Everything You Should Know About Snail Farming

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Everything you need to know about snail farming

Everything you need to know about


Everything you need to

know about snail farming


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Everything you need to know about snail farming

Table of Contents

Tips to get started in snail farming

Tips before setting up the snail farm

The best places for breeding snails

The different types of snail farms

Open or extensive system for snail farming

Closed or intensive system

Mixed snail farming system

What variety of snails to breed

What is the recommended diet for snails?

What care do snails require?

What is the reproductive cycle of snails like?

How to control diseases and pests

Snail behavior depending on the season

What type of snails should be raised?

Snail predators and parasites

Habitat irrigation and cleaning

How to prepare production for sale

How to sell in the local market

Situation of the snail in the Spanish market

How to sell to export

Data on the wholesale snail market

Regulations for storage and transportation of snails

Why export snails to France

Many people today have realized the potential of snail farming as a business.

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It is a business that needs very little investment to start and is a market niche
that is constantly growing since the demand for snails is increasing and current
production does not cover the needs of the market.

For this and many other reasons, setting up a snail farm is a viable alternative
for enterprising people who want to experiment with this sector.

In this guide you will find all the necessary information to be able to move
forward with your idea, from the most basic things to get started to how to
prepare your production for sale and even to export.

Much success…

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Tips to get started in snail farming

We all know that snails go through life at a slow pace, but if you are considering
setting up a farm to dedicate yourself to breeding and fattening these mollusks,
you should first ask yourself some questions and see if you have the minimum
requirements to start this project. If not, you should try to solve it before moving
forward with the idea.

Matters of time

As we said at the beginning, snails advance at a slow pace, perhaps that is why
a farm needs minimal care. Having it so that after a while we will inevitably stop
attending to it will lead us to total economic and personal failure.

In Spain, farms operate from mid-March to mid-October, before and after those
months, they remain closed. Although farms do not have fixed schedules, they
must be prepared with food, receive care, etc. before twilight (sunset) .

Suppose you set up a farm of about 1,000 m 2 . You should know that this type
of farm will require about 2 hours a day for its maintenance. You should also
know that every 15 days you will have to collect the snails, a task that will
require two 8-hour days (based on 1 person) .

Preparing the ground

The preparation and location of the land where you are going to install your farm
for breeding snails is a matter of vital importance if you want to achieve your
goal. Needless to mention, if you choose to ride it in the middle of the desert,
there will be little or nothing you can do.

The place to search should be protected from the wind as much as possible, if it
is a shady area - with trees that prevent the passage of sunlight or a hillside - for
much of the day, and if this area is also relatively humid. elevated, much better,
this is the ideal environment to raise snails.

If the land prepared for the farm is on a slight slope, it is perfect since it will
facilitate water drainage. If, on the other hand, the land is flood-prone or poorly
absorbent, the snails will not want to stay. If you choose any type of stony
terrain, it will be difficult to achieve a good vegetation layer, something that is
essential to develop your snail farming business. Another aspect to consider is
the distance of the farm in relation to where we live. You don't have to forget that
it is going to be your workplace, so the closer it is, the better. Having to move
around every day has its costs.

It will be extremely important to have a good plant layer to start your venture
well. It is most advisable to carry out an analysis of the soil to see its PH (result
of the relationship between the concentrations of H+ and OH-) , its composition
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and at the same time. less having an idea of the population of parasites,
bacteria, etc. that you have, and if necessary before starting to balance it. Even
if the terrain has a slight slope nothing happens.

You must be especially attentive during the production time of the farm, of the
plant life since it is the one that provides the food for your fry - newborn babies -,
but essentially it is the one that will collaborate in the creation of the ideal
microclimate, in addition to shade, aeration, wind protection, etc.

Importance of water

Although it may seem obvious, the operation of a snail farm will require a certain
quantity and quality of water (about 6 m 3 per 1,000 m 2 of land per hour of
irrigation) , and it must have a pressure of between 0.5 and 1.5 kg/cm 2 .

If it is going to be water taken from the public network, it may have a certain
amount of chlorine, and if it comes from aerial tanks or wells, it will be advisable
to carry out disinfection to eliminate algae, bacteria or different types of mold.

If you can have these three resources, you are in a position to consider moving
forward with the snail breeding project. Afterwards, any questions or problems
that arise can be consulted on our site.

Tips before setting up the snail farm

Currently, many entrepreneurs are interested in setting up their own snail farm.
Before starting to set up our farm, we must ask ourselves a couple of questions
to verify if we really have the minimum resources needed for this project. If not,
we will have time to repair the deficiencies before continuing with the idea.

A first factor to consider is time. Even though mollusks grow slowly, hatcheries
need time to care for them. Making such an investment but then neglecting it will
lead us straight to failure. Farms commonly operate from mid-March until the
second half of October, remaining closed the rest of the year. Although they do
not have a fixed schedule, they require that food and controls be ready before
sunset. It is estimated that a 1 hectare hatchery needs 2 hours of maintenance
per day, and the snails are collected every two weeks. Taking into account the
area of land that we have estimated, for this task it is enough for a single person
to work in an 8-hour day.

On the other hand, before investing in animals, it is essential to think about the
physical place where we are going to install the farm. You should look for a
place that is well protected from the wind and has trees or shady areas to avoid
prolonged exposure to the sun's rays. It is also important that the relative

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humidity of the ground is higher than that of the surroundings. An advice?

Choose a land with light slopes, because these facilitate water drainage.
Waterlogging and soils that are too humid bring diseases to snails.

