Bilateral Political Tension and The Signaling Role of Patenting in A Host Country
Bilateral Political Tension and The Signaling Role of Patenting in A Host Country
Bilateral Political Tension and The Signaling Role of Patenting in A Host Country
The current increasing volatility in international politics makes it more important to understand how multinational enter-
prises respond to political tension between host and home countries. This paper explains the impact of macro-level bilateral
political tension on micro-level strategy of multinationals in the host country. We developed the idea that patenting may be
used to signal a firm’s commitment and contribution to the host country’s economy and development. Data on 437 large
multinationals and interviews with senior managers of 20 foreign subsidiaries in China show that patenting local innovation
does indeed help an investing firm signal its usefulness to the host country government. It can thus serve as a response to
bilateral political tension. The relationship between political tension and local patenting also depends on the relative trade
dependence of the home and host countries and on the investing firm’s technology level and its stake in China. The greater
the dependence of an MNE and its home country government on the host country, the more likely patenting of local innova-
tions would increase in times of bilateral political tension.
Journal of International Business Studies
which might influence that effort’s probability. Specifically, study thus examined the possibility that MNEs might use
the two economies’ trade inter-dependence, the firm’s inno- patenting to respond to bilateral political tension.
vation capacity, and its stake in the host country were tested China’s legal system nominally protects trademarks, pat-
as potentially important moderators. The intuition was that ents, and copyrights. China has joined all the major inter-
the greater the dependence of an MNE and its home-country national intellectual property rights-related conventions.
government on the host country, the greater should be the Although it is gradually improving, China’s legal system in
need for the MNE to use patenting of local innovations as a fact remains relatively weak. In practice, patents are some-
response to bilateral political tension. times not really enforceable (Cheng, 1998). As a result, pat-
These ideas were tested using data describing the sub- enting in China can instead lead to local illegal imitation
sidiaries of 437 large MNEs in China during the 1992–2020 if a patented product appears profitable (You & Katayama,
period. In addition, 48 senior managers from 20 foreign 2005). Weak intellectual property rights (IPR) protection
subsidiaries in China were interviewed about the topic. The implies that MNEs patenting in China likely have other pur-
findings help to clarify the impact of political relations on poses such as signaling in mind.
MNEs and their responses. They show that patenting of local
innovations can serve as an effective response, and they also
offer a new understanding of the value of patenting. Hypothesis development
It is important, however, to keep in mind that China as a
host country is in many ways an exceptional case. China is Political tension and patenting
a large market, and it plays an important role in global sup-
ply chains. Exiting from it would not be an option for many When an MNE invests in a foreign country, it steps into
MNEs, making patenting a particularly useful response an implicit contract with the host-country government
in this case. The study’s findings may apply in other large under which the latter is expected to protect the investor
economies such as the U.S. and E.U., but perhaps less well and refrain from expropriating its property (Asiedu, Jin, &
in smaller economies where an MNE can exit more easily. Nandwa, 2009). The host-country government should pro-
vide institutional support for the MNE’s operations (Kobrin,
1987). When political tension arises between the host and
home countries, the host-country government’s interests may
Research background begin to diverge from those of an MNE to the extent that
the MNE is seen as representing the national interests of its
There have been previous investigations of the impact of home country (Gilpin, 1975). MNEs from a home country
political relationships on firm strategy (e.g., Li, Van-Ass- involved in political tension must therefore anticipate a lack
che, Li, & Qian, 2022), but most have considered only how of institutional support from the host-country government.
MNEs might benefit from good host country–home coun- They may even receive distinctly unfavorable treatment
try relationships (Li, Meyer, Zhang, & Ding, 2018). War (Bundy, Pfarrer, Short, & Coombs, 2017).
has received some scholarly attention, but not more normal If political tension escalates, wise managers may consider
worsening of bilateral relationships. In an era of de-globali- divestment (Blake & Moschieri, 2017), but a firm will not
zation, deteriorating or sustained poor political relations take such a dramatic step lightly. MNEs in China need to
between two countries has become more likely. Given the consider the size of the Chinese market and China’s role in
potentially significant impact of political tension on MNEs, the global value chain (Hatani, 2009). They need other ways
how they might best respond should be examined. That was to respond to political tensions.
