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Paper Pa Traducir
Paper Pa Traducir
Background: Restrictive abortion laws are the single most important determinant of unsafe abortion, a major, yet
preventable, global health issue. While reviews have been conducted on the extent of the phenomenon, no study has so
far analysed the evidence of why women turn to informal sector providers when legal alternatives are available. This work
provides a systematic review of the qualitative literature on informal sector abortion in setting where abortion is legal.
Methods: We used the PRISMA guidelines to search Pubmed, Web of Science, Sciencedirect and Google Scholar
databases between January and February 2018. 2794 documents in English and French were screened for eligibility
against pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles investigating women’s reasons for aborting in the
informal sector in settings where abortion is legal were included. In total, sixteen articles were identified as eligible for this
review. Findings were reported following the PRISMA guidelines.
Results: The review highlights the diverse reasons women turn to the informal sector, as abortions outside of legal health
facilities were reported to be a widespread and normalised practice in countries where legal abortion is provided.
Women cited a range of reasons for aborting in the informal sector; these included fear of mistreatment by staff, long
waiting lists, high costs, inability to fulfil regulations, privacy concerns and lack of awareness about the legality of abortion
or where to procure a safe and legal abortion. Not only was unsafe abortion spoken of in terms of medical and physical
safety, but also in terms of social and economic security.
Conclusion: The use of informal sector abortions (ISAs) is a widespread and normalised practice in many countries
despite the liberalisation of abortion laws. Although ISAs are not inherently unsafe, the practice in a setting where it is
illegal will increase the likelihood that women will not be given the necessary information, or that they will be punished.
This study brings to the fore the diverse reasons why women opt to abort outside formal healthcare settings and their
issues with provision of abortion services in legal contexts, providing an evidence base for future research and policies.
Keywords: Unsafe abortion, Legal abortion, Informal sector abortion, women’s rights, Systematic reviews, Qualitative
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, Queen Mary University of
London, Yvonne Carter Building, 58 Turner street, London E1 2AB, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Chemlal and Russo BMC Women's Health (2019) 19:55 Page 2 of 11
lack of awareness of abortion laws (Fig. 1). Women who Abortion (ISA) through generating rich data on the mean-
undergo the second trajectory first attempt to seek a ings that women attach to their abortion seeking experi-
legal abortion, through a formal provider but face ence [24], and qualitative research is increasingly being
barriers and are forced to turn to the informal sector. recognised as having an important contribution to make
Both safe and unsafe outcomes are possible; if the infor- to evidence-based healthcare and in addressing policy re-
mal sector abortion provider carries out the abortion in lated questions. The Cochrane database of systematic re-
accordance to the WHO guidelines [1] then despite the views [25] and the Campbell library of systematic reviews
illegality of the procedure the outcome will be a safe [26] were thoroughly searched prior to the start of this
abortion with minimal medical risk. current review, to ensure that there were no past or
The central question addressed in this review asks: What on-going reviews on the chosen topic of study.
are the reasons women who live in setting where abortion
is legal choose to have an informal sector abortion? The The search strategy
process of this review was guided by the following research The PRISMA guidelines [27] were used to design the
objectives [1]: To identify all the primary, qualitative litera- search strategy extract relevant information from the
ture on the reasons why women who live in settings with papers. The databases Scopus, Google Scholar, Pubmed,
liberal abortion laws opt to have an informal sector abor- Web of Science and Sciencedirect were searched between
tion [2]; To extract, analyse and synthesise the relevant data the 30th of January 2018 and the 1st of February of the
on why women living in countries with liberal abortions same year. These databases were specifically selected for
laws end up having unsafe abortions in the informal sector their multidisciplinary nature. For example, Scopus focus
[3]; To provide an up to date, global review on the reasons covers a range of disciplines such as the social sciences,
women in countries with liberal abortion laws opt to have medicine, public health, humanities and women’s studies,
unsafe abortions in the informal sector, and [4]; To increase all of which concern the subject of unsafe abortion. Mul-
understanding on the barriers to accessing safe, legal abor- tiple databases were included to ensure that all the rele-
tion in countries where abortion is legal. vant articles are captured.
