Spiritual Health Assessment and Planner
Spiritual Health Assessment and Planner
Spiritual Health Assessment and Planner
Since 1999, we have been developing this Spiritual Health Assessment and Spiritual Health Planner ,
both on a personal and ministry level. This assessment and planner are based on the book: The Purpose
Driven Life by Rick Warren. The evaluation follows each chapter step by step.
Many people have put their souls into this project. We are grateful to all the leaders and members of
Saddleback Church and the entire Purpose Driven Community who have nurtured us over the years; and
to our Area Leaders and Community Leaders, who are applying this tool day after day in the small group
We want to thank Rick Warren, our senior pastor, who has simplified our lives by helping us learn and
balance the five biblical purposes in our lives. Pastor Rick lives what he preaches and this means more to
us than anything written in a book.
We would also like to thank Brett Eastman, Buddy Owens, LanceWitt, Eric Rees, Mike Constantz, Scott
Benson, and Dog Clarkson; who used their gifts to enrich this tool.
Lastly, thank you to our faithful wives, Lisa and Cheryl, who lovingly and patiently helped us implement
the spiritual health plan in our lives...that's a nice way of saying they kept us in line!
In day 39 of The Purpose Driven Life , Rick Warren introduces the concept of “spiritual health
assessment.” He says that to maintain our physical health, we must visit the doctor regularly to check our
vital signs: blood pressure, temperature, weight, etc. Likewise, it is necessary to regularly check and
balance the five vital signs of our spiritual health or Christian life:
that will help you evaluate your spiritual health and give you the direction you need to develop a plan
that balances the five purposes in your life.
This fascicle is divided according to the five purposes: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and
Evangelism. To get the most out of this fascicle, we suggest that you do the following:
1. Take the Spiritual Health Assessment : If you haven't already taken the Spiritual Health
Assessment , (page 4), stop right now and complete it. The assessment will provide you with a
snapshot of your spiritual health and determine precisely which areas are out of balance. It will
help you identify the purposes you would like to work on and those in which you are strong. It
would also be highly recommended that you tear out the Friend Evaluation sheet at the back of
this booklet and ask a friend or your wife to complete it for you. As with physical health, a second
opinion can be very helpful.
2. Choose the purpose you want to work on: Choose the purpose you would like to work on,
transferring the results of your evaluation to the Spiritual Health Plan on the inside back cover of
this booklet. We suggest that you work with the purpose for which you scored the lowest on your
Spiritual Health Assessment , or with the one that the Holy Spirit is indicating to you. Once you
have selected the purpose, locate the corresponding page in the Spiritual Health Planner.
3. Choose the pace of the step you will take to start : Crawl, Walk, or Run. In this fascicle you
will find a table for each purpose with a starting step (crawl), an intermediate step (walk) and a
more advanced step (run); They correspond to each of the questions found in the Spiritual Health
Assessment . Choose the step(s) you want to take in the area you have chosen to work on. You'll
also find a resource page for each purpose with recommended books, small group studies, classes,
and practical suggestions to help you continue to grow.
4. Transfer the steps to your Spiritual Health Plan : Transfer the steps you have chosen to the
Spiritual Health Plan on the inside back cover of this booklet.
5. Find a spiritual companion : Many of us start with very good intentions but we lack the
discipline to achieve the goal. Make it a point to find a spiritual companion who will help you
accomplish all the steps you have decided to take. A spiritual companion is a person, generally of
the same gender, who is committed to continually being by your side, helping you face the
various contingencies of life. This person should be a good friend who encourages you, holds you
accountable when necessary, and supports you as you take risks and face unique challenges in
your life. The best person for this role is probably one of your small group partners.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Total in Worship____________
I readily confess anything in my character that does not reflect the character of Christ.
A review of my finances shows that I think more about God and others than 1 2 3 4 5
about myself.............................................................................................
I allow the Word of God to direct my thoughts and change my actions...... 1 2 3 4 5
I am able to praise God in difficult times and see them as an opportunity to
grow.......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
I am capable of making increasingly better and more correct decisions,
whenever I am tempted to do wrong........................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Prayer has changed the way I see and interact with the world....................
I have the constant attitude of acquiring habits that help me become more 1 2 3 4 5
like Christ.................................................................................................