the aim of this study. A host-country government may hesitate to treat an
One primary motive for patenting is of course to shield a MNE unfavorably if doing so would impede local innova-
firm’s competitive advantages from imitation. Besides pro- tion. Local innovation generates new knowledge which can
tection, however, firms could also file patents as a signal sometimes have great value. It can to some extent determine
(Somaya, 2012). They can signal a firm’s ability to inno- an economy’s competitiveness (Dodgson, 2009). Astute pol-
vate and that it has potentially useful or valuable technology iticians will therefore seek to enhance local innovation for
(Levitas & McFadyen, 2009). That could signal the firm’s the sake of the economy (Zhou, Velamuri, & Dauth, 2017).
quality to stakeholders such as investors (Somaya, 2012) When a host-country government contemplates which
and alliance partners (Larson, 1992), but this study focused MNEs to punish in the context of political tension, there
on another type of signaling. The intuition was that patent- is information asymmetry between the government and the
ing could potentially enhance an MNE’s legitimacy in the firms regarding the firms’ contributions to local innovation.
eyes of a host-country government by signaling the firm’s MNEs can signal such capability to the government by pat-
willingness and ability to contribute to local innovation. This enting their local innovations. Local innovation is costly
Journal of International Business Studies
because it requires a firm to invest in local R&D and train in a host country is strengthened when its home country
local researchers (Beise, 2004), which takes much time and depends heavily on the host country.
effort. That is what makes it an effective signal.
Sending signals through patenting local innovations calls Resource dependence theory also predicts that when the
for support from an MNE’s headquarters. When political host country relies on an MNE for key resources, the firm
tensions arise, the headquarters may shift the assignment holds the whip hand. When an MNE invests in a host coun-
of IP ownership from the parent to its subsidiary so that try, often one of the most important resources it can bring is
the foreign subsidiary can have more autonomy and tools to better technology. Knowledge spillover through demonstra-
respond to the challenges brought by the political tension. tion effects and employee turnover can then help the host
In other words, it might give the foreign subsidiary a supply country substantially (Zhang, Li, Li, & Zhou, 2010). The
of available patents to serve as a signal. better the technology an MNE can offer, the more oppor-
To summarize, a host-country government might hesi- tunities the host country has to acquire the technology to
tate to subject an MNE to unfavorable treatment if its local enhance industry competitiveness, and the more dependent
subsidiary has signaled its ability to innovate locally. That the host-country government will be (Lall, 1990). That tends
is how patenting local innovations could serve as a useful to give high-technology MNEs greater safety when political
response to bilateral political tensions. tension arises. It is less influenced by political tension and
less motivated to use patenting as a signal.
Hypothesis 1 (H1) An MNE’s patent applications pertain-
ing to local innovations in a host country increase with the Hypothesis 3 (H3) The relationship between bilateral politi-
level of bilateral political tension between the host and its cal tension and an MNE’s patenting of local innovations is
home country. weaker when the MNE’s level of technology is higher.
Resource dependence theory suggests some factors which An MNE’s dependence on the host country is also influ-
might influence the relationship between patenting and enced by how much investment in the host country is at stake.
political tension (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). When the host A heavily committed MNE is in a less favorable position.
country depends on the home country and/or its MNEs for MNEs rely on the host country for resources such as labor and
resources, it is in a weak position. The MNEs then have less raw materials. The larger their stake in the host country, the
need to signal their usefulness. One such factor is general more they depend on the host country for resources. To make
economic power. As Hirschman (1980: 16) has observed, things worse, large size attracts greater public attention and
“Power to interrupt commercial or financial relations with government intervention because of the firm’s great economic
any country, considered as an attribute of national sover- significance and high visibility (Moon & Lado, 2000). MNEs
eignty, is the root cause of the influence or power position invested heavily or with numerous subsidiary operations in a
which a country acquires in other countries.” country are thus more influenced by political tensions between
However, it is necessary to consider both the home coun- the host and home countries and their motivation to use pat-
try’s dependence on the host country and the host country’s enting to minimize the impact of political tension is stronger.
dependence on the home country because they may not
be symmetric. When the home country has a dependence Hypothesis 4 (H4) The relationship between bilateral politi-
advantage over the host country, it can threaten to reduce cal tension and an MNE’s patenting of local innovation is
or terminate economic exchanges. Such a threat is more strengthened when the MNE’s subsidiaries in the host coun-
convincing the greater the host country’s dependence. In try are numerous.
that case, home-country MNEs will have less need to signal
through patenting. The same logic applies in reverse when
the host country holds the better cards. Home-country MNEs
are then more influenced by bilateral political tensions and Methods
signaling might then be very helpful.