This review focuses on qualitative research as quantita- Liberati et al. [28] recommends reporting the full elec-
tive reviews have already explored [16, 23] the impact of tronic search for at least one database. A table has been
unsafe abortion, but in comparison, no review of the included under Additional file 1 showing the exact
qualitative literature on this issue has been carried out. search terms used for each database and results gener-
Qualitative research can be a useful tool for gaining a deep ated. The following search queries were inputted into
understanding of the phenomena of Informal Sector the majority of databases:
Access to information
Unsuccessful at attempt at inducing
Competency of providers
procuring a abortion
legal abortion
Safe: In accordance Legal and does not
with WHO guidelines result in
Access to economic resources
Doctor, nurse or complications
midwife trained in
Individual preferences Unsafe: Not in
abortion provision
accordance with WHO
Previous experiences of abortion Legal but results in
Social network
(“Informal sector abortion” OR “illegal abortion” OR (SC), allowing for the rapid elimination of ineligible arti-
“clandestine abortion” OR “unsafe abortion”) AND cles. Articles that did not give away enough information
(“legal abortion” or “abortion is allowed”) AND through their titles on the relevance of their content
(“factors” OR “reasons” OR “motivations” OR were reserved for step two, where abstracts were
“determinants” OR “motives”) assessed. In the final stage, the full texts of the
remaining records obtained and assessed for eligibility.
Synonyms such as ‘illegal’ and ‘clandestine’ and ‘motiva- Articles whose content did not meet the criteria were
tions’ and ‘reason’ were used to increase search results eliminated and the reasons for their exclusion were doc-
generated. Many terms, such as the phrase ‘Termination umented (Additional file 1). Finally, relevant information
of pregnancy’, were discarded after preliminary searches was extracted and analysed by the two authors.
showed they did not generate any additional useful results.
In some databases where very large numbers of search re- Results
sults were generated during the preliminary searches, add- The initial search yielded a total of 3179 records were
itional limits were placed, such as restricting the search yielded, 921 of which were generated through French
terms to the Titles, Abstracts and Keywords. term searches and 2258 from English search terms. A
405 duplicates were identified and removed through further 20 records were identified by snowballing, that
hand searching. Articles were ordered according to al- is, tracking and chasing down references in footnotes
phabetical order of study titles and then articles whose and bibliographies of the original articles and other re-
titles and dates published matched were excluded. In search documents. 2764 articles were excluded after
order to account for any article titles that may have been screening their titles and abstracts, leaving 30 full text
misspelled, this step was repeated but with the articles articles to be assessed for their eligibility using the pre-
being ordered according to their year of publication. defined criteria. 19 of these articles were excluded and
A pre-defined search criterion is one of the defining the details on which aspect of the criteria they did not
features of a systematic review [29] as it minimises bias fulfil are listed under Additional file 2. A further five
by including articles on the basis of the criteria rather studies were identified through searching the reference
than the authors’ preferences or search results [29]. The lists of relevant articles, resulting in a total of 16 studies
inclusion and exclusion criteria against which the studies being included in the final synthesis (Fig. 2).
generated by the search results were assessed covered
their topic, participants, settings, type of study, language Study characteristics
and publication date (Table 1). No limit was placed on A total of 16 studies, spanning twelve countries, were in-
time of publication as this varied by study depending on cluded in the qualitative synthesis. The full data extraction
when abortion has been legalised. table, complete with key study characteristics such as study
The records generated were examined for relevance in type, methods, purpose and main findings, is listed in
three stages. In the first, titles were assessed against the Additional file. The majority of studies were based in
inclusion and exclusion criteria by one of the authors Sub-Saharan Africa with the exception of Northern Ireland,
Great Britain, Hong Kong and the United States. The specific exception for allowing abortion in order to pre-
publication dates of the included studies ranged from 1998 vent permanent damage to a mothers physical and mental
to 2018, although the majority were published after 2010. health [30], Northern Ireland was considered eligible for
Thirteen of the sixteen studies included recruited this review. The United States is also a unique case
participants who had specified either having undergone or whereby abortion has been legal since 1973 but is regu-
attempted an informal sector abortion either by recruiting lated at state level [31]. Therefore, the extent to which
women who presented at hospitals with post abortion abortion is restricted will vary from state to state [31].
