f1 Intro To Comp 001
f1 Intro To Comp 001
f1 Intro To Comp 001
Definition of a Computer:
There are two types/forms of data:
An electronic device that accepts data as input, transforms it under the a). Digital (discrete/countable) data:
guidance of a set of instructions called Programs, to produce the desired
Digital data is discrete in nature. It must be represented in form of
output referred to as Information.
numbers, alphabets or symbols for it to be processed by a computer.
A computer is described as an electronic device because it utilizes electrical - Digital data is obtained by counting. E.g. 1, 2, 3 …
signals to process information. Digital data is represented by the diagram below:
Input Output
(Data) Process (Information)
Characteristics /Advantages/ Features of a Computer. PARTS OF A COMPUTER
1. Speed. A computer is made up of a collection of different components that are
Computers operate at very high speeds, and can perform very many functions interconnected together in order to work as a single entity.
within a very short time.
2. Accuracy: A Computer consists of the following parts/devices: -
Computers hardly make mistakes and it has self-checking features that can detect 1. The System Unit.
and correct any errors. 2. Input devices.
Usually errors are committed by the users entering data to the computer, thus the 3. Output devices.
saying Garbage in Garbage Out (GIGO). 4. Storage devices.
GIGO means that, if you enter incorrect data into the computer and have it
processed, the computer will give you misleading information. The System Unit
3. Reliability. This is the casing that houses electronic components such as the Central
The computer can be relied upon to produce the correct answer if it is given the processing Unit (CPU) and storage devices.
correct instructions and supplied with the correct data. The components in the System unit include: -
Central Processing Unit (CPU), which is also referred to as Processor.
4. Consistency: Motherboard.
Given the same data and the same instructions, computers will produce the same Power supply unit.
answer every time that particular process is repeated. Memory storage devices.
5. Secure and cheap storage: Disk drives, which are used to store, record and read data.
- A computer is capable of storing large amounts of data or instructions in a
very small space. Peripheral devices
- Peripheral devices are devices connected to the system unit using
- Data stored in a computer can be protected from unauthorized individuals special cables Called interface cables that transmit data and information
through the use of passwords. to and from the devices.
- The cables are attached to the system unit through connectors called
6. Diligence: ports.
A computer can work continuously without getting tired or bored. Even if it Examples of peripheral devices include:-
has to do a million calculations, it will do the last one with the same speed Keyboard
and accuracy as the first one. - A keyboard is the most common peripheral device that enables a user to
7. Automation: enter data and instructions to a computer.
A computer is an automatic device. This is because, once given the Mouse
instructions, it is guided by these instructions and can carry on with its job on - A mouse is a pointing device that enables the user to execute commands.
its own until it is complete. This makes work easy. - It is used to control an arrow displayed on the screen. To execute a
command the user moves the mouse which consequently moves the
It can also perform a variety of jobs as long as there is a well-defined pointer on the screen.
procedure. Monitor
8. Versatile: - A monitor or simply the screen is a television- like device used for
A computer can be used to perform a large variety of different jobs displaying information. It is called a monitor because it enables the user
depending on the instructions fed to it. to monitor or see what is going on in the computer.
CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS Areas where supercomputers are used:
Computers can be classified according to the following factors: Supercomputers are mainly used for complex scientific applications that
1. Physical size & processing power. involve many calculations & require a lot of computational power. Some of
2. Purpose for which they are designed. the applications that use supercomputers include;
3. Functionality (Method/ mode of operation).
Note: Computers can also be classified according to generation. Petroleum research.
Defence and weapon analysis.
Aerodynamic design and simulation.
Weather forecasting.
Note. These tasks use large amounts of data, which need to be manipulated
within a very short time.
Examples of Supercomputers:
CRAY T3D, NEC-500.
2. Mainframe computers
Mainframes are less powerful & less expensive than supercomputers.
They are big in size but smaller compared to Supercomputers.
Are powerful computers with very high storage capacity.
They can support a large number of peripheral devices of different types.
