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Küng et al.

Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107


RESEARCH Open Access

Access to abortion under the heath

exception: a comparative analysis in three
Stephanie A. Küng1, Blair G. Darney2,3*, Biani Saavedra-Avendaño3, Patricia A. Lohr4 and Laura Gil5

Background: Despite Britain, Colombia, and some Mexican states sharing a health exception within their abortion
laws, access to abortion under the health exception varies widely. This study examines factors that result in
heterogeneous application of similar health exception laws and consequences for access to legal abortion. Our
research adds to previous literature by comparing implementation of similar abortion laws across countries to
identify strategies for full implementation of the health exception.
Methods: We conducted a cross-country comparative descriptive study synthesizing data from document and
literature review, official abortion statistics, and interviews with key informants. We gathered information on the use
and interpretation of the health exception in the three countries from peer-reviewed literature, court documents,
and grey literature. We next extracted public and private abortion statistics to understand the application of the law
in each setting. We used a matrix to synthesize information and identify key factors in the use of the law. We
conducted in-depth interviews with doctors and experts familiar with the health exception laws in each country
and analyzed the qualitative data based on the previously identified factors.
Results: The health exception is used broadly in Britain, somewhat in Colombia, and very rarely in Mexican states.
We identified five factors as particularly salient to application of the health exception in each setting: 1)
comprehensiveness of the law including explicit mention of mental health, 2) a strong public health sector that
funds abortion, 3) knowledge of and attitudes toward the health exception law, including guidelines for physicians
in providing abortion, 4) dissemination of information about the health exception law, and 5) a history of court
cases that protect women and clarify the health exception law.
Conclusions: The health exception is a valuable tool for expanding access to legal abortion. Differences in the use
of the health exception as an indication for legal abortion result in wide access for women in Britain to nearly no
access in Mexican states. Our findings highlight the difference between theoretical and real access to legal
abortion. The interpretation and application of the health exception law are pivotal to expanding real access to
Keywords: Abortion, Mexico; Colombia, Great Britain, Health exception, Law and policy, Public health, Family
planning, Causal Salud

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Oregon Health & Science University Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97239, USA
Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Centro de Investigacion en Sistemas de
Salud, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 2 of 10

Propósito: A pesar de que Gran Bretaña, Colombia y algunos estados mexicanos comparten una causal salud
dentro de sus leyes de aborto, el acceso al aborto bajo la causal varía ampliamente. Este estudio examina los
factores que resultan en la aplicación heterogénea de leyes similares y las consecuencias para el acceso al aborto
legal. Nuestra investigación se suma a la literatura anterior comparando la implementación de leyes entre países
para dilucidar estrategias para la implementación total.
Métodos: Realizamos un estudio descriptivo comparativo entre países que sintetizó datos de la revisión de
documentos, estadísticas oficiales, y entrevistas con informantes claves. Recopilamos información sobre el uso y la
interpretación de la causal salud en los tres países haciendo referencia a literatura revisada por pares, documentos
judiciales, y literatura gris. Extraemos estadísticas públicos y privados para comprender la aplicación de la ley en
cada entorno. Usamos una matriz para sintetizar información e identificar factores clave en el uso de la causal salud.
Realizamos entrevistas en profundidad con médicos y expertos familiarizados con las leyes y analizamos los datos
cualitativos en función de los factores previamente identificados.
Resultados: La causal salud se usa ampliamente en Gran Bretaña, a veces en Colombia, y casi nunca en los estados
mexicanos. Identificamos cinco factores relevantes para la aplicación de la causal salud: 1) la exhaustividad de la ley,
incluyendo la mención explícita de la salud mental, 2) un fuerte sector de salud pública que financia el aborto, 3)
conocimiento y actitudes hacia la ley, incluyendo directrices para los médicos, 4) difusión de información sobre la
causal salud, y 5) un historial de casos judiciales que protegen a las mujeres y clarifican la ley.
Conclusiones: La causal salud es una herramienta valiosa para ampliar el acceso al aborto legal. Las diferencias en
el uso de la causal dan como resultado un amplio acceso para mujeres en Gran Bretaña a casi ningún acceso en
los estados mexicanos. Nuestros hallazgos resaltan la diferencia entre el acceso teórico y real al aborto legal. La
interpretación y la aplicación de la causal salud son cruciales para expandir el acceso real al aborto.

