Universal Drama
Universal Drama
Universal Drama
Everything is done by <<HIM>> (EXISTENCE SPIRIT) Each one of us has two SELVES. One is Original Self perfect, the other is the Specified Role given to us to perform in this universal drama. Both of our Selves are thoroughly controlled by <<HIM>>. Through each soul <<HE>> gave us certain role in this world as an actor and actress on this world's stage. This world is not ours, it belongs to <<HIM>>. All situations events are <<HIS>> plan. He is the writer of the scenario..... <<HE>> is operating all of us. Even the smallest dust particle, even every atom, all is operated by <<HIM>>. Each and everything belongs to <<HIM>>. We human beings, his finest creation, have the ability to appreciate <<HIS>> design. Good or Bad all belongs to <<HIM>> This awareness itself is Smile approach to understand the Universal drama. What we are doing, what others are doing are all a part of <<HIS>> plan..... << HE>> is operating everything in our life. If someone did wrong to us, then we should not complain to others, because it is done by <<HIM>>. If someone did wrong to us then it has deep meaning because <<HE>> wants to teach us some lesson. If something good happened, then this also is <<HIS>> plan and we must say thanks to <<HIM>>. If we understand this much, then our soul channel is opened to receive <<HIS>> message through all events in our life. If we understand, then we are free from sufferings. Everything is done by <<HIM>> - this understanding makes us free of all sufferings. Prof Park's Smile Guidance, Smile Meditation on the Universal Drama is helping us everyday to upgrade our Degree of Awareness and sensitivity towards <<HIS>> Universal Drama. Through different scenes and situations <<HE>> is giving us symbols to awaken our self.
Through all good and bad scenes <<HE>> is guiding us towards perfection.... Smile Test has to be given on this world's stage and if we perform well then a NEW upgraded role is waiting for us. <<HE>> is monitoring each one of us. So what ever role we have received, we must perform it with smile awareness of our original self perfect role. As a DIRECTOR <<HE>> is monitoring us every moment ..how we are performing..... If our consciousness is upgraded, then immediately this is recorded in <<HIS>> consciousness network system. <<HE>> awards upgraded role and SMILING ROLE for our smile performance in this universal drama. After receiving Smiling Role from <<HIM>>, all events and situations in our life will be designed in such a manner which will nourish our smile. SMILE WILL BE THE RESULT IN ALL SITUATIONS. <<HE>> will send all situations which will maintain our smile. After receiving SMILING ROLE then no disease, no accident, no poverty, no conflict and no negativity. <<HE>> will protect our smile and in order to protect our smile <<HE>> will take utmost care to organize all situations to nourish our smile because our mind is with <<HIM>>. All sufferings come from our consciousness and <<HE>> gives opportunity to all of us to upgrade our consciousness..........Suffering is not the truth. HE KEEPS TELLING US THAT..." I AM DOING EVERYTHING AND NOT YOU... SO DONT COMPLAIN FOR ANY SORROWFUL EVENT IN YOUR LIFE. With Neutro vision we can have full understanding that both sides of the coin Good or Bad - are meaningful. We should understand Good and Bad equally well. If our soul is opened to <<HIM>>, then we understand that Good is Good and Bad is equally Good. IF WE PERFORM OUR PRESENT ROLE WITH SMILE SPIRIT, WE WILL GET A NON-SUFFERING ROLE... AND OUR PERFECTION WILL CONTINUE TO GROW IN CONSONANCE WITH OUR LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING OF OUR PRESENT ROLE IN THE UNIVERSAL DRAMA. <<HE>> helps us & motivates us to achieve Wooji perfection Taiji perfection and beyond Wooji and Taiji is --- <<HIS>> Smile Perfection. Grand Perfection is awakened, when we are merged with <<HIS>> ABSOLUTE CONSCIOUSNESS, TRIORIGIN SMILE CONSCIOUSNESS. Everything is done by <<HIM>>. <<HE>> is everywhere.