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Article in Journal of Engineering Sciences · December 2004


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6 authors, including:

Eliya Henin
Assiut University


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F. M. El –Amin(1), M. F. Abdel–Khalek(2), K. Hassan(2), E. E. Asham (3)

The search for light weight and efficient structural elements is a continuing process.
Reducing the structural weight and improving the load carrying capabilities of steel
frames will allow designers to add additional capabilities while reducing cost.
Corrugated steel plate shear walls offer several advantages when used to resist both
vertical and lateral forces in a building. This paper is devoted to the buckling
behavior of steel frames with corrugated steel shear walls. The system consists of two
parts, the first one is the envelope steel frame and the second is the infill corrugated
steel shear wall. The corrugated steel plates are connected to the surrounding frame
beam and columns. The buckling load factor of this system depends on the
interaction of many factors including the corrugation configuration of steel plate, the
angle of corrugation, the depth of corrugation, the thickness of corrugated plate and
spacing of the fasteners used to attach the corrugated sheets to the steel frame, in
addition to the restraint conditions and the external load action. In the present paper,
the effects of corrugation configuration of steel shear wall, and the depth of
corrugation on the buckling behavior of such frames subjected to vertical or vertical
and horizontal loads were investigated. Steel frames with trapezoidal or triangular
corrugated steel shear panel were modeled using the finite element software
COSMOS/M 2.8 and a linear analysis was performed.

KEYWORDS: steel frames, corrugated steel shear walls, buckling factor

Steel plate shear walls offer several advantages when used to resist lateral
forces in building. These walls are lighter and more ductile than reinforced concrete
shear walls. An increase in the speed of the erection and usable space are often
realized. Steel savings as much as 50% have been achieved in structures employing
steel-plate shear walls rather than a comparable moment-resisting frame. They are
also useful in upgrading existing steel buildings since their light weight can often
forgo the necessity of extensive modification of the substructure.
Several researches have been published on steel plate shear walls. Most of the
researches about steel plate shear walls concentrated on the flat plate shear wall with
or without stiffeners. In this paper a new-innovative system, which uses corrugated
plate shear walls is presented. The use of corrugated steel plate shear walls has both
an aesthetic and structural function. It helps to increase the out of plane stiffness and
buckling behavior without the use of vertical stiffeners, as well as it overcomes the
(1) Prof. of structural Eng., (2) Assistant Prof. of structural Eng., (3) Demonstrator, Civil Eng. Dept.,
Faculty of Eng., Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