Furthermore, it is essential that the land has a good vegetal layer. This, apart
from providing food for the mollusks, contributes to creating the microclimate
that the animals need, providing humidity, aeration, and insulation against wind
and sun. A wise decision is to do a soil analysis to check its PH and know the
population of parasites and bacteria it has. On the other hand, it is important to
ensure you have a good supply of water. For each hectare, 6 cubic meters will
be required. Snails tolerate the chlorine present in public water, although you
can also opt for that provided by wells. In this case, it is recommended to use a
biocide to disinfect the water.

If you have these three basic resources (time, land and water) you are ready to
seriously consider starting mollusk farming. As far as profits are concerned, it is
estimated that from the second year of the farm's activity, 2 kilos of snails are
produced per square meter, which today are sold at an average of 8.5 euros per

The best places for breeding snails

It is true that snails are born and live in wild places, and so many people still
simply sell them after collecting them. But for those who want to seriously start a
snail farming business, it is important to have a good area of land on which to
establish the facilities. A soil that has the appropriate conditions will result in
abundant and excellent quality production.

What requirements must it meet for us to consider it appropriate?

Well, the ideal soil will be, above all, one with a calcareous base. Snails need
calcium to form their shell, and the plants they feed on will absorb this nutrient if
the soil has it. In addition, it must have a good level of drainage, because
puddles and excess humidity cause diseases to the mollusks and even death.
To obtain natural drainage, the best decision is to acquire land that has a slight
slope; If it faces south, much better.

A good option to make the soil more permeable and avoid lack of oxygenation
and excessive water accumulation is to add fine river sand. However, you have
to be careful that the sand does not have pebbles, otherwise the snails will begin
to stick to them. We must prevent snails from remaining anywhere. Normally,
they have to be found resting under plants, or on walls and shelters.

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If the soil we have has an acid base, it will be advisable to carry out some extra
tasks to maintain the quality of the land at the desired levels. Before placing the
mollusks for the first time, half a bag of lime (the kind bricklayers use in mortar)
should be added for each square meter of land. The material must be well mixed
by means of the mechanical mule, so that it is incorporated as part of the base

From that moment on, in subsequent years it will only be necessary to sprinkle
inert limestone dust at the beginning of March, when the snails are collected.
The ideal amount is 40 kilos per 250 m 2 . Finally, the land simply needs to be
raked. With these precautions, the land can be kept in optimal conditions for
breeding. It is also important to choose land that has shady places, to prevent
the sun from falling on the animals throughout the day.

The different types of snail farms

The business of breeding and selling snails is growing by leaps and bounds;
More and more entrepreneurs are encouraged to acquire these mollusks for
commercial purposes. However, before facing the investment it is important to
find out about the different types of farms that exist. Broadly speaking, there are
three major breeding systems.

First is the open system, commonly called “extensive breeding”. It is done in the
open field, on large areas of land surrounded by fences. The land must have
shady areas, a certain degree of slope and of course the vegetation necessary
for the snails to feed. This farm is easier to manage than the others. If we have
to talk about money, the open system is more economical when making the first
investment and the same happens in terms of maintenance costs. However,
production is a little slower because it is necessary to adhere to seasonal
changes, adapting to the successive biological stages of the mollusk.

The second method that can be used for breeding is “intensive breeding”, which
is carried out in closed areas. Breeding tables are generally installed with
vertical planes to make the most of the surface available to place the animals.
The environment and light are permanently controlled in order to obtain the ideal
microclimate for aging: temperature of 18 to 20ºC, humidity of between 75 and
90% and a photoperiod that alternates 12 hours of light with 12 hours of

Clearly, the closed-loop system requires significant investment in infrastructure

and manpower. However, it allows production to remain stable throughout the
year and makes it possible to install hatcheries in areas with climates that are
not conducive to the development of snails.

Finally, the mixed breeding system consists of advancing the production of adult

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snails by a couple of months so as to have offspring at the end of winter or

beginning of spring, the time when fattening is done outdoors or in greenhouses,
but with natural climatic conditions. In this way, the cost of maintaining the
microclimate and the labor necessary to maintain the mollusks is reduced.
Currently, the most balanced system is considered to be mixed breeding,
because it allows the helicultor to take care of the small – more delicate –
animals while the adults develop with a certain independence.

Snail farming systems

Open or extensive system for snail farming

To date, different snail breeding systems have been tested and developed. Of
these, three are the ones that can basically be used. Logically, the conditions of
the place depend on this, whether due to its climate, the physical space
available and, of course, the economic possibilities that each producer has.
These three systems are: the open or extensive breeding system, the closed
system, also called intensive breeding, and the mixed system.

Next we will discuss the open or extensive system for snail breeding . This is
a low-cost system that does not present difficulties in its handling, and it adapts
very well to the climatic conditions of the country.

These hatcheries are directly related to agricultural activity by almost 80%, and
given the social and geographical characteristics of the country, it is easy to
adapt. These are not the only advantages that the system presents, for
example: it practically does not require maintenance - cleaning, feeding and
sanitation - both the feeding and the housing and the protection arise directly
from the local crops, this contributes directly to the quality of meat (less moist) .
But it is good to know that this system for raising snails has the disadvantage
that due to feeding, fattening is slower and you have to wait about two years to
achieve the first production.

Heliciculture – snail farming – also operates in the open and in free terrain;
without any type of coverage or protective structures. In terms of economic
results, the activity results in production, and can be carried out with relatively
limited and well-controlled investments.

The open hatchery, on free land, has been a determining factor for the
development of this activity, notably different from the hatcheries of other
European countries, such as France (closed hatcheries) . Until recently, Spain
presented that this activity was not given much importance, which was reflected
in quality and technique. Currently, it seems that it is at a decisive moment in the
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sector, which is leaning towards organizing itself by extensive production,

improving its quality.

