2023 - PHYED6101 - Course Project

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Current Trends in PHYED 6101

Course Project

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Health-related components of Physical Fitness.

There are five components of physical fitness: (1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular
strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5) cardiorespiratory endurance. A well-balanced exercise
program should include activities that address all of the health-related components of fitness. Aerobic
activities develop cardiorespiratory endurance and burn calories to aid in achieving a healthy body
composition. Muscle-strengthening activities develop muscular strength and endurance and assist with
the development of a healthy body composition. Activities such as stretching and yoga help improve
flexibility. https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Portals/10/CG-1/cg111/docs/HPM/Exercise-Guidelines.pdf

FITT Principle
Certain factors must be part of any fitness training program for it to be successful. These factors are
Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type (FITT)

Frequency (F) – describes how often an activity takes place in a week

Intensity (I) – describes how vigorous the participant is engaged in the activity
Type (T) – describes the specific activity selected
Time (T) – describes how long the participant is engaged in the activity
Current Trends in PHYED 6101
Course Project

A. Identify your short and long term goals for the following fitness components
As someone diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I face specific challenges in
maintaining a healthy fitness routine due to fatigue and slower metabolism.
My fitness goals focus on balancing energy management and promoting
overall wellness so it is pretty much basic.

FITNESS COMPONENT Short-term goal: Write the fitness goal that you want to achieve within two weeks.

Flexibility Perform daily stretching exercises for about 10-15 minutes to improve my mobility.

Muscular strength Engage in light strength training twice a week (squats and glute bridges) with at least
10-15 reps each.

Muscular endurance Increase repetitions of bodyweight lunges and planks to build and improve
endurance. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps lunges per leg. Hold plank for 30 seconds, rest
another 30 seconds between sets and make it at least 2 sets.

Cardio endurance Start with 20-minute brisk walks three times a week at moderate intensity.

Body composition Track calorie intake and aim for reduction of body fat by a small percentage.

FITNESS COMPONENT Long-term goal: Write the fitness goal that you want to achieve within four months.

Flexibility Hold yoga poses for longer period, about 20-30 seconds, and gradually increase the
hold time to about 45-60 seconds. Perform 5-6 different poses to reduce stiffness.

Muscular strength Use light (3kg) dumbbells at home for strength three times a week.

Muscular endurance Increase the ability to hold a plank for 60 seconds or more.

Cardio endurance Jog for 30 minutes without feeling excessive fatigue.

Body composition Achieve a stable and healthy body composition by following a consistent routine.
Current Trends in PHYED 6101
Course Project

I will keep a journal to track my energy levels and progress. If I notice increased
fatigue, I will reduce the frequency of workouts or focus on lower-intensity activities.

B. Develop a four-week personal fitness plan to enhance and/or maintain the five health related
component of fitness with appropriate, safe and enjoyable activities in the community.
Use the chart below to plan your activities. Your answers should be completely thought of and be as
detailed as possible.

WEEK FITNESS COMPONENT Frequency Intensity Type Time

Flexibility 5 times a week Light to Stretching 10-15 minutes

moderate exercises

Muscular strength 2 times a week Light Bodyweight 20-30 minutes

1 (squats, glute

Muscular endurance 2 times a week Moderate Lunges, Planks 15-20 minutes

Cardio endurance 3 times a week Moderate Brisk walking 20 minutes

Flexibility 5 times a week Light to Stretching 10-15 minutes

moderate exercises

Muscular strength 2 times a week Light Bodyweight 20-30 minutes

2 (squats, glute

Muscular endurance 2 times a week Moderate Lunges, planks 15-20 minutes

Cardio endurance 3 times a week Moderate Brisk walking 20 minutes

Flexibility 5 times a week Light to Stretching 10-15 minutes

moderate exercises

Muscular strength 3 times a week Light to Light dumbbell 20 minutes

3 moderate exercises

Muscular endurance 3 times a week Moderate Lunges, planks 15-20 minutes

Cardio endurance 3 times a week Moderate Jogging 20-25 minutes

Current Trends in PHYED 6101
Course Project

Flexibility 5 times a week Light to Stretching 10-15 minutes

moderate exercises

Muscular strength 3 times a week Moderate Light dumbbell 20 minutes

4 exercises

Muscular endurance 3 times a week Moderate Lunges, planks 20 minutes

Cardio endurance 3 times a week Moderate Jogging 25-30 minutes

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