1 2 3 4 5
Total in Discipleship_________
1 2 3 4 5
Saddleback RESOURCES ◊ www.SaddlebackResources.com ◊ 1-800-SADDLEBACK (723-3532)
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
1 2 3 4 5
Total in Ministry___________
1 2 3 4 5
Evangelism: You were made for a mission.
Total in Evangelism___________
Note : Transfer your results to the Spiritual Health Plan on the inside of this booklet.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Now that you have completed the Spiritual Health Assessment and transferred your results to the
Spiritual Health Plan located on the inside back cover of this booklet, you are ready to take the next
step: begin living a healthy, balanced and purposeful life. .
Choose the purpose of the Spiritual Health Plan you want to focus on. On the following pages you will
find a table for each of the purposes, containing a beginning step (crawl), an intermediate step (walk),
and a more advanced step (run), for each of the questions that are in the Evaluation of Spiritual Health .
Choose the step(s) you want to take in the area you have chosen to work on. You'll also find a resources
page with recommended books, small group studies, classes, and practical suggestions to help you
continue to grow.
When challenging yourself to accomplish the task, you must have realistic expectations and goals;
Otherwise, you may become discouraged and give up. So, consider starting with the initial step (crawl),
that is, a goal that you can easily achieve over the next 30 days. Then, you can move on to the second
step (walk), which will give you a tangible goal that you can achieve within the next 90 days. Finally,
choose the final step (run). This one will require you to take a leap of faith, but ultimately, through the
power of the Holy Spirit, you will reach a new level of spiritual maturity.
Once you have selected the purpose you want to work on and the steps you intend to take, we encourage
you to share this decision with a good friend who will help you persevere, pray for you during the
process, and hold you accountable. Don't try to do it alone. Isolation can lead you to apathy, but a true
friend can encourage you if you feel discouraged; Plus, if you fall it will help you get up.
“Two are better than one, because they get more fruit from their efforts.
If one falls down, help him up. “Woe to him who falls and has no one to lift him up!”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Use the table below to choose the step you would like to take; then, transfer it to the Spiritual Health
Plan found on the inside back cover of this booklet.
■ You Were Planned to Please God (40 Weeks with Purpose Vol. # 2)
■ Surrendering Your Life for the Joy of God Living Life Together (Study for 6 weeks)
Seeking God's presence means seeing God in every detail of my life. To do this you must think that God
is present in every situation and remember that you are never alone. Consider everything you do not as
something you do for yourself, but as something you do together with God. Talk to Jesus in the same
way as if you were seeing him with your physical eyes. Take time to think about Him every hour of the
Fasting: The purpose of a traditional fast is to abstain from food in order to focus more clearly on our
relationship with God. You can also fast from television, entertainment, reading, or anything else that
distracts you from your relationship with God. Pregnant women, people who are diabetic or suffer from
a serious illness should fast from other things that do not harm their health. Remember that the goal is to
focus better on God. When you decide to fast, consider the following:
Journaling: Sometimes, it is good to keep a written record of the things God is doing in our lives. It
would be good if you started writing a journal and recording the struggles and victories you are having.
Write down your thoughts and feelings as you go through the self-assessment process. Set a time during
the year to review your journal to see how God has worked in your life during that year.
Worship : Find a place where you can worship God in private. It can be an outdoor space, in the privacy
of your bedroom, or even in your car while you commute to work listening to good worship music.
Wherever you do, make it a habit to visit that place every day to worship God.
Meditate on God : Think about who God is and try to meditate on how great and glorious He is. You
can use the Psalms as a guide. Read a Psalm and notice what the psalmist says about God's character and
your experience with Him. Spend time worshiping God for who He is and what He has done in your life.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Worship as a lifestyle : Consider every action as a sacrifice to God. When you wake up, thank God for
that day. When you go to work or school, sing His praises and worship Him for who He is. Throughout
the day, try to entrust every word, thought and action to Him, as a way of worshiping and thanking Him,
since every breath of air we breathe is a gift He gives us. At home, recognize it in everything you do.
Talk to others about what God has done in your life.