complications or recruiting women via snowball sampling,
surveys and informal sector abortion organisations such as Women’s reasons for choosing to have an informal sector
Women on Web. Three studies focussed on members abortion
of the community who had either were ISA providers The studies surveyed widely confirmed the quantitative
or had friends or family who had experienced an ISA evidence that the practice of ISA is a widespread
(Additional file 2). phenomenon: The majority of the respondents in the
The sixteen studies covered a wide spectrum of abortion studies included reported being aware of women in their
laws, from the most liberal such as South Africa and communities who had undergone the termination proced-
Cambodia where abortion is available on request, to coun- ure clandestinely. Self-induction was found to be the pre-
tries where conditions for a legal abortion are more re- ferred method of terminating a pregnancy among
stricted such as Ethiopia and Kenya. Northern Ireland and respondents as it was perceived to be more natural, less in-
the United States were outliers in this study. Northern vasive and less medicalised [30, 32, 33], and comparable to
Ireland is notorious for having some of the most restrict- taking contraceptive pills or painkillers [34, 35] Among par-
ive abortion laws worldwide where abortion is rarely of- ticipants, there was widespread knowledge of the medical
fered on legal grounds [30]. However, as its laws make a risks associated with ISA. However, any fears over medical
Chemlal and Russo BMC Women's Health (2019) 19:55 Page 6 of 11
safety were outweighed by the reservations that women undergoing abortion are severe. Women in Great Brit-
had about abortions in formal health facilities [20]. ain, Kenya and Zambia reported fear of violence from
Ten key reasons for women opting to have an informal their families, being ostracised from the community and
sector abortion, emerged in the form of themes from the losing their livelihoods if they were dependent on those
literature surveyed, ranging from privacy, attitude of they wished to conceal their abortion from, such as their
healthcare staff, to costs involved and timeliness of the parents or their partner [11, 33, 37].
intervention (Table 2). We review the themes below Costs associated with legal abortion services was an
from the most to the least frequently mentioned. issue that came up in ten of the studies included [11, 19–
Concerns over privacy in legal health facilities were 22, 32, 33, 37, 39, 40] This applied to both countries where
listed as a reason for women turning to informal sector a cost is required for formal sector abortions and in con-
providers in thirteen of the studies [11, 20, 22, 30, 32– texts where abortion is provided free of charge or covered
38]. Women who chose to pursue informal sector abor- by insurance. In countries where a fee is required, legal
tion because of issues of privacy felt that the need to abortion was out of reach for women and girls from
conceal their abortion and protect their social security low-income backgrounds. In many cases women were
outweighed their physical safety needs. Formal health fa- dependent on the income of those who they wanted to
cilities were deemed to be unsafe if they failed to protect conceal their abortion from, such as their parents or part-
a woman’s social reputation. Formal sector abortions ner [11]. This also applied for when abortion is covered by
carried the risks of being seen and kept details of the insurance, as is the case in some US states, where women
women who sought abortion meaning that the women and girls were unable to use their insurance to acquire
could be easily identified as having had an abortion, abortion for fear that those with whom they shared their
whereas self-induction was preferred as it could be car- insurance would find out about their abortion [34]. Incor-
ried out in the privacy of one’s home [21]. The potential rect knowledge regarding the costs of legal termination of
consequences of confidentiality breaches for women abortion was also found to influence women’s abortion
Table 2 Reasons given to seek informal sector abortion in the literature reviewed
Source / Country Privacy Cost Knowledge Social Regulation Fear of Unwilling staff Self- Timeless- Distance
network mistreatment management ness
Koster-Oyekani, 1998 (Zambia) X X X X
Jewkes et al., 2005 X X X X X X X
(South Africa)
Hill et al., 2009 (Ghana) X X X X
Grossman et al., 2010 X X X X X X X
(United States)
Hung, 2010 (Hong Kong) X X
Rominski, Lori and X X X X
Morhe, 2017 (Ghana)
Hegde et al., 2012 X X
Marlow et al., 2014 (Kenya) X X X X
Izugbar, Egesa and X X X
Okelo, 2015 (Kenya)
Osur et al., 2015 (Kenya) X
Coast and Murray, X X X X X X
2016 (Zambia)
Gerdts et al., 2017 X X X X X X
(South Africa)
Kebede et al., 2017 X
Aiken et al., 2018 X X X X
(Northern Ireland)
Aiken et al., 2018 X X X X X X
(Great Britain)
Aiken et al., 2018 X X X X X
(United States)
Chemlal and Russo BMC Women's Health (2019) 19:55 Page 7 of 11
seeking behaviour. Even when abortion was freely avail- states many abortion clinics were forced to shut down,
able, such as in the case of South Africa, women held the pushing women to travel longer distances for a legal abor-
perception that informal sector abortions would be tion or turn to the informal sector [32].