Plain English summary Differences in the use of the health exception to pro-
In Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), vide access to legal abortion result in wide access to
Colombia, and some Mexican states, abortion is legal abortion services for women in Britain to nearly no ac-
when the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s health. cess to abortion in Mexican states. The interpretation
However, the application of this health exception varies and application of the health exception law are import-
widely among the three countries. This study identifies ant to expanding access to abortion.
factors that result in such different application of similar
health exception laws. We also discuss the consequences
of different application of the health exception for access Background
to legal abortion. Unsafe abortion has been recognized as a global public
We reviewed literature, court documents, and official health issue for over two decades [1]. Every year in de-
abortion statistics, and conducted in-depth interviews veloping countries, 5 million women are hospitalized
with doctors and other experts familiar with the health due to complications from unsafe abortion, and in Latin
exception laws in each country. We synthesized this in- America and the Caribbean at least 10% of maternal
formation and identified key factors to the use and deaths in the region are attributed to unsafe abortion
non-use of the health exception. [2]. This is a huge strain on health systems, not to men-
We found that the health exception is used broadly in tion the financial, physical, and mental costs to women
Britain to provide access to abortion services, somewhat and their families [3–5].
in Colombia, and very rarely in Mexican states. We In many countries where access to abortion is re-
identified five factors that influence how the health ex- stricted, abortion laws delineate exceptional circum-
ception is applied in each country setting: 1) the defin- stances under which abortion can be performed without
ition of health, with explicit mention of mental as well risk of prosecution. The most common exceptions are
as physical health, 2) a strong public health sector that risk to the woman’s life, fetal anomaly, risk to the
provides abortion services, 3) knowledge of the health woman’s health, rape, and incest [6]. While abortion
exception law, including clear guidelines for physicians, provided to save the life of the woman is legal in most
4) dissemination of information about the health excep- countries in the world, the health exception, defined
tion law, and 5) a history of court cases that protect here as preserving the physical and/or mental health of
women and clarify the health exception law. the woman, is law in 36% of countries [6].
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 3 of 10

