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U4 Gec RB5
U4 Gec RB5
Growing evidence suggests that we may live in a period of de-
globalization that began a decade ago. As I will show, trade
globalization seems to have peaked between 2007 and 2010, and
foreign direct investment (FDI) globalization between 2007 and
2011. Greater restrictions on trade and investments have accom-
panied these developments.
Received: 1 December 2017
Revised: 7 January 2019 For a field like International Business (IB) that has been built on
Accepted: 9 January 2019 an implicit assumption of ongoing globalization, de-globalization
De-globalization: Theories, predictions, and opportunities Michael A Witt
would mark a significant turn of events. What are of the world economy, with different implications
the implications for the stock of knowledge that IB for future IB research. In particular, they suggest
has evolved over the past decades? Assuming de- that significant aspects of multinational enterprise
globalization is real and persistent, will we see the (MNE) activities under de-globalization will be
same structures, behaviors, and strategies as before, qualitatively different from what we have seen so
merely at lower levels of scale and scope? Or will far.
significant aspects of international business be In what follows, I begin by defining de-global-
qualitatively different, requiring new theorizing ization and showing data suggesting that de-glob-
and empirical exploration? alization may already be a reality. I then introduce
I argue that the latter, a qualitative shift, would the two relevant major bodies of theory from
be likely in a de-globalizing environment, and that political science, liberalism and realism. While
coming to terms with this shift would require a further schools of thought exist, the present pair
much deeper integration of politics in IB theory represent the current mainstream. For each theory,
and research. I lay out the general mechanisms, the specifics of
The centrality of politics stems from its role as a how the theory would account for (de-)globaliza-
key driver of (de-)globalization. While technology tion, and the outcomes for a de-globalizing world
and resultant drops in the costs of transportation the theory suggests. It will become clear that these
and communication may enable globalization, theories not only vary considerably in the mecha-
politics determines whether firms and individuals nisms they see at work but also in their predictions
can take advantage of the opportunities thus of what a de-globalizing world would look like.
afforded (Chase-Dunn, Kawano, & Brewer, 2000; I then discuss implications of the two theories for
Jones, 2007; O’Rourke & Williamson, 2014). IB research with respect to three major IB topics:
Accordingly, the previous wave of globalization the political strategies and roles of MNEs, global
broke down in the first half of the twentieth value chains, and interaction with the national
century not because of technological regression context. After a brief summary, I conclude with
(O’Rourke & Williamson, 2014). Rather, as a com- thoughts on the importance and appropriateness of
prehensive body of historical exploration across the integrating international politics into IB.
social sciences has documented, it ended because
governments stepped in to curtail trade and capital
flows for geopolitical and domestic reasons (Chase- THE STATE OF DE-GLOBALIZATION
Dunn et al., 2000; Findlay & O’Rourke, 2003; Jones, Globalization is commonly defined in IB as the
2005, 2007, 2014; Kindleberger, 1973; Meyer, 2017; process of increasing interdependence among
O’Rourke & Williamson, 2014). Academy of Inter- nations (Chase-Dunn et al., 2000; Guillén, 2001;
national Business annual meetings, calls for special Meyer, 2017; Rugman & Verbeke, 2004; Verbeke,
issues on de-globalization from the Global Strategy Coeurderoy, & Matt, 2018). Accordingly, de-global-
Journal and Strategy Science, and first IB publications ization represents the process of weakening interdepen-
on the topic (Kobrin, 2017; Meyer, 2017) all suggest dence among nations. While (de-)globalization has
that IB scholars are keenly aware of the role of multiple facets, the focus of this paper is on the
politics. However, much of the debate has been economic realm.
empirically based rather than informed by theory. Importantly, the level of analysis is the world,
Relevant theory, however, does exist: in the not the individual nation (Chase-Dunn et al.,
International Relations field of political science. 2000). Just as globalization does not require that
There, two major competing schools of thought, every single nation become more interdependent –
liberalism1 and realism, have sought to account for for instance, North Korea arguably moved against
the development of globalization, each pointing to the trend by becoming less interdependent after
different mechanisms driving it and leading to its the end of the Cold War – de-globalization does not
reversal. Liberalism identifies domestic political require that every single country become less
pressures against globalization as a cause of de- interdependent. Indicative of globalization or de-
globalization, a narrative that is consistent with globalization is what happens in the world as a
much public debate. Realism, on the other hand, whole.
sees the end of US hegemony and the rise of China At the global level, de-globalization seems to
as a geostrategic competitor as the trigger. The two have been in progress for several years, at least with
theories point to different scenarios for the future respect to the dimensions most directly relevant to
International Business, trade and FDI. A weakening changes are not accounted for by equivalent drops
of interdependence for these two dimensions in overall investment levels (World Bank, 2018).
means that we should observe that, on average, These numbers are vulnerable to a number of
countries rely less on goods and services or on distortions (Chase-Dunn et al., 2000). In particular,
investment from other countries, relative to levels they rely on currency conversion to US dollars in
of domestic economic activity. In other words, the weighting by GDP and need adjusting for
trade and investment flows as percentages of GDP inflation. The usual correction mechanisms for
should be declining. these issues, purchasing power parities (PPP) and
The data are consistent with this expectation. In constant prices, are themselves estimates that are
terms of trade, Figure 1 shows a time series of world vulnerable to estimation and measurement errors.
average levels of imports of goods and services as a For instance, the 2011 corrections of PPP exchange
percentage of GDP, weighted by GDP (World Bank, rates in the Penn World Tables resulted in China’s
2018). It suggests that the period of rapid growth economy ‘‘growing’’ by 27% in 2005 (Subramanian,
from around 1985 onwards peaked in 2007 at 2011).
30.2% before dropping as a result of the 2007 As a robustness test, I consequently followed
financial crisis. It rebounded in 2009 and 2010, Chase-Dunn et al. (2000) and weighted imports as
reaching 30.1%, but has since been on a slight well as foreign direct investment by population.
downward trend. Figures 3 and 4 show the results. They are broadly
A similar but more pronounced downward trend consistent with those produced by weighting by
is visible in FDI. Figure 2 shows a time series of GDP, especially with respect to the recent declining
world average levels of inward FDI flows as a trends. Obviously, these measures are subject to
percentage of GDP, weighted by GDP (World Bank, different distortions. For instance, China and India
2017). After a rapid increase in the 1990s, this are much more heavily weighted, which accounts
measure first peaked at 4.4% with the burst of the for the absence of a peak in 2000 in Figure 4.
dotcom bubble; it recovered from 2004 onwards Additional alternative measures draw a consis-
and peaked again in 2007 at 5.3% before falling as a tent picture for both globalization outcomes and
result of the 2007 financial crisis. It has since changes in trade and investment regulations under-
stabilized between 2 and 3%. Importantly, these pinning them. The KOF Globalization Index (Dre-
her, 2006; Dreher, Gaston, & Martens, 2008; Gygli,
Figure 1 World average levels of imports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP, weighted by GDP. Source: World Bank
Figure 2 World average levels of inward FDI flows as a percentage of GDP, weighted by GDP. Source: World Bank (2017).
