. “ Ah, I
own lips, an angel might come from see you have proper sentiments of
heaven to preach to thee in vain .” justice and philanthropy. Why did
The old man moved uneasily, and I not seek to know you before ! You
was about to reply, when the relative admire the Revolution ?-you , equally
he had sent for, and who, a native of with me, detest the barbarity of kings
Nancy, happened to be at Paris at the and the fraud of priests ?”
time - entered the room. He was a “ Detest ! How could I love man
man somewhat past thirty, and of a kind if I did not ? "
dry, saturnine meagre countenance , “ And ,” said the old man hesitat
restless eyes, and compressed lips. ingly, “ you do not think, with this
He listened, with many ejaculations of noble gentleman, that I erred in the
horror, to his relation's recital, and precepts I instilled into that wretched
sought earnestly, but in vain, to man ? ”
induce him to give information “ Erred ! Was Socrates to blame
against his protégé. if Alcibiades was an adulterer and a
“ Tush , tush, René Dumas ! ” said traitor ?"
the old man, " you are a lawyer. You “ You hear him -- you hear him !
are bred to regard human life with But Socrates had also a Plato ; hence
contempt. Let any man break a law , forth you shall be a Plato to me.
and you shout - Execute him ! ' ” You hear him ?” exclaimed the old
“ I ! ” cried Dumas, lifting up his man , turning to the stranger.
hands and eyes : “ venerable sage, how But the latter was at the threshold .
you misjudge me. I lament more Who shall argue with the most
than any one the severity of our code. stubborn of all bigotries — the fanati
I think the state never should take cism of unbelief ?
away life — no, not even the life of a “ Are you going ? ” exclaimed
murderer. I agree with that young Dumas, “ and before I have thanked
statesman - Maximilien Robespierre you, blessed you, for the life of this
—that the executioner is the inven- dear and venerable man ? Oh, if ever
tion of the tyrant. My very attach- I can repay you — if ever you want the
ment to our advancing revolution is, heart's blood of Réné Dumas ! ” Thus
that it must sweep away this legal volubly delivering himself, he followed
butchery." the stranger to the threshold of the
The lawyer paused , out of breath. second chamber, and there gently
The stranger regarded him fixedly, detaining him, and after looking over
and turned pale. his shoulder, to be sure that he was
“ You change countenance, sir," not heard by the owner, he whispered,
said Dumas ; " you do not agree with “ I ought to return to Nancy . One
me." would not lose one's time; - you don't
“ Pardon me, I was at that moment think, sir, that that scoundrel took
repressing a vague fear which seemed away all the old fool's money ? ”
prophetic “ Was it thus Plato spoke of
“ And that " Socrates, Monsieur Dumas ?”
“ Was that we should mect again , “ Ha, ha !-you are caustic. Well,
you have a right. Sir, we shall meet | On the Alps his soul breathes the
again .” free air once more. Free air ! Alas,
“ AGAIN ! ” muttered the stranger, let the world -healers exhaust their
and his brow darkened . He hastened chemistry ; Man never shall be as free
to his chamber, he passed the day and in the market-place as on the moun
the night alone, and in studies, no tain . But we, reader, we too, escape
matter of what nature,-they served from these scenes of false wisdom
to increase his gloom . clothing godless crime. Away, once
What could ever connect his fate more
with Réné Dumas ? or the fugitive “ In den heitern Regionen
assassin ? Why did the buoyant air Wo die reinen formen wohnen . "
O MUSICIAN ! art thou happy now ? I give their ears for those variations
Thou art reinstalled at thy stately and flights they were once wont to
desk - thy faithful barbiton has its hiss. No !-Pisani has been two
share in the triumph. It is thy thirds of a life at silent work on his
masterpiece which fills thy ear - it is masterpiece : there is nothing he can
thy daughter who fills the scene - add to that, however he might have
the music, the actress so united , that sought to improveon the masterpieces
applause to one is applause to both. of others. Is not this common ?
They make way for thee at the The least little critic, in reviewing
orchestra — they no longer jeer and some work of art, will say, “pity this,
wink, when, with a fierce fondness, and pity that ;" có this should have
thou dost caress thy Familiar, that been altered—that omitted .” Yea,
plains, and wails, and chides, and with his wiry fiddlestring will he
growls, under thy remorseless hand. creak out his accursed variations.
They understand now how irregular But let him sit down and compose,
is ever the symmetry of real genius. himself. He sees no improvement in
The inequalities in its surface make variations then ! Every man can
the moon luminous to man. Giovanni control his fiddle when it is his own
Paisiello, Maestro di Capella, if thy work with which its vagaries would
gentle soul could know envy, thou play the devil.
must sicken to see thy Elfrida and And Viola is the idol-the theme
thy Pirro laid aside, and all Naples of Naples. She is the spoiled Sultana
turned fanatic to the Siren, at whose of the boards. To spoil her acting
measures shook querulously thy may be easy enough-shall they spoil
gentle head ! But thou, Paisiello, her nature ? No, I think not. There,
calm in the long prosperity of fame, at home, she is still good and simple ;
knowest that the New will have its and there, under the awning by the
day, and comfortest thyself that the door-way - there she still sits, divinely
Elfrida and the Pirro will live for musing. How often , crook-trunked
ever. Perhaps a mistake, but it is by tree, she looks to thy green boughs ;
such mistakes that true genius con- how often, like thee, in her dreams
quers envy . “ To be immortal,” says and fancies, does she struggle for the
Schiller, “ live in the whole.” To be light ;-Not the light of the stage
superior to the hour, live thy self- lamps. Pooh, child ! be contented
esteem . The audience now would with the lamps, even with the rush
lights. A farthing candle is more
As he did not wish that hischarger ( the convenient for household purposes
hippogriff) should take any further excur than the stars.
sions into the higher regions for the present,
he bound him at the sea -shore to a green Weeks passed, and the stranger did
myrtle between a laurel and a pine. not re-appear : months had passed,
you lis prophecy of sorrow was not are apt to become selfish and brutal
agajulfilled. One evening, Pisani in their dread of infectious disorders.
us taken ill . His success had Gionetta herself pretended to be ill,
brought on the long-neglected com- to avoid the sick chamber. The whole
poser pressing applications for con- labour of love and sorrow fell on
certi and sonata, adapted to his more Viola. It was a terrible trial - I am
peculiar science on the violin. He willing to hurry over the details.
had been employed for some weeks, The wife died first !
day and night, on a piece in which he One day, a little before sunset,
hoped to excel himself. He took, as Pisani woke, partially recovered from
usual, one of those seemingly imprac- the delirium which had preyed upon
ticable subjects which it was his pride him, with few intervals, since the
to subject to the expressive powers of second day of the disease ;-and cast
his art — the terrible legend connected ing about him his dizzy and feeble
with the transformation of Philomel. eyes, he recognised Viola, and
The pantomime of sound opened with smiled. He faltered her name as he
the gay merriment of a feast. The rose and stretched his arms. She
monarch of Thrace is at his fell upon his breast, and strove to
banquet : a sudden discord brays suppress her tears.
through the joyous notes—the string Thy mother ? ” he said. « Does
seems to screech with horror. The she sleep ? "
king learns the murder of his son by “ She sleeps ah , yes ! ” and the
the hands of the avenging sisters. tears gushed forth .
Swift rage the chords, through the " I thought - eh ! I know not what
passions of fear, of horror, of fury, I have thought. But do not weep
and dismay. The father pursues the I shall be well now — quite well. She
sisters . Hark ! what changes the will come to me when she wakes—
dread — the discord-into that long, will she ?”
silvery, mournful music ? The trans- Viola could not speak ; but she
formation is completed ; and Philomel, busied herself in pouring forth an
now the nightingale, pours from the anodyne, which shehad been directed
myrtle-bough the full, liquid, sub- to give the sufferer as soon as the
duing notes that are to tell evermore delirium should cease . The doctor
to the world the history of her woes had told her, too, to send for him the
and wrongs. Now , it was in the instant so important a change should
midst of this complicated and difficult occur.
attempt that the health of the over- She went to the door, and called to
tasked musician, excited alike by past the woman who, during Gionetta's
triumph and new ambition , suddenly pretended illness, had been induced
gave way. He was taken at night. to supply her place ; but the hireling
The next morning, the doctor pro- answered not. She flew through the
nounced that his disease was a malig- chambers to search for her in vain
nant and infectious fever. His wife the hireling had caught Gionetta's
and Viola shared in their tender fears, and vanished. What was to be
watch ; but soon that task was left to done ? The case was urgent - the
the last alone. The Signora Pisani doctor had declared not a moment
caught the infection, and in a few should be lost in obtaining his attend
hours was even in a state more ance ; she must leave her father -- she
alarming than that of her husband. must go herself ! She crept back
The Neapolitans, in common with into the room—the anodyne seemed
the inhabitants of all warm climates, already to have taken benign effect
the patient's eyes were closed, and he hands along her averted face, shook
breathed regularly, as in sleep. She his head, and said in a hollow voice
stole away, threw her veil over her " I cannot find them ; where are
face, and hurried from the house. they ?"
Now , the anodyne had not produced Who, dear master ? Oh, have
the effect which it appeared to have compassion on yourself; they are not
done ; instead of healthful sleep, it here. Blessed saints! this is terrible:
had brought on a kind of light-headed he has touched me: I am dead !”
somnolence, in which the mind, pre- “ Dead ! who is dead ? Is any one
ternaturally restless, wandered about dead ?"
its accustomed haunts, waking up its “ Ah ! don't talk so ; you must
old familiar instincts and inclinations. know it well : my poor mistress - she
It was not sleep - it was not delirium ; caught the fever from you ; it is in
it was the dream -wakefulness which fectious enough to kill a whole city.
opium sometimes induces, when every San Gennaro, protect me ! My poor
nerve grows tremulously alive, and mistress-she is dead — buried , too ;
creates a corresponding activity in and I, your faithful Gionetta, woe is
the frame, to which it gives a false me ! Go, go — to — to bed again,
and hectic vigour. Pisani missed dearest master - go ! ”
something — what, he scarcely knew ; The poor musician stood for one
it was a combination of the two wants moment mute and unmoving, then a
most essential to his mental life — the slight shiver ran through his frame;
voice of his wife, the touch of his he turned and glided back, silent and
Familiar. He rose — he left his bed spectre-like, as he had entered. He
-he leisurely put on his old dressing- came into the room where he had
robe, in which he had been wont to been accustomed to compose—where
compose. He smiled complacently his wife, in her sweet patience, had
as the associations connected with the so often sat by his side, and praised
garment came over his memory ; he and flattered when the world had but
walked tremulously across the room, jeered and scorned. In one corner
and entered the small cabinet next to he found the laurel-wreath she had
his chamber, in which his wife had placed on his brows that happy night
been accustomed more often to watch of fame and triumph ; and near it,
than sleep ,when illness separated her half hid by her mantilla, lay in its
from his side. The room was deso- case the neglected instrument.
late and void. He looked round Viola was not long gone ; she had
wistfully, and muttered to himself, found the physician ; she returned
and then proceeded regularly, and with him ; and as they gained the
with a noiseless step, through the threshold, they heard a strain of
chambers of the silent house, one music from within , a strain of pierc
by one. ing, heart-rending anguish : it was
He came at last to that in which not like some senseless instrument,
old Gionetta , faithful to her own mechanical in its obedience to a
safety, if nothing else - nursed herself, human hand—it was as some spirit
in the remotest corner of the house, calling in wail and agony from the
from the danger of infection. As he forlorn shades, to the angels it beheld
glided in - wan, emaciated, with an afar beyond the Eternal Gulf. They
uneasy, anxious, searching look in exchanged glances of dismay. They
his haggard eyes — the old woman hurried into the house they
shrieked aloud, and fell at his feet. hastened into the room . Pisani
He bent over her, passed his thin turned, and his look, full of ghastly
No. 261 D
intelligence and stern command, awed her side,” he said , in a very calm , low
them back . The black mantilla, the voice ; " and that, by mine." And
faded laurel-leaf, lay there before with these words his whole frame
him . Viola's heart guessed all at a became rigid, as if turned to stone.
single glance -- she sprung to his The last change passed over his face.
knees — she clasped them .“ Father, He fell to the ground, sudden and
father, I am left thee still !” heary. The chords there, too the
The wail ceased — the note changed ; chords of the human instrument were
with a confused association - half of snapped asunder. As he fell, his
the man, half of the artist -- the robe brushed the laurel-wreath, and
anguish, still a melody,was connected that fell also, near, but not in reach
with sweeter sounds and thoughts. of, the dead man's nerveless hand .
The nightingale had escaped the pur- Broken instrument - broken heart
suit- soft, airy, bird-like, - thrilled -withered laurel-wreath !—the set
the delicious notes a moment, and ting sun through the vine -clad lattice
then died away. The instrument fell streamed on all ! So smiles the
to the floor, and its chords snapped. eternal Nature on the wrecks of all
You heard that sound through the that make life glorious ! And not
silence. The artist looked on his a sun that sets not somewhere on
kneeling child, and then on the the silenced music-on the faded
broken chords. * Bury me by laurel !
AND they buried the Musician and his strange place in which you seek your
barbiton together, in the same coffin . refuge nothing speaks to you of the
That famous Steiner - PrimævalTitan lost, have ye not felt again a yearning
of the great Tyrolese race — often hast for that very food to memory which
thou sought to scale the heavens, and was just before but bitterness and
therefore must thou, like the meaner gall ? Is it not almost impious and
children ofmen , descend to the dismal profane to abandon that dear hearth
Hades ! Harder fate for thee than to strangers ? And the desertion of
thy mortal master. For thy soul the home where your parents dwelt,
sleeps with thee in the coffin . And and blessed you , upbraids your con
the music that belongs to his, separate science as if you had sold their tombs.
from the instrument, ascends on high, Beautiful was the Etruscan supersti
to be heard often by a daughter's tion, that the ancestors become the
pious ears, when the heaven is serene household gods. Deaf is the heart to
and the earth sad. For there is a which the Lares call from the desolate
sense of hearing that the vulgar know floors in vain . At first Viola had, in
not. And the voices of the dead her intolerable anguish , gratefully
breathe soft and frequent ) to those welcomed the refuge which the house
who can unite the memory with the and family of a kindly neighbour,
faith. much attached to her father, and who
And now Viola is alone in the world. was one of the orchestra that Pisani
Alone in the home where loneliness shall perplex no more, had proffered
had seemed from the cradle a thing to the orphan. But the company 01
that was not of nature. And at first the unfamiliar in our grief, the conso
the solitude and the stillness were in- lation of the stranger, how it irritates
supportable. Have you, ye mourners, the wound ! And then , to hear else
to whom these sibyl leaves,weird with where the name of father, mother,
many a dark enigma, shall be borne, child — as if death came alone to you
have you not felt that when the death --to see elsewhere the calm regu
of some best-loved one hasmade the larity of those lives united in love
hearth desolate - have you not felt as and order, keeping account of happy
if the gloom of the altered home was hours, the unbroken timepiece of
too heavy for thought to bear ?—you home, as if nowhere else the wheels
would leave it, though a palace, even were arrested, the chain shattered,
for a cabin . And yet - sad to say the hands motionless, the chime still !
-when you obey the impulse, when No, the grave itself does not remind
you fly from the walls, when in the us of our loss like the company of
those who have no loss to mourn . Go
* Better defence than shield or breast- back to thy solitude, young orphan
late, is holy innocence to thenaked breast! I go back to thy home : the sorrow that
D 2
meets thee on the threshold can greet ripened her heart, and made her
thee, even in its sadness, like the tremble at times to think how deeply
smile upon the face of the dead. And it could feel, her vague and early
there, from thy casement, and there , visions shaped themselves into an
from without thy door, thou seest still ideal of love. And till the ideal is.
the tree, solitary as thyself, and spring, found, how the shadow that it throws:
ing from the clefts of the rock, but before it chills us to the actual !
forcing its way to light, -as, through With that ideal, ever and ever , un
all sorrow , while the seasons yet consciously, and with a certain awe
can renew the verdure and bloom of and shrinking, came the shape and
youth, strives the instinct of the voice of the warning stranger. Nearly
human heart ! Only when the sap is two years had passed since he had ap
dried up, only when age comes on, peared at Naples. Nothing had been
does the sun shine in vain for man heard of him, save that his vessel had
and for the tree. been directed, some months after his .
Weeks and months—months sad departure, to sail for Leghorn . By the
and many — again passed, and Naples gossips of Naples, his existence, sup
will not longer suffer its idol to se posed so extraordinary, was well-nigh
clude itself from homage. The world forgotten ; but the heart of Viola was.
ever plucks us back from ourselves more faithful. Often he glided
with a thousand arms. And again through her dreams, and when the
Viola's voice is heard upon the stage, wind sighed through that fantastic.
which, mystically faithful to life, is in tree, associatedwith his remembrance,
nought more faithful than this, that she started, with a tremor and a blush,
it is the appearances that fill the as if she had heard him speak .
scene ; and we pause not to ask of But amongst the train of her suitors.
what realities they are the proxies. was one to whom she listened more
When the actor of Athens moved all gently than to the rest ; partly be
hearts as he clasped the burial urn, cause, perhaps, he spoke in her
and burst into broken subs ; how few , mother's native tongue, partly be
there, knew that it held the ashes of cause in his diffidence , there was little
his son ! Gold, as well as fame, was to alarm and displease ; partly because
showered upon the young actress ; his rank , nearer to her own than that
but she still kept to her simple mode of lordlier wooers, prevented his
of life, to her lowly home, to the one admiration from appearing insult ;
servant, whose faults, selfish as they partly because he himself, eloquent
were, Viola was too inexperienced to and a dreamer, often uttered thoughts
perceive. And it was Gionetta who that were kindred to those buried
had placed her, when first born, in deepest in her mind. She began to
her father's arms ! She was sur- like- perhaps to love him, but as a
rounded by every snare, wooed by sister loves ; a sort of privileged
every solicitation that could beset ber familiarity sprung up between them.
unguarded beauty and her dangerous If, in the Englishman's breast, arose
calling. But her modest virtue passed wild and unworthy hopes, he had not
unsullied through them all. It is tru mot expressed them. Is there danger
that she had been taught by lips now to thee here, lone Viola ? or is the
mute the maiden duties enjoined by danger greater in thy unfound ideal.
honour and religion . And all love And now , as the overture to some
that spoke not of the altar only strange and wizard spectacle, closes
shocked and repelled her. But be this opening prelude. Wilt thou hear
sides that, as grief and solitude more ? Comewith thy faith prepared.
I ask not the blinded eyes, but the E par incanto a lei nevose rende
awakened sense. As the enchanted Le spalle e i fianchi ; e sensa neve alcuna
Isle, remote from the homes of men, Gli lascia il capo verdeggiante e vago ;
E vi fonda un palagio appresso un lago. *
ove alcun legno
Rado , o non mai va dalle nostre sponde, - *
(Ger. Lib., cant. xiv . 69.) * There, she a mountain's lofty peak ascends ,
Unpeopled , shady , shaggd with forests
is the space in the weary ocean of brown ,
actual life to which the Muse or Sibyl Whose sides by power of magic half way
( antient in years but ever young in
She heaps with slippery ice, and frost, and
aspect), offers thee no unhallowed snow ,
sail But sunshiny and verdant leaves the crown
Quinci ella in cima a'una montagne ascende With orange woods andmyrtles,-speaks,
Disabitata , e d'ombre oscura e bruna ; and lo !
Rich from the bordering lake a palace
rises blow .
* Where ship seldom or never comes from
our coasts . ( Wiffin's Translation.)
One moonlit night, in the Gardens at mean ," said he ; “and perhaps," he
Naples, some four or five gentlemen added , with a grave smile, “ I could
were seated under a tree, drinking explain it better than yourself.”
their sherbet, and listening, in the. Here, turning to the others,he added,
intervals of conversation , to the music " You must often have felt, gentle
which enlivened thatgay and favourite men, each and all of you, especially
resort of an indolent population. One when sitting alone at night, a strange
of this little party was a young and unaccountable sensation of cold
Englishman, who had been the life ness and awe creep over you ; your
of the whole group, but who, for the blood curdles, and the heart stands
last few moments, had sunk into a still ; the limbs shiver, the hair
gloomy and abstracted reverie. One bristles ; you are afraid to look up, to
of his countrymen observed this sud- turn your eyes to the darker corners
den gloom , and , tapping him on the of the room ; you have a horrible
back, said ,“ What ails you, Glyndon ? fancy that something unearthly is at
Are you ill ? You have grown quite hand; presently the whole spell, if
pale — you tremble. Is it a sudden I may so call it, passes away , and
chill ? You had better go home : these you are ready to laugh at your own
Italian nights are often dangerous to weakness. Have you not often felt
our English constitutions.” what I have thus imperfectly de
“ No, I am well now ; it was a scribed ? if so, you can understand
passing shudder. I cannot account what our young friend has just expe
for it myself.” rienced, even amidst the delights of
A man, apparently of about thirty this magical scene, and amidst the
years of age, and of a mien and balmy whispers of a July night.”
countenance strikingly superior to " Sir," replied Glyndon, evidently
those around him, turned abruptly, much surprised, " you have defined
and looked steadfastly at Glyndon. exactly the nature of that shudder
“ I think I understand what you which came over me. But how
could my manner be so faithful an
* Centaurs, and Sphinxes, and pallid index to my impressions ? ”
Gorgons. “ I know the signs of the visitation ,”
returned the stranger, gravely ; " they then ? " said Mervale, with an incre
are not to be mistaken by one of my dulous smile.
experience.” “ Nay, it was not precisely of spirits
All the gentlemen present then that I spoke ; but there may be forms
declared that they could comprehend, ofmatter as invisible and impalpable
and had felt, what the stranger had to us as the animalculæ in the air we
described . breathe-in the water that plays in
“ According to one of our national yonder basin. Such beings may have
superstitions,” said Mervale, the Eng- passions and powers like our own,
lishman who had first addressed as the animalculæ to which I have
Glyndon, “ the moment you so feel compared them . The monster that
your blood creep, and your hair stand lives and dies in a drop of water
on end, someone is walking over the carnivorous, insatiable, subsisting on
spot which shall be your grave.”. the creatures minuter than himself
“ There are in all lands different is not less deadly in his wrath, less
superstitions to account for so com- ferocious in his nature, than the tiger
mon an occurrence,” replied the of the desert. There may be things
stranger : 66 one sect among the around us that would be dangerous
Arabians holds that at that instant and hostile to men, if Providence had
God is deciding the hour either of not placed a wall between them and
your death, or of someone dear to you. us, merely by different modifications
The African savage, whose imagi- ofmatter.”
nation is darkened by the hideous “ And think you that wall never
rites of his gloomy idolatry , believes can be removed ? ” asked young
that the Evil Spirit is pulling you Glyndon, abruptly. “ Are the tradi
towards him by the hair : so do the tions of sorcerer and wizard, universal
Grotesque and the Terrible mingle and immemorial as they are, merely
with each other ." fables ? ”
“ It is evidently a mere physical “ Perhaps yes — perhaps no," . an
accident -- a derangement of the swered the stranger, indifferently.
stomach - a chillof the blood,” said “ But who, in an age in which the
a young Neapolitan, with whom reason has chosen its proper bounds,
Glyndon had formed a slight ac- would be mad enough to break the
quaintance. partition that divides him from the
“ Then why is it always coupled in boa and the lion — to repine at and
all nations, with some superstitious rebel against the law which* confines
presentiment or terror - some con. the shark to the great deep ? Enough
nexion between the material frame of these idle speculations.”'s
and the supposed world without us ? Here the stranger rose, summoned
For my part, I think ” the attendant, paid for his sherbet,
“ Ay, what do you think, sir ? " and, bowing slightly to the company,
asked Glyndon, curiously. soon disappeared among the trees.
“ I think ,” continued the stranger, “ Who is that gentleman ? ” asked
" that it is the repugnance and horror Glyndon, eagerly.
with which our more human elements The rest looked at each other, with .
recoil from something, indeed, in - out replying, for somemoments.
visible, but antipathetic our own “ I never saw him before," said
nature ; and from a knowledge of Mervale, at last.
which we are happily secured by the " Nor I.”.
imperfection of our senses.” “ Nor I.”
“ You are a believer in spirits, “ I know him well, ” said the
Neapolitan, who was, indeed, the Count | nition, he laid his hand on my arm.
Cetoxa. “ If you remember, it was ' You have lost much ,' said he; 'more
as my companion that he joined you. than you can afford. For my part, I
He visited Naples about two years dislike play ; yet I wish to have some
ago, and has recently returned ; he is interest in what is going on. Will
very rich - indeed, enormously so. A you play this sum for me ? the risk is
most agreeable person . I am sorry mine — the half profits yours. I was
to hear him talk so strangely to-night ;startled , as you may suppose, at such
it serves to encourage the various an address ; but Zanoni had an air
foolish reports that are circulated and tone with him it was impossible
concerning him.” to resist ; besides, I was burning to
“And surely,” said another Nea- recover my losses, and should not
politan ,“ the circumstance that occur- have risen had I had any money left
red but the other day, so well known aboutme. I told him I would accept
to yourself, Cetoxa, justifiesthe reports his offer, provided we shared the risk
you pretend to deprecate .” as well as profits. “ As you will,' said
“ Myself and my countryman ,” said he, smiling ; ' we need have no scruple,
Glyndon , “ mix so little in Neapolitan for you will be sure to win.' I sate
society, that we lose much thatappears down ; Zanoni stood behind me ; my
well worthy of lively interest. May I luck rose ; ; I invariably won. In
inquire what are the reports,and what fact, I rose from the table a rich
is the circumstance you refer to ?” man .
nent a person to our gayest cavaliers nobleman of birth and high repute
and our fairest ladies." for courage and honour. Besides,
“ A most interesting narrative,” this stranger, with his noble presence ,
said Mervale, rising. Come, Glyn- and lofty air — 80 calm — so unob
don ; shall we seek our hotel ?-It trusive - has nothing in common
is almost daylight. Adieu, Signor !” with the forward garrulity of an
“ What think you of this story ? ” impostor.”
said Glyndon , as the young men “ My dear Glyndon, pardon me ;
walked homeward . but you have not yet acquired any
“Why, it is very clear that this knowledge of the world ! the stranger
Zanoni is some impostor — some clever makes the best of a fine person, and
rogue ; and the Neapolitan shares the his grand air is but a trick of the
booty, and puffs him off with all the trade. But, to change the subject
hackneyed charlatanism of the Mar- how advances the love affair ? ” ;
vellous. An unknown adventurer “ Oh , Viola could not see me to-day.”
gets into society by being made an “ You must not marry her. What
object of awe and curiosity ;—he is would they all say at home?”
more than ordinarily handsome; and “ Let us enjoy the present,” said
the women are quite content to Glyndon , with vivacity ; we are
receive him without any other recom - young,rich, good looking : let us not
mendation than his own face and think of tomorrow.”.
Cetoxa's fables." Bravo, Glyndon ! Here weare at
“ I cannot agree with you. Cetoxa, the hotel. Sleep sound, and don't
though a gambler and a rake, is a dream of Signor Zanoni.”
CLARENCE GLYNDON was a young man vain, restless, inquisitive, he was ever
of fortune, not large, but easy and involved in wild projects and pleasant
independent. His parents were dead, dangers — the creature of impulse and
and his nearest relation was an only the slave of imagination.
sister, left in England under the care It was then the period, when a
of her aunt, and many years younger feverish spirit of change was working
than himself. Early in life he had its way to that hideous mockery of
evinced considerable promise in the human aspirations, the Revolution of
art of painting, and rather from France . And from the chaos into
enthusiasm than any pecuniary neces- which were already jarring the
sity for a profession ,he determined to sanctities of the World's Venerable
devote himself to a career in which Belief, arose many shapeless and
the English artist generally com- unformed chimeras. Need I remind
mences with rapture and historical the reader, that while that was the
composition, to conclude with avari. day for polished scepticism and
cious calculation, and portraits of affected wisdom, it was the day also
Alderman Simpkins. Glyndon was for the most egregious credulity and
supposed by his friends to possess no the most mystical superstitions,-the
inconsiderable genius ; but it was of day in which magnetism and magic
a rash and presumptuous order. He found converts amongst the disciples
was averse from continuous and steady of Diderot, —when prophecies were
labour, and his ambition rather sought curr nt in every , when the
to gather the fruit than to plant the salon of a philosophical deist was
tree. In common with many artists converted into an Heraclea, in which
in their youth, he was fond of pleasure necromancy professed to conjure up
and excitement, yielding with little the shadows of the dead — when the
forethought to whatever impressed Crosier and the Book were ridiculed,
his fancy or appealed to his passions. and Mesmer and Cagliostro were
He had travelled through the more believed. In that Heliacal Rising
celebrated cities of Europe, with the heralding the new sun before which
avowed purpose and sincere resolu- all vapours were to vanish, stalked
tion of studying the divine master- from their graves in the feudal
pieces of his art. But in each, ages all the phantoms that had
pleasure had too often allured him fitted before the eyes of Paracelsus
from ambition, and living beauty and Agrippa. Dazzled by the dawn
distracted his worship from the sense of the Revolution, Glyndon was yet
less canvass. Brave, adventurous, more attracted by its strange accom
paniments, and natural it was with
* Take, youth, bold and impatient, the him , as with others, that the fancy
offered occasion eagerly . which ran riot amidst the hopes of a
L aitherto made him shrink from perhaps rather, among the arts, lost
any more worldly but less honourable to the modern philosophy of common
designs. Thus the familiarity be place and surface ! Do you imagine
tween them seemed rather that of there was no foundation for those tra
kindness and regard , than passion. ditions which come dimly down from
He attended the theatre ; he stole remoter ages-as— shells now found on
behind the scenes to converse with the mountain -tops inform us where
her ; he filled his portfolio with the seas have been ? What was the
countless sketches of a beauty that old Colchian magic, but the minute
charmed him as an artist, as well as study of Nature in her lowliest works ?
lover. And day after day he floated What the fable of Medea, but a proof
on through a changing sea of doubt of the powers that may be extracted
and irresolution, of affection and from the germ and leaf ? The most
distrust. The last,indeed, constantly gifted of all the Priestcrafts, the mys
sustained against his better reason, terious sisterhoods of Cuth, concern
by the sober admonitions of Mervale, ing whose incantations Learning
a matter- of-fact man ! vainly bewilders itself amidst the
The day following that eve on maze of legends, sought in the mean
which this section of my story opens, est herbs what, perhaps, the Baby
Glyndon was riding alone by the lonian Sages explored in vain amidst
shores of the Neapolitan sea, on the the loftiest stars. Tradition yet tells
other side of the Cavern of Posilipo. you that there existed a race * who
It was past noon ; the sun had lost its could slay their enemies from afar,
early fervour,and a cool breeze sprung without weapon, without movement.
up voluptuously from the sparkling The herb that ye tread on may have
sea . Bending over a fragment of deadlier powers than your engineers
stone near the road -side, he perceived can give to their mightiest instru
the form of a man ; and when he ments of war. Can you guess , that
approached , he recognised Zanoni. to these Italian shores — to the old
The Englishman saluted him cour- Circæan Promontory, came the Wise
teously. “ Have you discovered some from the farthest East, to search for
antique?” said he, with a smile ; plants and simples which your Phar
“they are common as pebbles on this macists of the Counter would fling
road.” from them as weeds ? The first
“ No," replied Zanoni ; " it was but Herbalists — the master chemists of
one of those antiques that have their the world—were the tribe that the
date, indeed, from the beginning of ancient reverence called by the name
the world, but which Nature eternally of Titans.t I remember once, by the
withers and renews.” So saying, he Hebrus, in the reign of But
showed Glyndon a small herb, with this talk,” said Zanoni, checking
a pale blue flower, and then placed it himself abruptly, and with a cold
carefully in his bosom . smile, 64 serves only to waste your
“ You are a herbalist ?" time and my own.” He paused, looked
" I am . " steadily at Glyndon, and continued
" It is, I am told, a study full of “ Young man, think you that vague
interest." curiosity will supply the place of
“ To those who understand it, earnest labour ? I read your heart.
doubtless. "
“ Is the knowledge, then, so * Plut. Symp., l. 5, c. 7.
rare ?" + Syncellus, p. 14.4 " Chemistry the In
“Rare ! The deeper knowledge is vention ofthe Giants.”
You wish to know me, and not this ( most brilliant parts. The house re
humble herb : but pass on ; your sounded with applause. Glyndon was
desire cannot be satisfied .” transported with a young man's pas
“ You have not the politeness of sion and a young man's pride :
your countrymen ,” said Glyndon , “ This glorious creature , ” thought he,
somewhat discomposed. "" Suppose I “ may yet be mine."
were desirous to cultivate your ac- He felt, while thus wrapt in de
quaintance, why should you reject my licious reverie, a slight touch upon
advances ?" his shoulder : he turned, and beheld
“ I reject no man's advances,” Zanoni. “ You are in danger," said
answered Zanoni; “ I must know the latter. “ Do not walk home
them if they so desire ; but me, in to-night; or if you do, go not
return, they can never comprehend. alone.”
If you ask my acquaintance, it is Before Glyndon recovered from his
yours; but I would warn you to surprise, Zanoni disappeared ; and
shun me. " when the Englishman saw him again ,
“ And why are you, then , 80 he was in the box of one of the Nea
dangerous ?" politan nobles, where Glyndon could
“ On this earth, men are often , not follow him.
without their own agency, fated to be Viola now left the stage, and Glyn
dangerous to others. If I were to don accosted her with an unac
predict your fortune by the vain customed warmth of gallantry. But
calculations of the astrologer, I Viola, contrary to her gentle habit,
should tell you, in their despicable turned with an evident impatience
jargon , that my planet sat darkly in from the address of her lover. Taking
your house of life. Cross me not, if aside Gionetta, who was her constant
you can avoid it. I warn you now attendant at the theatre, she said , in
for the first time and last. " an earnest whisper,
“ You despise the astrologers, yet “ Oh, Gionetta ! He is here again !
you utter a jargon as mysterious as the stranger of whom I spoke to
theirs. I neither gamble nor quarrel; thee ! —and again, he alone, of the
why, then, should I fear you ? " whole theatre, withholds from me his
“ As you will ; I have done.” applause.”
« Let me speak frankly - your “Which is he, my darling ?” said
conversation last night interested and the old woman, with fondness in her
perplexed me.” voice. “ He must indeed be dull
" I know it : minds like yours are not worth a thought.”
attracted by mystery.” The actress drew Gionetta nearer
Glyndon was piqued at these words, to the stage, and pointed out to her a
though in the tone in which they were
man in one of the boxes, conspicuous
spoken there was no contempt. amongst all else by the simplicity
“ I see you do not consider me of his dress, and the extraordinary
worthy of your friendship . Be it so.
beauty of his features.
Good day !” Zanoni coldly replied to “ Not worth a thought, Gionetta !"
the salutation ; and, as the English-
repeated Viola— " not worth a thought!
man rode on, returned to his botanical
Alas, not to think of him, seems the
employment. absence of thought itself ! ”
The same night, Glyndon went, as The prompter summoned the
usual, to the theatre. He was stand- Signora Pisani. “ Find out his name,
ing behind the scenes watching Viola, Gionetta," said she, moving slowly to
who was on the stage in one of her the stage, and passing by Glyndon ,
No. 262. E 4
who gazed at her with a look of swarms with them ;-plunder and
sorrowful reproach. strip him, the better to favour such
The scene on which the actress report. Take three men ; the rest.
now entered was that of the final shall be my escort.”
catastrophe, wherein all her remark- Mascari shrugged his shoulders, and
able powers ofvoice and art were pre- bowed submissively.
eminently called forth . The house The streets of Naples were not then
hung on every word with breathless so safe as now , and carriages were
worship ; but the eyes of Viola both less expensive and more neces
sought only those of one calm and sary . The vehicle which was regularly
unmoved spectator : she exerted her- engaged by the young actress was not
self as if inspired. Zanoni listened, to be found . Gionetta, too aware of
and observed her with an attentive the beauty of her mistress and the
gaze , but no approval escaped his number of her admirers to contem.
lips ; no emotion changed the ex- plate without alarm the idea of their
pression of his cold and half disdainful return on foot, communicated her dis
aspect. Viola, who was in the cha- tress to Glyndon, and he besought
racter of one who loved, but without Viola , who recovered but slowly, to
return, never felt so acutely the part accept his own carriage. Perhaps
she played . Her tears were truthful; before that night she would not have
her passion that of nature : it was rejected so slight a service. Now, for
almost too terrible to behold. She some reason or other, she refused .
was borne from the stage exhausted Glyndon, offended, was retiring sul
and insensible, amidst such a tempest lenly, when Gionetta stopped him .
of admiring rapture ' as continental “ Stay, Signor,” said she, coaxingly ;
audiences alone can raise. The crowd “ the dear Signora is notwell - do not
stood up - handkerchiefs waved— be angry with her ; I will make her
garlands and flowers were thrown on accept your offer. ”
the stage - men wiped their eyes, and Glyndon stayed, and after a few
women sobbed aloud . moments spent in expostulation on
By heavens !” said 'a Neapolitan the part of Gionetta, and resistance
of great rank , “ she has fired me be on that of Viola, the offer was ac
yond endurance. To-night, this very cepted. Gioretta and her charge en
night, she shall be mine ! You have tered the carriage, and Glyndon was
arranged all, Mascari ?” left at the door of the theatre to
“ All, Signor. And the young return home on foot. Themysterious
Englishman ? " warning of Zanoni then suddenly oc
“ The presuming barbarian ! As I curred to him ; he had forgotten it in
before told thee, let him bleed for his the interest of his lover's quarrel with
folly. I will have no rival. " Viola . He thought it now advisable
“ But an Englishman ! There is to guard against danger foretold by
always a search after the bodies of the lips so mysterious : he looked round
English .” for some one he knew ; the theatre
“Fool ! is not the sea deep enough, was disgorging its crowds ; they
or the earth secret enough to hide one hustled, and jostled, and pressed upon
dead man ? Our ruffians are silentas him ; but he recognised no familiar
the grave itself :-and I !-who would countenance. While pausing irreso
dare to suspect, to arraign the Prince lute, he heard Mervale's voice calling
di - ? See to it — this night. I on him, and, to his great relief, dis
trust him to you :-robbers murder covered his friend making his way
him - you understand ; -- the country through the throng.
“ I have secured you,” said he, “ a heart she never could be — for that
place in the Count Cetoxa's carriage. heart never could have words for all
Come along, he is waiting for us.” its secrets. But such confidence as
“ How kind in you ! how did you she could obtain, she was ready to
find me out ? " repay by the most unreproving pity
“ I met Zanoni in the passage.— and the most ready service.
Your friend is at the door of the " Have you discovered who he is ?"
theatre,' said he ; ' do not let him go asked Viola, as she was now alone in
home on foot to-night ; the streets of the carriage with Gionetta.
Naples are not always safe .' I imme- “ Yes ; he is the celebrated Signor
diately remembered that some of the Zanoni, about whom all the great
Calabrian bravos had been busy ladies have gone mad . They say he
within the city the last few weeks, is so rich oh , so much richer than
and suddenly meeting Cetoxa—but any of the Inglesi !-- not butwhat the
here he is. ” Signor Glyndon
Further explanation was forbidden, “ Cease ! ” interrupted the young
for they now joined the Count. As actress. · Zanoni ! Speak of the
Glyndon entered the carriage and Englishman no more.”
drew up the glass, he saw four men The carriage was now entering that
standing apart by the pavement, who ' more lonely and remote .part of the
seemed to eye him with attention. city in which Viola's house was
“ Cospetto ! ” cried one, " that is the situated, when it suddenly stopped.
Englishman !” Glyndon imperfectly Gionetta, in alarm, thrust her
heard the exclamationas the carriage head out of the window, and per
drove on. He reached home in safety . ceived by the pale light of the moon,
The familiar and endearing in- that the driver, torn from his seat,
timacy which always exists in Italy was already pinioned in the arms of
between the nurse and the child she two men : the next moment, the door
has reared , and which the “ Romeo was opened violently, and a tall figure,
and Juliet” of Shakspeare in no way masked and mantled, appeared.
exaggerates, could not but be drawn “ Fear not, fairest Pisani,” said he,
yet closer than usual, in a situation so gently, “ no ill shall befal you .” As
friendless as that of the orphan-actress. he spoke, he wound his arms round
In all that concerned the weaknesses the form of the fair actress, and en
of the heart,Gionetta had large expe- deavoured to lift her from the car
rience ; and when, three nights before, riage. But Gionetta was no ordinary
Viola , on returning from the theatre, ally—she thrust back the assailant
had wept bitterly, the nurse had suc- with a force that astonished him, and
ceeded in extracting from her a confes- followed the shock by a volley of the
sion that she had seen one --not seen most energetic reprobation.
for two weary and eventful years—but The mask drew back , and com
never forgotten , and who, alas, had not posed his disordered mantle.
evinced the slightest recognition of "By the body of Bacchus ! " said
herself. Gionetta could not com- he, half laughing, “ she is well pro
prehend all the vague and innocent tected. Here, Luigi–Giovanni ! seize
emotions that swelled this sorrow ; the hag !-quick - why loiter ye ?”
but she resolved them all, with her The mask retired from the door,
plain blunt understanding, to the one and another and yet taller form pre
sentiment of love. And here, she was sented itself. “ Be calm, Viola
well fitted to sympathise and console. Pisani,” said he, in a low voice ;
Confidant to Viola's entire and deep “ with me you are indeed safe ! " He
R 2
lifted his mask as he spoke, and The men gave way, dismayed. The
showed the noble features of Zanoni. driver remounted .
“ Be calm, be hushed ,–I can save “ Cut the traces of their carriage
you." He vanished, leaving Viola and the bridles of their horses," said
lost in surprise, agitation, and delight. Zanoni, as he entered the vehicle
There were, in all nine masks : two containing Viola, which now drove
were engaged with the driver ; one on rapidly, leaving the discomfited
stood at the head of the carriage ravisher in a state of rage and stupor
horses ; a fourth guarded the well- impossible to describe.
trained steeds of the party ; three “ Allow me to explain this mystery
others (besides Zanoni and the one to you,” said Zanoni. “ I discovered
who had first accosted Viola) stood the plot against you — no matter how ;
apart by a carriage drawn to the side I frustrated it thus :-The head of
of the road. To these three Zanoni this design is a nobleman, who has
motioned : they advanced ; he pointed long persecuted you in vain. He and
towards the first mask , who was in two of his creatures watched you from
fact the Prince di and to his un- the entrance of the theatre, having
speakable astonishment, the Prince directed six others to await him on
was suddenly seized from behind. the spot where you were attacked ;
« Treason !” he cried. “ Treason myself and five of my servants sup
among my own men ! What means plied their place, and were mistaken
this ? ” for his own followers. I had pre
“ Place him in his carriage ! If he viously ridden alone to the spotwhere
resist, his blood be on his own head ! " the men were waiting, and informed
said Zanoni, calmly. them that their master would not
He approached the men who had require their services that night.
detained the coachman . They believed me, and accordingly
“ You are outnumbered and out- dispersed. I then joined my own
witted,” said he : " join your lord ; band, whom I had left in the rear ;
you are three men — we six, armed to you know all. We are at your
the teeth . Thank our mercy that we door.”
spare your lives. - Go ! ”
ZANONI followed the young Neapolitan | crime ; but amongst his passions he
into her house : Gionetta vanished— has such prudence as belongs to
they were left alone. ambition ; if you were not to reconcile
Alone, in that room so often filled, yourself to your shame, you would
in the old happy days, with the wild never enter the world again to tell
melodies of Pisani ; and now, as she your tale. The ravisher has no heart
saw this mysterious, haunting, yet for repentance, but he has a hand
beautiful and stately stranger, stand- that can murder. I have saved you,
ing on the very spot where she had Viola. Perhaps you would ask me
sat at her father's feet, thrilled and wherefore ?" Zanoni paused, and
spellbound-she almost thought, in smiled mournfully, as he added , “ You
her fantastic way of personifying her will not wrong me by the thought
own airy notions, that that spiritual that he who has preserved is not less
Music had taken shape and life, and selfish than he who would have
stood before her glorious in the image injured. Orphan, I do not speak to
it assumed. She was unconscious all you in the language of your wooers ;
the while of her own loveliness. She enough that I know pity, and am not
had thrown aside her hood and veil ; ungrateful for affection. Why blush,
her hair, somewhat disordered, fell why tremble at the word ? I read
over the ivory neck which the dress your heart while I speak , and I see
partially displayed ; and ,as her dark not one thought that should give you
eyes swam with grateful tears, and shame. I say not that you love me
her cheek flushed with its late excite- yet; happily, the fancy may be roused
ment, the god of light and music long before the heart is touched.
himself never, amidst his Arcadian But it has been my fate to fascinate
valleys, wooed, in his mortal guise, your eye, to influence your imagina
maiden or nymph more fair. tion. It is to warn you against what
Zanoni gazed at her with a look in could bring you but sorrow , as I
which admiration seemed not un. warned you once to prepare for sorrow
mingled with compassion. He mut- itself, that I am now your guest. The
tered a few words to himself, and then Englishman , Glyndon, loves thee well
addressed her aloud . -better, perhaps, than I can ever
“ Viola, I have saved you from a love : if not worthy of thee yet, he
great peril ; not from dishonour only , has but to know thee more to deserve
but, perhaps, from death. The Prince thee better. He may wed thee, he
di under a weak despot and a may bear thee to his own free and
venal administration, is a man above happy land , the land of thy mother's
the law. He is capable of every kin . Forget me ; teach thyself to
return and deserve his love ; and I pictured to thyself a home in which
tell thee that thou wilt be honoured thy partner was thy young wooer ?"
and be happy." “ Never ! ” said Viola, with sudden
Viola listened with silent, inex- energy, “ never, but to feel that such
pressible emotion, and burning was not the fate ordained me. And,
blushes, to this strange address, and oh ! ” she continued, rising suddenly,
when he had concluded, she covered and putting aside the tresses that
her face with her hands, and wept. veiled her face, she fixed her eyes
And yet,much as his words were calcu- upon the questioner ; and, oh !
lated to humble or irritate, to produce whoever thou art that thus wouldst
indignation or excite shame, those read my soul and shape my future,
were not the feelings with which her do not mistake the sentiment that ,
eyes streamed and her heart swelled. that” —(she faltered an instant, and
The woman at that moment was lost went on with downcast eyes,) that
in the child ; and as a child with all has fascinated my thoughts to thee.
its exacting, craving, yet innocent Do not think that I could nourish a
desireto be loved, weeps inunrebuking love unsought and unreturned. It is
sadness when its affection is thrown not love that I feel for thee, stranger.
austerely back upon itself — so ,without Why should I ? Thou hast never
anger and without shame, wept spoken to me but to admonish — and
Viola. now , to wound !” Again she paused,
Zanoni contemplated her thus, as again her voice faltered ; the tears
her graceful head, shadowed by its trembled on her eyelids ; she brushed
redundant tresses, bent before him ; them away and resumed. “ No, not
and after a moment's pause he drew love-if that be love which I have
near to her, and said , in a voice of heard and read of, and sought to
the most soothing sweetness, and with simulate on the stage,—but a more
a half smile upon his lip solemn, fearful, and, it seems to me,
“ Do you remember, when I told almost preternaturalattraction, which
you to struggle for the light, that I makes me associate thee, waking or
pointed for example to the resolute dreaming, with images that at once
and earnest tree : I did not tell you, charm and awe. Thinkest thou, if it
fair child, to take example by the were love, that I could speak to thee
moth , that would soar to the star, thus ? that ” (ske raised her looks
but falls scorched beside the lamp. suddenly to his) “ mine eyes could
Come, I will talk to thee. This thus search and confront thine own ?
Englishman Stranger, I ask but at times to see, to
Viola drew herself away, and wept hear thee ! Stranger, talk not to me
yet more passionately. of others. Forewarn , rebuke, bruise
“ This Englishman is of thine own my heart, reject the not unworthy
years, not far above thine own rank. gratitude it offers thee, if thou wilt,
Thou mayst share his thoughts in life but come not always to me as an
-thou mayst sleep beside him in the omen of grief and trouble . Sometimes
same grave in death ! And I, but have I seen thee in my dreams sur
that view of the future should concern rounded by shapes of glory and light;
us not. Look into thy heart, and thy looks radiant with a celestial joy
thou wilt see that till again my which they wear not now . Stranger,
shadow crossed thy path, there had thou hast saved me, and I thank and
grown up for this thine equal, a pure bless thee ! Is that also a homage
and calm affection that would have thou wouldst reject ?” With these
ripened into love. . Hast thou never words, she crossed her arms meekly
on her bosom, and inclined lowlily not suppress ; but the instant after,
before him. Nor did her humility she would have given worlds to recal
. seem unwomanly or abject, nor that the exclamation .
of mistress to lover, of slave to “ Yes, Viola, I might love thee ;
master, but rather of a child to its but in that love what sorrow and
guardian, of a neophyte of the old what change ! The flower gives
religion to her priest. Zanoni's brow perfume to the rock 'on whose heart
was melancholy and thoughtful. He it grows. A little while, and the
looked at her with a strange expres- flower is dead ; but the rock still
sion of kindness, of sorrow , yet of endures ;-- the snow at its breast
tender affection, in his eyes ; but his the sunshine on its summit. Pause
lips were stern, and his voice cold, as think well. Danger besets thee
he replied yet. For some days thou shalt be
“ Do you know what you ask, safe from thy remorseless persecutor ;
Viola ? Do you guess the danger to but the hour soon comes when thy
yourself - perhaps to both of use only security will be in flight. If the
which you court ? Do you know that Englishman love thee worthily, thy
my life, separated from the turbulent honour will be dear to him as his
herd of men , is one worship of the own ; if not, there are yet other lands
Beautiful, from which I seek to banish where love will be truer, and virtue
what the Beautiful inspires in most ? less in danger from fraud and force.
As a calamity, I shun what to man Farewell ; my own destiny I cannot
seems the fairest fate — the love of the foresee except through cloud and
daughters of earth . At present, I shadow . I know , at least, that we
can warn and save thee from many shall meet again ; but learn ere then ,
evils ; if I saw more of thee, would sweet flower, that there are more
the power still be mine? You under- genial resting -places than the rock ."
stand me not. What Iam about to He turned as he spoke, and gained
add, it will be easier to comprehend. the outer door where Gionetta dis
I bid thee banish from thy heart all creetly stood. Zanoni lightly laid his
thought of me, but as one whom the hand on her arm . With the gay
Future cries aloud to thee to avoid . accent of a jesting cavalier, he
Glyndon , if thou acceptest his homage, said
will love thee till the tomb closes “ The Signor Glyndon woos your
upon both. I too,” (he added, with mistress : he may wed her. I know
emotion ) “ I, too, might love your love for her. Disabuse her of
thee ! ” any caprice for me. I am a bird ever
“ You ! " cried Viola, with the on the wing.”
vehemence of a sudden impulse of He dropped a purse into Gionetta's
delight, of rapture, which she could hand as he spoke, and was gone.
Les Intelligences Célestes se font voir, et se communiquent plus volontiers, dans le silence,
et dans la tranquillité de la solitude. On aura donc une petite chambre ou un
cabinet secret, & c.-- Les Clavicules de Rabbi Salomon , chap. 3 ; traduites exactement
du texte Hebreu par M. Pierre Morissoneau , Professeur des Langues Orientales, et
Sectateur de la Philosophie des Sages Cabalistes. (Manuscript Translation .)
The Palace retained by Zanoni was the influences of the stars. None
in one of the less frequented quarters of the apparatus of the alchemist ,
of the city. - It still stands, now the crucible, and the metalsgave
ruined and dismantled, a monument solemnity to his chambers, or ac
of the splendour of a chivalry long counted for his wealth ; nor did he
since vanished from Naples, with the even seem to interest himself in those
lordly races of the Norman and the serener studies which might be sup
Spaniard. posed to colour his peculiar conversa
As he entered the rooms reserved tion with abstract notions, and often
for his private hours, two Indians, in with recondite learning. No books
the dress of their country, received spoke to him in his solitude ; and if
him at the threshold with the grave ever he had drawn from them his
salutations of the East. They had knowledge, it seemed now that the
accompanied him from the far lands only page he read was the wide one
in which, according to rumour, he of Nature, and that a capacious and
had for many years fixed his home. startling memory supplied the rest.
But they could communicate nothing Yet was there one exception to what
to gratify curiosity or justify suspicion. in all else seemed customary and
They spoke no language but their commonplace, and which, according
own .
With the exception of these to theauthority we have prefixed to
two, his princely retinue was com- this chapter, might indicate the
posed of the native hirelings of the follower of the occult sciences.
city ; whom his lavish but imperious Whether at Rome or Naples, or, in
generositymadethe implicit creatures fact, wherever his abode, he selected
of his will. In his house, and in his one room remote from the rest of the 1
habits, so far as they were seen, there house, which was fastened by a lock
was nothing to account for the scarcely larger than the seal of a ring,
rumours which were circulated abroad . yet which sufficed to baffle the most
He was not, as we are told of Albertus cunning instruments of the locksmith :
Magnus or the great Leonardo da at least, one of his servants, prompted
Vinci, served by airy forms; and no by irresistible curiosity, had made
hrazen image, the invention of magic the attempt in vain ; and though he
mechanism , communicated to him had fancied it was tried in the most
favourable time for secrecy - not a
* The Celestial Intelligences exhibit and soul near - in the dead of night
explain themselves most freely in the Zanoni himself absent from home,
silence and tranquillity of solitude. One will
have then a little chamber, or a secret yet hissuperstition, or his conscience,
cabinet, & c. told him the reason why the next.
day the Major Domo quietly dismissed from thy sphere — why from the
him . He compensated himself for eternal, starlike, and passionless Se
this misfortune by spreading his own rene, shrinkest thou back to the mists
story, with a thousand amusing the dark sarcophagus ? How long,
exaggerations. He declared that, as too austerely taught that companion
he approached the door, invisible ship with the things that die brings
hands seemed to pluck him away ; with it but sorrow in its sweetness,
and that when he touched the lock, hast thou dwelt contented with thy
he was struck as by a palsy to the majestic solitude ?"
ground. One surgeon , who heard the As he thus murmured , one of the
tale, observed, to the distaste of the earliest birds that salute the dawn
wonder-mongers, that possibly Zanoni broke into sudden song from amidst
made a dexterous use of electricity. the orange trees in the garden below
Howbeit, this room once so secured, his casement. And as suddenly song
was never entered save by Zanoni answered song ; the mate, awakened at
himself. the note, gave back its happy answer
The solemn voice of Time, from to the bird. He listened ; and not
the neighbouring church , at last the soul he had questioned, but the
aroused the lord of the palace from heart replied. He rose, and with
the deep and motionless reverie, restless strides paced the narrow floor.
rather resembling a trance than “ Away from this world ! ” he
thought, in which his mind was exclaimed at length, with an impa
absorbed. tient tone. “ Can no time loosen its
“ It is one more sand out of the fatal ties ? As the attraction that
mighty Hour-glass,” said he, mur- holds the earth in space, is the attrac
muringly, “ and yet time neither adds tion that fixes the soul to earth.
to, nor steals from , an atom in the Away, from the dark -grey planet !
Infinite !-Soul ofmine,the luminous, Break, ye fetters : arise, ye wings !”
the Augoeides ,* why descendest thou He passed through the silent
galleries, and up the lofty stairs, and
Avyosiòns - a word favoured by the mys- entered the secret
* * *
tical Platonists, σφαιρα ψυχης αυγοειδης, όταν
μήτε εκτείνεται επι τι, μήτε έσω συντρέχη ματς * * *
“ I and my fellows
Are ministers of Fate ."
The Tempest.
The next day, Glyndon bent his steps. the Neapolitan princes. Your danger
towards Zanoni's palace. The young is indeed great."
man's imagination, naturally inflam- “ But pardon me !-how came it
mable, was singularly excited by the known to you ? ”
little he had seen and heard of this “ I give no account of myself to
strange being - a spell, he could mortal man ,” replied Zanoni, haugh
neither master nor account for, tily ; " and to me it matters nothing
attracted him towards the stranger. whether you regard or scorn my
Zanoni's power seemed mysterious warning."
and great, his motives kindly and “ Well, if I may not question you,
benevolent, yet his manners chilling be it so ;—but at least advise mewhat
and repellant. Why at one moment to do. "
reject Glyndon's acquaintance, at " Would you follow my advice ? "
another save him from danger ? How “ Why not ?”
had Zanoni thus acquired the know- “Because you are constitutionally !
ledge of enemies unknown to Glyndon brave ; you are fond of excitement
himself ? His interest was deeply and mystery ; you like to be the hero
rouscd, his gratitude appealed to ; he of a romance. Were I to advise you
resolved to make another effort to to leave Naples, would you do so while
conciliate the ungracious herbalist. Naples contains a foe to confront, or
The Signor was at home, and a mistress to pursue ?”
Glyndon was admitted into a lofty “ You are ght,” said the young
saloon, where in a few moments Englishman , with energy. “ No! and
Zanoni joined him . you cannot reproach me for such a
“ I am come to thank you for your resolution . "
warning last night,” said he, " and to “ But there is another course left
entreat you to complete myobligation to you : do you love Viola Pisani
by informing me of the quarter to truly and fervently ? if so, marry her,
which I may look for enmity and and take a bride to your native
peril." land .”
“ You are a gallant,” said Zanoni, “Nay,” answered Glyndon, embar
with a smile, and in the English rassed ; “ Viola is not of my rank .
language, “and do you know so little Her profession , too, is — in short, I am
of the south as not to be aware that enslaved by her beauty, but I cannot
gallants have always rivals ? ” wed her . ”
“ Are you serious ? ” said Glyndon , Zanoni frowned.
colouring. “ Your love, then, is but selfish
“ Most serious. You love Viola lust, and I advise you to your own
Pisani ; you have for rival one of happiness no more. Young man,
the most powerful and relentless of Destiny is less inexorable than it
appears. The resources of the great glishman, are the angel part of us ; our
Ruler of the Universe are not so acts, the earthly.”
scanty and so stern as to deny to men “ You have reflected deeply for an
the divine privilege of Free Will ; all Italian , ” said Glyndon .
of us can carve out our own way, and “ Who told you I was an Italian ?"
God can make our very contradictions “ Are you not ? And yet, when I
harmonise with His solemn ends. hear you speak my own language as
You have before you an option. a native, 1— "
Honourable and generous love may “ Tush ! ” interrupted Zanoni im
even now work out your happiness, patiently turning away. Then, after
and effect your escape ; a frantic and a pause, he resumed in a mild voice
selfish passion will but lead you to “ Glyndon, do you renounce Viola
misery and doom . " Pisani ? Will you take some days to
“ Do you pretend, then, to read the consider what I have said ?”
Future ? " “ Renounce her - never ! ”
“ I have said all that it pleases me “ Then you will marry her ? ”
to utter , Impossible ! "
“ While you assume the moralist to “ Be it so : she will then renounce
me, Signor Zanoni,” said Glyndon, you. I tell you that you have rivals.”
with a smile,“ are you yourself so in- “ Yes ; the Prince di - - ; but I
different to youth and beauty, as to do not fear him .”
act the stoic to its allurements ?” “ You have another, whom you will
“ If it were necessary that practice fear more . "
square with precept,” said Zanoni, “ Andwho is he ? ”
with a bitter smile, our monitors Myself.”
would be but few . The conduct of Glyndon turned pale and started
the individual can affect but a small from his seat.
circle beyond himself ; the permanent “ You, Signor Zanoni !-you — and
good or evil that he works to others you dare to tell me so ?”
lies rather in the sentiments he can “ Dare ! Alas ! there are times
diffuse. His acts are limited and when I wish that I could fear."
momentary ; his sentiments may per- These arrogant words were not ut
vade the universe, and inspire gene- tered arrogantly, but in a tone of the
rations till the day of doom . All our most mournful dejection. Glyndon
virtues, all our laws, are drawn from was enraged, confounded, and yet
books and maxims, which are senti- awed. However, he had a brave
ments, not from deeds. In conduct, English heart within his breast, and
Julian had the virtues of a Christian , he recovered himself quickly .
and Constantine the vices of a Pagan . ' Signor," said he, calmly, “ I am
The sentiments of Julian reconverted not to be duped by these solemn
thousands to Paganism ; those of phrases and these mystical assump
Constantine helped, under Heaven's tions. You may have powers which
will, to bow to Christianity the na- I cannot comprehend or emulate, or
tions of the earth. In conduct, the you may be but a keen impostor."
humblest fisherman on yonder sea, “ Well, proceed ! ”
who believes in the miracles of San “ I mean, then ,” continued Glyn
Gennaro, may be a better man than don, resolutely, though somewhat
Luther. To the sentiments of Luther disconcerted, “ I mean you to under
the mind of modern Europe is in- stand, that, though I am not to be
debted for the noblest revolution it persuaded or compelled by a stranger
has known. Our opinions, young En- to marry Viola Pisani, I am not the
less determined never tamely to yield you earned the right to ask me these
her to another.” questions ? Though Italy still boast
Zanoni looked gravely at the young an Inquisition, its power is rivelled
man , whose sparkling eyes and as a leaf which the first wind shall
heightened colour testified the spirit scatter. The days of torture and per
to support his words, and replied secution are over ; and a man may
" So bold ! well ; it becomes you. live as he pleases, and talk as it suits
But take my advice : wait yet nine him, without fear of the stake and
days, and tell me then if you will marry the rack. Since I can defy perse
the fairest and the purest creature that cution, pardon me if I do not yield to
ever crossed your path .”. curiosity .”
