The Flowers of Venezuela
The Flowers of Venezuela
The Flowers of Venezuela
Currently the Cattleya Mossiae orchid is the national flower of Venezuela, but it was
not always like this. In 1942 the Venezuelan Society of Natural Sciences made the proposal
to hold a public debate for the election of the National Flower, with three species being
proposed to compete: the Mother of Pearl Flower (Catasetum pileatum), proposed by Henri
Pittier, the Mountain Rose (Brownea grandiceps) which had been proposed by Saer
D'Eguert and the White Poppy (Papaver somniferum) proposed by Luis Oramas. Once the
vote was carried out, it was decided to choose the Mother of Pearl Flower (Catasetum
pileatum) as the National Flower.
The orchid known as the May flower would be proposed as the National Flower in
May 1949 through a resolution that was approved on May 23, 1951 by presidential decree
of the then president of the Government Board Germán Suárez Flamerich.
Cattleya Mossiae is named after the English orchidologists William Cattley and Mr.
Moss. It is also called "May Flower", due to the custom of using it to decorate the May
Cross during a traditional religious festival that bears the same name. In our country,
Venezuela, it is considered a symbol of femininity, this due to its great beauty, in addition
to the fact that for the pollination process, it is necessary that the insects be males, which
are attracted in a surprising and profound way. for its labellum. Although the May Flower
has different colors, the most representative in Venezuela is the purple one.