Figure 3 World average levels of imports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP, weighted by population. Source: World Bank
Haelg, & Sturm, 2018) provides sub-indices of de peaked in 2008, and de jure trade globalization, in
facto and de jure trade globalization, with the latter 2010.
reflecting changes in the regulatory environment. While the KOF Globalization Index provides only
Figure 5 shows the timeline of these measures from a composite financial globalization index incorpo-
1970 to 2015, the last year for which the indices are rating both direct and portfolio investments, it is
currently available. De facto trade globalization possible to gain insights into the FDI dimension by
drawing on the underlying data. For de facto FDI
Figure 4 World average levels of inward FDI flows as a percentage of GDP, weighted by population. Source: World Bank (2017).
Figure 5 KOF Globalization Index, sub-indices for de facto and de jure trade globalization. Source: KOF Swiss Economic Institute
globalization, the composite financial globalization with the possibility of ongoing de-globalization,
index uses IMF data on the net position of foreign with a considerable drop since its peak in 2011.
direct investment stocks standardized by GDP. As For de jure FDI globalization, the KOF Globaliza-
Figure 6 shows, this measure, too, is consistent tion Index draws on the investment restrictions
variable of the Economic Freedom Index. Figure 7
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Figure 6 World net foreign direct investment position as percentage of world GDP. Years before 1980 not available. Source: IMF
(2018a, b).
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Figure 7 Foreign ownership/investment restrictions. Higher = fewer restrictions. Years before 1995 and from 1996 to 1999 not
available. Source: Fraser Institute (2018).
shows the trend in this variable since 1995, the economic interdependence (Chase-Dunn et al.,
earliest year for which the variable is available in 2000; Jones, 2007).2
the dataset (Fraser Institute, 2018). Since higher
values indicate more economic freedom, the fig-
ure suggests that de jure FDI globalization peaked DE-GLOBALIZATION: EXPLANATIONS
in 2000/2001 and has shown a declining trend AND POSSIBLE OUTCOMES
since. As mentioned in the introduction, politics is a key
Overall, while these statistics do not constitute factor in both globalization and de-globaliza-
conclusive proof, they are consistent with a shift tion. The field of International Relations in polit-
towards lower levels of economic interdependence, ical science has developed two major
and thus with de-globalization. This is particularly theoretical approaches3 that speak to the question
remarkable considering that technology has con- of (de-)globalization: liberalism and realism. The
tinued to improve, a development that at least in former is consistent with most of the discourse on
the past and all else equal facilitated higher levels of (de-)globalization in the press and among IB
Liberalism Realism
Actors Anyone, including individuals, firms, NGOs, Sovereign nation states, especially powerful ones
states, international organizations
Role of international institutions Crucial for positive-sum outcomes Irrelevant: epiphenomenal to power
Triggers of de-globalization Changing interests leading to states’ opting out Hegemonic decline leading to loss of sufficient
of their prior agreements coercive power
Ineffective institutions out of synch with states’
Likely shape of international Patchwork: coalitions of the willing Emergence of a new global hegemon: new
economic relations under de- globalization according to the interests of the
globalization new hegemon
Multiple regional hegemons: multiple regimes
structured around these hegemons
No hegemon: disorder
scholars, while the latter represents the dominant focus on the theoretical formulations growing out
school of thought in International Relations. of the two foundational pieces of modern Interna-
The term ‘‘liberalism’’ has come to mean different tional Relations theory, Moravcsik’s (1997) concep-
things to different people and thus represents a tualization of liberalism and Waltz’s (1979)
source of potential confusion. In this paper, ‘‘liber- structural realism. For an overview of other vari-
alism’’ and any of its derivatives will exclusively denote ants, I refer the reader to International Relations
the International Relations theory by this name as primers (e.g., Matthews & Callaway, 2017) or any
introduced below. It will never imply outcomes such major International Relations textbook (e.g., Peve-
as an open economy, nor will it refer to a political house & Goldstein, 2016).
philosophy of individual freedom and rights or an Table 1 presents an overview of the main char-
ideology concerning social welfare policies. acteristics of both approaches, their conceptualiza-
Both liberalism and realism have evolved multi- tions of (de-)globalization, and their predictions
ple variants. For the purpose of this discussion, I about the future landscape of international
economic activity. In the following paragraphs, I dictatorships, those of special interests in countries
first lay out the main concepts and mechanisms with strong business lobbies, those of a plurality of
envisioned by these theories before turning to the the people in countries with first-past-the-poll
questions of how they relate to (de-)globalization elections, or of a societal consensus in Northern
and the kind of future each approach predicts. European corporatist societies. As actors and their
interests shift, so does the focus and thrust of
General Mechanisms foreign policy.
Liberalism Liberalism thus presents a fairly accurate depic-
Liberalism permits a wide range of actors, interests, tion of reality, with all its complexity. This is also
and forms of power to determine political out- its major weakness as a theory. It is so permissive in
comes. While countries4 represent the major actors terms of the possible actors, their respective inter-
in international politics, possible actors codeter- ests and the various forms of power that may
mining outcomes further range from the individual matter that it can be very difficult to arrive at a
to the international, including individuals, firms, conclusive analysis and prediction for specific
non-government organizations (NGOs), and inter- issues.
national organizations such as the European Union
(EU), the World Trade Organization (WTO) or the
The realist school narrows down this wide range of
United Nations. Liberalism assumes these actors to
possible actors, interests, and forms of power
be rational on average, that is, deviations from
considerably. Actors are sovereign countries, espe-
rationality are possible.
cially great powers. Countries are unitary, rational
By engaging in politics, these actors pursue their
actors, with domestic politics being irrelevant for
self-interests, a term that is very broadly conceived.
their behavior in the international system. This is
It includes questions of economic welfare, but also
because under the additional assumption of anar-
permits other preferences including those based on
chy in the international system – the notion that
personal and cultural values. Depending on the
there are ultimately no rules constraining state
interests at hand, actors may seek to attain their
behavior as there is no overarching authority that
objectives through positive-sum cooperation (e.g.,
could enforce compliance – securing survival
economic wealth through trade) or zero-sum com-
becomes the primary concern of states. The main
petition (e.g., national security through military
objective of foreign policy is thus forced on coun-
tries by the structure of the international system,
In pursuing their respective interests, actors have
and countries permitting themselves to get dis-
recourse to a wide range of different forms of
tracted from the objective of survival by domestic-
power. These include hard power, which usually
level political concerns risk their survival.
rests on coercive capabilities such as military
In the anarchic world of realism, securing sur-
strength or the ability to inflict economic damage
vival is ultimately a function of hard power. In
(Nye, 1990); sharp power (Walker & Ludwig, 2017),
particular, countries need to acquire sufficient
which draws on distraction and manipulation to
military power to defend themselves against other
weaken opponents and shore up one’s own posi-
countries. Since building and maintaining armies
tion; and soft power (Nye, 1990), which relies on
requires resources, this implies an attendant need
co-optation of others by presenting an attractive
for economic strength. With power representing
model or outcome.
primarily a tool for securing survival against other
In the resulting dynamics, what happens domes-
countries, the emphasis is on relative rather than
tically – i.e., inside countries – is at least as
absolute power. Economic growth of 10% per year
important as what happens between countries.
may enable a country to increase its power consid-
Countries may be the major actors in international
erably in absolute terms, but from a realist perspec-
politics, but, in liberalism, their interests are a
tive it is still falling behind if at the same time
reflection of domestic interests, with more powerful
another state grows by 20%. Relations between
actors having greater influence on foreign policy.
countries thus become a zero-sum game.
