I Am A New Creation
I Am A New Creation
I Am A New Creation
2 Corinthians 5:17-18a
The only thing that matters is …Have you become a new creation?
King David cries out to God to create a clean heart in him in Psalms51:10
because he realized that the situation was out of his control.
This is applicable for each and every one of us where sin has done its damage
in our lives. When we come to God through Lord Yeshua on the basis of His
sacrifice on the cross and open ourselves to God that there is nothing I can do
on my own.I am totally dependent on what You can do for me .. then in His
faithfulness and mercy, God moves in and brings in the new creation.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Paul speaks about the total man – the spirit, soul and
body being sanctified by God to be made blameless.
God had warned of death- both physical and spiritual as consequence of sin in
Genesis2:17. But man turned away from God in disobedience and rebellion
and it disrupted every part of his being- the spirit, soul and body.
The Spirit became dead and cut off form the source of it s life which is God.
And Satan has authority over the proud, self assertive rebel.
This can be changed in only one way-BY A NEW CREATIVE ACT OF GOD.
Similar to the first creation of God when He breathed His life into man,
JOHN 20:19-22 describes the resurrected Lord breathed on His disciples the
Holy Spirit and commanded them to be messengers to the world. This was a
born again experience for the disciples as the Lord breathed into them a life
that had conquered sin, death, hell, grave and Satan. A life that cannot be
defeated or destroyed and Satan cannot have a hold of.
That’s what we receive when we accept Lord Yeshua as our Lord and Saviour-
The Born Again experience…Salvation-A personal encounter with the Lord
Yeshua. A totally new beginning which has its source in God alone.
Ephesians 2:11
Ephesians 4:17
COLOSSIANS 2:13 - The Spirit is made alive and reunited with God, the soul is
reconciled and the rebel finds peace, the body receives divine life.
ROMANS 8:11-
The body becomes the Temple of God. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit
imparts the life of God which is more powerful than sickness, sin and the
forces that come against us.
1 John 5:4 says that whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is
the victory that has overcome the world- our faith.
The new creation is complete, blameless, pure and holy at the second coming
of the Lord.
Phillipians 3:20,21
Thus the new creation in its totality and completeness affects every area of a
person’s being- the spirit, soul and body.
The spirit that was dead in sin is brought back to life in God.
The soul that was in rebellion is brought into submission and obedience to
The body becomes the temple of God for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who
imparts sufficient life to keep us strong and healthy until our life task is
The two persons that relate to this new creation are 1) The Old Man 2) The
New Man.
Ephesians 4:17-24
The New Man- created according to the righteousness and holiness of the
truth of the Word of God.