cheaper. The perception itself of unaffordability was a bar- Pregnant women’s’ fears of mistreatment by staff - that
rier to accessing safe and legal abortion. they will be judged, criticised, shamed and even possibly
The studies reviewed also showed that a lack of know- exposed - can be a deterrent for seeking a safe and legal
ledge of abortion laws, and a widespread perception that abortion. Fear of mistreatment by staff as a reason for
abortion is not legal, even though all of the studies in- women choosing to avoid having legal abortions in for-
cluded were based in contexts where abortion is permit- mal health facilities was mentioned in seven studies [22,
ted. Eleven of the studies included reported that one of 33, 35–39] In many cases this was due to women’s past
the reasons women opted for an informal sector abor- experiences or past experiences of their friends and fam-
tion was because they were unaware of the legality of ily having been mistreated by hospital staff. Mistreat-
abortion [11, 20, 22, 30, 32, 34–36, 38, 39, 41] In some ment included staff gossiping about their patients, being
cases, it was reported that this lack of knowledge was openly hostile, shaming the women and even accusing
exploited by health care workers who intentionally gave them of murder [35].
the perception that abortion was not legal [39]. Some Staff unwillingness to provide abortion or make a refer-
studies also pointed out that inability or confusion about ral. In many contexts where abortion is legal, providers
how to navigate the health system compounded the gen- may be unwilling to provide abortion for personal, religious
eral lack of knowledge of local abortion laws [42]. and cultural reasons. This was a finding in five of the stud-
A review of the included studies highlighted the import- ies included where staff unwillingness to provide an abor-
ant role that women’s social network played in shaping her tion and failure to make a referral was cited as a reason for
journey to procuring an informal sector abortion. Friends turning to the informal sector [11, 34, 35, 39, 41].
were found to be an important source of information on A preference for self-managed abortions at home was
abortion methods and in some cases even became in- cited as a reason in four studies [30, 32–34]. Women who
volved in the abortion attempt itself [20]. The role of so- had sought to self-induce their abortion described a pref-
cial networks in informing women about, and leading erence for their more private and familiar surroundings of
them to informal sector abortion was documented in their home. The home setting was considered to be less
seven of the included studies, indicating that this was a medicalised, more natural [44] and giving women a
major factor [11, 20, 22, 34, 35, 38, 43]. Knowing a public greater feeling of independence and control over their
sector health worker was seen as a factor in accessing bodies. At home oral abortifacients included misoprostol
abortion services in Kenya [39]. In addition to friends, and mifepristone, the standard for a medical abortion and
family, neighbours, teachers and even strangers whom the less effective and more dangerous methods such as over-
women had just met were also an important source of in- dosing on vitamin c and taking herbal concoctions. The
formation on ISA. In Siaya, Kenya, the effect of social net- use of self-induction was also used. Where women pre-
works on women’s decision to have an informal sector ferred not to seek abortion from legal facilities, for fear of
abortion was found to be greater in younger women [43]. stigma, privacy concerns or fear of mistreatment, the use
Regulation as a barrier to accessing safe, legal abortion of self-induction was used to avoid the social risks and
emerged as a theme in in seven studies [11, 19, 32, 34–37] harms associated with unsafe abortion [30, 32–34].