Depending on the issue area and the structure of
Realism presents a much tighter theoretical
the respective country, foreign policy may reflect
approach than liberalism. Ironically given its name,
the interests of different constituents: for instance,
realism offers a very reductionist rather than real-
those of a few powerful actors in authoritarian
istic picture of international politics. As a
consequence, a salient point of criticism is that it adopting a simple ‘‘tit-for-tat’’ approach – doing
may miss important parts of the picture. For whatever the partner did last – tends to lead to
instance, in a strict application of realism, the EU stable cooperation over time (Axelrod, 1984).
is not a relevant actor, as it does not represent a Third, and most important for the understanding
sovereign nation state. Not everyone finds the of de-globalization, is the argument that just as
fallback position of realists – that the EU is institutions facilitate cooperation within countries
ultimately the expression of the power of one (North, 1990; Williamson, 1985), international
member state (or possibly several of them) – institutions (also called ‘‘international regimes’’)
convincing, considering the extent of horse-trading may enable international cooperation (Keohane,
in which even the most powerful EU members must 1984, 1989). Institutions in this context are defined
engage to attain their objectives. as ‘‘persistent and connected sets of rules (formal
and informal) that prescribe behavioral roles, con-
Relationship with (De-)Globalization strain activity, and share expectations’’ (Keohane,
1989: 3). This conceptualization is broadly consis-
Liberalism tent with that by North (1990), commonly used in
For liberalists, globalization involves two major the international business literature. (Somewhat
ingredients: the agreement of states to cooperate confusingly, the bodies entrusted with administer-
in building interdependence, and a supporting ing international institutions, such as the WTO, are
infrastructure that enables such cooperation to also referred to as ‘‘institutions,’’ while the business
occur. literature would see them as ‘‘organizations’’ (de-
The first component, agreement, requires that fined as groups of people bound together for a
there be sufficient political support for building common purpose; see North, 1990)).
economic interdependence within each country. In Liberalists argue that institutions aid cooperation
other words, proponents of openness need to have in a number of ways (Davis, 2012; Maggi, 1999;
more political power than opponents. Matthews & Callaway, 2017). They provide a forum
While such agreement is an expression of the will for discussion, for identifying mutual interests, and
to cooperate, putting cooperation into practice for finding joint solutions. Once institutions are
often faces challenges because of a risk that other agreed on, the organizations attached to them can
countries will renege on their agreements in order help monitor compliance. Some of these organiza-
to gain even greater benefits for themselves. Liber- tions also provide for adjudication of conflicts
alists usually conceptualize this challenge in game- around international institutions and set penalties
theoretic terms (e.g., Aggarwal & Dupont, 1999; for violations. Liberalists would not deny that
Maggi, 1999), especially with reference to the compliance with international institutions is
prisoners’ dilemma: while overall benefits of coop- imperfect but would argue that imperfect institu-
eration may be maximized if everyone cooperates, tions are better than none, with successful cooper-
individual players may maximize their own bene- ation having the potential to open up further areas
fits by defecting while the others continue to of cooperation in the future.
cooperate. Since this incentive structure is known, In a liberalist world, there are accordingly two
the risk is that no actor agrees to cooperate. pathways to de-globalization. The first is for the
Liberalists claim that countries can overcome the institutional infrastructure supporting globalization
constraints of anarchy and build cooperation in at to lose its ability to support openness. For instance,
least three ways. First, because actors, especially diverging interests between countries may prevent the
states, interact with one another repeatedly, the creation or maintenance of the institutions necessary
gains from a one-time defection pale in comparison for openness to sustain or advance. We have seen such
with the possible gains from long-term coopera- a divergence of interests in the context of the Doha
tion. Since countries realize who can be trusted and Round of WTO negotiations, in which advanced
who tends to cheat, defecting does not pay. industrialized countries essentially pushed for more
Rational actors will thus learn to cooperate (Axel- free trade (except in agriculture), while the emerging
rod, 1984). Second, cooperation can be helped markets pushed for what they saw as fair trade. Unlike
along through the use of strategies that reward in previous rounds, in which the advanced
cooperation and punish defection. For instance,
industrialized countries were powerful enough to investment- and corporation-led form of globaliza-
push through their interests, increased power of tion in which investors and firms are seen as
emerging markets resulted in a stalemate in the Doha benefiting at the expense of common people, some
Round. countries, and the environment. The latter rein-
Such stalemate and attendant lack of institu- forced support of right-wing nationalist groups
tional changes does not only work against the linking globalization to unwelcome immigration
opening up of new areas of economic interdepen- (Rodrik, 2018), which seems to have played a role
dence. It also contributes to institutional drift in the Brexit vote of 2016. Jointly, the rise of such
(Mahoney & Thelen, 2009), which implies that opposition and attendant challenges to pro-market
institutions move out of synch with the issues they ideology are likely to weaken support of openness
should address. For instance, countries have shown at the domestic level, with concomitant implica-
great ingenuity in devising ways to renege on their tions for a country’s ability to pursue international
promise of openness while officially remaining in economic interdependence.
compliance. An example is non-tariff barriers to Second, opening up trade or finance internation-
trade, which many states have thrown up and ally has distributional consequences within coun-
which the WTO remains ill-equipped to address. tries, with some sectors gaining and others losing.
Such circumvention of international institutions For instance, international trade or financial liberal-
both reduces interdependence directly – by making ization will generally hurt previously protected
trade with and investment in other countries sectors and their workers (Buckley & Ghauri, 2004;
harder – and indirectly – by inducing other coun- Frieden, 1991; Stolper & Samuelson, 1941). Low-
tries to reciprocate by limiting openness. skilled workers suffer in terms of wage depres-
This reneging is linked to the second pathway: a sion and job losses – and resultant increases in
change in national political interests leads coun- inequality – when exposed to competition from
tries to opt out of economic interdependence. emerging markets, as has been shown for US work-
Consistent with the notion that shifting interests ers facing competition from China (e.g., Acemoglu,
may be connected with the current de-globaliza- Autor, Dorn, Hanson, & Price, 2016; Autor, Dorn, &
tion, public support for globalization has dropped Hanson, 2013). Unless compensated, the losers from
in many economies since the early 2000s (OECD, globalization may mobilize and seek to reverse
2017). In a November 2016 survey across 23 economic openness (Autor, Dorn, Hanson, & Maj-
advanced and emerging markets, an average of lesi, 2016; Frieden, 1991). If these actors then have
53% of respondents had little or no confidence in sufficient power – for instance, by being numerous
international institutions, 61% had little or no enough to elect a leader aligned with their interests –
confidence in large firms, and a large minority was a country may shift its foreign economic policy in
concerned about immigration (with no majority in favor of de-globalization. Arguably, this accounts at
favor) (IPSOS, 2017). least partially for the election of Donald Trump as
As to the causes of this shift, given the flexibility U.S. President and the global rise of populism more
of liberalism with respect to interests, a wide range generally (Rodrik, 2018).
of causes is conceivable. For example, values A third example is that the payoffs from cooper-
underlying policy preferences may undergo ideo- ation may change over time, and interests support-
logical shifts away from open to protected markets. ing globalization may weaken as a consequence. For
Since ideologies legitimate positions of power instance, while importing goods or offshoring pro-
(Mannheim, 1936), such shifts usually require a duction may be economically efficient in the short
failure, perceived or real, of the prevailing ideology. term, the attendant shrinkage of production in the
Arguably, the financial crisis of 2008 and the home market may be undesirable in the longer term
European refugee crisis of 2015 represented such for reasons such as a reduction in expertise and
watersheds against pro-openness ideology in the production capacity in industries important for
Western world. The former empowered left-wing national defense (Berger, 2013). We have also
critics of globalization, who object to openness in observed this mechanism in recent years, for exam-
its present shape, which they see as unjust (Fisher & ple, in the context of growing numbers of Chinese
Ponniah, 2003; Santos, 2013; Verbeke et al., 2018). foreign direct investment projects blocked in Wes-
In particular, leftist activists object to an tern nations on grounds of national security.