The open breeding system only needs a plot of land limited by a special net
fence and an irrigation system throughout its surface (sprinkling is
recommended) . It must be composed of rows of crops that fulfill the role of
habitat and the food (chard, sunflower, cabbage, etc.) , a shelter that fulfills the
function of providing sun protection and a path for the supply of forage or other
concentrated food. To prevent the snails from escaping, the land must be

Closed or intensive system

The so-called closed or intensive snail breeding system, as its name indicates,
is carried out in closed enclosures on vertical breeding tables. This system
allows, thanks to its design, a considerable increase in the breeding surface,
thereby obtains greater use of the affected surface.

The module is the main element used for this type of hatchery, which can be
used for fattening or reproduction. As we have expressed, the system has its
main advantage in its construction - 20 plastic plates placed vertically - of
multiplying the base surface (2 m 2 ) by almost 7, thus achieving a surface of
more than 13 m 2 for raise the snails.

The room used must have a completely controlled environment: 18º/20º with a
humidity of between 75% and 90% and to achieve the ideal microclimate a
photoperiod of 12 hours of light alternating with 12 hours of darkness.

To be successful with the closed snail farming system, strict control must be in
place. The snails raised in this artificial system mate, lay eggs and develop into
adults, but for everything to work perfectly, special emphasis must be placed on
hygiene, food and climatic parameters.

Being raised in a closed system, the snails are less exposed to predators,
rodents, insects, etc., but attention must be paid because in closed enclosures a
problem arises that can be greater, the accumulation of carbon dioxide and the
total nullity to benefit from a natural environment and the much-needed ambient
humidity derived from night dew. These are the determining factors of excessive
labor costs and the permanent human presence in the hatchery; this affects
profitability considerably, especially with regard to export.

The closed or intensive snail farming system in theory is the one that provides
the most yield per unit of area, in addition to the fact that this system can be
installed in regions where climatic conditions are not unfavorable.

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It is an ideal system for cold and dry places since it offers better conditions for
breeding and it is cheaper to raise the temperature and humidity than to lower
them through refrigeration systems. Commercially, it has the great advantage
that the hatchlings develop in a short time, because the hibernation and/or
aestivation stage of the snails is reduced or cancelled. As a result, they are
usually ready for sale within a period of time. from 4 to 8 months from the

Regarding the reproduction process, the snails are placed inside the breeding
modules, inside the modules pots with soil are placed so that the mollusks lay
their eggs in them. Once the babies are born, they are placed in the trays
intended for this purpose.

Mixed snail farming system

If one wants to control the exploitation of snails, the mixed breeding system
turns out to be the most appropriate mainly due to its lower cost in relation to the
previous one, the closed or intensive system, in addition to being the most
recommended by specialists.

In Spain it is a widely used system and is characteristic for its reproductive

process, spawning and the first phase of breeding, which is carried out in an
intensive system and for fattening in the open system.

This system is fundamentally based on the artificial modification of its

reproduction season as long as in the winter it is under controlled environmental
conditions - between 80 and 100% humidity and a temperature of between 15
and 18ºC -, with this it seeks to advance a few months. the reproduction of the
adults, thereby achieving the disposition of the offspring at the end of winter or
the beginning of spring, a favorable time to carry out fattening tasks outdoors or
in greenhouses, always under natural climatic conditions, with this it is possible
to reduce the cost of air conditioning systems and work hours to maintain the

The mixed snail breeding system has among its main advantages that during
the first stages of their development, the snails remain protected from their
predators, as well as from changes in temperature and humidity, as happens in
the extensive breeding system. . This system is also much cheaper than in
intensive farming, this is because the dimensions of the enclosure and its
infrastructure are smaller. Furthermore, producers do not have space problems.

Spanish producers have achieved production in mixed farms of 70,000 kilos per
year of the Helix Aspersa species.

Of the three systems described, countries like Spain and France prefer the
closed system because there are not enough outdoor spaces available.

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Both the climate and the characteristics of the soil are favorable for the
development of snail production. Furthermore, to carry out this system a
minimum investment is needed. As well as, a limited workforce, contrary to what
happens with closed systems where the workforce is permanent.

Regarding the quality of the snails, it is fair to recognize that the open breeding
system is better than in mixed or closed systems, mainly because larger snails
are obtained and their shell is harder.

But it is also fair to recognize that if this breeding system is chosen, its negative
aspects must be taken into account, such as:

That production will be subject to climatological variations as well as a greater

risk of being attacked by predators, resulting in a higher percentage of mortality
than in mixed or closed systems.

The production cycle is also much longer, since the first collection of snails will
only be possible two years after the start of the activity, while in the other two
systems it is obtained in the first year.

What variety of snails to breed

There are different types of edible snails; Some of them are naturally present in
many countries around the world and that is why their commercialization has
become widespread, while other varieties are practically exclusive to certain
areas. Depending on your needs and adaptability, certain mollusks are more
expensive than others. Let's see what are the varieties that you can choose from
when establishing a farm.

The first one that should be mentioned, because it is the best known, is the Helix
Aspersa. In the domestic sphere it is one of the most common, and it has also
spread throughout the world. It comes from the Mediterranean, from the Spanish
and French coasts, where it is known as “petit gris” or “zigrinata”. As it is the
species that has the greatest capacity to adapt to different climates and can
reproduce even up to 1000 meters above sea level, today it covers 70% of the
international market. In the United States, France, Brazil, Italy and Spain it is the
variety most used in hatcheries. Each Helix Aspersa produces one kilo of snails
per year.

For its part, the Helix Lactea or Otala Lactea (better known as the “Spanish
snail”) is a very light-colored mollusk and can reach 35 mm in size, at least in
the United States and Spain, countries where it is naturally abundant. Some
experts claim that it tastes much better than Helix Aspersa. In other latitudes we
find the Helix Pomatia, the “Roman snail”. The species originally lives in France,
Russia, part of Italy and the United States, always in forested areas or

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vineyards, far from the aggression of the wind and the sea. This type of snail
can be raised at heights of up to 1500 meters, although it needs a lot of care for
proper acclimatization and its development period is quite long.