“ But if you love her, why - why- " Glyndon blushed, and rose. In
Why am I anxious thatshe should spite of his love for Viola, and his
wed another : to save her from my- natural terror of such a rival, he felt
self ! Listen to me. That girl, humble himself irresistibly drawn towards the
and uneducated though she be, has very man he had most cause to sus
in her the seeds of the most lofty pect and dread. He held out his
qualities and virtues. She can be hand to Zanoni, saying, “ Well, then,
all to the man she loves — all that if we are to be rivals, our swords must
man can desire in wife. Her soul , settle our rights : till then I would
developed by affection, will elevate fain be friends.”
your own ; it will influence your “ Friends ! You know not what
fortunes, exalt your destiny : you you ask .”
will become a great and a prosperous Enigmas again !"
man , if, on the contrary, she fall to Enigmas !” cried Zanoni, passion
me, I know not what may be her lot ; ately, “ ay ! can you dare to solve
but I know that there is an ordeal them ? Not till then could I give
which few can pass, and which you my right hand, and call you
hitherto no woman has survived . ” friend.”
As Zanoni spoke, his face became “ I could dare everything and all
colourless, and there was something things for the attainment of super
in his voice that froze the warm blood human wisdom ," said Glyndon, and
of the listener. his countenance was lighted up with
“ What is this mystery which sur- wild and intense enthusiasm .
rounds you ?” exclaimed Glyndon, Zanoni observed him in thoughtful
unable to repress his emotion. “ Are silence.
you, in truth, different from other “ The seeds of the ancestor live in
men ? Have you passed the boun- the son , ” he muttered ; " he may — yet”
dary of lawful knowledge ? Are you , He broke off abruptly ; then ,
as some declare, a sorcerer, or only a- speaking aloud - “ Go, Glyndon ,"
“ Hush !” interrupted Zanoni, said he : “ we shall meet again , but I
gently, and with a smile of singular will not ask your answer till the hour
but melancholy sweetness : " have presses for decision .”
' Tis certain that this man has an estate of fifty thousand livres, and seems to be a person
of very great accor ishments. But, then , if he's a Wizard , are wizards so devoutly
given as this man seems to be ?-In short, I could make neither head nor tail on't.
THE COUNT DE GABALIS, Translation affixed to the Second Edition of the “ Rape of
the Lock ."
Of all the weaknesses which little have seen the effect, I will endeavour,
men rail against, there is none that with you, to ascertain the causes . "
they are more apt to ridicule than the Somewhat to the above effect were
tendency to believe. And of all the the first thoughts of Clarence Glyn
signs of a corrupt heart and a feeble don on quitting Zanoni. But Clarence
head, the tendency of incredulity is Glyndon was no “ rational inquirer.”
the surest. The more vague and mysterious the
Real philosophy seeks rather to language of Zanoni, the more it
solve than to deny. While we hear, imposed upon him. A proof would
every day, the small pretenders to have been something tangible, with
science talk of the absurdities of which he would have sought to
Alchemy and the dream of the Philo- grapple. And it would have only
sopher's Stone, a more erudite know- disappointed his curiosity to find
ledge is aware that by Alchemists the the supernatural reduced to Nature.
greatest discoveries in science have He endeavoured, in vain, at some
been made, and much which still moments rousing himself from cre
seems abstruse, had we the key to the dulity to the scepticism he deprecated,
mystic phraseology they were com- to reconcile what he had heard with
pelled to adopt, might open the way the probable motives and designs
to yet more noble acquisitions. The of an impostor. Unlike Mesmer and
Philosopher's Stone itself has seemed Cagliostro, Zanoni, whatever his pre
no visionary chimera to some of the tensions, did not make them a source
soundest chemists that even the of profit ; nor was Glyndon's position
present century has produced.* Man or rank in life sufficient to render any
cannot contradict the Laws of Nature. influence obtained over his mind,
But are all the Laws of Nature yet subservient to schemes, whether of
discovered ? avarice or ambition . Yet, ever and
“Give me a proof of your Art," anon , with the suspicion of worldly
says the rational inquirer. “ When I knowledge, he strove to persuade
himself that Zanoni had at least some
* Mr. D'Israeli, in his “ Curiosities of sinister object in inducing him to
Literature,” (Article Alchem ,) afterquoting what his English pride and manner
the sanguine judgments of modern chemists ,
as to the transmutation of metals, observes, of thought considered a derogatory
of one yet greater and more recent than marriage with the poor actress.
those to which Glyndon's thoughts could Might not Viola and the Mystic be in
have referred—
that he did not“ Sir Humphry
consider Davy told me league with each other? Might not
art as impossible ; but should it ever be all this jargon ofprophecy and menace
discovered, it would certainly be useless." be but artifices to dupe him ? He
Learn to be poor in spirit, my son , if you would penetrate that sacred night which
environs truth. Learn of the Sages to allow to the Devils no power in nature, since
the fatal stone has shut 'em up in the depth of the abyss. Learn of the Philosophers
always to look for natural causes in all extraordinary events ; and when such natural
causes are wanting , recur to God . - THE COUNT DE GABALIS .
All these additions to his knowledge with other details which spoke of
of Zanoni, picked up in the various comparative wealth . The shirt, open
lounging places and resorts that he at the throat, was fastened by a brooch
frequented , were unsatisfactory to of gaudy stones ; and two pendent
Glyndon. That night Viola did not massive gold chains announced the
perform at the theatre ; and the next foppery of two watches.
day, still disturbed by bewildered The man's figure, if not absolutely
fancies, and averse to the sober and deformed, was yet marvellously ill
sarcastic companionship of Mervale, favoured ; his shoulders high and
Glyndon sauntered musingly into the square ; his chest flattened , as if
public gardens, and paused under the crushed in ; his gloveless hands were
very tree under which he had first knotted at the joints, and large, bony
heard the voice that had exercised and muscular, dangled from lean,
upon his mind so singular an influence. emaciated wrists, as if not belonging
The gardens were deserted . He to them . His features had the pain
threw himself on one of the seats ful distortion sometimes seen in the
placed beneath the shade ; and again, countenance of a cripple — large,
in the midst of his reverie, the same exaggerated, with the nose nearly
cold shudder came over him which touching the chin ; the eyes small,
Zanoni had so distinctly defined, and but glowing with a cunning fire as
to which he had ascribed so extra- they dwelt on Glyndon ; and the
ordinary a cause . mouth was twisted into a grin that
He roused himself with a sudden displayed rows of jagged, black,
effort, and started to see, seated next broken teeth . Yet over this frightful
him, a figure hideous enough to face there still played a kind of
have personated one of the malignant disagreeable intelligence, an expres
beings of whom Zanoni had spoken. sion at once astute and bold ; and as
It was a small man, dressed in a Glyndon, recovering from the first
fashion strikingly at variance with impression, looked again at his neigh
the elaborate costume of the day : bour, he blushed at his own dismay,
An affectation of homeliness and and recognised a French artist, with
poverty approaching to squalor, in whom hehad formed an acquaintance,
the loose trowsers, coarse as a ship’s and who was possessed of no incon
sail — in the rough jacket, which siderable talents in his calling.
appeared rent wilfully into holes— Indeed, it was to be remarked that
and the black , ragged, tangled locks this creature, whose externals were
that streamed from their confinement so deserted by the Graces, particularly
under a woollen cap, accorded but ill delighted in designs aspiring to
majesty and grandeur. Though his new doctrines would be received with
colouring was hard and shallow, as greater favour than Naples, partly
was that generally of the French from the lively temper of the people,
school at the time, his drawings principally because the most hateful
were admirable for symmetry, simple feudal privileges, however partially
elegance, and classic vigour ; at the curtailed some years before by the
same timethey unquestionably wanted great minister, Tanuccini, still pre
ideal grace. He was fond of selecting sented so many daily and practical
subjects from Roman History, rather evils as to make change wear a more
than from the copious world of substantial charm than the mere and
Grecian beauty, or those still more meretricious bloom on the cheek of
sublime stories of scriptural record the harlot — Novelty. This man ,
from which Raffaêle and Michel whom I will call Jean Nicot, was,
Angelo borrowed their inspirations. therefore, an oracle among the younger
His grandeur was that, not of gods and bolder spirits of Naples ; and
and saints, but mortals. His delinea- before Glyndon had met Zanoni, the
tion of beauty was that which the former had not been among the least
eye cannot blame and the soul does dazzled by the eloquent aspirations of
not acknowledge. In a word, as it the hideous Philanthropist.
was said of Dionysius, he was an “ It is so long since we have met,
Anthropographos, or Painter of cher confrére,” said Nicot, drawing
Men. It was also a notable contra- his seat nearer to Glyndon's, “that
diction in this person, who was you cannot be surprised that I see you
addicted to the most extravagant with delight, and even take the
excesses in every passion, whether of liberty to intrude on your medita
hate or love, implacable in revenge, tions.”
and insatiable in debauch, that he “ They were of no agreeable nature,”
" and never
was in the habit of uttering the said Glyndon ; was
most beautiful sentiments of exalted intrusion more welcome.”
purity and genial philanthropy . The You will be charmed to hear,"
world was not good enough for him ; said Nicot , drawing several letters
he was, to use the expressive German from his bosom , “ that the good work
phrase, a world -betterer ! Neverthe- proceeds with marvellous rapidity .
less, his sarcastic lip often seemed to Mirabeau, indeed, is no more ; but,
mock the sentiments he uttered , as mort Diable ! the French people are
if it sought to insinuate that he was now a Mirabeau themselves .” With
above even the world he would this remark , Monsieur Nicot pro
construct. ceeded to read and to comment upon
Finally, this painter was in close several animated and interesting
correspondence with the Republicans passages in his correspondence, in
of Paris, and was held to be one of which the word Virtue was introduced
those missionaries whom, from the twenty -seven times, and God not once.
earliest period of the Revolution, And then, warmed by the cheering
the regenerators of mankind were prospects thus opened to him, he
pleased to dispatch to the various began to indulge in those anticipations
states yet shackled, whether by actual of the future, the outline of which we
tyranny, or wholesomelaws. Certainly have already seen in the eloquent
as the historian of Italy * has observed, extravagance of Condorcet. All the
there was no city in Italy where these Old Virtues were dethroned for a new
Pantheon : Patriotism was a narrow
* Botta , sentiment ; Philanthropy was to be
No, 263 . F 5
its successor. No love that did not the infirmity of gratitude,” said
embrace all mankind, as warm for Zanoni.
Indus and the Pole as for the hearth Nicot suppressed an exclamation,
of home, was worthy the breast of a and, after gloomily surveying Zanoni
generous man . Opinion was to be with an eye villanous and sinister,
free as air ; and in order to make it but full of hate impotent and unutter
80, it was necessary to exterminate all able, said, “ I know you not — what
those whose opinions were not the would you of me ?"
same as Mons. Jean Nicot's. Much “ Your absence. Leave us ! ”
of this amused, much revolted Glyn- Nicot sprung forward a step , with
don ; but when the Painter turned to hands clenched, and showing his
dwell upon a science that all should teeth from ear to ear, like a wild
comprehend-and the results ofwhich beast incensed. Zanoni stood motion .
all should enjoy,-a science that, less, and smiled at him in scorn .
springing from the soil of equal Nicot halted abruptly, as if fixed and
institutions and equal mental cultiva- fascinated by the look, shivered from
tion, should give to all the races of head to foot, and sullenly, and with a
men wealth without labour, and a life visible effort, as if impelled by a power
longer than the Patriarchs', without not his own, turned away.
care,—then Glyndon listened with Glyndon's eyes followed him in
interest and admiration , not unmixed surprise.
with awe. “ Observe,” said Nicot, “ And what know you of this man ? "
“ how much that we now cherish as a said Zanoni.
virtue will then be rejected as mean- “ I know him as one like myself
ness . Our oppressors , for instance, -a follower of art.”
preach to us of the excellence of “ Of art ! Do not so profane that
gratitude. Gratitude, the confession glorious word. What Nature is to
of inferiority ! What so hateful to a God, Art should be to Man - a sub
noble spirit as the humiliating sense lime, beneficent, genial, and warm
of obligation ? But where there is creation. That wretch may be a
cquality there can be no means for painter, not an artist. ”
power thus to enslave merit. The “ And pardon me if I ask what you
benefactor and the client will alike know of one you thus disparage ? "
cease, and ”_ “ I know thus much, that you are
“ And in the meantime," said a low beneath my care if it be necessary to
voice, at hand, “ in the meantime, warn you against him ; his own lips
Jean Nicot ? ” show the hideousness of his heart.
The two artists started ,and Glyndon Why should I tell you of the crimes
recognised Zanoni. he has committed ! He speaks
He gazed with a brow of unusual crime! ”
sternnesson Nicot, who, lumped “ You do not seem, Signor Zanoni,
together as he sate, looked up at him to be one of the admirers of the
askew, and with an expression of dawning Revolution . Perhaps you
fear and dismay upon his distorted are prejudiced against the man
countenance . because you dislike the opinions ?”
Ho, ho ! Messire Jean Nicot, “What opinions ?"
thou who fearest neither God nor Glyndon paused, somewhat puzzled
Devil, why fearest thou the eye of a to define ; but at length he said,
Man } “Nay, I must wrong you ; for you ,
“ It is not the first time I have of all men, I suppose, cannot discredit
been a witness to your opinions on the doctrine that preaches the
infinite improvement of the human the sunbeam , and stirred the ocean ;
species.” and in the inexpressible clearness of
“ You are right ; the few in every the atmosphere, there was something
age improve the many ; the many that rejoiced the senses. The very
now may be as wise as the few were ; soul seemed to grow lighter and
but improvement is at a stand-still, purer in that lucid air.
if you tell me that the many now are “ And these men , to commence
as wise as the few are.” their era of improvement and equality,
“ I comprehend you ; you will not are jealous even of the Creator . They
allow the law of universal equality ! ” would deny an Intelligence — a God ! ”
“ Law ! If the whole world con- said Zanoni, as if involuntarily. “ Are
spired to enforce the falsehood, they you an Artist, and, looking on the
could could not make it law . Level world, can you listen to such a dogma ?
all conditions to -day, and you only Between God and Genius there is a
smoothe away all obstacles to tyranny necessary link—there is almost a
to-morrow. A nation that aspires to correspondent language. Well said
equality is unfit forfreedom . Through the Pythagorean * _ ' A good intellect
out all creation , from the archangel to is the chorus of divinity .'
the worm , from Olympus to the Struck and touched with these
pebble, from the radiant and comº sentiments, which he little expected
pleted planet to the nebula that to fall from one to whom he ascribed
hardens through ages of mist and those powers which the superstitions
slime into the habitable world, the of childhood ascribe to the darker
first law of nature is inequality .” agencies, Glyndon .said, “ And yet
“ Harsh doctrine, if applied to you have confessed that your life,
states. Are the cruel disparities of separated from that of others, is one
life never to be removed ?" that man should dread to share. Is
“ Disparities of the physical life ? there then a connexion between magic
Oh, let us hope so. But disparities and religion .”
of the intellectual and the moral, “Magic ! And what is magic ?
never ! Universal equality of intelli- When the traveller beholds in Persia
gence, of mind , of genius, of virtue ! the ruins of palaces and temples, the
-no teacher left to the world, no men ignorant inhabitants inform him they
wiser, better than others — were it not were the work of magicians ! What
an impossible condition, what a hope is beyond their own power, the vulgar
less prospect for humanity ! No ; cannot comprehend to be lawfully in
while the world lasts, the sun will the power of others. But if by magic
gild the mountain top before it shines you mean a perpetual research amongst
upon the plain. Diffuse all the know- all that is more latent and obscure in
ledge the earth contains equally over nature, I answer, I profess that magic,
all mankind to -day, and some men and that he who does so comes but
will be wiser than the rest to -morrow . nearer to the fountain of all belief.
And this is not a harsh, but a loving Knowest thou not that magic was
law , —the real law of Improvement ; taught in the schools of old ? But how ,
the wiser the few in one generation, and by whom ? as the last and most
the wiser will be the multitude the solemn lesson, by the Priests who
next ! ” ministered to the Temple.t And you,
As Zanoni thus spoke, they moved who would be a painter, is not there
on through the smiling gardens, and
the beautiful bay lay sparkling in the * Sextus, the Pythagorean.
noontide. A gentle breeze just cooled † Psellus de Dæmon . (MS.)
F 2
a magic also in the art you would impair. Renounce those wandering
advance ? Must you not, after long fancies that lead you now to myself,
study of the Beautiful that has been , and now to yon orator of the human
seize upon new and airy combinations race ; to us two who are the antipodes
of a beauty that is to be ? See you of each other ! Your pencil is your
not that The Grander Art, whether of wand ; your canvass may raise Utopias
poet or of painter, ever seeking for fairer than Condorcet dreams of. I
the TRUE, abhors the REAL ; that you press not yet for your decision ; but
must seize Nature as her master, not what man of genius ever asked more
lackey her as her slave? You demand to cheer his path to the grave, than
mastery over the past, a conception of love and glory ?"
the future. Has not the Art, that is But,” said Glyndon, fixing his
truly noble, forits domain the Future eyes earnestly on Zanoni, “ if there
and the Past? You would conjure be a power to baffle the grave
the invisible beings to your charm ; itself ”—
and what is painting but the fixing Zanoni's brow darkened . “ And
into substance the Invisible ? Are were this so," he said, after a pause,
you discontented with this world ? “ would it be so sweet a lot to outlive
This world was never meant for all you loved, and to recoil from every
genius ! "To exist, it must create human tie ? Perhaps the fairest im
another. What magician can do mortality on earth is that of a noble
more ; nay, what science can do as name.
much ? There are two avenues from 6. You do not answer me — you
the little passions and the drear equivocate. I have read of the long
calamities of earth ; both lead to lives, far beyond the date common
heaven and away from hell - Art and experience assigns to man ,” persisted
Science. But art is more godlike Glyndon, “ which some of the
than science ; science discovers, art alchemists enjoyed . Is the golden
creates. You have faculties that may elixir but a fable ?"
command art ; be contented with “ If not, and these men discovered
your lot. The astronomer who cata- it, they died, because they refused to
logues the stars cannot add one atom live ! There may be à mournful
to the universe; the poet can call an warning in your conjecture. Turn
universe from the atom ; the chemist once more to the easel and the
may heal with his drugs the infir- canvass !"
mities of the human form ; the So saying, Zanoni waved his hand,
painter, or the sculptor, fixes into and, with downcast eyes and a slow
everlasting youth forms divine, which step, bent his way back into the
no disease can ravage, and no years city.
This last conversation with Zanoni | and there was something in Mervale's
left upon the mind of Glyndon a voice alone that damped his enthu
tranquillising and salutary effect. siasm, and often made him yet more
From the confused mists of his fancy ashamed of noble impulses than weak
glittered forth again those happy, conduct. For Mervale, though a
golden schemes which part from the downright honest man, could not
young ambition of art, to play in the sympathise with the extravagance of
air, to illumine the space, like rays generosity any more than with that
that kindle from the sun. And with of presumption and credulity. He
these projects mingled also the vision walked the straight line of life, and
of a love purer and serener than his felt an equal contempt for the man
life yet had known. His mind went who wandered up the hill-sides, no
back into that fair childhood of matter whether to chase a butterfly
genius, when the forbidden fruit is or to catch a prospect of the ocean.
not yet tasted , and we know of no “ I will tell you your thoughts,
land beyond the Eden which is Clarence," said Mervale, laughing,
gladdened by an Eve. Insensibly “ though I am no Zanoni. I know
before him there rose the scenes of a them by the moisture of your eyes
home, with his art sufficing for all and the half smile on your lips. You
excitement, and Viola's love circling are musing upon that fair perdition
occupation with happiness and con- the little singer of San Carlo."
tent ; and in the midst of these phan- The little singer of San Carlo !
tasies of a future that might be at his Glyndon coloured as he answered—
command, he was recalled to the “ Would you speak thus of her if
present by the clear strong voice of she were my wife ?"
Mervale, the man of common sense. “ No ! for then any contempt I
Whoever has studied the lives of might venture to feel would be for
persons in whom the imagination is yourself. One may dislike the duper,
stronger than the will, who suspect but it is the dupe that one despises."
their own knowledge of actual life, “Are you sure that I should be the
and are aware of their facility to im- dupe in such an union ? Where can
pressions, — will have observed the I find one so lovely and so innocent
influence which a homely, vigorous, where one whose virtue has been tried
worldly understanding obtains over by such temptation ? Does even a
such natures. It was thus with Glyn. single breath of slander sully the
don. His friend had often extricated name of Viola Pisani ?".
him from danger, and saved him “ I know not all the gossip of
from the consequences ofimprudence : Naples, and therefore cannot answer ;
Wollt ihr hoch auf ihren Flugeln schweben ,
Werft die Angst des Irdischen von euch !
Fliehet aus dem engen dumpfen Leben
In des Ideales Reich !
As some injudicious master lowers sense will reason you out of the sacri.
and vitiates the taste of the student fice, and a syllogism will debase The
by fixing his attention to what he Divine to an article in the market.
falsely calls the Natural, but which, Every true critic in art, from Aris
in reality, is the Commonplace, and totle and Pliny -- from Winkelman
understands not that beauty in art is and Vasari, to Reynolds and Fuseli ,
created by what Raffaele so well has sought to instruct the painter
describes - viz ., the idea of beauty in that Nature is not to be copied, but
the painter's own mind ; and that in exalted ; that the loftiest order of art,
every art, whether its plastic ex- selecting only the loftiest combina
pression be found in words or marble, tions, is the perpetual struggle of
colours or sounds, the servile imi- Huinanity to approach the Gods. The
tation of nature is the work of great painter, as the great author,
journeymen and tyros ; -- so in con- embodies what is possible to man, it
duct the man of the world vitiates is true, but what is not common to
and lowers the bold enthusiasm of mankind. There is truth in Hamlet ;
loftier natures by the perpetual re. in Macbeth, and his witches ; in De
duction of whatever is generous and demona ; in Othello ; in Prospero ;
trustful to all that is trite and coarse. and in Caliban ; there is truth in the
A great German poet has well defined cartoons of Raffaêle ; there is truth
the distinction between discretion and in the Apollo, the Antinous, and the
the larger wisdom. In the last there Laocoon. But you do not meet the
is a certain rashness which the first originals of the words, the cartoons,
disdains or the marble, in Oxford -street or St.
James's. All these, to return to
“ The purblind see but the receding shore, Raffaêle, are the creatures of the idea
Not that to which the bold wave wafts in the artist's mind. This idea is not
them o'er, "
inborn ; it has come from an intense
Yet in this logic of the prudent study. But that study has been of
and the worldly there is often a rea- the ideal that can be raised from the
soning unanswerable of its kind . positive and the actual into grandeur
You must have a feeling - a faith and beauty. The commonest model
in whatever is self-sacrificing and becomes full of exquisite suggestions
divine - whether in religion or in art, to him who has formed this idea ; a
in glory or in love -or Common- / Venus of flesh and blood would be
O sollecito dubbio e fredda tema
Che pensando l'accresci . *
Tasso , Canzone vi .
SHE was seated outside her door - the gathered up loosely, 'and ' partially
young actress ! The sea beforeher in bandaged by a kerchief, whose purple
that heavenly bay seemed literally tocolour served to deepen the golden
sleep in the arms of the shore ; while,
hue of tresses. A stray curl escaped,
to the right, not far off, rose the dark
and fell down the graceful neck. A
and tangled crags to which the tra- loose morning robe, girded by a sash ,
veller of to- day is duly brought toleft the breeze, that came ever and
gaze on the tomb of Virgil, or com- anon from the sea, to die upon the
pare with the cavern of Posilipo the bust half disclosed ; and the tiny
archway of Highgate-hill. There slipper, that Cinderella might have
were a few fishermen loitering by worn, seemed a world too wide for the
the cliffs, on which their nets were tiny foot which it scarcely covered.
hung to dry ; and at a distance, the It might be the heat of the day that
sound of some rustic pipe (more com- deepened the soft bloom ofthe cheeks,
mon at that day than at this) mingled and gave an unwonted languor to the
now and then with the bells of the large dark eyes. In all the pomp of
lazy mules, broke the voluptuous her stage attire — in all the flush of
silence — the silence of declining noon excitement before the intoxicating
on the shores of Naples ;-never , till lamps-never had Viola looked so
you have enjoyed it, -never , till you lovely.
have felt its enervating, but delicious By the side of the actress, and fill
charm , believe that you can compre- ing up the threshold , stood Gionetta ,
hend all the meaning of the Dolce with her arms thrust to the elbow in
far niente ; † and when that luxury two huge pockets on either side her
has been known , when you have gown .
breathed that atmosphere of faëry “ But I assure you ," said the nurse,
land, then you will no longer wonder in that sharp, quick, ear-splitting
why the heart ripens into fruit so tone in which the old women of the
sudden and so rich beneath the rosy south are more than a match for those
skies, and the glorious sunshine, of of the north, “ but I assure you, my
the south. darling, that there is not a finer cava
The eyes of the actress were fixed lier in all Naples, nor a more beau
on the broad blue deep beyond. In tiful, than this Inglese ; and I am
the unwonted negligence of her dress told that all the Inglesi are much
might be traced the abstraction of richer than they seem. Though they
her mind. Her beautiful hair was have no trees in their country, poor
people ! and instead of twenty -four
O anxious doubt and chilling fear, that they have only twelve hours to the
day, yet I hear that they shoe their
grows by thinking.
† The pleasure of doing nothing. horses with scudi ; and since they
but this day I know not how it is « It is all I have for thee. Listen
-I feel a more sustained and settled to me, Signor : when I look on your
courage to address thee, and learn the face, when I hear your voice, a certain
happiest or the worst. I have rivals, serene and tranquil calm creeps over
I know - rivals who aremore powerful and lulls thoughts - oh ! how feverish,
than the poor artist ; are they also how wild ! When thou art gone, the
more favoured ?” day seems a shade more dark ; but
Viola blushed faintly ; but her the shadow - soon flies. I miss thee
countenance was grave and distressed . not ; I think not of thee ; no, I love
Looking down, and marking some thee not ; and I will give myself only
hieroglyphical figures in the dust with where I love."
the point of her slipper, she said, “ But I would teach thee to love
with some hesitation, and a vain me : fear it not. Nay, such love as
attempt to be gay , “Signor, whoever thou describest, in our tranquil
wastes his thoughts on an actress climates is the love of innocence and
must submit to have rivals. It is youth .”
our unhappy destiny not to be sacred “ Of innocence ! ” said Viola. “ Is
even to ourselves.” it so ? Perhaps”—she paused, and
“ But you do not love this destiny, added, with an effort, “ Foreigner !
glittering though it seem ; your and wouldst thou wed the orphan !
heart is not in the vocation which your Ah ! thou at least art generous. It
gifts adorn ." is not the innocence thou wouldst
“ Ah, no ! ” said the actress, her destroy ! ”
eyes filling with tears. “ Once I Glyndon drew back, conscience.
loved to be the priestess of song and stricken.
music ; now I feel only that it is a “ No, it may not be ! ” she said,
miserable lot to be slave to a multi- rising, but not conscious of the
tude." thoughts, half of shame, half sus
"Fly, then , with me," said the picion, that passed through the mind
artist, passionately, “ Quit for ever of her lover. “ Leave me, and forget
me. You do not understand, you
the calling that divides that heart I
would have all my own . Share my
could not comprehend, the nature
fate now and for ever - my pride, my
of her whom you think to love.
delight, my ideal ! Thou shalt inspire
From my childhood upward, I have
my canvass and my song ; thy beauty
felt as if I were marked out for
shall be made at once holy and some strange and preternatural
renowned . In the galleries of princes, doom ; as if I were singled from my
crowds shall gather round the effigy kind. This feeling (and, oh ! at
of a Venus or a Saint, and a whisper times it is one of delirious and vague
shall break forth, “ It is Viola Pisani ! ' delight, at others of the darkest
Ah ! Viola, I adore thee : tell me gloom) deepens within me day by
that I do not worship in vain .” day. It is like the shadow of twilight,
“ Thou art good and fair,” said spreading slowly and solemnly around.
Viola, gazing on her lover, as he My hour approaches : a little while,
pressed nearer to her,and clasped her and it will be night ! ”
hand in his . “ But what should I As she spoke, Glyndon listened
give thee in return ? " with visible emotion and perturba
“ Love - love - only love ! ” tion. “ Viola ! ” he exclaimed, as
“ A sister's love ? ” she ceased, “ your words more than
As you
“ Ah ! speak not with such cruel ever enchain me to you.
coldness ! " feel, I feel. I, too, have been ever
haunted with a chill and unearthly whether, when you first saw him , the
foreboding. Amidst the crowds of foreboding, the instinct, ofwhich you
men I have felt alone. In all my spoke, came on you more fearfully ,
pleasures, my toils, my pursuits, a more intelligibly than before
warning voice has murmured in my whether you felt at once repelled
ear , " Time has a dark mystery in from him , yet attracted towards him
store for thy manhood. When you -Whether you felt (and the actress
spoke, it was as the voice of my spoke with hurried animation ) that
own soul !” with him was connected the secret of
Viola gazed upon him in wonder your life ?”
and fear. Her countenance was as “ All this I felt,” answered Glyndon,
white as marble : and those features, in a trembling voice, " the first time
so divine in their rare symmetry, I was in his presence. Though all
might have served the Greek with around me was gay - music, amidst
a study for the Pythoness, when, lamp-lit trees, light converse near,
from the mystic cavern and the and heaven without a cloud above ,
bubbling spring, she first hears the myknees knocked together, my hair
voice of the inspiring god. Gradually bristled, and my blood curdled like
the rigour and tension of that wonder- ice . Since then he has divided my
ful face relaxed, the colour returned, thoughts with thee.”
the pulse beat; the heart animated “ No more, no more ! ” said Viola ,
the frame. in a stifled tone ; " there must be
“ Tell me,” she said, turning the hand of fate in this. I can speak
partially aside, “ tell me, have you to you no more now. Farewell ! ”
seen-do you know — a stranger in She sprung past him into the house,
this city ? one of whom wild stories and closed the door. Glyndon did
are afloat ?” not follow her, nor, strange as it may
“ You speak of Zanoni ? I have seem, was he so inclined . The
seen him-I know him—and you ? thought and recollection of that
Ah ! he, too, would be my rival ! moonlit hour in the gardens, of the
-he, too, would bear thee from strange address of Zanoni, froze up
me ! " all human passion. Viola herself, if
“ You err," said Viola, hastily, and not forgotten, shrunk back like a
with a deep sigh ; " he pleads for shadow into the recesses of his breast.
you : he informed me of your love ; He shivered as he stepped into the
he besought me not - not to reject it .” sunlight, and musingly retraced his
Strange being ! incomprehensible steps into the more populous parts of
enigma !. Why did you name him ?” that liveliest of Italian cities.
“ Why, ah ! I would have asked
* The knights came where the fatal bark awaited them in the Port.
But that which especially distinguishes the brotherhood is their marvellous knowledge of
all the resources of medical art. They work not by charms, but simples. - MS.
Account of the origin and attributes of the true Rosicrucians by J. Von D.
At this time it chanced that Viola —when Viola’s grateful smile and
had the opportunity to return the liberal hand came to chase the grim
kindness shown to her by the friendly fiend away. But it is not enough to
musician, whose house had received a heart truly kind to send and give ;
and sheltered her when first left an more charitable is it to visit and
orphan on the world. Old Bernardi console. “ Forget, not thy father's
had brought up three sons to the friend.” So almost daily went the
same profession as himself, and they bright idol of Naples to the house of
had lately left Naples to seek their Bernardi. Suddenly a heavier afflic
fortunes in the wealthier cities of tion than either poverty or the palsy
northern Europe, where the musical befel the old musician . His grand
market was less overstocked . There child, his littlé Beatrice fell ill, sud
was left to glad the household of denly and dangerously ill, of one of
his aged wife and himself, a lively, those rapid fevers common to the
prattling , dark -eyed girl, of some south ; and Viola was summoned
eight years old, the child of his second from her strange and fearful reveries
son, whose mother had died in giving of love or fancy, to the sick bed of
her birth . It so happened that, the young sufferer.
about a month previous to the date The child was exceedingly fond of
on which our story has now entered, Viola, and the old people thought
a paralytic affection had disabled that her mere presence would bring
Bernardi from the duties of his call- healing ; but when Viola arrived,
ing. He had been always a social, Beatrice was insensible. Fortunately,
harmless, improvident, generous fel- there was no performance that even
low - living on his gains from day to ing at San Carlo, and she resolved to
day, as if the day of sickness and old stay the night, and partake its fearful
age never was to arrive. Though he cares and dangerous vigil.
received a small allowance for his But during the night, the child
past services, it ill-sufficed for his grew worse, the physician (the leech
wants ; neither was he free from craft has never been very skilful at
debt. Poverty stood at his hearth Naples) shook his powdered head,
80 ZANONI. '
kept his aromatics at his nostrils, | the blue, pale tinge that settles into
administered his palliatives, and de- the last bloodless marble.
parted. Old Bernardi seated himself The daylight came broader and
by the bedside in stern silence : here clearer through the casement - steps
was the last tie that bound him to were heard on the stairs — the old
life. Well, let the anchor break, and woman entered hastily : she rushed to
the battered ship go down ! It was the bed, cast a glance on the patient
an iron resolve, more fearful than -“ She lives yet, Signor - she lives !”
sorrow . An old man with one foot Viola raised her eyes — the child's
in the grave, watching by the couch head was pillowed on her bosom
of a dying child, is one of the most and she beheld Zanoni. He smiled
awful spectacles in human calamities. on her with a tender and soft approval,
The wife was more active, more and took the infant from her arms.
bustling, more hopeful, and more Yet even then, as she saw him bend
tearful. Viola took heed of all three. ing silently over that pale face, a
But towards dawn, Beatrice's state superstitious fear mingled with her
became so obviously alarming, that hopes. “ Was it by lawful— by holy
Viola herselfbegan to despair. At this art that” -her self- questioning ceased
time she saw the old woman suddenly abruptly ; for his dark eye turned to
rise from before the image of the her as if he read her soul : and his
saint at which she had been kneeling, aspect accused her conscience for its
wrap herself in her cloak and hood, suspicion , for it spoke reproach not
andquietly quit the chamber. Viola unmingled with disdain.
stole after her. “ Be comforted ,” he said , gently
“ It is cold for thee, good mother, turning to the old man ; “ the danger
to brave the air, let me go for the is not beyond the reach of human
physician ? " skill ;" and taking from his bosom
" Child , I am not going to him. a small crystal vase, he mingled a
I have heard of one in the city who few dropswith water. No sooner did
has been tender to the poor, and who, this medicine moisten the infant's
they say, has cured the sick when lips, than it seemed to produce an
physicians failed. I will go and say astonishing effect. The colour re
to him, ' Signor, we are beggars in all vived rapidly on the lips and cheeks ;
else, but yesterday we were rich in in a few moments the sufferer slept
love. We are at the close of life,but calmly, and with the regular breath
we lived in our grandchild's child- ing of painless sleep. And then the
hood. Give us back our wealth - give old man rose, rigidly, as a corpse might
us back our youth. Let us die bless- rise — looked down — listened, and
ing God that the thing we love sur- creeping gently away , stole to the
vives us .' corner of the room, and wept, and
She was gone. Why did thy heart thanked Heaven !
beat, Viola ? The infant's sharp cry Now , old Bernardi had been,
of pain called her back to the couch ; hitherto, but a cold believer; sorrow
and there still sate the old man , un had never before led him aloft from
conscious of his wife's movements, earth. Old as he was, he had never
not stirring, his eyes glazing fast as before thought as the old should think
they watched the agonies of that of death-that endangered life of the
slight frame. By degrees the wail of young had wakened up the careless
pain died into a low moan — the con- soul of age. Zanoni whispered to the
vulsions grew feebler, but more fre- wife, and she drew the old man quietly
quent — the glow of fever faded into from the room.
« Dost thou fear to leave me an not more good, more pure, more
hour with thy charge,Viola ? Thinkest sacred than all the world. And
thou still that this knowledge is of when I saw thee—the wealthy, the
the Fiend ? ” noble, coming from thy palace to
Ah,” said Viola, humbled and yet minister to the sufferings of the
rejoiced, “ forgive me, forgive me, hovel — when I heard those bless
Signor. Thou biddest the young ings of the poor breathed upon thy
live and the old pray. My thoughts parting footsteps , I felt my very self
never shall wrong thee more !” exalted - good in thy goodness-noble
Before the sun rose , Beatrice was at least in those thoughts hat did
out of danger ; at noon, Zanoni | not wrong thee.”
escaped from the blessings of the “ And thinkest thou, Viola, that in.
aged pair, and as he closed the door a mere act ofscience there is so much
of the house, he found Viola awaiting virtue ? The commonest leech will
him without . tend the sick for his fee. Are prayers :
She stood before him timidly, her and blessings a less reward than ,
hands crossed meekly on her bosom, gold ?"
her downcast eyes swimming with “ And mine, 'then, are not worth
tears. less ? thou wilt accept of mine ?" .
“ Do not let me be the only one “ Ah , Viola ! ” exclaimed Zanoni
you leave unhappy !” with a sudden passion, that covered
“ And what cure can the herbs and her face with blushes, “ thou only,
anodynes effect for thee ? If thou methinks, on all the earth, hast the
canst so readily believe ill of those power to wound or to delight me ! " .
who have aided and yet would serve He checked himself, and his face
thee, thy disease is of the heart ; and became grave and sad. “ And this,"
-nay, weep not ! nurse of the sick, he added, in an altered tone, “ because,
and comforter of the sad , I should if thou would'st heed my counsels,
rather approve than chide thee. For- methinks I could guide a guileless
give thee ! Life, that ever needs heart to a happy fate.”
forgiveness, has, for its first duty, to “ Thy counsels ! I will obey them
forgive." all. Mould me to what thou wilt.
“ No, do not forgive me yet. I do In thine absence, I am as a child that
not deserve a pardon ; for even now , fears every shadow in the dark ; in
while I feel how ungrateful I was to thy presence, my soul expands, and
believe, suspect, aught injurious and the whole world seems calm with a
false to my preserver, my tears flow celestial noon -day. Do not deny to
from happiness, not remorse . Oh !” me that presence. I am fatherless,
she continued, with a simple fervour, and ignorant, and alone !”
unconscious, in her innocence and Zanoni averted his face, and after a
her generous emotions, of all the moment's silence, replied , calmly
secrets she betrayed— “ thou knowest “ Be it so. Sister, I will visit thee
not how bitter it was to believe thee again !"
G 6
No. 264 .
Who so happy as Viola now ! A dark She had never hitherto, like the
load was lifted from her heart ; her more instructed Daughters of the
step seemed to tread on air ; she would North, accustomed herself to that
have sung for very delight as she delicious Confessional, the transfusion -
The next day, atnoon, Zanoni visited of flattery, and almost of adoration ,
Viola ; and the next day, and the to which she had been accustomed.
next, and again the next ;-days, that Perhaps his very coldness, so gentle
to her seemed like a special time set as it was,assisted to this mysterious
apart from the rest of life. And yet charm. He talked to her much of
he never spoke to her in the language | her past life, and she was scarcely
surprised ( she now never thought of adjure, to accept this stranger's hand,
terror) to perceive how much of that and share his fate, should he offer to
past seemed known to him. thee such a lot - wouldst thou refuse ? "
He made her speak to him of her And then she pressed back the
father ; he made her recal some of tears that gushed to her eyes — and
the airs of Pisani’s wild music. And with a strange pleasure in the midst
those airs seemed to charm and lull of pain — the pleasure of one who
him into reverie . sacrifices heart itself to the one who
“ As music was to the musician ,” | commands that heart, she answered ,
said he, “may science be to the falteringly— “ If thou canst ordain it
wise. Your father looked abroad —why— "
in the world ; all was discord to Speak on . "
the fine sympathies that he felt “ Dispose of me as thou wilt ! ”
with the harmonies that daily and Zanoni stood in silence for some
nightly float to the throne of moments ; he saw the struggle which
Heaven. Life, with its noisy am- the girl thought she'concealed so well ;
bition and its mean passions, is so he made an involuntary movement
poor and base ! Out of his soul he towards her, and pressed her hand to
created the life and the world for his lips ; it was the first time he had
which his soul was fitted. Viola, ever departed even so far from a
thou art the daughter of that life, certain austerity, which perhaps
and wilt be the denizen of that made her fear him and her own
world .” thoughts the less.
In his earlier visits, he did not “ Viola,” said he, and his voice
speak of Glyndon. The day soon trembled, “ the danger that I can
came on which he renewed the sub- avert no more, if thou linger still in
ject. And so trustful, obedient, Naples, comes hourly near and near
and entire was the allegiance that to thee ! On the third day from
Viola now owned to his dominion, this, thy fate must be decided.
that, unwelcome as that subject was, I accept thy promise. Before the
she restrained her heart, and listened last hour of that day, come what
to him in silence ! may , I shall see thee again , here, at
At last he said, “ Thou hast thine own house. Till then, fare
promised thou wilt obey my counsels, well ! ”
and if, Viola, I should ask thee, nay
to the immortal man, not the immor- "Stuff ! The Italian critics, and your
tal man to the inert matter. A terrible English Reynolds, have turned your
philosophy in art ! head . They are so fond of their
While something of these thoughts ' gusto grande,' and their ideal
passed through the mind of the beauty that speaks to the soul ! '
painter, he felt his arm touched, and soul!—is there a soul? I understand
saw Nicot by his side. a man when he talks of composing
“ A great master,” said Nicot, “ but for a refined taste - for an educated
I do not love the school." and intelligent reason — for a sense
“ I do not love, but I am awed by that comprehends truths. But as for
it. We love the beautiful and serene, the soul - bah ! we are but modi.
but we have a feeling as deep as love fications of matter, and painting is
for the terrible and dark .” modification of matter also.”
" True," said Nicot, thoughtfully. Glyndon turned his eyes from the
“ And yet that feeling is only a super- picture before him to Nicot, and from
stition. The nursery , with its tales of Nicot to the picture. The dogmatist
ghosts and goblins, is the cradle of gave a voice to the thoughts which
many of our impressions in the world. the sight of the picture had awakened .
But art should not seek to pander to He shook his head without reply.
our ignorance ; art should represent “ Tell me,” said Nicot, abruptly,
only truths. I confess that Raffaele " that impostor — Zanoni ?-oh ! I have
pleases me less, because I have no now learned his nameand quackeries,
sympathy with his subjects. His forsooth — what did he say to thee of
saints and virgins are to me only men me? ”.
and women .” “ Of thee ? Nothing; but to warn
“ And from what source should me against thy doctrines .”
painting then take its themes ?” “ Aha ! was that all ? ” said Nicot.
“From history, without doubt,” “ He is a notable inventor, and since,
returned Nicot, pragmatically, when we met last, I unmasked his
“ those great Roman actions which delusions, I thought hemightretaliate
inspire men with sentiments of by some tale of slander.”
liberty and valour, with the virtues “ Unmasked his delusions !-how ?"
of a republic. I wish the cartoons of “ A dull and long story : he wished
Raffaêle had illustrated the story of to teach an old doting friend of mine
the Horatii; but it remains for France his secrets of prolonged life and philo
and her Republic to give to posterity sophical alchemy. I advise thee to
the new and the true school, which renounce so discreditable an acquaint
could never have arisen in a country ance.” With that Nicot nodded
of priestcraft and delusion . ” significantly, and , not wishing to be
“ And the saints and virgins of further questioned, went his way.
Raffaêle are to you only men and Glyndon's mind at that moment
women ?” repeated Glyndon , going had escaped to his art, and the com
back to Nicot's candid confession in ments and presence of Nicot had
amaze, and scarcely hearing the de- been no welcome interruptior. He
ductions the Frenchman drew from turned from the landscapeof Salvator,
his proposition . and his eye falling on a Nativity by
Assuredly. Ha, ha !” and Nicot Corregio , the contrast between the two
laughed hideously, “ do you ask me ranks of genius struck him as a dis
to believe in the calendar, or what ?" covery. That exquisite repose - that
“ But the ideal ? ” perfect sense of beauty — that strength
“ The ideal !” interrupted Nicot. without effort that breathing
moral of high art, which speaks his employment; but on the fourth
to the mind through the eye, and morning came that reaction to which
raises the thoughts, by the aid of all labour is exposed. He woke
tenderness and love, to the regions of listless and fatigued ; and as he east
awe and wonder ,-ay ! that was the his eyes on the canvass the glory
true school. He quitted the gallery seemed to have gone from it . Hu
with reluctant steps and inspired miliating recollections of the great
ideas; he sought his own home. Here, masters he aspired to rival forced
pleased not to find the sober Mervale, themselves upon him ; defects before
he leant his face on his hands, and unseen magnified themselves to de
endeavoured to recal the words of formities in his languid and dis
Zanoni in their last meeting. Yes, contented eyes. He touched and
he felt Nicot's talk even on art was retouched , but his hand failed him ;
crime; it debased the imagination he threw down his instruments in
itself to mechanism . Could he, who despair ; he opened his casement ;
saw nothing in the soul but a combi- the day without was bright and
nation ofmatter, prate of schools that lovely ; the street was crowded with
should excel a Raffaêle ? Yes, art was that life which is ever so joyous and
magic ; and as he owned the truth of affluent in the animated population
the aphorism , he could comprehend of Naples. He saw the lover, as he
that in magic there may be religion, passed, conversing with his mistress
for religion is an essential to art. by those mute gestures which have
His old ambition, freeing itself from survived all changes of languages, the
the frigid prudence with which Mer- same now as when the Etruscan
vale sought to desecrate all images painted yon vases in the Museo Bor
less substantial than the golden calf bonico. Light from without beckoned
of the world ,revived , and stirred, and his youth to its mirth and its plea
kindled . The subtle detection of sures ; and the dull walls within ,
what he conceived to be an error in lately large enough to comprise
the school he had hitherto adopted, heaven and earth, seemed now
made more manifest to him by the cabined and confined as a felon's
grinning commentary of Nicot, prison. He welcomed the step of
seemed to open to him a new world Mervale at his threshold, and un
of invention. He seized the happy barred the door.
moment - he placed before him the “ And is that all you have done ? ”
colours and the canvass. Lost in his said Mervale, glancing disdainfully at
conceptions of a fresh ideal, his mind the canvass. “ Is it for this that you
was lifted aloft into the airy realms of have shut yourself out from the sunny
beauty ; dark thoughts, unhallowed days and moonlit nights of Naples ? ”
desires, vanished . Zanoni was right : “ While the fit was on me, I basked
the material world shrunk from his in a brighter sun, and imbibed the
gaze : he viewed nature as from a voluptuous luxury of a softer moon.”
mountain-top afar; and as the waves “ You own that the fit is over .
of his unquiet heart became calm and Well, that is some sign of returning
still, again the angel eyes of Viola sense. After all it is better to daub
beamed on them as a holy star. canvass for three days than make a
Locking himself in his chamber, fool of yourself for life. This little
he refused even the visits of Mervale. siren ?"
Intoxicated with the pure air of his “Be dumb ! I hate to hear you
fresh existence, he remained for three name her. ”
days, and almost nights, absorbed in Mervale drew his chair nearer to
Glyndon's, thrust his hands deep in And Nicot's small eyes shot fire, and
his breeches' pockets, stretched his he gnashed his teeth.
legs, and was about to begin a serious “ Have you any new cause to hate
strain of expostulation, when a knock him ? ”
was heard at the door, and Nicot, · Yes,” said Nicot, fiercely. “ Yes,
without waiting for leave, obtruded I hear he is courting the girl I mean
his ugly head. to marry .”
“ Good -day, mon cher confrère . I “ You ! Whom do you speak of ? ”.
wished to speak to you. Hein ! you “ The celebrated Pisani ! She is
have been at work, I see. This is divinely handsome. She would make
well — very well ! A bold outline - my fortune in a republic. And a
great freedom in that right hand. republic we shall have before the year
But, hold ! is the composition good ? is out ?"
You have not got the great pyramidal Mervale rubbed his hands, and
form . Don't you think, too, that you chuckled . Glyndon coloured with
have lost the advantage of contrast in rage and shame.
this figure; since the right leg is put “ Do you know the Signora Pisani ?
forward , surely the right arm should Have you ever spoken to her ?”
be put back ? Peste ! but that little “ Not yet. But when I make up
finger is very fine ! ” my mind to anything, it is soon done.
Mervale detested Nicot. For all I am about to return to Paris. They
speculators, Utopians, alterers of the write me word that a handsome wife
world, and wanderers from the high advances the career of a patriot. The
road, were equally hateful to him ; age of prejudice is over. The sublimer
but he could have hugged the French- virtues begin to be understood. I
man at that moment. He saw in shall take back the handsomest wife
Glyndon's expressive countenance all in Europe.”
the weariness and disgust he endured. “ Be quiet ! What are you about ?”
After so wrapt a study, to be prated said Mervale, seizing Glyndon, as he
to about pyramidal forms, and right saw him advance towards the French
arms, and right legs-- the accidence man, his eyes sparkling, and his
of the art—the whole conception to hands clenched.
be overlooked, and the criticism to “ Sir ! ” said Glyndon, between his
end in approval of the little finger ! teeth, " you know not of whom you
“ Oh ,” said Glyndon, peevishly thus speak. Do you affect to suppose
throwing the cloth over his design, that Viola Pisaui would acceptyou ? ”
“ enough of my poor performance. “ Not if she could get a better
What is it you have to say to offer," said Mervale, looking up to
me ? ” the ceiling
“ In the first place,” said Nicot, “ A better offer ? You don't under
huddling himself together upon a stand me," said Nicot. “ ) , Jean
stool " in the first place, this Signor Nicot, propose to marry the girl;
Zanoni — this second Cagliostro — who marry her ! Others may make he!
disputes my doctrines ! (no doubt-a more liberal offers, but no one, I appré
spy of the man Capet) I am not hend, would make one so honourable.
vindictive; as Helvetius says, our I alone have pity on her friendless
errors arise from our passions. I situation . Besides, according to the
keep mine in order ; but it is virtuous dawning state of things, one will
to hate in the cause of mankind ; I always, in France, be able to get rid
would I had the denouncing and the of a wife whenever one wishes. We
judging of Signor Zanoni at Paris .” shall have new laws of divorce. Do
you imagine that an Italian girl- his shaggy head with an air of
and in no country in the world are defiance, and casting over his left
maidens, it seems, more chaste (though shoulder a glance of triumph and
wives may console themselves with malice at the indignant Glyndon ,
virtues more philosophical), - would sauntered out of the room.
refuse the hand of an artist for the Mervale burst into a violent fit of
settlements of a prince ? No ; I think laughter. “ See how your Viola is
better of the Pisani than you do. I estimated by your friend . A fine
shall hasten to introduce myself to victory, to carry her off from the
her .” ugliest dog between Lapland and the
“ I wish you all success, Monsieur Calmucks.”
Nieot,” said Mervale, rising, and Glyndon was yet too indignant to
shaking him heartily by the hand. answer, when a new visitor arrived.
Glyndon cast at them both a dis- It was Zanoni himself. Mervale, on
.dainful glance. whom the appearance and aspect of
Perhaps, Monsieur Nicot," said this personage imposed a kind of
he, at length constraining his lips reluctant deference, which he was
into a bitter smile, “ perhaps you unwilling to acknowledge, and still
may have rivals.” more to betray, nodded to Glyndon ,
“ So much the better,” replied and saying, simply, “ More when I
Monsieur Nicot, carelessly, kicking see you again ,” left the painter and
his heels together, and appearing his unexpected visitor.
absorbed in admiration at the size of “ I see,” said Zanoni, lifting the
his large feet. cloth from the canvass, " that you
“ I myself admire Viola Pisani. ” have not slighted the advice I gave
“ Every painter must ! ” . you. Courage, young artist, this is
“ I may offer her marriage as well an escape from the schools ; this is
as yourself.” full of the bold self-confidence of real
“ That would be folly in you, though genius. You had no Nicot - no Mere
wisdom in me. You would not know vale at your elbow, when this image
how to draw profit from the specu- of true beauty was conceived ! ”
lation ! Cher confrère, you have Charmed back to his art by this
prejudices." unlooked-for praise, Glyndon replied,
“ You do not dare to say you would modestly, “ I thought well of my
make profit from your own wife ?” . design till this morning ; and then I
“ The virtuous Cato lent his wife was disenchanted of my happy per
to a friend. I love virtue, and I suasion.”
cannot do better than imitate Cato . “Say, rather, that, unaccustomed to
But to be serious — I do not fear you continuous labour, you were fatigued
as a rival. You are good -looking, with your employment.”
and I am ugly. But you are irreso- “ That is true. Shall I confess it ?
lute, and I decisive. While you are I began to miss the world without.
uttering fine phrases, I shall say, It seemed to me as if,while I lavished
simply, ' I have a bon état. Will you my heart and my youth upon visions
marry me ? ' So do your worst, cher of beauty, I was losing the beautiful
confrère. Au revoir, behind the realities of actual life. And I' envied
scenes !” the merry fisherman , singing as he
So saying, Nicot rose, stretched his passed below my casement, and the
long arms, and short legs, yawned till lover conversing with his mistress."
he showed all his ragged teeth from “ And ,” said Zanoni, with an encou
ear to ear, pressed down his cap on raging smile, “ do you blame yourself
for the natural and necessary returnmatter, that it seizes at last with its
to earth, in which even the most mighty talons, and bears away with it
habitual visitor of the Heavens of into solitudes no footstep can invade.
Invention seeks his relaxation and Go, seek the world without ; it is for
repose. Man’s genius is a bird that art, the inexhaustible pasture ground
cannot be always on the wing ; when and harvest to the world within ! ”
the craving for the actual world is “ You comfort me," said Glyndon,
felt, it is a hunger that must be brightening. “ I had imagined my
appeased. They who command best weariness a proof of my deficiency !
the ideal, enjoy ever most the real. But not now would I speak to you of
See the true artist, when abroad in these labours. Pardon me if I pass
men's thoroughfares, ever observant, from the toil to the reward . You
ever diving into the heart, ever alive have uttered dim prophecies of my
to the least as to the greatest of the future, if I wed one who, in the
complicated truths of existence ; judgment of the sober world, would
descending to what pedants would only darken its prospects and obstruct
call the trivial and the frivolous. its ambition. Do you speak from the
From every mesh in the social web , wisdom which is experience, or that
he can disentangle a grace. And for which aspires to prediction ?"
him each airy gossamer floats in the “ Are they not allied ? Is it not
gold of the sunlight. Know you not he best accustomed to calculation
that around the animalcule that sports who can solve at a glance any
in the water there shines a halo, as new problem in the arithmetic of
around the star * that revolves in chances ?"
bright pastime through the space ? “ You evade my question.”
True art finds beauty everywhere. In “ No ; but I will adapt my answer
the street, in the market-place, in the the better to your comprehension,
hovel, it gathers food for the hive of for it is upon this very point that I
its thoughts. In the mire of politics, have sought you. Listen to me ! ”
Dante and Milton selected pearls for Zanoni fixed his eyes earnestly on his
the wreath of song. Who ever told listener, and continued. “ For the
you that Raffaele did not enjoy the accomplishment of whatever is great
life without,carrying everywhere with and lofty, the clear perception of
him the one inward idea of beauty truths is the first requisite - truths
which attracted and embedded in its adapted to the object desired. The
own amber every straw that the feet warrior thus reduces the chances of
of the dull man trampled into mud ? battle to combinations almost of
As some lord of the forest wanders mathematics. He can predict a
abroad for its prey, and scents and result, if he can but depend upon the
follows it over plain and hill, through materials he is forced to employ. At
brake and jungle, but, seizing it at such a loss, he can cross that bridge ;
last, bears the quarry to its unwit- in such a time, he can reduce that
nessed cave - so Genius searches fort. Still more accurately, for he
through wood and waste, untiringly depends less on material causes than
and eagerly, every sense awake, every ideas at his command, can the com
nerve strained to speed and strength, mander of the purer science or
for the scattered and flying images of diviner art, if he once perceive the
truths that are in him and around,
* The monas mica, found in the purest foretel what he can achieve, and in
pools , is encompassed with a halo . And
this is frequent amongst many other species what he is condemned to fail. But
of animalculæ , this perception of truths is disturbed
by many causes --vånity, passion, fear, tions will become equally steadfast
indolence in himself, ignorance of the and in earnest. Viola is a child as
fitting means without to accomplish yet : you do not perceive the high
what he designs. He may miscal nature the trials of life will develope.
culate his own forces ; he may have Pardon me, if I say that her soul ,
no chart of the country he would purer and loftier than your own, will
invade. It is only in a peculiar state bear it upward , as a sacred hymn
of the mind that it is capable of carries aloft the spirits of the world .
perceiving truth ; and that state is Your nature wants the harmony, the
profound serenity. Your mind is music which, as the Pythagoreans
fevered by a desire for truth : you wisely taught, at once elevates and
would compel it to your embraces ; soothes. I offer you that music in
you would ask me to impart to you , her love."
without ordeal or preparation, the “ But am I sure that she does love
grandest secrets that exist in nature. me ? ”
But truth can no more be seen by the · Artist, no ; she loves you not at
mind unprepared for it, than the sun present ; her affections are full of
can dawn upon the midst of night. another. But if I could transfer to
Such a mind receives truth only to you , as the loadstone transfers its
pollute it ; to use the simile of one attraction to the magnet, the love
who has wandered near to the secret that she has now for me if I could
of the sublime Goetia (or the magic cause her to see in you the ideal of
that lies within nature, as electricity her dreams
within the cloud), ' He who pours “ Is such a gift in the power of
water into the muddy well, does but man ?”
disturb the mud .' " * “ I offer it to you , if your love be
What do you tend to ? ” lawful, if your faith in virtue and your
“ This : that you have faculties self be deep and loyal ; if not, think
that may attain to surpassing power : you that I would disenchant her with
that may rank you among those truth to make her adore a falsehood ?"
enchanters who, greater than the “ But if,” persisted Glyndon, “if
magian, leave behind them an she be all that you tell me, and if she
enduring influence,worshipped where- love you, how can you rob yourself of
ever beauty is comprehended, where- so priceless a treasure ?”
ever the soul is sensible of a higher “ Oh , shallow and mean heart of
world than that in which matter man ! ” exclaimed Zanoni, with un
struggles for crude and incomplete accustomed passion and vehemence,
existence . “ dost thou conceive so little of love
“ But to make available those as not to know that it sacrifices all
faculties, need I be a prophet to tell love itself — for the happiness of the
you that you must learn to concentre thing it loves ? Hear me! ” And
upon great objects all your desires. Zanoni's face grew pale. “Hear me!
The heart must rest, that the mind I press this upon you, because I love
may be active. At present, you her, and because I fear that with me
wander from aim to aim . As the her fate will be less fair than with
ballast to the ship, so to the spirit are yourself. Why - ask not, for I will
Faith and Love. With your whole not tell you. Enough! Time presses
heart, affections, humanity, centered now for your answer ; it cannot long
in one object, your mind and aspira. be delayed. Before the night of the
third day from this, all choice will be
* lamb. de Vit. Pythag . forbid you ! ”
“ But,” said Glyndon , still doubt- least expect me. You cannot shun
ing and suspicious, “ but why this me, though you may seek to do so ! ”
haste ? ” “ Stay onemoment ! You condemn
“ Man, you are not worthy of her me as doubtful, irresolute, suspicious.
when you ask me. All I can tell you Have I no cause ? Can I yield without
here, you should have known yourself. a struggle to the strange fascination
This ravisher, this man of will, this you exert upon my mind ? What
son of the old Viconti, unlike you , - interest can you have in me, a stranger,
steadfast, resolute, earnest even in his that you should thus dictate to me
crimes ,--never relinquishes an object. the gravest action in the life of man ?