Women and girls reported the requirement of parental Timeliness of services was mentioned as an additional
consent as a barrier to access, as often it was their parents reason in three of the studies [22, 33, 35] as long waiting
that they were trying to hide the details of their abortion lists for regular abortion services were identified as a key
from. In Zambia the requirement of three doctors to ap- deterrent. Two of these studies were based in South Af-
prove the abortion in non-emergency cases posed issues, rica but published twelve years apart. This suggests that
particularly in rural areas and regions that did not have long waiting lists have been an issue affecting South Af-
enough doctors to meet this criterion. This was the find- rican women’s chances of procuring a safe and legal
ing of two studies; published sixteen years apart, suggest- abortion for many years. In Great Britain, long waiting
ing that this has been an on-going problem for many lists often meant that women were no longer eligible for
years [11, 36]. In Hong Kong, laws that punished men a medical abortion and would be obliged to undergo a
who had sex with minors deterred young girls below the surgical termination [33]. This reason alone was enough
ages of sixteen to seek legal abortion for fear that their to put women to the informal sector.
partners would be prosecuted [19]. In the United States Distance combined with a lack of transport was cited in
where abortion regulation is decided at state level, state three of the reviewed studies [30, 32, 33]. This was also
regulation played a major role in limiting women’s access closely linked to costs as the greater the distance they
to legal abortion [32]. For instance, in more conservative would have to travel for an abortion the greater the costs
Chemlal and Russo BMC Women's Health (2019) 19:55 Page 8 of 11
associated with transport. This was compounded by the 34, 35, 37, 40]. In comparison, more invasive methods
fact that most abortion clinics require two or more ap- such as the insertion of foreign objects [20] through the
pointments to administer the pills and follow up for com- vagina or physical methods such as intensively massaging
plications. For women in Northern Ireland, travelling to the abdomen [37] were less frequently cited.
nearby England for an abortion could pose issues for their
privacy. Some women cited finding it difficult to keep pri- Discussion
vate the true reason for their travels [30]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic
review to be conducted on the qualitative evidence around
Attributes of informal sector abortions the reasons why women who live in settings where abor-
A key finding of this study is the existence of two path- tion is legal end up having informal sector abortions, using
ways to seeking an informal sector abortion. In the first predominantly unsafe and ineffective methods. ISAs were
category, women first attempted to seek a legal abortion reported in low-income as well as high-income countries;
at a formal health facility and only turned to the infor- long waiting lists, costs, and lack of awareness about the
mal sector when their attempts failed [11, 19, 22, 35]. legality of abortion appeared to be the dominant concern
Women in this trajectory were either not referred by the in the former countries, while privacy concerns and lack
doctor at the clinic, not made aware of the legality of of insurance coverage were quoted in some high-income
abortion or were put off by the price once they hand studies. Among the study participant’s, unsafe abortion
reached the clinic [19, 35]. was not spoken of solely in terms of medical and physical
The second trajectory involves women who directly safety, but also in terms of social and economic security.
sought an informal sector abortion without first trying Abortion facilities that did not protect women’s anonymity
to seek a legal service [20, 34, 38] For women in this were deemed to be unsafe. This was mainly due to the fact
pathway, ISA was regarded as the normal trajectory for that societal attitudes to abortion were largely negative
seeking abortion. Formal sector abortion was the last re- and that severe repercussions, such as loss of livelihood
sort after multiple ineffective clandestine abortion at- and being shunned by their community, would result if it
tempts or for post abortion complication treatments. were discovered that they had procured an abortion [37].
