210448R B2 Columnbuckling

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ME 1071: Manufacturing Technology

Semester: 2


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Date of submission 13/04/2023

Due date of submission 12/04/2023

Advisor’s/ Instructor’s name and affilia on

Mr. MMP De Silva Department of Mechanical
University Of Moratuwa

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
Table of contents
1. Abstract
2. Introduc on
3. Apparatus
4. Theory
5. Procedure
6. Calcula on
7. Results
8. Discussion
9. Conclusion
Buckling of columns is an immediate deforma on caused by compressive axial
forces. Since it is quick failure, it is very dangerous. So, analyzing this failure and
the forces that cause it is very important. Using Euler’s theory, we can evaluate
the cri cal load that column just buckles. In this prac cal, we use Aluminium
columns and observe buckling behavior of columns at both ends pinned
condi on. Then compare the experimental and theore cal cri cal loads by
changing the length of the column. Ul mately, we plot slenderness ra o vs
theore cal cri cal stress and slenderness ra o vs prac cal cri cal stress graphs on
top of each other. Then we try to understand the factors affec ng buckling of
Introduc on:

Column is a structural element that supports ver cal loads (mainly axial
compressive loads). Structure’s load is transmi ed to the founda on via columns
as axial stress.
Now let’s discuss about the failing of columns.
1. Compression failure
2. Buckling failure
3. Shear failure
Are 3 main types of failures in columns. When columns are
axially loaded and if the loads are compara vely larger than cross sec onal
area of the column, it can be failed by crushing (load will exceeds the yield
strength of material). This is compression failure. Most mes this failure
occurs in shorter and wider columns.
Another addi onal way the bar can fail when in compression is Buckling. Buckling
is a loss of stability that occurs when the applied compressive load reaches a
certain cri cal value, causing a change in the shape of bar. In general, this type of
failure occurs in long columns. In this prac cal, we mainly discuss about buckling
of columns using Al columns and varying their lengths. Since this is quick failure
mode, analyzing the forces that involves this buckling is very important.
Length of the column, cross sec on area, the way that column is supported at the
ends, applied load, imperfec ons in beam are some main factors that affect
buckling of column. However, if we can find the cri cal load that column just
buckles, it is very important in designing safe structures under unexpected loads.

1. Column buckling apparatus

2. Set of weights
3. Hanger
4. Vernier caliper
5. Meter ruler
6. Tes ng samples
In 1757, Swiss mathema cian Leonard Euler derived a formula that gives “the
compressive load at which a slender column will suddenly bend or buckle.” [1]
Euler’s cri cal load is given by the formula:

E=Young’s modulus of column material I=least second moment of area of cross sec on of
column, Le=Effec ve length

“The cri cal load is the greatest load that will not cause lateral
deflec on(buckling).” [1] If the load is higher than cri cal load, lateral deflec on of
column will occur. when column reaches its cri cal load, it reaches a state of
unstable equilibrium. If the load is higher than cri cal load, column buckles and
fails. A er that, when the load is further increased, the lateral deflec on
The effec ve length can be defined as the distance between inflec on points on
the deflected shape. The column that’s pinned at both ends has an effec ve
length equal to the column length but for one end fixed other end free column,
distance between inflec on points is twice the column length.
 First, we prepared to find the theore cal cri cal load for each column.
 First, using vernier caliper, lengths of cross-sec onal area of column were
measured (b & h). For accuracy, measurements were taken from 3 different
places and their average value was obtained. (Each column had same cross-
sec onal measurements)
 Then using meter ruler, length of each column was measured.
 Then using measured values, least second moment of area of cross sec on,
cross sec on area and radius of gyra on were calculated.
 Then using Euler’s formula, Theore cal cri cal load for each column were
 A er calcula ng theore cal cri cal loads, we got ready to find prac cal
cri cal load for each column.
 Before finding prac cal values, L1 and L2 values were measured.
 Star ng from the longest column, test was done for each column in order of
decreasing length.
 By a aching the column to the groove of the adjustable arm and the v
block, the column was adjusted perpendicular to the ground by moving the
height of the v block and changing the posi on of the adjustable arm.
 Then based on the value obtained as theore cal cri cal stress, the case
where the column just buckles was iden fied by adding loads to be close to
half of that value (assuming that l1=2*l2) and then adding loads delicately.
 This was done for each column and prac cal cri cal loads were calculated
using obtained values.
 The using above values, Theore cal cri cal stress and prac cal cri cal stress
for each column were calculated and slenderness ra o for each column was
 Finally, using calculated values, Theore cal cri cal stress against
slenderness ra o and Prac cal cri cal stress against slenderness ra o graph
were plo ed.
Length of cross sec on (h) =18.73 × 10 𝑚
Width of cross sec on (b) =2.84 × 10 𝑚
Least second moment of area (I) =3.575 × 10 𝑚
Cross sec on area (A) =53.19 × 10 𝑚
Radius of Gyra on (R)= 8.198 × 10 𝑚
Young’s modulus of Aluminium= 6.9 × 10 𝑁𝑚
𝜋 𝐸𝐼
Critical load on column ∶ 𝑃 =