Overall, the picture drawn by liberalism is con- strongest state, not necessarily in absolute terms,
sistent with de-globalization. International institu- but relative to other states. If such decline is
tions appear to be weakening, and domestic present, one would expect de-globalization.
political interests seem to have shifted to favor To assess this possibility, I evaluate the relative
reduced interdependence. power of the United States as compared with the rest of
the world and its closest rivals. I focus on two main
Realism dimensions that are central to the realist concept of
For realists, the main pathway to globalization power: military strength and economic power. The
involves coercion. This is the thrust of a sub-theory latter is easy to operationalize as GDP. Military power,
of realism called ‘‘hegemonic stability theory’’ on the other hand, is difficult to measure without a
(Keohane, 1980; Kindleberger, 1973; Krasner, detailed, and probably classified, understanding of the
1976). Hegemonic stability theory argues that capabilities of the world’s militaries, including the
periods of globalization occur when an overwhelm- number and capabilities of soldiers and equipment. As
ingly powerful country, a ‘‘hegemon,’’ creates and a proxy, I rely instead on the extent of military
maintains, for its own benefit, sets of international spending. This measure is imperfect in that it does
institutions (‘‘regimes’’) that govern aspects such as not account for classified budgets; does not differen-
trade and investments. The hegemon will keep this tiate between spending for new equipment as opposed
system in place as long as it remains strong enough to ongoing operations; and does not account for
to do so and the benefits from keeping the system purchasing power differences. At the same time, the
exceed the costs. Other states may or may not resultant biases all work against finding a decline in
benefit from the system. power in the current context: budget transparency is
Once the hegemon declines – i.e., it loses power greater in the US than in its next closest military rivals,
relative to other countries to the point that it is no China and Russia; the US has been spending much
longer overwhelmingly powerful – the system more on ongoing wars in the past 15 years than any
becomes unstable. While hegemonic decline has other nation, with concomitant expenses for veterans;
been a persistent pattern in history (Gilpin, 1983; and much of the world, but certainly China and Russia,
Organski, 1958), it is not necessarily clear precisely should see greater purchasing power per dollar spent
when a state ceases to be a hegemon. As a result, an on the military than the United States. Any decline in
economic order may outlive the hegemony of the the US budget relative to other states is thus likely to be
country that created it – it is ‘‘sticky’’ (Krasner, a conservative depiction of actual dynamics.
1976). It will fail once a shock to the system, such Both metrics paint a clear picture of relative
as an economic crisis, reveals that the hegemon has decline of US power. Figure 8 shows US GDP at PPP
lost its power to maintain that system. and constant 2011 international dollars relative to
Importantly, while the international system all other countries in the world combined, as well
under hegemonic stability may look much like an as relative to the respective next largest economy in
institutional structure along the lines of that envi- the world (Japan until 1998, China from 1999
sioned by liberalism, these institutions are in reality onward). The time series begins in 1990 because the
epiphenomenal: they do not exist in their own World Development Indicators database used does
right but reflect the interests and power of the not report GDP at PPP for earlier years. Relative to
hegemon. In essence, they are a matter of conve- the rest of the world, US economic strength in this
nience for the hegemon: it is easier to hand out a period peaked in 1999 at 20.6%. By 2017, that
rule book than to tell each country on a case-by- figure had declined to 15.2% of world GDP, a drop
case basis what to do. of 26.2%. The picture is even clearer for US GDP
The theoretical parsimony of realism makes it relative to the next largest. Again, US strength
much more straightforward to illustrate how the peaked in 1999 with its GDP at 289.4% that of
current period of de-globalization coincides with China’s. By 2013, China had reached parity, and in
hegemonic decline. Hegemonic stability theory 2017, US GDP was down to 83.2% of China’s, a
links the openness of the international economic decline by 71.3%. While one can argue whether the
system to the preponderance of the most powerful United States was an economic hegemon in 1999, it
country, which in recent history has been the is clear that, by 2017, it was far from hegemony. At
United States of America. Conversely, de-globaliza- the same time, it is also clear that China is not
tion accompanies a decline in power of the (yet?) an economic hegemon, either.
US relave to next
US relave to
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Figure 8 US GDP at purchasing power parity and in constant 2011 international dollars relative to the next largest economy and the
world. For a table with the values, please refer to the Appendix. Source: World Bank (2018).
US relave to next
800% largest
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Figure 9 US military spending relative to the next largest spender and the world. For a table with the values, please refer to the
Appendix. Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (2018).
Figure 9 shows US military spending relative to followed a similar pattern to GDP, though peaking
all other countries in the world combined, as well earlier. Relative to the rest of the world, US military
as relative to the respective next largest spender spending reached its high point in 1992 at 46.4%.
(USSR 1988–1990, France 1991–2000, China 2001 By 2017, it had declined to 36.1%, a drop by 22.2%.
onward). It is measured in constant 2016 interna- Again, the picture is even clearer relative to the
tional dollars, with PPP adjusted data unavailable. next closest contender: US spending peaked in
The time series begins in 1988 because this is the 1992 at 921.7% that of the next closest, France. By
earliest year for which the SIPRI database (Stock- 2017, it had decreased to 261.7% relative to the
holm International Peace Research Institute, 2018) Chinese military budget, a drop of 71.6%. As
contains a budget for the Soviet Union, which already mentioned, especially the more recent
during the Cold War was the closest military figures are likely to underestimate the attendant
contender to the United States. Military spending shift in military power.
Overall, these data show a picture that is consistent existing operations could not be repatriated and
with de-globalization. To the extent that the United were instead reinvested (Jones, 2005). The atten-
States used to be a hegemon that could erect and dant rise in local assets and production may have
maintain an open international economic system, it helped MNEs mitigate the impact of trade barriers.
is unlikely that it remains powerful enough today. Its Unfortunately, it also implied larger losses during
economy is already smaller than China’s, and the World War II, when the combatants confiscated
Chinese military is rapidly catching up. enemy assets (Jones, 2005; Jones & Lubinski, 2012).