But one passion controls his lust - it Do you suppose that any one in his
is his avarice. The day after his senseswould not pause, and deliberate,
attempt on Viola, his uncle, the and ask himself, “ Why should this
Cardinal from whom he has stranger care thus for me ?' ”
large expectations of land and gold, “ And yet,” said Zanoni, " if I told
sent for him, and forbade him, on pain thee that I could initiate thee into
of forfeiting all the possessions which the secrets of that magic which the
his schemes already had parcelled out, philosophy of the whole existing
to pursue with dishonourable designs world treats as a chimera, or impos
one whom the Cardinal had heeded ture,-if I promised to show thee how
and loved from childhood . This is to command the beings of air and
the cause of his present pause from ocean, how to accumulate wealth more
his pursuit. While we speak , the easily than a child can gather pebbles
cause expires. Before the hand of on the shore, to place in thy hands
the clock reaches the hour of noon, the essence of the herbs which pro
the Cardinal will be no more. long life from age to age, the mystery
At this very moment thy friend, of that attraction by which to aweall
Jean Nicot, is with the Prince danger, and disarm all violence, and
di subdue man as the serpent charms
“ He ! wherefore ? ” the bird ; if I told thee that all
“ To ask what dower shall go with these it was mine to possess and to
Viola Pisani, the morning that she communicate, thou wouldst listen to
leaves the palace of the Prince.” me then, and obey me without a
“ And how do you know all this ?” |doubt ! ”
“ Fool ! I tell thee again, because " It is true ; and I can account for
a lover is a watcher by night and day ; this only by the imperfect associations
because love never sleeps when danger of my childhood—by traditions in our
menaces the beloved one ! ” house of
“ And you it was that informed the “ Your forefather, who, in the
Cardinal - ?” revival of science, sought the secrets
“ Yes ; and what has been my task of Apollonius and Paracelsus.”
might as easily have been thine. “ What ! ” said Glyndon, amazed ,
Speak - thine answer ! ” are you so well acquainted with the
“ You shall have it on the third annals of an obscure lineage ?"
day from this . " “ To the man who aspires to know ,
“ Be it so. Put off, poor waverer, no man who has been the meanest
thy happiness to the last hour. On student of knowledge should be
the third day from this, I will ask unknown. You ask me why I have
thee thy resolve.” shown this interest in your fate ?
“ And where shall we meet ? ” There is one reason which I have not
“ Before midnight, where you may yet told you. There is a Fraternity
as to whose laws and whose mysteries | been ; for thy whole nature is one
the most inquisitive schoolmen are in fear !”
the dark. By those laws, all are “ Fear !” cried Glyndon, colouring
pledged to warn , to aid, and to guide with resentment, and rising to the
even the remotest descendants of men full height of his stature .
who have toiled, though vainly, like “ Fear ! and the worst fear - fear
your ancestor, in the mysteries of the of the world's opinion ; fear of the
Order. We are bound to advise them Nicots and the Mervales ; fear ofthine
to their welfare ; nay, more , —if they own impulses when most generous ;
command us to it, we must accept fear of thine own powers when thy
them as our pupils. I am a survivor genius is most bold ; fear that virtue
of that most ancient and immemorial is not eternal ; fear that God does not
union. This it was that bound me to live in heaven to keep watch on
thee at the first ; this, perhaps, earth ; fear, the fear of little men ;
attracted thyself unconsciously, Son and that fear is never known to the
of our Brotherhood, to me.” great."
“ If this be so, I command thee, in With these words Zanoni abruptly
the name of the laws thou obeyest, to left the artist - humbled, bewildered ,
receive me as thy pupil !” and not convinced . He remained
“ What do you ask ? ” said Zanoni, alone with his thoughts, till he was
passionately. “ Learn first the con- aroused by the striking 1 of the
ditions. No Neophyte must have, at clock ; he then suddenly remembered
his initiation, one affection or desire Zanoni's prediction of the Cardinal's
that chains him to the world. He death ; and, seized with an intense
must be pure from the love of woman , desire to learn its truth, he hurried
free from avarice and ambition, free into the streets, — he gained the
from the dreams even of art, or the Cardinal's palace. Five minutes
hope of earthly fame. The first before noon his Eminence had expired ,
sacrifice thou must make is— Viola after an illness of less than an hour.
herself. And for what ? For an Zanoni's visit had occupied more time
ordeal that the most daring courage than the illness of the Cardinal.
only can encounter, the most ethereal Awed and perplexed, he turned from
natures alone survive ! Thou art the palace, and as he walked through
unfit for the science that has made the Chiaja, he saw Jean Nicot emerge
me and others what we are or have from the portals of the Prince di
Two loves I have of comfort and despair ,
Which like two spirits do suggest me still.
mused and asked for what I was my lute, and spoke to it on the
born ; and my soul answered my strings ; for I thought that all music
heart, and said — Thou wert born to was its native language, and it
worship !! Yes ; I know why the would understand that I sought to
real world has ever seemed to me so comfort it.'
false and cold. I know why the “ Yes,' saidst thou.And at last
world of the stage charmed and it answered thee, but not with song
dazzled me. I know why it was so -in a sharp, brief cry ; so mournful,
sweet to sit apart and gaze my whole that thy hands let fall the lute, and
being into the distant heavens. My the tears gushed from thine eyes.
nature is not formed for this life, happy So softly didst thou unbar the cage,
though that life seem to others. It is its and the nightingale flew into yonder
very want to have ever before it some thicket ; and thou heardst the foliage
image loftier than itself ! Stranger, rustle, and looking through themoon
in what realm above, when the grave light, thine eyes saw that it had found
is past, shall my soul, hour after hour, its mate. It sang to thee then from
worship at the same
* *
source *as thine ? the boughs a long, loud, joyous jubi- .
* *
lee: And musing, thou didst feel
that it was not the vine-leaves or the
“ In the gardens of my neighbour moonlight that made the bird give
there is a small fountain . I stood by melody to night ; and that the secret
it this morning after sunrise. How of its music was the presence of a
it sprung up, with its eager spray, thing beloved.'
to the sunbeams ! And then I “ How didst thou know my thoughts
thought that I should see thee again in that childlike time better than I
this day, and so sprung my heart to knew myself! How is the humble
the new morning which thou bringest life of my past years, with its mean
me from the skies. events, so mysteriously familiar to
* * *
* * *
thee, bright stranger ! I wonder
but I do not again dare to fear
* * *
thee !
" I have seen, I have listened to thee * * * *
again . How bold I have become !
I ran on with my childlike thoughts " Once the thought of him op
and stories, my recollections of the pressed and weighed me down. As
past, as if I had known thee from an an infant that longs for the moon ,
infant. Suddenly the idea of my pre- my being was one vague desire for
sumption struck me. I stopped, and something never to be attained . Now
timidly sought thine eyes. I feel rather as if to think of thee
“ " Well, and when you found that sufficed to remove every fetter from
the nightingale refused to sing ??- my spirit. I float in the still seas of
" " Ah !' I said, ' what to thee this light,and nothing seemstoo high for
history of the heart of a child ? ' my wings, too glorious for my eyes .
“ Viola,' didst thou answer , with It was mine ignorance that made me
that voice, so inexpressibly calm and fear thee. A knowledge that is not
earnest ! - Viola, the darkness of a in books seems to breathe around
child's heart is often but the shadow thee as an atmosphere. How little
of a star. Speak on ! And thy have I read !-how little have I
nightingale, when they caught and learned ! Yet when thou art by my
caged it, refused to sing ?? side, it seems as if the veil were lifted
And I placed the cage yonder, from all wisdom and all nature . I
amidst the vine-leaves, and took up startle when I look even at the words
I have written ; they seem not to chords ofmy heart to thy will. If it
come from myself, but are the signs please thee - yes — let it be so. Thou
of another language which thou hast art Lord of my destinies ; they can
taughtmy heart, and which my hand not rebel against thee ! I almost
traces rapidly, as at thy dictation. think I could love him, whoever it
Sometimes, while I write or muse, I be, on whom thou wouldst shed the
could fancy that I heard light wings rays that circumfuse thyself. What
hovering around me, and saw dim ever thou hast touched, I love ;
shapes of beauty floating round, and whatever thou speakest of, I love.
vanishing as they smiled upon me. Thy hand played with these vine
No unquiet and fearful dream ever leaves ; I wear them in my bosom.
comes to me now in sleep, yet sleep Thou seemest to me the source of all
and waking are alike but as one love ; too high and too bright to be
dream. In sleep, I wander with thee, loved thyself, but darting light into
not through the paths of earth, but other objects, on which the eye can
through impalpable air — an air which gaze less dazzled . No, no ; it is not
seems a music - upward and upward, love that I feel for thee, and there
as the soul mounts on the tones of a fore it is that I do not blush to
lyre ! Till I knew thee, I was as a nourish and confess it. Shame on
slave to the earth . Thou hast given me if I loved , knowing myself so
to me the liberty of the universe ! worthless a thin*g to thee ! * *
Before, it was life ; it seems to me
now as if I had commenced eternity ! “ ANOTHER ! -- my memory echoes
back that word . Another! Dost
* *
thou mean that I shall see thee no
“ Formerly, when I was to appear more ? It is not sadness it is not
upon the stage, my heart beat more despair that seizes me. I cannot
loudly. I trembled to encounter the weep. It is an utter sense of deso
audience, whose breath gave shame lation. I am plunged back into the
or renown ; and now I have no fear of common life ; and I shudder coldly
them. I see them, heed them, hear at the solitude. But I will obey
them not ! I know that there will thee, if thou wilt. Shall I not see
be music in my voice, for it is a hymn thee again beyond the grave ? O how
that I pour to thee. Thou never sweet it were to die !
comest to the theatre ; and that no “ Why do I not struggle from the
longer grieves me. Thou art become web in which my will is thus en
too sacred to appear a part of the tangled ? Hast thou a right to dis
common world, and I feel glad that pose of me thus ? Give me back
thou art not by when crowds have a give me back the life I knew before
right to judge me. I gave life itself away to thee.
* * *
me back the careless dreams of my
youth — my liberty of heart that sung
“ And he spoke to me of ANOTHER : aloud as it walked the earth . Thou
to another he would consign me ! hast disenchanted me of everything
No, it is not love that I feel for thee, that is not of thyself. Where was the
Zanoni; or why did I hear thee sin, at least, to think of thee ?to see
without anger ? why did thy com- thee ? Thy kiss still glows upon my
mand seem to me not a thing im- hand : is that hand mine to bestow?
possible ! As the strings of the Thy kiss claimed and hallowed it to
instrument obey the hand of the thyself. Stranger, I will not obey
master, thy look modulates the wildest thee.
* *
That faith I comprehend now . I
“ Another day — one day of the fatal reject all doubt all fear. I know
three is gone ! It is strange to me that I have inextricably linked the
that since the sleep of the last night, whole that makes the inner life to
a deep calm has settled upon my thee; and thou canst not tear me
breast. I feel so assured that my from thee, if thou wouldst ! And
very being is become a part of thee, this change from struggle into calm
that I cannot believe that my life can came to me with sleep - a sleep with
be separated from thine ; and in this out a dream ; but when I woke, it was
conviction I repose, and smile even with a mysterious sense of happiness
at thy words and my own fears. Thou -an indistinct memory of something
art fond of one maxim , which thou blessed - as if thou hadst cast from
repeatest in a thousand forms — that afar off a smile upon my slumber.
the beauty of the soul is faith — that At night I was so sad ; not a blossom
as ideal loveliness to the sculptor, that had not closed itself up as if
faith is to the heart -- that faith, never more to open to the sun ; and
rightly understood, extends over all the night itself, in the heart as on
the works of the Creator, whom we the earth , has ripened the blossoms
can know but through belief — that it into flowers. The world is beautiful
embraces a tranquil confidence in our- once more, but beautiful in repose
selves, and a serene repose as to our not a breeze stirs thy tree- not a
future — that it is the moonlight that doubt my soul!"
sways the tides of the human sea.
No 265. 7
It was a small cabinet; the walls require comfort for the loss of so
were covered with pictures, one of excellent a relation ; and where a
which was worth more than the whole more dulcet voice than Viola
lineage of the owner of the palace . Pisani’s ?” 66
haughty smile , “ through these veins heart stood still. Zanoni bent on
rolls the blood of the old Visconti- him his dark, smiling eyes , and then
of those who boasted that no woman seated himself with a familiar air.
ever escaped their lust, and no man “ Thus it is signed and sealed ; I
their resentment. The crown of my mean our friendship, noble Prince.
fathers has shrunk into a gewgaw and And now I will tell you the object of
a toy ; their ambition and their my visit. I find, Excellency, that,
spirit are undecayed. My honour is unconsciously perhaps, we are rivals.
now enlisted in this pursuit - Viola Can we not accommodate our pre
must be mine !" tensions ?" ,
“ Another ambuscade ?” said Mas- “ Ah ! ” said the Prince, carelessly ,
cari, inquiringly. “ you then were the cavalier who
“ Nay,why not enter the house it- robbed me of the reward of my chase.
self ? the situation is lonely, and the All stratagems fair, in love as in war.
door is not made of iron ." Reconcile our pretensions ! Well ,
“ But what if, on her return home, ' here is the dice-box ; let us throw for
she tell the tale of our violence ? A her. He who casts the lowest shall
house forced — a virgin stolen ! Re- resign his claim . ”
flect; though the feudal privileges “ Is this a decision by which you
are not destroyed, even a Visconti is will promise to be bound ?"
not now above the law ." “ Yes, on my faith . ”
“ Is he not, Mascari ? Fool ! in “ And for him who breaks his word
what age of the world, even if the so plighted, what shall be the forfeit ? ”
Madmen of France succeed in their “ The sword lies next to the dice-box,
chimeras, will the iron of law not Signor Zanoni. Let him who stands
bend itself, like an osier twig, to the not by his honour, fall by the sword.”
strong hand of power and gold ? But “ And you invoke that sentence if
look not so pale, Mascari, I have fore- either of us fail his word ? Be it so ;
planned all things. The day that she let Signor Mascari cast for us. "
leaves this palace, she will leave it “ Well said ! -Mascari, the dice ! ”
for France, with Monsieur Jean The Prince threw himself back in
Nicot." his chair ; and, world-hardened as he
Before Mascari could reply, the was, could not suppress the glow of
gentleman of the chamber announced triumph and satisfaction that spread
the Signor Zanoni. itself over his features. Mascari took
The Prince involuntarily laid his up the three dice, and rattled them
hand upon the sword placed on the noisily in the box. Zanoni, leaning
table, then with a smile at his own his cheek on his hand , and bending
impulse, rose, and met his visitor at over thetable, fixed his eyes stedfastly
the threshold, with all the profuse on the parasite ; Mascari " in vain
and respectful courtesy of Italian struggled to extricate himself from
simulation. that searching gaze : he grew pale,
“ This is an honour highly prized ,” and trembled - he put down the box .
said the Prince. “ I have long de- “ I give the first throw to your Ex
sired to clasp the hand of one so cellency. Signor Mascari, be pleased
distinguished ” to terminate our suspense ."
“ And I give it in the spirit with Again Mascari took up the box ;
which you seek it,” replied Zanoni. again his hand shook, so that the
The Neapolitan bowed over the dice rattled within. He threw ; the
hand he pressed ; but as he touched numbers were sixteen .
it, a shiver came over him , and his “ It is a high throw ,” said Zanoni,
H 2
calmly ; " nevertheless, Signor Mas- \I do not yield ungraciously : will you
cari, I do not despond.” favour me with your presence at a
Mascari gathered up the dice,shook little feast I propose to give in
the box, and rolled the contents once honour,” — he added, with a sardonic
more on the table ; the number was mockery, — " of the elevation of my
the highest that can be thrown- kinsman, the late Cardinal, of pious
eighteen. memory, to the true seat of St. Peter ?"
The Prince darted a glance of fire “ It is, indeed , a happiness to hear
at his minion, who stood with gaping one command of yours I can obey.”
mouth, staring at the dice, and trem- Zanoni then turned the conversa
bling from head to foot. tion, talked lightly and gaily , and
“ I have won ,you see,” said Zanoni; soon afterwards departed .
may we be friends still ? ” “ Villain ! ” then exclaimed the
“ Signor," said the Prince, obviously Prince, grasping Mascari by the
struggling with anger and confusion , collar, “ you betrayed me !"
“ the victory is yours. But pardon “ I assure your Excellency that the
me, you have spoken lightly of this dice were properly arranged ; he
young girl — will anything tempt you should have thrown twelve; but he
to yield your claim ? ” is the Devil, and that's the end of it ."
“ Ah, do not think so ill of my “ There is no time to be lost,” said
gallantry ; and ,” resumed Zanoni, the Prince, quitting his hold of his
with a stern meaning in his voice , parasite, who quietly resettled his
“forget not the forfeit your own lips cravat.
have named . ” “ My blood is up—I will win this
The Prince knit his brow , but con- girl, if I die for it ! What noise is
strained the haughty answer that was that ? ”.
his first impulse. “ It is but the sword of your illus
“ Enough ! ” he said, forcing a trious ancestor that has fallen from
smile ; “ I yield. Let me prove that the table. ”
LETTER FROM ZANONI TO MEJNOUR. fate, and secretly prompt his deeds,
My art is already dim and troubled . and minister to her welfare through
his own. But time rushes on !
I have lost the tranquillity which is
power. I cannot influence the deci- Through the shadows that encircle
sions of those whom I would most me, I see, gathering round her, the
darkest dangers . No choice but
guide to the shore ; I see them wander
farther and deeper into the infinite flight - no escape, savewith him or me.
ocean, where our barks sail evermore With me !—the rapturous thought-
to the horizon that flies before us ! the terrible conviction ! With me !
Amazed and awed to find that I can Mejnour, canst thou wonder that I
only warn where I would control, I would save her from myself ? A
have looked into my own soul. It is moment in the life of ages—a bubble
true that the desires of earth chain on the shoreless sea. What else to
me to the Present, and shut me from me can be human love ? And in this
the solemn secrets which Intellect, exquisite nature of hers—more pure,
purified from all the dross ofthe clay, more spiritual, even in its young
alone can examine and survey. The affections than ever heretofore the
stern condition on which we hold our countless volumes of the heart, race
nobler and diviner gifts darkens our after race, have given to my gaze
vision towards the future of thosefor there is yet a deep-buried feeling that
whom we know the human infirmities warns me of inevitable woe. Thou,
of jealousy,or hate, or love. Mejnour, austere and remorseless Hierophant
all around me is mist and haze ; I thou who hast sought to co ert to
have gone back in our sublime our brotherhood every spirit that
existence ; and from the bosom of seemed to thee most high and bold
thou knowest, by horrible
the imperishable youth that blooms -even
only in the spirit, springs up the dark experience, how vain the hope to
banish fear from the heart of woman .
poison man of human love.
is not worthy of her - I My life would be to her one marvel.
know that truth ; yet in his nature Even if, on the other hand, I sought
are the seeds of good and greatness , to guide her path through the realms
if the tares and weeds of worldly of terror to the light, think of the
vanities and fears would suffer them Haunter of the Threshold, and
to grow . If she were his, and I had shudder with me at the awful hazard !
thus transplanted to another soil the I have endeavoured to fill the English
passion that obscures my gaze and man's ambition with the true glory
disarms my power, unseen ,unheard, of his art; but the restless spirit of his
unrecognised , I could watch over his ancestor still seems to whisper in him ,
and to attract to the spheres in which
* No order of spirits must be invoked it lost its own wandering way. There
unless the weather be clear and serene . is a mystery in man's inheritance
Il lupo
Ferito , credo, mi conobbe e 'ncontro
Mi venne con la bocca sanguinosa . *
AMINTA, At. iv . sc. i.
her, and, looking up steadily into her “ Zanoni would but amuse himself
face, continued : with thy vanity ; Glyndon would
“ You are very beautiful, Viola despise himself, if he offered thee his
Pisani, and I am not surprised at the name—-and thee, if thou wouldst
number of your admirers. If I pre- accept it ; but the Prince di is in
sume to place myself in the list, it is earnest, and he is wealthy. Listen ! ”
because I am the only one who loves And Nicot approached his lips to
thee honestly, and woos thee fairly. her, and hissed a sentence which she
Nay, look not so indignant! Listen did not suffer him to complete. She
to me. Has the Prince di ever darted from him with one glance of
spoken to thee of marriage !—or the unutterable disdain . As he strove to
beautiful impostor, Zanoni ?/ or the regain his hold of her arm , he lost
young blue-eyed Englishman , Clarence his footing, and fell down the sides of
Glyndon ! It is marriage, it is a the rock , till, bruised and lacerated ,
home, it is safety, it is reputation , a pine-branch saved him from the
that I offer to thee . And these last, yawning abyss below. She heard his
when the straight form grows crooked, exclamation of rage and pain, as she
and the bright eyes dim . What say bounded down the path , and , without
you ? ” and he attempted to seize her once turning to look behind,regained
hand . her home. By the porch stood Glyn
Viola shrunk from him, and silently don, conversing with Gionetta. She
turned to depart. He rose abruptly, passed him abruptly, entered the
and placed himself on her path. house, and, sinking on the floor, wept
“ Actress, you must hear me! Do loud and passionately.
you know what this calling of the Glyndon, who had followed her in
stage is in the eyes of prejudice — that surprise, vainly sought to soothe and
is, of the common opinion of man- calm her. She would not reply to
kind. It is to be a Princess before his questions ; she did not seem to
the lamps, and a Pariah before the listen to his protestations of love, till
day. No man believes in your virtue, suddenly, as Nicot's terrible picture
no man credits your vows ; you are of the world's judgment of that pro
the puppet that they consent to trick fession , which to her younger thoughts
out with tinsel for their amusement, had seemed the service of song and
not an idol for their worship. Are the Beautiful, forced itself upon her,
you so enamoured of this career that she raised her face from her hands,
you scorn even to think of security and and looking steadily upon the English
honour ? Perhaps you are different man, said, “False one, dost thou talk
from what you seem . Perhaps you to me of love ?”
laugh at the prejudice that would By my honour, words' fail to tell
degrade you, and would wisely turn thee how I love ! "
it to advantage. Speak frankly to “ Wilt thou give me thy home
me ; I have no prejudice either. thy name? Dost thou woo me as thy
Sweet one, I am sure we should agree . wife ?” And at that moment, had
Now , this Prince di I have a Glyndon answered as his better angel
message from him. Shall I deliver would have counselied, perhaps, in
It ? ” that revolution of her whole mind,
Never had Viola felt as she felt which the words of Nicot had effected ,
then ; never had she so thoroughly which made her despise her very self,
seen all the perils of her forlorn con- sicken of her lofty dreams, despair of
dition and her fearful renown. Nicot the future, and distrust her whole
continued :
ideal, -perhaps, I say, in restoring
ZANONI . 105
DAFNE. Ma , chi lung' è d'Amor,
TIRSI. Chi teme e fugge.
DAFNE. E che giova fuggir da lui ch' ha l'ali ?
TIRSI, Amor nascente ha corte l'ali ! *
AMINTA , At, ii, sc . ii.
WHEN Glyndon found himself without do not act on the impulse of the
Viola's house, Mervale, still loitering moment."
at the door, seized his arm . Glyndon “ But there is no time to lose . I
shook him off abruptly. have promised to Zanoni to give him
“ Thou and thy counsels,” said he, my answer by ,to-morrow night.
bitterly, “ have made me a coward Later than that time, all option
and a wretch. But I will go home- ceases.”
I will write to her. I will pour out “ Ah !" said Mervale, “ this seems
my whole soul ; she will forgive me suspicious. Explain yourself.”
yet.” And Glyndon, in the earnestness of
Mervale, who was a man of im- his passion ,told his friend what had
penetrable temper, arranged his passed between himself and Zanoni
ruffles, which his friend's angry --suppressing only, he scarce knew
gesture had a little discomposed ,and why, the reference to his ancestor
not till Glyndon had exhausted hiin- and the mysterious brotherhood.
self awhile by passionate exclama- This recital gave to Mervale all
tions and reproaches did the experi- the advantage he could desire.
enced angler begin to tighten the Heavens ! with what sound, shrewd
line. He then drew from Glyndon common-sense he talked. How evi
the explanation of what had passed , dently some charlatanic coalition
and artfully sought not to irritate, between the actress, and perhaps
but soothe him. Mervale, indeed, who knows ?—her clandestine pro
was by no means a bad man, he tector, sated with possession ! How
had stronger moral notions than are equivocal the character of one-the
common amongst the young. He position of the other ! What cunning
sincerely reproved his friend for in the question of the actress ? How
harbouring dishonourable intentions profoundly had Glyndon, at the first
with regard to the actress. “Because suggestion of his sober reason, seen
I would not have her thy wife, I through the snare. What ! was he
never dreamed that thou shouldst to be thus mystically cajoled and
degrade her to thy mistress. Better hurried into a rash marriage, because
of the two an imprudent match than Zanoni, a mere stranger, told him
an illicit connexion. But pause yet ; with a grave face that he must
decide before the clock struck a
* Dafne . But, who is far from Love? certain hour ?
TIRS.. He who fears and flies . - DAFNE.
What use to flee from one who has wings ? “ Do this, at least,” said Mervale,
-Tirsi. The wings of Love, while he yet reasonably enough,-" wait till the
grows, are short.
time expires ; it is but another day.
Baffle Zanoni. He tells thee that he Signor Zanoni, tell him that he has
will meet thee before midnight to- twice crossed my path . Jean Nicot,
morrow , and defies thee to avoid though a painter, is a plain, honest
him . Pooh ! let us quit Naples for man, and always pays his debts.”
some neighbouring place, whers, “ It is a good doctrine in money
anless he be indeed the Devil, he matters,” said Mervale ; “ as to revenge,
cannot possibly find us. Show him it is not so moral, and certainly not
that you will not be led blindfold so wise. But is it in your love that
even into an act that you meditate Zanoni has crossed your path ? How
yourself. Defer to write to her, or that if your suit prosper so well ?”
to see her, till after to -morrow . This “ Ask Viola Pisani that question.
is all I ask . Then visit her, and Bah ! Glyndon, she is a prude only to
decide for yourself.” thee. But I have no prejudices. Once
Glyndon was staggered. He could more, farewell.”
not combat the reasonings of his “ Rouse thyself,man !” said Mervale,
friend ; he was not convinced , but he slapping Glyndon on the shoulder.
hesitated ; and at that moment Nicot “What think you of your fair one
passed them . He turned round, and now ? ”
stopped , as he saw Glyndon. « This man must lie.”
“ Well, and do you think still of the “ Will you write to her at once ? ”
Pisani ? " “ No ; if she be really playing a
“ Yes ; and you game, I could renounce her without
“ Have seen and conversed with a sigh. I will watch her closely ;
her. She shall be Madame Nicot and at all events, Zanoni shall not be
before this day week ! I am going to the master of my fate. Let us, as
the café, in the Toledo ; and hark ye, you advise, leave Naples at day -break
when next you meet your friend to morrow .”
Early the next morning the young you are not the Caesar. It is your
Englishmen mounted their horses, vanity that makes you credulous.
and took the road towards Baiæ. Thank Heaven, I do not think myself
Glyndon left word at his hotel that if of such importance, that the opera
Signor Zanoni sought him, it was in tions of nature should be changed in
the neighbourhood of that once cele- order to frighten me.”
brated watering -place of the ancients “ But why should the operations of
that he should be found. nature be changed ? There may be
They passed by Viola's house, but a deeper philosophy than we dream
Glyndon resisted the temptation of of — a philosophy that discovers the
pausing there ; and after threading secrets of nature, but does not alter, "
the grotto of Posilipo, they wound by by penetrating, its courses.
a circuitous route back into the “ Ah ! you relapse into your
suburbs of the city, and took the heretical credulity; you seriously
opposite road, which conducts to suppose Zanoni to be a prophet_a
Portici and Pompeii. It was late at reader of the future ; perhaps an
noon when they arrived at the former associate of genii and spirits ! '
of these places. Here they halted to Here the landlord, a little, fat, oily
dine ; for Mervale had heard much fellow , came up with a fresh bottle of
of the excellence of macaroni at Lacrima. He hoped their Excellencies
Portici, and Mervale was a bon were pleased. He was most touched
vivant. -touched to the heart, that they
They put up at an inn of very liked the macaroni. Were their
humble pretensions, and dined under Excellencies going to Vesuvius ?
an awning. Mervale was more than There was a slight eruption ; they
usually gay ; he pressed tbe Lacrima could not see where they were, but
upon his friend, and conversed gaily. it was pretty, and would be prettier
Well, my dear friend, we have still after sunset.
foiled Signor Zanoni in one of his “ A capital idea !” cried Mervale.
predictions, at least. You will have “ What say you, Glyndon ?"
no faith in him hereafter.” “ I havenot yet seen an Ysruption ;
The ides are come, not gone." I should like it much ."
“ Tush ! If he be the soothsayer, “ But is there no danger ? ” asked
the prudent Mervale.
* Oh thou, whoever thou art, who through Oh, not at all ; the mountain is
every use bendest Nature to works foreign very civil at present. It only plays a
and strange -- and by spying into her secrets,
interest , at thy will , into the closest recesses little, just to amuse their Excellencies
f the human mind-o speak , 0 tell me ! the English ."
"ZANONI. 109
“ Well, order the horses, and bring said Mervale . “ Do you remember,
the bill ; we will go before it is dark. Glyndon, the contempt with which
Clarence, my friend— Nunc est biben- that old Count said to us, “ You will
dun ; but take care of the pede libero, go to Vesuvius, I suppose ? I have
which will scarce do for walking on never been ; why should I go ? you
lava ! ” have cold, you have hunger, you have
The bottle was finished, the bill fatigue, you have danger, and all for
paid ; the gentlemen mounted, the nothing but to see fire, which looks
landlord bowed, and they bent their just as well in a brazier as on a
way , in the cool the delightful mountain .' Ha ! ha ! the old fellow
evening, towards Resina. was right.”
The wine, perhaps the excitement But, Excellency," said the guide,
of his thoughts, animated Glyndon, “ that is not all ; some Cavaliers think
whose unequal spirits were, at times, to ascend the mountain without our
high and brilliant as those of a help. I am sure they deserve to
schoolboy released ; and the laughter tumble into the crater .”
of the northern tourists sounded oft They must be bold fellows to go
and merrily along the melancholy alone ;-you don't often find such . "
domains of buried cities. “ Sometimes among the French ,
Hesperus had lighted his lamp Signor. But the other night - I
amidst the rosy skies as they arrived never was so frightened - I had been
at Resina. Here they quitted their with an English party ; and a lady
horses, and took mules and a guide . had left a pocket-book on the moun
As the sky grew darker and more tain, where she had been sketching.
dark , the Mountain Fire burned with She offered me a handsome sum to
an intense lustre. In various streaks return for it, and bring it to her at
and streamlets,the fountain of flame Naples. So I went in the evening.
rolled down the dark summit, and I found it, sure enough ; and was
the Englishmen began to feel increase about to return, when I saw a figure
upon them, as they ascended, that that seemed to emerge from the crater
sensation of solemnity and awe, which itself. The air there was so pesti
makes the very atmosphere that ferous, that I could not have conceived
surrounds the Giant of the Plains of a human creature could breathe it,
the Antique Hades. and live. I was so astounded that I
It was night, when, leaving the stood still as a stone, till the figure
mules, they ascended on foot, accom- came over the hot ashes, and stood
panied by their guide, and a peasant before me, face to face. Santa Maria,
who bore a rude torch. The guide what a head ! "
was a conversable, garrulous fellow , “ What ! hideous ? ”
like most of his country and his “ No ; so beautiful, but so terri
calling ; and Mervale, whopossessed a ble. It had nothing human in its
sociable temper, loved to amuse or to aspect.”
instruct himself on every incidental “ And what said the salamander ? "
occasion . Nothing ! It did not even seem
“ Ah ! Excellency,” said the guide, to perceive me, though I was near as
" your countrymen have a strong I am to you ; but its eyes seemed to
passion for the volcano. Long life to emerge prying into the air. It passed
them ! they bring us plenty of money. by me quickly, and, walking across a
If our fortunes depended on the stream of burning lava, soon vanished
Neapolitans, we should starve.” on the other side of the mountain . I
" True, they have no curiosity,” was curious and foolhardy, and
110 ZANONI .
resolved to see if I could bear the wheels and voices of the Ministry of
atmosphere which this visitor had Nature in her darkest and most
left ; but, though I did not advance inscrutable recess. Suddenly as 2
within thirty yards of the spot at bomb from a shell, a huge stone was
which he had first appeared, I was flung hundreds of yards up from
driven back by a vapour that well the jaws of the crater, and, falling
nigh stifled me. Cospetto ! I have with a mighty crash upon the rock
spat blood ever since.” below, split into ten thousand frag
“ Now will I lay a wager that you ments,which bounded down the sides
fancy this -king must be Zanoni,” of the mountain , rkling and
whispered Mervale, laughing. groaning as they went. One of these ,
The lit: le party had now arrived the largest fragment, struck the
nearly at the summit of the mountain ; narrow space of soil between the
and unspeakably grand was the Englishmen and the guide, not three
spectacle on which they gazed. From feet from the spot where the former
the crater arose a vapour, intensely stood. Mervale uttered an exclama
dark , that overspread thewhole back- tion of terror, and Glyndon held his
ground of the heavens ; in the centre breath, and shuddered.
whereof rose a flame, that assumed a “ Diavolo ! ” cried the guide. “ De
form singularly beautiful. It might scend, Excellencies descend ! we
the voice of Mervale calling on him, hitherto experienced amidst all his
though he no longer saw his form . peril, came over him. He shook in
The sound served as a guide. Dizzy every limb ; his muscles refused his
and breathless, he bounded forward ; will — he felt, as it were, palsied and
when - hark !-a sullen, slow, rolling death- stricken. The horror, I say, was
sound in his ear ! He halted—and unaccountable, for the path seemed
turned back to gaze. The fire had clear and safe. The fire, above and
overflowed its course : it had opened behind, burned clear and far; and
itself a channel amidst the furrows of beyond, the stars lenthim their cheer
the mountain. The stream pursued ing guidance. No obstacle was visible
him fast - fast ; and the hot breath -no danger seemed at hand. As thus,
of the chasing and preternatural foe spell-bound and panic-stricken, he
camie closer and closer upon his stood chained to the soil-his breast
cheek ! He turned aside ; he climbed heaving ; large drops rolling down his
desperately, with hands and feet, upon brow ; and his eyes starting wildly
a crag, that, to the right, broke the from their sockets -- he saw before
scathed and blasted level of the soil. him, at some distance, gradually
The stream rolled beside and beneath shaping itself more and more dis
him, and then, taking a sudden wind tinctly to his gaze, a Colossal Shadow
round the spot on which he stood, --à shadow that seemed partially
interposed its liquid fire - a broad and borrowed from the human shape, but
impassable barrier, between his rest- immeasurably above the human
ing-place and escape. There he stature ; vague, dark, almost form
stood, cut off from descent, and with less ; and differing, he could not tell
no alternative but to retrace his steps where, or why, not only from the
towards the crater, and thence seek , proportions, but also from the limbs
without guide or clue, some other and outline of man .
pathway. The glare of the volcano, that
For a moment his courageleft him : seemed to shrink and collapse from
he cried in despair, and in that over- this gigantic and appalling apparition,
strained pitch of voice which is never nevertheless threw its light, redly
heard afar off, to the guide -to and steadily, upon another shape that
Mervale, to return to aid him. stood beside, quiet, and motionless ;
No answer came ; and the English- and it was, perhaps, the contrast of
man, thus abandoned solely to his these two things—the Being and the
own resources, felt his spirit and Shadow — that impressed the beholder
energy rise against the danger. He with the difference between them
turned back, and ventured as far the Man and the Superhuman. It
towards the crater as the noxious was but for a moment - nay, for the
exhalation would permit ; then, tenth part of a moment, that this
gazing below , carefully and deli- sight was permitted to the wanderer.
berately, he chalked out for himself A second eddy of sulphureous vapours
a path , by which he trusted to shun from the volcano, yet more rapidly,
the direction the fire -stream had yet more densely than its predecessor,
taken ; and trod firmly and quickly rolled over the mountain ; and either
over the crumbling and heated strata. the nature of the exhalation, or the
He had proceeded about fifty yards, excess of his own dread , was such,
when he halted abruptly ;an unspeak- that Glyndon , after one wild gasp for
able and unaccountable horror, not breath , fell senseless on the earth.
MERVALE and the Italians arrived in “ But how ?-but where ? ” stam
safety at the spot where they had left mered Mervale, in great confusion
the mules ; and not till they had and surprise.
recovered their own alarm and breath “ I found your friend stretched on
did they think of Glyndon. But the ground, overpowered by the
then, as the minutes passed, and he mephitic exhalation of the crater. I
appeared not, Mervale whose heart bore him to a purer atmosphere ; and,
was as good, at least, as human hearts as I know the mountain well, I have
are in general, grew seriously alarmed. conducted him safely to you. This is
He insisted on returning, to search all our history. You see, sir, that
for his friend ; and by dint of prodigal were it not for that prophecy which
promises, prevailed at last on the you desired to frustrate, your friend
guide to accompany him . The lower would, ere this time have been a
part of the mountain lay calm and corpse : one minute more, and the
white in the starlight ; and theguide’s vapour had done its work . Adieu ;
practised eye could discern all objects good night, and pleasant dreams."
on the surface, at a considerable “ But, my preserver, you will not
distance. They had not, however, leave us! ” said Glyndon, anxiously,
gone very far, before they perceived and speaking for the first time.
two forms, slowly approaching towards “ Will you not return with us ? "
them. Zanoni paused, and drew Glyndon
As they came near, Mervale recog- aside. Young man ," said he,
nised the form of his friend. “ Thank gravely, “ it is necessary that we
Heaven, he is safe,” he cried, turning should again meet to-night. It is
to the guide. necessary that you should ere the
Holy angels befriend us! ” said first hour of morning, decide on your
the Italian , trembling— “ Behold the own fate . I know that you have
very being that crossed me last insulted her whom you profess to love.
Friday night. It is he ! but his face It is not too late to repent. Consult
is human now ! ” not your friend -- he is sensible and
· Signor Inglese," said the voice of wise ; but not now is his wisdom
Zanoni, as Glyndon - pale, wan, and needed. There are times in life when,
silent - returned passively the joyous from the imagination, and not the
greeting of Mervale— “ Signor Inglese, reason , should wisdom come— this, for
I told your friend that we should you, is one of them. I ask not your
meet to-night. You see you have not answer now. Collect your thoughts
foiled my prediction ." -recover your jaded and scattered
spirits. It wants two hours of midnight.
* “ What have I, if I possess not all ?" Before midnight I will be with you.”
said the youth, Incomprehensible being !” replied
10.230 . S
Was ist 's
Das hinter diesem Schleier sich verbirgt ? *
Zanoni gave the rein to his horse ; knowledge of man , and reach that
it sprang forward with a bound ; the solemn spot, between two worlds,
sparks flew from its hoofs, and horse on which the mysterious stranger
and rider disappeared amidst the appeared to have fixed his home.
shadows of the street whence they Far from recalling with renewed
had emerged. affright the remembrance of the
Mervale was surprised to see his apparition that had so appalled him ,
friend by his side, a minute after the recollection only served to kindle
they had parted. and concentrate his curiosity into a
“ What has passed between you burning focus. He had said aright
and Zanoni ? ” love had vanished from his heart ;
“ Mervale, do not ask me tonight ; there was no longer a serene space
I am in a dream . " amidst its disordered elements for
“ I do not wonder at it, for even I human affection to move and breathe.
am in a sleep. Let us push on.” The enthusiast was rapt from this
In the retirement of his chamber, earth ; and he would have surrendered
Glyndon sought to recollect his all that mortal beauty ever promised,
thoughts. He sat down on the foot that mortal hope ever whispered, for
of his bed, and pressed his hands one hour with Zanoni beyond the
tightly to his throbbing temples. portals of the visible world.
The events of the last few hours ; He rose, oppressed and fevered
the apparition of the gigantic and with the new thoughts that raged
shadowy Companion of the Mystic, within him, and threw open bis case
amidst the fires and clouds of ment for air. The ocean lay suffused
Vesuvius ; the strange encounter with in the starry light, and the stillness
Zanoni himself, on a spot in which of the heavens never more eloquently
he could never, by ordinary reasoning, preached the morality of repose to
have calculated on finding Glyndon , the madness of earthly passions. But
filled his mind with emotions, in such was Glyndon's mood, that their
which terror and awe the least pre very hush only served to deepen the
vailed . A fire, the train of which wild desires that preyed upon his soul.
had been long laid , was lighted at his And the solemn stars, that are mys
heart — the asbestos-fire, that, once teries in themselves, seemed by a
lit, is never to be quenched. All his kindred sympathy to agitate the
early aspirations— his young ambition wings of the spirit no longer con
--his longings for the laurel, were tented with its cage. As he gazed, a
merged in one passionate yearning to Star shot from its brethren, and
orerpass the bounds of the common vanished from the depth of space !
116 ZANONI..
0, be gone !
By heaven I love thee better than myself,
For I came hither arm’d against myself.
The young actress and Gionetta had “ Yes, darling ! In passing by the
returned from the theatre ; and Viola, Mole to day, there was a crowd round
fatigued and exhausted , had thrown some outlandish -looking sailors. His
herself on a sofa, while Gionetta busied ship arrived this morning, and anchors
herself with the long tresses which, in the bay. The sailors say that they
released from the fillet that bound are to be prepared to sail with the
them, half concealed the form of the first wind ; they were taking in fresh
actress, like a veil of threads of gold. stores . They— ”
As she smoothed the luxuriant locks, " Leave me, Gionetta ! Leaveme!"
the old nurse ran gossiping on about The time had already passed when
the little events of the night, the the girl could confide in Gionetta.
scandal and politics of the scenes, and Her thoughts had advanced to that
the tireroom. Gionetta was a worthy point when the heart recoils from all
soul. Almanzor, in Dryden's tragedy confidence, and feels that it cannot
of “ Almahide,” did not change sides be comprehended. Alone now , in
with more gallant indifference than the principal apartment of the house ,
the exemplary nurse . She was at last she paced its narrow boundaries with
grieved and scandalised that Viola tremulous and agitated steps ; she
had not selected one chosen cavalier. recalled the frightful suit of Nicot ;
But the choice she left wholly to her the injurious taunt of Glyndon ; and
fair charge. Zegri or Abencerrage, she sickened at the remembrance of
Glyndon or Zanoni, it had been the the hollow applauses which , bestowed
same to her, except that the rumours on the actress , not the woman, only
she had collected respecting the latter, subjected her to contumely and insult .
combined with his own recommenda- In that room the recollection of her
tions of his rival, had given her father's death, the withered laurel
preference to the Englishman . She and the broken chords , rose chillingly
interpreted ill the impatient and before her. Hers, she felt, was a yet
heavy sigh with which Viola greeted gloomier fate — the chords may break
her praises of Glyndon, and her while the laurel is yet green . The
wonder that he had of late so neglected lamp,waning in its socket,burned pale
his attentions behind the scenes, and and dim , and her eyes instinctively
she exhausted all her powers of pane- turned from the darker corner of the
gyric upon the supposed object of the room. Orphan ! by the hearth of
sigh. “ And then too,” she said, “ if thy parents, dost thou fear the pre
nothing else were to be said against sence of the dead !
the other Signor, it is enough that he And was Zanoni indeed about to
is about to leave Naples.” quit Naples ? Should she see him no
Leave Naples ! -- Zanoni ?” more ? Oh, fool, to think that there
was grief in any other thought ! The another's ; thou knowest I would
Past, that was gone ! —The Future ! thou knowest it ! - but he is not
there was no Future to her - Zanoni worthy of thee, the cold Englislıman !
absent ! But this was the night of I throw myself at thy feet ; bave trust
the third day on which Zanoni had in me and ily.”
told her that, come what might, he He grasped her hand passionately
would visit her again. It was, then, as he dropped on his knee,and looked
if she might believe him, some up into her face with his bright
appointed crisis in her fate ; and how beseeching eyes.
should she tell him of Glyndon's “ Fly with thee !” said Viola, scarce
hateful words ? The pure and the believing her senses.
proud mind can never confide its “ With me. Name, fame, honour
wrongs to another, only its triumphs all will be sacrificed if thou dost not. ”
and its happiness. But at that late “ Then-then,” said the wild girl,
hour would Zanoni visit her - could falteringly, and turning aside her
she receive him ? Midnight was at face ; " then I am not indifferent to
hand. Still in undefined suspense, thee ? Thou wouldst not give me to
in intense anxiety, she lingered in another ? ”
the room . The quarter before mid- Zanoni was silent ; but his breast
night sounded dull and distant. All heaved , his cheeks flushed , his eyes
was still, and she was about to pass darted dark and impassioned fire.
to her sleeping-room, when she heard Speak ! ” exclaimed Viola, in
the hoofs of a horse at full speed ; the jealous suspicion of his silence.
sound ceased ; there was a knock at “ Indifferent to me ! No ; but I
the door. Her heart beat violently ; dare not yet say that I love thee.”
but fear gave way to another senti- “ Then what matters my fate ?" said
ment when she heard a voice, too well Viola, turning pale, and shrinking
known, calling on her name. She from his side ; “ leave me—I fear no
paused, and then with the fearlessness danger. My life, and therefore my
of innocence, descended, and unbarred honour, is in mine own hands.”
the door. “ Be not so mad ,” said Zanoni.
Zanoni entered with a light and “ Hark ! do you hear the neigh of my
hasty step. His horseman's cloak steed ?—it is an alarum that warns us
fitted tightly to his noble form ; and of the approaching peril. Haste, or
his broad hat threw a gloomy shade you are lost ! ”
over his commanding features. Why dost thou care for me ? ”
The girl followed him into the said the girl, bitterly. “ Thou hast
room she had just left, trembling and read my heart ; thou knowest that
blushing deeply, and stood before thou art become the lord of my
him with the lamp she held shining destiny. But to be bound beneath
upward on her cheek, and the long the weight of a cold obligation ; to
hair that fell like a shower of light be the beggar on the eyes of Indiffer
over the half clad shoulders and ence ; to cast myself on one who
heaving bust.
loves me not ; that were indeed the
Viola,” said Zanoni, in a voice vilest sin of my sex. Ah, Zanoni,
that spoke deep emotion, “ I am by rather let me die !"
thy side once more to save thee . Not She had thrown back her clustering
a moment is to be lost. Thou must hair from her face while she spoke ;
fly with me, or remain the victim of and as she now stood, with her arms
the Prince di I would have drooping mournfully, and her hands .
made the charge I now undertake clasped together with the proud
bitterness of her wayward spirit, giving It is in vain to seek for words to
new zest and charm to her singular describe the delight—the proud, the
beauty, it was impossible to conceive full, the complete, and the entire
a sight more irresistible to the eye delight that filled the heart of the
and the heart. Neapolitan. He whom she had con
Tempt me not to thine own sidered too lofty even for love-more
danger- perhaps destruction ! ” ex- humble to her than those she had half
claimed Zanoni, in faltering accents. despised ! She was silent, but her
“ Thou canst not dream of what eyes spoke to him ; and then slowly,
thou wouldst demand - come! ” and, as aware, at last, that the human love
advancing, he wound his arm round had advanced on the ideal,she shrunk
her waist. Come, Viola ; believe into the terrors of a modest and
at least in my friendship, my honour, virtuous nature. She did not dare
my protection she did not dream to ask him the
“ And not thy love,” said the Italian , question she had so fearlessly made to
turning on him her reproachful eyes. Glyndon ; but she felt a sudden cold
Those eyes met his, and he could not ness-a sense that a barrier was
withdraw from the charm of their yet between love and love. « Oh,
gaze. He felt her heart throbbing Zanoni ! ” she murmured, with down
beneath his own ; her breath came cast eyes, “ ask me not to fly with
warm upon his cheek . He trembled thee ; tempt me not to my shame.
-He ! the lofty, the mysterious Thou wouldst protect me from others.
Zanoni, who seemed to stand aloof Oh, protect me from thyself ! ”
from his race. With deep and “ Poor orphan ! ” said he, tenderly,
burning sigh, he murmured, “ Viola , “ and canst thou think that I ask
I love thee ! Oh ! ” he continued, from thee one sacrifice, -still less the
passionately, and releasing his hold, greatest that woman can give to love ?
he threw himself abruptly at her feet, As my wife I woo thee, and by every
“ I no more command ;—as woman tie, and by every vow that can hallow
should be wooed, I woo thee. From and endear affection. Alas, they have
the first glance of those eyes — from belied love to thee indeed, if thou
the first sound of thy voice, thou dost not know the religion that
becamest too fatally dear to me. belongs to it ! They who truly love
Thou speakest of fascination — it lives would seek, for the treasure they
and it breathes in thee ! I fled from obtain, every bond that can make it
Naples to fly from thy presence—it lasting and secure. Viola, weep not,
pursued me. Months, years passed, unless thou givest me the holy right
and thyrtsweet face still shone upon to kiss away thy tears ! ”
my hea . I returned, because I And that beautiful face, no more
pictured thee alone and sorrowful in averted, drooped upon his bosom ;
the world ; and knew that dangers and as he bent down, his lips sought
from which I might save thee were the rosy mouth : a long and burning
gathering near thee and around. kiss - danger - life - the world was
Beautiful Soul ! whose leaves I have forgotten ! Suddenly Zanoni tore
read with reverence, it was for thy himself from her.
sake, thine alone, that I would have “ Hearest thou the wind that sighs,
given thee to one who might make and dies away ? As that wind, my
thee happier on earth than I can . power to preserve thee , to guard thee,
Viola ! Viola ! thou knowest not- to foresee the storm in thy skies, is
never canst thou know - how dear gone. No matter . Haste, haste ;
thou art to me ! ” and may love supply the loss of
all that it has dared to sacrifice ! two of the myrmidons. Her shriek
Come.” smote the ear of Zanoni. He sprang
Viola hesitated no more. She forward ; and Viola heard his wild
threw her mantle over her shoulders, cry in a foreign tongue ! She saw the
and gathered up her dishevelled hair ; blades of the ruffians pointed at his
a moment, and she was prepared, breast ! She lost her senses ; and
when a sudden crash was heard below. when she recovered, she found herself
“ Too late !—fool that I was—too gagged, and in a carriage that was
late ! ” cried Zanoni , in a sharp tone driven rapidly, by the side of a
of agony, as he hurried to the door. masked and motionless figure. The
He opened it, only to be borne back carriage stopped at the portals of a
by the press of armed men. The gloomy mansion. The gates opened
literally swarmed with the noiselessly ; a broad flight of steps,
followers of the ravisher,masked , and brilliantly illumined, was before
armed to the teeth. her. She was in the palace of the
Viola was already in the grasp of Prince di
120 ZANONI .
Ma lasciamo, per Dio, Signore, ormai
Di parlar d'ira , e di cantar di morte .*
ORL. FUR., Canto xvii . xvii.
The young actress was led to, and “ Prince,” said Viola, with a stern
left alone in, a chamber adorned with gravity,“ your boast is in vain. Your
all the luxurious and half -Eastern power ! I am not in your power.
taste that, at one time, characterised Life and death are in my own hands.
the palaces of the great seigneurs of I will not defy ; but I do not fear you .
Italy. Her first thought was for I feel — and in some feelings,” added
Zanoni. Was he yet living ? Had Viola, with a solemnity almost
he escaped unscathed the blades of thrilling, “ there is all the strength,
the foe ? her new treasure—the new and all the divinity of knowledge—I
light of her life — her lord, at last her feel that I am safe even here ; but you
lover ? -you, Prince di-- , have brought
She had short time for reflection . danger to your home and hearth ! ”
She heard steps approaching the The Neapolitan seemed startled by
chamber ; she drew back, but trem- an earnestness and boldness he was
bled not. A courage, not of herself, but little prepared for. He was not,
never known before, sparkled in h however, a man easily intimidated or
eyes, and dilated her stature. Living deferred from any purpose he had
or dead, she would be faithful still to formed ; and, approaching Viola, he
Zanoni ! There was a new motive to was about to reply with much warmth ,
the preservation of honour. The real or affected , when a knock was
door opened, and the Prince entered heard at the door of the chamber.
in the gorgeous and gaudy costume The sound was repeated, and the
still worn at that time in Naples. Prince, chafed at the interruption,
“ Fair and cruel one," said he, opened the door and demanded,
advancing, with a half sneer upon his impatiently, who had ventured to
lip, “ thou wilt not too harshly blame disobey his orders, and invade his
the violence of love.” He attempted leisure. Mascari presented himself,
to take her hand as he spoke. pale and agitated : “ My lord ,” said
'Nay,” said he, as she recoiled, he, in a whisper, “ pardon me ; but a
“reflect that thou art now in the stranger is below, who insists on
power of one that never faltered in seeing you ; and, from some words he
the pursuit of an object less dear to let fall, I judged it advisable even to
him than thou art. Thy lover, pre- infringe your commands.”
sumptuous though he be, is not by to “ A stranger !-and at this hour !
save thee . Mine thou art ; but What business can he pretend ? Why
instead of thy master, suffer me to be was he even admitted ?"
thy slave. ” “ He asserts that your life is in
* But leave me, I solemnly conjure thee imminent danger. The source whence
Signor, to speak of wrath, and to sing of it proceeds he will relate to your
death .
Excellency alone .”
The Prince frowned ; but his colour of Human Will , with its winding
changed . He mused a moment, wickedness and its stubborn grandeur;
and then re -entering the chamber , descendant of the great Visconti, in
and advancing towards Viola, he whose chronicles lies the History of
said Italy in her palmy day, and in whose
“ Believe me, fair creature, I have rise was the development of the
no wish to take advantage of my mightiest intellect, ripened by the
power. to gaze
I would fain trust alone to most restless ambition , I come
the gentler authorities of affection . upon the last star in a darkening
Hold yourself queen within these firmament. By this hour tomorrow
walls more absolutely than you have space shall know it not. Man !
ever enacted that part on the stage. unless thy whole nature change, thy
To-night , farewell ! May your sleep days are numbered ! ”
be calm , and your dreams propitious “ What means this jargon ? ” said
to my hopes." the Prince, in visible astonishment
With these wordshe retired, and in and secret awe. “ Comest thou to
a few moments Viola was surrounded menace me in my own halls, or wouldst
by officious attendants, whom she at thou warn me of a danger ? Art thou
length ,with some difficulty, dismissed ; some itinerant mountebank, or some
and refusing to retire to rest, she spent unguessed- of friend ? Speak out, and
the night in examining the chamber, plainly. What danger threatensme?”
which she found was secured, and in “ Zanoni and thy ancestor's
thoughts of Zanoni, in whose power replied the stranger.
she felt an almost preternatural con- “ Ha ! ha ! ” said the Prince
fidence. laughing scornfully, “ I half suspected
Meanwhile, the Prince descended thee from the first. Thou art then
the stairs, and sought the room the accomplice or the tool of that
into which the stranger had been most dexterous, but, at present,
defeated charlata
shown. And suppose
n? I
He found the visitor wrapped from thou wilt tell me that, if I were to
head to foot in a long robe_haif release a certain captive I have made,
gown, halfmantle - such as was some. the danger would vanish , and the
times worn by ecclesiastics. The face hand of the dial would be put
of this stranger was remarkable ! So back ? ”
sunburnt and swarthy were his hues, 66
Judge of me as thou wilt, Prince
that he must, apparently, have derived di I confess my knowledge of
his origin amongst the races of the Zanoni. Thou, too, wilt know his
furthest East. His forehead was power, but not till it consume thee.
lofty, and his eyes so penetrating, yet I would save, therefore I warn thee .
so calm in their gaze, that the Prince Dost thou ask me why ? I will tell
shrunk from them as we shrink from thee . Canst thou remember to have
a questioner who is drawing forth the heard wild tales of thy grandsire ?
guiltiest secret of our hearts. of his desire for a knowledge that
“ What would you with me ? " passes thatofthe schools and cloisters ?
asked the Prince, motioning his -of a strange man from the East,
visitor to a seat. who was his familiar and master in
“ Prince of --" said the stranger, lore, against which the Vatican has,
in a voice deep and sweet ,but foreign from age to age, launched its mimic
in its accent ; “ son of the most ener- thunder ? Dost thou call to mind
getic and masculine race that ever the fortunes of thy ancestor ?-how
applied godlike geniusto the service he succeeded in youth to little but a
name ?-how , after a career wild and seems, that my grandsire, wise and
dissolute as thine, he disappeared illustrious indeed , in all save his faith
from Milan, a pauper, and a self-exile ? in a charlatan, was found dead in his
--how after years spent, none knew bed, in the very hour when his
in what climes or in what pursuits, colossal plans were ripe for execution,
he again revisited the city where his and that Mejnour was guilty of his
progenitors had reigned ?-how with murder."
him came the wise man of the East, “ Alas ! ” answered the stranger, in
the mystic Mejnour ?-how they who a voice of great sadness, “ had he but
beheld him, beheld with amaze and listened to Mejnour, had he but
fear that time had ploughed no furrow delayed the last and most perilous
on his brow ; that youth seemed fixed, ordeal of daring wisdom until the
as by a spell, upon his face and form ? requisite training and initiation had
Dost thou not know that from that been completed, your ancestor would
hour his fortunes rose ? Kinsmen the have stood with me upon an eminence
most remote died ; estate upon estate which the waters of Death itself wash
fell into the hands of the ruined everlastingly, but cannot overflow.
noble. He became the guide of Your grandsire resisted my fervent
princes, the first magnate of Italy. prayers, disobeyed my most absolute
He founded anew the wouse (of commands, and in the sublime rash
which thou art the last linealupholder, ness of a soul that panted for secrets,
and transferred his splendour from which he who desires orbs and sceptres
Milan to the Sicilian Realms. Visions never can obtain , perished, the victim
of high ambition were then present of his own frenzy.”
with him nightly and daily. Had he “ He was poisoned, and Mejnour
lived, Italy would have known a new filed."
dynasty, and the Visconti would have “ Mejnour fied not," answered the
reigned over Magna-Græcia. Hewas stranger, proudly ; “ Mejnour could
a man such as the world rarely sees ; not fly from danger ; for, to him ,
but his ends, too earthly, were at war danger is a thing long left behind. It
with the means he sought. Had his was the day before the duke took the
ambition been more or less, he had fatal draught which he believed was
been worthy of a realm mightier than to confer on the mortal the immortal
the Cæsars swayed ; worthy of our boon, that finding my power over him
solemn order ; worthy of the fellow- was gone, I abandoned him to his
ship of Mejnour, whom you now doom. But a truce with this ; I loved
behold before you." your grandsire ! I would save the last
The Prince, who had listened with of his race. Oppose not thyself to
deep and breathless attention to the Zanoni. Yield not thy soul to thine
words of his singular guest, started evil passions. Draw back from the
from his seat at his last words. precipice while there is yet time. In
“ Impostor ! ” he cried, can you thy front, and in thine eyes, I detect
dare thus to play with my credulity ? some of that diviner glory which
Sixty years have flown since my belonged to thy race. Thou hast in
grandsire died ; were he living he had thee some germs of their hereditary
passed his hundred and twentieth genius, but they are choked up by
year ; and you, whose old age is erect worse than thy hereditary vices.
and vigorous, have the assurance to Recollect that by genius thy house
pretend to have been his contem- rose; by vice it ever failed to per
orary ! But you have imperfectly petuate its power. In the laws which
carned your tale. You know not, it regulate the Universe it is decreed ,
that nothing wicked can long endure. his inconceivable amaze and horror,
Be wise, and let history warn thee. the spot was vacant. The mysterious
Thou standest on the verge of two stranger had vanished like a dream.
worlds, the Past and the Future ; But a thin and fragrant mist undu
and voices from either shriek omen in lated, in pale volumes, round the
thy ear. I have done. I bid thee walls of the chamber. “ Look to my
farewell ! ” lord ,” cried Mascari. The Prince had
“ Not so ; thou shalt not quit these fallen to the floor insensible. For
walls. I will make experiment of thy many hours he seemed in a kind of
boasted power. What, ho there !- trance. When he recovered he dis
ho ! ” missed his attendants, and his step
The Prince shouted ; the room was was heard in his chamber, pacing to
filled with his minions. and fro, with heavy and disordered
Seize that man ! ” he cried, strides. Not till an hour before his
pointing to the spot which had been banquet the next day did he seem
filled by the form of Mejnour. To restored to his wonted self.
Oime! come poss 'io
Altri trovar, se me trovar non posso . *
ANINT. , At . i. Sc. ii.