Women were aware of the medical dangers of ISA in all Whilst ISA’s are not unsafe by default, in most of the stud-
of the studies except one [41]. Although all of the women ies included in this review women reported using unsafe
had sought out an informal sector abortion they were well methods such as taking herbal concoctions, using contra-
aware of the medical risks that this form of abortion car- ceptives and painkillers or inserting foreign objects into
ried. All of the women interviewed by Kebede et al. [40] the uterus. Although some studies did report the use of a
said they were aware of the potential complications of in- combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, which when
formal sector abortions. However, fears of physical dan- taken appropriately can be used to safely induce an early
gers were outweighed by fears over their social safety and term abortion, the methods employed to induce an abor-
desperation to terminate their pregnancy [20]. tion in the informal sector were reported to be often un-
One of the broad themes emerging review in this study safe, suggesting that without the provision of the right
is the great stigma that is attached to abortion, in particu- information, ISAs carry an increase risk of harm to health.
lar if the pregnancy is the result of premarital sex. The A few limitations should be considered when inter-
practice of abortion could result in strong repercussions preting the findings from this review. Two studies meet-
from the woman’s community and friends and family [37]. ing our criteria could not be located, despite our best
The repercussions of stigma were especially important for attempts to contact the authors [45, 46]. Language bar-
women who did not have an independent income as the riers were another restriction of our search, as only Eng-
potential loss of support of their family or partner could lish and French articles were included, potentially
lose them their means of livelihood [40]. Many respon- introducing a language bias. A third limitation was the
dents demonstrated feelings of internalised stigma exclusion of grey literature, such as reports and confer-
through the feelings of guilt and shame that they attached ence abstracts, which may have introduced an element
to their abortion experience [37, 40] Respondents felt that of publication bias. Furthermore, we did not search for
they had took part in a deviant or atypical practice [37]. terms such as ‘self-abortion’ and ‘self-managed abortion’,
The widespread use of oral abortifacients was another although we believe these would have been picked up by
key theme that emerged in this review. The use of oral our search for ‘self-induction’ and ‘self-use’. Despite
methods of inducing abortion, such as new drugs like mi- these shortcomings, we believe this review represents a
soprostol. Herbal mixtures, painkillers, hormonal prepara- meaningful contribution to the existing knowledge of
tions and household cleaning products, were the most why women keep taking the risk of undertaking informal
commonly reported method of abortion in the informal abortion practices even when legal options are available.
sector in the majority of the included studies [11, 20, 22, A final but important limitation is the wide
Chemlal and Russo BMC Women's Health (2019) 19:55 Page 9 of 11
heterogeneity in the abortion laws of the countries in- aimed at communities where abortion is legal. A signifi-
cluded in this review, as different countries have differ- cant proportion of unsafe abortions in the informal sector
ent laws and regulations and stipulations regulating the could have been averted if women’s’ social network had
practice, which makes it extremely difficult to categorise been excluded from the decision making process. Educa-
countries on the basis of their abortion laws. Judging tion campaigns could be targeted at education communi-
from its official regulation of the practice, Northern ties on the potential medical dangers of informal sector
Ireland for example, may be considered a country with abortions and legal consequences in many settings where
relatively little abortion restrictions, particularly consid- ISA’s are criminalised and could carry a prison sentence.
ering the exceptions to protect woman’s mental health; The use of medical abortion pills for self-induction, as a
however, women’s access to abortion services is in prac- harm reduction programme is another area of interest
tice severely limited in the country. highlighted in this study. When women are provided with
Health workers’ competence [47] was an important information on recommended dosages and administration
factor pushing women towards the informal sector. Pre- of the drug, the evidence shows that self-induction using
vious experiences of mistreatment, such as shaming and misoprostol can be safe [44]. Our findings regarding
general hostility by health workers or hearing of other women’s preference for self-managed abortions for early
women’s experiences of mistreatment, was a strong de- stage pregnancies are consistent with recent studies on
terrent to seeking a legal abortion. Some health workers women’s views on the acceptability of home managed
were also unwilling to provide abortions or make a refer- abortions [5, 49]. Governments should recognise this is
ral, thereby forcing women to turn to the informal sec- rapidly becoming an option for women seeking abortion.
tor. Studies that have investigated health workers’ However, the issue of cultural acceptability should be a
willingness to provide abortion in a number of countries focus for policy makers when designing healthcare ser-
where abortion is legal show that overwhelmingly health vices; for instance, one study carried out in the United
workers oppose abortion and are unwilling to provide Kingdom in 2010 found that Asian women are more likely
the service. As in the case of a study from South Africa to find self-managed abortions more acceptable than hos-
reporting staff refusing to care for abortion clients, often pital based ones [49].