problem of flatness in flat plate.
The early study on the corrugated plate was reported by Easley [1]. He tested
small-scale carefully constructed corrugated diaphragms to determine the most
accurate formula to calculate its shear buckling strength. He further compared the test
results with calculated results using three sets of formulas and found that the Easley-
McFarland [2], formulas agrees better with the experimental results than that of
Hlavacek [3], formulas, the results of which had a 20% difference from the test
Timler and Kulak [4] tested a single-story steel flat plate shear wall to verify
the analytical technique established by Thorburn et al. [5]. The specimen was loaded
statically, with three complete cycles of loading to a service load deflection limit of
hs/400, or 6.25 mm. During these cycles, it was assumed that the test specimen
behave elastically. Subsequently, the shear wall was loaded in one direction to its
ultimate capacity. Later, Tromposch and Kulak [6] tested steel flat plate shear wall
similar to that previously tested by Timler and Kulak [4]. However, important
modifications were introduced including the use of bolted shear connections to the
frame, a thinner infill panel, and very stiff beam members. The stiff beams were
intended to provide anchorage to the infill panel similar to that expected in a
multistory condition with panels above and below.
Recently, an experimental program conducted by Elgaaly and Caccese [7]
investigated the behavior of ten one-quarter-scale steel flat plate shear wall models
subjected to cyclic loading. Caccese et al. [8] and Elgaaly et al. [9] tested one quarter-
scale steel flat plat shear walls, three stories high and one bay wide, under cyclic
lateral load. Two series of 24-load cycles were conducted using a single in plane
horizontal load at the top of the shear wall. The test specimens were modeled by the
finite element method using shell elements to represent the infill plate in one case and
by a perpendicular grid of truss elements oriented in the directions of the principle
tensile and compressive stresses in other case.
A general method of dynamic analysis of thin-panel steel flat plate shear walls
was developed by Sabouri-Ghomi and Roberts [10]. The method uses a time-stepping
finite-difference technique to solve the governing differential equation of motion. The
structure is idealized as a vertical cantilever beam with masses lumped at each floor
level. Xue and Lu [11] carried out an analytical study on four thin steel flat shear
panels. In each case, a 12-story, and three-bay frame with moment-resisting beam-to-
column connections in the exterior bays and with steel infill flat plates in the interior
bay was used. Later, Xue and Lu [12] studied the effect of the width-to-thickness
ratio of the panel and the panel aspect ratio on the load versus deflection behavior of
a single-story, single-bay steel plate shear wall with pinned beam-to-column
connections and with the infill panel connected only to the beams.
More recently, a large-scale four-story steel plate shear wall was tested by
Driver et al. [13] in order to evaluate the performance of this type of structure under
severe cyclic loading. The test specimen had unstiffened panels and moment-resisting
beam-to-column frame connections. Both vertical and lateral loads were applied, and
the maximum deflection achieved in the lowest story was nine times the yield

deflection. The test specimen showed great ductility, considerable energy dissipation,
and robust resistance to degradation.
To the authors' knowledge, this is the first investigation concern with the
buckling behavior of steel frames with corrugated steel plate shear wall. Therefore, a
great need to study the effect of these shear panels with different corrugation
configurations on the elastic buckling behavior of one bay steel frames.

Figure 1-a, shows the geometrical dimensions of the rectangular hinged base
steel frame with corrugated steel plate considered throughout the present study. The
frame was assumed 6.0 m. wide and 6.0 high with constant moment of inertia. The
S.I.B. No. 20 was assumed for the frame components. The detailed dimensions for
this cross section are shown in figure 1-b. For the steel shear wall, two different
corrugation profiles were selected, namely trapezoidal and triangular corrugated
plates. The corrugation parameters are as shown in figure 1-c. The depth of
corrugation was assumed as 25 mm., 50 mm., and 80 mm., for both the trapezoidal
and triangular shear walls while the thickness of these plates was assumed constant
and equal 2.0 mm. The dimensions of the triangular and trapezoidal corrugation
profiles are summarized in tables 1 and 2, respectively. The corrugated panel is
fastened to the frame members allover its perimeter and the bottom edge of
corrugated panel is fully blocked by RC strap. It is assumed that the bottom edge is
fastened to the RC strap footing where all nodes in this edge are restrained in the
three directions. This model was analyzed under the effect of two cases of loading,
which are referred to as "FCV" and "FCVH". In the first case "FCV", the model is
subjected to two vertical loads "P" at its top corners. In the second case of loading
"FCVH", the model is subjected to two vertical loads at its top corners in addition to
single horizontal force "0.1P" acting at the left hand top corner of the steel frame.

S.I.B. No. 20
6.0 m.

Corrugated sheets
2 mm. Thick.

6.0 m.
Fig.1-a: Dimensions and geometry of the steel frame

Area = 33.5 cm2
weight = 26.3 kg/m
I x = 2140 cm2
Iy = 117 cm2

S.I.B. No 20
Fig.1-b: Cross section of steel frame elements.



b d

Fig.1-c: Dimensions of corrugation profiles.