The sleep of Glyndon, the night after ascended the stairs ; no sound, no
his last interview with Zanoni, was sight of life met his ear and eye. In
unusually profound ; and the sun the front chamber, on a table , lay the
streamed full upon his eyes , as he guitar of the actress and some manu
opened them to the day. He rose script parts in the favourite operas.
refreshed, and with a strange senti- He paused, and summoning courage,
ment of calmness, that seemed more tapped at the door which seemed to
the result of resolution than exhaus- lead into the inner apartment. The
tion. The incidents and emotions of door was ajar ; and, hearing no sound
the past night had settled into distinct within, he pushed it op It was
and clear impressions. He thought the sleeping chamber of the young
of them but slightly - he thought actress, that holiest ground to a lover ;
rather of the future. He was as one and well did the place become the
of the initiated in the old Egyptian presiding deity ; none of the tawdry
mysteries, who have crossed the gate finery of the profession was visible, on
only to long more ardently for the the one hand ; none of the slovenly
penetralia. disorder common to the humbler
He dressed himself,and was relieved classes of the south, on the other, All
to find that Mervale had joined a was pure and simple ; even the orna
party of his countrymen on an excur- ments were those of an innocent
siọn to Ischia. ' He spent the heat of refinement ; a few books, placed
noon in thoughtful solitude, and carefully on shelves, a few half-faded
gradually the image of Viola returned flowers in an earthen vase, which
to his heart. It was a holy - for it was modelled and painted in the
was a human—image. He had re- Etruscan fashion . The sun -light
signed her ; and though he repented streamed over the snowy draperies of
not, he was troubled at the thought the bed, and a few articles of clothing
that repentance would have come too on the chair beside it. Viola was
late. not there ; but the nurse was she
He started impatiently from his gone also ? He made the house
seat, and strode with rapid steps to resound with the name of Gionetta,
the humble abode of the actress. but there was not even an echo to
The distance was considerable , and reply. At last, as he reluctantly
the air oppressive. Glyndon arrived quitted the desolate abode, he per
at the door breathless and heated . ceived Gionetta coming towards him
He knocked ; no answer came. He from the street. The poor old woman
lifted the latch and entered. He uttered an exclamation of joy on
seeing him ; but to their mutual
* Alas! how can I find another, when I disappointment, neither bad any
nnot find myself ? cheerful tidings or satisfactory expla
have thickened his grosser senses, ' and enduring essence - even you may
have blunted his imagination. I brave all things to raise the beloved
relinquish him to his doom .” one into your equal . Nay, interrupt
“ And still, then, Mejnour, you me not. Can you see sickness menace
cherish the desire to revive our order, her— danger hover around - years
limited now to ourselves alone,by newcreep on - the eyes grow dim — the
converts and allies ; surely - surely-
beauty fade-while the heart,youthful
thy experience might have taught still, clings and fastens round your
thee, that scarcely once in a thousand
own, -can you see this, and know it
years is born the being who can pass is yours to
through the horrible gates that lead “ Cease ! ” cried Zanoni, fiercely.
into the worlds without. Is not thy “ What is all other fate as compared
path already strewed with thy vic- to the death of terror ? What, when
tims ? Do not their ghastly faces of the coldest sage—the most heated
agony and fear - the blood-stained enthusiast — the hardiest warrior, with
suicide, the raving maniac . rise his nerves of iron - have been found
before thee, and warn what is yet left dead in their beds, with straining
to thee of human sympathy from thy eyeballs and horrent hair, at the first
insane ambition ? ” step of the Dread Progress,-thinkest
“ Nay,” answered Mejnour ; "have thou that this weak woman - froin
I'not had success to counterbalance whose cheek sound at the window,
failure ? And can I forego this lofty the screech of the night-owl, the sight
and august hope, worthy alone of our of a drop of blood on a man's sword,
bigh condition — the hope to form a would start the colour-could brave
mighty and numerous race with a one glance of -Away ! -- the very
force and power sufficient to permit thought of such sights for her makes
them to acknowledge to mankind even myself a coward ! ”
their majestic conquests and dominion “ When you told her you loved her
-to become the true lords of this —when you clasped her to your breast,
planet — invaders, perchance of others, you renounced all power to foresee
-masters of the inimical and malig- her future lot, or protect her from
nant tribes by which at this moment harm . Henceforth to her you are
we are surrounded,-a race that may human, and human only. How know
proceed , in their deathless destinies, you, then, to what you may be
from stage to stage of celestial glory, tempted !-how know you what her
and rank at last amongst the nearest curiosity may learn and her courage
ministrants and agents gathered brave ? But enough of this - you are
round the Throne of Thrones ? What bent on your pursuit ?"
matter a thousand victims for one The fiat has gone forth."
convert to our band ? Are you , " And to -morrow ? ”
Zanoni,” continued Mejnour, after a To-morrow, at this hour, our bark
pause—“ you, even you, should this will be bounding over yonder ocean,
affection for a mortal beauty that you and the weight of ages will have
have dared , despite yourself, to fallen from my heart ! I compassionate
cherish ,be more than a passing fancy thee, O foolish sage,—thou hast given
-should it, once admitted into your up thy youth !
inmost nature, partake of its bright
Alch. Thou always speakest riddles. Tell me if thou art that fountain of which Bernard
Lord Trevizan writ ?
Venc. I am not that foun in, but I am the water. The fountain compasseth n about.
suspicion , -you might have cut and garden , in which the eye rested
carved every membrane and fibre of gratefully upon cool fountains and
the corpse, but the sharpest eyes of statues of whitest marble, half shel
the leech would not have detected tered by orange trees. Every art
the presence of the subtle life-queller. that luxury could invent to give
For twelve hours the victim felt freshness and coolness to the languid
nothing, save a joyous and elated and breezeless heat of the day
exhilaration of the blood — a delicious without ( a day on which the breath
languor followed, the sure forerunner of the sirocco was 'abroad) had been
ofapoplexy. No lancet then could called into existence . Artificial cur
save! Apoplexy had run much in rents of air through invisible tubes,
the families of the enemies of the silken blinds waving to and fro as if
Visconti ! to cheat the senses into the belief of
The hour of the feast arrived — the an April wind, and miniature jets
guests assembled . There were the d'eau in each corner of the apart
flower of the Neapolitan seignorie, ment, gave to the Italians the same
the descendants of the Norman, the sense of exhilaration and comfort (if
Teuton , the Goth ; for Naples had I may use the word) which the well
then a nobility, but derived it from drawn curtains and the blazing hearth
the North,which has indeed been the afford to the children of colder
Nutrix Leonum , the nurse of the climes.
lion -hearted chivalry of the world . The conversation was somewhat
Last of the guests came Zanoni ; more lively and intellectual than is
and the crowd gave way as the common amongst thelanguid pleasure
dazzling foreigner moved along to hunters of the South ; for the Prince ,
the lord of the palace. The Prince himself accomplished, sought his
greeted him with a meaning smile, to acquaintance not only amongst the
which Zanoni answered by a whisper beaux esprits of his own country, but
-“ He who plays with loaded dice amongst the gay foreigners who
does not always win .” adorned and relieved the monotony
The Prince bit his lip ;وand Zanoni, of the Neapolitan circles. There
passing on , seemed deep in conversa- were present two or three of the
tion with the fa Mascari. brilliant Frenchmen of the old régime,
“ Who is the Prince's heir ?" asked who had already emigrated from the
the Guest. advancing revolution, and their pecu
“ A distant relation on the mother's liar turn of thought and wit was well
side ; with his Excellency dies the calculated for themeridian of a society
male line . " that made the Dolce far niente at
“ Is the heir present at our host's once its philosophy and its faith . The
banquet ?" Prince, however, was more silent than
“No ; they are not friends." usual ; and when he sought to rouse
“ No matter ; he will be here to himself, his spirits were forced and
morrow ! ” exaggerated. To the manners of his
Mascari stared in surprise ; but the host, those of Zanoni afforded а
signal for the banquet was given , and striking contrast. The bearing of
the guests were marshalled to the this singular person was at all times
board . As was the custom then, the characterised by a calm and polished
feast took place not long after mid- ease, which was attributed by the
day. It was a long oval hall, the courtiers to the long habit of society.
whole of one side opening by a He could scarcely be called gay ; yet
marble colonnade upon a court or few persons more tended to animate
No. 267. K 9
thegeneralspirits of a convivialcircle.
The page did the errand ; and Zanoni,
He seemed , by a kind of intuition, toon hearing the whispered name of
elicit from each companion the Glyndon , turned to his host.
qualities in which he most excelled ; “ Pardon me, my lord ; an English
and if occasionally a certain tone of friend of mine, the Signor Glyndon
latent mockery characterised his (not unknown by nameto your Excel
remarks upon the topics on which lency) waits without- the business
the conversation fell, it appeared to must indeed be urgent on which he
men who took nothing in earnest to has sought me in such an hour. You
be the language both of wit and will forgive my momentary absence.”
wisdom . To the Frenchmen in par- “ Nay, signor,"answeredthe Prince,
ticular there was something startling courteously, but with a sinister smile
in his intimate knowledge of the on his countenance, “would it not
minutest events in their own capital be better for your friend to join us ?
and country , and his profound pene- An Englishman is welcome every .
tration (evinced but in epigrams and where ; and even were he a Dutch
sarcasms) into the eminent characters man , your friendship would invest his
who were then playing a part upon presence with attraction . Pray his
the great stageof Continental intrigue. attendance ,--we would not spare you
It was while this conversation grew even for a moment."
animated, and the feast was at its Zanoni bowed — the page was de
height, that Glyndon arrived at the spatched with all flattering messages
palace. The porter, perceiving by to Glyndon -- a seat next to Zanoni
his dress that he was not one of the was placed for him , and the young
invited guests, told him that his Englishman entered .
Excellency was engaged, and on no “ You are most welcome, sir. I
account could be disturbed ; and trust your business to our illustrious
Glyndon then, for the first time, guest is of good omen and pleasant
became aware how strange and em- import. If you bring evil news, defer
barrassing was the duty he had it, I pray you."
taken on himself. To force an Glyndon's brow was sullen ; and he
entrance into the banquet hall of was about to startle the guests by his
a great and powerful noble, sur- reply, when Zanoni, touching his arm
rounded by the rank of Naples, and significantly, whispered in English
to arraign him for what to his boon “ I know why you have sought me.
companions would appear but'an act Be silent, and witness what ensues. ”
of gallantry , was an exploit that “ You know , then , that Viola ,
could not fail to be at once ludicrous whom you boasted you had the power
and impotent. He mused a moment; to save from danger ”.
and slipping a piece of gold into the “ Is in this house !-yes. I know
porter's hand, said that he was com- also that Murder sits at the right
missioned to seek the Signor Zanoni hand of our host. But his fate is
upon an errand of life and death ; and now separated from hers for ever ; and
easily won his way across the court, the mirror which glasses it to my eye
and into the interior building. He is clear through the steams of blood .
passed up the broad staircase, and Be still, and learn the fate that awaits
the voices and merriment of the the wicked ! "
“ My lord," said Zanoni, speaking
revellers smote his ear at a distance.
At the entrance of the reception- aloud, “the Signor Glyndon has
rooms he found a page, whom he indeed brought me tidings, not
despatched with a message to Zanoni. wholly unexpected. I am compelled
to leave Naples- + an additional motive 'you are a judge of the grape; will you
to make the most of the present favour us with your opinion ?"
hour." Nay," answered Mascari, with
“ And what, if I may venture to well-affected composure, “ I like not
ask , may be the cause that brings the wines of Cyprus ; they are heating.
such affliction on the fair dames of Perhaps Signor Glyndon may not
Naples ?" have the same distaste ? The English
“ It is the approaching death of are said to love their potations warm
one who honoured me with most loyal and pungent .”
friendship,” replied Zanoni, gravely. “ Do you wish my friend also to
“ Let us not speak of it ; grief cannot taste the wine, Prince ?” said Zanoni.
put back the dial. As we supply by “ Recollect, all cannot drink it with
new flowers those that fade in our the same impunity as myself.”
vases, so it is the secret of worldly “ No," said the Prince, hastily ; “ if
wisdom to replace by fresh friendships you do not recommend the wine,
those that fade from our path .” Heaven forbid that we should con
“ True philosophy !” exclaimed the strain our guests ! My Lord Duke,"
Prince. “ Not to admire, was the turning to one of the Frenchmen,
Roman's maxim ; “ Never to mourn ,' “ yours is the true soil of Bacchus.
is mine. There is nothing in life to What think you ofthis cask from Bur
grieve for, save,indeed , Signor Zanoni, gundy ? Has it borne the journey ? ”
when some young beauty on whom Ah ,” said Zanoni, " let us change
we have set our hearts, slips from our both the wine and the theme.”
grasp . In such a moment we have With that, Zanoni grew yet more
need of all our wisdom , not to suc- animated and brilliant. Never did
cumb to despair, and shake hands witmore sparkling, airy, exhilarating,
with death . What say you, Signor ? flash from the lips of reveller. His
You smile ! Such never could he spirits fascinated all present-even
your lot. Pledge me in a sentiment the Prince himself, even Glyndon ,
-1- Long life to the fortunate lover with a strange and wild contagion.
-a quick release to the baffled The former, indeed, whom the words
suitor ?" " and gaze of Zanoni, when he drained
“ I pledge you,” said Zanoni. And the poison, had filled with fearful
as the fatal wine was poured into his misgivings, now hailed in the brilliant
glass, herepeated, fixing his eyes on eloquence of his wit, a certain sign of
the Prince, “ I pledge you even in the operation of thebane. The wine
this wine ! ” circulated fast ; but none seemed
He lifted the glass to his lips. The conscious of its effects. One by one
Prince seemed ghastly pale while the the rest of the party fell into a
gaze of his Guest bent upon him, charmed and spell-bound silence, as
with an intent and stern brightness Zanoni continued to pour forth sally
beneath which the conscience-stricken upon sally, tale upon tale. They
host cowered and quailed. Not till hung on his words, they almost held
he had drained the draught, and their breath to listen. Yet, how
replaced the glass upon the board, bitter was his mirth !-how full of
did Zanoni turn his eyes from the contempt for the triflers present, and
Prince ; and he then said , “ Your for the trifles which made their life.
wine has been kept too long ; it has Night came on ; the room grew
lost its yirtues. It might disagree dim , and the feast had lasted several
with many, but do not fear ; it will hours longer than was the customary
not harm me, Prince. Signor Mascari, duration of similar entertainments at
that day. Still the guests stirredhe drew up, and which was kindly
not, and still Zanoni continued, with submitted to me somefew years ago
glittering eye and mocking lip, to by my accomplished and lively friend,
lavish his stores of intellect and il Cavaliere di B—
anecdote; when suddenly the moon
rose, and shed its rays over the flowers “ I never remember," writes the
and fountains in the court without, Duc, “ to have felt my spirits so
leaving the room itself half in shadow excited as on that evening ; we were
and half tinged by a quiet and ghostly like so many boys released from
light. school, jostling each other as we
It was then that Zanoni rose. reeled or ran down the flight of seven
Well, gentlemen,” said he, 66 we or eight stairs that led from the
have not yet wearied our host, I hope ; colonnade into the garden , — some
and his garden offers a new tempta- laughing, some whooping, some
tion to protract our stay. Have you scolding, some babbling. The wine
no musicians among your train , had brought out, as it were, each
Prince, that might regale our ears man's inmost character. Some were
while we inhale the fragrance of your loud and quarrelsome, others senti
orange trees ? " mental and whining ; some whom we
“ An excellent thought! ” said the had hitherto thought dull, most
Prince . 66 Mascari,see to the music.” mirthful; some whom we had ever
The party rose simultaneously to regarded as discreet and taciturn,
adjourn to the garden ; and then for most garrulous and uproarious. I
the first time, the effect of the wine remember that in the midst of our
they had drunk seemed to make itself clamorous gaiety, my eye fell upon
felt. the cavalier, Signor Zanoni, whose
With flushed cheeks and unsteady conversation had so enchanted us all;
steps they came into the open air, and I felt a certain chill come over
which tended yet more to stimulate me to perceive that he wore the same
that glowing fever of the grape. As calm and unsympathising smile upon
if to make up for the silence with his countenance which had charac
which the guests had hitherto listened terised it in his singular and curious.
to Zanoni, every tongue was now stories of the Court of Louis XIV. I
loosened — every man talked, no man felt, indeed, balf inclined to seek a
listened. There was something wild quarrel with one whose composure
and fearful in the contrast between was almost an insult to our disorder.
the calm beauty of the night and Nor was such an effect of this irri
scene, and the hubbub and clamour tating and mocking tranquillity con.
of these disorderly roysters. One of fined to myself alone. Several of the
the Frenchmen, in especial, the young party have told me since, that, on
Duc de R— , a nobleman of the looking at Zanoni, they felt their
highest rank, and of all the quick , blood yet more heated , and gaiety
vivacious, and irascible temperament change to resentment. There seemed
of his countrymen, was particularly in his icy smile a very charm to
noisy and excited. And as circum- wound vanity and provoke rage. It
stances, the remembrance of which is was ai inis moment that the Prince
still preserved among certain circles came up to me, and, passing his arm
of Naples, rendered it afterwards into mine, led me a little apart, from
necessary that the Duc should him the rest. He had ,certainly indulged
self give evidence of what occurred, I in the same excess' as ourselves, but
will here translate the short account it did not produce the same effect of
insulting against Signor .Zanoni and posure, the sword from my hand, said,
myself. Zanoni replied not ; I was calmly— Ye are witnesses , gentlemen ,
more hot and hasty. The guests that the Prince brought his fate upon
appeared to delight in our dispute. himself. The last of that illustrious
None, except Mascari, whom we house has perished in a brawl.'
pushed aside and disdained to hear, “ I saw no more of Zanoni. I
strove to conciliate ; some took one hastened to our envoy to narrate the
side, some another. The issue may event, and abide the issue. I am
be well foreseen . Swords were called grateful to the Neapolitan govern
for and procured. Two were offered ment, and to the illustrious heir of
me by one of the party. I was about the unfortunate nobleman, for the
to choose one, when Zanoniplaced in lenient and generous, yet just, inter
my hand the other, which, from its pretation put upon a misfortune, the
hilt, appeared of antiquated work- memory of which will afflict me to
manship. At the same moment, the last hour of my life .
looking towards the Prince, he said , (Signed)
smilingly, ' The Duc takes your grand “ Louis VICTOR, DUO DE R."
sire's sword. Prince, you are too
brave a man for superstition ; you . In the above memorial, the reader
have forgot the forfeit !' Our host will find the most exact and minute
seemed to me to recoil and turn pale account yet given of an event which
at those words; nevertheless, he created the most lively sensation at
returned Zanoni's smile with a look of Naples in that day.
defiance. The next moment all was Glyndon had taken no part in the
broil and disorder. There might be affray, neither had he participated
some six or eight persons engaged in largely in the excesses of the revel.
a strange and confused kind ofmélée, For his exemption from both , he was
but the Prince and myself only perhaps indebted to the whispered
sought each other. The noise around exhortations of Zanoni. When the
us, the confusion of the guests, the last rose from the corpse,and withdrew
cries of the musicians, the clash of from that scene ofconfusion, Glyndon
our own swords, only served to remarked that in passing the crowd
stimulate our unhappy fury. We he touched Mascari on the shoulder,
feared to be interrupted by the and said something which the English
attendants, and fought like madmen , man did not overhear. Glyndon
without skill or method. I thrust followed Zanoni into the banquet
and parried mechanically, blind and room, which, save where the moon
frantic as if a demon had entered intolight slept on the marble floor, was
me , till I saw the Prince stretched at
wrapt in the sad and gloomy shadows
my feet, bathed in his blood , and of the advancing night.
Zanoni bending over him and “ How could you foretell this fearful
whispering in his ear. That sight event! He fell not by your arm ! "
cooled us all. The strife ceased ; we said Glyndon, in a tremulous and
gathered in shame, remorse, and hollow tone.
horror round our ill- fated hostbut it “ The general who calculates on the
was too late — his eyes rolled fearfully, victory does not fight in person,"
in his head. I have seen many men answered Zanoni; “ let the past sleep
dio, but never one who wore such with the dead. Meet meatmidnight
horror on his countenance . At last, by the sea -shore, half a mile to the
all was over ! Zanoni rose from the left of your hotel. You will know
corpse , and, taking , with great com. the spot by a rude pillar--the only
one near - to which a broken chain is recollect the wine of Cyprus. Well,
attached . There and then, if thou never tremble, man ; it could not act
wouldst learn our lore, thou shalt find on me, though it might re-act on
the master. Go ;-I have business others ; in that it is a common type
here yet. Remember, Viola is still in of crime. I forgive you ; and if the
the house of the dead man ! ” wine should kill me, I promise you
Here Mascari approached, and that my ghost shall not haunt so
Zanoni, turning to the Italian, and worshipful a penitent. Enough of
waving his hand to Glyndon, drew this ; conduct meto the chamber of
the former aside . Glyndon slowly Viola Pisani. You have no further
departed. need of her. The death of the gaoler
“ Mascari,” said Zanoni, “ your opens the cell of the captive. Be
patron is no more ; your services will quick, I would be gone."
be valueless to his heir ; a sober man , Mascari muttered some inaudible
whom poverty has preserved from words, bowed low, and led the way
vice . For yourself, thank me that I to the chamber in which Viola was
do not giveyou up to the executioner ; confined.
MERC. Tell me, therefore, what thou seekest after, and what thou wilt have.
What dost thou desirt to make ?
Alch . The Philosopher's ne. SANDIVOGIUS .
It wanted several minutes of mid- was, perhaps, beneath his roof. Who
night, and Glyndon repaired to the ever has, in the course of his life,
appointed spot. The mysterious indulged the absorbing passion of
empire which Zanoni had acquired the gamester, will remember how all
over him, was still more solemnly other pursuits and objects vanished
confirmed by the events of the last from his mind ; how solely he was
few hours ; the sudden fate of the wrapped in the one wild delusion ;
Prince, so deliberately foreshadowed, with what a sceptre of magic power
and yet so seemingly accidental, the despot-dæmon ruled every feeling
brought out by causes the most and every thought. Far more intense
common -place, and yet associated with than the passion of the gamester was
words the most prophetic, impressed the frantic, yet sublim desire that
him with the deepest sentiments of mastered the breast of Lyndon. He
admiration and awe. It was as if this would be the rival of Zanoni, not in
dark and wondrous being could con human and perishable affections, but
vert the most ordinary events and in preternatural and eternal lore. He
the meanest instruments into the would have laid down life with con
agencies of his inscrutable will ; yet tent — nay, rapture, as the price of
if so, why have permitted the capture learning those solemn secrets which
of Viola ? Why not have prevented separated the stranger from mankind .
the crime, rather than punish the Enamoured of the goddess of
criminal? And did Zanonireally feel goddesses, he stretched forth bis
love for Viola ? Love, and yet offer arms — the wild Ixion - and embraced
to resign her to himself; to a rival a cloud !
whom his arts could not have failed to The night was most lovely and
bafile. He no longer reverted to the serene, and the waves scarcely rippled
belief that Zanoni or Viola had sought at his feet, as the Englishman glided
to dupe him into marriage. His fear on by the cool and starry beach. At
and reverence for the former now length he arrived at the spot, and
forbade the notion of so poor an there, leaning against the broken
imposture. Did he any longer love pillar, he beheld a man wrapped in
Viola himself ! No ; when that a long mantle, and in an attitude of
morning he had heard of her danger, profound repose. He approached
he had, it is true, returned to the and uttered the name of Zanoni. The
sympathies and the fears of affection ; figure turned, and he saw the face of
but with the death of the Prince her a stranger ; a face not stamped by
image faded again from his heart, the glorious beauty of Zanoni, but
and he felt no jealous pang at the equally majestic in its aspect, and
thought that she had been saved by perhaps still more impressive from
Zanoni,—that at that moment she the mature age and the passionless
depth of thought that characterised one of that mighty few over whom
the expanded forehead, and deep-set Zanoni has no superiority in power
but piercing eyes. and wisdom ? ”
“ You seek Zanoni,” said the “ In me," answered the stranger,
stranger, “ he will be here anon ; but, ' you see one from whom Zanoni him
perhaps, he whom you see before you, self learned some of his loftiest
is more connected with your destiny, secrets. On these shores, on this spot
and more disposed to realise your have I stood in ages that your
dreams." chroniclers but feebly reach. The
“ Hath the earth then another Phoenician , the Greek, the Oscan , the
Zanoni?" Roman, the Lombard , I have seen
“ If not,” replied the stranger, them all !-leaves gay and glittering
“ why do you cherish the hope and on the trunk of the universal life,
the wild faith to be yourself a Zanoni ? scattered in due season and again
Think you that none others have renewed ; till indeed, the same race
burned with the same godlike dream ? that gave its glory to the ancient
Who, indeed, in his first youth - world bestowed a second youth upon
youth when the soul is nearer to the the new. For the pure Greeks, the
heaven from which it sprung, and its Hellenes, whose origin has bewildered
divine and primal longings are notall your dreaming scholars, were of the
effaced by the sordid passions and same great family as the Norman
petty cares that are begot in time - tribe, born to be the lords of the
who is there in youth that has not universe, and in no land on earth
nourished thebelief that the universe destined to become the hewers of
has secrets not known to the common wood . Even the dim traditions of
herd, and panted, as the hart for the the learned , which bring the sons of
water-springs, for the fountains that Hellas from the vast and undeter
lie hid and far away amidst the broad mined territories of northern Thrace,
wilderness of trackless science ? The to be the victors of the pastoral
music of the fountain is heard in the Pelasgi, and the founders of the line
soul within, till the steps, deceived of demi.gods;—which assign to a
and erring, rove away from its waters, population bronzed beneath the suns
and the wanderer dies in the mighty of the west, the blue-eyed Minerva
desert. Think you that none who and the yellow -haired Achilles (phy
have cherished the hope have found sical characteristics of the north);
the truth ? or that the yearning after which introduce amongst a pastoral
the Ineffable Knowledge was given to people, warlike aristocracies, and
us utterly in vain ? No ! Every limited monarchies, the feudalism of
desire in human hearts is buta glimpse the classic time ; even these might
of things that exist, alike distant and serve you to trace back the primeval
divine. No ! in the world there have settlements of the Hellenes to the
been from age to age, some brighter same region whence , in later times,
and happier spirits who have attained the Norman warriors broke on the
to the air in which the beings above dull and savage hordes of the Celt,
mankind move and breathe. Zanoni, and became the Greeks of the Chris
great though he be, stands not alone. tian world. But this interests you
He has had his predecessors,and long not, and you are wise in your indif
lines of successors may be yet to ference. Not in the knowledge of
come." things without, but in the perfection
“ And will you tell me," said of the soul within , lies the empire
Glyndon , “ that in yourself I behold of man aspiring to be more than men .”
“ And what books contain that ! blossom and the fruit. Zanoni hath
science - from what laboratory is it performed his task, he is wanted no
wrought ?” more ; the perfecter of his work is at
“ Nature supplies the materials ; thy side. He comes ! I hear the
they are around you in your daily dash of the oar. You will have your
walks. In the herbs that the beast choice submitted to you. According
devours and the chemist disdains to as you decide, we shall meet again ."
cull ; in the elements, from which With these words the stranger moved
matter in its meanestand its mightiest slowly away, and disappeared beneath
shapes is deduced ; in the wide bosom the shadow of the cliffs. A boat
of the air ; in the black abysses of glided rapidly across the waters ;
the earth ; everywhere are given to it touched land ; a man leapt on
mortals the resources and libraries of shore, and Glyndon recognised
immortal lore. But as the simplest Zanoni.
problems in the simplest of all “ I give thee, Glyndon , I give thee
studies are obscure to one who braces no more the option of happy, loveand
nothis mind to their comprehension, serene enjoyment. That houris past,
as the rower in yonder vessel cannot and fate has linked the hand that
tell you why two circles can touch might have been thine own , to nine.
each other only in one point; so, But I have ample gifts to bestow.upon
though all earth were carved over and thee, if thou wilt abandon the hope
inscribed with the letters of diviner that gnaws thy heart,and the realisa
knowledge, the characters would be tion of whieh, even I have not the
valuelessto him who does not pause powertoforesee. Be thine ambition
to inquire the language, and meditate human , and I can gratify, it to the
the truth. Young man , if thy ima- full. Men desire four things in life
gination is vivid, if thy heart is love, wealth , fame, power. The first
daring, if thy curiosity is insatiate, I cannot give thee, the rest are at my
I will accept thee as my pupil. But disposal. Select which of them thou
the first lessons are stern and dread .” wilt, and let us part in peace.”
“ If thou hast mastered them , why “ Such are not the gifts. I covet.
not I?? answered Glyndon, boldly. I choose knowledge, that knowledge
“ I have felt from my boyhood that must be thine own . For this, and for
strange mysteries were reserved for this alone, I surrendered the love of
my career ; and from the proudest Viola ;,this, and this alone, must be
ends of ordinary ambition , I have my recompense.”
carried my gaze into the cloud and “ I cannot gainsay thee, though I
darkness that stretch beyond. The can warn . The desire to learn does
instant I beheld Zanoni, I felt as if I not always contain the faculty to
had discovered the guide, and the acquire. I can give thee, it is true,
tutor for which my youth had idly the teacher -- the rest must depend on
languished and vainly burned . ” thee. Be wise in time, and take that
“ And to me his duty is trans- which I can assure to thee."
ferred,” replied the stranger. “ Yonder “ Answer me but these questions,
lies, anchored in the bay, the vessel and according to your answer Iwill
in which Zanoni seeks a fairer home ; decide. Is it in the power of man
a little while and the breeze will rise, to attain intercourse with the beings
the sail will swell, and the stranger of other worlds ? Is it in the power
will have passed, like a wind, away. of man to influence the elements, and
Still, like the wind, he leaves in thy to ensure life against the sword and
heart the seeds that may bear the against disease ? "
“ All this may be possible," answered words failed him. Viola was then lost
Zanoni, evasively, “ to the few . But for ever ; gone with this dread
for one who attains such secrets, stranger ; darkness was round her
millions may perish in the attempt.” | lot ! And he himself had decided
“ One question more . Thou- .” her fate and his own ! The boat
Beware ! Of myself, as I have bounded on, the soft waves flashed
said before, I render no account. ” and sparkled beneath the oars, and it
“ Well, then, the stranger I have was along one sapphire track of
met this night, are his boasts to be moonlight that the frail vessel bore
believed ? Is he in truth one of the away the lovers. Farther, and
chosen seers whom you allow to have farther from his gaze, sped the boat,
mastered the mysteries I yearn to till at last the speck, scarcely visible,
fathom ?” touched the side of the ship that lay
“ Rash man,” said Zanoni, in a lifeless in the glorious bay. At that
tone of compassion, “ thy crisis is instant, as if by magic, up sprang,
past, and thy choice made ! I can with a glad murmur, the playful and
only bid thee be bold and prosper ; freshening wind : And Glyndon
yes, I resign thee to a master who has turned to Mejnour and broke the
the power and the will to open to silence.
thee the gates of an awful world. “ Tell me, (if thou canst read the
Thy weal or woe are as nought in the future,) tell me thather lot will be fair,
eyes of his relentless wisdom. I would and that her choice at least is wise ? ” .
bid him spare thee, but he will heed “ My pupil ! ” answered Mejnour,
me not. Mejnour, receive thy pupil ! ” in a voice, the calmness of which well
Glyndon turned , and his heart beat accorded with the chilling words,
when he perceived that the stranger, thy first task must be to withdraw
whose footsteps he had not heard upon all thought, feeling, sympathy from
the pebbles, whose approach he had others. The elementary stage of
not beheld in the moonlight, was once knowledge is to make self, and self
more by his side ! alone, thy study and thy world.
Farewell,” resumed Zanoni; “ thy Thou hast decided thine own career ;
trial commences . When next we thou hast renounced love ; thou hast
meet, thou wilt be the victim or the rejected wealth, fame, and the vulgar
victor. ” pomps of power. What then are all
Glyndon's eyes followed the re- mankind to thee ? To perfect thy
ceding form of themysterious stranger. faculties, and concentrate thy emo
He saw him enter the boat,and he then tions, is henceforth thy only aim ! ”
for the first time noticed that besides “ And will happiness be the end ?"
the rowers there was a female, who “ If happiness exist,” answered
stood up as Zanoni gained the boat. Mejnour, “ it must be centred in a
Even at the distance herecognised SELF to which all passion isunknown.
the once -adored form of Viola. She But happiness is the last state of
waved her hand to him , and across being ; and as yet thou art on the
the still and shining air, came her threshold of the first.”
voice, mournfully and sweetly in As Mejnour spoke, the distant
her mother's tongue - " Farewell, vessel spread its sails to the wind,
Clarence - I forgive thee !-farewell,and moved slowly along the deep.
farewell ! ” Glyndon sighed, and the pupil and
He strove to answer, but the voice the master retraced their steps
touched a chord at his heart, and the towards the city.
Comme vittima io vengo all'ara . *
METAST ., At. ii. Sc. 7.
It was about a month after the date indignantly ! Well ; put common
of Zanoni's departure, and Glyndon's sense out of the question ; take your
introduction to Mejnour, when two own view of the matter. You are to
Englishmen were walking, arm in undergo an ordeal which Mejnour
arm , through the Toledo. himself does not profess to describe
" I tell you ,” - said one (who spoke as a very tempting one. It may , or
warmly,) “ that if you have a particle it may not succeed ; if it does not,
of common sense left in you, you will you are menaced with the darkest
accompany me to England. This evils ; and if it does, you cannot be
Mejnour is an impostor more danger- better off than the dull and joyless
ous, because more in earnest, than mystic whom you have taken for a
Zanoni. After all, what do his master. Away with this folly ; enjoy
promises amount to ? You allow that youth while it is left to you. Return
nothing can be more equivocal. You with me to England ; forget these
say that he has left Naples - that he dreams. Enter your proper career ;
has selected a retreat more congenial form affections more respectable than
than the crowded thoroughfares of those which lured you awhile to an
men to the studies in which he is to Italian adventuress. Attend to your
initiate you ; and this retreat is fortune, make money, and become a
among the haunts of the fiercest happy and distinguished man . This
bandits of Italy — haunts which justice is the advice of sober friendship ; yet
itself dares not penetrate. Fitting the promises I hold out to you are
hermitage for a sage! I tremble for fairer than those of Mejnour.”
you . What if this stranger - of whom Mervale,” said Glyndon, doggedly,
nothing is known - be leagued with “ I cannot, if I would, yield to your
the robbers ; and these lures for your wishes. power that is above me
credulity bait but the traps for your urges me on ; I cannot resist its
property - perhaps your life ? You influence . I will proceed to the last
might come off cheaply by a ransom in the strange career I have com
of half your fortune. You smile menced. Think of me no more .
Follow yourself the advice you give
* As a victim I go to the altar. to me, and be happy.”
startled in its sombre haunt, was heard out attempting to stop his way.
above the hills. These were the only Even the children hushed their
signs of life ; not a human being was babble, and ragged urchins, devouring
met - not a hut was visible. Wrapped him with sparkling eyes, muttered
in his own ardent and solemn to their mothers, “ We shall feast
thoughts, the young man continued well to-morrow ! ” It was, indeed,
his way, till the sun had spent its one of those hamlets in which Law
noon -day heat, and a breeze that sets not its sober step , in which
announced the approach of eve sprung Violence and Murder house secure
up from the unseen ocean which lay - hamlets common then in the wilder
far distant to his right. was then parts of Italy -in which the peasant
tbat a turn in the road brought before was but the gentler name for the
him one of those long, desolate, robber.
gloomy villages which are found in Glyndon's heart somewhat failed
the interior of the Neapolitan domin- him as he looked around, and the
ions ; and now he came upon a small question he desired to ask died upon
chapel on one side the road, with a his lips. At length, from one of the
gaudily painted image of the Virgin dismal cabins emerged a form superior
in the open shrine. Around this to the rest. Instead of the patched
spot, which, in the heart of a and ragged overall, which made the
Christian land, retained the vestige of only garment of the men he had
the old idolatry, (for just such were hitherto seen , thedress of this person
the chapels that in the pagan age was characterised by all the trappings
were dedicated to the demon-saints of of the national bravery. Upon his
mythology,) gathered six or seven raven hair, the glossy curls of which
miserable and squalid wretches, whom made a notable contrast to the matted
the Curse of the Leper had cut off and elfin locks of the savages around ,
from mankind. They set up a shrill was placed a cloth cap with a gold
cry as they turned their ghastly tassel that hung down to his shoulder,
visages towards the horseman ; and, his mustaches were trimmed with
without stirring from the spot, care, and a silk kerchief of gay hues
stretched out their gaunt arms, and was twisted round a well-shaped but
implored charity in the name of the sinewy throat ; a short jacket of rough
Merciful Mother ! Glyndon hastily cloth was decorated with several rows
threw them some small coins, and, of gilt filagree buttons ; his nether
turning away his face, clapped spurs garments fitted tight to his limbs,
to his horse, and relaxed not his and were curiously braided ; while,
speed till he entered the village. On in a broad parti-coloured sash, were
either side the narrow and miry placed two silver-bilted pistols, and
street, fierce and haggard forms — the sheathed knife, usually worn by
some leaning against the ruined walls Italians of the lower order, mounted
of blackened huts, some seated at the in ivory elaborately carved. A small
threshold , some lying at full length carbine of handsome workmanship
in the mud - presented groups that at was slung across his shoulder, and
once invoked pity and aroused alarm : completed his costume. The man
pity for their squalor, alarm for the himself was of middle size , athletic
ferocity imprinted on their savage yet slender, with straight and regular
aspects. They gazed at him , grim features, sun -burnt, but not swarthy ;
and sullen, as he rode slowly up the and an expression of countenance
rugged street ; sometimes whispering which, though reckless and bold, had
significantly to each other, but with- in it frankness rather than ferocity,
No. 268. L 10
With that the robber , as if he loved sion. So, instead of spoiling parch
permission to talk at his will, hemmed ment, I made love to the notary's
thrice, and began with much humour ; daughter. Mymaster discovered our
though as his tale proceeded , the innocent amusement , and turned me
memories it roused seemed to carry out of doors ; that was disagreeable.
him farther than he at first intended, But my Ninetta loved me, and took
and reckless and light-hearted ease care that I should not lie out in the
gave way to that fierce and varied play streets with the lazzeroni. Little jade,
of countenance and passion of gesture I think I see her now, with her bare
which characterise the emotions of feet and her finger to her lips, opening
his countrymen . the door in the summer nights, and
“ I was born at Terracina — a fair bidding me creep softly into the
spot, is it not ? My father was a kitchen, where, praised be the saints !
learned monk, of high birth ; my a flask and a manchet always awaited
mother - Heaven rest her !-an inn- the hungry amoroso. At last, how
keeper's pretty daughter. Of course ever, Ninetta grew cold. It is the
there could be no marriage in the way of the sex, signor. Her father
case ; and when I was born, the monk found her an excellent marriage in
gravely declared my appearance to be the person of a withered old picture
miraculous. I was dedicated from dealer. She took the spouse, and
my cradle to the altar ; and my head very properly clapped the door in the
was universally declared to be the face of the lover. I was not dis
orthodox shape for a cowl. As I heartened , Excellency ; no, not I.
grew up, the monk took great pains Women are plentiful while we are
with my education ; and I learned young. So, without a ducat in my
Latin and psalmody as soon as less pocket, or a crust for my teeth, I set
miraculous infants learn crowing. out to seek my fortune on board of
Nor did the holy man's care stint a Spanish merchantman. That was
itself to my interior accomplishments. duller work than I expected ; but
Although vowed to poverty, he always luckily we were attacked by a pirate
contrived that my mother should -half the crew were butchered, the
have her pockets full : and, between rest captured . I was one of the last
her pockets and mine, there was soon -always in luck, you see, signor
established a clandestine communica- monks' sons have a knack that way !
tion ; accordingly , at fourteen, I wore The captain of the pirates took a
my cap on one side, stuck pistols in fancy to me. . Serve with us ? ' said
my belt, and assumed the swagger of he. • Too happy,' said I. Behold
a cavalier and a gallant. At that age me, then, a pirate ! O jolly life ! how
my poor mother died ; and about the I blest the old notary for turning me
same period, my father,having written out of doors ! What feasting, what
a History of the Pontifical Bulls, in fighting, what wooing, what quar
forty volumes, and being, as I said, of relling ! Sometimes we ran ashore
high birth, obtained a Cardinal's hat. and enjoyed ourselves like princes :
From that time he thought fit to sometimes we lay in a calm for days
disown your humble servant. He together on the loveliest sea that man
bound me over to an honest notary ever traversed. And then, if the
at Naples, and gave me two hundred breeze rose and a sail came in sight,
crowns by way of provision. Well, who so merry as we ? I passed three
Signor, I saw enough of the law to years in that charming profession,
convince me that I should never be and then, signor, I grew ambitious,
rogue enough to shine in the profes- I. caballed against the captain ; I
L 2
wanted his post. One still night we grinned and gave up the ghost. I
struck the blow. The ship was like went upon deck — what a sight !
a log in the sea , no land to be seen Twenty bold fellows stark and cold ,
from the mast-head, the waves like and the moon sparkling on the pud
glass, and the moon at its full. Up dles of blood as calmly as if it were
we rose ; thirty of us and more. Up water. Well, signor, the victory was
we rose with a shout ; we poured into ours, and the ship mine ; I ruled
the captain's cabin , I at the head. merrily enough for six months. We
The brave old boy had caught the then attacked a French ship twice
alarm , and there he stood at the door- our size ; what sport it was ! And
way, a pistol in each hand ; and his we had not had a good fight so long ,
one eye (he had only one !) worse to we were quite like virgins at it ! We
meet than the pistols were. got the best of it, and won ship and
" Yield !' cried I, ' your life shall cargo. They wanted to pistol the
be safe .' captain , but that was against my
«« Take that,' said he, and whiz laws ; so we gagged him , for he
went the pistol ; but the saints took scolded as loud as if we were married
care of their own, and the ball passed to him ; left him and the rest of his
by my cheek, and shot the boatswain crew on board our own vessel, which
behind me. I closed with the captain, was terribly battered ; clapped our
and the other pistol went off without black flag on the Frenchman's, and
mischief in the struggle. Such a set off merrily, with a brisk wind in
fellow he was — six feet four without our favour. But luck deserted us on
his shoes ! Over we went, rolling forsaking our own dear old ship. A
each on the other. Santa Maria ! no storm came on, a plank struck ;
time to get hold of one's knife. several of us escaped in the boat ; we
Meanwhile, all the crew were up, had lots of gold with us, but no water !
some for the captain , some for me, For two days and two nights we
clashing and firing, and swearing and suffered horribly ; but at last we ran
groaning, and now and then a heavy ashore near a French seaport. Our
splash in the sea ! Fine supper for sorry plight moved compassion, and
the sharks that night ! At last old as we had money we were not sus
Bilboa got uppermost ; out flashed pected - people only suspect the poor.
his knife; down it came, but not in Here we soon recovered our fatigues,
my heart. No ! I gave my left arm rigged ourselves out gaily, and your
as a shield ; and the blade went humble servant was considered as
through to the hilt, with the blood noble a captain as ever walked deck .
spirting up like the rain from a But now, alas, my fate would have it
whale's nostril ! With the weight of that I should fall in love with a silk
the blow the stout fellow came down, mercer's daughter. Ah, how I loved
so that his face touched mine ; with her !—the pretty Clara ! Yes, I loved
my right hand I caught him by the her so well, that I was, seized with
throat, turned him over like a lamb, horror at my past life ! I resolved to
signor, and faith it was soon all up repent, to marry her, and settle down
with him — the boatswain's brother, a into an honestman. Accordingly, I
fat Dutchman , ran him through with summoned my messmates, told them
a pike. my resolution, resigned my command,
“ « Old fellow ,' said I, as he turned and persuaded them to depart. They
his terrible eye to me, ' I bear you no were good fellows ; engaged with a
malice, but we must try to get on in Dutchman, against whom I heard
the world, you know. The captain afterwards they made a successful
mutiny, but I never saw them more. chain was not to my taste . I and
I had two thousand crowns still left ; two others, escaped, they took to the
with this sum I obtained the consent road, and have, no doubt, been long
of the silk -mercer, and it was agreed since broken on the wheel. I, soft
that I should become a partner in the soul, would not commit another crime
firm . I need not say that no one to gain my bread , for Clara was still
suspected that I had been so great a at my heart with her sweet eyes : so,
man, and I passed for a Neapolitan limiting my rogueries to the theft of
goldsmith's son instead of a cardinal's. a beggar's rags, which I compensated
I was very happy then, signor, very by leaving him my galley attire
- I could not have harmed a fly ! instead, I begged my way to the town
Had I married Clara, I had been as where I left Clara. It was a clear
gentle a mercer as ever handled a winter's day when I approached the
measure.” outskirts of the town . I had no fear
The bravo paused a moment, and of detection, for my beard and hair
it was easy to see that he felt more were as good as a mask . Oh, Mother
than his words and tone betokened . of Mercy ! there came across my way
“ Well, well, we must not look back a funeral procession ! There, now
at the past too earnestly — the sun. you know it ; I can tell you no more.
light upon it makes one's eyes water. She had died, perhaps of love, more
The day was fixed for our wedding , likely of shame. Can you guess how
it approached. On the evening before I spent that night, I stole a pickaxe
the appointed day, Clara, her mother, from a mason's shed, and all alone
her little sister, and myself, were and unseen, under the frosty heavens,
walking by the port, and as we looked I dug the fresh mould from the grave ;
on the sea I was telling them old I lifted the coffin, I wrenched the lid,
gossip-tales of mermaids and sea- I saw her again - again ! Decay had
serpents, when a red -faced bottle- not touched her. She was always pale
nosed Frenchman clapped himself in life ! I could have sworn she lived !
right before me, and placing his It was a blessed thing to see her once
spectacles very deliberately astride his more, and all alone too ! But then,
proboscis, echoed out ' Sacré, mille at dawn, to give her back to the earth
tonnerres, this the damned pirate -to close the lid, to throw down the
who boarded the Niobe ! ' mould, to hear the pebbles rattle on
“ None of your jests,' said I, the coffin — thatwas dreadful ! Signor,
mildly. ' Ho, ho ! ' said he; ' I can't I never knew before, and I don't wish
be mistaken ; help there ! ' and he to think now , how valuable a thing
griped me by the collar. I replied, human life is. At sunrise I was
as you may suppose, by laying him again a wanderer ; but now that Clara
in the kennel; but it would not do. was gone, my scruples vanished , and
The French captain had a French again I was at war with my betters.
lieutenant at his back , whose memory I contrived at last, at 0 to get
without any danger to life and limb. and as the strange signor doubled the
For the last two years I have settled sum I myself proposed, he is in high
in these parts, where I hold sway, favour with all his neighbours. We
and where I have purchased land. I would guard the old castle against
am called a farmer, signor ; and I an army. And now , signor, that I
myself now only rob for amusement, have been thus frank , be frank with
and to keep my hand in. I trust I me. Who is this singular cavalier ?"
have satisfied your curiosity. We are “ Who ?-he himself told you, &
within a hundred yards of the castle .” philosopher.”
“ And how ," asked the Englishman , “ Hem ! searching for the philo
whose interest had been much excited sopher's stone,-eh ? a bit of a magi
by his companion's narrative, “and cian ; afraid of the priests ?”
how came you acquainted with my “ Precisely. You have hit it.”
host ? -and by what means has he so “ I thought so ; and you are his
well conciliated the good will of your pupil ?”
self and your friends ?” “ I am."
Maestro Paolo turned his black “ I wish you well through it,” said
eyes very gravely towards his ques- the robber seriously, and crossing him
tioner. “ Why, signor,” said he, “ you self with much devotion : " I am not
must surely know more of the foreign much better than other people, but
cavalier with the hard name than I one's soul is one's soul. I do not
do. All I can say is, that about a mind a little honest robbery, or
fortnight ago I chanced to bestanding knocking a man on the head if need
And Abaris, so far from esteeming Pythagoras, who taught these things, a necromancer
or wizard, rather revered and admired him as something divine. - IANBLICH .
Vit. Pythag.
The attendants whom Mejnour had | lighter topics. He made the English
engaged for his strange abode, were man accompany him in long rambles
such as might suit a philosopher of through the wild scenes around ,
few wants. An old Armenian, whom and he smiled approvingly when the
Glyndon recognised as in the mystic's young artist gave way to the enthu
service at Naples ; a tall, hard - fea- siasm which their fearful beauty could
tured woman, from the village, recom- not have failed to rouse in a duiler
mended by Maestro Paolo, and two breast ; and then Mejnour poured
long-haired , smooth-spoken,but fierce- forth to his wondering pupil the
visaged youths from the same place, stores of a knowledge that seemed
and honoured by the same sponsor- inexhaustible and boundless. He
ship, constituted the establishment. gave accounts the most curious, gra
The rooms used by the sage were phic, and minute, of the various
commodious and weather-proof, with races, (their characters, habits, creeds,
some remains of ancient splendour in and manners,) by which that fair land
the faded arras that clothed the walls, had been successively overrun. It is
and the huge tables of costly marble true, that his descriptions could not
and elaborate carving. Glyndon's be found in books, and were unsup
sleeping apartment communicated ported by learned authorities; but he
with a kind of Belvidere, or terrace, possessed the true charm of the tale
that commanded prospects of unri- teller, and spoke of all with the ani.
valled beauty and extent, and was mated confidence of a personalwitness.
separated on the other side by a long Sometimes, too, he would converse
gallery, and a flight of ten or a dozen upon the more durable and the loftier
stairs, from the private chambers of mysteries of Nature with an eloquence
the mystic. There was about the and a research which invested them
whole place a sombre and yet not with all the colours rather of poetry
displeasing depth ofrepose. It suited than science. Insensibly the young
well with the studies to which it was artist found himself elevated and
now to be appropriated. soothed by the lore of his companion ;
For several days Mejnour refused the fever of his wild desires was
to confer with Glyndon on the subjects slaked. His mind became more and
nearest to his heart . more lulled into the divine tranquil
“ All without,” said he," " is pre- lity of contemplation ; he felt himself
pared, but not all within ; your own a nobler being ; and in the silence of
soul must grow accustomed to the his senses he imagined that he heard
spot, and filled with the surrounding the voice of his soul.
nature ; for nature is the source of It was to this state that Mejnour
all inspiration . " evidently sought to bring the Neo
With these words Mejnour turned to phyte, and in this elementary initia
tion the mystic was like every more it subdued and impressed him more.
ordinary sage. For he who seeks to The conversation of Zanoni evinced a
DISCOVER, must first reduce himself deep and general interest for man
into a kind of abstract idealism , and kind — a feeling approaching to en
be rendered up, in solemn and sweet thusiasm for Art and Beauty. The
bondage, to the faculties which con- stories circulated concerning his
TEMPLATE and IMAGINE. habits elevated the mystery of his
Glyndon noticed that, in their life by actions of charity and bene
rambles, Mejnour often paused where ficence. And in all this, there was
the foliage was rifest, to gather some something genial and humane that
herb or flower ; and this reminded softened the awe he created, and
him that he had seen Zanoni similarly tended, perhaps, to raise suspicions as
occupied “ Can these humble to the loftier secrets that he arrogated
children of nature,” said he one day to himself. But Mejnour seemed
to Mejnour, “ things that bloom and wholly indifferent to all the actual
wither in a day, be serviceable to the world . If he committed no evil, he
science of the higher secrets ? Is seemed equally apathetic to good.
there a pharmacy for the soul as well His deeds relieved no want, his words
as the body, and do the nurslings of pitied no distress. What we call the
the summer minister not only to heart appeared to have merged into
human health but spiritual immor- the intellect. He moved, thought,
tality ?” and lived, like some regular and calm
“ If,"answered Mejnour,“ a stranger Abstraction, rather than one who yet
had visited a wandering tribe before retained , with the form , the feelings.
one property of herbalism was known and sympathies of his kind !
to them ; if he had told the savages Glyndon once, observing the tone
that the herbs, which every day they of supreme indifference with which
trampled under foot, were endowed he spoke of those changes on the face
with the most potent virtues ; that of earth, which he asserted he had
one would restore to health a brother witnessed, ventured to remark to him
on the verge of death ; that another the distinction he had noted.
would paralyse into idiocy their “ It is true," said Mejnour, coldly.
wisest sage ; thata third would strike “ My life is the life that contemplates
lifeless to the dust their most stalwart —Zanoni's is the life that enjoys ;
champion ; that tears and laughter, when I gather the herb, I think but
vigour and disease, madness and of its uses ; Zanoni will pause to
reason , wakefulness and sleep, exist. admire its beauties.”
ence and dissolution, were coiled up “ And you deem your own the
in those unregarded leaves, would superior and the loftier existence ?”
they not have held him a sorcerer or “ No. His is the existence of
a liar ? To half the virtues of the youth — mine of age. We have culti
vegetable world mankind are yet in vated different faculties. Each has
the darkness of the savages I have powers the other cannot aspire to.
supposed. There are faculties within Those with whom he associates, live
us with which certain herbs have better — those who associate with me,
affinity, and over which they have know more .”
power. The moly of the ancients is “ I have heard, in truth," said
not all a fable. " Glyndon, “that his companions at
The apparent character of Mejnour Naples were observed to lead purer
differed in much from that of Zanoni; and nobler lives after intercourse with
and while it fascinated Glyndon less, Zanoni; yet were they not strange
The rooms that Mejnour occupied no life, their forms blending with the
consisted of two chambers communi- dead waters till, as the eye continued
cating with each other, and a third in to gaze, it ceased to discern them from
which he slept. All these rooms the preternatural element they were
were placed in the huge square tower supposed to inhabit. Such were the
that beetled over the dark and bush- moving outlines that coiled and
grown precipice. The first chamber floated through the mist; but before
which Glyndon entered was empty. Glyndon had even drawn breath in
With a noiseless step he passed on, this atmosphere - for his life itself
and opened the door that admitted seemed arrested or changed into a
into the inner one. He drew back at kind of horrid trance — he felt his
the threshold , overpowered by a strong hand seized, and he was led from that
fragrance which filled the chamber : room into the outer one. He heard
a kind of mist thickened the air, the door close—his blood rushed again
rather than obscured it, for this vapour through his veins, and he saw Mejnour
was not dark, but resembled a snow by his side. Strong convulsions then
cloud moving slowly, and in heavy suddenly seized his whole frame >
undulations, wave uponwave,regularly he fell to the ground insensible. When
over the space. A mortal coldstruck he recovered ,he found himself in the
to the Englishman's heart, and his open air, in a rude balcony of stone
blood froze. He stood rooted to the that jutted from the chamber ; the
spot ; and, as his eyes strained involun- stars shining serenely over the dark
tarily through the vapour, he fancied abyss below , and resting calmly upon
(for he could not be sure that it was the face of the mystic, who stood
not the trick of his imagination ) that beside him with folded arms.
he saw dim , spectre-like, but gigantic “ Young man ," said Mejnour,
forms floating through the mist ; or “ judge by what you have just felt,
was it not rather the mist itself that how dangerous it is to seek knowledge
formed its vapours fantastically into until prepared to receive it. Another
those moving,impalpable, and bodi- moment in the air of that chamber
less apparitions ? A great painter of and you had been a corpse.”
antiquity, is said, in a picture of “ Then of what nature was the
Hades, to have represented the mon- knowledge that you, once mortal like
sters, that glide through the ghostly myself, could safely have sought in
River of the Dead, so artfully, that that icy atmosphere, which it was
the eye perceived at once that the death for me to breathe?-Mejnour, "
river itself was but a spectre, and the continued Glyndon, and his wild
bloodless things that tenanted it had desire, sharpened by the very danger
he had passed , once more animated the midst of a silver shining atmos
and nerved him ; " I am prepared, at phere, he felt as if something burst
least for the first steps. I come to within his brain - as if a strong chain
you as, of old, the pupil to the were broken ; and at that moment a
Hierophant, and demand the initia- sense of heavenly liberty, of unutter
tion .” able delight, of freedom from the
Mejnour passed his hand over the body, of birdlike lightness, seemed to
young man's heart — it beat loud, float him into the space itself.
regularly, and boldly. He looked at “ Whom , now upon earth dost thou
him with something almost like wish to see ? ” whispered the voice of
admiration in his passionless and Mejnour. “ Viola and Zanoni ! ”
frigid features, and muttered, half to answered Glyndon, in his heart ; but
himself — “Surely, in so much he felt that his lips moved not.
courage the true disciple is found at Suddenly at that thought - through
last.” Then, speaking aloud, he this space, in which nothing save one
added— “ Be it so ; man's first initia- mellow, translucent light had been
tion is in TRANCE . In dreams com- discernible ,-a swift succession of
mences all human knowledge ; in shadowy landscapes seemed to roll :
dreams hovers over measureless space trees, mountains, cities, seas, glided
the first faint bridge between spirit along, like the changes of a phantas
and spirit-this world and the worlds magoria ; and at last, settled and sta
beyond ! Look steadfastly on yonder tionary, he saw a cave by the gradual
star ! ” marge of an ocean shore-myrtles
Glyndon obeyed , and Mejnour and orange trees clothing the gentle
retired into the chamber ; from which banks. On a height, at a distance ,
there then slowly emerged a vapour, gleamed the white but shattered
somewhat paler and of fainter odour relics of some ruined heathen edifice ;
than that which had nearly produced and the moon, in calm splendour,
so fatal an effect on his frame. This, shining over all, literally bathed with
on the contrary , as it coiled around its light two forms without the cave,
him, and then melted in thin spires at whose feet the blue waters crept,
into the air, breathed a refreshing and and he thought that he even heard
healthful fragrance. He still kept his them murmur . He recognised both
eyes on the star, and the star seemed the figures. Zanoni was seated on a
gradually to fix and command his fragment of stone ; Viola, half reclin
gaze. A sort of languor next seized ing by his side, was looking into his
his frame, but without, as he thought, face, which was bent down to her,
communicating itself to the mind ; and in her countenance was the
and as this crept over him , he felt his expression of that perfect happi
temples sprinkled with some volatile ness which belongs to perfect love.
and fiery essence . At the same “ Wouldst thou hear them speak ?'
moment, a slight tremor shook his whispered Mejnour ; and again ,
limbs, and thrilled through his veins. without sound, Glyndon inlyanswered ,
The languor increased ; still he kept “ Yes ! ” Their voices then came to
his gaze upon the star ; and now its his ear,butin tones that seemed to him
luminous circumference seemed to strange ; so subdued were they, and
expand and dilate. It became sounding, as it were, so far off, that
gradually softer and clearer in its they were as voices heard in the
light ; spreading wider and broader, visions of some holier men, from a
it diffused all space -- all space seemed distant sphere.
swallowed up in it. And at last, in “ And how is it,” said Viola, “ that
charmed eyes of Glyndon were the life. * He would have mademen , and ,
forms of Viola and Zanoni. The face after all, confessed that they could be
of the one rapt, serene, and radiant; but pigmies ! My art is to make men
the face of theother, dark , thoughtful, above mankind. But you are im
and locked in more than its usual patient of my digressions. Forgive
rigidness of melancholy beauty and me. All these men (they were great
profound repose. dreamers, as you desire to be,) were
“ Rouse thyself,” said Mejnour, intimate friends of mine. But they
“thy ordeal has commenced ! There are dead and rotten. They talked of
are pretenders to the solemn science, spirits-but they dreaded to be in
who could have shown thee the absent; other company than that of men.
and prated to thee, in their charla- Like orators whom I have heard, when
tanic jargon, of the secret electricities I stood by the Pnyx of Athens,blazing
and the magnetic fluid , of whose true with words like comets in the assembly,
properties they know but the germs and extinguishing their ardour like
and elements. I will lend thee the holyday rockets when they were in
books of those glorious dupes, and the field. Ho ! ho ! Demosthenes,
thou wilt find, in the dark ages, how my hero-coward, how nimble were thy
many erring steps have stumbled heels at Chæronea ! And thou art
upon the threshhold of the mighty impatient still ! Boy, I could tell
learning, and fancied they had pierced thee such truths of the Past, as would
the temple.Hermes, and Albert, and make thee the luminary of schools.
Paracelsus, I knew ye all ; but, noble But thou lustest only for the shadows
as ye were, ye were fated to be de- of the Future. Thou shalt have thy
ceived . Ye had not souls of faith, wish. But the mind must be first
and daring fitted for the destinies at exercised and trained . Go to thy room,
which ye aimed ! Yet Paracelsus- and sleep ; fast austerely ; read no
modest Paracelsus, —had an arro- books ; meditate, imagine, dream,
gance that soared higher than all our bewilder thyself, if thou wilt. Thought
knowledge. Ho ! ho !-he thought shapes out its own chaos at last.
he could make a race of men from Before midnight, seek me again !”
chemistry ; he arrogated to him
self the Divine gift — the breath of | * Paracelsus, De Nat . Rer., lib . i.