Another mollusk that prefers forests and cultivated regions is the Helix Lucorum,
native to almost all of Europe (except the west) and Asia Minor. It is the one with
the largest size: its diameter is around 45 mm. One of those with the most
appreciated meat is the Helix Aperta; This snail lives in the Maritime Alps and
coastal regions of France, Italy and Africa. A last very curious case is that of
Achatina Fulica: coming from equatorial Africa, part of Asia and America, in
certain countries of the world - such as the United States - its import is
prohibited because it is considered a pest.

What is the recommended diet for snails?

One of the fundamental elements that make up the good quality of snails is their
diet. Some recent studies indicate that these animals need a good variety of
nutrients daily. One of the fundamental elements is calcium, because the shell of
the mollusk is made up of it. But how much food does a snail consume per day?
It is estimated that an adult weighing about 13 grams needs 0.09 grams per day.

Snails can be fed in two ways: either naturally, through planting vegetables, or
through specially prepared feed. First of all, it is important to keep in mind that
you should not provide already cut leaves or pieces of fruit or vegetables,
because decomposition attracts insects and can cause health problems, unless
care is taken to constantly remove the fragments in poor condition.

The plants chosen have to be biennial, so that the mollusks consume the leaves
as they grow. It must be taken into account that the vital period of the plants
must coincide with the development cycle of the animals, which are not
marketed until at least a year and a half or two years old. It is then and not
before that they reach the appropriate weight and size for sale. Snails prefer
cruciferous plants, sunflowers and lettuce.

When they have reached their final stages of growth, they can be fed with
aromatic plants, such as thyme or oregano. In this way the meat of the animals
will have a particular aroma and flavor. Many times, using only fresh foods
causes nutritional deficits for the snail if it is taken into account that vegetables
are made up of more than 90% water. Furthermore, it is estimated that to obtain
1 kilo of snails, 7 kilos of vegetables are needed, and certainly these data do not
indicate low costs for the producer.

However, as we already suggested, snails can also be fed with feed, expert
mixtures of various elements that ensure the incorporation of all the nutrients

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necessary for proper growth. The heliculturist can make them himself, because
the formulas are easy to make and are quite economical. Even feed feeding is
much more hygienic, because the excrement that remains is less numerous and

There are different types of feed, but they are manufactured in the same way: all
the ingredients are gathered, ground and mixed. They should be placed in
clean, moisture-free areas, where the remains of used feed have been removed.
Generally, the useful period of a mixture is 5 or 6 months, although the time
varies depending on the components used. A very productive example consists
of mixing corn flour, wheat bran, previously dehydrated alfalfa, calcium
carbonate and some mineral vitamin supplement.

What care do snails require?

In addition to making sure that the snails have the food they need, we have to
take into account other essential care so that they grow in optimal conditions
and reach an acceptable level of development until it is time to sell them.

One of the most important provisions that we must point out is cleaning. It is
necessary to frequently clean the facilities where the animals are kept, to be
able to eliminate dust and excrement that have accumulated, whether on the
floor or in other areas, because dirt should not affect the snails' habitat.

Before starting the installations, the land where the hatchery will be located must
be properly prepared, paying special care in the sectors intended to house the
snails for the reproduction stage.

In general, farms must present a good level of biosecurity, to avoid the

introduction of agents harmful to both the health of the animals and the people
who work with them. In this sense, it is important to maintain a perimeter around
each warehouse free of weeds and waste to prevent animals foreign to the farm
from harboring there, which frequently carry diseases or undesirable
microorganisms. Closed environments prevent the intrusion of predators,
although they cause problems in terms of aeration and humidity.

The night dew that settles on the ground is an important humidification factor. If
snails are raised in a closed enclosure, it is important to have a good ventilation
and humidity system so that the animals have the microclimate they naturally
need. Likewise, the producer must know and respect the biological cycle of the
snail. In the winter months (except in the Mediterranean area) the snails
hibernate, and during that time there is no activity on the farm. The rest of the
year, it is advisable to prevent animals from suffering sudden changes in

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Another important piece of information (to be taken into account especially

during the reproduction period) is the monitoring of egg masses. It is in this
productive stage when the snail is most vulnerable to fungi. That is why it is
necessary to check that the appearance of the eggs is normal and that they do
not present strange, grayish or yellowish colors. They must also have their usual
turgidity and not a weak consistency. To prevent the proliferation of fungi, a
good aeration system is recommended.

What is the reproductive cycle of snails like?

Land snails can reproduce once they have reached their first year of life, and the
pair of mollusks must be of the same species; Mating between different species
is not possible. Generally, copulation time is 20 minutes, although the process of
fertilization of the eggs takes up to 10 or 12 hours. Once the eggs are fertilized,
each mollusk takes between 15 and 20 days to lay its eggs.

The animal places them in a nest in the ground made by itself with its head,
digging into the ground. The resulting hole has a depth of between 3 and 6 cm;
The snail enters inside with its eggs, leaving part of the foot outside so that it
can emerge later. The time spent doing this task is between 24 and 30 hours,
that is, practically a day. Depending on the species, each mollusk is capable of
between 150 and 200 eggs. Then comes the incubation period, which takes at
least two weeks and can last up to a month. The time span varies not only
depending on the species but also the climatic conditions of the location.

It is important that the soil stay moist during incubation. After this stage, the
chick has to leave the nest; From the hatching of the eggs, it takes between 3
and days until the new snails rise to the surface of the soil. As soon as they are
born, they ingest the egg membrane, which contains numerous vital nutrients,
including calcium and protein. To get outside they gnaw at the earth, ingesting it.
Little by little they leave the nest to look for food; During the first few days they
usually return to the niche and, although they do not bury themselves again,
they remain close to it.