Outcomes Realism
Both approaches would thus expect de-globaliza- Realism essentially predicts globalization in the
tion under the present conditions. However, their presence of a global hegemon. In a multipolar
predictions of the future landscape of the interna- world, in which at least two superpowers represent
tional political economy vary considerably. regional (in the sense of not global) hegemons and
neither is strong enough to become a global
Liberalism hegemon, realism would expect the emergence of
As laid out above, liberalism suggests that de- economic blocs around each regional hegemon,
globalization results from a combination of failing supported by different sets of institutions (regimes).
international institutions and interests shifting The most likely outcome under realism for the
away from economic openness. To the extent that near to medium future is thus a repeat of the Cold
this change of interests is not uniform across War configuration of the international political
countries – which is probably a realistic assumption economy: a bipolar world in which two superpow-
– the most likely outcome is a globalization patch- ers erect two different systems in their respective
work in which different pairs or groups of countries spheres of interest. In this context, the United
provide for varying levels of interdependence States remains less than a global hegemon, but
between them. strong enough to deny China the mantle of global
Geographically confined agreements are thus hegemony. This may be a transitional phase for the
likely to gain in importance. The past decades have next decades, or it may become a permanent
already seen the emergence of such a globalization condition if China fails to break through the
patchwork in the shape of numerous bilateral and middle income trap and thus does not grow much
regional, rather than global, trade agreements stronger (Lewin, Kenney, & Murmann, 2016; Witt,
(Aggarwal and Urata, 2006; Shadlen, 2008). While 2016).
these agreements were effectively attempts at In the longer run – presumably some decades
increasing interdependence above the global stan- hence – the world may see the emergence of China
dard, de-globalization implies an additional layer of as a new global hegemon. For this case, hegemonic
complexity in that some countries begin to opt out stability theory would suggest the creation of a new
of the system to reduce their levels of interdepen- global order reflecting Chinese preferences. The
dence. To the extent such departures threaten the smoothest transition would be for the United States
viability of the remaining global infrastructure, to concede international leadership voluntarily to
countries willing to maintain high levels of inter- China. This seems unlikely. For a realist, it is more
dependence may find a need to devise suitable bi- probable that leadership will be wrested from the
lateral and regional agreements. Similar to past United States. Possibly, this may occur in the
agreements, these alternative arrangements are context of a hegemonic war (Allison, 2017; Gilpin,
likely to be tailored to the interests of the countries 1983), but, given the threat of nuclear annihilation,
negotiating them. Given diverse interests, it seems conflict may be confined to economic or perhaps
likely that variance in the extent and characteristics digital warfare.
of economic openness will increase. How China would then refashion the interna-
In the extreme, this may result in the reemer- tional system is difficult to predict beyond such
gence of economic blocs seen in the 1930s, with obvious changes as the Chinese yuan replacing the
currency and trade restrictions in place (Jones, US dollar as reserve currency and new institutions
2005, 2014). While these restrictions between blocs replacing existing ones. Jacques (2012), for
curtailed overall FDI, some countries still registered instance, extrapolated from history to suggest the
growing FDI from other blocs, as profits from emergence of a neo-tributary structure in which
Chinese views of different races play an important Political Strategies and Roles of MNEs
role. Whether this is a credible prediction and The above discussion opens up opportunities to
specifically what this would entail remains unclear. explore how MNEs affect the political sustainability
However, the longer run might also see the of globalization, both in the context of their regular
emergence of other superpowers and thus a multi- business activities and through deliberate political
polar world with multiple economic regimes. Since agency. Liberalism and realism suggest different
population size and thus the attainable total size of foci in exploring these questions, with liberalism
GDP is a key indicator of power in realism, the most emphasizing ways to understand and address the
likely candidate to attain superpower status in the negative side effects of globalization and realism
future is India. This is contingent on continued pointing to pressure for stronger alignment with
economic development of the country, which is the political agendas of states vying for hegemony.
not a foregone conclusion given past economic Research in these areas represents an extension of
performance and the possibility that especially existing thinking about politics in IB. While IB
China may seek to prevent the emergence of India scholars have long been aware of the importance of
as a competitor. an international political context that permits
An unlikely candidate for superpower status is globalization (e.g., Buckley & Casson, 1976), the
the European Union. The early 2000s saw a series of field has tended to treat this context as exogenous.
aspirational works that suggested that the EU might Accordingly, to the extent that IB research has
indeed be a coming superpower (Leonard, 2005; explored the importance of political strategies, it
McCormick, 2007; Verhofstadt, 2006). The euro has tended to do so in the context of strategic
crisis put an end to such hopes, at least for now outcomes for the individual firm, such as entry and
(Webber, 2016). In particular, the past 10 years location choices, entry modes, ownership patterns,
have revealed that even though the EU would in legitimacy, risk reduction, and performance (Cui,
principle have a sufficiently large economy and Hu, Li, & Meyer, 2018; Sun, 2019). Absent, with
population, it lacks the ‘‘power conversion capabil- some exceptions already noted (Kobrin, 2017;
ity’’ requisite for superpower status (Nye, 2015: 25). Meyer, 2017), is a concern with the relationship
The problem is that EU norms of near-consensual between MNEs and the political context that
decision-making paired with the frequently diverg- enables and sustains globalization.
ing interests of member states drastically reduce the The discussion in this paper suggests that the
ability of the EU to act (Webber, 2016). Unless this international political context underpinning glob-
changes as a result of further integration, presum- alization is in fact endogenous to IB. For one, both
ably into a United States of Europe, superpower liberalism and realism agree that the trade and
status is likely to remain beyond reach. investment decisions of MNEs feed back into the
Other countries are generally too small to political context, though in distinct ways. In liber-
become poles in a multipolar world. This includes alism, as discussed earlier, MNEs affect domestic
Russia. Given its relatively small population of 144 interests in part through the distributional conse-
million, it could not match the power of any of the quences of their trade and investment decisions,
other superpowers even if it managed to attain per with disadvantaged parts of the population oppos-
capita GDP levels as in the advanced industrialized ing openness. As also discussed, MNE activities
world. By the same token, Japan with a shrinking further clash with competing ideologies on the left
population of currently 127 million will not be able and the right of the political spectrum, and the
to muster sufficient power. more successful and thus salient MNEs become, the
stronger is an anti-globalization response likely to
IMPLICATIONS FOR IB RESEARCH In realism, MNEs’ activities across boundaries
The two theories, liberalism and realism, thus have the potential to affect the distribution of
predict the emergence of very distinct environ- power among states. For instance, MNEs may slow
ments for international business. This has implica- the economic development of potential rivals by
tions for potential exploration and theory using their international market presence to block
development in at least three areas: the political the emergence of rival firms (see Hymer, 1976).
strategies and roles of MNEs, global value chains, Asian developmental states of the twentieth cen-
and interactions with the national context. I will tury, such as Japan and South Korea, consequently
discuss these in turn below.
sought to curtail inward FDI (Amsden, 1989; John- Deng, 2009) can be interpreted as efforts in support
son, 1982). On the other hand, MNEs may also help of accelerated growth of Chinese power. The
rival countries gain economic strength. For involvement of Chinese MNEs in the One Belt
instance, MNE investments abroad increase host One Road initiative (also known as Belt and Road
country GDP, and MNE activities abroad may lead Initiative), which is as much a geopolitical as an
to technological spillovers (e.g., Buckley, Clegg, & economic project (Ferdinand, 2016), may be a
Wang, 2002; Giroud, 2014; Meyer & Sinani, 2009; current, large-scale example of Chinese MNEs serv-
Ramamurti, 2004) that can strengthen rivals. This ing state interests. Of course, China is not unique in
in turn would presumably induce a hegemon to this respect. For instance, the activities of US MNEs
adjust the international regime it created so as to can, and have been, viewed as projections of US
ensure continued relative gains in its favor. hegemony (Gilpin, 1975; Kindleberger, 1969).