Table 1: Dimensions of triangular corrugated in-filled panels

hr D θ Thickness "t"
Panel type
(mm) (mm) Degrees (mm)
Profile 1 25.0 25.0 45 2.0
Profile 2 50.0 50.0 45 2.0
Profile 3 80.0 80.0 45 2.0

Table 2: Dimensions of trapezoidal corrugated in-filled panels

hr b d θ Thickness "t"
Panel type
(mm) (mm) (mm) degrees (mm)
Profile 1 25.0 25.0 25.0 45 2.0
Profile 2 50.0 50.0 50.0 45 2.0
Profile 3 80.0 80.0 80.0 45 2.0

The effect of corrugated plate height to the frame span ratio (h c/L) on the
model critical buckling load was also considered. For each case of loading four
models, with (hc/L) ratios of 1.0, 0.5, 0.333, and 0.25 were analyzed. In these models
the corrugated steel plates were provided with a horizontal steel strap 20.0 mm. thick
and 100.0 mm. wide as shown in figures 2-a, and 2-b, and consequently, this steel
strap attached to the steel frame columns at the desired height h c according to the
above mentioned (hc/L) ratios. These models are identified in the text as FCVS1,

FCVHS1, FCVS2, FCVHS2, FCVS3, and FCVHS3 as show in figure 3. Thus, a total
of 48 steel frames with trapezoidal and triangular corrugated shear plates were
considered in this investigation.

PL. 20 mm. Thick. t = 2mm.

10.0 cm. 5.0 - 0.5h

(a) h
5.0 - 0.5h

PL. 20 mm. Thick.
5.0 - 0.5h
10.0 cm.

(b) h
5.0 - 0.5h

b d

Fig.2: Dimensions of triangular and trapezoidal corrugated plates

and horizontal stiffener.

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
6.0 m.



s.s s.s s.s s.s

6.0 m. 6.0 m. 6.0 m. 6.0 m.

0.1P 0.1P 0.1P 0.1P
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
6.0 m.



s.s s.s s.s s.s

6.0 m. 6.0 m. 6.0 m. 6.0 m.

Fig. 3: Geometry and cases of loading for the models under study.

The finite element method has been used in the present study to determine the
critical elastic buckling load for the steel frames with corrugated shear wall. In the
finite-element linear elastic buckling analysis, the method is based on solving an
eigenvalue problem that describes the behavior of the model at buckling. The lowest
eigenvalue corresponds to the critical buckling load, and the eigenvector defines the
model buckled shape. The analytical tool used in this study is a commercially 3-D
finite element code Cosmos/m 2.8 [14]. The framing members, which are located in
the z=0, x-y plane, are modeled using two-dimensional elastic beam elements
(BEAM2D). On the other hand, the corrugated plate model is discretized using A 4-
node "QUAD4" plate/shell finite element with 6 degrees of freedom at each node
that are available in the computer program. For the trapezoidal corrugated steel plates
two elements were used across the width of each horizontal and inclined fold of the
corrugations. Similarly, two elements were used across the width of each inclined
fold of the triangular corrugated steel plate. The vertical edges of the corrugated
plates were divided to 60 elements. This mesh was chosen based on an extensive
preliminary convergence tests. The elastic modulus E of 2100 t/cm2, and Poisson’s
ratio ν = 0.3 are used for both the steel frame elements and the corrugated shear wall
materials. All geometry, boundary conditions, and loading were modeled in the
Cartesian coordinate system. A typical finite element model generated and the first
buckling mode shape are shown in figures (4) and (5), respectively.

Beam element shell element

Figure 4: Finite element model and boundary conditions

as given by COSMOS/M.2.8

Local buckling

a: Frame FCV

Local buckling

b: Frame FCVS1

local buckling

c: Frame FCVS2

local buckling

d: Frame FCVS3

Figure 5: Buckled shapes of the steel frame with corrugated plates.