Snails are capable of laying babies once a month. For reproduction to reach the
desired levels, it is recommended to have at least two habitats, one for the
young and another for the adult animals. The surface where they remain should
never be dry; In this sense, it is advisable to spray the area with water at least
once every two days, and always at night. In addition to food, the babies go to
look for water, so it is important to make sure that the animals have a place to
drink nearby.

In Spain, and due to the conditions of our climate, the mating and deposition of
snails occurs twice a year. Estimates indicate that for each mating mollusk there

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is a deposition of between 40 and 80 eggs, although in reality periods of

momentary sterility occur due to various factors. The reproduction cycle varies
depending on the climate, altitude, geographical location of the farm and also
depending on the species used in the hatchery. Generally, in the north and
center it occurs in March and October; in the south, in February and November.
On the other hand, on the islands the reproduction period is maintained in
spring, autumn and winter.

How to control diseases and pests

One of the basic premises when raising snails is to know the diseases and pests
that can affect them and of course, know how to control them. Pests alter the
growth of mollusks and their ability to reproduce; When they are sick, the benefit
we can obtain from them is reduced. Now, it is worth asking why these problems
may arise.

The factors that affect the proper development of snails are changes in
temperature and humidity, poor nutrition and lack of care necessary for
reproduction. From this it follows that the best way to avoid pests is to prevent.
Above all, it is important to choose healthy breeding stock, separate sick
animals so as not to expose them to contagion, disinfect all the utensils used
and carefully control the heat and humidity of the habitats.

Soil that is too wet causes bacterial diseases in snails. The symptoms that occur
are three: change in color to greenish yellow of the distal foot, swelling of the
head and oozing of viscous liquid from the mouth. As a result of flooding, fungi
of the Verticillium and Fusarium species can also appear. The most affected in
this case are the snail's eggs, which turn pink. The best way to avoid these
problems is to properly disinfect utensils and avoid waterlogging. Excess
humidity can lead to the death of the mollusk.

In addition, poor husbandry conditions and excess heat cause intestinal

diseases such as Pseudomonas Aeuriginosa, which kills animals by paralyzing
the muscles. The snails cannot retreat to their shell and die in a green mass that
gives off a very bad smell. On the other hand, to control the appearance of
worms (which live in snails) it is necessary to properly sterilize the soil in the
nesting boxes.

In any case, it must be taken into account that many of the parasites or diseases
that occur in snails are not treatable. As a general measure, we recommend
keeping the humidity stabilized and controlling the entry of predators into the
hatchery. And beyond the precautions, it is always important to remember that
pests must be diagnosed by a professional. In this way, there is no risk of
engaging in bad practices that cause new harm, such as those derived from the

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incorrect use of medications.

Snail behavior depending on the season

To achieve profitable production, efficiently managing our hatchery, we have to

know well the behavior of the snails throughout the year. Until the animals are
mature for sale, they go through successive stages of growth, reproduction and
hibernation. If we want to run the farm smartly, we must understand and respect
the life cycle of mollusks.

Throughout the year, the snail exhibits various behaviors that depend on the
climatic conditions of the season and the abundance or scarcity of food.
Basically, behaviors are classified according to the time of year in which we are.
Spring is when the mollusk displays most of its activity. This is the reproduction
stage: couples mate, the animal places the eggs in the ground and waits for
them to mature until the offspring are finally born.

In summer, the snail continues with its normal biological rhythm until the ambient
temperature rises too high. Then the animal's metabolism slows down until it
enters estivation. In the summer - when humidity reduces and heat increases -
the animal becomes lethargic, entering a process similar to hibernation: it does
not feed or reproduce and its heart rate decreases sharply. This phase can last
up to 40 days.

Then, with the arrival of autumn, the mollusk begins to move again since the
weather conditions are less aggressive. In winter and with the drop in
temperature, the snail enters a hibernation phase. This state occurs when the
environmental conditions are adverse and therefore delays its vital functions.
The animal looks for a quiet place protected from inclement weather; It adheres
to a surface or digs a hole in the ground, and then secretes a mucus that
hardens upon contact with air and isolates it from the environment, protecting it.
It is important to consider that the smaller it is, the greater the chance of dying
during this period, which in Spain usually lasts up to 4 months.

Taking into account the behavior of the snail depending on the species and
considering the way of working, a single annual harvest or two can be obtained,
one in spring and another in autumn. In any case, the variants will also depend
on the area where the farm is established and the system chosen for breeding.

What type of snails should be raised?

Regarding the number of snails to place on the land, it is estimated that to start,
380 snails per square meter are fine if they are fry. On the other hand, if we

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seek to place breeding adults, we will have to have at least 13 units in a similar
strip of land. With these numbers, the heliculturist will be able to obtain
approximately 1.5 kilos of edible mollusks per square meter. It is important that if
higher figures are to be handled - a large-scale project - the producer must
ensure that they can have the necessary health structure and technology.

The ideal snail or one that ensures greater commercial success is one that is
rather small in size, even one that is considered dwarf. The smallest mollusks
sell more expensive than the rest. It is estimated that in 1 kilo of adult snails,
which have already gone through the process of edging, drying and purging (for
no less than a week), there must be at least 220 units. However, Catalan-type
snails, which are a little larger, have also achieved good acceptance: under the
same drying and cleaning conditions, 1 kilo contains between 175 and 205 units.

In general, gastronomic professionals prefer the measurement of 185 units per

kilo. This corresponds to medium-sized snails, such as wild Asturians and
Lleidans. The variety most commonly used for breeding is the famous petit gris
(so named by the French) which is scientifically called Helix Aspersa and which
appears naturally in different countries. However, French and Spanish cuisine
differ in their choice, as each one prefers different varieties. Below we will give
some criteria with which you can evaluate the quality of the snails when
purchasing them for the farm.