160 ZANONI .
It is fit that we who endeavour to rise to an elevation so sublime, should study first to leave
behind carnal affections, the frailty of the senses, the passions that belong to matter ;
secondly, to learn by what means we may ascend to the climax of pure intellect,
united with the powers above, without which never can we gain the lore of secret
things, nor the magic that effects true wonders. — TRITEMIUS on Secret Things and
Secret Spirits.
a dog , than the peopled leaf, than the subtle, that it is, as it were, but a
swarming globule ? The microscope film, a gossamer that clothes the
shows you the creatures on the leaf ; spirit. Hence the Rosicrucian's lovely
no mechanical tube is yet invented to phantoms of sylph and gnome . Yet,
discover the nobler and more gifted in truth , these races and tribes differ
things that hover in the illimitable more widely, each from each, than
air . Yet between these last and man the Calmuck from the Greek — differ
is a mysterious and terrible affinity. in attributes and powers. In the
And hence, by tales and legends, not drop of water you see how the ani
wholly false nor wholly true, have malculæ vary, how vast and terrible
arisen from time to time, beliefs in are some of those monster-mites as
apparitions and spectres. If more compared with others. Equally so
common to the earlier and simpler with the Inhabitants of the atmo
tribes than to themen of your duller sphere : some of surpassing wisdom,
age, it is but that, with the first, some of horrible malignity ; some
the senses are more keen and quick . hostile as fiends to men, others gentle
And as the savage can see or scent, as messengers between earth and
miles away, the traces of a foe, invi. heaven. He who would establish
sible to the gross sense of the civilised intercourse with these varying beings,
animal, so the barrier itself between resembles the traveller who would
him and the creatures of the airy penetrate into unknown lands. He
world is less thickened and obscured. is exposed to strange dangers and
Do you listen ?" unconjectured terrors. That inter
“ With my soul !” course once gained, I cannot secure
“ But first, to penetrate thisbarrier, thee from the chances to which thy
the soul with which you listen must journey is exposed . I cannot direct
be sharpened by intense enthusiasm, thee to paths free from the wan
purified from all earthlier desires. derings of the deadliest foes. Thou
Not without reason have the so-styled must alone, and of thyself, face and
magicians, in all lands and times, hazard all. But if thou art so ena
insisted on chastity and abstemious moured of life, as to care only to live
reverie as the communicants of inspi- on, no matter for what ends, recruit
ration. When thus prepared ,science ing the nerves and veins with the
can be brought to aid it ; the sight alchemist's vivifying elixir, why seek
itself may be rendered more subtle, these dangers from the intermediate
the nerves more acute, the spirit tribes ? Because the very elixir that
more alive and outward, and the pours a more glorious life into the
element itself — the air, the space— frame, so sharpens the senses that
may be made, by certain secrets of those larvæ of the air become to thee
the higher chemistry, more palpable audible and apparent ; so that, unless
and clear. And this, too, is not magic trained by degrees to endure the
as the credulous call it ;-as I have so phantoms and subdue their malice ,
often said before, magic (or science a life thus gifted would be the most
that violates Nature) exists not ;-it awful doom man could bring upon
is but the science by which Nature himself. Hence it is that though
can be controlled. Now, in space the elixir be compounded of the
there are millions of beings, not lite simplest herbs, his frame only is
rally spiritual, for they have all, like prepared to receive it who has gone
the animalculæ unseen by the naked through the subtlest trials. Nay,
cye, certain forms of matter, though some, scared and daunted into the
matter so delicate, air -drawn, and most intolerable horror by the sights
No. 269. M 11
that burst upon their eyes at the first enchants some trembling children on
draught, have found the potion less a Christmas Eve with his lanthorn
powerful to save than the agony and and phantasmagoria, Mejnour exhi
travail of Nature to destroy. To the bited to his pupil. *
unprepared the elixir is thus but the
deadliest poison. Amidst the dwellers “ And now laugh for ever at magic!
of the threshold is ONE, too, sur- when these, the very tricks, the very
passing in malignity and hatred all sports and frivolities of science, were
her tribe one whose eyes have the very acts which men viewed with
paralysed the bravest, and whose abhorrence ; and Inquisitors and
power increases over the spirit pre- Kings rewarded with the rack and
cisely in proportion to its fear. Does the stake.”
thy courage falter ?" “ But the Alchemist's transmuta
Nay ; thy words but kindle it.” tion of metals - 2 "
“ Follow me, then ; and submit to Nature herself is a laboratory in
the initiatory labours . " which metals, and all elements, are
With that, Mejnour led him into for ever at change. Easy to make
the interior chamber, and proceeded gold ---easier, more commodious,and
to explain to him certain chemical cheaper still, to make the pearl, the
operations, which, though extremely diamond, and the ruby. Oh, yes ;
simple in themselves, Glyndon soon wise men found sorcery in this, too ;
perceived were capable of very extra- but they found no sorcery in the
ordinary results . discovery, that by the simplest com
“ In the remoter times,” said Mej. bination of things of every -day use
nour, smiling, “ our brotherhood were they could raise a Devil that would
often compelled to recur to delusions sweep away thousands of their kind
to protect realities ; and, as dexterous by the breath of consuming fire.
mechanicians or expert chemists, Discover what will destroy life, and
they obtained the name of sorcerers. you are a great man !-- what will
Observe how easy to construet is prolong it, and you are an impostor !
the Spectre Lion that attended the Discover some invention in
renowned Leonardo da Vinci ! ” machinery that will make the rich
And Glyndon beheld with delighted more rich and the poor more poor,
surprise, the simple means by which and they will build you a statue!
the wildest cheats of the imagination Discover some mystery in art, that
can be formed. The magical land- will equalise physical disparities, and
scapes in which Baptista Porta they will pull down their own houses
rejoiced ; the apparent change of the to stone you ! Ha, ha, my pupil !
seasons with which Albertus Magnus such is the world Zanoni still cares
startled the Earl of Holland ; nay, for ! you and I will leave this world
even those more dread delusions of to itself. And now that you have
the Ghost and Image with which the seen some few of the effects of
Necromancers of Heraclea woke the science, begin to learn its grammar.”
conscience of the Conqueror of Mejnour then set before his pupil
Platæa * -- all these, as the showman certain tasks, in which the rest of
the night wore itself away.
* Pausanias - sec Plutarch .
' ZANONI. 163
FOR a considerable period, the pupil |NUMBERS. In this last, new lights
of Mejnour was now absorbed in glimmered dimly on his eyes ; and
labour dependent on the most vigilant he began to perceive that even the
attention, on the most minute and power to predict, or rather to cal
subtle calculation. Results astonish- culate, results, might by
ing and various rewarded his toils
and stimulated his interest. Nor But he observed that the last brief
were these studies limited to chemical process by which, in each of these
discovery - in which it is permitted experiments, the wonder was achieved,
me to say that the greatest marvels Mejnour reserved for himself, and
upon the organisation of physical refused to communicate the secret.
life seemed wrought by experiments The answer he obtained to his
of the vivifying influence of Heat. remonstrances on this head was more
Mejnour professed to find a link stern than satisfactory:
between all intellectual beings in the “ Dost thou think ,” said Mejnour,
existence of a certain all-pervading “ that I would give to the mere pupil,
and invisible fluid resembling elec- whose qualities are not yet tried,
tricity, yet distinct from the known powers that might change the face
operations of that mysterious agency of the social world ? The last secrets
-a fluid that connected thought to are entrusted only to him of whose
thought with the rapidity and pre- virtue the Master is convinced.
cision of the ofmodern telegraph, and Patience
great ! purifier
It is labour
the influence this influence, accord-the of theitself
; andis
ing to Mejnour, extended to the by degrees the secrets will grow upon
remotest past—that is to say, when thyself as thy mind becomes riper to
everand wheresoever man had thought. receive them .”
Thus, if the doctrine were true, all At last Mejnour professed himself
human knowledge became attainable satisfied with the progress made by
through a medium established be- his pupil. “ The hour now arrives,"
tween the brain of the individual he said, “ when thou mayst pass the
inquirer and all the farthest and great but airy barrier,-when thou
obscurest regions in the universe of mayest gradually confront theterrible
ideas. Glyndon was surprised to find Dweller of the Threshold . Continue
Mejnour attached to the abstruse thy labours continue to suppress
mysteries which the Pythagoreans * Here there is an erasure in the MS.
ascribed to the occult science of
M 2
thine impatience for results until thou But in less than half the time
canst fathom the causes. I leave thee which Mejnour had stated for the
for one month ; if at the end of that duration of his absence, all that the
period, when I return, the tasks set Mystic had appointed to his toils was
thee are completed, and thy mind completed by the Pupil ; and then
prepared by contemplation and his mind, thus relieved from the
austere thought for the ordeal, I drudgery and mechanism of employ
promise thee the ordeal shall com- ment, once more sought occupation
mence. One caution alone I give in dim conjecture and restless fancies.
thee, regard it as a peremptory com- His inquisitive and rash nature grew
mand - Enter not this chamber ! ” excited by theprohibition of Mejnour,
(They were then standing in the room and he found himself gazing too
where their experiments had been often , with perturbed and daring
chiefly made, and in which Glyndon, curiosity, upon the key of the for
on the night he had sought the bidden chamber. He began to feel
solitude of the Mystic, had nearly indignant at a trial of constancy
fallen a victim to his intrusion.) which he deemed frivolous and
“ Enter not this chamber till my puerile. What nursery tales of Blue
return ; or, above all, if by any search beard and his closet were revived to
for materials necessary to thy toils, daunt and terrify him ! How could
thou shouldst venture hither, forbear the mere walls of a chamber, in which
to light the naphtha in those vessels, he had so often securely pursued his
and to open the vases on yonder labours, start into living danger ? If
shelves. I leave the key of the room haunted, it could be but by those
in thy keeping, in order to try thy delusions which Mejnour had taught
abstinence and self-control. Young to despise . A shadowy lion—a che
man, this very temptation is a part mical phantasm ! Tush ! he lost
of thy trial. ” half his awe of Mejnour, when he
With that, Mejnour placed the thought that by such tricks the sage
key in his hands ; and at sunset he could practise upon the very intellect
left the castle. he had awakened and instructed !
For several days Glyndon continued Still he resisted the impulses of his
immersed in employments which curiosity and his pride, and, to escape
strained to the utmost all the faculties from their dictation , he took long
of his intellect. Even the most rambles on the hills, or amidst the
partial success depended so entirely valleys that surrounded the castle ;
on the abstraction of the mind, and seeking by bodily fatigue to subdue
the minuteness of its calculations, the unreposing mind. One day,
that there was scarcely room for any suddenly emerging from a dark
other thought than those absorbed in ravine, he came upon one of those
the occupation . And doubtless this Italian scenes of rural festivity and
perpetual strain of the faculties was mirth in which the classic age appears
the object of Mejnour in works that to revive. It was a festival, partly
did not seem exactly pertinent to the agricultural, partly religious, held
purposes in view. As the study of yearly by the peasants of that district.
the elementary mathematics, for Assembled at the outskirts of a
example, is not so profitable in the village, animated crowds, just re
solving of problems, useless in our turned from a procession to a neigh
after-callings, as it is serviceable in bouring chapel, were now forming
training the intellect to the compre- i themselves into groups — the old to
hension and analysis of general truths. taste the vintage, the young to dance
-all to be gay and happy. This Fillide pouted at this speech; and,
sudden picture of easy joy , and care- disengaging her arm from Páolo's,
less ignorance ,contrasting so forcibly turned away, but threw over her
with the intense studies and that shoulder a glance half inviting, half
parching desire for wisdom which defying. Glyndon , almost invo
had so long made up his own life, luntarily, advanced to her, and
and burned at his own heart, sensibly addressed her.
affected Glyndon. As he stood aloof Oh yes, he addresses her ! She
and gazing on them, the young man looks down, and smiles. Páolo leaves
felt once more that he was young ! them to themselves, sauntering off
The memory of all he had been with a devil-me-carish air. Fillide
content to sacrifice spoke to him like speaks now , and looks up at the
the sharp voice of remorse. The scholar's face with arch invitation .
flitting forms of the women in their He shakes his head : Fillide laughs,
picturesque attire, their happy and her laugh is silvery. She points
laughter ringing through the cool, to a gay mountaineer, who is tripping
still air of the autumn noon, brought up to her merrily. Why does Glyndon
back to the heart, or rather perhaps feel jealous ? Why, when she speaks
to the senses, the images of his again , does he shake his head no
past time, the " golden shepherd more ? He offers his hand; Fillide
hours," when to live was but to blushes, and takes it with a demure
enjoy. coquetry. What ! is it so, indeed !
He approached nearer and nearer They whirl into the noisy circle of
to the scene, and suddenly a noisy the revellers. Ha ! ha ! is not this
group swept round him ; and Maêstro better than distilling herbs, and
Paolo, tapping him familiarly on the breaking thy brains on Pythagorean
shoulder, exclaimed ,in a hearty voice, numbers ? How lightly Fillide bounds
“ Welcome, Excellency !- we are along ! How her lithesome waist
rejoiced to see you amongst us.” supples itself to thy circling arm !
Glyndon was about to reply to this Tara-ra -tara, ta-tara , rara-ra ! What
salutation, when his eyes rested upon the devil is in the measure, that it
the face of a young girl, leaning on makes the blood course like quick
Paolo's arm, of a beauty so attractive,
silver through the veins ? Was there
that his colour rose and his heart beat
ever a pair of eyes like Fillide's ?
as he encountered her gaze. Her eyes Nothing of the cold stars there !
sparkled with a roguish and petulant Yet how they twinkle and laugh at
mirth, her parted lips showed teeth thee ! And that rosy, pursed-up
like pearls,-as if impatient at the mouth, that will answer so sparingly
pause of her companion from the to thy flatteries, as if words were a
revel of the rest, her little foot beat
waste of time, and kisses were their
the ground to a measure that she proper language. Oh, pupil of
half hummed, half chanted . Paolo Mejnour ! oh , would -be Rosicrusian
laughed as he saw the effect the girl Platonist- Magian — I know not
had produced upon the young what ! I am ashamed of thee !
foreigner. What, in the names of Averroes, and
“Will you not dance, Excellency ? Burri, and Agrippa, and Hermes,
Come, lay aside your greatness, and have become of thy austere contem
be merry , like us poor devils. See plations ? Was it for this thou didst
how our pretty Fillide is longing resign Viola ? I don't think thou
for a partner. Take compassion on hast the smallest recollection of the
her .” elixir or the cabala . Take care !
What are you about, sir ? Why do fury ! the tarantula has stung them
you clasp that small hand locked all. Dance, or die ; it is fury — the
within your own ? Why do you - Corybantes — the Månads- the
Tara-rara tara -ra, tara-rara -ra, rarara, Ho, ho ! more wine ! the Sabbat of
ta -ra a-ra ! Keep your eyes off those the Witches at Benevento is a joke to
slender ankles , and that crimson this ! From cloud to cloud wanders
boddice ! Tara -rara -ra ? There they the moon — now shining, now lost.
go again ! And now they rest under Dimness while the maiden blushes ;
the broad trees. The revel has light when the maiden smiles.
whirled away from them . They “ Fillide, thou art an enchantress!"
hear-or do they not hear-the “ Buona notte, Excellency ; you
laughter at the distance ? They see will see me again !"
-or if they have their eyes about “ Ah, young man ,” said an old
them , they should see - couple after decrepit, hollow -eyed octogenarian,
couple, gliding by, love-talking and leaning on his staff, “ make the best
love-looking. But I will lay a wager, of your youth. I, too, once had a
as they sit under that tree, and the Fillide ! I was handsomer than you
round sun goes down behind the then ! Alas ! if we could be always
mountains, that they see or hear very young ! "
little except themselves ! “ Always young ! ” Glyndon started,
“ Hollo, Signor Excellency ! and as he turned his gaze from the fresh
how does your partner please you ? fair rosy face of the girl, and saw the
Come and join our feast, Loiterers ; | eyes dropping rheum -- the yellow
one dances more merrily after wine.” wrinkled skin -- the tottering frameof
Down goes the round sun ; up the old man .
comes the autumn moon. Tara , tara , Ha, ha ! ” said the decrepit crea
rarara , rarara, tarara -ra ! Dancing ture, hobbling near to him , and with
again ; is it a dance, or some move a malicious laugh. “ Yet I , too, was
ment gayer, noisier, wilder still ? How young once ! Give mea baioccho for
they glance and gleam through the a glass of acqua vita ! "
night-shadows — those flitting forms ! Tara, rara, ra-rara, tara, rara-ra !
What confusion !—what order ! Ha, There dances Youth ! Wrap thy
that is the Tarantula dance; Maêstro rags round thee, and totter off,Old
Páolo foots it bravely ! Diavolo, what | Age !
ZANONI . 167
Whilest Calidore does follow that faire mayd,
Unmindful of his vow and high beheast
Which by the Facrie Queene was on him layd.
SPENSER, Faerie Queene, cant . x . s. 1 .
It was that grey, indistinct, struggling beyond my lips ?" These, and many
interval between the night and the reflections still more repining, dis
dawn, when Clarence stood once more turbed and irritated him. Heated
in his chamber. The abstruse calcu- with wine-excited by the wild revels
lations lying on his table caught his he had left-he was unable to sleep .
eye, and filled him with a sentiment The image of that revolting Old Age
of weariness and distaste. But which Time, unless defeated, must
“ Alas, if we could be always young ! bring upon himself, quickened the
Oh, thou horrid spectre of the old eagerness of his desire for the dazzling
rheum -eyed man ! What apparition and imperishable Youth he ascribed
can the mystic chamber shadow forth to Zanoni. The prohibition only
more ugly and more hateful than served to create a spirit of defiance.
thou ? Oh , yes ; if we could be always The reviving day, laughing jocundly
young ! But not (thinks the Neophyte through his lattice, dispelled all the
now )—not to labour for ever at these fears and superstitions that belong to
crabbed figures and these cold com- night. The mystic chamber presented
pounds of herbs and drugs. No; but to his imagination nothing to differ
to enjoy, to love, to revel ! What from any other apartment in the
should be the companion of youth castle. What foul or malignant
but pleasure ?-And the gift of eternal apparition could harm him in the
youth may be mine this very hour ! light of that blessed sun ! It was the
What means this prohibition of peculiar, and on the whole most
Mejnour's ? is it not of the same unhappy, contradiction in Glyndon's
complexion as his ungenerous reserve nature, that while his reasonings led
even in the minutest secrets of him to doubt- and doubt rendered
chemistry, or the numbers of his him in moral conduct irresolute and
cabala ?-compelling me to perform unsteady - he was physically brave to
all the toils, and yet withholding rashness. Nor is this uncommon :
from me the knowledge of the crown scepticism and presumption are often
ing result ? No doubt he will still, twins. When a man of this character
on his return, show me that the determines upon any action, personal
great mystery can be attained ; but fear never deters him ; and for the
will still forbid me to attain it. Is it moral fear, any sophistry suffices to
not as if he desired to keep my youth self-will. Almost without analysing
the slave to his age ? -to make me himself the mental process by which
dependent solely on himself ? to bind his nerves hardened themselves and
me to a journeyman's service by his limbs moved, he traversed the
perpetual excitement to curiosity, corridor, gained Mejnour's apartment,
and the sight of the fruits he places and opened the forbidden door. All
168 ZANONI .
Paolo said he knew you would visit | us, it is life. Leave these mountains!
me ." Well ! I should not leave my nature.”
“ And what relation is Paolo to “Keep thy nature ever - it is a
you ?” sweet one.”
“ None ; but a good friend to us “ Yes, sweet while thou art true ;
all. My brother is one of his band.” stern, if thou art faithless. Shall I
“ One of his band ! A robber ? " tell thee what I - what the girls of
“ We, of the mountains, do not call this country ,are ? Daughters of men ,
a mountaineer ' a robber,' Signor.” whom you call robbers, we aspire to
“ I ask pardon . Do you not be the companions of our lovers or
tremble sometimes for your brother's our husbands. We love ardently, we
life ? The law own it boldly. We stand by your
“Law never ventures into these side in danger ; we serve you as slaves
défiles. Tremble forhim ! No. My in safety ; we never change, and we
father and grandsire were of the same resent change. You may reproach,
calling. I often wish I were a strike us, trample us as a dog,-we
man !! ” bear all without a murmur ; betray
“ By these lips, I am enchanted us, and no tiger is more relentless.
that your wish cannot be realised ! ” Be true, and our hearts reward you ;
“ Fie, Signor ! And do you really be false, and our hands revenge!--
love me ? ” Dost thou love me now ? ”
“ With my whole heart ! ” During this speech , the Italian's
“ And I thee !" said the girl, with countenance had most eloquently
a candour that seemed innocent, as aided her words--- by turns soft, frank,
she suffered him to clasp her hand . fierce,-and, at the last question, she
“ But,” she added, “ thou wilt soon inclined her head humbly, and stood,
leave us ; and I- She stopped as in fear of his reply, before him.
short, and the tears stood in her eyes. The stern, brave, wild spirit, in which
There was something dangerous in what seemed unfeminine was yet, if I
this, it must be confessed . Certainly may so say, still womanly, did not
Fillide had not the seraphic loveliness recoil, it rather captivated Glyndon.
of Viola ; but hers was a beauty that He answered readily, briefly, and
equally at least touched the senses. freely— “ Fillide - yes ! ”
Perhaps Glyndon had never really Oh, " yes !” forsooth, Clarence
loved Viola ; perhaps the feelings Glyndon ! Every light nature answers
with which shehad inspired him were “ yes” lightly to such a question from
not of that ardent character which lips so rosy ! Have a care — have a
deserves the name of love. However care ! Why the deuce, Mejnour, do
that be, he thought as he gazed on you leave your pupil of four-and
those dark eyes that he had never twenty to the mercy of these wild
loved before. cats - a -mountain ! Preach fast, and
“ And couldst thou not leave thy abstinence, and sublime renunciation
mountains ? ” he whispered , as he of the cheats of the senses ! Very
drew yet nearer to her. well in you, sir, heaven knows how
“ Dost thou ask me? ” she said, many ages old ! but, at four-and
retreating, and looking him stead- twenty, your Hierophant would have
fastly in the face. “ Dost thou know kept you out of Fillide's way, or you
what we daughters of the mountains would have had small taste for the
åre ? You gay, smooth cavaliers of cabala !
cities seldom mean what you speak . And so they stood, and talked, and
With you, love is amusement ; with vowed, and whispered , till the girl's
mother made some noise within the for revenge! But he'who has the
house, and Fillide bounded back to real secret can baffle even the ven
the distaff, her finger once more on geance of a woman, and disarm all
her lip. danger ! ”
“ There is more magic in Fillide Sirrah ! dost thou even already
than in Mejnour ,” said Glyndon to meditate the possibility of treason ?
himself, walking gaily home ; “ yet, Oh, well said Zanoni, “ to pour pure
on second thoughts, I know not if I water into the muddy well does but
quite so well like a character so ready | disturb the mud ! ”
Cernis , custodia qualis
Vestibulo sedeat ? facies quæ limina servet ? *
ÆNEID, lib. yi. 574 .
ling liquid. The same sensation of demoniac fire, eyes that froze the
vigour,and youth, and joy, and airy marrow of his bones. Nothing else
lightness, that he had felt in the of the face was distinguishable
morning, instantaneously replaced the nothing but those intolerable eyes ;
deadly numbness that just before had but his terror, that even at the first
invaded the citadel of life. He stood, seemed beyond nature to endure, was
with his arms folded on his bosom, increased a thousand -fold, when, after
erect and dauntless, to watch what a pause, the Phantom glided slowly
should ensue. into the chamber. The cloud re
The vapour had now assumed treated from it as it advanced ; the
almost the thickness and seeming bright lamps grew wan , and flickered
consistency of a snow -cloud ; the restlessly as at the breath of its
lamps piercing it like stars. And presence. Its form was veiled as the
now he distinctly saw shapes, some- face, but the outline was that of a
what resembling in outline those of female ; yet it moved not as move
the human form , gliding slowly and even the ghosts that simulate the
with regular evolutions through the living. It seemed rather to crawl as
cloud. They appeared bloodless ; some vast misshapen reptile ; and
their bodies were transparent, and pausing, at length it cowered beside
contracted or expanded ,like the folds the table which held the mystic
of a serpent. As they moved in volume, and again fixed its eyes
majestic order, he heard a low sound through the filmy veil on the rash
-the ghost as it were of voice - which invoker. All fancies, the most gro
each caught and echoed from the tesque, of Monk or Painter in the
other ; a low sound, but musical, early North, would have failed to give
which seemed the chant of some to the visage of imp or fiend that
unspeakably tranquil joy. None of aspect of deadly malignity which
these apparitions heeded him . His spoke to the shuddering nature in
intense longing to accost them , to be those eyes alone. All else so dark
of them, to make one of this move. shrouded - veiled and larva-like. But
ment of aerial happiness — for such it that burning glare so intense, so livid,
seemed to him -- made him stretch yet so living, had in it something that
forth his arms and seek to cry aloud , was almost human, in its passion of
but only an inarticulate whisper passed hate and mockery - something that
his lips ; and the movement and the served to show that the shadowy
music went on the same as if the Horror was not all a spirit , but par
mortal were not there. Slowly they took of matter enough, at least, to
glided round and aloft, till, in the make it more deadly and fearful an
same majestic order, one after one, enemy to material forms. As, cling.
they floated through the casement ing with the grasp of agony to the
and were lost in the moonlight ; then, wall —his hair erect-- his eyeballs
as his eyes followed them, the case- starting, he still gazed back upon that
ment became darkened with some appalling gaze - the Image spoke to
object undistinguishable at the first him—his soul rather than his ear
gaze, but which sufficed mysteriously comprehended the words it said.
to change into ineffable horror the “ Thou hast entered the immeasur
delight he had before experienced. able region . I am the Dweller of the
By degrees, this object shaped itself Threshold. What wouldst thou with
to his sight. It was as that of a me ? Silent ? Dost thou fear me ?
human head, covered with a dark veil, Am I not thy beloved ? Is it not for
through which glared with livid and me that thou hast rendered up the
delights of thy ráce? Wouldst thou more till, far in the noon of the next
be wise ? Mine is the wisdom of the day, he opened his eyes and found
countless ages. Kiss me, my mortal himself in his bed,—the glorious sun
lover.” And the Horror crawled streaming through his lattice, and the
near and nearer to him ; it crept to bandit Paolo by his side, engaged in
bis side, its breath breathed upon his polishing his carbine, and whistling
cheek ! With a sharp cry he fell to a Calabrian love air.
the earth insensible, and knew no
In one of those islands whose history than raised the man to their less
the imperishable literature and alluring and less voluptuous Olympus.
renown of Athens yet invest with And still to the fishermen, weaving
melancholy interest, and on which yet their antique dances on the sand
Nature, in whom “ there is nothing to the maiden, adorning yet, with
melancholy,” still bestows a glory of many a silver fibula,her glossy tresses
scenery and climate equally radiant under the tree that overshadows her
for the freeman or the slave-- the tranquil cot — the same Great Mother
Ionian, the Venetian, the Gaul, the that watched over the wise of Samos
Turk, or the restless Briton,-Zanoni - the democracy of Corcyra — the
had fixed his bridal Home, There graceful and deep-taught loveliness of
the air carries with it the perfumes of Miletus- smiles as graciously as of
the plains for miles along the blue yore. For the North ,philosophy and
translucent deep.* Seen from one of freedom are essentials to human
its green sloping heights, the island happiness. In the lands which
he had selected seemed one delicious Aphrodite rose from the waves to
garden. The towers and turrets of its govern , as the Seasons, hand in hand,
capital gleaming amidst groves of stood to welcome her on the shores,*
oranges and lemons ;-vineyards and Nature is all- sufficient.
olivewoods filling up the valleys, and The isle which Zanoni had selected
clambering along the hill-sides ; and was one of the loveliest in that divine
villa, farm , and cottage covered with sea. His abode, at some distance
luxuriant trellises of dark green leaves from the city, but near one of the
and purple fruit. For, there, the creeks on the shore, belonged to a
prodigal beauty yet seems half to Venetian, and though small, had
justify those graceful superstitions of a more of elegance than the natives
creed that, too enamoured of earth , ordinarily cared for. On the seas,
rather brought the deities to man, and in sight, rode his vessel. His
Indians, as before, ministered in
* See Dr. Holland's Travels to the Ionian
Isles, &c., p. 18. | Homeric Hymn .
174 ZANONI .
“ Have I not explained it to thee the lonely beach ; and Zanoni, allured
before ? Is it common lire, then , to from his sublimer projects, and
love and to live with the one we love ? bending over that tender face, forgot
My true fairy -land is won ! Speak to that, in theHarmonious Infinite which
me of no other .” spread around, there were other
And so Night surprised them by worlds than that one human heart !
There is a principle of the soul, superior to all nature, through which we are capable of
surpassing the order and systems of the world . When the soul is elevated to natures
better than itself, then it is entirely separated from subordinate natures, exchanges
this for another life , and, deserting the order of things with which it was connected ,
links and mingles itself with another. - LAMBLICHUS.
vanishes from the surface as the other mortals, feel debarred yet from the
is glassed upon its deeps. But it is objects of the tremendousand sublime
not to restore me to that sublime ambition that first winged my desires
abstraction in which the Intellect, above the clay_when I see myself
free and disembodied, rises, region compelled to stand in this low world
after region,to the spheres, —that once alone.—I have sought amongst my
again , and with the agony and tribe for comrades, and in vain. At
travail of enfeebled power, I have last I have found a mate ! The wild
called thee to mine aid . I love ; and bird and the wild beast have theirs ;
in love I begin to live in the sweet and my mastery over the malignant
humanities of another ! If wise, yet tribes of terror can banish their larvæ
in all which makes danger powerless from the path that shall lead her
against myself, or those on whom I upward till the air of eternity fits
can gaze from the calm height of the frame for the elixir that baffles
indifferent science, I am blind as the death ."
merest mortal to the destinies of the “ And thou hast begun the initia
creature that makes my heart beat tion, and thou art foiled ! I know it.
with .the passions which obscure my fairest
Thou hast conjured to her sleepthe last
“ What matter ! ” answered Adon. loveliest children of the air to mur
Ai, “ Thy love must be but a mur their music to her trance, and
mockery of the name ; thou canst her soul heeds them not ; and, retúrn
not love as they do for whom there ing to the earth, escapes from their
are death and the grave . A short control. Blind one, wherefore ? Canst
time !-like a day in thy incalculable thou not perceive ? Because in her
life, and the form thou dotest on is soul all is love. There is no inter
dust ! Others of the nether world go mediate passion with which the things
hand in hand , each with each, unto thou wouldst charm to her have asso
the tomb ; hand in hand they ascend ciation and affinities. Their attraction
from the worm to new cycles of is but to the desires and cravings of
existence. For thee, below are ages ; the intellect. What have they with
for her, but hours. And for her and the passion that is of earth, and the
thee — 0 poor, but mighty one !—will hope that goes direct to Heaven ? ”
there be even a joint hereafter ! “ But can there be no mcdium - no
Through what grades and heavens of link-in which our souls, as our
spiritualised being will her soul have hearts, can be united, and so mine
passed when thou, the solitary may have influence over her own ? "
Loiterer, comest from the vapours of “ Ask me not - thou wilt not com
the earth to the gates of light !” prehend me !"
“ Son of theStarbeam, thinkest thou “ I adjure thee!-- speak !"
that this thought is not with me for “ When two souls are divided,
ever ; and seest thou not that I have knowest thou not that a third in
invoked thee to hearken and minister which both meet and live is the link
to my design ? Readest thou not my between them ! "
desire and dream to raise the condi- " I do comprehend thee, Adon -Ai,”
tions of her being to my own ? Thou, said Zanoni, with a light of more
Adon -Ai, bathing the celestial joy human joy upon his face than it had
that makes thy life in the oceans of ever before been seen to wear ; " and
eternal splendour,—thou, save by the if my destiny, which here is dark to
sympathies of knowledge, canst con- mine eyes, vouchsafes to me the happy
jecture not what I, the offspring of lot of the humble-if ever there be a
No. 270. N 12
178 ) ZANONI.
child that I may clasp to my bosom mother herself may be led upward
and call my own ! " over the realm of death !"
“ And is it to be man at last, that “ Beware reflect ! Knowest thou
thou hast aspired to be more than not that thy darkest enemy dwells in
man ? ” the Real ? Thy wishes bring thee
“But a child -a second Viola ! ” near and nearer to humanity.”
murmured Zanoni, scarcely heeding “ Ah, Humanity is sweet!" answered
the Son of Light ; " a young soul Zanoni.
fresh from Heaven, that I may rear And as the Seer spoke, on the
from the first moment it touches glorious face of Adon -Ai there broke
earth - whose wings I may train to a smile. * * &外 *
follow mine through the glories of
* *
creation ; and through whom the
Æterna æternus tribuit, mortalia confert
Mortalis ; divina Deus, peritura caducus. *
came love'; and there, as a river into alas ! the extension of our existence
the sea, it poured its restless waves, to robs us of a country and a home ;
become mute, and deep, and still — though the law that places all science,
the everlasting mirror of the heavens. as all art, in the abstraction from the
And is it not through this poetry noisy passions and turbulent ambi
which lies within her that she may tion of actual life, forbids us to
be led into the large poetry of the influence the destinies of nations, for
universe ! Often I listen to her care- which Heaven selects ruder and
less talk , and find oracles in its blinder agencies ; yet, wherever have
unconscious beauty, aswefind strange been my wanderings, I have sought
virtues in some lonely flower . I see to soften distress, and to convert from
her mind ripening under my eyes ; sin. My power has been hostile only
and in its fair fertility what ever to the guilty ; and yet, with all our
teeming novelties of thought ! 0 lore, how in each step we are reduced
Mejnour ! how many of our tribe have to be but the permitted instruments
unravelled the laws of the universe, of the Power, that vouchsafes our
have solved the riddles of the exterior own, but only to direct it. How all
nature — and deduced the light from our wisdom shrinks into nought,
darkness ! And is not the POET, compared with that which gives the
who studies nothing but the human meanest herb its virtues, and peoples
heart,a greater philosopher than all ? the smallest globule with its appro
Knowledge and atheism are incom- priate world . And while we are
patible. To know nature is to know allowed at times to influence the
that there must be a God ! But does happiness of others, how mysteriously
it require this to examine the method the shadows thicken round our own
and architecture of creation ? Me future doom ! We cannot be prophets
thinks, when I look upon a pure to ourselves ! With what trembling
mind, however ignorant and childlike, hope I nurse the thought that I may
that I see the August and Immaterial preserve to my solitude the light of a .
has its bitterness to me ; for I think us, and the more immediately does
how soon the time may come when our happiness seem to emanate from
that sleep will be without a dream , Him. But, on the other hand, how
when the heart that dictates the name many virtues must lie dead in those,
will be cold , and the lips that utter it who live in the world of death, and
be dumb. What a twofold shape there refuse to die ! Is not this sublime
is in love ! If we examine it coarsely egotism , this state of abstraction and
Gif we look but on its fleshly ties— reverie this self-wrapt and self
its enjoyments of a moment — its dependent majesty of existence, a
turbulent fever and its dull reaction, resignation of that nobility which
how strange it seems that this passion incorporates our own welfare, our
should be the supreme mover of the joys, our hopes, our fears with others ?
world — that it is this which has To live on in no dread of foes, unde
dictated the greatest sacrifices, and graded by infirmity, secure through
influenced all societies and all times ; the cares, and free from the disease of
that to this the loftiest and loveliest flesh , is a spectacle that captivates
genius has ever consecrated its devo- our pride. And yet dost thou not
tion ; that but for love there were no more admire — him who dies for
civilisation — no music, no poetry, another ? Since I have loved her,
no beauty , no life beyond the brute's. Mejnour, it seems almost cowardice
But examine it in its heavenlier to elude the grave which devours the
shape-in its utter abnegation of self hearts that wrap us in their folds.
-in its intimate connexion with all I feel it —the earth grows upon my
that is most delicate and subtle in spirit. Thou wert right; eternal age,
the spirit — its power above all that is serene, and passionless, is a happier
sordid in existence—its mastery over boon than eternal youth, with its
the idols of the baser worship — its yearnings and desires. Until we can
ability to create a palace of the cot- be all spirit, the tranquillity ofsolitude
tage, an oasis in the desert, a summer must be indifference .
in the Iceland — where it breathes, * *
and fertilises, and glows ; and the * * * *
wonder rather becomes how so few
egard it in its holiest nature. What
the sensual call its enjoyments, are I have received thy communication.
What ! is it so ? Has thy pupil
the least of its joys. True love is less
a passion than å symbol.Mejnour, disappointed
thee? Alas, poor pupil!
shall the time come when I can * * * *
guilt in the knowledge that has so But I cherish the same desire, with a
divided us from our race ?' It is true warmer heart. My pupil ! how the
that the higher we ascend , the more terrors that shall encompass thine
hateful seem to us the vices of the ordeal warn me from the task ! Once
short-lived creepers of the earth- more I will seek the Son
* * *
of Light.
the more the sense of the goodness of
* * *
the All-good penetrates and suffuses
182 ZANONI .
Yes, Adon-Ai, long deaf to my call, once more into the holy Innocence
at last has descended to my vision , which is the first state of existence
and left behind him the glory of his if they can feel that on man devolves
presence in the shape of Hope. Oh, almost an Angel's duty, when he has
not impossible, Viola, not impossible, a life to guide from the cradle, and a
that we yet may be united, soul with soul to nurture for the Heaven — what
soul. to me must be the rapture, to welcome
an Inheritor of all the gifts which
EXTRACT FROM LETTER V .- (Many double themselves in being shared !
months after the last.) How sweet the power to watch , and
to guard — to instil the knowledge, to
Mejnour, awake from thine apathy avert the evil, and to guide back the
-rejoice! A new soul will be born to river of life in a richer, and broader,
the world . A new soul that shall call and deeper stream , to the paradise
me Father. Ah, if they for whom from which it flows ! And beside
exist all the occupations and re- that river our souls shall meet, sweet
sources of human life — if they can Mother. Our child shall supply the
thrill, with exquisite emotion, at the sympathy that fails as yet ; and wbat
thought of hailing again their own shape shall haunt thee, what terror
childhood in the faces of their chil- shall dismay, when thy initiation is
dren - if, in that birth, they are born beside the cradle of thy child !
YES, Viola, thou art another being The sun sinks slowly down ; the
than when, by the threshold of thy air is arid and oppressive ; on the
Italian home, thou didst follow thy sea, the stately vessel lies motionless ;
dim fancies through the Land of on the shore, no leaf trembles on the
Shadow ; or when thou didst vainly trees.
seek to give voice to an Ideal beauty, Viola drew nearer to Zanoni ; a
on the boards where Illusion counter- presentiment she could not define
feits Earth and Heaven for an hour, made her heart beat more quickly ;
till the weary sense, awaking, sees and, looking into his face, she was
but the tinsel and the scene-shifter. struck with its expression ; it was
Thy spirit reposes in its own happi- anxious, abstracted , perturbed .
ness. Its wanderings have found a “ This stillness awes me," she
goal. In a moment, there often whispered.
dwells the sense of eternity ; for when Zanoni did not seem to hear her.
profoundly happy, we know that it is He muttered to himself, and his eyes
impossible to die. Whenever the gazed round restlessly. She knew
soul feels itself, it feels everlasting not why, but that gaze, which seemed
life ! to pierce into space , that muttered
The initiation is deferred — thy voice in some foreign language,
days and nights are left to no other revived dimly her earlier super
visions than those with which a con- stitions. She was more fearful since
tented heart enchants a guileless the hour when she knew that she was
faney. Glendoveers and sylphs, par- to be a mother. Strange crisis in the
don me if I question whether those life of woman , and in her love !
visions are not lovelier than your- Something yet unborn begins already
-selvos ! to divide her heart with that which
They stand by the beach, and see had been before its only monarch !
the sun sinking into the sea. How " Look on me, Zanoni,” she said,
long now have they dwelt on that pressing his hand.
island ? What matters !mit may be He turned—“ Thou art pale, Viola ;
months, or years what matters ! thy hand trembles !"
Why should I, or they, keep account “ It is true. I feel as if some
of that happy time ? As in the dream enemy were creeping near us.”
of a moment ages may seem to pass, “ And the instinct deceives thee
so shall we measure transport or woe not. An enemy is indeed at hand.
-by the length of the dream , or the I see it through the heavy air ; I hear
number of emotions that the dream it through the silence : the Ghostly
involves ? One-the Destroyer - the PESTILENCE !
184 ZANONI .
Ah, seest thou how the leaves swarm thou wouldst giveme a charm against
with insects, only by an effort visible the pestilence, see, I will take it from
to the eye. They follow the breath thee . ” And she laid her hand on a
of the plague ! ” As he spoke, a bird small antique amulet that he wore on
fell from the boughs at Viola's feet ; his breast.
it fluttered , it writhed an instant, and “ Thou knowest how often this has
was dead . made me jealous of the past : surely,
“ Oh, Viola ! ” cried Zanoni, pas- some love- gift, Zanoni ? But no, thou
sionately, “ that is death. Dost thou didst not love the giver as thou dost
not fear to die ? ” me. Shall I steal thine amulet ?”
“ To leave thee ? Ah, yes ! ” “ Infant !” said Zanoni, tenderly ;
“ And if I could teach thee how “ she who placed this round my neck
Death may be defied — if I could arrest deemed it indeed a charm , for she had
for thy youth the course of time—if I superstitions like thyself ; but to me
could it is more than the wizard's spell
He paused abruptly, for Viola's it is the relic of a sweet vanished
eyesspokeonly terror ; her cheek and time, when none who loved me could
lips were pale. distrust ."
Speak not thus - look not thus," He said these words in a tone of
she said, recoiling from him. “ You such melancholy reproach, that it
dismay me. Ah,speak not thus, or I went to the heart of Viola ; but the
should tremble — no, not for myself, tone changed into a solemnity which
but for thy child . ” chilled back the gush of her feelings
“ Thy child ! But wouldst thou as he resumed : “ And this, Viola,
reject for thy child the same glorious one day, perhaps, I will transfer from
boon ? ” my breast to thine ; yes, whenever
“ Zanoni! ” thou shalt comprehend me better
“ Well !” whenever the laws of our being shall
“ The sun has sunk from our eyes, be the same ! ”
but to rise on those of others. To He moved on gently. They re
disappear from this world, is to live turned slowly home ; but fear still
in the world afar. Oh, lover - oh, was in the heart of Viola, though she
husband !” shecontinued, with sudden strove to shake it off. Italian and
energy, “ tell me that thou didst but Catholic she was, with all the super
jest, that thou didst but trifle with stitions of land and sect. She stole
my folly ! There is less terror in the to her chamber, and prayed before a
pestilence than in thy words.” little relic of San Gennaro, which the
Zanoni's brow darkened ; he looked priest of her house had given to her
at her in silence for some moments, in childhood , and which had accom
and then said, almost severely- panied her in all her wanderings.
“ What hast thou known of me to She had never deemed it possible to
distrust ? " part with it before. Now , if there
“ Oh pardon, pardon !-nothing ! " was a charm against the pestilence,
cried Viola, throwing herself on his did she fear the pestilence for herself ?
breast, and bursting into tears. " I The next morning when he woke,
will not believe even thine own words, Zanoni found the relic of the saint
if they seem to wrong thee ! ” He suspended, with his mystic amulet,
kissed the tears from her eyes, but round his neck.
made no answer. “ Ah ! thou wilt have nothing to
“ And ah !” she resumed, with an fear from the pestilence now," said
enchanting and child -like smile, “ if Viola, between tears and smiles ;
and when thou wouldst talk to me the sad history of Affection will tell
again as thou didst last night, the us, that the heart changes not with
saint shall rebuke thee." the scene ! Blow fair, ye favouring
Well, Zanoni, can there ever indeed winds ; cheerily swell , ye sails ; away
be commune of thought and spirit, from the land where Death has come
except with equals ? to snatch the sceptre of Love ! The
Yes, the Plague broke out—the shores glide by ; new coasts succeed
island home must be abandoned. to the green hills and orange groves
Mighty Seer, thou hast no power to of the Bridal Isle. From afar now
save those whom thou lovest ! Fare- gleam in the moonlight the columns,
well, thou bridal roof !-sweet resting yet extant, of a temple which the
place from Care, farewell ! Climates Athenian dedicated to Wisdom :
as soft may greet ye, O lovers - skies and, standing on the bark that
as serene, and waters as blue and bounded on in the freshening gale ,
calm. But that time, can it ever the votary who had survived the
more return ? Who shall say that goddess murmured to himself
the heart does not change with the “ Has the wisdom of ages brought
scene —the place where we first dwelt me no happier hours than those
with the beloved one ? Every spot common to the shepherd and the
there has so many memories which herdsman, with no world beyond
the place only can recal. The past their village- no aspiration beyond
that haunts it, seems to command the kiss and the smile of home ? ”
such constancy in the future. If a And the moon resting alike over
thought less kind, less trustful, enter the ruinsof the temple of the departed
within us, the sight of a tree under Creed-over the hut of the living
which a vow has been exchanged, a peasant over the immemorial moun.
tear has been kissed away, restores tain top, and the perishable herbage
us again to the hours of the first that clothed its sides, seemed to smile
divine illusion . But in a home, back its answer of calm disdain to the
where nothing speaks of the first being who, perchance, might have
nuptials, where there is no eloquence seen the temple built, and who, in
of association, no holy burial places his inscrutable existence, might
of emotions, whose ghosts are angels ! behold the mountain shattered from
-yes, who that has gone through its base.
Why standest thou so, and lookest out easiest that Neophyte ever knew .
astonished ? I asked for nothing but abstinence
from the sensual, and a brief experi- an Aspirant to the Stars that shine
ment of thy patience and thy faith . in the Shemaiá of the Chaldæan lore !
Go back to thine own world ; thou The eagle can raise but the eaglet to
hast no nature to aspire to ours ! the sun . I abandon thee to thy
“ It was I who prepared Paolo to twilight !
receive thee at the revel. It was I “ But, alas, for thee, disobedient
who instigated the old beggar to ask and profane ! thou hast inhaled the
thee for alms. It was I who left open elixir ; thou hast attracted to thy
the book that thou couldst not presence a ghastly and remorseless
read without violating my command. foe. Thou thyself must exorcise the
Well, thou hast seen what awaits thee phantom thou hast raised . Thou
at the threshold of knowledge. Thou must return to the world ; but not
hast confronted the first foe that without punishment and strong effort
menaces him whom the senses yet canst thou regain the calm and the
grasp and enthral. Dost thou wonder joy of the life thou hast left behind.
that I close upon thee the gates for This for thy comfort will I tell thee :
ever ! Dost thou not comprehend , he who has drawn into his frame
at last, that it needs a soul tempered , even so little of the volatile and vital
and purified, and raised, not by exter- energy of the aerial juices as thyself,
nal spells, but by its own sublimity has awakened faculties that cannot
and valour, to pass the threshold, sleep -- faculties that may yet, with
and disdain the foe ? Wretch ! all patient humility, with sound faith ,
my science avails nothing for the and the courage that is not of the
rash, for the sensual — for him who body like thine, but of the resolute
desires our secrets but to pollute and virtuous mind, attain, if not to
them to gross enjoyments and selfish the knowledge that reigns above, to
vice ? How have the impostors and high achievement in the career of
sorcerers of the earlier times perished men. Thou wilt find the restless
by their very attempt to penetrate influence in all that thou wouldst
the mysteries that should purify, and undertake. Thy heart,amidst vulgar
not deprave ! They have boasted of joys, will aspire to something holier ;
the philosopher's stone, and died in thy ambition, amidst coarse excite
rags ; of the immortal elixir, and ment, to something beyond thy reach ,
sank to their grave, gray before their But deem not that this of itself will
time. Legends tell you, that the suffice for glory. Equally may the
fiend rent them into fragments. Yes ; craving lead thee to shame and guilt.
the fiend of their own unholy desires It is but an imperfect and new -born
and criminal designs ! What they energy, which will not suffer thee to
coveted thou covetest ; and if thou repose. As thou directest it, must
hadst the wings of a seraph, thou thou believe it to be the emanation
couldst soar not from the slough of of thine evil genius or thy good.
thy mortality. Thy desire for know- “ But woe to thee ! insect meshed
ledge, but petulant presumption ; thy in the web in which thou hast
thirst for happiness, but the diseased entangled limbs and wings! Thou
longing for the unclean and muddied hast not only inhaled the elixir, thou
waters of corporeal pleasure ; thy very hast conjured the spectre ; of all the
love, which usually elevates even the tribes of the space, no foe is so malig
mean , a passion that calculates nant to man — and thou hast lifted
treason, amidst the first glow of the veil from thy gaze. I cannot
lust ; — thou, one of us ! Thou, a restore to thee the happy dimness of
brother of the August Order ! Thou, thy vision. Know , at least, that all
of us the highest and the wisest— long-nurst hope in the human heart,
who have, in sober truth , passed whether it be of love, of avarice, of
beyond the threshold, have had, as ambition . The loftier world for which
our first fearful task , to master and he had so thirsted, sacrificed, and
guardian. Know that thou canst ever,” and by his own faults of rash
deliver thyself from those livid eyes ness and presumption. But Glyndon's
-know that, while they haunt, they was not of that nature which submits
cannot harm , if thou resistest the long to condemn itself. His indig.
thoughts to which they tempt, and nation began to kindle against
the horror they engender. Dread Mejnour, who owned he had tempted ,
them most when thou beholdest them and who now abandoned him
not. And thus, son of the worm , we abandoned him to the presence of a
part ! All that I can tell thee to spectre. The Mystic's reproaches
encourage, yet to warn and to guide, stung, rather than humbled him .
I have told thee in these lines. Not What crime had he committed to
from me, from thyself has come the deserve language so harsh and dis
gloomy trial, from which I yet trust dainful ? Was it so deep a debase
thou wilt emerge into peace. Type ment to feel pleasure in the smile and
of the knowledge that I serve, I the eyes of Fillide ? Had not Zanoni
withhold no lesson from the pure himself confessed love for Viola ?
aspirant ; I am a dark enigma to the had he not fled with her as his
general seeker. As man's only inde companion ? Glyndon never paused
structible possession is his memory, so to consider if there are no distinction
it is not in mine art to crumble into between one kind of love and another
matter the immaterial thoughts that Where, too, was the great offence of
have sprung up within thy breast. yielding to a temptation which only
The tyro might shatter this castle to existed for the brave ? Had not the
the dust, and topple down the moun- mystic volume which Mejnour had
tain to the plain . The master has no purposely left open, bid him, but
power to say , . Exist no more,' to one " Beware of fear ?” Was not, then,
THOUGHT that his knowledge has in every wilful provocative held out to
spired . Thou mayst change the the strongest influences of the human
thought into new forms; thou mayst mind, in the prohibition to enter the
rarify and sublimate it into a finer chamber- in the possession of the
spirit, but thou canst not annihilate key which excited his curiosity - in
that which has no home but in the the volume which seemed to dictate
memory - no substance but the idea . the mode by which the curiosity was
EVERY THOUGHT IS A SOUL ! Vainly, to be gratified ? As, rapidly, these
therefore, would Ior thou undo the thoughts passed over him, he began
past, or restore to thee the gay blind- to consider the whole conduct of
ness of thy youth. Thou must Mejnour either as a perfidious design
endure the influence of the elixir to entrap him to his own misery, or
thou hast inhaled ; thou mustwrestle as the trick of an impostor, who
with the spectre thou hast invoked ! ” knew that he could not realise the
The letter fell from Glyndon's hand. great professions he had made. On
A sort of stupor succeeded to the glancing again over the more mys
various emotions which had chased terious threats and warnings in
each other in the perusal— a stupor, Mejnour's letter, they seemed to
resembling that which follows the assume the language ofmere parable
sudden destruction of any ardent and and allegory — the jargon of the Pla
192 ZANONI .
and the shape of the handsome Thou art again in thine own chamber
Fillide . - the white wall thy canvass- &
This man, indeed , seemed the very fragment of charcoal for thy pencil .
personation of animal sensual life. They suffice, at least, to give outline
He would have been to Faust a more to the conception, that may otherwise
dangerous tempter than Mephisto- vanish with the morrow.
pheles. There was no sneer on his The idea that thus excited thic
lip at the pleasures which animated imagination of the artist was unques
his voice. To one awaking to a sense tionably noble and august. It was
of the vanities in knowledge, this derived from that Egyptian ceremo
reckless ignorant joyousness of temper nial which Diodorus has recorded
was a worse corruptor than all the icy the Judgment of the Dead by the
mockeries of a learned Fiend. But Living:* when the corpse, duly
when Páolo took his leave, with a embalmed , is placed by the margin
promise to return the next day, the of the Acherusian Lake, and before it.
mind of the Englishman again settled may be consigned to the bark which
back to a graver and more thoughtful is to bear it across the waters to its
mood. The elixir seemed, in truth, final resting place, it is permitted to
to have left the refining effects the appointed judges to hear all
Mejnour had ascribed to it. As accusations of the past life of the
Glyndon paced to and fro the solitary deceased, and, if proved, to deprive
corridor, or pausing, gazed upon the the corpse of the rites of sepulture.
extended and glorious scenery that Unconsciously to himself, it was
stretched below , high thoughts of Mejnour's description of this custom ,
enterprise and ambition --- bright which he had illustrated by several
visions of glory - passed in rapid anecdotes not to be found in books,
succession through his soul. that now suggested the design to the
“Mejnour denies me his science. artist, and gave it reality and force.
Well,” said the painter, proudly, “ he He supposed a powerful and guilty
has not robhed me of my art.” king whom in life scarce a whisper
What ! Clarence Glyndon ! dost had dared to arraign, but against
thou return to that from which thy whom , now the breath was gone, came
career commenced ? WasZanoni right the slave from his fetters, the muti
after all ? lated victim from his dungeon, livid
Hefound himself in the chamber of and squalid as if dead themselves,
the Mystic : not a vessel -- not a herb ! invoking with parched lips the justice
the solemn volume is vanished — the that outlives the grave.
elixir shall sparkle for him no more ! Strange fervour this, 0 Artist !
But still in the room itself seems to breaking suddenly forth from the
linger the atmosphere of a charm . mists and darkness which the occult
Faster and fiercer it burns within science had spread so long over thy
thee, the Desire to achieve, to create ! fancies - strange that the reaction of
Thou longest for a life beyond the the night's terror and the day's dis
sensual !—but the life that is per- appointment should be back to thine
mitted to all genius — that which holy art ! Oh, how freely goes the
breathes through the immortal work , bold hand over the large outline !
and endures in the imperishable How , despite those rude materials,
name . speaks forth no more the pupil, but the
Where are the implements for thine master ! Fresh yet from the glorious
art ? Tush !-when did the true
workman ever fail to find his tools ? * Diod ., lib. i.
No.271 . 0 13
elixir, how thou givest to thy crea- his design ; and, lo ! the figures
tures the finer life denied to thyself ? seemed to start from the wall ! Those
-some power not thine own writes pale accusing figures, the shapes he
the grand symbols on the wall. himself had raised, frowned at him
Behind, rises the mighty sepulchre, and gibbered. With a violent effort
on the building of which repose to that convulsed his whole being, and
the dead, the lives of thousands had bathed his body in the sweat of agony,
been consumed. There, sit in a semi- the young man mastered his horror.
circle the solemn judges. Black and He strode towards the Phantom ; he
sluggish flows the lake. There lies the endured its eyes ; he accosted it with
mummied and royal dead. Dost thou a steady voice ; he demanded its
quail at the frown on his life-like purpose and defied its power.
brow ? Ha !-bravely done, O Artist ! And then, as a wind from a charnel,
-up rise the haggard forms !- pale was heard its voice. What it said,
speak the ghastly faces ! Shall not what revealed, it is forbidden the
Humanity after death avenge itself on lips to repeat, the hand to record.
Power ? Thy conception, Clarence Nothing, save the subtle life that yet
Glyndon, is a sublime truth ; thy animated the frame, to which the
design promises renown to genius. inhalations of the elixir had given
Better this magic than the charms vigour and energybeyond the strength
of the volume and the vessel. Hour of the strongest, could have survived
after hour has gone ; thou hast lighted that awful hour. Better to wake in
the lamp ; night sees thee yet at thy the catacombs and see the buried
labour. Merciful heaven ! whatchills rise from their cerements, and hear
the atmosphere ?---why does the lamp the ghouls, in their horrid orgies,
grow wan ?—why doesthy hair bristle ? amongst the festering ghastliness of
There ! - there !-there ! at the case - corruption, than to front those features
ment !-It gazes on thee, the dark, when the veil was lifted, and listen to
mantled, loathsome Thing! There, that whispered voice ! *
with their devilish mockery and hateful * *
craft, glare on thee those horrid eyes ! * *
He stood and gazed. It was no
delusion-It spoke not, moved not, The next day Glyndon fled from the
till, unable to bear longer that steady ruined castle. With what hopes of
and burning look, he covered his face starry light had he crossed the
with his hands. With a start, with a threshold ; with what memories to
thrill he removed them ; he felt the shudder evermore at the darkness,
nearer presence of the Nameless. did he look back at the frown of its
There, it cowered on the floor beside time-worn towers.
FAUST. Wohin soll es nun gehn ?
MEPHIST . Wohin es Dir gefällt.
Wir sehn die kleine, dann die grosse Welt. *
DRAW your chair to the fireside, standing. He chose a wife from his
brush clean the hearth, and trim the reason , not his heart, and a very good
lights. Oh, home of sleekness, order, choice he made. Mrs. Mervale was
substance, comfort ! Oh , excellent an excellent young woman - bustling,
thing art thou , Matter of Fact ! managing, economical, but affectionate
It is some time after the date of the and good. She had a will of her own, but
last chapter. Here we are, 'not in was no shrew . She had a great notion
moonlit islands, ormouldering castles, of the rights of a wife, and a strong
but in a room twenty -six feet by perception of the qualities that ensure
twenty -two well carpeted
well comfort. She would never have for
cushioned - solid arm chairs, and given her husband, had she found him
eight such bad pictures, in such fine guilty of the most passing fancy for
frames, upon the walls ! Thomas another ; but, in return, she had the
Mervale, Esq., merchant of London , most admirable sense of propriety
you are an enviable dog ! herself. She held in abhorrence all
It was the easiest thing in the levity, all flirtation, all coquetry
world for Mervale, on returning from small vices, which often ruin domestic
his continental episode of life to happiness, but which a giddy nature
settle down to his desk - his heart incurs without consideration . But
had been always there. The death of she did not think it right to love a
his father gave him , as a birthright, husband over much. She left a sur
a high position in a respectable, plus of affection for all her relations,
though second -rate firm . To make all her friends, some of her acquaint
this establishment first-rate, was an ances, and the possibility of a second
honourable ambition-it was his ! marriage, should any accident happen
He had lately married , not entirely to Mr. M. She kept a good table,
for money no ! he was worldly for it suited their station, and her
rather than mercenary. He had no temper was considered even, though
romantic ideas of love ; but he was firm ; but she could say a sharp thing
too sensible a man not to know that or two, if Mr. Mervale was not
a wife should be a companion — not punctual to a moment. She was
merely a speculation. He did not very particular thathe should change
care for beauty and genius, but he his shoes on coming home- the car.
liked health and good temper, and a pets were new and expensive. She
certain proportion of useful under- was not sulky,nor passionate — Heaven
bless her for that - but when dis
* F. Whither go now ?
M. pleased, she showed it, administered
Whither it pleases thee.
We see the small world, then the a dignified rebuke - alluded to her
great. own virtues-- to her uncle, who was
an admiral, and to the thirty thousand wore short mittens. She never read
pounds which she had brought to the any poetry but Goldsmith's and Cow.
object of her choice. But as Mr. Mer- per's. She was not amused by novels,
vale was a good-humoured man, though she had no prejudice against
owned his faults, and subscribed to them . She liked a play and a
her excellence, the displeasure was pantomime, with
a slightlikesupper
soon over, afterwards. did not
Every household has its little dis- certs nor operas. At the beginning
agreements, none fewer than that of of the winter, she selected some book
Mr. and Mrs. Mervale . Mrs. Mervale, to read, and some piece of work to
without being improperly fond of commence. The two lasted her till
dress, paid due attention to it. She the spring, when, though she con
was never seen out of her chamber tinued to work, she left off reading.
with papers in her hair, nor in that Her favourite study was history,
worst of disillusions à morning which she read through the medium
wrapper. At half -past eight every of Dr. Goldsmith . Her favourite
morning Mrs. Mervale was dressed author in the belles lettres was, of
for the day — thatis,till she re-dressed course, Dr. Johnson. A worthier
for dinner ;-her stays well laced,- woman, or one more respected, was
her cap prim ,-her gowns, winter and not to be found, except in an
summer, of a thick, handsome silk. epitaph !
Ladies at that time wore very short It was an autumn night. Mr. and
waists ; so did Mrs. Mervale. Her Mrs. Mervale, lately returned from
morning ornaments were a thick gold an excursion to Weymouth, are in
chain, to which was suspended a gold the drawing-room- “ the dame sate
watch - none of those fragile dwarfs on this side the man sat on
of mechanism , that look so pretty, that.”
and go so ill — but a handsome “ Yes, I assure you, my dear, that
repeater, which chronicled Father Glyndon, with all his eccentricities,
Time to a moment ; also a mosaic was a very engaging, amiable fellow .
brooch ; also a miniature of her uncle, You would certainly have liked him
the admiral, set in a bracelet. For -all the women did . "
the evening, she had two handsome “ My dear Thomas, you will forgive
sets - necklace, earrings, and bracelets the remark, - but that expression of
complete — one of amethysts,the other yours-' all the women
topazes. With these, her costume, “ I beg your pardon ,-you are
for the most part, was a gold -coloured right. I meant to say that he was a
satin and a turban, in which last her general favourite with your charming
picture had been taken. Mrs. Mer- sex.”
vale had an aquiline nose, good teeth, “ I understand , rather a frivolous
fair hair,and light eyelashes, rather a character.”
high complexion, what is generally “ Frivolous ! no , not exactly ; a
called a fine bust, full cheeks, large little unsteady - .very odd — but cer
useful feet, made for walking, large tainly not frivolous ; presumptuous
white hands, with filbert nails, on and headstrong in character, but
which not a speck of dust had, even modest and shy in his manners, rather
in childhood, ever been known to too much so — just what you like.
alight. She looked a little older than However, to return ; I am seriously
she really was ; but that might arise uneasy at the accounts I have heard of
from a certain air of dignity, and the him to-day. He has been living, it
aforesaid aquiline nose. She generally seems, a very strange and irregular
life, travelling from place to place, \ society that cared little for the calm
and must have spent already a great decorums of conventional ease. Still
deal of money ." a kind of wild nobleness, not before
“ A propos of money, ” said Mrs. apparent in him, characterised his
Mervale ; “ I fear we must change aspect, and gave something of dignity
our butcher : he is certainly in league to the freedom of his language and
with the cook .” gestures.