Hypothesis 2a (H2a) The relationship between bilateral
political tension and an MNE’s patenting of local innova- These hypothese were tested using data describing the pat-
tion in a host country is weakened when the host country enting by large MNEs in China. China is an appropriate set-
depends heavily on the firm’s home country. ting because most large MNEs actively engage in patenting
in China. The necessary data are available from 1992, so the
Hypothesis 2b (H2b) The relationship between bilateral sample period was from 1992 to 2020. The Fortune Global 500
political tension and an MNE’s patenting of local innovation listings for 1995 (the first), 2000, 2010, and 2020 were used to
Journal of International Business Studies
identify the MNEs active in China with the largest sales vol- dependence (Ross, 2019). A home country’s trade depend-
umes. A total of 853 non-Chinese MNEs appeared in the lists. ence on China (Dh) was represented by the home country’s
Information about the firms’ patent applications came imports from China and its exports to China as a proportion
from the incoPat patent database. It has compiled more than of the home country’s GDP. China’s trade dependence on
100 million pieces of patent information from 117 official a home country (Dc) was computed similarly. The China
patent offices and business vendors. For each MNE, the import and export data came from the United Nations’
incoPat database was searched to identify any patent applica- Comtrade database. The GDP data were from the World
tions it filed in China. Either the parent MNE or a subsidiary Development Indicators compiled by the World Bank. Fol-
could be the applicant. The search produced 1,181,929 pat- lowing the lead of Gulati and Sytch (2007), a spline specifi-
ent applications filed by 474 MNEs between 1992 and 2020. cation was used to measure the direction of asymmetry and
Data describing the MNEs were extracted from the Osiris differentiate between the dependence advantage of a home
database, which covers nearly 80,000 publicly listed com- country and that of China (Johnston, 1997). That allowed
panies worldwide. It offered financial information for 444 exploring possible variations in the effect of a dependence
of the 853 MNEs. Because certain country-level data were advantage that a single variable approach would not be able
missing, this yielded a total of 437 MNEs and 10,380 firm- to uncover. Home country’s dependence advantage was
year observations from 1992 to 2020 as the final sample. quantified by subtracting the dependence of a home country
on China from the dependence of China on that home coun-
try (Dc − Dh) if Dc > Dh, and was taken as zero otherwise.
Measures China’s dependence advantage was computed similarly.
Patenting should of course depend to some extent on
The dependent variable in the analyses was number of local R&D intensity. That was quantified using R&D spending as
patent applications, which was the number of invention pat- a proportion of a firm’s operating revenue in the previous
ent applications filed by a local subsidiary of an MNE that year (Kong & Su, 2021). Then, host-country subsidiary was
were the first applications for a given technology globally. another candidate predictor. It was the number of subsidiar-
The inventor’s location was used to identify local inventions. ies that an MNE had in China. The more subsidiaries the
The main predictor variable was political tension in a greater an MNE’s stake in China.
country’s relationship with China. The data came from a Various other potentially important predictors were also
foreign relations dataset developed by the Institute of Inter- included in the analyses. Return on assets (ROA), current
national Relations at Tsinghua University (Yan, 2010; Yan ratio, firm age, firm size, and time in China described the
& Zhou, 2004). It traces the bilateral relationships between parent firms. An MNE with a better ROA or current ratio
China and major countries from 1950 to 2020 on a monthly may have had more resources to commit to applying for pat-
basis. It has been used to measure bilateral relations between ents. Firm age was the number of years since an MNE’s
China and other countries by scholars in areas such as eco- inception. Longer experience should allow an MNE to accu-
nomics (Du, Ju, Ramirez, & Yao, 2017) and international mulate more resources, making it more likely to file patent
relations (Davis, Fuchs, & Johnson, 2019). The details of applications. Firm size was considered potentially important
how tension was quantified are explained in Appendix 1. because larger firms have more resources to support local
The computation yielded the continuous variable politi- patenting. The natural logarithm of an MNE’s total assets
cal tension. Its value was the absolute value of the change was used to quantify firm size. Time in China was the num-
in bilateral relations between an MNE’s home country and ber of years since an MNE first entered China. Longer opera-
China if the bilateral relations score decreased by at least tions in China might increase the probability that an MNE
one point during a year. Its value was zero otherwise. A would invest in local R&D leading to patent applications.
