Earthworms are hermaphroditic - that is, each worm is both male and
female and each can produce eggs and fertilise the eggs produced by
another worm. Under perfect conditions a mature breeder will produce
an egg capsule every 7 to 10 days, each containing over 1 dozen
hatchlings. Development takes 14-21 days and, once hatched, the
newly-emerged worms reach maturity in approximately four to six
weeks, meaning that the worm population may double each month.
Population Controls
1. Food availability
2 Space requirements
3. Fouling of their environment
When food and waste is regularly fed to worms in a limited space, the
worms and associated organisms break down this waste, absorbing
the nutrients they require and excreting the rest. As the worms
reproduce competition for the available food increases. The density of
the worms may exceed that favourable for cocoon production, resulting
in slower reproduction. In order to for worm populations to increase,
they must be provided with increasing amounts of food, space and
fresh bedding.
Additionally, all the worms excrete castings, which have been shown to
be toxic to members of their own species. As more of the bedding is
converted to castings, worms will migrate, if possible, to areas with a
higher proportion of feedstock and a lower proportion of casts. If
conditions deteriorate, worm’s numbers may drop.
This is an important consideration for municipal-scale composting, as
very large quantities of worms will need to be maintained, depending
on the quantity of organic waste arisings and desired rate of
throughput. As previously highlighted, worm populations may increase
rapidly from a relatively small initial number. Once the required number
of worms is present, they should be regarded as a valuable asset, and
viewed in terms of replacement costs. In order to maintain worm
numbers it may be necessary to harvest a slightly lower grade of
vermicompost, before the proportion of castings reaches toxic levels.
Worms separated from the casts are then used to expand the system.
Some authorities believe that, under ideal conditions, worms may live
as long as ten years.
The casts are also rich in humic acids, which condition the soil, have a
perfect pH balance, and have plant growth factors similar to those
found in seaweed.
Bedding Materials
Moisture and
All worms need moisture. The bedding should have moisture content
similar to a wrung-out sponge. Worms also need oxygen. It is important
to allow air to circulate around the bin by not covering the air holes.
Worm bins can be used indoors all year round, and outdoors during the
winter months. Outdoor bins should be kept out of the sun and rain.
The literature on vermicomposting suggests that if temperatures drop
below 10°C (50 degrees f), bins should be moved indoors.
Red earthworms will eat most forms of kitchen vegetable or fruit waste,
in addition to tealeaves, tea bags, coffee grounds, paper and shredded
green garden waste. Materials to be avoided in significant quantities
include meats, dairy products, eggs, oily foods, salt and vinegar.
Red earthworms will eat their own weight every day. This weight
includes their bedding, so every kilo of worms or part thereof, may be
fed 50% to 100% of their combined weight in food or green waste.
Separation Techniques
Once vermicomposted, the volume of material will be much reduced,
possibly down to 10% of its original volume. The finished material will
brown and earthy-like, and the original bedding will no longer
recognisable. If only the worm casts are required as a fertiliser, any of
the following methods are appropriate. In order to separate and retain
worms as well as casts, the light separation method or a wire mesh
screen will be required. The methods described are best suited to
smaller-scale containerised systems or pilot operations designed to
breed initial worm populations. Once the system is expanded, it will be
necessary to use a commercial-scale mesh screener.
Light Separation
This method utilises worms’
sensitivity to light and tendency to
burrow beneath the surface in order
to escape light sources. The finished
material may be removed and
spread onto a surface or else left in-
situ, but should be exposed to a light
source. The worms will quickly
burrow downwards, allowing the
surface material to be removed. After repeating this operation, a thin
layer of material remains, containing all of the worms. This should be
added to the new bedding with a fresh supply of feed. This leaves a
harvest of worm castings and un-hatched capsules. These capsules
will be lost, as the hatchlings will not survive in garden soil, but the
remaining worms quickly replace them. The castings should be stored
for a week or two before use as a fertiliser.
Sideways Separation
The finished material is moved to one side, whilst fresh bedding mixed
with organic waste is placed alongside. During the following 7 to 14
days the worms will migrate from the finished vermicompost into the
fresh bedding. The advantage of this method is that it allows the
capsules to hatch in the meantime and most will also move across.
Vertical Separation
A nylon mesh screen slightly larger than the surface area of the
container is placed onto the surface of the vermicompost. The screen
should be large enough to flatten up the sides of the container overlap
at the top. The container is filled with fresh bedding on top of the
screen and fed with organic waste. The worms will migrate up through
the screen into the new bedding as the food source below is depleted.
When the upper part is ready for harvesting, the screen, and the
finished material containing the worms is lifted from the container. The
remaining material in the lower part of the container will have a very
high concentration of worm castings and few if any worms, hatchlings
or capsules. Once this is removed, the worm-filled material that was on
top of the screen is placed into the bottom of the container with fresh
bedding on top of the screen.
Gradual Transfer
This simple method produces castings, but no extra worms. Continue
feeding kitchen scraps into the container for up to four months. A
second container should be started and primed with fresh bedding and
a supply of worms from the first box. The first container continues until
the second is full, by which time the first container will contain a very
high proportion of fine castings, but very surviving few worms.
To ensure there are enough worms for both containers, the second can
be prepared about a month earlier, adding some worms to it every time
the first container is fed.