The result in both cases is a coevolutionary A second set of questions relates to political
dynamic (Lewin & Volberda, 1999) of globalization agency of MNEs. It is well-established in the
and MNE activities that, through different mecha- management and IB literature that firms engage
nisms, may be self-destabilizing and lead to de- in political processes to help shape their environ-
globalization. ment (e.g., Boddewyn & Brewer, 1994; Oliver, 1991;
For IB research, with MNE activities as one Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978; Witt & Lewin, 2007). We
central theme, liberalism and realism thus open also know that firms can and do use tailored non-
up large, but different, questions about the rela- market strategies, such as corporate social respon-
tionship between MNEs and the political context sibility (CSR) and systematic engagement of local
that enables them. With respect to regular business stakeholders, to create hospitable environments for
activities of MNEs and their outcomes, liberalism their operations in host markets (e.g., Henisz, 2017;
implies a need to place a greater premium on Henisz, Dorobantu, & Nartey, 2014; Rathert, 2016;
sustaining societal support for globalization. For Yang & Rivers, 2009). The question is whether and
instance, as already mentioned, we know that the how we may see MNEs similarly devise and deploy
investment and trade activities of MNEs produce non-market strategies to help shore up the political
winners and losers within a given national context. foundations of the economic openness on which
A liberalist would expect MNEs to give these they depend.
mechanisms greater weight in future decision- Liberalism and realism again suggest very differ-
making than they have so far. While there are ent possibilities. Under liberalism, MNEs, especially
national differences – discussed in a later section – large ones, may decide to dedicate more resources
this would broadly be evident in a shift away from a to sustaining and expanding economic interdepen-
shareholder focus towards a more encompassing dence. This may, for instance, involve an increase
stakeholder view of the firm (Agle, Donaldson, in direct political activities, such as lobbying pol-
Freeman, Jensen, Mitchell, & Wood, 2008; Free- icy-makers to counteract pressure from anti-global-
man, Wicks, & Parmar, 2004). ization forces. It could also involve attempts to
Realism suggests the importance of generating a prevent parts of the population from turning
better understanding of how MNE activities sup- negative on globalization. For instance, MNEs
port or undermine hegemony. In a direct sense, this may use CSR activities such as retraining programs
includes the possibility that home country govern- to help buffer against the adverse effects of global-
ments will determine at least part of MNE activities ization, possibly tailoring these programs to the
– in other words, that MNEs represent political specific institutional context of home and host
tools for attaining power. For instance, the litera- countries (Ioannou & Serafeim, 2012; Jackson &
ture on Chinese MNEs has noted that a key Apostolakou, 2010; Matten & Moon, 2008; Miska,
objective of Chinese outwards FDI has been to Witt, & Stahl, 2016; Rathert, 2016). Many major
secure access to resources abroad (e.g., Buckley, firms already pursue both political strategies and
Clegg, Cross, Liu, Voss, & Zheng, 2007; Child & CSR, and it would be surprising if they did not put
Rodrigues, 2005; Cuervo-Cazurra, 2017; Luo & them to use to counteract de-globalization, indi-
Tung, 2007), a critical concern from a realist vidually or in coalition with other national or
perspective. Similarly, the springboard perspective international actors.
(Luo & Tung, 2007, 2018) of leveraging foreign Realism at first glance seems to rule out that MNE
investments to upgrade internal capabilities by agency could be significant, as domestic politics,
acquiring them abroad (Child & Rodrigues, 2005; and thus the activities of actors such as firms, are
irrelevant in the theory. If we open the black box of changes in organizational forms, and the impact of
domestic policy-making, however, realism may political considerations on location decisions.
leave space for MNE agency in the context of Below, I use the model of the ‘‘Global Factory’’
normal political involvement in shaping economic (Buckley, 2011; Buckley & Ghauri, 2004) to illus-
policies (see Witt & Lewin, 2007). To the extent trate how these issues may play out under the two
that realism is correct and the survival of global- theories.
ization depends on the strength of the hegemon, In the Global Factory, MNEs essentially become
and to the extent firms consider the present form of coordinators of production networks in which they
globalization under the current international ‘‘’fine slice’ their activities and … locate each ‘stage’
regime to be desirable, the question of how policies of activity in its optimal location and … control the
affect the power of the hegemon would become whole supply chain, even when not owning all of
part of the equation. Especially if the alternative it’’ (Buckley, 2011: 270). While this view explicitly
were de-globalization or a less favorable globalized recognizes the importance of politics in opening up
environment under a new hegemon, weaker states markets (Buckley, 2011), it takes this openness for
and their firms might conclude that it is in their given. Jointly with technological advances, open-
self-interest to permit a hegemon to accrue dispro- ness enables the functioning of the Global Factory.
portional benefits. While the technology needed for the Global
For instance, in the current international con- Factory will probably continue to be available and
text, European MNEs may consider what impact improve, both approaches discussed in this paper
their economic activities in and with China have suggest that economic openness is likely to recede.
on the viability of the US-led international order. In Some of the consequences of this will mirror the
simple terms, realists would argue that anything gains from internationalization and are indepen-
that strengthens China undermines the ability of dent of the question of which theory better
the United States to maintain the international accounts for de-globalization. For instance, in
economic order it built. European MNEs might also general, benefits from ‘‘fine slicing,’’ such as eco-
ponder whether it may, in the longer run, be nomic or institutional arbitrage (Hall & Soskice,
advantageous to give into recent US demands on 2001; Jackson & Deeg, 2008; Witt & Lewin, 2007),
trade. While the Europeans see these as unbalanced are likely to decline. Companies will have fewer
and unfair, they may conclude it to be in their opportunities to offshore production to countries
interest to help shore up US power rather than to with lower labor costs or to locate research and
see continued de-globalization or a Chinese-led development activities in countries with techno-
form of globalization. In other words, the calculus logical strengths in specific areas. Just as globaliza-
on what kind of political solutions MNEs choose to tion opened up these opportunities for MNEs, de-
support may change. globalization is likely to diminish them and reduce
Taken together, both liberalism and realism open their significance as source of competitive
up a wide range of questions related to the political advantage.
context and agency of MNEs. For instance, how big The two theories disagree, however, on a range of
is the destabilizing impact on globalization of precise implications for the Global Factory. In
which kinds of MNE activities? Can firms do liberalism, a breakdown of international institu-
anything to counteract this impact, or are the tions would imply more uncertainty in interna-
forces at work too big even for collective action by tional business, which translates into higher
the world’s largest MNEs? Which kinds of political transaction costs of doing business internationally.