one-point change represents a substantial deterioration in The level of IPR protection in China might also be impor-
bilateral relations. For example, the China–US score in tant. The IPR protection score in “Report on China’s Intel-
December 2015 was 1.6, but − 0.5 in December 2016. The lectual Property Development” released by China’s National
score dropped by 2.1 points in 1 year when Donald J. Trump Intellectual Property Administration was used to quantify
became the U.S. president, thus the value of political tension it. A higher IPR protection score might encourage MNEs to
between the U.S. and China in 2016 was 2.1. Version 5.0 of innovate in China and file for patent protection.
the Militarized Interstate Dispute database was also searched Some home-country factors were also considered as
for relevant events. Table A1.2 in Appendix 1 summarizes potential predictors. GDP growth was the annual percentage
the political tensions identified using those data sources and rate of GDP growth at market prices in constant local cur-
involving home countries with MNEs in the sample. rency. Slow GDP growth at home should encourage MNEs
Four moderators were included in the modeling. Eco- to place more emphasis on foreign markets. Openness was
nomic dependence is usually measured in terms of trade net FDI inflows (new investment inflows less disinvestment)
Journal of International Business Studies
− 0.14
the World Bank’s World Development Indicators.
At the industry level, number of competitors was the
logarithm of the number of firms in China in the same four-
digit industry classification (using China’s industry coding).
For firms operating in multiple industries, the industry in
− 0.37
− 0.31
which the most revenue was generated was used. The data
were gathered from industry statistics and statistical year-
− 0.22
− 0.01
− 0.19
books. The stiffer the local competition, the more likely that
an MNE would file local patent applications to protect its
− 0.29
− 0.21
Industry and year dummies were also included in the
analyses. The industry dummies were based on the two-digit
− 0.22
− 0.15
industry classification reported in the Osiris dataset.
− 0.01
− 0.02
− 0.05
N = 10,158. Pearson correlations, two-tailed. Correlations with an absolute value ≥ 0.021 are significant at the 0.01 level of confidence.
The dependent variable, the number of local invention patent
− 0.06
− 0.03
− 0.03
− 0.04
applications, was a non-negative integer, but approximately
50% of that variable’s observations were zero. The data were
− 0.05
− 0.01
− 0.04
over-dispersed, so zero-inflated negative binomial models
were therefore evaluated. The zinb command in the Stata 6
software was used in the analyses. To account for the lon-
− 0.03
gitudinally clustered nature of the data, they were clustered
− 0.29
− 0.03
− 0.08
− 0.04
option to generate robust standard errors. 1.00
− 0.18
− 0.38
− 0.30
− 0.27
− 0.23
− 0.06
− 0.37
− 0.05
− 0.07
− 0.04
− 0.03
− 0.01
− 0.08
− 0.02
− 0.07
Number of competitors
IPR protection
Time in China
Current ratio
GDP growth
Journal of International Business Studies
Table 2 Coefficients of zero-inflated negative binomial regressions predicting patent applications (main effect)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
IV = change in 0.5 as the 1.5 as the IV = change in IV = percentage IV = value of the
bilateral rela- threshold threshold bilateral rela- change in bilat- bilateral relations
tions score in defining a tense defining a tense tions score eral relations score if the score
tension period period period score is < 0
N = 10,158. Two-tailed tests. Standard errors are reported in parentheses. p values are reported in brackets.
tension period. Instead of using 1 as the threshold, 0.5 and the value. That too was reverse-coded. Political tension
1.5 were tested. Political tension remained a positive and remained a positive and significant (p = 0.000) predictor.
significant predictor in both models (p = 0.003, p = 0.001). Finally, instead of using the score change to quantify politi-
Model 5 tested the political relations score of the current cal tension, political tension was considered to exist when
year minus the score in the previous year as a measure of the bilateral foreign relationship score between two countries
political tension. It was reverse-coded by multiplying it by was below zero. In that case the score was used, otherwise
– 1, so that a positive value means an increase in politi- it was 0. The results are summarized in Model 7. Political
cal tension. Model 5 shows that political tension was still tension measured this way was not a significant predictor,
a positive and significant (p = 0.034) predictor. In model 6, showing that signaling through local innovation may not act
the political relations score was a percentage, rather than as an effective response to political tension that lasts for a
Journal of International Business Studies
long time. MNEs may only intend to signal in the first year Model 2 includes a term representing an interaction
when bilateral relations deteriorate. between political tension and China’s dependence advan-
Table 3 summarizes the results testing for moderating tage. Its coefficient is positive and significant (p = 0.042).
effects. Model 1 includes a term representing an interac- This means that the impact of political tension on the num-
tion between political tension and home country’s depend- ber of local patent applications is stronger when China’s
ence advantage. Its coefficient is negative and significant dependence advantage over the home country is greater.
