A2 Spanish Kqizik
A2 Spanish Kqizik
A2 Spanish Kqizik
Quantitative Adjective
Masculine Feminine
Quantitative Adjective
Masculine Feminine
much/a lot of mucha
much/a lot of
many/a lot of
many/a lot of
Quantitative Adjective
Masculine Feminine
too much (of) demasiada
too much (of)
too many (of)
too many (of)
Quantitative Adjective
Masculine Feminine
so much
so much
so many
so many
Verbs ending in -gar like: pagar (to pay), llegar (to arrive), apagar (to turn off)
are irregular in El Pretérito Indefinido because the spelling changes for
pronunciation reasons only in the first person singular (yo).
Verbs ending in-zar like: organizar (to organise), analizar (to analyse), cazar (to
hunt) are irregular in El Pretérito Indefinido because the spelling changes for
pronunciation reasons in the first person singular (yo).
Poner and its derivatives componer, disponer, and proponer are irregular verbs in
El Pretérito Indefinido that all follow the same pattern:
poner (to put)
componer (to form / to compose)
disponer (to get/ to arrange)
proponer (to suggest/ to propose))
El año pasado
El otro día
El mes pasado
Hace 3 días
El verano pasado
Decir and its derivatives predecir, bendecir, maldecir are irregular in El
Pretérito Indefinido
decir (to say/tell)
predecir (to predict)
bendecir (to bless)
maldecir (to curse)
One use of the preposition para (not por) in Spanish is to indicate a destination.
El tren del andén 2 va para Barcelona.
The train on plattform 2 is going to/towards Barcelona.
Vamos para la playa porque hay una fiesta.
We are heading to/towards the beach because there is a party.
Esto está roto así que va para la basura.
This is broken so it's going in the bin.
Note that in this specific use of para, the preposition a is also acceptable.
En los años sesenta había muchos hippies. In the sixties there were many hippies.
El hotel tenía muy buenas instalaciones. The hotel had very good facilities.
En Madrid hacía sol y calor. It was sunny and hot in Madrid.
El paisaje en el campo era muy bonito. The landscape in the countryside was very
Ella tenía el pelo rubio y rizado. She had blond curly hair.
Los niños jugaban en los columpios. The children were playing on the swings.
Eran las tres de la tarde. It was three in the afternoon.
Luis estaba con su novia en el bar. Luis was with his girlfriend at the bar.
Using esto, este, esta, estos, estas to say "this", "this one" and "these ones"
(demonstrative pronouns)
Referring to an idea
When the pronoun is refering to an idea, then we use the neutral pronoun esto, and
there is only one form. It could be translated as "this thing".
In the second example, the speaker is pointing at something (el bolígrafo) which is
near the listener.
In both cases we use ahí.