They can handle hundreds of users at the same time, e.g., they can be
A. CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO PHYSICAL SIZE operated by 200 users at a time.
AND PROCESSING POWER Mainframe computers can handle all kinds of problems whether scientific or
Computers can be classified into 4 main groups according to their size and commercial.
processing power as follows, in descending order:
Supercomputers. Areas where mainframe computers are used:
Mainframe computers. Mainframe computers are mostly found in government departments, big
Minicomputers. organizations and companies which have large information processing needs,
Microcomputers. e.g., they are used;
Scientific research centres
1. Supercomputers Industrial firms
- Supercomputers are the fastest, largest, most expensive & also the most In Banks & Hospitals for preparing bills, Payrolls, etc.
powerful computers available.
In communication networks such as the Internet where they act as
- Most Supercomputers use multiple processors. In this case, a single task By Airline reservation systems where information of all the flights is
is split among the processors for faster execution. However, all the stored.
processors are controlled by a single central processor. Examples of Mainframes:
- Supercomputers are large and generate a lot of heat; therefore they are IBM 4381.
kept in a special room fitted with a cooling system that absorbs the heat ICL 39 Series.
generated during processing. CDC Cyber series.
- They are operated by computer specialists. A Supercomputer can be
operated by over 500 users at the same time.
3. Minicomputers
A Minicomputer is physically smaller than a mainframe. However, it can Areas where microcomputers are used:
support the same peripheral devices supported by a mainframe. Microcomputers are commonly used in:
Training and learning institutions such as schools.
- A Minicomputer can support several users at a time, e.g., can be operated Small business enterprises, and
by 6 users at a time.
Communication centres as terminals.
- Minicomputers are easier to manufacture & maintain compared to Microcomputers have become very popular because of the following
mainframes. reasons:
- Minicomputers are cheaper, less powerful and have less memory/storage 1) Are cheaper than both mini & mainframe computers.
capacity, and are slower than the mainframes. 2) Are moderately fast in processing speed
3) Small in size, hence they occupy less space in an office.
Areas where minicomputers are used: 4) Are more energy efficient as they consume less power.
Minicomputers are used mainly in: 5) Are more reliable than the early Mainframe computers as they do not
Scientific laboratories & research institutions. break down frequently.
Engineering plants/factories to control of chemical or mechanical Examples:
processes. IBM PCs such as Apple Macintosh, Dells, Compaq, etc.
Space industry.
Insurance companies & Banks for accounting purposes. Desktop computer
Smaller organizations as Network Servers. Refers to a computer designed to be used when placed on a desk in an office
Example of Minicomputer: environment.
PDP-8 built in 1965 by Digital Equipment Corporation in U.S. - They are not portable.
Examples of desktop computers:
4. Microcomputers 1) Home computer
Microcomputers are the Personal Computers mostly found today in homes, This is a low-cost microcomputer of limited capability designed for
schools & many small offices. They are called Personal Computers (PCs) domestic use. It has programs that are used typically for computer
because they are designed to be used by one person at a time. They are called games or controlling family finances.
microcomputers because they use a microprocessor. 2) Personal computer (PC).
This is a microcomputer designed for independent use by an individual
- The data processing in microcomputers is done by a at work or in the home mainly for business purposes.
Microprocessor (a single chip containing the Arithmetic Logic unit - PCs are mostly used in offices, schools, business premises, and at
& Control unit).
home for various applications like computer literacy, Games,
- They consist of very few peripheral devices. Database management, Accounting, Word processing,
- Microcomputers are smaller in size, cheaper and less powerful than Telecommunications, etc.
minicomputers. 3) Workstation.
Types of microcomputers in operation today (In descending order of physical A workstation is usually a desktop computer with all the facilities but
size); interlinked to a network.
1. Desktop computers: is designed to be placed on top of an office desk. A typical workstation works in a similar way to a Personal computer.