(p = 0.000). That means that the impact of political tension The interaction term remained positive and significant in
on the number of local patent applications is weaker when the full model (model 5). Therefore, H2b is supported.
the home country is less dependent on China. The inter- Model 3 includes a term interacting political tension
action term remained negative and significant in the full with R&D intensity. Its coefficient is negative and signifi-
model (Model 5). Therefore, H2a is supported. cant (p = 0.034). This means that the relationship between
Table 3 Coefficients of zero-inflated negative binomial regressions predicting patent applications (moderating effects)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
N = 10,158. Two-tailed tests. Standard errors are in the parentheses. p values are in the brackets.
Journal of International Business Studies
political tension and the number of applications is weaker and significant in the full model (model 5). Therefore, H4 is
when an MNE is doing more R&D. The interaction term also supported. All previous results hold in the full model.
remains negative and significant in the full model (model The magnitudes of the marginal effects of the moderat-
5). Therefore, H3 is supported. ing variables were assessed using the approach proposed by
Model 4 includes a term interacting political tension with Busenbark, Graffin, Campbell and Lee (2022). The marginal
host-country subsidiary. Its coefficient is positive and sig- effect of a predictor on the dependent variable was plotted
nificant (p = 0.046). So the relationship between political over different levels of the moderating variable. Figures 1,
tension and patenting is stronger when an MNE has more 2, 3, and 4 are based on the coefficients of models 1 to 4
of a stake in China. The interaction term remains positive of Table 3. The x-axis is the level of the moderator, and
Journal of International Business Studies
cal tension on the number of
local patent applications at dif-
ferent levels of R&D intensity
0 2 4 6 8 10
R&D intensity
0 5 10 15 20
Host country subsidiaries
the y-axis is the marginal effect with its 95% confidence the value of China’s dependence advantage increases, the
interval. In all four figures, the marginal effects at lower marginal effects remain positive and continues to increase.
levels of the moderator are significantly different from those The patterns shown in Fig. 3 are consistent with H2b. Fig-
at higher levels, supporting significant moderating effects. ures 3 and 4 follow similar patterns to Figs. 2 and 3 and are
The marginal effects are also significantly different from 0, consistent with H3 and H4.
supporting the main effect. In Fig. 1, as the value of home Table A2.1 in Appendix 2 presents the results of some
country’s dependence advantage increases, the marginal robustness checks using an alternative dependent variable,
effects gradually change from positive to negative. The pat- alternative model formulations, and lagged independent
terns shown in Fig. 2 are consistent with H2a. In Fig. 2, as variables.
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Business Studies
Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by National embeddedness on a manufacturer’s performance in procurement
Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Numbers: 72122016, relationships. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(1), 32–69.
71902091, 71673227, 71832012); and by the Research Grants Council Hatani, F. (2009). The logic of spillover interception: The impact of
of Hong Kong (HKUST# 16506622) and HKUST Institute for Emerg- global supply chains in China. Journal of World Business, 44(2),
ing Market Studies (IEMS) Research Grant (IEMS21BM05). 158–166.
Hirschman, A. (1980). National power and the structure of foreign
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri- trade. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
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Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to Fellow of the AIB and an editor of the Journal of International Business
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Studies. His current research interests are in the areas of organiza-
tional learning, strategic alliances, corporate governance, innovation,
and entrepreneurship, with a focus on issues related to global firms and
Nan Zhou is Professor at School of Economics and Management, those from emerging economies.
Tongji University in China. She received a Ph.D. degree from Wharton
School, University of Pennsylvania. Her research addresses questions Jue Wang is Professor and Dean of School of Business Administration,
that intersect the fields of corporate strategy and international business, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He received a PhD
focusing primarily on understanding how strategic decisions of MNEs degree from Birkbeck College, University of London, UK. His research
are influenced by firm resources and institutional environments in the interests include organizational learning, knowledge spillover, talent
context of emerging markets. management, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and corporate
social responsibility of emerging economy multinational enterprises.
Jiatao Li is Chair Professor of Management and Lee Quo Wei Profes-
sor of Business, and Director of the Center for Business Strategy and
Innovation, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is a