The shell must be very hard: to check the quality of the shell, you must press it
firmly between your thumb and index finger and check that it does not break. In
any case, to promote hardness it is recommended to feed snails with feed that
contains a good dose of calcium. For its part, the most appreciated meat is light
in color or with slight shades of gray; other varieties of mollusk have it very dark
or black. In some regions of Spain (such as the Valencian Community,
Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Aragon and the Pyrenees-Orientales ) dark meat
snails are rejected, while in other areas consumers are not so selective with the

Snail predators and parasites

When installing a snail farm, we have to make sure that we have adequate
protection against animals, fungi and pathogens that can harm the health of the
mollusks. But for that, first of all it is necessary to know what the possible
predators and parasites of the snail are.

First of all, we can detect “larger predators” lurking around the surroundings,
animals so called based on their size. These are: foxes, ferrets, rats,
porcupines, wild rabbits, wild boars, moles, cats, badgers, shrews and all birds
in general. Secondly, other animals that can look for snails to eat them are

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toads, lizards, lizards, snakes, centipedes, fireflies and black fleas.

On the other hand, dogs and cats can cause collateral damage. We must be
careful with these animals, because if we live near our workplace we may have
them near the farm or take them with us. It is best to keep them away from
where the snails are raised; They are not going to look for them to hunt them,
but they can ruin the ground with their footsteps, defecate in inappropriate
places or uproot plants.

We must also talk about the species that compete for life with mollusks and
parasites. Among the former are snails of other breeds, snails, millipedes, slugs,
earwigs, the cabbage fly, aphids and ants. These beings feed on the same
foods as snails, and if they are in the same environment they probably reduce
the plants available to them. Furthermore, some of them are likely to carry
contagious diseases. As for parasites, there are very small spiders that attach
themselves to snails and suck their blood, causing anemia.

There are also certain pathogenic enemies for which neither pesticides nor
sufficient defenses have been developed. It is impossible to eradicate them,
although health measures can be taken to restrict their appearance. Finally (and
to attest that not all animals are harmful) we have to mention the San Antón
scale insects, which are scavenger insects beneficial to snails. By feeding on
mollusk feces, they help clean the farm and transform waste into organic matter.

The recommended measures to avoid as much as possible the invasion of

animals and agents foreign to the farm's ecosystem are to close the perimeter of
the farm with fences, always keep the areas where the snails live clean and
have a good general sanitary system to prevent infections and pests.

Habitat irrigation and cleaning

When we install a snail farm, hygienic conditions and air conditioning systems
are two essential elements to obtain abundant and healthy production. With an
efficient work plan, we will avoid bringing diseases to the animals and ensure
that they achieve optimal growth. Firstly, we will talk about the treatment of the
detritus and secondly, about the administration of irrigation in the area where the
mollusks live.

To begin, it must be taken into account that detritus or feces will accumulate
especially in the lowest areas of the shelters, under the sticks where the
vegetables are hung and near the containers with feed. First of all, we
recommend refraining from raking waste in season, otherwise it will mix with the
soil. It is best to let them accumulate, because snails do not naturally cover
themselves with them; They even walk over them, isolating themselves with a
layer of slime. In addition, the characteristic smell of detritus helps mollusks find
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shelter after their walks. Consequently, constantly removing feces would

confuse them in locating resting, eating and drinking areas.

For these reasons, it is advisable to remove the garbage generated by the

animals at the beginning of March, when the snails have been evicted. The
operation must be completed by watering the area with ozonized water (the
most recommended) although you can also choose to cover the ground with
quicklime sulfate.

Regarding soil irrigation, it must be carried out using sprinklers that cover 100%
of the exploitation area. To make things convenient, nebulizers can be
programmed automatically. It is advisable to incorporate an ozonation system
into irrigation. Gas is very useful for eliminating pathogenic microorganisms, as it
immediately oxidizes them. It is important that the water is clean, but you should
not exaggerate with the quantity. 7 minutes of daily watering or 20 minutes every
three days are enough.

We must remember that flooding can cause the death of animals. However,
edible mollusks do not develop well in arid climates, and they need some
humidity in the environment to feel comfortable. That is why we emphasize the
need for irrigation. The optimal time to carry out this task is one hour before
sunset, since the vapors that the earth emanates when it is watered stimulate
the snails to leave their shelter.

How to prepare production for sale

After having successfully achieved the reproduction of the snails, it becomes a

priority to carry out all the necessary procedures for the sale. Below we will
detail the steps to follow to market the product from our farm.

First of all, you have to proceed to collecting the snails, which can be done in all
seasons. Depending on the type of marketing established, it is possible to
harvest only once a year, or in spring and autumn. Before being sold, the
mollusks must be purged for at least 5 days in cages or wooden boxes. After
this small process, the producer can select the valid animals and bag them in
raffia or plastic bags. Generally the mollusks are housed in mesh tubes and then
placed in cold rooms. To take advantage of space, the bags are placed in a
stratified manner, in levels. In this process, it is important to take good care of
the insulation of each package, because if an animal dies, it will secrete liquids
that will distill and fall on the bag underneath, contaminating the live snails.

In any case, the tasks to be carried out will depend on the form of marketing that
we have chosen, since we can sell them directly alive or fresh. Many times the
mollusks are purchased by processing plants, so their transfer to the processing
plant must be planned, where all the necessary inputs must also be ready to
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package the product and package it. Generally, for domestic consumption the
snail is sold live, either to restaurants or processing plants.