The gap between abortion laws and their application or different across countries and developed a matrix to
has been documented, but has not been extended to display synthesized data and permit cross-country
cross-country application of the health exception [7]. comparisons.
Colombia, Great Britain, and some states in Mexico We next extracted data from official statistics or private
allow abortion when the physical and/or mental health sector statistics where available (Colombia). We under-
of the woman is at risk [6]. Britain’s law (the Abortion stand that abortion statistics in contexts where reporting
Act of 1967), allows abortion to 24 weeks’ gestation is poor undercount abortion incidence, but they do reflect
when two doctors agree that the risk to the mental or the official reporting of abortion service provision. In
physical health of the woman or her existing children is Mexico we utilized data from the Government Statistics
greater with continuance of a pregnancy compared to Office (INEGI), which collects data on hospitalizations at
that associated with termination [8]. Colombia’s abortion public hospitals [13]. In Colombia we analyzed ad-
law was amended in 2006 to legalize abortion at the fed- ministrative data from the Sistema de Información de
eral level under three conditions, including rape, fetal Prestaciones de Salud (RIPS) [14], as well as data col-
anomaly, and when the woman’s health is at risk; this lected by a private abortion provider in Bogotá. In
was the first time a court reviewed the constitutionality Britain we analyzed data published annually by the
of abortion under a human rights framework and con- Departments of Health of England & Wales, and
cluded it was unconstitutional [9]. Abortion in Mexico is Scotland [15, 16].
not governed under federal law; each of Mexico’s 32 Our third phase relied on qualitative data from key in-
states has its own abortion laws, and therefore the ex- formant interviews. We used a convenience sample of
ceptions vary by state. In March 2016, new federal providers from Mexico, Colombia, and Britain who have
guidelines that do not require police or clinical verifica- experience employing the health exception, academic
tion of rape under the rape exception were passed, al- scholars who have studied the health exception, and
though this federal guideline is in direct conflict with NGO partners who focus on expanding access to abor-
some state laws [10]. Of Mexico’s 32 states, 14 allow tion under the health exception. The aim of this third
abortion when the woman’s health is at risk, and there is phase was to supplement and verify findings from the
no federal guidance for the health exception [11]. document review and quantitative data. We developed
Mexico City is the only state where abortion is legal on the interview guide based on findings from the docu-
demand, and only in the first trimester [12]. The pur- ment review, and focused on two key thematic areas:
pose of this study was to identify factors that contribute knowledge of the health exception in their state/country,
to heterogeneous application of similar health exception and barriers to use of the health exception. We con-
laws in Great Britain, Colombia, and Mexico. ducted 17 interviews in Spanish or English (Mexico [n =
6], Britain [n = 7], and Colombia [n = 4]). The majority
Methods (82%) of in-depth interviews were held with doctors, the
We conducted a cross-country comparative descriptive rest were with academic scholars or NGO partners. In-
study synthesizing data from document and literature re- terviews were recorded and transcribed. We developed a
view, official abortion statistics, and interviews with key codebook using a priori themes informed by the docu-
informants. We chose three countries where access to ment review and also allowed for emergent themes. The
abortion under the health exception ranges from very first author developed the first iteration of the codebook;
limited (Mexico), somewhat limited (Colombia), and it was subsequently revised and collapsed by consensus
very expansive (Great Britain), despite the laws as writ- with the second and third authors, and validated by the
ten being similar. Experts on our team also identified fourth and senior authors. We used Dedoose version
that these three countries would be ideal for comparison 7.5.9, an online coding platform, to organize the qualita-
due to differences in the historical contexts out of which tive analysis. All participants consented to participation
these laws were passed, such as religious environment and the study was approved by the Comité de Ética
and the scope of the laws (federal vs. state). We reviewed (IRB) of the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública in
literature, including peer-reviewed articles, government Cuernavaca, Mexico.
documents, court jurisprudence, and grey literature per-
taining to the health exception in the three countries Results
with the aim of identifying and abstracting available data Table 1 summarizes general characteristics of each law,
about access to and use of the health exception in each including language and specific characteristics such as
setting. We documented relevant jurisprudence around dissemination of the law, access and barriers, and juris-
abortion to identify protection afforded to doctors and prudence by country. Because no federal abortion law
women utilizing the health exception in the courts. We exists in Mexico, Table 1 compares the health exception
identified factors, practices, or events that were similar laws in the 14 Mexican states in which abortion is legal
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 4 of 10

Table 1 Characteristics of the health exception within the abortion laws of Mexico, Britain, and Colombia
Characteristic Country
Britain Colombia Mexico
Health exception law Federal (applies to England, Federal / 2006 [35] State / 1990–2016
coverage / year Scotland, Wales) / 1967 [36]
Legislative precedence Act of parliament (law reform) Total ban declared Penal code reform
unconstitutional under a
human rights framework
Language of the law Risk, greater than if the Risk to the life or health of the Severe risk to the health of the
pregnancy were terminated, of woman [22] woman
injury to the physical or Risk of death or severe injury
mental health of the pregnant to the health of the woman
woman [34] [37]
Gestational age limit for the 24 weeks None None
health exception [34] [35] [37]
Number of doctors required Two [38] One Two
for approval of health [35] [11]
Consideration of economic or Yes [38] No In States of Michoacán and
social factors explicitly Yucatán
mentioned or allowed [39] [47]
Further barriers exist for No No Yes [40]
minors securing an abortion
under the health exception
Mental health is explicitly Yes No, but stated by the No
mentioned in the health [34] Constitutional Court [9]
exception law
There was widespread ++ [41] + [42] –
dissemination around the law
and health exception to health
care providers (including
provider trainings and other
There was widespread ++ [43, 44] +/− [22] –
dissemination of the health
exception law to the public
Evidence suggests that access No No No
is as easy in the public as in
the private sector
There are documented cases Yes [34] Yes [9] Yes [11]
protecting women or doctors
accessing or performing
abortions under the health
There are documented cases No Yes [9] Yes [11]
of women not being able to
access abortion under the
health exception
There are documented cases Yes Yes Yes
of women accessing abortion [15] [45] [46]
using the health exception law