“ That is a pity ; his beef is re- “ So, then , you are settled, Mervale
markably fine. These London servants -I need not ask you if you are
are as bad as the Carbonari. But, as happy. Worth, sense, wealth, cha
I was saying, poor Glyndon racter, and so fair a companion,
Here a knock was heard at the deserve happiness, and command it .”
door. “ Blessme,” said Mrs. Mervale, “ Would you like some tea, Mr.
“ it is past ten ! Who can that pos- Glyndon ? ” asked Mrs. Mervale,
sibly be ?” kindly.
Perhaps your uncle, the admiral," “ Thank you - no. I propose a
said the husband , with a slight more convivial stimulus to my old
peevishness in his accent . “ He friend. Wine, Mervale — wine, eh !
generally favours us about this hour.” or a bowl of old English punch .
“ I hope, my love, that none of my Your wife will excuse us — we will
relations are unwelcome visitors at make a night of it ! "
your house. The admiral is a most Mrs. Mervale drew back her chair,
entertaining man, and —his fortune is and tried not to look aghast. Glyn
entirely at his own disposal. ” don did not give his friend time to
“ No one I respect more,” said Mr. reply
Mervale, with emphasis. “ So at last I am in England," he
The servant threw open the door, said , looking round the room, with a
and announced Mr. Glyndon. slight sneer on his lips ; “ surely
“ Mr. Glyndon !-what an extra- this sober air must have its influence ;
ordinary— " exclaimed Mrs. Mervale, surely here I shall be like the rest.”
but before she could conclude the “ Have you been ill, Glyndon ? ”
sentence, Glyndon was in the room. 6 Ill ! yes. Humph ! you have
The two friends greeted each other a fine house. Does it contain a spare
with all the warmth of early recol. room for a solitary wanderer ? ”
lection and long absence. An appro- Mr. Mervale glanced at his wife,
priate and proud presentation to Mrs. and his wife looked steadily on the
Mervale ensued ; and Mrs. Mervale, carpet. “ Modest and shy in his
with a dignified smile, and a furtive manners rather too much so ! "
glance at his boots, bade her husband's Mrs. Mervale was in the seventh
friend welcome to England . heaven of indignation and amaze !
Glyndon was greatly altered since “ My dear ?” said Mr. Mervale at
Mervale had seen him last. Though last, meekly and interrogatingly.
less than two years had elapsed since “ My dear !” returned Mrs.Mervale,
then, his fair complexion was more innocently and sourly.
bronzed and manly. Deep lines of “ We can make up a room for my
care , or thought, or dissipation , had old friend, Sarah ? ”
replaced the smooth contour of happy The old friend had sunk back on
youth. To a manner once gentle and his chair ; and, gazing intently on
polished, had succeeded a certain the fire, with his feet at ease upon
recklessness of mien, tone, and bear- the fender, seemed to have forgotten
ing, which bespoke the habits of a his question.
* Mrs. Mervale bit her lips, looked At last ," Mr. Mervale appeared in
thoughtful, and at last coldly replied the conjugal chamber — not penitent,
- “ Certainly , Mr. Mervale ; your not apologetic—no, not a bit of it.
friends do right to make themselves His eyes twinkled, his cheek flushed,
at home.", his feet reeled ; he sung — Mr. Thomas
With that she lighted a candle, and Mervale positively sung !
moved majestically from the room . “ Mr. Mervale ! is it possible.
When she returned, the two friends sir ! "
had vanished into Mr. Mervale's
study. “ Old King Cole wasa merry old soul
Twelve o'clock struck - one o'clock
-two ! Thrice had Mrs. Mervale “ Mr. Mervale ! sir ! - leave me
sent into the room to know — first, if alone, sir ! ”
they wanted anything ; secondly, if “ * And a merry old soul was he
Mr. Glyndon slept on a mattress or
feather-bed ; thirdly, to inquire if “What an example to the ser
Mr. Glyndon's trunk , which he had vants !”
brought with him , should be un
packed. And to the answer to all “ .And he called for his pipe, and he called
for his bowl
these questions, was added, in a loud
voice from the visitor - a voice that “ If you don't behave yourself, sir,
pierced from the kitchen to the attic I shall call
“ Another bowl ! stronger, if you
please, and be quick with it !” siCall for his fiddlers three ! "
In der Welt weit ,
Aus der Einsamkeit
Wollen sie Dich locken.*
The next morning, at breakfast, Mrs. sult you. I have come to England to
Mervale looked as if all the wrongs of see after my affairs. My ambition is
injured woman sat upon her brow. to make money ; your counsels and
Mr. Mervale seemed the picture of experience cannot fail to assist me
remorseful guilt and avenging bile. here."
He said little, except to complain of “ Ah ! you were soon disenchanted
headache, and to request the eggs to of your Philosopher's stone. You
be removed from the table. Clarence must know, Sarah, that when I last
Glyndon -- impervious, unconscious, left Glyndon, he was bent upon
unailing, impenitent . - was in noisy turning alchemist and magician .”
spirits and talked for three . You are witty to-day, Mr. Mer
“ Poor Mervale ! he has lost the vale. "
habit of good fellowship, madam. Upon my honour it is true.
Another night or two, and he will be I told you so before .”
himself again ! ” Glyndon rose abruptly.
Sir,” said Mrs. Mervale, launching Why revive those recollections of
a premeditated sentence with more folly and presumption. Have I not
than Johnsonian dignity ; " permit said that Ihave returned to my native
me to remind you that Mr. Mervale land to pursue the healthful avocations
is now a married man, the destined of my kind ! O yes ! what so health
father of a family , and the present ful, so noble, so fitted to our nature,
master of a household .” as what you call the Practical Life ?
“ Precisely the reasons why I envy If we have faculties, what is their use,
him so much. I myself have a great but to sell them to advantage ? Buy
mind to marry. Happiness is con- knowledge as we do our goods , buy
tagious.” it at the cheapest market, sell it at
“ Do you still take to painting ?” the dearest. Have you not break
asked Mervale, languidly, endeavour- fasted yet ? ”
ing to turn the tables on his The friends walked into the
“ Oh, no ; I have adopted your streets, and Mervale shrunk from the
advice. No art, no ideal - nothing irony with which Glyndon compli
loftier than Common-place for me mented him on his respectability,
now .
If I were to paint again , I his station, his pursuits, his happy
positively think you would purchase marriage, and his eight pictures in
my pictures. Make haste and finish their handsome frames. Formerly
your breakfast, man ; I wish to con- the sober Mervale had commanded
an influence over his friend ; his
* In the wide world , out of the solitude, had been the sarcasm ; Glyndon's
will these allure thee . the irresolute shame at his own
200 ZANONI. '
Ich fühle Dich mir nahe,
Die Einsamkeit belebt ;
Wie über seinen Welten
Der Unsichtbare schwebt . *
UHLAxr .
I'rom this state of restlessness and concealed the romance I have ascribed
agitation rather than continuous to her.
action, Glyndon was aroused by a Adela was not handsome ; she had
visitor who seemed to exercise the the complexion and the form of
most salutary influence over him. delicate health ; and too fine an
His sister, an orphan with himself, organisation of the nerves rendered
had resided in the country with her her susceptible to every impression
aunt. In the early years of hope and that could influence the health of the
home, he had loved this girl, much frame through the sympathy of the
younger than himself, with all a mind . But as she never complained ,
brother's tenderness. On his return and as the singular serenity of her
to England, he had seemed to forget manners seemed to betoken an equa
her existence. She recalled herself nimity of temperament which, with
to him on her aunt's death by a the vulgar, might have passed for
touching and melancholy letter ;- indifference , her sufferings had so
she had now no home but his -- no long been borne unnoticed, that it
dependence save on his affection ; ceased to be an effort to disguise
he wept when he read it, and was them. Though, as I have said, not
impatient till Adela arrived. handsome, her countenance was inter
This girl , then about eighteen, esting and pleasing ; and there was
concealed beneath a gentle and calm that caressing kindness, that winning
exterior much of the romance or charm about her smile, her manners,
enthusiasm that had , at her own age, her anxiety to please, to comfort, and
characterised her brother. But her to soothe, which went at once to the
enthusiasm was of a far purer order, heart, and made her lovely—because
and was restrained within proper so loving.
bounds, partly by the sweetness of a Such was the sister whom Glyndon
very feminine nature, and partly by a had so long neglected, and whom he
strict and methodical education. She now so cordially welcomed. Adela
cliffered from him especially in a had passed many years a victim to
timidity of character, which exceeded the caprices, and a nurse to the
that usual at her age, but which the maladies of a selfish and exacting
habit of self-command concealed no relation . The delicate, and generous,
Jess carefully , than that timidity itself and respectful affection of her brother
was no less new to her than delightful.
* I feel thee near to me ; He took pleasure in the happiness he
The loneliness takes lifc created ; he gradually weaned himself
As over its world from other society ; he felt the Charm
The Invisible hovers. of Home. It is not surprising then ,
202 ZANONI .
that this young creature, free and ceeding. Too wrapped in his own
virgin from every more ardent attach- strange existence to be acutely
ment, concentrated all her grateful observant of the character of others,
love on this cherished and protecting Glyndon mistook the self-content of a
relative. Her study by day, her generous and humble affection for
dream by night was to repayhim for constitutional fortitude; and this
his affection . She was proud of his quality pleased and soothed him . It
talents, devoted to his welfare ; the is fortitude that the diseased mind
smallest trifle that could interest him requires in the confidant whom it
swelled in her eyes to the gravest selects as its physician. And how
affairs of life. In short, all the long- irresistible is that desire to communi
hoarded enthusiasm which was her cate ! How often the lonely man
perilous and only heritage she invested thought to himself, “ My heart would
in this one object of her holy tender- be lightened of its misery, if once
ness, her pure ambition. confessed ! ” He felt, too, that in the
But in proportion as Glyndon very youth, the inexperience, the
shunned those excitementsbywhich he poetical temperament of Adela, he
had so long sought to occupy his time, could find one who would comprehend
or distract his thoughts, the gloom of and bear with him better than any
his calmer. hours became deeper and sterner and more practical nature.
more continuous. He ever and espe- Mervale would have looked on his
cially dreaded to be alone ; he could revelations as the ravings of madness,
not bear his new companion to be and most men, at best,as the sicklied
absent from his eyes ; he rode with chimeras, the optical delusions, of
her, walked with her, and it was with disease. Thus gradually preparing
visible reluctance, which almost par- himself for that relief for which he
took of horror, that he retired to rest yearned, the moment for his disclosure
at an hour when even revel grows arrived thus :
fatigued. This gloom was not that One evening, as they sat alone
which could be called by the soft together, Adela, who inherited some
name of melancholy-it was far more portion of her brother's talent in art,
intense ; it seemed rather likedespair. was employed in drawing, and Glyn
Often after a silence as of death ,-50 don, rousing himself from meditations
heavy, abstracted, motionless, did it less gloomy than usual, rose, and
appear,—he would start abruptly, and affectionately passing his arm round
cast hurried glances around him-his her waist, looked over her as she
limbs trembling, his lips livid, his sat. An exclamation of dismay broke
brows bathed in dew. Convinced from his lips — he snatched the
that some secret sorrow preyed upon drawing from her band : “ What
his mind, and would consume his are you about ?-- what portrait is
health, it was the dearest as the most this ? ”
natural desire of Adela to become “ Dear Clarence do you not remem
his confidante and consoler. She ber the original ?—it is a copy from
observed , with the quick tact of the that portrait of our wise ancestors
delicate, that he disliked her to seem which our poor mother used to say so
affected by, or even sensible of, his strongly resembled you. I thought
darker moods. She schooled herself it would please you if I copied it from
to suppress her fears, and her feelings. memory.”
She would not ask his confidence- “ Accursed was the likeness ! ” said
she sought to steal into it. By little Glyndon, gloomily. “ Guess you not
and little, she felt that she was suc- the reason why I have shunned to
suddenly, and when Icast expected, he addressing myself only to the silent
appeared before me. It was the time mask who sat alone, apart from the
of the Carnival. It was in one of group, I did not even observe that,
those half-frantic scenes of noise and one by one, the revellers slunk off,
revel, call it not gaiety, which establish and that I and the silent listener
a heathen saturnalia in the midst of a were left alone, until, pausing from
Christian festival. Wearied with the my heated and impetuous declama
dance, I had entered a room in which tions, I said
several revellers were seated, drinking, “ And you, Signor ,—what is your
singing, shouting ; and in their fan- view of this mighty era ? Opinion
tastic dresses and hideous masks, their without persecution — brotherhood
orgy seemed scarcely human. I without jealousy - love without bond
placed myself amongst them , and in age
that fearful excitement of the spirits * And life without God,' added
which the happy never know, I was the mask , as I hesitated for new
soon the most riotous of all . The images.
conversation fell on the Revolution of “ The sound of that well -known
France, which had always possessed voice changed the current of my
for me an absorbing fascination . The thought. I sprung forward ,and cried
masks spoke of the millenium it was << Impostor or Fiend, we meet at
to bring on earth, not as philosophers last ! '
rejoicing in the advent of light, but “ The figure rose as I advanced ,
as ruffians exulting in the annihilation and , unmasking, showed the features
of law. I know not why it was, but of Mejnour. His fixed eye — his
their licentious language infected majestic aspect awed and repelled
myself ; and, always desirous to be me. I stood rooted to the ground.
foremost in every circle, I soon “ « Yes, he said, solemnly, ' we
exceeded even these rioters in de meet, and it is this meeting that
clamations on the nature of the I have sought. How hast thou
liberty which was about to embrace followed my admonitions ! Are these
all the families of the globe-a liberty the scenes in which the Aspirant for
that should pervade not only public the Serene Science thinks to escape
legislation, but domestic life-- an the Ghastly Enemy? Do the thoughts
emancipation from every fetter that thou hast uttered — thoughts that
men had forged for themselves. In would strike all order from the uni
the midst of this tirade one of the verse - express the hopes of the sage
masks whispered me
who would rise to the Harmony of the
Take care . One listens to you, Eternal Spheres ?'
who seems to be a spy ! ' " It is thy fault — it is thine ! '
“ My eyes followed those of the I exclaimed. • Exorcise the phantom !
mask, and I observed a man who Take the haunting terror from my
took no part in the conversation, but soul ! '
whose gaze was bent upon me. He “Mejnour looked at me a moment
was disguised like the rest, yet I with a cold and cynical disdain , which
found by a general whisper that none provoked at once my fear and rage,
had observed him enter . His silence, and replied,
his attention, had alarmed the fears “ No, fool of thine own senses !
of the other revellers — they only No ; thou must have full and entire
excited me the more. Rapt in my experience of the illusions to which
subject, 1 pursued it, insensible to the Knowledge that is without Faith
the signs of those about me ; and, climbs its Titan way . Thou pantest
A FEVER, attended with delirium, denial of himself ; for, often and often,
for several days deprived Glyndon of as he thus spoke, he saw the Thing of 1
consciousness ; and when, by Adela's Dread gliding to her side, and glaring
care, more than the skill of the phy- at him as he disowned its being. But
sicians, he was restored to life and what chilled him, if possible, yet more
reason , he was unutterably shocked than her wasting form and trembling
by the change in his sister's appear- nerves, was the change in her love
ance ; at first, he fondly imagined for him ; a natural terror had re
that her health, affected by her vigils, placed it. She turned paler if he
would recover with his own. But he approached—she shuddered if he took
soon saw, with an anguish which her hand. Divided from the rest of
partook of remorse, that the malady earth, the gulf of the foul remem .
was deep-seated - deep, deep beyond brance yawned now between his sister
the reach of Æsculapiusand his drugs. and himself. He could endure no
Her imagination, little less lively than more the presence of the one whose
his own, was awfully impressed by the life his life had embittered. He made
strange confessions she had heard , some excuses for departure, and
by the ravings of his delirium. Again writhed to see that they were greeted
and again, had he shrieked forth, eagerly. The first gleam of joy he
“ It is there — there, by thy side, my had detected, since that fatal night,
sister ! ” He had transferred to her on Adela's face, he beheld when he
fancy the spectre, and the horror that murmured “ Farewell.” He travelled
cursed himself . He perceived this,not for some weeks through the wildest
by her words, but her silence— by parts of Scotland ; scenery, which
the eyes that strained into space — by makes the artist, was loveless to his
the shiver that came over her frame-- haggard eyes. A letter recalled him
by the start of terror--by the look that to London , on the wings of new agony
did not dare to turn behind. Bitterly and fear; he arrived to find his sister
he repented his confession - bitterly in a condition both of mind and health
he felt that between his sufferings and which exceeded his worst appre
human sympathy, there could be no hensions.
gentle and holy commune ; vainly he Her vacant look - her lifeless pos
sought to retract— to undo what he ture, appalled him ; it was as one
had done —to declare all was but the who gazed on the Medusa's head,
chimera of an over-heated brain . and felt, without a struggle, the
And brave and generous was this human being gradually harden to
the statue. It was not frenzy, it
* This night it fearfully seized on me ; was not idiotcy-it was an abstrac
mylimbs appeared already in the powerof tion, an apathy, a sleep in waking .
death .
Only as the night advanced towards
La loi dont le règne vous épouvante a son glaive levé sur vous : elle vous frappera tous ;
le genre humain a besoin de cet exemple . * -- COUTHON .
Ou, joy, joy !-thou art come again ! “ Ah , Glyndon !-hum !-welcome
This is thy hand— these thy lips. What ! thou art twice my rival !
Say that thou didst not desert me from But Jean Nicot bears no malice. Vir
the love of another ; say it again - say tue is my dream-my country, my
it ever !—and I will pardon thee all mistress. Serve my country, citizen ;
the rest ! ” and I forgive thee the preference of
“ So thou hast mourned for me ? ” beauty. Ca ira ! ça ira ! ”
· Mourned !-and thou wert cruel But as the painter spoke, it hymned ,
enough to leave me 'gold — there it is it rolled through the streets — the fiery
--there-untouched ! ” song of the Marseillaise ! There was
“ Poor child of Nature ! how , then, a crowd-a multitude-a people up ,
in this strange town of Marseilles, abroad,with colours and arms, enthu
hast thou found bread and shelter ? ” siasm and song ;-with song, with
" Honestly, soulofmysoul ! honestly, enthusiasm, with colours and arms !
but yet by the face thou didst once And who could guess that that martial
think so fair : thinkest thou that movement was one, not of war, but
now ? " massacre -- Frenchmen against French
“ Yes, Fillide, more fair than ever. men ? For there are two parties in
But what meanest thou ? ” Marseilles — and ample* work for
“ There is a painter here — a great Jourdan Coupe-tête ! But this, the
man , one of their great men at Paris Englishman, just arrived, a stranger
-I know not what they call them ; to all factions, did not as yet compre
but he rules over all here— life and hend. He comprehended nothing
death ; and he has paid me largely but the song, the enthusiasm, the
but to sit for my portrait. It arms, and the colours that lifted to
is for a picture to be given to the the sun the glorious lie- " Le peuple
Nation, for he paints only for glory. Français, debout contre les tyrans ! 3
Think of thy Fillide’s renown ! ” The dark brow of the wretched
And the girl's wild eyes sparkled ; wanderer grew animated ; he gazeil
her vanity was roused. “ And he from the window on the throng that
would have married me if I would ! - marched below , beneath their waving
divorced his wife to marry me ! But Oriflamme. They shouted as they
I waited for thee, ungrateful ! ” beheld the patriot Nicot, the friend of
A knock at the door was heard -- a Liberty and relentless Hébert, by the
man entered. stranger's side, at the casement.
“ Nicot ! ” " Ay, shout again ! ” cried the
painter “ shout for the brave
* The law , whose reign terrifies you' Englishman who abjures his Pitts
has its sword raised against you ; it will
strike you all ; humanity has need of this
example. * Up, Frenchmen , against tyrants .
ZANONI . 209
and his Coburgs to be a crizen of the individual is r.ot. All things are
Liberty and France ! ” of the whole ! Open thy gates, fair
A thousand voices rent the air, and Paris, for the stranger citizen ! Receive
the hymn of the Marseillaise rose in in your ranks, 0 meek Republicans,
majesty again. the new champion of liberty, of reason,
“ Well, and if it be among these of mankind ! Mejnour is right ; it
high hopes and this brave people that was in virtue, in valour, in glorious
the phantom is to vanish, and the cure struggle for the human race, that
to come !" muttered Glyndon ; and the spectre was to shrink to her kin
he thought he felt again the elixir dred darkness.”
sparkling through his veins. And Nicot's shrill voice praised
“ Thou shaltbe one of the Conven- him ; and lean Robespierre- “ Flam
tion with Paine and Clootz - I will beau, colonne, pierre angulaire de
manage it all for thee ! ” cried Nicot, l'édifice de la République " * --smiled
slapping him on the shoulder ; " and ominously on him from his bloodshot
Paris eyes ; and Fillide clasped him with
“ Ah , if I could but see Paris ! ” passionate armsto her tender breast.
/ cried Fillide, in her joyous voice. And at his up-rising and down-sitting,
Joyous ! the whole time, the town, at board and in bed, though he saw
the air - save where, unheard , rose it not, the Nameless One guided him
the cry of agony and the yell of mur- with the dæmon eyes to the sea, whose
der - were joy ! Sleep unhaunting waves were gore.
in thy grave , cold Adela. Joy, joy !
In the Jubilee of Humanity all private The light, column, and key-stone of
griefs should cease ! Behold, wild the Republic."' Lettre du Citoyen P— :
Mariner, the vast whirlpool draws Papiers inédits trouvés chez Robespierre.-
thee to its stormy bosom. There, | Tom. 11 , p. 127.
No. 272.
P 2
ZANONI. | 213
Therefore the Genii were painted with a platter full of garlands and flowers in one
hand, and a whip in the other.--- ALEXANDER Ross, Mystag. Poet .
ACCORDING to the order of the events gold cannot control death , and the
related in this narrative , the departure will of Heaven-Signor, unless within
of Zanoni and Viola from the Greek the next hour there is some blessed
Isle, in which two happy years appear change, prepare your courage.”
to have been passed, must have been Ho-ho, Zanoni ! man of mystery
somewhat later in date than the arrival and might, who hast walked amidst
of Glyndon at Marseilles. It must the passions of the world, with no
have been in the course of the year changes on thy brow , art thou tossed
1791 when Viola fled from Naples at last upon the billows of tempestuous
with her mysterious lover, and when fear ? Does thy spirit reel to and
Glyndon sought Mejnour in the fatal fro ?-knowest thou at last the strength
Castle. It is now towards the close of and the majesty of Death ?
1793, when our story again returns He fled, trembling, from the pale
to Zanoni. The stars of winter shone faced man of art - fled through stately
down on the Lagunes of Venice . The hall, and long-drawn corridor, and
hum of the Rialto was hushed--the gained a remote chamber in the Pa
last loiterers had deserted the place of lace, which other step than his was
St. Mark’s, and only at distant inter- not permitted to profane. Out with
vals might be heard the oars of the thy herbs and vessels. Break from
rapid gondolas, bearing reveller or the enchanted elements, 0 silvery
lover to his home. But lights still
azure flame! Why comes he not- t - the
flịtted to and fro across the windows
Son of the Starbeam ! Why is Adon-Ai
of one of the Palladian palaces, whose
deaf to thy solemn call ? It comes
shadow slept in the great canal; and
not—the luminous and delightsome
within the Palace watched the twin Presence ! Cabalist ! are thy charms
Eumenides, that never sleep for Man, in vain ? Has thy throne vanished
-Fear, and Pain . from the realms of space ? Thou
“ I will make thee the richest standest pale and trembling. Pale
man in all Venice, if thou savest trembler ! not thus didst thou look ,
her .” when the things of glory gathered at
“ Signor," said the Leech ; “ your thy spell. Never to the pale trembler
bow the things of glory :-the soul , | that distance from the chamber, the
and not the herbs,nor the voice of Viola, calling in delirium on
flame, nor the spells of the Cabala, her beloved one.
commands the children of the air ; “ Oh , Viola, I can save thee not ! ”
and thy soul , by Love and Death, is exclaimed the Seer, passionately ;
made sceptreless and discrowned ! “ my love for thee has made me
At length the flame quivers —— the powerless ! ”
air grows cold as the wind in charnels. “ Not powerless ; I can gift thee
A thing not of earth is present a with the art to save her- I can place
mistlike, formless thing. It covers healing in thy hand ! ”
in the distance - a silent Horror ! it “ For both ? child and mother-for
rises—it creeps- it nears thee - dark both ? ”
in its mantle of dusky haze ; and “ Both ! ”
under its veil it looks on thee with A convulsion shook the limbs of
its livid, malignant eyes--the thing the Seer- a mighty struggle shook
of malignant eyes ! him as a child : the Humanity and
“Ha, young Chaldæan ! young in the Hour conquered the repugnant
thy countless ages --yourg as when, spirit.
cold to pleasure and to beauty, thou “ I yield ! Mother and child - save
stoodest on the old Fire-tower, and both ! ”
heardest the starry silence whisper to
thee the last mystery that baffles * *
murmurs - it is a music from which plate !—the hand has moved on ; the
the fiends fly. Where is the mountain minutes are with Eternity ; the soul
that seemed to press upon her temples? thy sentence would have dismissed
Like a vapour, it rolls away. In the still dwells on the shores of Time.
frosts of the winter night, she sees the She sleeps ; the fever abates ; the
sun laughing in luxurious heaven- convulsions are gone ; the living rose
she hears the whisper of green leaves; blooms upon her cheek ; the crisis is
the beautiful world , valley and stream, past ! Husband, thy wife lives ! lover,
and woodland, lie before, and with a thy universe is no solitude. Heart of
common vo speak to her—" We Time, ,beat on ! A while- a little
are not yet past for thee ! ” Fool of while- joy ! joy ! joy !-father, em.
drugs and formula, look to thy dial- brace thy child !
tristis Erinnys
Prætulit infaustas sanguinolenta faces. *
And they placed the child in the before. It never uttered one cry of
father's arms! As silently he bent childish pain . In its very repose it
over it, tears --tears how human !- seemed to be listening to some happy
fell from his eyes like rain ! And the voice within its heart : it seemed itself
little one smiled through the tears so happy. In its eyes you would have
that bathed its cheeks ! Ah, with thought intellect already kindled,
what happy tears we welcome the though it had not yet found a lan
stranger into our sorrowing world ! guage. Already itseemed to recognise
With what agonising tears wedismiss its parents ; already it stretched forth
the stranger back to the angels ! its arms when Zanoni bent over the
Unselfish joy ; but how selfish is the bed, in which it breathed and bloomed,
sorrow ! -the budding flower ! And from
And now through the silentchamber that bed he was rarely absent: gazing
a faint, sweet voice is heard — the upon it with his serene , delighted
young mother's voice. eyes, his soul seemed to feed its own .
“ I am here : I am by thy side ! ” | At night and in utter darkness he was
murmured Zanoni. still there; and Viola often heard him
The mother smiled, and clasped his murmuring over it as she lay in a half
hand, and asked no more ; she was sleep . But the murmur was in a lan
contented . guage strange to her ; and sometimes
when she heard, she feared, and vague ,
* * *
undefined superstitions came back to
Viola recovered with a rapidity her—the superstitions of earlier youth.
that startled the physician ; and the A mother fears everything, even the
young stranger thrived as if it already gods, for her new-born. The mortals
loved the world to which it had de shrieked aloud, when of old they saw
scended. From that hour Zanoni the great Demeter seeking to make
seemed to live in the infant's life ; and their child immortal !
in that life the souls of mother and But Zanoni, wrapt in the sublime
father met as in a new bond.- designs that animated the human
Nothing more beautiful than this love to which he was now awakened ,
infant, had eye ever dwelt upon . It forgot all, even all he had forfeited or
was strange to the nurses that it came incurred, in the love that blinded him .
not wailing to the light, but smiled But the dark, formless thing,
to the light as a thing familiar to it though he nor invoked nor saw it ,
crept, often, round and round him ;
* Erinnys, doleful and bloody, extends and often sat by the infant's couch ,
the unblessed torches. with its hateful cyes.
veils me, I see only the pure eyes of tion of man to earthiest earth ; and
the new -born ; I hear only the low while he fears, he cannot soar. But
beating of my heart. Answer me, thou , seest thou not that to love is but
thou whose wisdom is without love ! to fear ?—seest thou not, that the
power of which thou boastest over the
MEJNOUR TO ZANONI. malignant one is already gone ? It
Rome. awes, it masters thee ; it will mock
FALLEN ONE -I see before thee, thee, and betray. Lose not a moment ;
Evil and Death, and Woe ! Thou to come to me. If there can yet be suf
have relinquished Adon -Ai, for the ficient sympathy between us, through
nameless Terror-the heavenly stars, my eyes shalt thou see, and perhaps
for those fearful eyes ! Thou, at the guard against the perils that, shapeless
last to be the victim of the Larva of yet, and looming through the shadow ,
the dreary Threshold , that, in thy marshal themselves around thee and
first novitiate, fled, withered and those whom thy very love has doomed.
shrivelled, from thy kingly brow ! Come from all the ties of thy fond
When , at the primary grades of initia- humanity ; they will but obscure thy
tion, the pupil I took from thee on vision ! Come forth from thy fears
the shores of thechanged Parthenope, and hopes, thy desires and passions.
fell senseless and cowering before that come, as alone, Mind can be the
Phantom -Darkness, I knew that his monarch and the seer, shining through
spirit was not formed to front the the home it tenants -- a pure, impres
worlds beyond ; for fear is the attrac- sionless, sublime Intelligence !
For the first time since their union has vanished from the ocean-streets of
Zanoni and Viola were separated— Venice ! Her infant is sleeping in the
Zanoni went to Rome, on important cradle at the mother's feet ; and she
business. “ It was,” he said, “ but for thinks through her tears what tales
a few days :” and he went so suddenly of the fairy-land, that spreads far and
that there was little time either for wide, with a thousand wonders, in that
surprise or sorrow . But first parting is narrow bed, she shall have to tell the
more melancholy than it need father ! Smile on - weep on, young
e ; it seems an interruption to the mother ! Already the fairest leaf in
existence which Love shares with the wild volume is closed for thee !
Love ; it makes the heart feel what a and the invisible finger turns the
void life will be, when the last parting page !
* *
shall succeed, as succeed it must, the
first. But Viola had a new companion : * *
Your last letter mentioned this band in the fair sunshine of the
wealthy and mysterious visitor-this Revolution, to return to him amidst
Zanoni. He is still at Venice ? " its storms and thunder ! ” said the
“ I heard that he had left this man , in a tone half of wonder, half
morning ; but his wife is still here." rebuke.
“ His wife !-that is well ! ” “ Because my father's days were
“ What know you of him ? Think doomed ; because he had no safety
you that he would join us ? His but in flight to a foreign land ;
wealth would be because he was old and penniless, and
“ His house, his address , quick !” had none but me to work for him ;
interrupted the man. because my husband was not then in
“ The Palazzo di > on the danger, and my father was ; he is
Grand Canal.” dead -- dead ! My husband is in
“ I thank you—at nine we meet.” danger now. The daughter's duties
The man hurried on through the are no more—the wife's return !"
street from which he had emerged ; “ Be it so, citoyenne ; on the third
and, passing by the house in which night I depart. Before then you may
he had taken up his lodging (he had retract your choice . ”
arrived at Venice the night before ), a “ Never ! ”
woman who stood by the door caught A dark smile passed over the man's
his arm . face.
“ Monsieur,” she said, in French, “ O guillotine ! ” he said, “ how
“ I have been watching for your many virtues hast thou brought to
light ! Well may they call thee |
* I know not if the author of the original Holy Mother,' O gory guillotine !”
MSS. designs, under these names , to intro
He passed
duce the real Cottalto and thetrueDandolo, hailed on ,,muttering
a gondola to himself,
and was soon amidst
who, in 1797 , distinguished themselves by
their sympathy with the French, andtheir the crowded waters of the Grand
democratic ardour, --ED . Canal .
Ce que j'ignore
Est plus triste peut- être et plus affreux encore. *
LA HARPE, Le Comte de Warwick, Act 5, sc . 1 ,
The casement stood open, and Viola dress, though not mean, was rude ,
was seated by it. Beneath sparkled neglected, and disordered. A wild,
the broad waters, in the cold but desperate, half-savage air had sup
cloudless sunlight ; and to that fair planted that ingenuous mien --diffi
form , that half-averted face, turned dent in its grace, earnest in its
the eyes of many a gallant cavalier, diffidence,—which had once charac
as their gondolas glided by. terised the young worshipper of Art,
But at last, in the centre of the the dreaming Aspirant after some
canal, one of these dark vessels halted starrier lore !
motionless, as a man fixed his gaze “ Is it you ? ” she said, at last .
from its lattice upon that stately “ Poor Clarence, how changed ! ”
palace. He gave the word to the Changed !” he said, abruptly, as
rowers - the vessel approached the he placed himself by her side. " And
marge. The stranger quitted the whom am I to thank, but the fiends
gondola ; he passed up the broad the sorcerers — who have seized upon
stairs ; he entered the palace. Weep thy existence, as upon mine ? Viola,
on !-smile no more, young mother ! hear me. A few weeks since, the news
-the last page is turned ! reached me that you were in Venice.
An attendant entered the room, Under, other pretences, and through
and gave to Viola a card, with these innumerable dangers, I have come
words in English – “ Viola, I must hither, risking liberty, perhaps life,
see you ! Clarence Glyndon.” if my name and career are known in
Oh, yes, how gladly Viola would Venice, to warn and save you.
see him !-how gladly speak to him Changed, you call me ! — changed
of her happiness — of Zanoni !-how without ; but what is that to the
gladly show to him her child ! Poor ravages within ? Be warned, be
Clarence ! she had forgotten him till warned in time ! ”
now , as she had all the fever of her The voice of Glyndon, sounding
earlier life — its dreams, its vanities, hollow and sepulchral, alarmed Viola
its poor excitement, the lamps of the even more than his words. Pale,
gaudy theatre, the applause of the haggard , emaciated, he seemed almost
noisy crowd. as one risen from the dead, to appal
He entered. She started to behold and awe her. “ What,” she said, at
him , so changed were his gloomy last, in a faltering voice, “ what wild
brow , his resolute, care-worn features, words do you utter ! Can you-
from the graceful form and careless “ Listen ! ” interrupted Glyndon,
countenance of the artist-lover. His laying his hand upon her arm, and its
touch was as cold as death- “ listen !
* That which I know not is, perhaps, You have heard of the old stories of
more sad and fearful still . men who have leågued themselves
222 ZANONI .
with devils for the attainment of Glyndon's awful narrative filled her
rreternatural powers. Those stories with contagious dread , half unbound
are not fables. Such men live. Their the very spells they had woven before,
delight is to increase the unhallowed – Viola started up in fear - not for
circle of wretches like themselves . If herself ; and clasped her child in her
their proselytes fail in the ordeal, the arms!
dæmon seizes them, even in this life, “ Unhappiest one ! ” cried Glyndon ,
as it hath seized me !—if they succeed , shuddering, “ hat thou indeed given
woe, yea, a more lasting woe ! There birth to a victim thou canst not save !
is another life, where no spells can Refuse it sustenance - let it look to
charm the evil one, or allay the thee in vain for food ! In the grave,
torture. I have come from a scene at least, there are repose and peace ! ”
where blood flows in rivers— where
Death stands by the side of the Then there came back to Viola's
bravest and the highest, and the one mind the remembrance of Zanoni's
monarch is the Guillotine ; but all the night - long watches by that cradle,
mortal perils with which men can be and the fear which even then had
beset, are nothing to the dreariness of crept over her as she heard his mur
a chamber where the Horror that mured - half-chanted words. And, as
passes death moves and stirs ! ” the child looked at her with its clear,
It was then that Glyndon, with a steadfast eye, in the strange intelli
cold and distinct precision , detailed , gence of that look there was some
as he had done to Adela, the initiation thing that only confirmed her awe .
through which he had gone. He So there both Mother and Forewarner
described, in words that froze the stood in silence, - the sun smiling
blood of his listener, the appearance upon them through the casement,
of that formless phantom , with the and dark, by the cradle, though they
eyes that seared the brain and con- saw it not, sate the motionless veiled
gealed the marrow of those who Thing !
beheld . Once seen, it never was to be But by degrees better, and juster,
exorcised. It came at its own will, and more grateful memories of the
prompting black thoughts — whisper- past returned to the young mother.
ing strange temptations. Only in The features of the infant, as she
scenes of turbulent excitement was it gazed, took the aspect of the absent
absent ! Solitude serenity — the father . A voice seemed to break from
struggling desires after peace and those rosy lips,and say, mournfully
virtue— these were the elements it “ I speak to thee in thy child. In
loved to haunt ! Bewildered, terror- return for all my love for thee and
stricken , the wild account confirmed thine, dost thou distrust me, at the
by the dim impressions that never, in first sentence of a maniac who
the depth and confidence of affection , accuses ?”
had been closely examined, but rather Her breast heaved -- her stature
banished as soon as felt, -- that the life rose — her eyes shone with a serene
and attributes of Zanoni were not like and holy light.
those of mortals,-impressions which “ Go, poor victim of thine own
her own love had made her hitherto delusions,” she said to Glyndon ; “ I
censure, as suspicions that wronged , would not believe mine own senses, if
and which, thus mitigated, had per- they accused its father ! And what
haps only served to rivet the fasci- knowest thou of Zanoni ? What re
nated chains in which he bound her lation have Mejnour and the griesly
heart and senses, but which now , as spectres he invoked, with the radiant
image with which thou wouldst con- with its blondless lips, that its
rect them ! ” horrors await both thine and thee !
“ Thou wilt learn too soon,” replied I take not thy decision yet ; before I
Glyndon, gloomily. “ And the very leave Venice we shall meet again ."
phantom that haunts me, whispers, He said, and departed .
ALAS, Zanoni ! the Aspirer, the had acknowledged the same forebod
dark bright one ?-didst thou think ings, and a mysterious sympathy had
that the bond between the survivor appeared to unite their fates. She
of ages and the daughter of a day remembered, above all, that com
could endure ? Didst thou not fore- paring their entangled thoughts, both
see that, until the ordeal was past, had, then, said that with the first
there could be no equality between sight of Zanoni the foreboding, the
thy wisdom and her love ? Art thou instinct, had spoken to their hearts
absent now, seeking, amidst thy more audibly than before, whispering
solemn secrets, the solemn safeguards that “ with um was connected the
for child and mother, and forgettest secret of the unconjectured life. ”
thou that the phantom that served thee And now , when Glyndon and
hath power over its own gifts - over Viola met again, the haunting fears
the lives it taught thee to rescue from of childhood, thus referred to, woke
the grave ? Dost thou not know that from their enchanted sleep. With
Fear and Distrust, once sown in the Glyndon's terror she felt a sympathy,
heart of Love, spring up from the against which her reason and her love
seed into a forest that excludes the struggled in vain . And still, when
stars ? Dark bright one ! the hateful she turned her looks upon her child ,
eyes glare beside the mother and the it watched her with that steady,
child ! earnest eye, and its lips moved as if
All that day, Viola was distracted it sought to speak to her ;-but no
by a thousand thoughts and terrors, sound came. The infant refused to
which fled as she examined them , to sleep. Whenever she gazed upon its
settle back the darklier. She remem- face, still those wakeful, watchful
bered that, as she had once said to eyes !—and in their earnestness, there
Glyndon, her very childhood had spoke something of pain, of upbraid
been haunted with strange forebod- ing, of accusation . They chilled her
ings, that she was ordained for some as she looked. Unable to endure, of
preternatural doom. She remem . herself, this sudden nd complete
bered that, as she had told him this, revulsion of all the feelings which
sitting by the seas that slumbered in had hitherto made up her life, she
the arms of theBay of Naples, he, too, formed the resolution natural to her
land and creed ; she sent for the
* To what delusion does thy soul abandon priest who had habitually attended
itself ? her at Venice, and to him she con.
along the galleries thou glidest, 0 | Thou hearest still the clock -knell
lovely shape ! sleep -walking, yet tolling them to their graves behind.
awake. The moon shines on thee as On, gliding on, thou hast gained the
thou glidest by, casement after case- door ; no lock bars thee, no magic
ment, white-robed and wandering spell drives thee back . Daughter of
spirit !-thine arms crossed upon thy the dust, thou standest alone with
bosom, thine eyes fixed and open, Night in the chamber where, pale
with a calm , unfearing awe. Mother ! and numberless, the hosts of space
it is thy child that leads thee on. have gathered round the seer !
The fairy Moments go before thee.
Des Erdenlebens
Schweres Traumbild sinkt, und sinkt, und sinkt. *
SAE stood within the chamber, But in that solitude has the Pre
and gazed around her ; no signs by sence that there had invoked its
which an Inquisitor of old could have wonders left no enchantment of its
detected the Scholar of the Black own ! It seemed s0 ; for as Viola
Art were visible. No crucibles and stood in the chamber, she became
caldrons, no brass-bound volumes and sensible that somemysterious change
ciphered girdles, no sculls and cross- was at work within herself. Her
bones. Quietly streamed the broad blood coursed rapidly, and with a
moonlight through the desolate cham- sensation of delight, through her
ber with its bare white walls. A few veins—she felt as if chains were
bunches of withered herbs, a few falling from her limbs, as if cloud
antique vessels of bronze, placed after cloud was rolling from her
carelessly on a wooden form , were all gaze. All the confused thoughts
which that curious gaze could identify which had moved through her trance,
with the pursuits of theabsent owner. settled and centered themselves in
The magic, if it existed, dwelt in the one intense desire to see the Absent
artificer, and the materials, to other One-to be with him. The monads
hands, were but herbs and bronze . that make up space and air seemed
So is it ever with thy works and charged with a spiritual attraction,
wonders, 0 Genius-Seeker of the to become a medium through which
Stars ! Words themselves are the her spirit could pass from its clay,
common property of all men ; yet, and confer with the spirit to which
from words themselves, Thou, Archi- the unutterable desire compelled it.
tect of Immortalities, pilest up A faintness seized her ; she tottered
temples that shall outlive the Pyra- to the seat on which the vessels and
mids, and the very leaf of the Papyrus herbs were placed, and, as she bent
becomes a Shinar, stately with towers, down, she saw in one of the vessels a
round which the Deluge of Ages shall small vase of crystal. By a mecha
roar in vain ! nical and involuntary impulse her
* The Dream -Shape of the heavy earthly hand seized the vase ; she opened it,
life sinks, and sinks, and sinks. and the volatile essence it contained
No. 273. 15
226 ZANONI .
Q 2
LETTER FROM VIOLA TO ZANONI. “ Why did I never recoil before from
" It has come to this :-Iam the first thy mysterious lore ?—why did the
to part ! I, the unfaithful one, bid very strangeness of thine unearthly
thee farewell for ever. When thine life only fascinate me with a delightful
eyes fall upon this writing, thou wilt fear ? Because, if thou wert sorcerer
know me as one of the dead.' For or angel-dæmon, there was no peril
thou that wert, and still art my life to other but myself : and none to me,
I am lost to thee ! O lover ! O hus for my love was my heavenliest part ;
band ! O still worshipped and adored !and my ignorance in all things, ex
if thou hast ever loved me, if thou cept the art to love thee, repelled
canst still pity, seek not to discover every thought that was not bright
the steps that fly thee. If thy charms and glorious as thine image to my
eyes . But now there is another !
can detect and track me, spare me
spare our child ! Zanoni, I will rear Look, why does it watch me thus
it to love thee, to call thee father! why that never-sleeping, earnest, re
Zanoni, its young lips shall prayfor buking gaze? Have thy spells en
thee ! Ah, spare thy child, for in- compassed it already ? Hast thou
fants are the saints of earth, and their marked it, cruel one, for the terrors
mediation may be heard on high ! of thy unutterable art ? Do not
Shall I tell thee why I part ?No; madden me — donot madden me !
thou, the wisely terrible, canst divine unbind the spell !
what the hand trembles to record ; “ Hark ! the oars without ! They
and while I shudder at thy power—' come— they come, to bear me from
while it is thy power I fly, (our child thee !, I look round, and methinks
that I
see thee everywhere.
upon my bosom,) - it comforts me
still to think that thy power can speakest to me from every shadow ,
read the heart ! Thou knowest from every star. There, by the case
that it is the faithful mother that ment, thy lips last prest mine— there,
writes to thee, it is not the faithless there by that threshold didst thou
wife ! Is there
Zanoni? sin inhave
Sin must thysorrow
knowledge, turn again to
; and trustingly ,and thy smile
confide in me !seemed so
it were sweet - oh, how sweet, to be — Husband !—I will stay ! I wil cannot
thy comforter. But the child, the part from thee ! No, no ! I l go
infant, the soul that looks to mine for to the room where thy dear voice,
its shield ! Magician, I wrest from with its gentle music, assuaged the
thee that soul ! Pardon, pardon , if pangs of travail ! — where, heard
my words wrong thee. See, I fall on through the thrilling darkness, it first
my knees to write the rest ! whispered to my ear ' Viola, thou art
a mother !! A mother !-yes, I rise
* Who ? Thou abandon me ! - Where from my knees—I am a mother !
goest thou ? No, stay, stay ! They come ! I am firm ; farewell ! ”
Yes ; thus suddenly , thus cruelly, that fled from all in which her earthly
whether in the delirium of blind and happiness was centered .
unreasoning superstition, or in the As long as the passion and fervour
resolve of that conviction which that impelled the act animated her
springs from duty, the being for with false fever, she clasped her infant
whom he had resigned so much of to her breast, and was consoled — re
empire and of glory forsook Zanoni. signed. But what bitter doubt of her
This desertion, never foreseen, never own conduct, what icy pang of remorse
anticipated was yet but the constant shot through her heart, when , as they
fate that attends those who would rested for a few hours on the road to
place Mind beyond the earth, and yet Leghorn, she heard the woman who
treasure the Heart within it. Igno- accompanied herself and Glyndon ,
rance everlastingly shall recoil from pray for safety to reach her husband's
knowledge. But never yet, from side, and strength to share the perils
nobler and purer motives of self-sacri- that would meet her there ! Terrible
fice, did human love link itself to contrast to her own desertion ! She
another, than did the forsaking wife shrunk into the darkness of her own
now abandon the absent. For rightly heart, -- and then no voice from within
had she said , that it was not the faith- consoled her.
less wife, it was the faithful mother
MEJNOUR, behold thy work ! Out, s. The heart," answered the Mystic,
out upon our little vanities ofwisdom ! coldly ; " ay, for five thousand years
-out, upon our ages of lore and life ! I have ransacked the mysteries of
To save her from Peril I left her pre- creation ; but I have not yet dis
sence, and the Peril has seized her in covered all the wonders in the heart
its grasp !” of the simplest boor ! ”
" Chide not thy wisdom , but thy “ Yet our solemn rites deceived us
passions ! Abandon thine idle hope not ; the prophet-shadows, dark with
of the love of woman . See, for thoseterror and red with blood , still fore
who would unite the lofty with the told that, even in the dungeon, and
lowly, the inevitable curse ; thy very
before the deathsman, I - I had the
nature uncomprehended — thy sacri- power to save them both ! ”
fices unguessed. The lowly one views ' But at some unconjectured and
but in the lofty a necromancer or a most fatal sacrifice to thyself.”
fiend. Titan, canst thou weep ? " “ To myself ! Icy sage, there is no
“ I know it now , I see it all ! It self in love ! I go. Nay, alone ; I
was her spirit that stood beside our want thee not. I want now no other
own, and escaped my airy clasp ! 0 guide but the human instincts of
strong desire of motherhood and affection . No cave so dark - no soli
nature ! unveiling all our secrets, tude so vast, as to conceal her.
piercing space and traversing worlds! Though mine art fail me — though
– Mejnour, what awful learning lies the stars heed me not — though space,
hid in the ignorance of the heart that with its shining myriads, is again to
loves ! ” me but the azure void , I return but
to love, and youth, and hope ! when
* Futurity hast thou given to me - yet have they ever failed to triumph and
thou takest from me the Moment. to save ! ”
* A horrible majesty in the fierce aspect increases its terror , and renders
it more superb. Red glow the eyes, and the aspect infected , like a baleful
comet, with envenomed influences, glares around. A vast beard covers the
chin - and , rough and thick, descends over the shaggy breast.–And like
a profound gulf expand the jaws, foul with black gore.
IT roars — the River of Hell, whose \ " The poltroon Robespierre-I alone
first outbreak was chaunted as the could have saved him .” From that
gush of a channel to Elysium. How hour, indeed, the blood of the dead
burst into blossoming hopes fair giant clouded the craft of “ Maxi
hearts that had nourished themselves milien the Incorruptible,” as at last,
on the diamond dews of the rosy amidst the din of the roused Conven
dawn, when Liberty came from the tion, it choked his voice.* If, after
dark ocean , and the arms of decrepit that last sacrifice, essential, perhaps,
Thraldom— Aurora from the bed of to his safety, Robespierre had pro
Tithon ! Hopes ! ye have ripened claimed the close of the Reign of
into fruit, and the fruit is gore and Terror, and acted upon the mercy
ashes ! Beautiful Roland, eloquent which Danton had begun to preach,
Vergniaud, visionary Condorcet, high- he ' might have lived and died a
hearted Malesherbes !—wits, philoso- monarch . But the prisons continued
phers, statesmen ,patriots, --dreamers ! to reek — the glaive to fall ; and
behold the millennium for which ye Robespierre perceived not that his
dared and laboured ! mobs were glutted to satiety with
I invoke the ghosts ! Saturn hath death ,and the strongest excitement
devoured his children , and lives a chief could give would be a return
alone - in his true name of Moloch ! from devils into men .
It is the Reign of Terror, with We are transported to a room in
Robespierre the king. The struggles the house of Citizen Dupleix, the
between the boa and the lion are ménuisier, in the month of July,
past ; the boa has consumed the lion, 1794 ; or in the calendar of the Revo
and is heavy with the gorge ;-Danton
has fallen , and Camille Desmoulins. * “ Le sang de Danton t'étouffe ! ” ( the
Danton had said before his death, blood of Danton chokes thee, ) said Garnier
de l'Aube, when , on the fatal 9th of Ther
* Who am I, I whom they accuse ? Amidor, Robespierre gasped feebly forth
slave of Liberty — a living martyr for the “ Pour la dernière fois, Président des Assas
Republic. sins, je te demande la parole.” (For the last
La Révolution est comme Saturne, elle time, President of Assassins, I demand to
dévorera tous ses enfans. - VERGNIA UD . speak .)
234 ZANONI .
lutionists it was the Thermidor of the fashions of the deposed nobles, and
Second Year ofthe Republic, One and the filthy ruggedness of the sans
Indivisible ! Though the room was culottes. Frizzled and coiffé, not a
small, it was furnished and decorated hair was out of order, not a speck
with a minute and careful effort at lodged on the sleek surface of the
elegance and refinement. It seemed, blue coat, not a wrinkle crumpled the
indeed, the desire of the owner to snowy vest, with its under relief of
avoid at once what was mean and delicate pink. At the first glance,
rude, and what was luxurious and you might have seen in that face
voluptuous. It was a trim, orderly, nothing but the ill- favoured features
precise grace that shaped the classic of a sickly countenance. At a second
chairs, arranged the ample draperies, glance you would have perceived that
sunk the frameless mirrors into the it had a power — a character of its
wall, placed bust and bronze on their own. The forehead, though low and
pedestals, and filled up the niches compressed, was not without that
here and there with well-bound books, appearance of thought and intelli
filed regularly in their appointed gence which, it may be observed, that
ranks. An observer would have said, breadth between the eyebrows almost
“ This man wishes to imply to you — invariably gives ; the lips were firm
I am not rich ; I am not ostentatious; and tightly drawn together, yet ever
I am not luxurious ; I am no indolent and anon they trembled, and writhed
Sybarite, with couches of down, and restlessly. The eyes, sullen and
pictures that provoke the sense ; I gloomy, were yet piercing, and full
am no haughty noble, with spacious of a concentrated vigour, that did not
halls,and galleries that awe the echo. seem supported by the thin, feeble
But so much the greater is mymerit frame, or the green lividness of the
if I disdain these excesses of the ease hues which told of anxiety and disease.
or the pride, since I love the elegant, Such was Maximilien Robespierre ;
and have a taste ! Others may be such the chamber over the ménuisier's
simple and honest, from the very shop, whence issued the edicts that
coarseness of their habits ; if I, with launched armies on their career of
with so much refinement and delicacy, glory, and ordained an artificial con
am simple and honest,-reflect, and duit to carry off the blood that
admire me ! ” deluged the metropolis of the most
On the walls of this chamber hung martial people in the globe ! Such
many portraits, most of them repre- was the man who had resigned a
sented but one face ; on the formal judicial appointment ( the early object
pedestals were grouped many busts, of his ambition ), rather than violate
most of them sculptured but one his philanthropical principles, by sub
head. In that small chamber Egotism scribing to the death of a single
sat supreme, and made the Arts its fellow.creature ? -such was the virgin
looking-glasses. Erect in a chair, enemy to capital punishments, and
before a large table spread with such , Butcher-Dictator now , was the
letters, sat the original of bust and man whose pure and rigid manners,
canvass, the owner of the apartment. whose incorruptible honesty, whose
He was alone, yet he sat erect, formal, hatred of the excesses that tempt to
stiff, precise, as if in his very home love andwine,would — had he died five
he was not at ease. His dress was in years earlier - have left him the model
harmony with his posture and his for prudent fathers and careful citi
chamber, it affected a neatness of its zens to place before their sons. Such
own -- foreign both to the sumptuous was the man who seemed to have no
ZANONI . 235
La haine dans ces lieux n'a qu'un glaive assassin .
Elle marche dans l'ombre.*
LAHARPE, Jeanne de Naples, Act iv. sc. l.
WHILE such the designs and fears of of the guillotine had turned against
Maximilien Robespierre, common themselves. They had yelled and
danger common hatred , whatever shouted, and sung and danced, when
was yet left of mercy or of virtue, in the venerable age, or the gallant
the agents of the Revolution , served youth, of aristocracy or letters, passed
to unite strange opposites in hostility by their streets in the dismal tum
to the universal death -dealer. There brils ; but they shut up their shops,
was, indeed , an actualconspiracy at and murmured to each other, when
work against him among men little their own order was invaded, and
less bespattered than himself with tailors and cobblers, and journeymen
innocent blood. But that conspiracy and labourers, were huddled off to the
would have been idle of itself, despite embraces of the “ Holy Mother Guillo
the abilities of Tallien and Barras tine," with as little ceremony as if
(the only men whom it comprised, they had been the Montmorencies or
worthy, by foresight and energy, the the La Trémouilles, the Malesherbes
names of " leaders.") The sure and or the Lavoisiers. “ At this time,”
destroying elements that gathered said Couthon, justly, “ Les ombres de
round the tyrant, were Time and Danton, d'Hébert, de Chaumette, se
Nature; the one, which he no longer promènent parmi nous ! ” *
suited ; the other, which he had Among those who had shared the
outraged and stirred up in the human doctrines, and who now dreaded the
breast. The most atrocious party of fate of the atheist Hébert, was the
the Revolution , the followers of painter, Jean Nicot. Mortified and
Hébert, gone to his last account, the enraged to find that, by the death of
butcher-atheists, who, in deşecrating his patron , his career was closed ; and
heaven and earth, still arrogated that, in the zenith of the Revolution
inviolable sanctity to themselves, were for which he had laboured, he was
equally enraged at the execution of lurking in caves and cellars, more
their filthy chief, and the proclamation poor, more obscure, more despicable
of a Supreme Being. The populace, than he had been at the commence
brutal as it had been, started as from ment, -not daring to exercise even
a dream of blood, when their huge his art, and fearful every hour that
idol, Danton, no longer filled the stage his name would swell the lists of the
of terror, rendering crime popular by condemned ; he was rally one of
that combination of careless frankness the bitterest enemies of Robespierre
and eloquent energy which endears and his government. He held secret
their heroes to the herd. The glaive, meetings with Collot d'Herbois , who
* Hate, in these regions, has but the was animated by the same spirit ; and
sword of the assassin . She moves in the * The shades of Danton , Hébert, and
shade. Chaumette, walk amongst us .
240 ZANONI .
with the creeping and furtive craft hopeless at once of his own life and
that characterised his abilities, he the cause of humanity, from that
contrived, undetected, to disseminate time, sought only the occasion of
tracts and invectives against the flight from the devouring Golgotha.
Dictator, and to prepare, amidst “ the He had two lives to heed bra
poor and virtuous people,” the train own ; for them he trembled ,
for the grand explosion. But still so them he schemed and plot
firm to the eyes, even of profounder means of escape. Though nun
politicians than Jean Nicot, appeared hated the principles, the pary, and
the sullen power of the incorruptible the vices of Nicot, he yet extended to
Maximilien ; so timorous was the the painter's penury the means of
movement against him , that Nicot, in subsistence; and Jean Nicot in return ,
common with many others, placed his designed to exalt Glyndon to that
hopes rather in the dagger of the very immortality of a Brutus, front
assassin , than the revolt of the multi-, which he modestly recoiled himseli.
tude. But Nicot, though not actually He founded his designs on the
a coward, shrunk himself from braving physical courage, on the wild and
the fate of the martyr ; he had sense unsettled fancies of the English
enough to see that though all parties artist; and on the vehement hate, and
might rejoice in the assassination, all indignant loathing, with which he I
parties would probably concur in openly regarded the government of
beheading the assassin .He had not Maximilien.
the virtue to become a Brutus. His At the same hour, on the same day
object was to inspire a proxy -Brutus ; in July, in which Robespierre con
and in the centre of that inflammable ferred (as we have seen), with his
population, this was no improbable allies, two persons were seated in a
hope. small room, in one of the streets
Amongst those loudest and sternest leading out of the Rue St. Honoré :
against the reign of blood - amongst the one, a man, appeared listening
those most disenchanted of the Revo- impatiently, and with a sullen brow ,
lution - amongst those most appalled to his companion, a woman of singular
by its excesses, was, as might be beauty, but with a bold and reckless
expected, the Englishman, Clarence expression, and her face as she spoke
Glyndon. The wit and accomplish- was animated by the passions of a
ments, the uncertain virtues that had half savage and vehement nature.
lighted with fitful gleams the mind of “ Englishman ,” said the woman ,
Camille Desmoulins, had fascinated “ beware !—you know that, whether
Glyndon more than the qualities of in flight or at the place of death, I
any other agent in the Revolution. would brave all to be by your side
And when (for Camille Desmoulins you know that ! Speak !”
had a heart, which seemed dead or “ Well, Fillide ; did I ever doubt
dormant in most of his contempo- your fidelity ? ”
raries) that vivid child of genius and of “ Doubt it you cannot - betray it
error, shocked at the massacre of the * None were more opposed to the Hébert
Girondins, and repentant of his own ists than Camille Desmoulins and his friends.
efforts against them, began to rouse It is curious and amusing to see these
the serpent malice of Robespierre by leaders of the mob, calling the mob “ the
new doctrines of mercy and toleration, people,” one day, and the “ canaille ” the
Glyndon espoused his views with his next, according asitsuits them . “ I know ,"
whole strength and soul. Camille says Camille, “ that they , the Hébertists ,
have all the canaille with them . " ( Ils ont
Desmoulins perished, and Glyndon, toute la canaille pour eux.)
you may. You tell me that in flight not mix with his train ; I could not
you must have a companion besides approach within a hundred yards of
myself, and that companion is a his person , but I should be seized ;
female. It shall not be ! ” you , as yet, are safe. Hear me ! ” and
“ Shall not ! ” his voice became earnest and expres
“ It shall not ! ” repeated Fillide, sive— “ hearme! There seems danger
firmly, and folding her arms across in this action ; there is none. I
her breast ; before Glyndon could have been with Collot d'Herbois and
reply, a slight knock at the door was Billaud-Varennes ; they will hold him
heard, and Nicot opened the latch harmless who strikes the blow ; the
and entered. populace would run to thy support ;
Fillide sunk into her chair, and, the Convention would hail thee as
leaning her face on her hands, their deliverer - the
appeared unheeding of the intruder, “ Hold man ! How darest thou
and the conversation that ensued. couple my name with the act of an
“ I cannot bid thee good day, Glyn - 'assassin ? Let the tocsin sound from
don ,” said Nicot, as in his sans-culotte yonder tower, to a war between
fashion he strode towards the artist, Humanity and the Tyrant, and I will
his ragged hat on his head, his hands not be the last in the field ; but
in his pockets, and the beard of a liberty never yet acknowledged a
week's rowth upon his chin—" I defender in a felon.”
cannot bid thee good day, for while There was something so brave and
the tyrant lives, evil is every sun that noble in Glyndon's voice, inien , and
sheds its beams on France.' manner, as he thus spoke, that Nicot
“ It is true ; what then ? We have at once was silenced ; at once he saw
sowed the wind, we must reap the that he had misjudged the man.
whirlwind.” “ No,” said Fillide, lifting her face
“ And yet,” said Nicot, apparently from her hands— " no! your friend
not hearing the reply, and as if has a wiser scheme in preparation :
musingly to himself, “ it is strange to he would leave you wolves to mangle
think that the butcher is as mortal each other. He is right ; but
as the butchered—that his life hangs “ Flight ! ” exclaimed Nicot ; "is
on as slight a thread — that between it possible ? Flight ! how ?-when ?
the cuticle and the heart there is as -by what means ? All France begirt
short a passage - that, short, one with spies and guards ! Flight !
blow can free France, and redeem would to Heaven it were in our
mankind ?” power ! ”
Glyndon surveyed the speaker with “ Dost thou, too , desire to escape
à careless and haughty scorn , and the blessed Revolution ?"
made no answer . “ Desire ! Oh !” cried Nicot, sud
“ And,” proceeded Nicot, “ I have denly, and, falling down, he clasped
sometimes looked around for the man Glyndon's knees -— " Oh ! save me
born for this destiny, and whenever I with thyself ! My life is a torture ;
have done so, my steps have led me every moment the guillotine frowns
hither ! ” before me. I know that my hours
“ Should they not rather have led are numbered ; I know that the tyrant
thee to the side of Maximilien Robes- waits but his time to write my name
pierre ? " said Glyndon, with a in his inexorable list ; I know that
sneer . Réné Dumas, the Judge who never
“ No," returned Nicot, coldly - pardons, has, from the first, resolved
' no ; for I am a ' suspect '- I could upon my death. Oh ! Glyndon, by
No. 274 . R 16
242 ZANONI .
our old friendship_by our common can I do thee, with regard to the
art_by thy loyal English faith, and Italian ?”
good English heart, let me share thy “ I have been accessary to her arrival
flight ! ” in this city of snares and pitfalls. I
“ If thou wilt, so be it .” cannot leave her alone amidst dangers
“ Thanks ! - my whole life shall from which neither innocence nor
thank thee. But how hast thou obscurity is a safeguard. In your
prepared the means — the passports, blessed Republic, a good and unsus
the disguise, the- " pected citizen, who casts a desire on
“ I will tell thee. Thou knowest any woman, maid or wife, has but to
C , of the Convention - he has say, ' Be mine, or I denounce you !'
power, and he is covetous. " Qu'on - In a word , Viola must share our
me meprise pourvu que je dine,' * said flight.”
he, when reproached for his avarice.” “ What so easy ? I see your pass
« Well ? ” portsprovide for her . ”
“ By the help of this sturdy repub- “ What so easy ! What so difficult ?
lican, who has friends enough in the This Fillide - would that I had never
Comité, I have obtained the means seen her !-would that I had never en
necessary for flight ; I have purchased slaved my soul to my senses ! The love
them . For a consideration , I can ofan uneducated , violent, unprincipled
procure thy passport also. ”
woman, opens with a heaven , to merge
' Thy riches, then, are not in in a hell ! She is jealous as all the
assignats ? ” Furies, she will not hear of a female
“ No, I have gold enough for us companion ;-and when once she sees
all. " the beauty of Viola !-I tremble to
And here Glyndon, beckoning think of it. She is capable of any
Nicot into the next room, first briefly excess in the storm ofher passions."
and rapidly detailed to him the plan “ Aha, I know what such women
proposed, and the disguises to be are ! My wife, Beatrice Sacchini,
assumed conformably to the passports, whom I took from Naples, when I
and then added— “ In return for the failed with this very Viola, divorced
service I render thee, grant me one me when my money failed , and, as
favour ,which I think is in thy power. the mistress of a Judge, passes me in
Thou rememberest Viola Pisani? " her carriage while I crawl through
“ Ah - remember ! yes ! -- and the the streets . Plague on her ! - but
lover with whom she fled.” patience, patience ! such is the lot of
“ And from whom she is a fugitive virtue. Would I were Robespierre
now ." for a day !”