In the international market the margin of possibilities is even greater. In the main
countries where snails are consumed, they are requested live, frozen, preserved
or well processed (that is, already cooked and seasoned, ready to eat) . Then
comes the stage of contacting the buyer and sending a sample. If the interested
party is satisfied, we will have to wait for them to send us the order, detailing the
purchase conditions. Currently, the international export price of mollusk is, on
average, USD 4 per kilo. However, the amount varies depending on the time of
year and the country. Finally, it must be taken into account that the price must
include, in addition to the cost, insurance and freight costs to the destination.
Today, the most profitable and economical way to market snails is to send full
containers by ship.

How to sell in the local market

Once we have obtained our first production of snails, it is time to think about
marketing them. After having prepared the land and started breeding, we are
faced with the question of whether we will be able to sell and generate income
with our project.

First of all, a reassuring fact: mollusk farming represents, today, a very profitable
activity. Firstly, because depending on the type of farm we install, we can start
with a relatively low investment; and secondly, because the market is very broad
and will grow even more. The consumption of snails is, in some countries, a
deeply rooted custom (for example in France, where the demand is 50 thousand
tons per year) while in others it is becoming a trend.

In any case, the market sector we target can not only be international, but also
local. In reality, knowing who to target with our product depends on the
objectives we have. Specifically in the local market, we have to go to food
markets, distribution companies and food establishments, such as restaurants
and bars. Another option is to simply provide the raw materials to the collectors.
These are dedicated to accumulating the quantities necessary to export to other

To design a successful sales plan, it is important to manage the dates well and
have the batch ready for the time of greatest demand. It is estimated that 80% of
what is produced worldwide is consumed only during the Christmas and New
Year holidays.

Furthermore, it takes talent to speculate on prices: in autumn the price of snails

begins to rise; During the season of proliferation of wild mushrooms the price

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stagnates and after its end, they gradually rise again until the end of March.

Local market trends must also be taken into account. Almost all experts
recommend raising mollusks of the Helix Aspersa variety, because it is the one
that best adapts to the climatic conditions of different places and is the one that
is naturally present in many regions of the world, which is why it is the most
abundant. However, it may happen that, for example, some restaurants demand
a certain variety of French or Italian snails because they have more delicate
meat or better flavor. That is why it is first necessary to consider who the
potential clients will be before making the breeding choice.

Situation of the snail in the Spanish market

The business scenario appears very encouraging for heliciculture. Nowadays,

anyone who wants to start this activity in Spain has an extremely large and
practically virgin potential market, since snail farming is somewhat recent and
there is almost no competition. At this time, most of the product is imported from
Morocco and Italy, where the sector has already taken on the appearance of
industrial activity. What we mean is that there is evidently a very strong demand
and little supply in the local market. The situation could not be better to start a
business that can supply orders in Spain.

Furthermore, the trend of consuming mollusks is growing more and more. The
population is being encouraged to consume snails primarily as a matter of
fashion, but also because it is a very nutritious food. It has very few calories and
at the same time provides essential minerals and proteins. In large urban
centers – including Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Seville – an entire
gastronomic culture is being established around the snail. Trendy restaurants
and bars have begun to include it on their menus in different recipes and
accompanied with wines.

A curious data? In parallel with the demand for snails in the most important
cities, there is also an equal movement from rural areas. Curiously, in Spain the
drier the climate of an area, the greater the demand for the mollusk. This is
probably because arid areas are not conducive to snail breeding, and therefore
they have to request supplies from other sources. Thus, Asturias and Galicia,
which have the most humid biomes in the country, are today the most important
breeding regions. For now, Catalonia is the area with the highest consumption of
edible mollusks, which can be explained by the influence of French cuisine.

Now, one wonders when we will be able to put the snails on the market once we
have started the business. From the moment the reproductive mollusk spawns
until the fry become adults, at least 9 months must pass and in other cases a
year. It is likely that in our country we will have to wait until 12 months because

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in winter the snail suffers a biological arrest, that is, it hibernates. On the other
hand, in the Mediterranean – where the climate is much more temperate – the
animal does not go through hibernation, and thus its cycle does not exceed 9
months from birth until it is finally sold.

How to sell to export

Nowadays, eating snails is fashionable. Helicculture is a highly profitable

activity, because Europe and Asia, which are two continents that produce
mollusks, cannot cover their internal needs and are forced to import. Snail
farming is a highly ecological activity that can generate a very important income
of foreign currency.

To decide if we are going to market our snail production in the local market or
abroad, we have to know the real consumption level of each niche. Thus, first of
all we will give an overview of the situation of the snail at an international level.
The highest demand comes from France (50 thousand tons per year). In second
place is Italy, which imports approximately half of its annual consumption, which
is 12 thousand tons. Spain buys mollusks on the international market at a rate of
4 thousand tons per year. Japan and other Middle Eastern countries are also
large consumers of these animals.

France, Italy and the United States originally had large numbers of snails in the
wild. However, the rise in consumption meant that what was naturally collected
was not enough for the demand of the local market. For this reason, artificial
breeding systems, which can generate high profitability, began to be seen as an
efficient way to supply the local and also the foreign sector.

The main world producer is Morocco, which produces at least 4 thousand tons
per year. Finally, in Latin America the countries that are dedicated to heliculture
are Chile, Peru and Argentina. It must be taken into account that this sector can
represent competition in the international sector, since domestic consumption of
snails is very low and most of the production is exported. On the other hand, a
potentially dangerous competitor is that of entrepreneurs who sell by extracting
snails from wild collection. Although in several countries the ban on marketing
mollusks with this method is already being imposed, the truth is that between
July and September 60% of the total production worldwide is collected.

However, the production of snails in hatcheries has several advantages over

manual collection. It limits the exploitation of the environment, creates jobs, has
the power to meet the highest level of current demand and, very importantly,
makes it possible to obtain high quality animals. As heliculturists are able to
control certain technological and sanitary conditions on their farms, they can
offer a satisfactory product to the market.