under health circumstances. The health exception law Triangulating our data sources (document review, sta-
and its use are generally consistent across Mexican tistics, and interviews), we first present a summary of
states; differences are noted. The ‘plus’ signs indicate the use of the health exception in each country. We
widespread distribution of the law and information identified five key factors as particularly salient to appli-
about the law, while ‘minus’ signs indicate poor or cation of the health exception in each country, which we
non-existent distribution, and inclusion of both signs in- discuss in turn: 1) comprehensiveness of the law includ-
dicate neutrality. ing explicit mention of mental health, 2) a strong public
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 5 of 10

health sector that funds abortion, 3) knowledge of and In contrast, mental health is not explicitly mentioned in
attitudes toward the health exception among providers, the Colombian or Mexican laws, although both countries
including guidelines for physicians in the provision of theoretically subscribe to the WHO definition of health as
abortion, 4) dissemination of information about the encompassing mental and social wellbeing [18]. Barring
health exception law, and 5) a history of court cases that two Mexican states, neither Colombia nor Mexico’s laws
protect women and clarify the health exception law. explicitly allow for the consideration of economic or social
circumstances under the health exception, and some
Use of the health exception Mexican states include the qualifier “severe” health risk.
The health exception is used widely in Britain, rarely Restrictive interpretations that limit the use of the
in Colombia, and almost never in Mexican states. In health exception were addressed often by key informants
England and Wales in 2015, 98% of all abortions were in Mexico and Colombia. As one respondent in
performed under the health exception, almost exclu- Colombia noted,
sively (99.9%) due to mental health risk [15]. In
Colombia, 99.3% of abortions reported by the Depart- “The barrier that we face is that in many places the
ment of Health in Bogotá in 2015 were performed woman cites the health exception and the response
under the health and/or life exception. However, a she gets from the service providers is: but you are not
2011 study estimated that despite the law, more than sick or you are not dying…In other words, a totally
400,000 illegal abortions occur each year in Colombia restrictive interpretation of the health exception”
[5]. When comparing the number of officially re- [NGO Partner, Colombia].
ported abortions with all expected abortions, only 6%
of abortions performed in Bogotá occur within the In Mexico, one respondent echoed this restrictive
law. In Mexico, only 2483 therapeutic abortions (rec- interpretation:
ommended by a doctor) were performed in the 14
states with the health exception over a nine-year “If the patient requests [an abortion] because there’s a
period [13]. When compared to the number of esti- malformation diagnosed by a doctor that affects the
mated total abortions [17], legal abortion under ex- life of the mother or you know the baby doesn’t have
ceptions accounts for a negligible 0.05% of all much chance, these patients are the ones that can say
estimated abortions. ‘you know what, I don’t want to continue my
pregnancy,’ but a patient with a healthy pregnancy
Comprehensiveness of the health exception law that says ‘hey, I want an abortion,’ well no” [Provider,
Document synthesis and qualitative data revealed im- Mexico].
portant distinctions in the language and subsequent
interpretation of the health exception law in the three Health exception laws in the three settings also differ
countries. The language of the British law requires in identifying who is responsible for interpreting the law.
doctors to weigh the mental and/or physical risks of Britain assigns this responsibility to doctors, identifying
pregnancy and delivery against that of termination to abortion as a medically authorized access to a service.
determine if a request for an abortion can be autho- Physicians as gatekeepers to abortion could be quite lim-
rized. Britain’s law also explicitly allows for consider- iting, but because abortion is an explicitly medically au-
ation of a woman’s “actual or foreseeable thorized service within a health system with a broad
environment” when considering those risks and so interpretation of health and well-being, with providers
could reasonably include socio-economic consider- who have clear guidance about the health exception law,
ations [8]. The ambiguity of the language and deter- this limitation does not manifest as a barrier in the
mination of comparative risk was viewed by British setting [19]. Respondents in Colombia described
respondents as one of the strengths of the British law doctors as having the responsibility to define risk, but
in that it can be and is broadly interpreted. As one clarified that the right to make a decision based on that
respondent said, risk assessment lies with the woman. Crucial to proper
functioning of the health exception in this context, then,
“[the law] basically makes a balance between the risk is knowledge of the health exception among both pro-
of carrying on the pregnancy and the risk of having a viders and women. In Mexican states, key informants
termination and so the doctor has to say that it will agreed that risk assessment is reserved for doctors and,
be safer or better for the woman to have an abortion in some cases, hospital ethics committees. Furthermore,
than to continue the pregnancy…the fact is actually Mexican states do not benefit from liberal interpretation
that statistically it is safer to have an abortion than to and widespread provider knowledge of the health excep-
take pregnancy to term” [Provider, Britain]. tion law, which limits access to abortion.
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 6 of 10