on religious and moral grounds [48]. Future research into potential interventions should
Women’s knowledge of abortion laws and country spe- also place an emphasis on addressing long waiting lists
cific regulations was a key factor in the selection of ISA. and high costs of services which often force women to
Despite the legality of abortion and the broad grounds choose between having a late term abortion or turning
on which it is permitted, regulations such as the require- to the informal sector. Regulations should be
ment for more than one doctor’s approval in areas where re-evaluated to ensure that they are reasonable in their
there is a shortage of doctors, may restrict access to legal requirements and that they do not jeopardize a woman’s
abortion. This was evident in two studies from Zambia right to anonymity.
published sixteen years apart [11, 36]. Long waiting lists
were cited as a factor by three studies, two of which are Conclusion
from South Africa, suggesting that is a persistent issue Unsafe abortions induced in the informal sector remain
in South Africa. Women’s’ lack of knowledge on the le- a major public health challenge in countries where abor-
gality of abortion, cited in eleven out of sixteen studies, tion is legal. Following the PRISMA guidelines, we con-
appeared to be an important determinant of their ducted a systematic review of the qualitative studies
abortion-seeking decisions. Costs were often mentioned published in English and French investigating the fea-
as a barrier to access in our studies; as recent work tures of the practice and the reasons behind women’s
seems to show that informal abortions can end up being risky choice when safer alternatives are available. We
as expensive as – or even more costly – than similar ser- screened over 2700 publications to identify a total of six-
vices in the public sector [22], it should be noted that teen relevant studies exploring the practice in seven
‘perceived costs’ could often being confused with ‘real low-and middle-income countries. These studies re-
costs’ in information-poor settings. vealed that women’s’ reasons for seeking informal sector
Whilst it is beyond the scope of this review to provide a abortions were diverse in high- and low-income settings,
comprehensive list of recommendations for addressing in- and their abortion seeking trajectories complex. Some
formal sector abortions, it has highlighted areas for poten- themes such as the issue of long waiting lists and regula-
tial intervention. For example, the significance of tions were found to be largely country specific.
women’s’ social networks in influencing their abortion tra- A number of gaps were identified in the literature,
jectories was an important point raised in this review. This which may represent areas for future research on the sub-
suggests that there is potential to address the issue of ISA ject. Firstly, given their importance, further primary quali-
through education and awareness raising campaigns tative studies appear to be needed on the phenomenon of
Chemlal and Russo BMC Women's Health (2019) 19:55 Page 10 of 11
informal sector abortion in more regions of the world Received: 20 July 2018 Accepted: 28 March 2019
where it is recognised that ISA is an issue, such as South
East Asia, South America, North Africa and the Middle
East. Research would also be needed on how to address References
the issues with formal sector abortion services identified 1. WHO. Unsafe abortion. Global and regional estimates of the incidence of
in this study, such as privacy, affordability and timeliness. unsae abortion and associated mortality in 2008. Sixth ed; 2011. p. 1–56.
2. Sedgh G, Bearak J, Singh S, Bankole A, Popinchalk A, Ganatra B, et al.
Future research on ISA should aim to understand the Abortion incidence between 1990 and 2014: global, regional, and
characteristics of women who prefer self-managed abor- subregional levels and trends. Lancet. 2016 Jul;388(10041):258–67.
tions over hospital-based ones. 3. Warriner I, Shah IH. Preventing unsafe abortion and its consequences:
priorities for research and action. New York: Guttmacher Institute; 2006. p.
Despite its limitations, this review shows the import- 1–254.
ance of collating and analysing systematically the infor- 4. Melese T, Habte D, Tsima BM, Mogobe KD, Chabaesele K, Rankgoane G, et
mation available on the drivers of unsafe abortions, and al. High levels of post-Abortion complication in a setting where Abortion
service is not legalized. PLoS One. 2017 Jan;12(1):e0166287.
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