As mentioned earlier, the Cosmos\M software has been used in the present
study. This investigation was commenced with the analysis of open steel frame
without shear plates in order to establish the adequacy of the present finite element
analysis. Therefore, bifurcation-buckling analysis was carried out for a two hinged
steel frame subjected to two vertical loads "P" at its top corners. The difference
between the exact solution [15] and the critical buckling load from the finite element
analysis was only -1.67 %.
In order to investigate the effect of the steel shear plates on the linear elastic
buckling of the steel frame, the cross section of the steel frame is kept constant
throughout this study. The corrugation configuration, depth of corrugation, and the
presence and location of horizontal steel stiffeners are among the parameters
considered in this study. The trapezoidal and triangular corrugation profiles with
different depth and constant plate thickness were considered. In all cases the angle of
inclination on inclined fold "θ" was assumed 45 o.


A total of 48 finite element models were created and tested using Cosmos\M
software package. All models were assigned with different geometry for the
corrugated shear wall to explore the influences of each variable on the critical
buckling load factor "B.L.F" for the steel frame with corrugated steel wall under the
effect of the previously mentioned two cases of loading. The results obtained are
summarized in table 3. For the benefit of comparison, the ratio between the critical
buckling load factors for the steel frames with corrugated shear walls "K Fc", and the
corresponding values for the steel frames without shear wall "KF" were also
calculated as shown in table 3. This ratio is identified in the text as the normalized
load factor (N.L.F= KFc/KF). The relationships between the panel corrugation depth
and the normalized load factors are illustrated in figures 6 and 7 for the steel frames
with triangular and trapezoidal corrugated shear walls, respectively. At the same
time, the results obtained when the same models were subjected to a single horizontal
load "0.1P" in addition to two vertical point loads "P" are also shown in figure 6 and
7. In this case, it is clear that the values of the normalized load factor are lower than
the corresponding values for the frames subjected to two vertical loads. On the other
hand, it is interesting to note the effect of the horizontal stiffeners on the normalized
load factor for these models. When the depth of corrugated shear panel were assumed
25 mm., and 50mm., it can be seen that the normalized load factor is the highest for
model "FCVS3" followed by FCVS2, FCVS1, and FCV. The normalized load factor
increases with a decrease in the hc/L ratio. However within the parameters considered
here, as the depth of the corrugated shear wall is increased to be 80 mm, it is clear
that the values of normalized load factor are constant for model FCVS1, FCVS2 and
FCVS3, this mean that the effect of horizontal stiffeners diminishes, this refer to local
buckling phenomenon of corrugated plate between the stiffeners as shown in finger 5.
The present results also showed that the normalized load factor for models FCV, and
FCVH, was lower than unity when the depth of corrugated shear wall was assumed

25 mm this refer to the local buckling of the corrugated plate only without any
buckling in the steel frame. Evidently, as the corrugated shear wall height to frame
span ratio "hc/L" equals unity the behavior of the model approaches that of a separate
In the sake of comparison, the results obtained for the steel frames with
triangular shear wall along with the corresponding values for the frames with
trapezoidal one, are given in table 3. It appears that the normalized load factor for
steel frames with trapezoidal corrugated shear walls is higher than the corresponding
values for steel frames with triangular corrugated panels. For example, as shown in
table 3 and Fig, 6, the FCV, and FCVH models with trapezoidal shear walls could
sustain 61% and 96.7% higher load compared to the same models with triangular
corrugated shear walls when the depth of corrugation was assumed 50 mm, and 80
mm, respectively. At the same time, the percentage of differences obtained for the
models FCVS1, FCVS2 and FCVH3 in the range of 25.97 % to 44.96 % when the
depth of corrugation was assumed 50 mm. On the other hand, these differences
decrease when the depth of corrugation becomes 80 mm.