Strong public sector funding of abortion In Britain, the political and moral conditions sur-
Healthcare in Britain, including abortion, is funded by rounding abortion were seen to encourage providers to
the National Health Service (NHS), whether delivered know more about the law, rather than deter their
from an NHS hospital or an independent sector clinic interest.
working under contract to the NHS [15]. Mexico’s
public health system is made up of various institu- “…because the health care providers feel like they’re
tions, including the Ministry of Health (Secretaria de operating under the spotlight of potential media
Salud or SSA; decentralized at the state level), and in- scrutiny and so I think, I think there is an awareness
surance for formal sector employees (IMSS) and state that they need to be very very careful to abide by the
workers (ISSSTE) [20]. IMSS and ISSSTE are federal law…they need to understand what the law says”
entities and have not affirmed their responsibility to [Academic Scholar, Britain].
cover abortion under the health exception (R. Schia-
von, personal communication, 08/18/16). Colombia’s On the topic of knowledge of the health exception law
health system, which is made up of public, private, among women who are the potential beneficiaries of
for profit, not for profit, and religiously affiliated in- legal abortion services, respondents from all countries
surers [21], is legally required to cover abortions that described limited knowledge. For women in Mexico and
fall under the three exceptions or circumstances out- Colombia, this was concentrated in rural settings. As
lined in the 2006 law. However, our review of the lit- one key informant described,
erature indicates that illegal refusals to cover abortion
services remain commonplace [22]. “…many say to me: ‘no, I did not know I could do this
Key informants from the three settings discussed [get a legal abortion], I didn’t know it existed.’ The
barriers unique to abortion services in the public lack of information is very high above all among our
sector. Respondents in Colombia and Mexico spoke lower strata with less access to education and less
about a dearth of resources, including staff, as well access to information, and likewise, among the
as instances of disrespectful care and providers who personnel or women who live isolated in rural areas”
cite conscientious objection. Respondents in Britain [Provider, Colombia].
discussed hospital-based providers losing their clin-
ical skills in abortion due to abortion services oc- It is important to understand these responses in the
curring overwhelmingly in independent sector context of pervasive stigma and weak national owner-
clinics. However, whereas in Colombia and Mexican ship over abortion in Mexico and Colombia, which was
states (with the exception of Mexico City), public also mentioned by respondents as impacting willingness
sector barriers translate into extremely restricted ac- to provide abortion, and knowledge of abortion law
cess for women who rely on these services, the among women and providers. In Britain, respondents
same is not true in Britain where abortion is inte- similarly commented that women had limited knowledge
grated into public sector services with a broad in- of the health exception underpinning the law. Notably,
terpretation of health and well-being and thus instead of believing abortion to be illegal, respondents
widely accessible. perceived that women wrongly assume abortion to be
legal on demand, demonstrating the comprehensiveness
Knowledge of and attitudes toward the law with which Britain has interpreted the health exception.
Our literature review revealed very limited evidence
that permit cross-country comparison on provider “So my students for example, when I teach abortion,
and public knowledge in the three countries [23–25]. all are almost without exception very shocked to find
However, qualitative interviews elucidated important out how the real law looks on paper, the written law,
distinctions in provider knowledge across settings. In because all they know is that if they need to access
Colombia and Mexico, all respondents commented abortion services they are going to be able to do that”
on the lack of knowledge among providers about the [Academic Scholar, Britain].
health exception and its application. For example:

