Ubv Internship Report
Ubv Internship Report
Ubv Internship Report
Internship report
Through this report it is expected to present in detail the activities carried out during the month of
journalistic exercises, as part of the objectives assigned in the requirements of the professional practices
of the PFG of social communication of the UBV; In addition, the most relevant experiences, assigned
activities and some recommendations so that any other intern interested in the writing and operational
management of the television plant can learn about the interests that this and other institutions have.
Every university degree requires carrying out, at the end of their academic training, professional practices
that demonstrate the knowledge that the student obtained during their studies. As well as exposing the
ability they desire to enter a specific field of work, in this case practicing journalism correctly. Whether
street or institutional journalism.
The internship period offers a real and clear vision of the work field in which we will work when we
graduate from university. In addition, it allows you to complete professional training, acquiring
confidence and security when implementing the knowledge acquired at school.
The reports of these professional practices, without fundamentals to develop skills typical of professional
practice, since the practice often does not correspond to the theoretical.
This report will present the results of the internships and everything acquired to record all the knowledge
gained, not only in writing but also in the operational part.
Bolivarian University of Venezuela.
Social Communication Degree Training Program
HE Internship Coordination.
Student File
Last name: Cova Vallecilla Names: Ninoska Delvalle
Upon arriving at the television plant, I took a tour with my institutional tutor,
Natacha Sánchez, to get to know each of the work areas, I met the press
department, administration, master of the channel and all the recording sets,
then we went out to the street in search of information to carry out reports,
interviews and surveys since everything comes together to make a
corresponding draft to be aired on the stellar newscast.
We went to civil protection, to the Dr. Manuel Núñez Tovar university hospital,
to the Universidad de Oriente and to PSUV. Once the information has been
collected, we return to the channel to write each note, example:
The student from the University of Oriente, Javier Cisnero, who is also a student
leader of the UDO 70 movement, assured that all transportation routes due to
the gasoline crisis and failures in the different units that also need an overdue
budget so that student routines can be reactivated.
He said that in terms of transportation, the university only has one unit
dedicated to the transportation of employees, workers and administrative staff,
although it is currently undergoing maintenance due to mechanical failure.
Regarding the budget, Cisnero recalled that since the university always
approves budgets very late, at the time of approval, the constant devaluation
due to the country's situation completely devours the resources given, which
leads to delaying the attention and maintenance of the university services.
*Then you start cutting the empty parts (if a person says something rude)
*If it is only audio, you have to select “Save only audio”, if it is video and audio,
select “Save as audio and video”.
*The already edited audio is identified as (audio 1 news 1)
*to start another audio edition, the old audio is deleted and we proceed with a
new one.
Once the audios have been edited, we proceed to retract each note so that it
can air on CRN television and Azükar 100.5 FM.
You practice through the VMIX program with the content of the entertainment
grid for the channel's programming, the channel's master is in charge of
keeping an eye on the cameras, sending the commercial break and ordering the
organized and live programs, the professional microconsole called MG124cx
(switcher) controls all recorded and live programmed programs.
We click on the “Add” option to search for videos that will appear on the screen.
After we search for the video, we place it in the tabs of numbers 123 and 4 that
must appear in the program, we select option 4 so that the image can appear.
To add another video we click on add entry option videos option browser, we
select the preferred video and touch the “OK” button. The window with the
selected video will appear and we click on the Audio Fade option to conclude.
The duration will appear in the video (how much is going and how much is left)
to keep an eye on and place the next one.
Before placing any live or recorded program, we place the Provision that it is.
When doing a live program, the RSA cable is connected to the available
professional HD cameras, directly to the Swiss professional mini-console
(MG124), in the same way the video is sent to the VMIX program and the shots
are taken corresponding to the article or object that is going. to project.
Description of the acquired learning
During the training period of the internships carried out within the CRN televi-
sion channel, I gained enormous knowledge about what the communication
process is like and how the media is responsible for reporting.
We can also mention that within this channel the basic fundamentals of the op-
erating system and all those instruments and equipment that are used when
making a television production were taught.
I had the interaction of managing the sound console, obtaining the operation of
each key found within it and the use of the VMIX program.
I learned how to handle and use a professional recording camera, obtaining all
the information on how to modify and prepare the camera when performing a
live program.
I also learned how to edit the information collected in audio to reinforce the
stellar newscast.
During the internship process, the knowledge acquired at the university was
assigned by the institutional tutor Natacha Sánchez throughout the internship.
Likewise, it can be stated that each of the objectives and activities that were
assigned to me were fulfilled in their entirety in the best possible way,
implementing the necessary knowledge to obtain successful work throughout
the duration of the activities. internships and take it as an example for the future
communication career of the graduates of the Bolivarian University of
Venezuela, in order to have better performance.
To the coordination of internships of the PFG social communication:
Continue with the work of helping those pass earlier by placing trained aca-
demic tutors for our training and growth when writing Internship reports.
Continuing to strengthen all those induction is so that the knowledge and learn-
ing of the interns are assimilated in the best possible way, and thus produce an
excellent final report.
May you continue to provide photos with the possible support that those stu-
dents of the PFG, of social communication at the Bolivarian University of
Venezuela, deserve in their internship training to achieve a successful career as
a Super University Technician.
Inform the audience about daily events and entertain through the varied
programming offered; trying to be the main option for viewers in the Monaco
territory, and also, offering them more direct contact with higher quality in image
and projection; in addition to contributing to society in the formation of values,
highlighting regional talent.
Journalists Cameramen
Master Editors
Legal framework.
PR Designers
Below are the legal regulations that govern the Regional News Circuit:
Date of elaboration