Slenderness Ra o =

Cri cal stress on column: 𝜎 = =

Theore cal cri cal stress for each column and Slenderness Ra o:
Column Column 𝑝 (Theore cal) 𝜎 (Theore cal) Slenderness
number length=𝒍𝒆 (N) (Pa) Ra o
1 55.5 × 10 𝑚 79.04 1.486 × 10 676.994
2 50 × 10 𝑚 97.38 1.830 × 10 609.905
3 44.6 × 10 𝑚 122.39 2.300 × 10 544.035
4 40.9 × 10 𝑚 145.53 2.736 × 10 498.902
5 35 × 10 𝑚 198.74 3.736 × 10 426.933

Prac cal cri cal stress for each column and Slenderness Ra o:
Column Column 𝑝 (Prac cal) (N) 𝜎 (𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥)(Pa) Slenderness
number length=𝑳𝒆 Ra o
1 55.5 × 10 𝑚 76.44 1.437 × 10 676.994
2 50 × 10 𝑚 98 1.842 × 10 609.905
3 44.6 × 10 𝑚 117.6 2.211× 10 544.035
4 40.9 × 10 𝑚 148.96 2.801 × 10 498.902
5 35 × 10 𝑚 194.04 3.648 × 10 426.933

Theore cal cri cal stress against Slenderness Ra o and Prac cal cri cal stress
against Slenderness Ra o graphs.

Critical stress against Slenderness Ratio






426.933 498.902 544.035 609.905 676.994
Theoretical critical stress 3.736 2.736 2.3 1.83 1.486
Practical critical stress 3.648 2.801 2.211 1.842 1.437

Theoretical critical stress Practical critical stress


 It can be seen that there are some differences between the values of
prac cal cri cal stresses and theore cal cri cal stresses.
 This may be due to the condi ons in which we do the prac cal and the
random mistakes we made.
When we use Euler’s Formula, the following facts are assumed to be true.
 “The material of the column is homogeneous and isotropic.” [1]
 “The compressive load on the column is axial only.” [1]
 “The weight of the column is neglected.” [1]
 “The column is ini ally straight (no eccentricity of the axial load).” [1]
 “Pin joints are fric on-less (no moment constraint) and fixed ends are
rigid (no rota on deflec on).” [1]
 “The cross-sec on of the column is uniform throughout its length.” [1]
 “The column is free from ini al stress.” [1]
But when we do the prac cal, we cannot say for sure whether these facts are
true. Therefor there may be differences between the theore cal and prac cal
values. Actually, both ends are not perfectly pinned. And also, it is not possible to
say whether we have determined exactly when the column just buckles. There
may also be leveling errors and measuring errors. In some cases, we couldn’t find
the case that just buckles. So, we repeated the test for already failed column.,
which definitely points to errors. Therefor it is reasonable for theore cal and
prac cal values to deviate under such errors.

 When designing safe structures, it is very important to consider their

buckling condi ons. And it helps to handle unexpected loads.
 There may be differences between theore cal and prac cal cri cal stress.
And those differences are based on the condi ons we are doing the
prac cal. Therefore, we should conduct tests under different condi ons and
look for the ability to pre determinate accurate cri cal stresses that can
handle loads in real life.


[1] "Wikipedia," [Online]. Available: h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_cri cal_load.

[2] "civildigital.com," [Online]. Available: h ps://civildigital.com/buckling-columns-euler-theory-elas c-


[3] "civilengdis.com," [Online]. Available: h ps://civilengdis.com/types-of-column-failure/.

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