“…[knowledge] is very low, unfortunately it is an issue Dissemination of information about the law
that doctors make a lot of noise about and they have Dissemination of information about abortion law is im-
not gotten to see the legal question, and very few portant for providers to know the laws under which they
doctors know the situation regarding the laws and operate and for women to know and exercise their
the reforms that have occurred in the country” rights. In Britain, there has been widespread dissemin-
[Provider, Mexico]. ation of the health exception law to providers, including
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 7 of 10

in medical school curricula, provider trainings, and states are often encouraged to travel to Mexico City
through national guidelines [8]. Information about legal [26]. As one key informant described,
access to abortion through the health exception is also
widely available to the public via the NHS website and “I think it [the Mexico City law] is such a strong
through the websites of independent sector clinics that accomplishment that it obscures the health
provide abortion, and young people’s, family planning, exception…such that there is not even interest in
and advocacy organizations. Key informants largely broadcasting it, the health care providers don’t
echoed the view that poor dissemination of information broadcast it and in the case of the interior of the
is not a barrier to abortion access under the health ex- country, above all the organizations are broadcasting the
ception in Britain. Only one respondent acknowledged Mexico City law more, so that women can have access
minor difficulties in getting information to specific to legal abortion on demand” [NGO Partner, Mexico].
Guidelines for providers regarding abortion provision
“I think there is always going to be hard to reach under the health exception in states outside of Mexico
communities and maybe the women in some ethnic City are similarly lacking, with many informants express-
communities, recent immigrants, women who don’t ing a lack of clarity about which guidelines are applicable
have good English, there are probably problems of or whether guidelines exist. Stigma was explicitly men-
information” [Academic Scholar, Britain]. tioned as a barrier to information, as talking about abor-
tion is considered taboo.
The extensive coverage of the 2006 liberalization of
abortion law in Colombia resulted in widespread dissem- Jurisprudence that clarifies the law
ination [22]. Guidelines on the provision of abortion We analyzed court cases to assess if and how doctors
were drafted in consultation with feminist groups in the and women alike have been protected under the health
country, and numerous court cases have clarified the use exception law in Britain, Colombia, and Mexico. The
of the health exception for providers [9]. However, re- landmark case of Rex v. Bourne in Britain in 1938
spondents in Colombia overwhelmingly described dis- helped to define “lawful” abortion when the court ac-
parities in access to information between urban and quitted a doctor who performed an abortion on a rape
rural settings. victim to prevent the woman from becoming a “physical
Respondents in Colombia also discussed the use of and mental wreck” [8]. This ruling established precedent
misinformation campaigns by anti-choice groups and for protection of doctors performing abortion, and was
the withholding of information by providers opposed to important to the establishment of the health exception.
abortion as hampering access to accurate information. We were unable to find any cases in which a woman
According to one respondent, was unlawfully denied an abortion under the health ex-
ception in Britain. Numerous cases have been brought
“Anti-choice groups impede, not only non- before Colombia’s Courts on behalf of women who are
governmental organizations that carry out, let’s say, illegally refused an abortion or who are subject to unjus-
actions to oppose the right to decide, but also, espe- tified delays, requests for unnecessary authorization, in-
cially, state actors that hold important public positions stitutional conscientious objection, and other such
and that have taken on the task in Colombia of carry- barriers to care. Colombia’s Constitutional Courts have
ing out a campaign of misinformation and confusion, ruled in favor of these women [9]. This history of abor-
as much for providers as for women” [NGO Partner, tion jurisprudence was viewed by key informants as crit-
Colombia]. ical to defining, clarifying, and ultimately expanding the
use of the health exception in Colombia. As one re-
In Mexico, scarce information exists about the legality spondent explained,
of the health exception to abortion in the 14 states. Most
information regarding abortion in Mexico focuses on “Following the [2006] sentence, there has been a
Mexico City, where first trimester abortion is available significant volume of jurisprudence, tutelary
on request since 2007. Both the document review and sentences, constitutional sentences, and fundamental
key informant interviews identify the Mexico City law as rights laws that have helped us in supporting the
having adverse impacts on access to abortion under the execution of that sentence” [Provider, Colombia].
health exception in other states. Following the
decriminalization of abortion in Mexico City, 16 State In Mexico, most high-profile cases argued on behalf of
constitutions were amended to protect life from concep- women improperly denied legal abortion are for the rape
tion, and women attempting to obtain abortions in other exception, which is law in all of Mexico’s 32 states. We
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 8 of 10