2. Laptop computers (Notebook): portable convenient for mobile users. However, it is more advanced than a typical PC in the following ways:
Can be conveniently used while placed on the lap. i). It is larger & more powerful than a PC.
3. Palmtop Computers (Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)): is small ii). It has in-built capabilities for its interconnection & operation with
enough to fit in the pocket. Can be used while held in the palm. other computers in a network.
iii). It has high resolution graphics. A single computer can be used to process documents, perform calculations,
process the Payroll, simulate the loading on a bridge, process Insurance
Laptops & Notebooks policies, and play games, among others.
A Laptop is a PC sufficiently small & light such that a user can use it
comfortably on his/her lap. Examples of general-purpose computers: Mainframes, Minicomputers,
- A Laptop computer operates mainly on electricity or by rechargeable Microcomputers & Laptops used in most offices & schools.
Note. The smaller computers like Laptops tend to be more expensive than Special-purpose computer
Desktop computers because of the following reasons: A special-purpose computer is designed to handle/accomplish only one
1) The technology of producing smaller devices is expensive. specific task.
2) They are convenient because they are portable. Such computers cannot perform any other task except the one they were
3) They have advanced power management capabilities (they consume meant to do.
less power since a laptop can operate on rechargeable batteries). A Special-purpose computer is dedicated to a single task; hence it can
perform it quickly & very efficiently.
Palmtops are small enough to fit in the pocket, and can be held in the palm Examples of special-purpose computers:
when being used. Robots used in a manufacturing industry for production only.
- Have limited storage capacities. Mobile phones used for communication only.
- Palmtops are mainly used as Personal Organizers, with some minimal Calculators that carry out calculations only.
programs for calculations, Word processing, Spreadsheets, & E-mail. Computers used in Digital watches.
Example of a Palmtop; Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Computers used in Petrol pumps.
Computers used in Washing machines.
An Embedded computer An Automatic pilot – a computer dedicated to the task of operating an
This is a computer that is within another device or system but is not accessed aircraft.
directly. E.g., there are embedded computers operating within Petrol pumps, A Word processor – a special-purpose computer used in the production of
Watches, Cameras & Video recorders. office documents, letters, etc.
Digital computers.
Analogue computers
Hybrid computers.
Digital computers
A Digital computer is a computer that can only process countable or
discrete data. For example, they are used in specialized areas such as in:
- Controlling manufacturing processes like monitoring & regulating
It can process both numeric & alphabetic data within the computer, e.g., 0, 1, furnace temperatures and pressures.
2, 3…, A,B,C…. - Weather stations to record & process physical quantities, e.g., wind,
Their operation is based on 2 states, “ON” & “OFF” or on digits “1” & “0”. cloud speed, temperature, etc.
Therefore, any data to be manipulated by a digital computer must first be
converted to digital form. Examples of analogue devices:
The computer used to control a flight simulator for training pilots.
Digital data (discrete/countable data) is represented using a two-state square The computer responds to the Cockpit simulator control movements
waveform as shown below made by the pilot to physically change the environment so that the pilot
feels as if he were controlling an actual aeroplane.
A Bathroom scale.
It uses the weight of a person to move a pointer smoothly/continuously
over calibrated scale, which shows the person’s weight.
It uses a volume of Mercury to show temperature.
A Petrol pump measures the rate of flow of Gasoline (petrol) &
converts the volume delivered to 2 readings; one showing the volume &
Examples of digital devices: the other showing the cost.
A Post-office scale converts the weight of a parcel delivered into a
A Television with a button which is pressed to increase or decrease the charge for posting.
A Monitor with knobs that are rotated to increase brightness.
Digital watches. A Television with knobs that are rotated to increase or decrease the
Calculators. volume.
Microcomputers. A Radio with a knob that slides in a slot to increase volume.
In a hospital Intensive Care Unit, an analogue device may be used to
measure the functioning of a patient’s heart, temperature and other vital
signs. These measurements may then be converted into numbers and send to
a digital device, which may send an immediate signal to the nurses’ station if
any abnormal readings are detected