The weight of steel parts is a pronounced factor in design and constructing a steel
structure, this refers to the cost of the project. For this reason and for the benefit of
comparison, the authors utilized the terms normalize weight which is defined as the
weight of corrugated shear wall to weight of steel frame ratio "Wc/Wf" and the
normalized load factor "KFC/KC" and the results obtained from this study are
summarized in table 4 and are illustrated in figures 8 and 9. These figures show the
relationships between the normalized load factor and the corresponding normalized
weight factor for different models used in this study. It could be seen from these
graphs (Figs. 8 and 9) that for using corrugated plate with depth of corrugation
25mm, and 50mm, the normalized load factor "KFC/KC" of the model increases as its
normalize weight "Wc/Wf” increases. On the contrary for using corrugated plate with
depth of corrugation 80mm, there is no change on the value of normalized load factor
when increased the normalized weight for trapezoidal configuration. However, from
the economical point of view, the buckling capacity of the model "FCVS1" with
triangular or trapezoidal corrugated shear wall and corrugation depth of 80 mm, has
been increased between 6.53 and 6.80 times the buckling capacity of the steel frame
without shear wall

Normalized load factor (KFC/KF) FCV


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Depth of corrugation (hr)mm

Fig. 6: Relationship between normalized load factor and depth of

triangular corrugated shear wall.

Normalized load factor (KFC/KF)



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Depth of corrugation (hr)mm

Fig. 7: Relationship between normalized load factor and depth of

trapezoidal corrugated shear wall.
Normalized load factor (KFC/KF)

4 h=50mm

1. 6 1. 8 2 2. 2 2. 4

Normalized weight (WC/WF)

Fig. 8: Relationship between normalized weight and normalized load

Factor KFC/KF for steel frame with triangular corrugated shear wall.

Normalized load factor (KFC/KF)

5 h=25mm
4 h=50mm

3 h=80mm

1. 2 1. 4 1. 6 1. 8 2 2. 2
Normalized weight (WC/WF)

Fig. 9: Relationship between normalized weight and normalized load

Factor KFC/KF for steel frame with trapezoidal corrugated shear wall.

In this investigation, the elastic buckling behavior of steel frames with corrugated
steel shear wall has been studied. A finite element software Cosmos/M. was used for
this purpose. Parametric studies on variables such as corrugation configuration of
steel shear wall, strengthening corrugated shear wall by horizontal stiffeners, and the
depth of corrugation on the buckling behavior of such frames subjected to vertical or
vertical and horizontal loads were investigated. Based on results obtained, the
following conclusions are drawn:

1- The steel frame with vertical trapezoidal corrugated steel shear wall
could sustain between 2.08 and 5.67 times the critical buckling load of
identical steel frame without shear wall, when the depth of corrugation
was assumed 50 mm. and 80mm, respectively. When the trapezoidal
corrugated shear walls were replaced by triangular one, lower buckling
load is achieved. The corresponding increments obtained were 1.293 and
2.82. for that the authors recommended not using corrugated plate with
depth of corrugation 25mm for local buckling phenomenon on the plate,
but recommended by using corrugated plate with depth of corrugation
2- Higher buckling capacity is achieved when the vertical trapezoidal or
triangular corrugated steel shear wall was strengthened by horizontal
stiffeners. However, the ideal ratio of h c/L, which gave the maximum
value of buckling load, is 0.5, this mean that there is one stiffener in the
middle of the height.
3- The steel frame with trapezoidal corrugated shear wall contributed
higher buckling load capacity than the corresponding values for the
model with triangular shear wall. Besides that, the saving in the models
weights are within the range of 10.18 to 15.27% in comparison with the
same models with triangular shear walls.

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The following symbols are used in this paper:
b = width of horizontal field of corrugation.
d = width of inclined field of corrugation.
hr = depth of corrugation
hc = spacing between horizontal stiffeners.
hs = steel frame height
θ = angle of corrugation.
N.L.F ≡ normalized load factor
KFC ≡ buckling load factor of the steel frame with corrugated shear wall
KF ≡ buckling load factor of the steel frame
N.W ≡ normalized weight
Wc ≡ weight of the corrugated steel panel.
WF ≡ weight of the steel frame


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