were only able to find one high-profile case argued argued for the removal of abortion law from the criminal
under the health exception [27]. Women in Mexico are code entirely, calling into question whether legalization
not only denied abortion under legal indications, but are is a necessary pre-cursor to expanded access [33]. Where
also illegally targeted when abortion is suspected, such abortion is legal under the health exception, following
as stillbirth or miscarriage [11]. Jurisprudence affirming are our recommendations to expand access to abortion,
and clarifying a woman’s legal right to abortion under as organized by theme:
the health exception in Mexican states is lacking, and
the absence of federal law makes it harder for courts to 1) Use and Comprehensiveness of the Health Exception
establish country-wide precedence.  Laws should be revised to explicitly mention
mental health, in accordance with the WHO
Discussion definition of health
The health exception is often pointed to as a means to  Experiences from countries where the health
expand access to legal abortion in restrictive settings exception is broadly and legitimately applied (i.e.
[28]. However, our study reveals that the health excep- Britain) should be disseminated and set as a
tion is used broadly in Britain, somewhat in Colombia, model for health systems where the law is
and almost never in the 14 Mexican states with the underutilized or where newly liberalized abortion
health exception law. Our findings indicate that in laws are being implemented
addition to liberalizing abortion laws to include excep- 2) Public Sector
tions such as the health exception, interpretation and  Public health systems should be strengthened to
application of the law are pivotal to expanding access to expand care to vulnerable populations
safe abortion.  Public health systems should position the right
Our study aimed to identify the main differences and to abortion within the human right to health
similarities affecting the use and interpretation of the more broadly, and work toward progressive
health exception. We identified five overarching factors realization of both
that affect varied application of the health exception: 1) 3) Knowledge of and Attitudes toward the Health
comprehensiveness of the health exception law including Exception Law
the explicit mention of mental health, 2) funding of  Barriers to information among women and
abortion within the public sector, 3) knowledge of and providers should be mitigated. This may include
attitudes toward the health exception among the public information campaigns, comprehensive
and providers, as well as guidelines for provision of guidelines, and abortion education in medical
abortion, 4) dissemination of information about the schools
health exception law, and 5) a history of court cases that  Strong referral systems should be in place for
protect women and clarify the law. providers who object to abortion provision
These findings are in line with other studies analyzing 4) Dissemination of Information
abortion access in different settings. Our findings sup-  Ministries of Health should administer clear and
port previous work on the importance of public funding comprehensive guidelines to providers about
for abortion to increase access [29]. Prior work has also provision of abortion under the health exception
highlighted the inclusion of mental health risk, jurispru- 5) Jurisprudence
dence and regulatory decisions regarding abortion law,  Illegal refusals of legal abortion under the health
and dissemination of information on the health excep- exception should be documented by partners on
tion as necessary for the expansion of abortion access in the ground, and advocates should litigate on
Latin America [28]. Analysis of the recent United States behalf of women who have been denied access
Supreme Court ruling regarding the unconstitutionality to care under the health exception
of Texas abortion restrictions acknowledges the import-
ance of court cases in establishing precedent for abor- This study has limitations. As an observational study,
tion access [30], and a number of studies have focused we cannot infer causality between identified factors and
on physician and public knowledge of abortion law as use of the health exception law in the three settings. Sec-
key to expansion [31, 32]. Our research builds upon this ondly, we recruited a small sample of key informants via
foundation to further analyze heterogeneous application convenience sampling that over-represent providers
of the health exception law and elucidate strategies for from urban settings with liberal attitudes toward abor-
full implementation. tion law. We aimed to adjust for this selection bias in
Expanding access to legal abortion under the health our interview guide by asking questions about general
exception requires multi-faceted advocacy and policies. attitudes, use, and interpretation of the health exception,
Advocates from many countries, including Britain, have and we believe providers know well the contexts in
Küng et al. Reproductive Health (2018) 15:107 Page 9 of 10