“ Indeed - what ! I understand . « Cease these tirades ! ” exclaimed
Sacré bleu ! but you are a lucky Glyndon, impatiently ; "and to the
fellow , cher confrère.” point. What would you advise ?"
“ Silence, man ! with thy eternal “ Leave your Fillide behind."
prate of brotherhood and virtue, thou “ Leave her to her own ignorance
seemest never to believe in one kindly -leave her unprotected even by the
action, or one virtuous thought ! ” mind - leave her in the Saturnalia of
Nicot bit his lip, and replied, Rape and Murder ? No ! I have
sullenly, “ Experience is a great sinned against her once . But come
undeceiver. Humph ! What service what may, I will not so basely desert
one who, with all her errors, trusted
* Let them despise me, provided that I her fate to my love."
dine , “ You deserted her at Marec,
“ True ; but I left her in safety, and he muttered to himself, can I not
I did not then believe her love to be turn all this to my account ? Can I
so deep and faithful. I left her gold, not avenge myself on thee, Zanoni, as
and I imagined she would be easily I have so often sworn — through thy
consoled ; but, -since then, we have wife and child ? Can I not possess
known danger together ! And now to myself of thy gold, thy passports, and
leave her alone to that danger which thy Fillide, hot Englishman, who
she would never have incurred but wouldst humble me with thy loathed
for devotion to me ! -- no, that is benefits, and who hast chucked me
impossible ! A project occurs to me. thine alms asto a beggar?And Fillide,
Canst thou not say that thou hast a I love her ; and thy gold, I love that
sister, a relative, or a benefactress, more ! Puppets, I move your strings ! "
whom thou wouldst save ? Can we He passed slowly into the chamber
not - till we have left France - make where Fillide yet sat, with gloomy
Fillide believe that Viola is one in thought on her brow and tears
whom thou only art interested ; and standing in her dark eyes. She
whom, for thy sake only, I permit to looked up eagerly as the door opened,
share in our escape ?” and turned from the rugged face of
“ Ha, well thought of certainly !” Nicot with an impatient movement
“ I will then appear to yield to of disappointment.
Fillide's wishes, and resign the pro- Glyndon ," said the painter, draw
ject, which she so resents, of saving ing a chair to Fillide's, “ has left me
the innocent object of her frantic to enliven your solitude, fair Italian .
jealousy. You, meanwhile, shall He is not jealous of the ugly Nicot ;
yourself, entreat Fillide to intercede -ha ! ha !—yet Nicot loved thee well
with me, to extend the means of once, when his fortunes were more
escape to fair . But enough of such past follies.”
“ To a lady (she knows I have no “ Your friend, then, has left the
sister) who has aided me in my dis- house. Whither ? Ah ! you look
tress. Yes, I will manage all, never away - you falter —! you cannot meet
fear. One word more —- what has my eyes ! Speak I implore, I com
become of that Zanoni ?” mand thee, speak !”
“ Talk not of him-I know not. ” “ Enfant ! and what dost thou
“ Does he love this girl still ? " . fear ? ”
“ It would seem so. She is his “ Fear !-yes , alas, I fear !” said
wife, the mother of his infant, who is the Italian ; and her whole frame
with her .” seemed to shrink into itself as she
“ Wife !-mother ! He loves her ! fell once more back into her seat.
Aha ! And why- " Then, after a pause, she tossed the
“ No questions now. I will go and long hair from her eyes, and, starting
prepare Viola for the flight ; you , up abruptly, paced the room with
meanwhile, return to Fillide.” disordered strides. At length she
“ But the address of the Neapolitan ? stopped opposite to Nicot, laid her
It is necessary I should know , lest hand on his arm, drew him towards
Fillide inquire.” an escritoire, which she unlocked,
" Rue M T No. 27. and opening a well, pointed to the
Adieu .” gold that lay within, and said—“ Thou
Glyndon seized his hat, and art poor-thou lovest money ; take
hastened from the house. what thou wilt, but undeceive me.
Nicot, left alone, seemed for a few Who is this woman whom thy friend
moments buried in thought. “ Oho,” | visits ?-and does he love her ?”
R 2
244 ZANONI .
Nicot's eyes sparkled, and his hands of our nature, which his own hear
opened and clenched, and clenched and association with crime had taught
and opened, as he gazed upon the him, he resolved to trust the rest to
coins. But reluctantly resisting the the passions of the Italian , when
impulse, he said with an affected raised to the height to which he was
bitterness— " Thinkest thou to bribe prepared to lead them.
me ? -- if so, it cannot be with gold. “ Pardon me,” he said : “ my love
But what if he does love a rival ? — made me too presumptuous ; and yet
what if he betrays thee ?—what if, it is only that love,-my sympathy
wearied by thy jealousies, he designs for thee, beautiful and betrayed, that
in his flight to leave thee behind ? - can induce me to wrong, with my
would such knowledge make thee revelations, one whom I have regarded
happier ? ” as a brother. I can depend upon
“ Yes ! ” exclaimed the Italian, thine oath to conceal all from
fiercely ; " yes, for it would be happi- Glyndon ?"
ness to hate and to be avenged ! Oh, “ On my oath, and my wrongs, and
thou knowest not how sweet is hatred my mountain blood ! "
to those who have really loved.” “ Enough ! get thy hat and mantle,
“ But wilt thou swear, if I reveal to and follow me ! ”
thee the secret, that thou wilt not As Fillide left the room , Nicot's
betray me — that thou wilt not fall, as eyes again rested on the gold ; it was
women do, into weak tears and fond much-much more than he had dared
reproaches when thy betrayer re- to hope for ; and as he peered into
turns ?" the well, and opened the drawers, he
“ Tears reproaches ! Revenge perceived a packet of letters in the
hides itself in smiles ! ” well-known hand of Camille Desmou.
- Thou art a brave creature ! ” said lins. He seized - he opened the
Nicot, almost admiringly. “ One packet ; his looks brightened as he
condition more : thy lover designs to glanced over a few sentences . “ This
fly with his new love, to leave thee to would give fifty Glyndons to the
thy fate ; if I prove this to thee, and guillotine !” he muttered , and thrust
if I give thee revenge against thy the packet into his bosom .
rival, wilt thou fly with me ? I love 0 Artist !-0 haunted one !-0
thee I will wed thee ! ” erring Genius ! Behold the two
Fillide's eyes flashed fire ; she worst foes — the False Ideal that knows
looked at him with unutterable dis- no God, and the False Love that 1
dain, and was silent. burns from the corruption of the
Nicot felt he had gone too far ; and senses, and takes no lustre from
with that knowledge of the evil part the soul !
LETTER FROM ZANONI TO MEJNOUR, city of the Gaul, as they shone with
Paris. plumed chivalry, and the air rustled
Dost thou remember in the old time, with silken braveries. Young Louis,
when the Beautiful yet dwelt in the monarch and the lover, was victor
Greece, how we two, in the vast of the Tournament at the Carousel ;
Athenian Theatre, witnessed the and all France felt herself splendid in
birth of Words as undying as our the splendour of her gorgeous chief !
selves ? Dost thou remember the Now there is neither throne nor altar ;
thrill of terror that ran through that and what is in their stead ? I see it
mighty audience, when the wild yonder — THE GUILLOTINE ! It is dis
Cassandra burst from her awful silence mal to stand amidst the ruins of
to shriek to her relentless god ! How mouldering cities, to startle the ser
ghastly, at the entrance of the House pent and the lizard amidst the wrecks
of Atreus, about to become her tomb of Persepolis and Thebes ; but more
-rang out her exclamations of fore- dismal still to stand as I—the stranger
boding woe— “ Dwelling abhorred of from Empires that have ceased to be
Heaven !-human shamble -house, and / -stand now amidst the yet gbastlier
floor blood-bespattered !” ť Dost thou ruins of Law and Order, the shatter
remember how, amidst the breathless ing of mankind themselves ! Yet
awe of those assembled thousands, I here, even here, Love, the Beautifier,
drew close to thee, and whispered, that hath led my steps, can walk with
“ Verily, no prophet like the Poet ! unshrinking hope through the wilder
This cene of fabled horror comes to ress of Death ! Strange is the passion
me as a dream , shadowing forth some that makes a world in itself, that
likeness in my own remoter future ! ” individualises the One amidst the
As I enter this slaughter-house, that Multitude ; that, through all the
scene returns to me, and I hearken to changes of my solemn life, yet sur
the voice of Cassandra ringing in my vives, though ambition , and hate, and
ears. A solemn and warning dread anger are dead ; the one solitary
gathers round me, as if I too were angel, hovering over an universe of
come to find a grave, and “ the Net of tombs on its two tremulous and
Hades ” had already entangled me in human wings—Hope and Fear !
its web ! What dark treasure-houses How is it, Mejnour, that, as my
of vicissitude and woe are our diviner art abandoned memas, in my
memories become ! What our lives, search for Viola, I was aided but by
but the chronicles of unrelenting the ordinary instincts of the merest
Death ! It seems to me as yesterday mortal - how is it that I have never
when I stood in the streets of this desponded, that I have felt in every
difficulty the prevailing prescience
* Loye illumes the realms of Night. that we should meet at last ? So
+ Æsch . Agam ., 1098 . cruelly was every vestige of her flight
which the son had indeed committed thou hast so wronged, and feel, poor
and went to the doom, exulting wanderer amidst the storms, as if thou
that his death saved the life he had hadst regained the shelter ? Mejnour,
given , not in vain ! I saw women, still my researches fail me. I mingle
young, delicate, in the bloom of their with all men, even their judges and
beauty ; they had vowed themselves their spies, but I cannot yet gain the
to the cloister. Hands smeared with clue. I know that she is here. I know
the blood of saints opened the grate it by an instinct ; the breath of
that had shut them from the world , my child seems warmer and more
and bade them go forth, forget their familiar.
vows, forswear the Divine One these They peer at me with venomous
dæmons would depose, find lovers and looks, as I pass through their streets.
helpmates, and be free . And some With a glance I disarm their malice,
of these young hearts had loved, and and fascinatethe basilisks. Everywhere
even , though in struggles, loved yet. I see the track and scent the presence
Did they forswear the vow ? Did they of the Ghostly One that dwells on the
abandon the faith ? Did even love Threshold, and whose victims are the
allure them ? Mejnour, with one souls thatwould aspire, and can only
voice they preferred to die ! And fear. I see its dim shapelessness
whence comes this courage ? because going before the men of blood, and
such hearts live in some more abstract, marshalling their way. Robespierre
and holier life than their own. But passed me with his furtive step. Those
to live for ever upon this earth, is to eyes of horror were gnawing into his
live in nothing diviner than ourselves. heart. I looked down upon their
Yes, even amidst this gory butcher- Senate ; the grim Phantom sat cower
dom, God, the Ever-living, vindicates ing on its floor. It hath taken up its
to man the sanctity of. His servant, abode in the city of Dread. And
Death ! what in truth are these wouldbe
* * -* *
builders of a new world ? Like the
* * *
students who have vainly struggled
Again I have seen thee in spirit; after our supreme science, they have
I have seen and blessed thee, my sweet attempted what is beyond their
child ! Dost thou not know me also power ; they have passed from this
in thy dreams ? Dost thou not feel solid earth of usages and forms,
the beating of my heart through the into the land of shadow ; and its
veil of thy rosy slumbers ? Dost thou loathsome keeper has seized them as
not hear the wings of the brighter its prey. I looked into the tyrant's
beings that I yet can conjure around shuddering soul, as it trembled past
thee, to watch , to nourish, and to me. There, amidst the ruins of a
save ? And when the spell fades at thousand systems which aimed at
thy waking, when thine eyes open to virtue, sat Crime, and shivered at its
the day, will they not look round desolation . Yet this man is the only
for me, and ask thy mother, with | Thinker, the only Aspirant, amongst
their mute eloquence, “why she has them all. He still looks for a future
robbed thee of a father ?" of peace and mercy, to begin - ay ! at
Woman, dost thou not repent thee ? what date ! When he has swept away
Flying from imaginary fears, hast thou every foe. Fool ! new foes spring )
not come to the very lair of terror, from every drop of blood. Led by
where Danger sits visible and incar- the eyes of the Unutterable, he is
nate ? Oh, if we could but meet, walking to his doom.
wouldst thou not fall upon the bosom 0 Viola, thy innocence protects
thee ! Thou whom the sweet human-pass thee even here, with a charmed
ities of love shut out even from the atmosphere ;; and terror itself fall
dreams of aerial and spiritual beauty, harmless on a life too innocent for
making thy heart an universe of wisdom ? !
visions fairer than the wanderer over 普 关
Ombra più che di notte, in cui di luce
Raggio misto non è ;
* * * *
The clubs are noisy with clamorous whether it laugh over the first hour of
frenzy ; the leaders are grim with life, or quiver in its gay delight on
schemes. Black Henriot flies here the terror and agony of the last ! The
and there, muttering to his armed child , where it lay at the feet of Viola ,
troops— “ Robespierre, your beloved, stretched out its dimpled hands as if
is in danger !" Robespierre stalks to clasp the dancing motes that
perturbed , his list of victimsswelling revelled in the beam. The mother
every hour. Tallien , the Macduff to turned her eyes from the glory ; it
the doomed Macbeth, is whispering saddened her yet more.—She turned ,
courage to his pale conspirators. and sighed.
Along the streets heavily roll the Is this the same Viola who bloomed
tumbrils. The shops are closed — the fairer than their own Idalia under the
people are gorged with gore and skies of Greece ? How changed !
will lap no more. And night after How pale and worn ! She sat list
night, to the eighty theatres flock lessly, her arms dropping on her
the children of the Revolution, to knee ; the smile that was habitual to
laugh at the quips of comedy, and her lips was gone. A heavy, dull
weep gentle tears over imaginary despondency, as if the life of life were
woes ! no more, seemed to weigh down her
In a small chamber, in the heart of youth , and make it weary of that
the city, sits the mother, watching happy sun ! In truth, her existence
over her child ! It is quiet, happy had languished away since it had
noon ; the sunlight, broken by the wandered, as somemelancholy stream ,
tall roofs in the narrow street, comes from the source that fed it. The
yet through the open casement, the sudden enthusiasm of fear or super
impartial playfellow of the air, glee- stition that had almost, as if still in
some alike in temple and prison , hall the unconscious movements of a
and hovel ; as golden and as blithe, dream, led her to fly from Zanoni,
had ceased from the day which
* Darkness greater than of night,in dawned upon her in a foreign land.
which not a ray of light is mixed ; * * * *
The palace appears no more - not even a Then — there she felt that in the
vestige - nor can one say that it has been . smile she had evermore abandoned
lived her life. She did not repent , mida herself has destroyed her en
she would not have recalled the im. chanted palace,-not a vestige of that
pulse that winged her flight. Though bower, raised of old by Poetry and
the enthusiasm was gone, the super- Love, remained to say “ it had been ! ”
stition yet remained ; she still believed And the child avenged the father :
she had saved her child from that it bloomed - it thrived – it waxed
dark and guilty sorcery , concerning strong in the light of life. But still
which the traditions of all lands are it seemed haunted and preserved by
prodigal, but in none do they find some other being than her own. In
such credulity, or excite such dread, its sleep there was that slumber, so
as in the South of Italy. This im- deep and rigid, which a thunderbolt
pression was confirmed by the mys- could not have disturbed ; and in
terious conversations of Glyndon, and such sleep often it moved its arms, as
by her own perception of the fearful to embrace the air : often its lips
change that had passed over one who stirred with murmured sounds of
represented himself as the victim of indistinct affection — not for her ; and
the enchanters. She did not, there all the while upon its cheeks a hue of
fore, repent — but her very volition such celestial bloom — upon its lips, a
seemed gone. smile of such mysterious joy ! Then
On their arrival at Paris, Viola saw when it waked, its eyes did not turn
her companion—the faithful wife — no first to her - wistful, earnest, wander
more. Ere three weeks were passed, ing, they roved around, to fix on her
husband and wife had ceased to live. pale face, at last, in mute sorrow and
And now , for the first time, the reproach.
drudgeries of this hard earth claimed Never had Viola felt before how
the beautiful Neapolitan. In that mighty was her love for Zanoni ; how
profession , giving voice and shape to thought, feeling, heart, soul, life - all
poetry and song, in which her first lay crushed and dormant in the icy
years were passed, there is, while it absence to which she had doomed
lasts, an excitement in the art that herself ! She heard not the roar
lifts it from the labour of a calling. without, she felt not one amidst those
Hovering between two lives, the Real stormy millions, — worlds of excite
and Ideal, dwells the life of music ment labouring through every hour.
and the stage. But that life was lost Only when Glyndon, haggard, wan,
evermore to the idol of the eyes and and spectre-like, glided in, day after
ears of Naples. Lifted to the higher day, to visit her, did the fair daughter
realm of passionate love, it seemed as of the careless South know how heavy
if the fictitious genius which repre- and universal was the Death-Air that
sents the thoughts of others was girt her round. Sublime in her
merged in the genius that grows all passive unconsciousness — her me
thought itself. It had been the worst chanic life - she sat, and feared not,
infidelity to the Lost, to have de- in the den of the Beasts of Prey !
scended again to live on the applause The door of the room opened
of others. And so — for she would not abruptly, and Glyndon entered. His
accept alms from Glyndon—so, by manner was more agitated than usual.
the commonest arts, the humblest “ Is it you, Clarence ? " she said, in
industry which the sex knows, alone her soft, languid tones. “ You are
and unseen , she, who had slept on the before the hour I expected you .”
breast of Zanoni, found a shelter for Who can count on his hours at
their child . As when , in the noble Paris ?" returned Glyndon, with a
verse prefixed to this chapter, Ar. frightful smile . “ Is it not enough
“Shall, before then , find their | She pressed the arm on which she
asylum in the Conciergerie. The leant convulsively, and exclaimed
guillotine shall requite thy wrongs.” No, no !-- nothim ! denounce her
“ Do this, and I am satisfied ,' said | let her perish ; but I have slept on
Fillide, firmly. his bosom - not him ! ”
And they spoke no more, till they “ It shall be as thou wilt,” said
regained the house. But when she Nicot, with a devil's sneer ; “ but he
there, looking up to the dull build- must be arrested for the moment.
ing, saw the windows of the room No harm shall happen to him, for no
which the belief of Glyndon's love accuser shall appear. But her — thou
had once made a paradise, the tiger wilt not relent for her ? ”
relented at the heart ; something of Fillide turned upon him her eyes,
the woman gushed back upon her and their dark glance was sufficient
nature, dark and savage as it was. answer.
In poppa quella
Che guidar gli dovea , fatal Donzella . *
Ger. LIB ., cant. xv. 3 .
THE Italian did not overrate that | Glyndon did not see the Italian ; she
craft of simulation proverbial with was absent from the house when he
her country and her sex. Not a left it. It was necessary that he
word , not a look that day revealed should once more visit C- , before
to Glyndon the deadly change that his final departure, not only to
had converted devotion , into hate. arrange for Nicot's participation in
He himself, indeed, absorbed in his the flight, but lest any suspicion
own schemes, and in reflections on should have arisen to thwart or
his own strange destiny, was no nice endanger the plan he had adopted.
observer. But her manner, milder C-, though not one of the imme
and more subdued than usual, pro- diate coterie of Robespierre, and
duced a softening effect upon his indeed secretly hostile to him, had
meditations towards the evening ; possessed the art of keeping well with
and he then began to converse with each faction as it rose to power.
her on the certain hope of escape, and Sprung from the dregs of thepopu
on the future that would await them lace, he had, nevertheless, the grace
in less unhallowed lands. and vivacity so often found impar
“ And thy fair friend,” said Fillide, tially amongst every class in France.
with an averted eye and a false smile, Hehad contrived to enrich himself
“ who was to be our companion. none knew how - in the course of his
Thou hast resigned her, Nicot tells rapid career. He became, indeed ,
me, in favour of one in whom he is ultimately one the wealthiest pro
interested. Is it so ? ” prietors of Paris, and at that time
“ He told thee this !” returned kept a splendid and hospitable man
Glyndon, evasively. “ Well ! does sion. He was one of those whom,
the change content thee ? ” from various reasons, Robespierre
“ Traitor ! ” muttered Fillide; and deigned to favour ; and he had often
she rose suddenly, approached him , saved the proscribed and suspected,
parted the long hair from his fore- by procuring them passports under
head, caressingly, and pressed her disguised names, and advising their
lips convulsively on his brow . method of escape. But C was a
“ This were too fair a head for the man who took this trouble only for
doomsman,” said she, with a slight the rich. “ The incorruptible Maxi.
laugh, and, turning away , appeared milien,” who did not want the tyrant's
occupied in preparations for their faculty of penetration , probably saw
departure. through all his manoeuvres, and the
The next morning, when he rose, avarice which he cloaked beneath his
charity. But it was noticeable, that
* By the prow was the fatal lady Robespierre frequently seemed to
ordained to be the guide. wink at - nay, partially to encou
rage - such vices in men whom he betray, took his way to the house
meant hereafter to destroy, as would honoured by the residence of Robes
tend to lower them in the public pierre. He had no intention to
estimation , and to contrast with his comply with the relenting prayer of
own austere and unassailable integrity Fillide, that the life of Glyndon
and purism . And, doubtless, he should be spared. He thought with
often grimly smiled in his sleeve at Barrière, “il n'y a que les morts qui
the sumptuous mansion, and the ne revient pas.” In all men who
griping covetousness of the worthy have devoted themselves to any study,
citizen C or any art, with sufficient pains to
To this personage, then , Glyndon attain a certain degree of excellence,
musingly bent his way, It was true, there must be a fund of energy
as he had darkly said to Viola, that immeasurably above that of the ordi
in proportion as he had resisted the nary herd. Usually, this energy is
spectre, its terrors had lost their concentred on the objects of their
influence. The time had come at professional ambition , and leaves
last,when, seeing crime and vice in them , therefore, apathetic to the other
all their hideousness, and in so vast pursuits of men. But where those
a theatre, he had found that in vice objects are denied, where the stream
and crime there are deadlier horrors has not its legitimate vent, the energy,
than in the eyes of a phantom -fear. irritated and aroused, possesses the
His native nobleness began to return whole being, and if not wasted on
to him. As he passed the streets, he desultory schemes, or if not purified
revolved in his mind projects of future by conscience and principle, becomes
repentance and reformation. He a dangerous and destructive element
even meditated, as a just return for in the social system , through which
Fillide's devotion, the sacrifice of all it wanders in riot and disorder.
the reasonings of his birth and Hence, in all wise monarchies — nay,
education . He would repair what- in all well constituted states, the
ever errors he had committed against peculiar care with which channels are
her, by the self- immolation of marriage opened for every art and every
with one little congenial with him- science ; hence the honour paid to
self. He who had once revolted from their cultivators by subtle and
marriage with the noble and gentle thoughtful statesmen , who, perhaps,
Viola !--he had learned in that world for themselves, see nothing in a pic
of wrong to know that right is right, ture but coloured canvass - nothing
and that Heaven did not make the in a problem butan ingenious puzzle.
one sex to be the victim of the other. No state is ever more in danger than
The young visions of the Beautiful when the talent, that should be con
and the Good rose once more before secrated to peace , has no occupation
him ; and along the dark ocean of but political intrigue or personal
his mind lay the smile of re -awaken- advancement. Talent unhonoured is
ing virtue, as a path of moonlight. talent at war with men. And here
Never, perhaps, had the condition it is noticeable, that the class of
of his soul been so elevated and un- Actors having been the most degraded
selfish . by the public opinion of the old
In the meanwhile, Jean Nicot, régime, their very dust deprived of
equally absorbed in dreams of the Christian burial,nomen (with certain
future, and already in his own mind exceptions in the company especially
laying out to the best advantage the favoured by the Court) were more
gold of the friend he was about to relentless and revengeful among the
memory of insult . But why, now , and miscellaneous, Nicot forced his
should he fly from France ? -he could way ; and far from friendly or flatter
possess himself of Glyndon's gold-he ing were the expressions that regaled
doubted not that he could so master his ears.
Fillide by her wrath and jealousy that “ Aha, le joli Polichinelle ! ” said a
he could command her acquiescence | comely matron, whose robe his ob
in all he proposed. The papers he trusive and angular elbows cruelly
had purloined — Desmoulins' corres- discomposed . “ But how could one
pondence with Glyndon — while it expect gailantry from such a scare
ensured the fate of the latter, might crow ! "
be eminently serviceable to Robes- “ Citizen, I beg to avise thee * that
pierre, might induce the tyrant to thou art treading on my feet. I beg
forget his own old liaisons with thy pardon , but now I look at thine,
Hébert, and enlist him among the I see the hall is not wide enough for
allies and tools of the King of Terror. them .”
Hopes of advancement, of wealth , of “ Ho ! Citizen Nicot ," cried a
a career, again rose before him . This Jacobin , shouldering his formidable
correspondence, dated shortly before bludgeon , “and what brings thee
Camille Desmoulins ' death , was hither ? thinkest thou that Hébert's
written with that careless and daring crimes are forgotten already ? Off,
imprudence which characterised the sport of Nature ! and thank the
spoiled child of Danton . It spoke Etre Suprême that he made thee in
openly of designs against Robes- significant enough to be forgiven .”
pierre ; it named confederates whom “ A pretty face to look out of the
the tyrant desired only a popular pre- National Window,” + said the woman
text to crush . It was a new instru- whose robe the painter had ruffled.
ment of death in the hands of the “ Citizens,” said Nicot, white with
Death -compeller . What greater gift passion, but constraining himself so
could he bestow on Maximilien the that his words seemed to come from
Incorruptible ? grinded teeth, “ I have the honour to
Nursing these thoughts, he arrived inform you that I scek the Repré
at last before the door of Citizen sentant upon business of the utmost
Dupleix. Around the threshold were importance to the public and himself ;
grouped, in admired confusion, some and ,” he added, slowly, and malig
eight or ten sturdy Jacobins, the nantly glaring round , “ I call all good
voluntary body-guard of Robespierre citizens to be my witnesses when I
-tall fellows, weil armed, and inso- shall complain to Robespierre of the
lent with the power that reflects reception bestowed on me by some
power, mingled with women, young amongst you."
and fair, and gaily dressed, who had
come, upon the rumour that Maxi * The courteous use of the plural was
milien had had an attack of bile, to proscribed
had decidedatthat
Paris. The Sociétés Populaires
whoever used it should be
inquire tenderly of his health ; for prosecuted as suspect et adulateur ! At the
Robespierre, strange though it seem, door of the public administrations and
was the idol of the sex ! popular societies was written up- “ Ici on
Through this cortège, stationed Take duCitoyen, et on se tutoye”!!! 1
away Murder from the French Revo
without the door, and reaching up lution , and it becomes the greatest Farce
the stairs to the landing -place, for ever played before the Angels !
Robespierre's apartments were not + The Guillotine.
spacious enough to afford sufficient 1 « Here they respect the title of Citizen ,
ante- chamber for levées so numerous and they thee and thou one another . "
No. 275. s 17
There was in the man's look and bare arms, and a cap of liberty on his
his tone of voice so much of deep and head, “ I am come to warn Robespierre.
concentrated' malignity, that the They lay a snare for him ; they offer
idlers drew back ; and as the remem- him the Palais National. On ne peut
brance of the sudden ups and downs être ami du peuple et habiter un
of revolutionary life occurred to them, palais.” *
several voices were lifted to assure the No, indeed ," answered a cordon
squalid and ragged painter that no- nier ; “ I like him best in his little
thing was farther from their thoughts lodging with the menuisier : it looks
than to offer affront to a citizen, like one of us."
whose very appearance proved him to Another rush of the crowd, and a
be an exemplary Sans-Culotte. Nicot new group were thrown forward in
received these apologies in sullen the vicinity of Nicot. And these men
silence ; and folding his arms, leant gabbled and chattered faster and
against the wall, waiting in grim louder than the rest. »
patience for his admission. “ But my plan is
The loiterers talked to each other “ Au diable with your plan . I tell
this gruff and iron minion of the toral poet could assign to Corydon or
tyrant stalked through the throng, Thyrsis — why did the crowd shrink
than a new movement of respect, and and hold their breath ? As the ferret
agitation, and fear, swayed the in- in a burrow crept that slight form
creasing crowd, as there glided in, amongst the larger and rougher crea
with the noiselessness of a shadow , a tures that huddled and pressed back
smiling , sober citizen, plainly, but on each other as he passed. A wink
neatly clad, with a downcast, humble of his stealthy eye — and the huge
eye. A milder, meeker face, no pas- Jacobins left the passage clear, with
out sound or question. On he went,
Vergniaud — with the journalists ofthe time, to the apartment of the tyrant; and
it is Vergniaux. With one authority it is thither will we follow him .
Robespierre - with another, Roberspierre.
s 2
260 ZANONI .
Constitutum est ut quisquis eum hominem, dixisset, fuisse, capitalem penderet pænam . *
St. Aug. - Of the God Serapis, l. 18, de Civ . Dei, c. 5 .
ROBESPIERRE was reclining languidly sick man ' started up, as if new life
in his fauteuil, his cadaverous coun- were in the sound.
tenance more jaded and fatigued than “ My kind friend,” he said to the
usual. He to whom Catherine Theot Marquise, " forgive me ; I must dis
assured immortal life, looked, indeed, pense with thy tender cares. France
like a man at death's door. On the demands me. I am never ill when I
table before him was a dish heaped can serve my country !”
with oranges, with the juice of which The old Marquise lifted up her eyes
it is said that he could alone assuage to heaven, and murmured _ - " Quel
the acrid bile that overflowed his sys- Ange!,”
tem . And an old woman , richly Robespierre waved his hand im .
dressed, (she had been a Marquise in patiently ; and the old woman , with
the old régime,) was employed in peel- a sigh, patted his pale cheek, kissed
ing the Hesperian fruits for the sick his forehead, and submissively with.
Dragon, with delicate fingers covered drew. The nextmoment,the smiling,
with jewels. I have before said, that sober man we have before described ,
Robespierrewas the idol ofthe women. stood, bending low, before the tyrant.
Strange, certainly ! — but then they And well might Robespierre welcome
were French women ! The old Mar- one of the subtlest agents of his
quise, who, like Catherine Theot, power - one on whom he relied more
called him “ son ,” really seemed to than the clubs of his Jacobins, the
love him piously and disinterestedly tongues of his orators, the bayonets
as a mother ; and as she peeled the of his armies ; Guérin, the most
oranges, and heaped on him the most renowned of his écouteurs, the
caressing and soothing expressions, searching, prying, universal, omni
the livid ghost of a smile fluttered present spy,—who glided like a sun
about his meagre lips. At a distance, beam through chink and crevice, and
Payan and Couthon, seated at another brought to him intelligence not only
table, were writing rapidly, and occa- of the deeds, but the hearts ofmen !
sionally pausing from their work ,to con- “ Well, citizen, well ! -and what of
sult with each other in brief whispers. Tallien ? "
Suddenly, one of the Jacobins “ This morning, early, two minutes
opened the door, and approaching after eight, he went out.”
Robespierre, whispered to him the “ So early ? hem ! ”
name of Guérin.t At that word the “ He passed Rue des Quatre Fils,
Rue du Temple, Rue de La Réunion ,
* It was decreed, that whoso should say au Marais, Rue Martin ; nothing
that he had been a man should suffer the observable, except that 9
good Nicot - never fear. Humph !- the floor, his face twitching con
humph ! ” and Robespierre took the vulsively, and his armsfolded. “ Ho !
paper on which Nicot had written, Guérin !” (the spy re-appeared)
and stooping over it — for he was near- “ take these addresses ! Within an
sighted — added , smilingly, “ Dost hour this Englishman and this woman
thou always write the same hand, must be in prison ; their revelations
citizen ? This seems almost like a will aid me against worthier foes.
disguised character.” They shall die they shall perish
“ I should not like them to know with the rest on the 10th — the third
who denounced them, Représentant." day from this. There ! ” and he
“ Good ! good ! -- Thy virtue shall wrote hastily—“there, also, is thy
be rewarded, trust me. Salut et warrant ! Off ! "
fraternité !” “ And now , Couthon-Payan-we
Robespierre half rose as he spoke, will dally no longer with Tallien and
and Nicot withdrew . his crew . I have information that
Ho, there !—without ! ” cried the the Convention will not attend the
Dictator, ringing his bell ; and as the Fête on the 10th. We must trust
ready Jacobin attended the summons only to the sword of the law. I must
_ " Follow that man, Jean Nicot. compose my thoughts — prepare my
The instant he has cleared the house harangue. To -morrow , I will re
seize him. At once to the Concier- appear at the Convention—to-morrow,
gerie with him ! Stay ! — nothing bold St. Just joins us, fresh from our
against the law ; there is thy warrant. victorious armies — to-morrow , from
The public accuser shall have my the tribune, I will dart the thunder
instruction. Away !-quick ! ” bolt on the masked enemies of France
The Jacobin vanished. All trace -to-morrow, I will demand, in the
of illness, of infirmity, had gone from face of the country , the heads of the
the valetudinarian ; he stood erect on conspirators.”
In the meantime, Glyndon, after an the Revolution — the watch , the arrest ,
andience of some length with C- the trial, the guillotine—these made
in which the final preparations were the regular and rapid steps of the
arranged, sanguine of safety, and fore- monster that the anarchists called
seeing no obstacle to escape, bent his Law ! He breathed hard, he heard
way back to Fillide. Suddenly, in distinctly the loud beating of his
the midst of his cheerful thoughts, heart. And so he paused, still and
he fancied he heard a voice too well motionless, gazing upon the shadow
and too terribly recognised , hissing in that halted also behind him !
his ear, — “ What ! thou wouldst defy Presently, the absence of all allies
and escape me ! thou wouldst go to the spy, the solitude of the streets,
back to virtue and content. It is in reanimated his courage ; he made a
vain — it is too late. No, I will not step towards his pursuer, who re 66
haunt thee ;-human footsteps, no treated as he advanced. Citizen,
less inexorable, dog thee now . Me thou followest me,” he said. “ Thy
thou shalt not see again till in the business ? ”
dungeon, at midnight before thy
“ Surely," answered the man , with
doom ! Behold ! a deprecating smile, “ the streets are
And Glyndon, mechanically turn- broad enough for both ? Thou art
ing his head , saw , close behind him, not so bad a republican as to arro
the stealthy figure of a man whom he gate all Paris to thyself ! ”
had observed before, but with little “ Go on first, then. I make way
heed , pass and repass him, as he for thee."
quitted the house of Citizen C- The man bowed, doffed his hat
Instantly and instinctively he knew politely, and passed forward . The
that he was watched that he was next moment Glyndon plunged into
pursued . The street he was in was a winding lane, and fled fast through
obscure and deserted , for the day was a labyrinth of streets, passages, and
oppressively sultry, and it was the alleys. By degrees, he composed him
hour when few were abroad, either on self, and, looking behind, imagined
business or pleasure. Bold ashe was, that he had baffled the pursuer ; he
an icy chill shot through his heart. then, by a circuitous route, bent his
He knew too well the tremendous way once more to his home. As
system that then reigned in Paris, not he emerged into one of the broader
to be aware of his danger. As the streets, a passenger, wrapped in a
sight of the first plague-boil to the mantle, brushing so quickly by him
victim of the Pestilence, was the first that he did not observe his counten.
sight of the shadowy spy to that of ance, whispered— “ Clarence Glyndon,
you are dogged - follow me ! ” and
* The sword is raised against you on all the stranger walked quickly before
sides . him. Clarence turned , and sickened
once more to see at his heels, with mansions closing up the other. As
the same servile smile on his face , he halted, he heard laughter and
the pursuer he fancied he had escaped. obscene songs from a house a little
He forgot the , injunction of the in his rear, between himself and the
stranger to follow him , and perceiv- spy. It was a café fearfully known
ing a crowd gathered close at hand, in that quarter. Hither often re
round a caricature shop, dived amidst sorted the black troop of Henriot
them, and, gaining another street, the minions and huissiers of Robes
altered the direction he had before pierre. The spy, then, had hunted
taken, and, after a long and breath- the victim within the jaws of the
less course, gained, without once hounds. The man slowly advanced ,
more seeing the spy, a distant and pausing before the opened win
quartier of the city. Here, indeed, dow of the café, put his head
all seemed so serene and fair, that through the aperture, as to address
his artist eye, even in that imminent and summon forth its armed inmates.
hour, rested with pleasure on the At that very instant, and while the
scene. It was a comparatively broad spy's head was thus turned from him ,
space, formed by one of the noble standing in the half-open gateway of
quais. The Seine flowed majestically the house immediately before him ,
along, with boats and craft resting he perceived the stranger who had
on its surface. The sun gilt a thou- warned ; the figure, scarcely distin
sand spires and domes, and gleamed guishable through the mantle that
on the white palaces of a fallen wrapped it, motioned to him to enter .
chivalry. Here, fatigued and panting, He sprang noiselessly through the
he paused an instant, and a cooler air friendly opening; the door closed ;
from the river fanned his brow. breathlessly he followed the stranger
“ Awhile, at least, I am safe here,” | up a flight of broad stairs, and
he murmured ; and as he spoke, through a suite of empty rooms,
some thirty paces behind him, he until, having gained a small cabinet,
beheld the spy. He stood rooted to his conductor doffed the large hat
the spot ; wearied and spent as he and the long mantle that had hitherto
was, escape seemed no longer pos- concealed his shape and features, and
sible—the river on one side, (no Glyndon beheld Zanoni.
bridge at hand ,) and the long row of
“ You are safe here, young English- thine evil eye fell upon me, and I was
man !” said Zanoni, motioning Glyn- drawn into the magic atmosphere of
don to a seat. “ Fortunate for you thy being ! ”
that I come on your track at last ! ” “ Thou errest !-the desires were
“ Far happier had it been if we had in thee ; and whether in one direction
never met ! Yet, even in these last or the other, would have forced their
hours of my fate, I rejoice to look way ! Man ! thou askest me the
once more on the face of that ominous enigma of thy fate and my own !
and mysterious being to whom I can Look round all being, is there not
ascribe all the sufferings I have mystery everywhere ? Can thine eye
known . Here, then, thou shalt not trace the ripening of thegrain beneath
palter with or elude me. Here, the earth ! In the moral and the physi
before we part, thou shalt unravel to cal world alike, lie dark portents, far
me the dark enigma, if not of thy more wondrous than the powers thou
life, ofmy own ! ” wouldst ascribe to me ! ”
“ Hast thou suffered ? Poor Neo- “ Dost thou disown those powers ?
phyte ! ” said Zanoni, pityingly. -dost thou confess thyself an impos
* Yes I see it on thy brow. Buttor? -or wilt thou dare to tell me that
wherefore wouldst thou blame me ? thou art indeed sold to the Evil One ?
Did I not warn thee against the -a magician, whose familiar has
whispers of thy spirit ?—did I not haunted me night and day !,” 99
warn thee to forbear ? Did I not “ It matters not what I am ,”
tell thee that the ordeal was one of returned Zanoni ; " it matters only
awful hazard and tremendous fears ? - whether I can aid thee to exorcise thy
nay, did I not offer to resign to thee dismal phantom, and return once
the heart that was mighty enough , more to the wholesome air of this
while mine, Glyndon , to content me ? common life. Something, however,
Was it not thine own daring and will I tell thee, not to vindicate
resolute choice to brave the initiation ! myself, but the Heaven and the Nature
Of thine own free will didst thou that thy doubts malign.”
make Mejnour thy master, and his Zanoni paused a moment, , and
lore thy study ! ” resumed , with a slight smile
“ But whence came the irresistible “ In thy younger days thou hast
desires of that wild and unholy doubtless read with delight the great
knowledge ? I knew them not till Christian poet, whose muse, like the
268 ZANONI .
morning it celebrated, came to earth | being, but the type of all spirit that
crowned with flowers culled in Para- would aspire through Nature up to
dise.'* No spirit was more imbued God,) command him to lay aside these
with the knightly superstitions of the sublime studies, ‘ Le solite arte e l'uso
time ; and surely the Poet of Jerusalem mio ? ' No ! but to cherish and direct
hath sufficiently, to satisfy even the them to worthy ends. And in this
Inquisitor he consulted , execrated all grand conception of the poet lies the
the practitioners ofthe unlawful spells secret of the true Theurgia, which
invoked , startles your ignorance in a more
learned day with puerile apprehen
• Per isforzar Cocito o Flegetonte.'t
sions, and the nightmares of a sick
man's dreams.”
But in his sorrows and his wrongs
in the prison of his madhouse, know Again Zanoni paused, and again
you not that Tasso himself found his resumed
“ In ages far remote-of a civilisa
of a holy escape,
hisand spiritual recognition
in theTheurgia — of tion far different from that whichnow
a magic thatcould summon the Angel, merges the individual in the state,
or the Good Genius, not the Fiend ? there existed men of ardent minds,
And do you not remember, how he, and an intense desire of knowledge.
deeply versed as he was, for his age, in In the mighty and solemn kingdoms
in which they dwelt,
themysteries of the nobler Platonism , turbulent and earthlythere were no
channels to
which hints at the secrets of allthe workoff the fever of their minds .
starry brotherhoods, from the Chal
Set in thewhich
dæan to the later Rosicrucian, through antique
no mould
intellectof castes
discriminates, in his lovely verse,
between the black art of Ismeno, and pierce, no valour could force its way,
the glorious lore of the Enchanter the thirst for wisdom, alone, reigned
in the hearts of those who received its
who counsels and guides upon their
study ,eveninyour
errand the Champions of the Holy Hence as a heritage imperfectrecords
from sire to son .
Land? His,not the charmswrought of the progress ofhuman knowledge
by the aid of the Stygian Rebels ; you find that, in the earliest ages ,
but perceptionand
the fountain
of the of thethesecret
— thes Philosophy descended not to the
business and homes of men. It dwelt
Arcana of the unknown nature and
the various motions of the stars . His, amidst the wonders of the loftier
the holy haunts ofLebanon and Car creation ; it sought to analyse the
formation of matter — the essentials of
mel-beneath his feet he saw the
clouds, the snows, therains
huesandofdews. the prevailing soul ; to read the mys
Iris, teries of the starry orbs; to dive into
the generations of the
those depths
Did the Christian Hermit who con- Zoroaster of by
is said Nature in which,
the schoolmen
verted that Enchanter, (no fabulous first to have discovered the arts which
your ignorance classes under the name
l'aurea testa
Di rose colte in Paradiso in fiora . of magic. In such an age, then, arose
Tasso , Ger . Lib. iv. 1 .
some men, who, amidst the vanities
† To constrain Cocytus or Phleget hon . and delusions of their class, imagined
See this remarkable passage, which does that they detected gleams ofa brighter
indeed not unfaithfully represent the doc- and steadier lore. They fancied an
trine of the Pythagorean and the Platonist affinity existing among all the works
in Tasso , cant. xiv. stanzas xli . to xlvii .
(Ger. Lib.) They are beautifully translated of Nature, and that in the lowliest lay
by Wiffen . the secret attraction that might
conduct them upward to the loftiest .* adore! For, as one not unlearned in
Centuries passed, and lives were these high matters has expressed it,
wasted in these discoveries ; but step . There is a principle of the soul
after step was chronicled and marked, superior to all external nature, and
and becamethe guide to the few who through this principle we are capable
alone had the hereditary privilege to of surpassing the order and systems
track their path. At last from this of the world, and participating the
dimness upon some eyes the light immortal life and the energy of the
broke ; but think not, young visionary, Sublime Celestials. When the soul is
that to those who nursed unholy elevated to natures above itself, it
thoughts, over whom the Origin of deserts the order to which it is awhile
Evil held a sway, that dawning was compelled, and by a religious magnet
vouchsafed. It could be given then , ism is attracted to another, and a
as now, only to the purest ecstasies of loftier, with which it blends and
imagination and intellect,undistracted mingles.'* Grant, then, that such
by the cares of a vulgar life, or the beings found at last the secret to arrest
appetites of the common clay. Far death-to fascinate danger and the
from descending to the assistance of foe - to walk the revolutions of the
a fiend, theirs was but the august earth unharmed ; think you that this
ambition to approach nearer to the life could teach them other desire
Fount of Good ; the more they eman- than to yearn the more for the
cipated themselves from this limbo of Immortal, and to fit their intellect
the planets, the more they were the better for the higher being to
penetrated by the splendour and which they might, when Time and
beneficence of God. And if they Death exist no longer, be transferred ?
sought, and at last discovered, how to Away with your gloomy phantasies
the eye of the Spirit all the subtler of sorcerer and dæmon !—the soul
modifications of being, and of matter can aspire only to the light ; and even
might be made apparent ; if they the error of our lofty knowledge was
discovered how, for the wings of the but the forgetfulness of the weakness,
Spirit, all space might be annihilated ; the passions, and the bonds, which
and while the body stood heavy and the death we so vainly conquered only
solid here, as a deserted tomb, the can purge away !”
freed Idea might wander from star This address was so different from
to star ;-if such discoveries became what Glyndon had anticipated, that
in truth their own, the sublimest he remained for some moments
luxury of their knowledge was but speechless, and at lenghfaltered
this — to wonder, to venerate, and out
“ But why, then, to me
* Agreeably , it would seem , to the notion “ Why,” added Zanoni ,“why to
of Iamblich us and Plotinus,that theuniverse thee have been only the penance and
is as an animal ; so that there is sympathy the terror-the Threshold and the
and communication between one part and Phantom ? Vain man ! look to the
the other ; in the smallest part may be the commonest elements of the commor
subtlest nerve . And hence the universal
magnetism of Nature.But man contem-/ learning. Can every tyro at his mere
plates the universe as an animalcule would wish and will become the master ?
an elephant. The animalcule,seeing scarcely can the student, when he has bought
the tip of the hoof, would be incapable of his Euclid, become a Newton ? -can
comprehending that the trunk belonged to
the same creature — that the effect produced
upon one extremity would be felt in an * From Iamblich , on the Mysteries, c . 7,
instant by the other. sect : 7 .
the youth whom the Muses haunt, / all human ties, all friendship, and all
say, ' I will equal Homer ?'-- yea, can love, or to see, day after day, friendship
yon pale tyrant, with all the parch- and love wither from our life, as
ment-lawsofa hundred system-shapers, blossoms from the stem ? Canst thou
and the pikes of his dauntless multi - wonder how, with the power to live
tude, carve, at his will, a constitution while the world shall last, ere even
not more vicious than the one which our ordinary date be finished we yet
the madness ofa mob could overthrow ? may prefer to die ? Wonder rather
When, in that far time to which I that there are two who have clung so
have referred , the student aspired to faithfully to earth ! Me , I confess,
the heights to which thou wouldst that earth can enamour yet. Attaining
have sprung at a single bound, he was to the last secret while youth was in
trained from his very cradle to the its bloom, youth still colours all around
career he was to run.The internal me with its own luxuriant beauty ; to
and the outward nature were made me, yet, to breathe is to enjoy. The
clear to his eyes, year after year, as freshness has not faded from the face
they opened on the day. He was of Nature, and not a*herb in which I
not admitted to the practical initiation cannot discover a new charm- an
till not one earthly wish chained that undetected wonder, “ As with my
sublimest faculty which you call the youth, so with Mejnour's age ; he will
IMAGINATION, one carnal desire clouded tell you, that life to him is but a
the penetrative essence that you call power to examine; and not till he
the INTELLECT. And even then, and has exhausted all the marvels which
at the best, how few attained to the the Creator has sown on earth, would
last mystery ! Happier inasmuch as he desire new habitations for the
they attained the earlier to the holy renewed Spirit to explore. We are
glories for which Death is the heaven- the types of the two essences of what
liest gate.” is imperishable - ' ART, that enjoys,
Zanoni paused, and a shade of and SCIENCE, that contemplates !'
thought and sorrow darkened his And now , that thou mayst be con
celestial beauty . tented that the secrets are not
“ And are there, indeed, others, vouchsafed to thee, learn that
besides thee and Mejnour, who lay so utterly must the idea detach
claim to thine attributes, and have itself from what makes up the occupa
attained to thy secrets ? " tion and excitement of men, so must
“Others there have been before us, it be void of whatever would covet,
but we two now are alone on earth .” or love, or hate ; that for the ambitious
Impostor ! thou betrayest thyself! man, for the lover, the hater, the
If they could conquer Death, why power avails not. And I, at last,
live they not yet ?” * bound and blinded by the most
“ Child of a day ! ” answered Zanoni, common of household ties — I, dark
mournfully, “ Have I not told thee ened and helpless, adjure thee, the
the error of our knowledge was the baffled and discontented - I adjure
forgetfulness of the desires and pas- thee to direct, to guide me ;-where
sionswhich the spiritnever can wholly are theyOh, tell me— speak ! My
and permanently conquer, while this wifemmy child ? Silent !-oh , thou
matter clokes it ? Canst thou think knowest now that I am no sorcerer,
that it is no sorrow , either to reject no enemy. I cannot give thee what
* Glyndon appears to forget that Mejnour thy faculties deny — I cannot achieve
had before answered the very question which what the passionless Mejnour failed
his dcubts, here, a second time suggest. to accomplish ; but I can give thee
the next best boon, perhaps the Rejoice, then !-thou hast over
fairest-- I can reconcile thee to the come the true terror and mystery of
daily world, and place peace between the ordeal. Resolve is the first suc
thy conscience and thyself.”. cess. Rejoice, for the exorcism is
Wilt thou promise ? ” sure ! Thou art not of those who,
denying a life to come, are the
By their sweet lives, I promise ! ” |
Glyndon looked and believed. He victims of the Inexorable Horror.
whispered the address to the house Oh, when shall men learn, at last,
whither his fatal step already had that if the Great Religion inculcates
brought woe and doom. so rigidly the necessity of faith, it is
“ Bless thee for this,” exclaimed not alone that FAITH leads to the
Zanoni, passionately, “ and thou shalt world to be ; but that without faith
be blessed ! What ! couldst thou not there is no excellence in this — faith
perceive that at the entrance to all in something wiser, happier, diviner,
the grander worlds dwell the race than we see on earth !--the Artist
that intimidate and awe ? Who in calls it the Ideal—the Priest, Faith .
thy daily world ever left the old The Ideal and Faith are one and the
regions of Custom and Prescription, same. Return, 0 wanderer ! return.
and felt not the first seizure of the Feel what beauty and holiness dwell
shapeless and nameless Fear ? Every- in the Customary and the Old. Back
where around thee, where men aspire to thy gateway glide, ou Horror !
and labour, though they see it not, and calm, on the childlike heart,
in the closet of the sage, in the coun- smile again, O azure Heaven , with
cil of the demagogue, in the camp of thy night and thy morning-star but
the warrior ,—everywhere cowers and as one, though under its double name
darkens the Unutterable Horror. But of Memory and Hope ? ”
there, where thou hast ventured, alone As he thus spoke, Zanoni laid his
is the phantom visible ; and never will hand gently on the burning temples
it cease to haunt, till thou canst pass of his excited and wondering listener;
to the Infinite, as the seraph,orreturn and presently a sort of trance came
to the Familiar, as a child ! But over him : he imagined that he was
answer me this,—When, seeking to returned to the home of his infancy ;
adhere to some calm resolve of virtue, that he was in the small chamber
the Phantom hath stalked suddenly to where, over his early slumbers, his
thy side ; when its voice hath whis- mother had watched and prayed.
pered thee despair ; when its ghastly There it was - visible , palpable, soli
eyes would scare thee back to those tary, unaltered. In the recess, 'the
scenes of earthly craft or riotous homely bed ; on the walls, the shelves
excitement, from which, as it leaves filled with holy books ; the very easel
thee to worse foes to the soul, its on which he had first sought to call
presence is ever absent, hast thou the ideal to the canvas, dust-covered,
never bravely resisted the spectre and broken, in the corner. Below the
thine own horror ?-hast thou never window lay the old churchyard ; he
said, Come what may, to Virtue I saw it green in the distance, the sun
will cling ? ' ” glancing through the yew trees ; he
“ Alas !” answered Glyndon, “only saw the tomb where father and
of late have I dared to do so ." mother lay united, and the spire
" And thou hast felt then that the pointing up to Heaven, the symbol
Phantom grew more dim and its of the hopes those who consigned
power more faint." the ashes to the dust ; in his ear
" It is true. " rang the bells, pealing, as on a
272 ZANONI .
sabbath day ; far fled all the visions man will guide thee to a retreat
of anxiety and awe that had haunted where thou mayst rest in safety, till
and convulsed ; youth , boyhood, the Reign of Terror, which nears its
childhood, came back to him with close, be past. Think no more of
innocent desires and hopes ; he the sensual love that lured, and well
thought he fell upon his knees to nigh lost, thee. It betrayed, and
pray. He woke—be woke in deli- would have destroyed. Thou wilt
cious tears ; he felt that the phantom regain thy land in safety, —long years
was fled for ever . He looked round- yet spared to thee to muse over the
Zanoni was gone. On the table lay past, and to redeem it. For thy
these lines, the ink yet wet : future, be thy dream thy guide, and
“ I will find ways and means for thy tears thy baptism .”
thy escape. At nightfall, as the clock The Englishman obeyed the injunc
strikes nine, a boat shall wait thee on tions of the letter, and found their
the river before this house, the boat- | truth .
* * * *
just arrested by the order of Robes
* * *
pierre. He was known to be in the
service of Tallien, that hostile leader
“ She is in one of their prisons — their in the Convention, whom the tyrant
inexorable prisons. It is Robes- had hitherto trembled to attack .
pierre's order—I have tracked the This incident had therefore produced
cause to Glyndon. This, then, made a greater excitement than a circum
that terrible connexion between their stance so customary as an arrest in
fates which I could not unravel, but the Reign of Terror might be sup
which (till severed as it now is) posed to create. Amongst the crowd
wrapped Glyndon himself in the same were many friends of Tallien , many
cloud that concealed her. In prison- foes to the tyrant, many weary of
in prison !-it is the gate of the beholding the tiger dragging victim
grave ! Her trial, and the inevitable after victim to its den . Hoarse, fore
execution that follows such trial , is boding murmurs were heard ; fierce
the third day from this. The tyrant | eyes glared upon the officers as they
has fixed all his schemes of slaughter seized their prisoner ; and though
for the 10th of Thermidor. While they did not yet dare openly to resist,
the deaths of the unoffending strike those in the rear pressed on those
awe to the city, his satellites are to behind, and encumbered the path of
massacre his foes. There is but one the captive and his captors . The
hope left — that the Power which now young man struggled hard for escape,
dooms the doomer, may render me and, by a violent effort, at last
an instrument to expedite his fall. wrenched himself from the grasp.
But two days left - two days ! In all The crowd made way , and closed
my wealth of time I see but two round to protect him, as he dived
days ; all beyond - darkness--- solitude. and darted through their ranks; but
I may save her yet. The tyrant shall suddenly the trampling of horses was
fall the day before that which he has heard at hand — the savage Henriot
set apart for slaughter ! For the first and his troop were bearing down
time I mix among the broils and upon the mob. The crowd gave way
stratagems of men, and my mind in alarm , and the prisoner was again
leaps up from my despair, armed and seized by one of the partisans of the
eager for the contest." Dictator. At that moment a voice
* *
* *
whispered the prisoner— “ Thou hast
a letter, which, if found on thee,
A crowd had gathered round the ruins thy last hope. Give it to me !