The vermicompost might require post-screening, especially if coarse
green waste was incorporated into the bedding, as this takes longer to
break down. This may be carried out manually on a pilot scale, but is
identical to the screening and separation operation carried out using a
commercial, rotating screener. The worms are separated effectively
from finished vermicompost, though capsules and hatchlings are lost.
Information regarding municipal-scale vermiculture is relatively scarce,
as the technique has more usually been employed on smaller scales,
or has been combined with the rearing of worms for the angling market.
In contrast to ‘unassisted’ windrow composting, vermiculture has
several distinct applications, with the potential to produce different
grades of end product, depending on volume or time constraints:
Feeding Rates
The precise loading rate (at which raw feedstock can be added to a
worm bed to encourage the worms to concentrate at or near the
surface) will vary depending on the feedstock being used, temperature,
moisture levels and the density of the worm population. Proper loading
rates require that new feedstock is not added until the majority of the
previously added feedstock has been decomposed.
Adding new feedstock too early means there can lead to a build-up of
unprocessed material within lower layers. There will therefore be
sufficient available food deeper within the container, instead of being
concentrated immediately below the surface. The worms will then
spread into all the available food areas. Worm movement in the lower
levels of a flow-through system often causes vermicompost to drop
through the mesh floor before it has been sufficiently decomposed.
Also, when the system is harvested, worms remaining low in the
material will fall through with the vermicompost and will either need to
be separated using labour-intensive screening methods, or will be lost
to the system.
One of the advantages to the continuous flow design is in the ease with
which a continuous supply of vermicompost can be removed from the
system. However, harvesting of the finished material should not begin
until the system is nearly full of material. Many operators have found
that, along with appropriate loading rates, a minimum depth of material
in the system of between 12"-18" will help to ensure that few, if any,
worms will be low in the bed and drop through, or fall out with the
harvested vermicompost. Once fully charged, vermicompost then
needs to be removed at a rate that maintains a relatively constant level
of material in the system.
Continuous Flow System: Oregon Soil Corporation
The worm reactor is a modular unit approximately 40" high and eight
feet wide, with a working bed depth of approximately 24". Due to it's
modular design it can be built to almost any length. The Oregon system
is 125 feet long with a surface area of 1000 square feet. The base is
constructed of wire mesh, to enable the finished vermicompost to fall
through. The system was initially set up with a layer of newspaper
above the mesh, which prevented the fresh material from falling
through. Finished vermicompost tends to hold together, even when
resting on the wide wire mesh, and does not readily fall through the
openings. The material needs to be disturbed to enable harvesting.
Waste material is piled into open windrows and also fed into covered,
ground-level beds. Depending on the mix and nature of incoming
waste, materials such as coarser, woody wastes may be composted in
windrows, as may not be suitable for vermicomposting, even after
mixing with other feedstocks.
Limitations to Vermiconposting
Mid-scale vermiculture systems are not the only options available for
the on-site management of waste organic materials. Whilst
vermiculture systems have significant potential for on-site application,
even with specialised management, they cannot effectively process
meat, seafood and dairy wastes.
It is assumed that the operating costs are similar given the handling
and mixing requirements of three systems. Given equal operating
costs, very large-scale vermiculture has some distinct advantages:
• The market for the end product has not been saturated.
The National Assembly for Wales does not yet sanction composting in
relation to waste meat products, due to concerns regarding the
limitations of composting methods to successfully eliminate pathogens.
Irrespective of public health concerns particular to the UK, composting
or vermicomposting does not appear to be a practicable solution to the
management of waste meat products: Research conducted by the
Recycled Organics Unit indicates that meat and poultry are difficult to
process in vermiculture systems. Trials using different feedstocks
showed that meat and poultry feedstock had to be significantly diluted
with cardboard in order to achieve even a low rate of processing, which
resulted in a build-up of non-processed feedstock (primarily
cardboard). Continued monitoring may therefore be required, in order
to ensure that households comply with the requirement to only include
non-cooked vegetable matter, as even a relatively small level of
contamination may reduce the efficiency of the system.
vermicomposting: Troubleshooting
2. The bedding is too wet and compacted. Solution: (a) gently stir
the entire contents to allow more air in and stop adding food
waste for a week or so. Make sure that your food waste is still
buried. (b) The lid can be removed or left slightly ajar to allow
the contents to dry out.
Burying food waste just below the surface will discourage flies. Fruit
flies within the system do no harm, but large numbers are an indication
of overfeeding. The loading rate should be reduced and the surface
should be covered with a damp newspaper.
The bin can also have an influx of soldier fly maggots. These can be up
to an inch long, and are much larger than Vinegar fly larvae. The
maggots assist the composting process, but can be removed by mixing
in additional bedding and lime, as above. Alternatively, place bread
soaked in milk on the surface. After several days, it will become
infested with larvae and can be removed.
Stop feeding the worms, add more dry bedding, a small amount of
lime, and stir the bin with the hand cultivator (hand-fork). Repeat until
the smell diminishes.
Keep a tight lid on any container used to store waste before adding it to
the vermicomposter. This will prevent flies from laying eggs in the
• General rule of thumb - 1 Kg of worms eats approx. 1/2 Kg of food
waste per day.
• Composting worms prefer cool, damp and dark conditions, and will
breed optimally when these conditions are maintained. They will
tolerate temperatures from 40 F to 80 F, but in northern climates
they should be brought inside when the temperature drops towards