which they work. Our quantitative data is also limited Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado; NGO: Non-
by poor reporting of abortion in Mexico and governmental organization; NHS: National Health Service; RIPS: Sistema de
Información de Prestaciones de Salud; SSA: Secretaria de Salud; WHO: World
Colombia; however, the statistics presented here do Health Organization
accurately reflect official abortion reporting in the
three countries and can be appropriately used to re- Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Harumi Quezada Yamamoto for her assistance with
flect overall patterns of frequent or infrequent use of data collection.
the health exception law. Finally, the results of this
study are limited to the three countries under ana- Funding
lysis: Britain, Colombia, and Mexican states. Our con- Dr. Darney was supported by a Junior Investigator Award (SFPRF9-JI2) and
large grant (SFPRF11–02), both from the Society of Family Planning,
clusions may not extend to other countries with R01HS025155 (Cotrell, PI), and grant number K12HS022981 from the Agency
similar health exception laws, such as members of the for Healthcare Research and Quality. The content is solely the responsibility
UK Commonwealth. A strength of our study is the of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
use of diverse data sources which allowed us to tri-
angulate information and verify findings. Availability of data and materials
It is important to consider potential challenges to the Public abortion statistics used in this study are available to the public.
Mexico’s abortion statistics are available at: http://www.inegi.org.mx.
current legal framework, which could occur when atten- Colombia’s abortion statistics are available at: https://www.minsalud.gov.co/
tion is brought to further liberalization of abortion. proteccionsocial/Paginas/rips.aspx. Great Britain’s abortion statistics are
However, full implementation of existing law, such as available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/report-on-abortion-
statistics-in-england-and-wales-for-2015. Private abortion statistics used to
the health exception, is a key way to expand legal access complement public statistics in Colombia are not available to the public due
to abortion. The recommendations outlined above can to their sensitive nature.
help to prevent challenges to the current legal status of The key informant datasets generated and analyzed during the current study
are not publicly available. The consent process with key informants assured
abortion and encourage full implementation of the law. data would not be shared beyond the research team; in addition, many of
While not all recommendations will be feasible in all set- our key informants are abortion doctors working in sensitive settings. Data
tings, nor swift, we believe the range of themes that may be available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
emerged in our analysis allow other countries with simi- Authors’ contributions
lar laws to incorporate these lessons learned. In some LG conceived of the idea for this study. SAK analyzed the data. BGD and SAK
settings, our best efforts may focus on only one of these interpreted the data and drafted the manuscript. BGD, BSA, PL, and LG all
participated in critical review and editing of the manuscript. All authors have
facets, or, where multiple factors are addressed, will need given final approval of the version to be published.
to be approached individually and at different times.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Conclusions The research team received oral consent to participate from all key
informants. This study was approved by the Comité de Ética (IRB) of the
Application of the health exception in Britain is compre- Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
hensive, with clear and inclusive language, widespread
dissemination, and broadly accessible information. Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Colombia, while thorough in their dissemination of the
law, rigorous guidelines, and human rights-based ap-
proach to abortion law, is lacking in its explicit mention Publisher’s Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
of mental health, and the improper denial of legal abor- published maps and institutional affiliations.
tion to many women in the country. Mexican states with
Author details
the health exception suffer these same limitations, as 1
Mailman School of Public Health, Heilbrunn Department of Population and
well as poor dissemination and a lack of guidelines. Family Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. 2Oregon Health &
As advocates in Colombia, Mexico, and Britain attest, Science University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3181 SW Sam
Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97239, USA. 3Instituto Nacional de Salud
the health exception is a valuable tool for expanding Pública, Centro de Investigacion en Sistemas de Salud, Cuernavaca, Mexico.
legal access to abortion. However, many women live in 4
British Pregnancy Advisory Service, Stratford Upon Avon, UK. 5Fundación
countries where abortion is legal but access is Oriéntame/ESAR, Bogotá, Colombia.
unrealizable. As our paper evinces, the interpretation of Received: 2 November 2017 Accepted: 29 May 2018
the law and the implementation of services – in addition
to liberalizing abortion law – are pivotal to expanding
access to legal abortion. We must incorporate lessons References
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