Sky Bunglows: Sky Villa by Sukanya Dasgupta
Sky Bunglows: Sky Villa by Sukanya Dasgupta
Sky Bunglows: Sky Villa by Sukanya Dasgupta
Sky Bunglows Penda has released plans for a series of stacked villas that
The Sky Villas are designed as individual bungalows on multiple will bring gardens high into the skies of Hyderabad, In-
elevated levels, promoting a balance between community living dia. The complex is the second stage of the Magic Breeze
and private residences, creating unique homes in the sky. project for Pooja Crafted Homes – the first stage featur-
ing a landscape design inspired by Indian stepwells and
water mazes. The 450,000 square foot (42,000 square
Its dispersed settlement pattern was considered to be healthier & was socially preferred. Set in a compound, the bunglow was also meter) development will include 127 duplex sky villas,
climatically suitable as it allowed a free circulation of the prevailing winds. Consequently, compared to the dense and meandering, ranging in size from 2,600 to 4,000 square feet (240 to
organic neighbourhoods, the grid iron system of the newly developed suburbs looked sparse and orderly. 370 square meters), each separated by a double-height
private garden terrace. The structure will be integrated
During the 20th century the bungalow thus went through stylistic, social and technological transformations. In the 21st century, into the landscape design, turning the park on its side to
it is fast disappearing as a result of rapid population growth and accelerated urbanisation. The single family detached home sitting continue vertically up the side of the building.
in its own compound is becoming a home only for the wealthy.
In designing the sky villa complex, Penda looked to the
architectural typology of “private house with a garden,”
Sky Villa by Sukanya Dasgupta surrounding each 2-story unit with a 500 square foot
(46 square meter) balcony containing a ribbon of lawn
and a modular planter system. By giving each villa a spa-
The residential buildings comprise of private du- cious green-space, even when the units are stacked, the
plexes on the 1st to the 8th floors and penthouses complex retains a sense of lightness and openness. Each
on the 9th floor. The ground floor is kept free for planter can be filled by the owner with plants of different
community and green spaces opening out into wa- sizes and species to create a natural backdrop, or to serve
ter courts. Dhaka is enveloped between two rivers as a garden for vegetables and herbs.
and has plenty of waterways and channels. Living
amidst greenery and water is especially important
to the people of the city, and therefore large water
courts and green areas have been incorporated at
the ground level, elements that bind together the The gardens also work as
entire neighborhood. an effective passive cool-
ing system for the build-
Each bungalow unit is designed as a duplex, ing, providing natural
accessible from an elevated ‘street’. One enters ventilation throughout
the bungalow by opening a wooden gate, step- the complex and shielding
ping up to a plinth of height 2’, into a double residents from the hot Hy-
height personal entry lobby with name plate derabad climate. This in
and letter box, covered by pergola above and turn will save up to 60%
greenery alongside! The elevated ‘streets’ are of the energy consumed
rendered with lush greenery, bollards, lamp by a typical condomini-
posts, and even benches to recreate a feeling of um building, reducing the
an actual street of Dhaka. project’s overall carbon
The focal point of each unit is the living-din-
ing space, which opens into a deck and lavish
private green, stretching the entire unit length.
All bedrooms open out into private green ar-
eas, and the kitchen opens into a large kitch-
en garden. The open plan with large window
openings allow for cross ventilation through Seerat 32/17
the bungalow, and all spaces receiving plenty Sukriti 37/17
of day light. Vishal 40/17