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Finally, when exporting, a prior analysis of the market niche to which the snails
are going to be destined is necessary, to take into account their tastes and
trends. Thus, for example, in France the Bourgignon snail (Helix Aspersa
Maxima) is preferred, which is larger than the one consumed in Spain.

Data on the wholesale snail market

If we are dedicated to snails and are interested in the wholesale market, we

must first know its situation well. Below we will give a brief report on some
precautions and advice to take into account when doing business with large
producers and marketers of these mollusks in Spain.

First of all, we must talk about the losses that we may have to face when we
purchase snails from large companies (for example, Mercabarna) or from
wholesale stores. The packages of mollusks, which weigh 5 kilos, can be up to
300 grams lighter due to the dead animals. It is estimated that in a bag of such a
quantity, we will find at least 5% dead snails, 8% in the middle of their
development and 6% that have damage to the shell.

It is not uncommon for a heavy bag to suffer casualties due to crushing or hitting
the floor. The real problem with sick animals (which generally suffer breaks in
their backs) is that they ooze substances that will contaminate the rest of the
snails. Furthermore, as time goes by they will die; and these mollusks in a state
of putrefaction will make the rest sick by contagion. The situation arises
especially when they are removed from refrigerated chambers and remain at
room temperature for a couple of days. That is why it is always recommended
that the producer delay storage as much as possible in relation to the time of

You also have to be careful with the place where the hatchery is installed. The
snails that come from the coastal areas of Galicia in spring, for example, are
given a hose with pressurized water to clean them before being encased. This
practice, generally carried out by fish and shellfish collectors, is considered a
crime by the expert heliculturist, since it leads to the rapid death of the entire
batch. Then, for resale, all the animals will have to be reclassified (including the
best quality ones) and losses will surely have to be recorded in the count.

At this time, the wholesale sector is made up of snail importers from South
America, which was traditionally dedicated to supplying Spain. The mollusk from
Latin America is of low quality because it is collected against the season, when
the animal is in full development. Its shell is soft and brittle; Although it is traded
as snail from farms, the truth is that in those countries wild collection is

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Regulations for storage and transportation of snails

The business of breeding and selling snails is growing more and more, but
specific laws on heliciculture have not yet been passed in Spain. In any case,
we will talk about some provisions and tips for the storage and transportation of
seafood, which includes mollusks at least until now.

Regarding storage, it is important that once the freezing is finished the snails
remain loose, that is, they are not attached to each other, not even in small
groups. For this, the freezing tunnel must have a temperature of -40ºC. The
conveyor belt has to be long enough for the snails to make a long journey
through the tunnel, allowing them to reach the appropriate temperature. In the
end, the weighing, bagging or boxing and sealing system must be arranged at
the exit. It is recommended that packages of snails do not exceed 15 kilos,
because the larger the bag, the greater the risk of the animals suffering from

On the other hand, the directives establish that during the storage and
transportation phase of the products, they must be kept at the melting
temperature of ice if they are fresh. In the case of frozen products (except those
intended for canning) they will have to be kept at 18ºC or less in all instances,
with fluctuations of up to 3ºC during transport. For their part, already
transformed batches must be kept at the temperatures suggested by the original
producer. Furthermore, if ice is used to cool the mollusks, the vehicle must have
a melt water evacuation system to prevent it from coming into contact with the

All these provisions apply to products that are going to be sold frozen. Now,
what happens to animals that are sold live? First of all, a specific circumstance
must be taken into account, which is the transport conditions. Live snails should
not have their health affected as a result of poor transport arrangements. The
law dictates that products cannot be transported in contact with others that could
contaminate them, and they must even be provided with packaging that
satisfactorily protects them. Likewise, the interior surface of the means of
transport must be smooth and easy to clean. Every time a transfer of maritime
products is arranged, the vehicle must be disinfected beforehand.

Why export snails to France

Any helicopter grower with some experience in the field knows that the French
market is the largest in the world; In that country, 50 thousand tons of snails are
consumed per year. The traditional collection system is no longer sufficient to
supply local needs, and therefore France was forced to import the product from
other countries. At this time, when the sector of breeding and selling edible
mollusks is booming, it is a wise decision to take advantage of the situation and
supply snails to the French market.

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There are several reasons why it is profitable to export mollusks to France.

Firstly, the ecological conditions of certain regions of Spain are ideal for the
good biological development of the mollusk. While in other countries, despite
being large exporters, extra efforts must be made to guarantee adequate
breeding conditions, in our country places like Galicia or Asturias have the ideal
soil and humidity for animals to develop.

On the other hand, snail nutrition is usually not expensive. They feed naturally
with various plants (forage radish, artichoke, cabbage, etc.) or through
processed feed. These can be made by the same producer, mixing a series of
flours, cereals and supplements. Thus, starting the snail business may not
require a disproportionate investment of money, and in return may yield good
profits in a short time. Experts assure that more than capital, what is needed is
time to dedicate to the farm; In addition, if the natural conditions of the
environment are favorable, it will not be necessary to purchase extra air
conditioning systems.

Furthermore, at this time (and unlike other European countries, where the
activity has a longer history) there is no regulation in Spain on the collection,
breeding and sale of snails. That is why the business – at least for now – grants
the heliculturist wide freedom in its practices. Regarding export, at this moment
it is absolutely legal, and live snails are being imported from France from
different places. Thus, all the edible mollusks that are raised - as long as they
are in optimal conditions - are sold without any problem.

Even depending on the breeding system implemented, the producer is able to

regularly supply the demand of the international market throughout the year.
And given that consumption is growing more and more, the future of the
business looks extremely encouraging. Furthermore, taking into account that the
costs are offset by the great economic performance of the farms, the snails can
be sold at competitive prices.

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