agency work better and why? And what are appro- Transaction costs would presumably also increase
priate mechanisms for incorporating the destabiliz- with a fragmentation of the international eco-
ing impact of MNE activity in various aspects of nomic order, which would imply an even greater
MNE strategy, such as location decisions? variety of rules and conditions under which MNEs
operate. To the extent that the Coasian argument
Global Value Chains about the nature of the firm (Coase, 1937) is
A second area of implications pertains to likely meaningful, this would suggest a return to higher
adjustments in global value chains.5 While liberal- levels of ownership integration in the MNEs of the
ism and realism suggest different pathways, com- future. Does this forebode a partial return to the
mon themes include questions about the future vertically integrated MNE of the past? Or will the
reach and specialization of value chains, possible mix of more restrictive politics paired with more
advanced technologies give rise to new organiza- operating across spheres of influence would be (if
tional forms? such cross-sphere activities were condoned by the
Either way, while under liberalism the MNE of two hegemons, which in the Cold War they were
the future may still be global in the sense of being not). In addition, operating in both spheres implies
active across the globe, it is likely to have smaller a risk of asset confiscation in case rivalry turns into
international reach if some countries opt out of open hostility, as happened during both World
economic openness. The ability of firms to ‘‘fine Wars (Jones, 2005). To handle these tensions, MNEs
slice’’ would presumably be curtailed because of a may try to devise new organizational forms or
lack of access and scale. Some benefits of special- adapt existing forms, such as compartmentalized
ization may be lost, and some specialized clusters business groups (Dieleman & Boddewyn, 2012). For
dependent on supplying the Global Factory may instance, Beiersdorf, a German firm with Jewish
decline (see Buckley, 2011). owners, in the 1930s and 1940s sought to reduce
Location decisions within the remaining avail- the risk of losing assets (ultimately unsuccessfully)
able countries would probably become more com- to hostile home and host governments by using a
plex. In addition to the usual parameters ‘‘ring’’ structure to conceal the true ownership of its
determining economic viability and risk as well as operations (Jones & Lubinski, 2012). Where such
the transaction costs of potentially divergent rules adaptation is impossible, MNEs currently active in
of different bilateral and regional agreements, both spheres may find themselves having choose
MNEs would need to become more systematic in one sphere while withdrawing from the other.
considering the impact of their projects, both on Hegemonic rivalry is further likely to manifest
the host country but especially also on the home itself as pressure on MNEs to internalize the inter-
country (Meyer, 2017). In this context, certain ests of the respective hegemon in their strategic
strategies, such as wholesale factory closures with decision-making, including location choices. Prior
attendant offshoring of production, will become work has suggested that the diplomatic networks of
more difficult to execute and are likely to give way home country governments are influential for
to gentler alternatives, such as stepwise offshoring location decisions (Li, Meyer, Zhang, & Ding,
in which only jobs opened up through natural 2017). It would seem likely that the ‘‘home hege-
attrition, such as retirements, may be moved. Such mon’’ might have similar impact. In a direct
patterns are already relatively more common in fashion, a hegemon may put political or regulatory
coordinated market economies (Hall & Soskice, pressure on firms within its sphere of influence,
2001) such as Germany (Lewin & Volberda, 2011), possibly through their own home governments, to
which may consequently be at a relative advantage avoid or favor certain locations. European firms, for
in terms of internationalization capabilities in a de- instance, are strongly affected by sanctions the
globalizing world. United States imposes on third countries. But even
Realism likewise expects smaller reach of MNEs. in the absence of direct pressure, the relationship
Unlike under liberalism, however, the Global Fac- between regional hegemons is likely to color the
tory would probably give way to the Regional diplomatic ties between governments, which might
Factory (where ‘‘region’’ denotes the economic affect the viability of international location
sphere of interest of the respective regional hege- options.
mon). For the probable near-future outcome of two
spheres of influence, one led by the United States Interaction with National Contexts
and one by China, it seems likely that at least the The third set of implications from this paper
US sphere will continue to operate under rules involves a wide-ranging research agenda for com-
similar to those today. Under these conditions, the parative institutional and contextual research in IB.
strategy of ‘‘fine slicing’’ remains in principle viable, Liberalism suggests a concern with the ability of
though on a smaller scale, with reduced levels of national contexts to sustain globalization, while
specialization and probably not across spheres of realism asks how national contexts tie into eco-
influence. nomic and military power.
As for the Chinese sphere of influence, as men- As discussed earlier, liberalism predicts a patch-
tioned earlier, it is not clear what the rules of the work of openness in a de-globalizing world. For
game for MNEs would be. They may remain fairly MNEs, this implies uncertainty over which econo-
similar or deviate dramatically. The larger the mies will remain open. One possible factor in this
differences, the greater the transaction costs of may be national variance in the extent to which
MNEs adopt strategies that undermine political 2014; Witt & Jackson, 2016). In the same spirit of
support of globalization. For instance, we know equifinality, it may be possible that multiple ways
from the variety of capitalism literature (Estevez- of embedding the adverse impact of globalization
Abe, Iversen, & Soskice, 2001; Hall & Soskice, 2001) may be feasible (e.g., Milberg & Winkler, 2010).
that advanced industrialized countries vary widely Probing these variations will give IB an opportunity
with respect to employment protection. As a result, to extend insights from the welfare state literature
globalization seems to affect workers more (Castles, Leibfried, Lewis, Obinger, & Pierson, 2012)
adversely in liberal market economies such as the to explore the interplay of trade, MNEs, and welfare
United States, where low protection makes whole- policies.
sale factory closures possible and thus facilitates Realism raises the issue of how institutions and
large-scale offshoring. While such offshoring may other factors, both at home and abroad, can be
result in lower consumer prices at the level of the leveraged to maximize economic and military
economy as a whole (Feenstra et al., 2010), at the power. Prior IB research has linked institutional
individual level of the affected worker, the overall variations to economic performance (Judge et al.,
impact seems to be adverse (Acemoglu et al., 2016; 2014), patterns of innovation (Schneider, Schulze-
Autor et al., 2013). Conversely, in coordinated Bentrop, & Paunescu, 2010), and the ability to take
market economies (CMEs) such as Germany, advantage of innovation (Witt & Jackson, 2016).
employment protection is much stronger, which Similarly, IB research has a long tradition of looking
makes factory closures and large-scale offshoring at questions of national competitiveness, for
harder (Lewin & Volberda, 2011; Milberg & Win- instance, in the context of the double diamond
kler, 2010). CMEs may forgo macroeconomic gains model (e.g., Cho, Moon, & Kim, 2009; Moon,
from offshoring, such as lower prices and resultant Rugman, & Verbeke, 1998; Rugman & D’Cruz,
consumption, but higher levels of job security and 1993).
a higher labor share of income in the economy At the same time, much remains to be explored
(Milberg & Winkler, 2010) may dampen anti-glob- about the linkages between context and hard
alization sentiment. power. It seems likely that these connections exist.