Rue St. Honoré-a young man was I will hear it to Tallien .” The pri.
soner turned in amaze, read some
Why wonder that I have so many forms thing that encouraged him in the
in a single body ? eyes of the stranger who thus accosted
No. 276. T
274 ZANONI .
him ; the troop were now on the instantly on business that brooked no
spot ; the Jacobin who had seized the delay.
prisoner released hold of him for a “ I am not at leisure,” said the
moment, to escape the hoofs of the crator, impatiently. The servant
horses,—in that moment the oppor- placed a note on the table. Tallien
tunity was found — the stranger had opened it, and found these words in
disappeared. * * *
pencil, “ From the prison of Teresa
de Fontenai." He turned pale,
* * * *
started up, and hastened to the ante
At the house of Tallien the prin- room, where he beheld a face entirely
cipal foes of the tyrant were assem- strange to him .
bled. Common danger made common “ Hope of France !” said the visitor
fellowship. All factions laid aside to him , and the very sound of his
their feuds for the hour to unite voice went straight to the heart
against the formidable man who was your servant is arrested in the
marching over all factions to his streets. I have saved your life , and
gory throne. There, was bold that of your wife who will be. I bring
Lecointre, the declared enemy - to you this letter from Teresa de
there, creeping Barrère, who would Fontenai.”
reconcile all extremes, the hero of the Tallien, with a trembling hand, 1
cowards ; Barras, calm and collected- opened the letter, and read— “ Am I
Collot d'Herbois, breathing wrath for ever to implore you in vain ? Again
and vengeance, and seeing not that and again I say - Lose not an hour,
the crimes of Robespierre alone shel- if you value my life and your own.
tered his own. My trial and death are fixed the
The council was agitated and irre- third day from this — the 10th Ther
solute. The awe which the uniform midor. Strike while it is yet time
success, and the prodigious energy of strike the monster !—you have two
Robespierre excited, still held the days yet. If you fail — if you pro
greater part under its control. crastinate - see me for the last time
Tallien, whom the tyrant most feared , as I pass your windows to the
and who alone could give head and guillotine ?” 66
substance and direction to so many · Her trial will give proof against
contradictory passions, was too sullied you ," said the stranger. “ Her death
by the memory of his own cruelties, is the herald of your own. Fear not
not to feel embarrassed by his position the populace—the populace would
as the champion of mercy. “ It is have rescued your servant. Fear
true,” he said, after an animating not Robespierre – he gives him
harangue from Lecointre, “ that the self to your hands. To-morrow he
Usurper menaces us all . But he is comes to the Convention - to -morrow ,
still so beloved by his mobs—still so you must cast the last throw for his
supported by his Jacobins — better head or your own.”
delay open hostilities till the hour is “ To -morrow he comes to the Con
more ripe. To attempt and not succeed vention ! And who are you, that know
is to give us, bound hand and foot, to so well what is concealed from me ? "
the guillotine. Every day his power A man , like you, who would save
heard tidings -- no matter what,” he them most was, that no voice replied
cried, “ that have changed my pur- no hand was lifted against him-no
pose. On the 10th we are destined minion, even of the tyrant, cried,
to the guillotine. I revoke my “ Arrest the Traitor.” In that impu
counsel for delay. Robespierre comes nity men read, as in a book, that the
to the Convention to-morrow ; there populacehad deserted theman of blood.
we must confront and crush him. Once only a fierce, brawny Jacobin
From the Mountain shall frown sprung up from the table at which he
against him the grim shade of sat, drinking deep, and , approaching
Danton — from the Plain shall rise, in the stranger, said, “ I seize thee, in
their bloody cerements, the spectres the name of the Republic.”
of Vergniaud and Condorcet. Frap- “ Citizen Aristides,”, answered the
pons !! stranger, in a whisper, " go to the
“ Frappons ! ” cried even Barrère, lodgings of Robespierre ; he is from
startled into energy by the new daring home, and in the left pocket of the
of his colleague . Frappons ! il n'y vest, which he cast off not an hour
a que les morts qui ne reviennent pas.” since, thou wilt find a paper ; when
It was observable ( and the fact may thou hast read that, return. I will
be found in one of the memoirs of await thee : and if thou wouldst then
the time) that, during that day and seize me, I will go without a struggle.
night (the 7th Thermidor), a stranger Look round on those lowering brows,
to all the previous events of that touch me now , and thou wilt be torn
stormy time was seen in various parts to pieces . ”
of the city — in the cafés, the clubs, The Jacobin felt as if compelled
the haunts of the various factions — to obey against his will. He went
that, to the astonishment and dismay forth muttering : he returned, the
of his hearers, he talked aloud of the stranger was still there : “ Mille
crimes of Robespierre, and predicted tonnerres,” he said to him—“ I thank
his coming fall ; and as he spoke, he thee ; the poltroon had my name in
stirred up the hearts of men , he his list for the guillotine.” $
loosed the bonds of their fear, he With that the Jacobin Aristides
inflamed them with unwonted rage sprung upon the table,and shouted ,
and daring. But what surprised “ Death to the Tyrant !”
Auprès d'un corps aussi avili que la Convention il restait des chances pour que
Robespierre sortit vainqueur de cette lutte. * - LACRETELLE, vol. xii.
As Robespierre left the hall, there gardens set apart for the old. David
was a dead and ominous silence in is already designing the porticos.
the crowd without. The herd, in Virtuous men shall be appointed to
every country, side with success ; and instruct the young. All vice and
the rats run from the falling tower. disorder shall be not exterminated ;
But Robespierre, who wanted courage, no, no ! only banished ! We must
never wanted pride, and the last often not die yet. Posterity cannot judge
supplied the place of the first : us till our work is done. We have
thoughtfully, and with an impene- recalled L'Etre Suprême ; we must
trable brow , he passed through the now remodel this corrupted world.
throng, leaning on St. Just, Payan All shall be love and brotherhood ;
and his brother following him. and - ho ! Simon ! Simon !-hold !
As they got into the open space, Your pencil, St. Just ! ” AndThis
Robespierre abruptly brokethesilence. pierre wrote hastily. “ to
“ How many heads were to fall Citizen President Dumas. Go with
upon the tenth ?” it quick, Simon . These eighty heads
Eighty ,” replied Payan. must fall to -morrow - to -morrow ,
Ah, we must not tarry so long ; Simon. Dumas will advance their
a day may lose an empire; terrorism trial a day . I will write to Fouquier
must serve us yet ! ” . Tinville, the public accuser. We
He was silent a few moments, and meet at the Jacobins, to -night,Simon ;
his eyes roved suspiciously through there, we will denounce the Conven
the street. tion itself; there we will rally round us
" St. Just,” he said , abruptly, “ they the lastfriends of liberty and France.”
have not found this Englishman, A shout was heard in the distance
whose revelations or whose trial behind— “ Vive la république ! ”
would have crushed the Amars and The tyrant's eye shot a vindictive
the Talliens. No, no ! my Jacobins gleam . “ The republic !—faugh ! We
themselves are growing dull and did not destroy the throne of a thou
blind . But they have seized a sand years for that canaille ! ”
woman - only a woman !” The trial, the execution of the
" A woman's hand stabbed Marat,” victims is advanced a day ! By the
said St. Just. Robespierre stopped aid of the mysterious intelligence
short, and breathed hard. that had guided and animated him
" St. Just,” said he, “ when this hitherto, Zanoni learned that his arts
peril is past, we will found the Reign had been in vain . He knew that
of Peace. There shall be homes and Viola was safe, if she could but sur
vive an hour the life of the tyrant.
. * Amongst a body so debased as the Con. He knew that Robespierre's hours
vention , there still remained some chances
that Robespierre would come off victor in were numbered ; that the tenth of
the struggle. Thermidor, on which he had originally
280 ZANONI .
designed the execution of his last | Vain seer, who wouldst make thyself
victims, would see himself at the the instrument of the Eternal, the
scaffold . Zanoni had toiled, had very dangers that now beset the
schemed for the fall of the Butcher tyrant but expedite the doom of his
and his reign. To what end ? victims ! To -morrow , eighty heads,
A single word from the tyrant had and hers whose pillow has been thy
baffled the result of all. The exe- heart ! To-morrow ! and Maximilien
cution of Viola is advanced a day. I is safe to-night ! .
Erde mag zurück in Erde stäuben,
Fliegt der Geist doch aus dem morschen Haus !
Seine Asche mag der Sturmwind treiben ,
Sein Leben dauert ewig aus ! *
boons ! Now I seize and wrap thee hours longer the sunlight and the
with the pestilence of my presence ; dews ! Silent ! Art thou ready for
now , evermore, till thy long race is the sacrifice ? See, the moon moves
run, mine eyes shall glow into thy up through Heaven. Beautiful and
brain , and mine arms shall clasp thee , wise one, wilt thou bid her smile to
when thou wouldst take the wings of morrow on thy headless clay ?"
the Morning, and flee from the “ Back ! for my soul, in answering
embrace of Night ! ” thee from depths where thou canst
“ I tell thee, no ! And again I not hear it, has regained its glory ;
compel thee, speak and answer to the and I hear the wings of Adon -Ai
lord who can command his slave. I gliding musical through the air . ”
know, though my lore fails me, and the He spoke ; and, with a low shriek
reeds on which I leaned pierce my side,
of baffled rage and hate, the Thing
I know yet that it is written that the
was gone, and through the room
life of which I question can be savedrushed , luminous and sudden, the
from the headsman. Thou wrappest Presence of silvery light.
her future in the darkness of thy As the Heavenly visitor stood in
shadow, but thou canst not shape it. the atmosphere of his own lustre, and
Thou mayst foreshow the antidote ; looked upon the face of the Theurgist
thou canst not effect the bane. From with an aspect of ineffable tenderness
thee I wring the secret, though it and love, all space seemed lighted
torture thee to name it. I approach from his smile. Along the blue air
thee I look dauntless, into thine without, from that chamber in which
eyes. The soul that loves can dare his wings had halted, to the farthest
all things. Shadow, I defy thee, and star in the azure distance, it seemed
compel ! ” as if the track of his flight were
The spectre waned and recoiled. visible, by a lengthened splendour in
Like a vapour that lessens as the the air, like the column of moonlight
sun pierces and pervades it, the form on the sea. Like the flower that
shrunk cowering and dwarfed in the diffuses perfume as the very breath of
dimmer distance, and through the its life, so the emanation of that
casement again rushed the stars. presence was joy. Over the world, as
“ Yes," said the Voice, with a faint a million times swifter than light,
and hollow accent, “ thou canst save than electricity, the Son of Glory had
her from the headsman ; for it is sped his way to the side of love, his
written, that sacrifice can save. Ha ! wings had scattered delight as the
ha !” And the shape again suddenly morning scatters dew. For that
dilated into the gloom of its giant brief moment, Poverty had ceased to
stature, and its ghastly laugh exulted,mourn, Disease fled from its prey ,
as if the Foe, a moment baffled, had and Hope breathed a dream of
regained its might . “ Ha ! ha !— Heaven into the darkness of Despair .
thou canst save her life, if thou wilt “ Thou art right,” said the melo
sacrifice thine own ! Is it for this dious Voice. • Thy courage has
thou hast lived on through crumbling restored thy power. Once more, in
empires and countless generations of the haunts of earth , thy soul charms
thy race ? At last shall Death re- me to thy side. Wiser now, in the
claim thee ? Wouldst thou save moment when thou comprehendest
her ?—die for her ! Fall, O stately Death, than when thy unfettered
column, over which stars yet un- spirit learned the solemn mystery of
formed may gleam --fall, that the Life ; the human affections that
herb at thy base may drink a few thralled and humbled thee awhile
bring to thee, in these last hours of of celestial pity, “ what, with all thy
thy mortality, the sublimest heritage wisdom and thy starry secrets, with
of thy race—the eternity that com- all thy empire of the past, and thy
mences from the grave.” visions of the future — what art thou
“ O Adon -Ai,” said the Chaldæan , to the All-Directing and Omniscient ?
as , circumfused in the splendour of Canst thou yet imagine that thy
the visitant, à glory more radiant presence on earth can give to the
than human beauty settled round his hearts thou lovest the shelter which
form , and seemed already to belong the humblest take from the wings of
to the eternity of which the Bright the Presence that lives in Heaven ?
One spoke, “as men, before they die, Fear not thou for their future .
see and comprehend the enigmas Whether thou live or die, their future
hidden from them, before, * so in this is the care of the Most High ! In the
hour, when the sacrifice of self to dungeon and on the scaffold looks
another brings the course of ages to everlasting the Eye of Him, tenderer
its goal, I see the littleness of Life, than thou to love, wiser than thou to
compared to the majesty of Death ; guide, mightier than thou to save !"
but oh , Divine Consoler, even here, Zanoni bowed his head ; and when
even in thy presence, the affections he looked up again , the last shadow
that inspire me, sadden . To leave had left his brow. The visitor was
behind me in this bad world, unaided, gone ; but still the glory ofhispresence
unprotected, those for whom I die ! seemed to shine upon the spot ; still
the wife ! the child ! oh, speak the solitary air seemed to murmur
comfort to me in this ! ” with tremulous delight. And thus
“ And what,” said the visitor, with ever shall it be with those who have
a slight accent of reproof in the tone once, detaching themselves utterly
from life, received the visit of the
* The greatest Poet, and one of the Angel Faith. Solitude and space
noblest thinkers, of thelast age, said, on his retain the splendour, and it settles
death -bed , “Many things obscure to me like a halo round their graves.
before, now clear up, and become visible . ”
He stood upon the lofty balcony that ,orb ripening into shape, and planets
overlooked the quiet city. Though starting from the central fire, to run
afar, the fiercest passions of men were their day of ten thousand years. For
at work on the web of strife and doom , everywhere in creation is the breath
all that gave itself to his view was of theCreator, and in every spot, where
calm and still in the rays of the the breath breathes is life ! And alone,
summermoon for his soul waswrapped in the distance, the lonely man beheld
from man and man's narrow sphere, his Magian brother. There, at work
and only the serener glories of crea- with his numbers and his cabala,
tion were present to the vision of the amidst the wrecks of Rome,passionless
seer, There he stood, alone and and calm, sat in his cell the mystic
thoughtful, to take the last farewell Mejnour; living on, living ever while
of the wondrous life that he had the world lasts, indifferent whether
known . his knowledge produces weal or woe ;
Coursing through the fields ofspace, a mechanical agent of a more tender
he beheld the gossamer shapes, whose and a wiser Will, that guides every
choral joys his spirit had so often spring to its inscrutable designs.
shared. There, group upon group, Living on - living ever - as Science
they circled in the starry silence mul- that cares alone for knowledge, and
tiform in the unimaginable beauty of a halts not to consider how knowledge
being fed by ambrosial dews and advances happiness ; how Human
serenest light. In his trance, all the Improvement, rushing through civili
universe stretched visible beyond ; in sation , crushes in its march all who
the green valleys afar, he saw the cannot grapple to its wheels ; * ever,
dances of the fairies ; in the bowels of
the mountains, he beheld the race * “ You colonise the lands of the savage
that breathe the lurid air of the volca- with the Anglo-Saxon - you cívilise that
noes, and hide from the light of portion of the earth ; but is the savage
Heaven ; on every leaf in the number civilised ? He is exterminated ! You accu
less forests, in every drop of the mulate machinery - you increase the total of
unmeasured seas, he surveyed its wealth : but what becomes of the labour
you displace ? One generation is sacrificed
separate and swarming world ; far up, to the next. You diffuse knowledge and
in the farthest blue, he saw orb upon the world seems to grow brighter ; but Dis
with its cabala and its numbers, lives my visions could foresee. Betimes,
on to change, in its bloodless move- as the mortal part was strengthened
ments, the face of the habitable against disease , to have purified the
world ! spiritual from every sin ; to have led
And, “ Oh, farewell to life !” mur- thee,heaven upon heaven , through the
mured the glorious dreamer. “ Sweet, holy ecstasies which make up the
O life ! hast thou been to me. How existence of the orders that dwell on
fathomless thy joys— how rapturously high ; to have formed, from thy
has mysoul bounded forth upon the sublime affections, the pure and ever
upward paths ! To him wh for ever living communication between thy
renews his youth in the clear fount of mother and myself. The dream was
Nature, how exquisite is the mere but a dream — it is no more ! In sight
happiness to be ! Farewell, ye lamps myself of the grave, I feel, at last ,
of heaven , and ye million tribes, the that through the portals of the grave
Populace of Air. Not a mote in the lies the true initiation into the holy
beam, not a herb on the mountain , and the wise. Beyond those . portals
not a pebble on the shore, not a seed I await ye both, beloved pilgrims !”
far-blown into the wilderness, but From his numbers and his cabala,
contributed to the lore that sought in in his cell, amidst the wrecks of Rome,
all, the true principle of life, the Mejnour, startled, looked up, and,
Beautiful, the Joyous, the Immortal. through the spirit, felt that the spirit
To others, a land, a city, a hearth, has of his distant friend addressed him.
been a home ; my home has been “ Fare thee well for ever upon this
wherever the intellect could pierce, or earth ! Thy last companion forsakes
the spirit could breathe the air. " thy side. Thine age survives the
He paused, and through the im- youth of all ; and the Final Day shall
measurable space, his eyes and his find theestill the contemplater of our
heart, penetrating the dismal dungeon, tombs. I go with my free-will into
rested on his child. He saw it slum- the land of darkness ; but new suns
bering in the arms of the pale mother, and systems blaze around us from the
and his soul spoke to the sleeping grave. I go where the souls of those
soul. Forgive me, if my desire was for whom I resign the clay shall be
sin ; I dreamed to have reared and my co-mates through eternal youth.
nurtured thee to the divinest destinies At last, I recognise the true ordeal
content at Poverty replaces Ignorance,happy
with its crust. Every improvement , every
downthy elixirvictory.
and the real ; lay byMejnour,
thy loadcast
advancement in civilisation , injures some, years ! Wherever the soul can wander,
to benefit others, and either cherishes the the Eternal Soul of all things protects
want of to-day, or prepares the revolution of it still ! "
It was late that night, and Réné- de Lamballe, and had risen to his
François Dumas, President of the present rank for no quality but his
Revolutionary Tribunal, had re-entered ruffianism ; and Fouquier-Tinville,the
his cabinet, on his return from the son of a provincial agriculturist, and
Jacobin club. With him were two afterwards a clerk at the Bureau of the
men who might be said to represent, Police, was little less base in his
the one the moral, the other the manners, and yet more, from a certain
physical force of the Reign of Terror : loathsome buffoonery, revolting in his
Fouquier-Tinville, the Public Accuser, speech ; bull-headed, with black, sleek
and François Henriot, the General of hair, with a narrow and livid forehead,
the Parisian National Guard. This with small eyes , that twinkled with a
formidable triumvirate were assembled sinister malice; strongly and coarsely
to debate on the proceedings of the built, he looked what he was, the
nextday ; and the three sister-witches, audacious Bully of a lawless and
over their hellish caldron , were scarcely relentless Bar.
animated by a more fiend- like spirit, Dumas trimmed the candles, and
or engaged in more execrable designs, bent over the list of the victims for
than these three heroes of the revolu- the morrow.
tion in their premeditated massacre “ It is a long catalogue," said the
of the morrow . President ; “ eighty trials for one
Dumas was but little altered in day ! And Robespierre's orders to
appearance since, in the earlier part despatch the whole fournée are
of this narrative, he was presented to unequivocal.”
the reader, except that his manner “ Pooh ! ” said Fouquier, with a
was somewhat more short and severe, coarse , loud laugh ; wemust try them
and his eye yet more restless. But he en masse. I know how to deal with
seemed almost a superior being by the our jury. ' Je pense, Citoyens, que
side of his associates. Réné-Dumas, vous êtes convaincus du crime des
born of respectable parents, and well- accusés ? ' * Ha ! ha !-the longer
educated, despite his ferocity, was not the list, the shorter the work .”
without a certain refinement, which " Oh, yes,” growled out Henriot,
perhaps rendered him the more with an oath, as usual, half drunk ,
acceptable to the precise and formal and lolling on his chair, with his
Robespierre. But Henriot had been spurred heels on the table— “ little
a lackey, a thief, a spy of the police ; Tinville is the man for despatch.”
he had drunk the blood of Madame “ Citizen Henriot ,” said Dumas,
gravely, “permit me to request thee
They would not lose anothermoment of to select another footstool ; and for
so precious a night.
+ Dumas was a Beau in his way. His gala
dress was a blood -red coat, with the finest * I think, citizens, that you are con
ruffies. vinced of the crime of the accused .
the rest, let me warn thee that reprimand from the representative of
to-morrow is a critical and important Republican Law. Seriously, mon cher,
day ; one that will decide the fate of thou must be sober for the next three
France . " or four days ; after the crisis is over,
“ A fig for little France ! Vive le thou and I will drink a bottle together.
Vertueux Robespierre, la Colonne de la Come, Dumas, relax thine austerity,
République !* Plague on this talking ; and shake hands with our friend.
it is dry work . Hast thou no eau de No quarrels amongst ourselves !”
vie in that little cupboard ? ” . Dumas hesitated, and extended his
Dumas and Fouquier exchanged hand , which the ruffian clasped ; and,
looks of disgust. Dumas shrugged maudlin tears succeeding his ferocity,
his shoulders, and replied he half sobbed , half hiccupped forth
“ It is to guard thee against eau de his protestations of civism and his
vie, Citizen General Henriot, that I promises of sobriety.
have requested thee to meet me here. “ Well, we depend on thee, mon
Listen, if thou canst ! ” Général,” said Dumas ; " and now ,
Oh , talk away! thy métier is to since we shall all have need of vigour
talk , mine to fight and to drink.” for tomorrow, go home and sleep
“ Tomorrow , I tell thee then, the soundly.”
populace will be abroad ; all factions Yes, I forgive thee, Dumas-I
will be astir. It is probable enough forgive thee. I am not vindictive
that they will even seek to arrest our I ! but still, if a man threatens me
tumbrils on their way to the guillotine. if a man insults me ” -And , with
Have thymen armed and ready ; keep the quick changes of intoxication,
the streets clear ; cut down without again his eyes gleamed fire through
mercy whomsoever may obstruct the their foul tears. With some difficulty,
ways .” Fouquier succeeded at last in soothing
“ I understand ;” said Henriot, the brute, and leading him from the
striking his sword so loudly that chamber. But still, as some wild
Dumas half started at the clank— beast disappointed of a prey , he
“ Black Henriot is no‘Indulgent.”” growled and snarled, as his heavy
“ Look to it, then , Citizen-look tread descended the stairs. A tall
to it ! And hark thee, ” he added, trooper, mounted, was leading Hen
with a grave and sombre brow , " if riot's horse to and fro the streets ;
thou wouldst keep thine own head on and as the General waited at the
thy shoulders, beware of the eau porch till his attendant turned, ą
de vie." stranger stationed by the wall ac
“ My own head !-sacre mille ton costed him
nerres ! Dost thou threaten the “ General Henriot, I have desired
General of the Parisian army ? ” to speak with thee. Next to Robes
Dumas, like Robespierre, a precise, pierre, thou art or shouldst be, the
atrabilious, and arrogant man, was most powerful man in France.”
about to retort, when the craftier “ Hem !-yes, I ought to be. What
Tinville laid his hand on his arm , then ?—every man has not his deserts!"
and , turning to the General, said , “ Hist ! ” said the stranger, “ thy
“ My dear Henriot, thy dauntless pay is scarcely suitable to thy rank
republicanism , which is too ready to and thy wants."
give offence, must learn to take a “ That is true.”
“ Even in a revolution , a man takes
* Long life to the virtuous Robespierre , care of his fortunes !”
the pillar of the Republic, “ Diable ! speak out, Citizen,”,
“ I have a thousand pieces of gold " I was too hasty ; and now I think
with me they are thine if thou wilt we have nothing further to do, since
grant me one small favour." we have arranged to make short work
“ Citizen , I grant it !” said Henriot, with our fournée of to -morrow . I see
waving his hand majestically. " Is in the list a knave I have long
it to denounce some rascal who has marked out, though his crime once
offended thee ? " procured me a legacy – Nicot, the
“ No ; it is simply this :-write Hébertist. ”
these words to President Dumas- “ And young André Chenier, the
‘ Admit the bearer to thy presence ; Poet ? Ah, I forgot; we beheaded
and if thou canst grant him the him to-day ! Revolutionary virtue is
request he will make to thee, it will at its acmé. His own brother aban .
be an inestimable obligation to doned him !" *
François Henriot. ”” The stranger, “ There is a foreigner - an Italian
as he spoke, placed pencil and tablets woman — in the list ; but I can find
in the shaking hands of the soldier . no charge made out against her. "
“ And where is the gold ? ” “ All the same; we must execute
“ Here.” her for the sake of the round num
With some difficulty, Henriot ber ; eighty sounds better than seventy
scrawled the words dictated to him, nine !"
clutched the gold, mounted his horse, Here a huissier brought a paper,
and was gone. on which was written the request of
Meanwhile Fouquier, when he had Henriot.
closed the door upon Henriot, said “ Ah ! this is fortunate, " said
sharply—“ How canst thou be so Tinville, to whom Dumas chucked
mad" as to incense that brigand ? the scroll— “ grant the prayer by all
Knowest thou not that our laws are means ; so at least that itdoes notlessen
nothing without the physical force of our bead-roll. But I will do Henriot
the National Guard , and that he is the justice to say, that he never asks
their leader ?” to let off, but to put on. Good night !
“ I know this, that Robespierre I am worn out - my escort waits
must have been mad to place that below . Only on such an occasion
drunkard at their head ; and mark would I venture forth in the streets
my words, Fouquier, if the struggle at night.” † And Fouquier, with a
come, it is that man's incapacity and long yawn , quitted the room .
cowardice that will destroy us. Yes,
thou mayst live thyself to accuse thy * His brother is said , indeed , to have
of was
beloved Robespierre, and to perish in contributed to the condemnation He
virtuous and illustrious person.
his fall."
“ For all that, we must keep well beard to cry aloud- Simon frère est coup
able, qu'il perisse .” ( If my brother be
with Henriot till we can find the occa- culpable, let him die.) This brother,
sion to seize and behead him. To be Marie - Joseph, also a poet, and the author
safe, we must fawn on those who are of “ Charles IX .," so celebrated in the earlier
still in power; and fawn the more, the days ofthe revolution, enjoyed, of course,
according to the wonted justice of the world,
more we would depose them. Do not a triumphant career ; and was proclaimed
think this, Henriot, when he wakes in the Champ de Mars, “ le premier des
to -morrow will forget thy threats. poëtes Français," a title dueto his murdered
He is the most revengeful of human bro:her.
† During the latter part of the Reign of
beings. Thou mustsend, and soothe Terror,Fouquier rarely stirredout at night,
him in the morning !” .
and never without an escort. In the Reign
Right,” said Dumas , convinced . of Terror, those most terrified were its kings
“ Admit the bearer ! ” said Dumas, your heart's blood ' - was at my
who, withered and dried , as lawyers bidding. Think not, austere judge,
in practice mostly are, seemed to that I come to ask a boon that can
require as little sleep as his parch- affect yourself — I come but to ask a
ments. day's respite for another !”
The stranger entered . “ Citizen, it is impossible ! I have
“Réné-François Dumas ,” said he, the order of Robespierre that not one
seating himself opposite to the Presi- less than the total on my list must
dent ; and markedly adopting the undergo their trial for to -morrow .
plural, as if in contempt of the revo- As for the verdict, that rests with
lutionary jargon ; "amidst the excite- the jury ! ”
ment and occupations of your later life, “ I do not ask you to diminish the
I know not if you can remember that catalogue. Listen still ! In your
we have met before ?" death - roll there is the name of an
The judge scanned the features of Italian woman, whose youth, whose
his visitor, and a pale blush settled beauty, and whose freedom , not only
on his sallow cheeks— “ Yes, Citizen , from every crime, but every tangible
I remember !" charge, will excite only compassion ,
“ And you recal the words I then and not terror. Even you would
uttered ! You spoke tenderly and tremble to pronounce her sentence.
philanthropically of your horror of It will be dangerous on a day when
capital executions — you exulted in the populace will be excited, when
the approaching Revolution as the your tumbrils may be arrested, to
termination of all sanguinary punish- expose youth and innocence and
ments -- you quoted reverently the beauty to the pity and courage of a
saying of Maximilien Robespierre , revolted crowd.”
the rising statesman , ' the executioner Dumas looked up, and shrunk from
is the invention of the tyrant ;' and I the eye of the stranger.
replied, that while you spoke, a fore- “ I do not deny, Citizen, that there
boding seized methat we should meet is reason in what thou urgest. But
again when your ideas of death and my orders are positive.”
the philosophy of revolutions might “ Positive only as to the number of
be changed ! Was . I right, Citizen the victims. I offer you a substitute
Réné-François Dumas, President of for this one. I offer you the head of
the Revolutionary Tribunal ? " a man who knows all of the very
“ Pooh ! ” said Dumas, with some conspiracy which now threatens Robes
confusion on his brazen brow , “ I pierre and yourself ; and compared
spoke then as men speak who have with one clue to which, you would
not acted. Revolutions are notmade think even eighty ordinary lives a
with rose -water ! But truce to the cheap purchase.”
gossip of the long -ago. I remember, “ That alters the case,” said Dumas,
also , that thou didst then save the eagerly ; " if thou canst do this, on
life of my relation , and it will please my own responsibility I will postpone
thee to learn that his intended mur- the trial of the Italian. Now name
derer will be guillotined to -morrow .” the proxy !"
“ That concerns yourself — your You behold him ! ”
justice or your revenge. Permit me “ Thou ! ” exclaimed Dumas, while
the egotism to remind you , that you a fear he could not conceal betrayed
then promised that if ever a day itself through his surprise . “ Thou !
should come when you could serve —and thou comest to me alone at
me, your life - yes, the phrase was, night, to offer thyself to justice. Ha !
No. 277. U 19
290 ZANONI .
-this is a snare . Tremble, fool ! Well,” he said, then, forcing a
thou art in my power, and I can have smile to his lips ; " I promised I
both ! " would serve you ; see , I am faithful
“ You can ,” said the stranger, with to my word. I suppose that you are
a calm smile of disdain ; “ but my one of those fools of feeling — those
life is valueless without my revela- professors of anti-revolutionary virtue,
tions. Sit still, I command you , of whom I have seen not a few before
hear me !” and the light in those my bar. Faugh ! it sickens me to
dauntless eyes spell-bound and awed see those who make a merit of
the judge. “ You will remove me to incivism, and perish to save some
the Conciergerie — you will fix my bad patriot, because it is a son, or a
trial, under the name of Zanoni, father, or a wife, or a daughter , who
amidst your fournée of to -morrow . is saved .”
If I do not satisfy you by my speech , “ I am one of those fools of feeling ,"
you hold the woman I die to save as said the stranger, rising. “ You have
your hostage. It is but the reprieve divined aright.”
for her of a single day that I demand. “ And wilt thou not, in return for
The day following the morrow , I shall my mercy, utter to-night the reve
be dust, and you may wreak your lations thou wouldst proclaim to
vengeance on the life that remains. morrow ? Come ; and, perhaps, thou
Tush ! Judge and condemner of too -nay , the woman also, may
thousands, do you hesitate - do you receive not reprieve, but pardon.”
imagine that the man who volun- “ Before your tribunal, and there
tarily offers himself to death, will be alone ! Nor will I deceive you,
daunted into uttering one syllable at President. My information may avail
your bar against his will ? Have you you not ; and even while I show the
not had experience enough of the cloud, the bolt may fall .”
inflexibility of pride and courage ? Tush - Prophet, look to thyself!
President, I place before you the ink Go, madman ; go. I know, too well,
and implements ! Write to the gaoler, the contumacious obstinacy of the
a reprieve of one day for the woman class to which I suspect thou belongest
whose life can avail you nothing, and to waste further words. Diable ! but
I will bear the order to my own prison ye grow so accustomed to look on
- I, who can now tell this much as death, that ye forget the respect ye
an earnest of what I can communicate owe to it. Since thou offerest methy
—while I speak, your own name, head, I accept it. Tomorrow , thou
Judge, is in a list of death. I can mayst repent ; it will be too late .”
tell you by whose hand it is written Ay, too late, President ! " echoed
down—I can tell you in what quarter the calm visitor.
to look for danger – I can tell you But, remember, it is not pardon,
from what cloud, in this lurid atmo- it is but a day's reprieve, I have
sphere, hangs the storm that shall promised to this wonian. According
burst on Robespierre and his reign !” as thou dost satisfy me to -morrow ,
Dumas grew pale ; and his eyes she lives or dies. I am frank , Citizen ;
vainly sought to escape the magnetic thy ghost shall not haunt me for want
gaze that overpowered and mastered of faith ."
him . Mechanically, and as if under “ It is but a day that I have asked ;
an agency not his own,he wrote while the rest I leave to justice and to
the stranger dictated. Heaven . Your huissiers wait below ."
VIOLA was in the prison, that opened to snatch from her the infant, while
not but for those already condemned she clasped it in her arms,and laughed
before adjudged. Since her exile from fierce scorn at her mute quivering
Zanoni, her very intellect had seemed lips - THEY were the chosen citizens,
paralysed. All that beautiful exu- the men of virtue, the favourites of
berance of fancy, which if not the Power, the ministers of Law ! Such
fruit of genius, seemed its blossoms : thy black caprices, 0 thou, the ever
all that gush of exquisite thought, shifting and calumnious, — Human
which Zanoni had justly told her Judgment !
flowed with mysteries and subtleties A squalid, and yet a gay world, did
ever new to him, the wise one ; all the prison houses of that day present.
were gone, annihilated ; the blossom There, as in the sepulchre to which
withered , the fount dried up. From they led, all ranks were cast, with an
something almost above womanhood, even-handed scorn. And yet there,
she seemed listlessly to sink into some- the reverence that comes from great
thing below childhood . With the emotions restored Nature's first and
inspirer the inspirations had ceased ; imperishable, and most lovely, and
and , in deserting love, genius also was most noble Law — THE INEQUALITY
left behind . BETWEEN MAN AND MAN ! There ,place
She scarcely comprehended why was given by the prisoners, whether
she had been thus torn from her royalists or sans-culottes, to Age, to
home and the mechanism of her dull Learning, to Renown, to Beauty; and
tasks. She scarcely knew whatmeant Strength, with its own inborn chivalry,
those kindly groups, that,struck with raised into rank the helpless, and the
her exceeding loveliness, had gathered weak . The iron sinews, and the
round her in the prison, with mourn- Herculean shoulders, made way for
ful looks, but with words of comfort. the woman , and the child ; and the
She, who had hitherto been taught to graces of Humanity, lost elsewhere,
abhor those whom Law condemns for sought their refuge in the abode of
crime, was amazed to hear that beings Terror.
thus compassionate and tender, with “ And wherefore, my child, do they
cloudless and lofty brows, with gallant bring thee hither ?” asked an old
and gentle mien, were criminals, for grey -haired priest.
whom Law had no punishment short “ I cannot guess.”
of death. But they, the savages, “ Ah ! if you know not your offence,
gaunt and menacing, who had dragged fear the worst.”
her from her home, who had attempted “ And, my child ? ” (for the infant was
still suffered to rest upon her bosom.)
And I see the steel of Murder glitter, “ Alas, young mother ! they will
And the eye of Murder glow. suffer thy child to live. ”
U 2
“ And for this — an orphan in the the dungeon and the death - upward,
dungeon !” murmured the accusing where the happy cherubim chaunt
heart of Viola ,“ have I reserved his the mercy ofthe All-loving, whispered
offspring ! Zanoni, even in thought, that cherub's voice. She fell upon
ask not - ask not, what I have done her knees, and prayed. The despoilers
with the child I bore thee !” of all that beautifies and hallows life
Night came ; the crowd rushed to had desecrated the altar, and denied
the grate, to hear the muster -roll. * the God !—they had removed from
Her name was with the doomed. And the last hour of their victims the
the old priest, better prepared to die, Priest, the Scripture and the Cross !
but reserved from the death -list, laid But Faith builds in the dungeon and
his hands on her head, and blessed the lazar- house its sublimest shrines ;
her while he wept. She heard, and and up, through roofs of stone, that
wondered ; but she did not weep. shut out the eye of Heaven, ascends
With downcast eyes , with arms folded the ladder where the angels glide to
on her bosom, she bent submissively and fro - PRAYER.
to the call. But now, another name And there, in the very cell beside
was uttered ; and a man , who had her own, the atheist, Nicot, sits stolid
pushed rudely past her, to gaze or to amidst the darkness, and hugs the
listen, shricked out a howl of despair thought of Danton, that death is
and rage. She turned, and their eyes nothingness. His, no spectacle of
met. Through the distance of time, an appalled and perturbed conscience !
she recognised that hideous aspect. Remorse is the echo of a lost virtue,
Nicot's face settled back into its and virtue he never knew. Had he
devilish sneer.—" At least, gentle to live again , he would live the same.
Neapolitan, the Guillotine will unite But more terrible than the death -bed
Oh, we shall sleep well our of a believing and despairing sinner,
wedding night !” And , with a that blank gloom of apathy — that
laugh, he strode away through the contemplation of the worm and the
crowd, and vanished into his lair.
* * *
rat of the charnel-house—that grim
and loathsome NOTHINGNESS which ,
* * *
for his eye, falls like a pall over the
universe of life. Still, staring into
She was placed in herBut
gloomy cell,
the child space, gnawing his livid lip, he looks
to await the morrow .
was still spared her ; and she thought upon the darkness, convinced that
it seemed as if conscious of the awful darkness is for ever and for ever !
Present. In their way to the prison , * *
it had not moaned or wept ; it had Place ,' there ! place ! Room yet in
looked with its clear eyes ,unshrinking , your crowded cells. Another has
on the gleaming pikes and savage come to the slaugrhter-house.
brows of the huissiers. And now , As the gaole , lamp in hand,
alone in the dungeon , it put its arms ushered in the stranger , the latter
round her neck, and murmured its touched him , and whispered . The
indistinct sounds, low and sweet as stranger drew a jewel from his finger.
some unknown language of consolation Diantre, how the diamond flashed in
and of heaven . And of heaven it the ray of the lamp ! Value each
was ! For, at the murmur , the terror head of your eighty at a thousand
melted from her soul : upward, from
* “ Ma demeure sera bientôt Le NÉANT, "
* Called in the mocking jargon of the ( My abode will soon be Nothingness) said
day, " the Evening Gazette ." Danton before his judges.
francs, and the jewel is more worth tribe. Ha! ha ! crafty stranger, thou
than all ? The gaoler paused, and hast conquered ! They tread the
the diamond laughed in his dazzled gloomy corridor ; they arrive at the
eyes . O thou Cerberus, thou hast door where the gaoler has placed the
mastered all else that seems human fatal mark , now to be erased , for the
in that fell employ. Thou hast no prisoner within is to be reprieved a
pity, no love, and no remorse. But day. The key grates in the lock
Avarice survives the rest, and the foul the door yawns—the stranger takes
heart'smaster-serpent swallows up the the lamp and enters .
And Viola was in prayer. She heard the sad serenity of innocence and the
not the opening of the door ; she saw touching humility of woman. And
not the dark shadow that fell along he heard her voice, though it scarcely
the floor. His power, his arts were left her lips — the low voice that the
gone ; but the mystery and the spell heart speaks — loud enough for God
known to her simple heart did not to hear !
desert her in the hours of trial and “ And if never more to see him, O
despair. When Science falls as a fire- Father ! canst thou not make the
work from the sky it would invade, love that will not die, minister, even
when Genius withers as a flower in beyond the grave, to his earthly fate ?
the breath of the icy charnel, the Canst thou not yet permit it, as a
Hope of a child-like soul wraps the air living spirit, to hover over him—a
in light, and the innocence of un- spirit fairer than all his science can
questioning Belief covers the grave conjure ? Oh, whatever lot be or
with blossoms . dained to either, grant - even though
In the farthest corner of the cell a thousand ages may roll between
she knelt ; and the infant, as if to us — grant, when at last purified and
imitate what it could not comprehend, regenerate, and fitted for the trans
bent its little limbs, and bowed its port of such re-union - grant that we
smiling face, and knelt with her also, may meet once more ! And for his
by her side. child-it kneels to thee from the
Hestood, and gazed upon them as dungeon floor ! To -morrow , and
the light of the lamp fell calmly on whose breast shall cradle it ! -
their forms. It fell over those clouds whose hand shall feed !-whose lips
of golden hair, dishevelled , parted, shall pray for its weal below and its
thrown back from the rapt, candid soul hereafter ! ” She paused-her
brow ; the dark eyes raised on high, voice choked with sobs.
where, through the human tears, a Thou, Viola !—thou, thyself. He
light as from above was mirrored ; whom thou hast deserted is here to
the hands clasped — the lips apart , preserve the mother to the child ! ”
the form all animate and holy with She started ! -those accents, tre
mulous as her own ! She started to
* Thus conquered Godfrey. her feet !-he was there ,-in all the
pride of his unwaning youth and her side, he began to reveal to her
superhuman beauty ! there, in the some of the holier secrets of his lofty
house of dread, and in the hour of being. He spoke of the sublime and
travail !—there, image and personation intense faith from which alone the
of the love that can pierce the Valley diviner knowledge can arise — the
of the Shadow, and can glide, the faith which, seeing the immortal
unscathed wanderer from the heaven , everywhere, purifies and exalts the
through the roaring abyss of hell. mortal that beholds — the glorious
With a cry, never, perhaps, heard ambition that dwells not in the cabals
before in that gloomy vault - a cry of and crimes of earth, but amidst those
delight and rapture, she sprang for- solemn wonders that speak not of
ward , and fell at his feet. men, but of God — of that power to
He bent down to raise her, but she abstract the soul from the clay which
slid from his arms . He called her by gives to the eye of the soul its subtle
the familiar epithets of the old en- vision, and to the soul's wing the un
dearment, and she only answered him limited realm - of that pure , severe ,
by sobs. Wildly, passionately, she and daring initiation, from which the
kissed his hands, the hem of his mind emerges, as from death, into
garment, but voice was gone. clear perceptions of its kindred with
“ Look up, look up !-I am here- the Father-Principles of life and light,
I am here to save thee ! Wilt thou so that, in its own sense of the Beau
deny to me thy sweet face ? Truant, tiful, it finds its joy ! in the serenity
wouldst thou fly me still ?" of its will, its power ; in its sym
“ Fly thee ! ” she said, at last, and pathy with the youthfulness of the
in a broken voice; “ oh, ifmy thoughts Infinite Creation, of which itself is an
wronged thee - oh, if my dream ,that essence and a part, the secrets that
awful dream, deceived-kneel down embalm the very clay which they
with me, and pray for our child !" consecrate, and renew the strength of
Then, springing to her feet with a life with the ambrosia of mysterious
sudden impulse, she caught up the and celestial sleep. And while he
infant, and placing it in his arms, spoke, Viola listened, breathless. If
sobbed forth , with deprecating and she could not comprehend, she no
humble tones, “ Not for my sake- longer dared to distrust. She felt
not for " mine, did I abandon thee, that in that enthusiasm , self -deceiving
but or not, no fiend could lurk ; and by an
“Hush ! ” said Zanoni : “ I know intuition, rather than an effort of the
all the thoughts that thy confused reason, she saw before her, like a
and struggling senses can scarcely starry ocean, the depth and mysterious
analyse themselves. And see how, beauty of the soul which her fears
with a look, thy child answers them ! " had wronged. Yet, when he said,
And in truth the face of that strange (concluding his strange confessions,)
infant seemed radiant with its silent that to this life within life and above
and unfathomable joy. It seemed life, he had dreamed to raise her own ,
as if it recognised the father; it clung the fear of humanity crept over her,
-it forced itself to his breast, and and he read in her silence how vain ,
there, nestling, turned its bright with all his science, would the dream
clear eyes upon Viola, and sniiled. have been.
“Pray for my child ! ” said Zanoni, But now, as he closed, and, leaning
mournfully. “ The thoughts of souls on his breast, she felt the clasp of his
that would aspire as mine, are all protecting arms, —when , in one holy
prayer ! ” And , seating himself by kiss, the past was forgiven and th
appeared, and through the aperture | like a wind, glided over the deeps
rushed at the same instant, a ray of within !—the grim court - the judge
sunlight - it streamed over the fair, —the jury — the accuser ; and amidst
hushed face of the happy sleeper — it the victims, the one dauntless and
played like a smile upon the lips of the radiant form .
child, that still, mute and steadfast, “ Thou knowest the danger to the
watched the movements of its father. State --confess ! "
At that moment Viola muttered in “ I know ; and I keep my promise.
her sleep—“ The day is come— the Judge, I reveal thy doom ! I know
gates are open ! Give me thy hand ; that the Anarchy thou callest a state
we will go forth ! To sea — to sea !- expires with the setting of this sun.
How the sunshine plays upon the Hark ! to the trampwithout !-hark !
waters !-to home, beloved one ! to to the roar of voices ! Room there,
home again ." ye Dead !-room in hell for Robes
“ Citizen, thine hour is come! ” pierre and his crew ! ”
“ Hist ! -she sleeps! A moment ! They hurry into the court - the
There ! it is done ! thank Heaven ! hasty and pale messengers — there is
--- and still she sleeps!” He would confusion , and fear, and dismay !
not kiss lest he should awaken her, “ Off with the conspirator !—and to
but gently placed round her neck the morrow the woman thou wouldst have
amulet that would speak to her, here- saved shall die !"
after, the farewell ;—and promise, in “ To-morrow , President, the steel
that farewell, —re-union ! He is at falls on THEE !”
the threshold - he turns again , and On, through the crowded and
again . The door closes ! He is gone roaring streets, on moves the Pro
for ever . cession of Death . Ha, brave people !
She woke at last — she gazed round . thou art aroused at last. They shall
“ Zanoni, it is day !” No answer but not die ! — Death is dethroned !
the low wail of her child. Merciful Robespierre has fallen !—they rush to
heaven ! was it then all a dream ? She
the rescue ! Hideous in the tumbril,
tossed back the long tresses that must
by the side of Zanoni, raved and ges
veil her sight - she felt the amulet on
ticulated that form which, in his
her bosom-it was no dream ! “ Oh, prophetic dreams, he had seen his
God ! and he is gone ! ” She sprang companion at the place of death.
to the door — she shrieked aloud. “ Save us !-save us !” howled the
The gaoler comes ! “ My husband, atheist, Nicot ! “ On, brave populace !
my child's father ? ” we shall be saved ! ” And through
He is gone before thee, woman ! ” the crowd, her dark hair streaming
“ Whither ? Speak - speak ! ” wild, her eyes flashing fire, pressed a
“ To the guillotine ! ” and the female form— “ My Clarence !" she
black door closed again . shrieked, in the soft southern lan
It closed upon the Senseless ! As guage, native to the ears of Viola ;
a lightning flash , Zanoni's words, his " butcher ! what hast thou done with
sadness, the true meaning of his Clarence ?" Her eyes roved over the
mystic gift, the very sacrifice he made eager faces of the prisoners ; she saw
for her, all became distinct for a not the one she sought. - Thank
moment to her mind -- and then dark- Heaven !-thank Heaven ! I am not
ness swept on it like a storm , yet thy murderess ? ”
darkness which had its light. And, Nearer and nearer press the popu .
while she sat there, mute, rigid ,voice- lace — another moment, and the
less, as congealed to stone, A VISION, deathsman is defrauded . O Zanoni!
298 ZANONI .
why still upon thy brow the resig - fore gather the crowds through the
nation, that speaksno hope ? Tramp ! street ? Why sounds the bell ? Why
tramp! through the streets, dash the shrieks the tocsin ? Hark to the
armed troop : faithful to his orders, guns ! - the armed clash ! Fellow
black Henriot leads them on. Tramp ! captives, is there hope for us at last ? "
tramp ! over the craven and scattered So gasp out the prisoners, each to
crowd ! Here, flying in disorder— each. Day wanes ,-evening closes ;
there, trampled in the mire, the still they press their white faces to
shrieking rescuers ! And amidst the bars ; and still from window ,
them, stricken by the sabres of the and from house-top, they see the
guard, her long hair blood-bedabbled, smiles of friends — the waving sig .
lies the Italian woman ; and still nals ! “ Hurrah ! ” at last— “ Hurrah !
upon her writhing lips sits joy, as Robespierre is fallen ! The Reign of
they murmur - “ Clarence ! I have Terror is no more ! God hath per
not destroyed thee !” mitted us to live ! ”
On to the Barrière du Trône. It Yes ; cast thine eyes into the hall,
frowns dark in the air — the giant where the tyrant and his conclave
instrument of murder ! One after one hearkened to the roar without !
to the glaive ;-another and another Fulfilling the prophecy of Dumas,
and another ! Mercy ! O mercy ! Is Henriot, drunk with blood and alco
the bridge between the sun and the hol, reels within, and chucks his gory
shades so brief ? - brief as a sigh ? sabre on the floor. “ All is lost ! "
There, there -- his turn has come. “Wretch ! thy cowardice hath de.
“ Die not yet ; leave me not behind ; stroyed us !” yelled the fierce Coffin
Hear me-hear me ! ” shrieked the hal as he hurled the coward from the
inspired sleeper. “ What ! and thou window.
smilest still !” They smiled—those Calm as despair stands the stern
pale lips -- and with the smile, the St. Just ; the palsied Couthon crawls,
place of doom, the headsman, the grovelling, beneath the table ; a shot
horror vanished ! With that smile, -an explosion ! Robespierre would
all space seemed suffused in eternal destroy himself! The trembling
sunshine. Up from the earth he rose hand has mangled, and failed to kill !
-he hovered over her — a thing not The clock of the Hôtel de Ville strikes
of matter - an IDEA of joy and light ! the third hour. Through the battered
Behind, Heaven opened, deep after door -- along the gloomy passages,
deep ; and the Hosts of Beauty were into the Death -hall, burst the crowd.
seen, rank upon rank, afar ; and Mangled, livid, blood-stained, speech
“ Welcome,” in a myriad melodies, less,but not unconscious, sits baughty
broke from your choral multitude, yet, in his seat erect, the Master
ye People of the Skies --“ Welcome ! Murderer ! Around him they throng
O purified by sacrifice, and immortal —they hoot — they execrate ! their
only through the grave — this it is to faces gleaming in the tossing torches !
die.” And radiantamidst the radiant, He, and not the starry Magian, the
the Image stretched forth its arms, real Sorcerer ! And round his last
and murmured to the sleeper : hours gather the Fiends he raised !
“ Companion of Eternity !—this it is They drag him forth ! Open thy
to die ! ” gates, inexorable prison ! The Con
* * *
* * *
ciergerie receives its prey ! Never a
word again on earth spoke Maximilien
“ Ho ! wherefore do they make us Robespierre! Pour forth thy thou
signs from the house-tops ? Where- sands, and tens of thousands, emanci.
pated Paris ! To the Place de la bed ; her arms crossed upon her
Révolution , rolls the tumbril of the bosom , her face raised upward ; the
King of Terror , —St. Just, Dumas, eyes unclosed, and a smile , of more
Couthon , -- his companions to the than serenity , —of bliss upon her lips.
grave ! A woman - a childless woman , Even in the riot of their joy, they
with hoary hair, springs to his side drew back in astonishment and awe.
-“ Thy death makes me drunk with Never had they seen life so beautiful;
joy ! ” He opened his bloodshot eyes and as they crept nearer, and with
— “ Descend to hell, with the curses noiseless feet, they saw that the lips
of wives and mothers ! ” . breathed not, that the repose was of
The headsmen wrench therag from marble, that the beauty, and the
the shattered jaw ! a shriek, and the ecstasy were of death. They gathered
crowd laugh, and the axe descends round in silence ; and lo ! at her feet
amidst the shout of the countless there was a young infant, who,
thousands. And blackness rushes on wakened by their tread, looked at
thy soul, Maximilien Robespierre ! them steadfastly, and with its rosy
So ended the Reign of Terror. fingers played with its dead mother's
* *
* * *
robe. An orphan there in the dun
geon vault !
Daylight in the prison. From cell “ Poor one ! ” said a female (herself
to cell they hurry with the news; a parent),—"and they say the father
crowd upon crowd :- the joyous fell yesterday ; and now, the mother !
captives mingled with the very gaol- Alone in the world, what can be its
ers, who, for fear, would fain seem fate ?”
joyous too—they stream through the The infant smiled fearlessly on the
dens and alleys of the grim house crowd, as the woman spoke thus.
they will shortly leave.' They burst And the old Priest ,who stood amongst
into a cell, forgotten since the previous them , said, gently, “ Woman, see ! the
morning. They found there a young orphan smiles! THE FATHERLESS ARE
female, sitting upon her wretched THE CARE OF GOD !”
Ν Ο Τ Ε.
The curiosity which Zanoni has excited what he designed. An Allegory is a per
among those who think it worth while to sonation of distinct and definite things
dive into the subtler meanings they believe Virtues or Qualities — and the key can be
it intended to convey, may excuse me in given easily ; but a writer who conveys
adding a few words, not in explanation of typical meanings , may express them in
its mysteries, but upon the principles which myriads. He cannot disentangle all the
permit them . Zanoni is not, as some have hues which commingle into the light he
supposed, an allegory ; but beneath the seeks to cast upon truth ; and therefore the
narrative it relates, typical meanings are great masters of this enchanted soil-Fairy
concealed. It is to be regarded in two land of Fairy land - Poetry embedded be
characters, distinct yet harmonious - Ist, neath Poetry - wisely leave to each mind to
that of the simple and objective fiction , in guessat such truths as best please or instruct
which (once granting the licence of the it. To have asked Goethe to explain the
author to select a subject which is, or “ Faust” would have entailed as complex
appears to be, preternatural) the reader and puzzling an answer as to have asked
judges the writer by the usualcanons- viz. Mephistopheles to explain what is beneath
by the consistency of his characters under the earth we tread on. The stores beneath
such admitted circumstances, the interest of may differ for every passenger ; each step
his story, and the coherence of his plot ;- may require a new description ; and what is
of the work regarded in this view, it is not treasure to the geologist may be rubbish to
my intention to say anything , whether in the miner. Six worlds may lie under a sod ,
exposition of the design , or in defence of the but to the common eye they are but six
execution . No typical meanings ( which, in layers ofstone.
plain terms, are but moral suggestions, more Art in itself, if not necessarily typical , is
or less numerous, more or less subtle, ) can essentially a suggester of something subtler
afford just excuse to a writer of fiction, for than that which it embodies to the sense .
the errors he should avoid in the most What Pliny tells us of a great painter of
ordinary novel. We have no right to expect old, is true of most great painters ; “ their
the most ingenious reader to search for the works express something beyond theworks "
inner meaning, if the obvious course of the " more felt than understood.” This be
narrative be tedious and displeasing. It is, longs to the concentration of intellect which
on the contrary , in proportion as we are high Art demands, and which of all the
satisfied with the objective sense of a work Arts, Sculpture best illustrates. Take
of imagination , that we are inclined to Thorwaldsen's Statue of Mercury- it is but
search into its depths for the more secret a single figure, yet it tells to those con
intentions of the author.-Were we not so versant with Mythology a whole legend .
divinely charmed with " Faust, " and The god has removed the pipe from his lips ,
“ Hamlet,” and “ Prometheus,” so ardently because he has lulled already the Argus,
carried on by the interest of the story told whom you do not see , to sleep. He is
to the common understanding, we should pressing bis heel against his sword, because
trouble ourselves little with the types in the moment is come when he may slay his
each which all of us can detect - none of victim. Apply the principle of this noble:
us can elucidate ; - none elucidate, for concentration of Art to the moral writer
the essence of type is mystery. We behold he, too , gives to your eye but a single figure ;
the figure, we cannot lift the veil. The yet each attitude, each expression, may
Author himself is not called upon to explain refer to events and truths you must have
the learning to remember, the acuteness to main enigma- if enigma, indeed , there be
penetrate, or the imagination to conjecture. which have been sent to him , he ventures
But to a classical judge of sculpture , would to select the one which he subjoins, from
not the exquisite pleasure of discovering the the ingenuity and thought which it displays,
all not told in Thorwaldsen's masterpiece and from respect for the distinguished
be destroyed if the artist had engraved in writer (one of the most eminent our time
detail hismeaning at the base of the statue ? has produced ) who deemed him worthy of
Is it not the same with the typical sense an honour he is proud to display. He leaves
which the artist in words conveys ? The it to the reader to agree with , or dissent
pleasure of divining Art in each is the noble from , the explanation. “ A hundred men ,'
exercise of all by whom Art is worthily says the old Platonist , “ may read the book
regarded . by the help of the same lamp, yet all may
We of the humbler race not unreasonably differ on the text ; for the lamp only lights
shelter ourselves under the Authority of the the characters — the mind must divine the
Masters, on whom the world's judgment is meaning ." The object of a Parable is not
pronounced ; and great names are cited, not that of a Problem ; it does not seek to con
with the arrogance of equals, but with the vince, but to suggest. It takes the thought
humility of inferiors. below the surface of the understanding to
The author of Zanoni gives, then , no key the deeper intelligence which the world
to mysteries, be they trivialor important, rarely tasks. It is not sunlight on the
which may be found in the secret chambers water, it is a hymn chanted to the Nympla
by those who lift the tapestry from the who hearkeas and awakes below.
wall ; but out of the many solutions of the
BY "
Mejnour - Contemplation of the Actual the potent Interpreter and Prophet of the
SCIENCE . Always old , and must last as Real; but its powers are impaired in
long as the Actual. Less fallible than proportion to their exposure to human
Idealism , but less practically potent, from passion .
its ignorance of the human heart. Viola - Human INSTINCT . (Hardly worthy
Zanoni- Contemplation of the Ideal, to be called Love , as Love would not
IDEALISM. Always necessarily sympathe forsake its object at the bidding of Super
tic : lives by enjoyment ; and is therefore stition.) Resorts , first, in its aspiration
typified by eternal youth . * Idealism is after the Ideal, to tinsel shows ; then
relinquishes these for a higher love ; but
is still , from the conditions of its nature ,
* " I do notunderstand the making Idealism inadequate to this, and liable to suspicion
less undying (on this scene of existence) than and mistrust. Its greatest force (Maternal
Science ."- COMMENTATOR .-- Because, grant Instinct) has power to penetrate some
ing the above premises, Idealism is more
subjected than Science to the Affections, or secrets, to trace some movements of the
to Instinct, because the Affections, sooner or Ideal , but , too feeble to command them ,
later, force Idealism into the Actual, and in yields to Superstition, -sees sin where
the Actual its immortality departs. The there is none, while committing sin , under
only absolutely Actual portion of the work is a false guidance, -weakly seeking refuge
found in the concluding scenes that depict amidst the very tumults.of the warring
the Reign of Terror. The introduction of
this part was objected to by some as out of passions of the Actual, while deserting
keeping with the fanciful portions that pre the serene Ideal ;—pining , nevertheless, in
ceded it . But if the writer of the solution the absence of the Ideal , and expiring ( not
has rightly shown or suggested the intention perishing , but becoming transmuted ) in
of the author ,the most strongly and rudely the aspiration after having the laws of
actual scene of the age in which the story is the two natures reconciled .
cast was the necessary and harmonious com
pletion of the whole . The excesses and (It might best suit popular apprehension
crimes of Humanity are the grave of the to call these three the Understanding,
Ideal.- AUTHOR. the Imagination , and the Heart.)
Child - NEW -BORN INSTINCT, while trained Horror haunts it, and is to be successfully
and informed by Idealism , promises a encountered only by defiance ,-by aspira
preter -human result by its early , incom- tion towards, and reliance on , the Former
municable vigilance and intelligence, but and Director of Nature, whose Messenger
is compelled , by inevitable orphanhood , and Instrument of re -assurance is Faith.
and the one -half of the laws of its exist. Mervale -CONVENTIONALISM .
ence , to lapse into ordinary conditions. Nicot - Base, grovelling , malignant Passion .
Aidon -Ai — Faith , which manifests its Glyndon – UNSUSTAINED ASPIRATION : -
splendour, and delivers its oracles, and Would follow Instinct , but is deterred
imparts its marvels, only to the higher by Conventionalism : - is overawed by
moods of the soul , and whose directed Idealism , yet attracted , and transiently
antagonism is with FEAR ; so that those inspired ; but has not steadiness for the
who employ the resources of Fear must initiatory contemplation of the Actual.
dispense with those of Faith . Yet aspira- He conjoins its snatched privileges with a
tion holds open a way of restoration , and besetting sensualism , and suffers at once
may summon Faith , even when the cry from the horror of the one , and the
issues from beneath the yoke of Fear. disgust of the other, involving the innocent
Dweller of the Threshold - FEAR, ( or HORROR ,) in the fatal conflict of his spirit. When
from whose ghastliness men are protected on the point of perishing, he is rescued by
by the opacity of the region of Prescription Idealism ; and, unable to rise to that
and Custom . The moment this protection species of existence, is grateful to be
is relinquished , and the human spirit replunged into the region of the Familiar ,
pierces the cloud , and enters alone on the and takes up his rest henceforth in
unexplored regions of Nature, this Natural Custom . ( Mirror of Young Manhood .)
Human Existence, subject to, and exempt Summoned by aspiration , Faith extorts
from , ordinary conditions— (Sickness, Po- from Fear itself the saving truth to which
verty, Ignorance, Death .) Science continues blind , and which Idealism
Science is ever striving to carry the most itself hails as its crowning acquisition , —the
gifted beyond ordinary conditions—the re- inestimable Proof wrought out by all
sult being as many victims as efforts, and labours and all conflicts.
the striver being finally left a solitary - for Pending the elaboration of this proof,
his object is unsuitable to the natures he
has to deal with . Conventionalism plods on, safe and com
placent :
The pursuit of the Ideal involves so much
emotion as to render the Idealist vulnerable Selfish Passion perishes, grovelling and
hopeless :
by human passion - however long and well
guarded , still vulnerable-liable, at last, to Instinct sleeps, in order to a loftier
an union with Instinct. Passion obscures waking : and
both Insight and Forecast. All effort to Idealism learns, as its ultimate lesson ,
that self-sacrifice is true redemption ;
elevate Instinct to Idealism is abortive, the that the region beyond the grave is
laws of their being not coinciding (in the
the fitting one for exemption from
early stage of the existence of the one). mortal conditions ; and that Death is
Instinct is either alarmed , and takes refuge
in Superstition or Custom, or is left help the everlasting portal , indicated by
less to human charity , or given over to the finger of God , —the broad avenue ,
providential care. through which man does not issue,
Idealism , stripped of insight and forecast, solitary and stealthy, into the region
of Free Existence, but enters trium
loses its serenity , becomes subject once
more to the horror from which it had escaped , phant, hailed by a hierarchy of im.
mortal natures.
and by accepting its aids , forfeits the higher
help of Faith :-aspiration , however, re The result is, ( in other words, ) THAT THE
maining still possible ; and , thereby, slow UNIVERSAL HUMAN Lot is , AFTER ALL, THAT
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