Much about these linkages between national For instance, in the US, Cold War defense spending
context and MNE strategies affecting support for funded the rise of Silicon Valley and other high-
globalization remains conjecture and thus fruitful tech clusters in the United States (Lécuyer, 2006;
grounds for exploration. For instance, beyond O’Mara, 2015). Among the fruits of these efforts are
employment protection, what other types of insti- the Internet, which grew out of a defense initiative
tutions may play a role in these processes? Plausible for distributed computing (Castells, 2002), as well
candidates include tariff and non-tariff barriers to as the US microelectronics and aviation industries
trade and investment, but there may be others, (Hooks, 1990). In all of these areas, US MNEs
such as a reliance of firms on specific, nationally continue to be major global players. In effect, US
embedded production processes that are hard to defense spending assumed the role of industrial
transfer to other institutional contexts (Zimmer- policy in other countries (Amsden, 1989; Ger-
mann & Bollbach, 2015). Recent research on insti- schenkron, 1962; Johnson, 1982; Wade, 1990).
tutional patterns among the world’s major An important question for the future is how the
economies may provide a useful empirical basis institutional structures of countries, especially
for exploring these questions (Witt, Kabbach de those of the United States and China, will help or
Castro, Amaeshi, Mahroum, Bohle, & Saez, 2018). hinder their efforts at maximizing power. For
A second and related aspect is the ability of instance, the institutional structure of the US
national institutional contexts to provide a buffer economy has co-evolved to support a large popu-
against the adverse impact of globalization by lation of experiments, in the form of startups, that
embedding market forces (see Polanyi, 1944; Rug- drives high-tech innovation in many parts of the
gie, 1982). What combinations of measures, such as economy (Hall & Soskice, 2001; Witt & Lewin,
unemployment protection and (re-)training 2007). Leading universities attracting top global
schemes, produce sufficient political support of talent as well as opportunities to generate vast
openness? The variety of capitalism literature has personal wealth are integral parts of this model.
shown that multiple institutional configurations China’s approach has been different. While US
can produce similar economic outcomes (Hall & technology incumbents regularly absorb startups,
Soskice, 2001; Judge, Fainshmidt, & Brown III, acquisitions by China’s three giants – Alibaba,
Baidu, and Tencent – seem to reduce the number of attendant implications for the shape of the political
independent startups and thus of experiments at a economy and thus international business. Based on
much larger scale (Economist, 2018). Chinese uni- these differences, I have discussed potential impli-
versities have improved markedly, but, rather than cations for IB research along three dimensions: the
seeking to attract leading global talent, the empha- political strategies and role of MNEs, global value
sis seems to be on enticing Chinese nationals chains, and interactions with the national context.
educated abroad to return to China. The questions this paper has raised are large.
How will these and other differences hinder or Indeed, one might wonder whether many of the
help either country gain technology leadership in questions posed in this paper may not be too large,
crucial areas such as artificial intelligence? For or too ‘‘macro,’’ to be suitable to IB scholars, and
instance, will the United States continue to be able whether they may best be left to political scientists.
to keep, rather than merely to train, top talent from Of the various possible counters to these con-
China, which presently accounts for one-third of cerns, I would like to emphasize two. First, IB has
international students in the United States (Insti- already successfully absorbed a number of macro-
tute of International Education, 2018)? How about topics. For instance, cross-cultural and comparative
other areas of variation in their institutional struc- institutional studies now routinely appear in major
tures, such as sources and costs of corporate fund- IB journals, including JIBS. We have not treated
ing (market-driven in the United States, state- these areas as the exclusive remit of anthropolo-
determined for targeted firms in China) (see Hall gists, sociologists, and political scientists. The result
& Soskice, 2001; Redding & Witt, 2007; Witt & has been a better understanding of phenomena
Redding, 2014)? How about aspects such as data directly relevant to MNEs, such as the dimensions
protection (weak in the United States but even and impact of liability of foreignness. It seems
weaker in China)? Given the central role realism likely, or at least possible, that widening the view of
ascribes to hard power for the future of (de-)glob- IB to political factors and mechanisms underlying
alization, elucidating these linkages and their local the shape of the international political economy
contingencies could be a promising avenue for may produce similar benefits for IB.
future IB research. Second, studying the interplay of MNEs and the
political context constitutes a major opportunity
for IB to generate new insights that are as relevant
CONCLUSION as they are elusive to other disciplines. An oft-heard
The central argument of this perspective paper has lament is that IB is a net importer of academic ideas
been that international business under de-global- from other disciplines.
ization would look qualitatively different from Here is an opportunity for generating a positive
what we have seen in the past decades, and that ideas trade balance with political science. After an
coming to terms with this qualitative shift would initial importation of the theories laid out in this
require a much deeper integration of political paper, by examining firm-level data, IB scholars
forces in IB research. Just as in the last de-global- may be able to shed light on what has eluded
ization in first half of the twentieth century, there is political scientists: a clearer sense of which theory,
no lack of technology that could propel globaliza- liberalism or realism, offers a more useful account
tion forward. What we do seem to lack, at this of actual developments. For instance, as this paper
point, is a political configuration that would sup- has discussed, the two theories predict different
port this. patterns in MNE investments or subsidiary survival
To help IB research attain this deeper integration under conditions of de-globalization. Since politi-
of politics, I have reviewed the key tenets of the two cal scientists rarely work with firm-level data, IB
leading political science theories speaking to de- scholars will be in a privileged position to identify
globalization, liberalism and realism. While the such patterns. In doing so, IB scholars might also
leading theory of international relations in political evolve an understanding whether there are contin-
science is the latter, most discourse in the media gencies under which one theory is more material
and among IB scholars has been consistent with the than the other. Any meaningful contribution in
former. These theories spell out different mecha- this area would certainly be another feather in the
nisms for (de-)globalization, and they predict dif- cap of IB. We should at least reach for it.
ferent outcomes of de-globalization processes, with
An intriguing possibility is that technology may
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS have reached a point where, unlike in the past, it
I thank Klaus Meyer for his constructive editorial may increasingly obviate the need for globalization
guidance and the three anonymous reviewers for their rather than facilitate it. This would reinforce the
insightful feedback. I am further grateful for comments de-globalizing effect of the regulatory tightening
and input received from Vinold K. Aggarwal, Christina noted in the paper.
L. Davis, Geoffrey Jones, Marshall Meyer, Jonathan 3
Other schools of thought exist, including con-
Story, and Douglas Webber. I also thank for their structivism (e.g., Adler, 1997; Ashley, 1984; Ruggie,
hospitality the US-Japan Program at Harvard University 1983, 1998), Marxist theory in various guises (e.g.,
and the Wharton School, where parts of the work on Packenham, 1992; Wallerstein, 1980), and femi-
this paper happened. An earlier version of this paper nism (e.g., MacDonald, 2002; Pettman, 2004; Wag-
was presented AIB 2018. ner, 2011).
For the purposes of this paper, ‘‘states’’ and
‘‘countries’’ are synonymous.
I retain the customary label ‘‘global’’ in this
NOTES context. This is without prejudice to the ongoing
debate in IB to what extent any firms and their
‘‘Liberalism’’ as a term has acquired many mean- operations have become truly ‘‘global,’’ rather than
ings; please refer to the text below for clarification merely international (Verbeke et al., 2018).
what liberalism does and does not mean in the
context of this paper.
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See Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2 US GDP at purchasing power parity and in constant 2011 international dollars relative to the next largest economy and the
world. Peak year indicated in bold. Source: World Bank (2018)
US relative to world (%) US relative to next largest (%)
Table 2 (Continued)
Table 3 US military spending relative to the next largest spender and the world. Peak year indicated in bold. Source: Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute, 2018
US relative to world (%) US relative to next largest (%)
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