Preparing for Community Worship : Set aside time to prepare for the weekend worship service. As
you approach the temple or place of worship, take a moment to thank God for your church. Before the
service begins, pray thanking God. Tell Him that you are eager to meet Him to worship Him. Ask God to
prepare your heart to worship Him; Also, pray for the pastor and any other ministers involved in the
service that day. Observe the people who are entering and pray for as many as you can; specifically, ask
that God use that service to touch their souls and hearts. During the service, try to visualize Christ sitting
on the throne (read Isaiah 6:1-8) and thank him for his sacrifice.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Use the table below to choose the step you would like to take; then, transfer it to the Spiritual Health
Plan found on the inside back cover of this booklet.
Currently, there is nothing Pray for someone with Decide to ask for Compose a broken
unresolved in my personal whom you have a conflict. forgiveness or forgive relationship in your life,
relationships Do it regularly until you someone with whom you seeking reconciliation with
are moved to reestablish have a conflict. that person.
the relationship with that
Don't participate in the Challenge gossipers to Decide to talk directly to
There is nothing in the way gossip. speak directly to the the person you have the
I speak or act towards person in question. conflict with, instead of
others that I wouldn't be talking behind their back.
willing to discuss with
them in person.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Class 101, Introduction to our Church Family . (Or whatever type of membership your church has)
Note: These resources are available on our website www.RecursosdeSaddleback.com in the Spanish
resources section.
Spiritual Companions: Find a spiritual companion who is committed to regularly meeting with you,
helping you mature, and growing your relationship with Christ. It could be a person older than you or
one of your peers. Set a fixed time to meet. It could be by email or in person. The important thing is that
it is a person to whom you can openly confide your struggles and ask them to pray for you; one with
whom you can discuss what behaviors you should modify, and to whom you commit to being
accountable. Additionally, with your spiritual companion you will be able to talk about what the Bible
teaches you, and even about general life issues.
Prayer in the Act: Prayer is a wonderful way to build our fellowship with others. The next time a
person communicates a need or problem to you, stand right there and ask them if they would like you to
pray right now. Make this a habit and see how it works on the level of intimacy you have with the people
around you.
Seek reconciliation: Many of us accumulate certain tensions in our personal relationships; They come
from certain perceptions or emotional wounds that we have decided to harbor, instead of healing. Look
at your own life: are there tensions in your personal relationships? Are you angry with anyone? Are you
harboring any resentment? Are you angry at God because He hasn't done something the way you
wanted? Are you always criticizing yourself and others? As you reflect on the answers to these questions
(perhaps you can even think of additional questions), seek reconciliation with those people with whom
you have these kinds of pending issues. You may want to talk to a counselor or pastor before seeking
How do you relate to others? What relational problems are unmanageable for you? Are there patterns in
your personal relationships that continually repeat themselves over and over again? What bad habits do
you show in your personal relationships? Many of our personal problems are due to our way of relating
to others. Decide to study these issues with the help of a pastor, counselor, or spiritual companion.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Use the table below to choose the step you would like to take; then, transfer it to the Spiritual Health
Plan found on the inside back cover of this booklet.
I am able to praise God in Keep a journal and write Use your painful
difficult times, which I Thank God, during a crisis, down everything God does experiences to minister to
consider are an opportunity for everything He has done in your life. Spend time others, joining ministries in
to grow. for you and how He will reminding yourself of what your church that are
help you grow through that He has done and regularly dedicated to serving those
trial. Talk to your friend or reread what you have who are suffering the same
mentor about what you've written. things you have suffered.
I am able to make better Examine what areas of Develop a plan to deal
and more correct decisions your life you are struggling with a specific temptation Make confession and
every time I am tempted to with temptation. What are in your life. Look for a repentance a regular part of
do wrong. those areas and what spiritual companion in your daily time with God.
should you start doing to your life. Name the sins you have
avoid them? committed and commit to
making better decisions in
the future.
Prayer has changed the From time to time, say a Make spontaneous prayers
way I see and interact with one-sentence prayer for Spend a specific time each a regular habit in your day
the world God to be present in your day praying according to a (See “Quick Prayers” in
circumstances. predetermined pattern (see the “Suggestions” section
the ACT Pattern or “The on page 14)
Lord's Prayer” in the
“Suggestions” section on
page 14)
I have the constant attitude Develop the spiritual habit Attend class 201 or a
of acquiring habits that of praying. Pray every day similar discipleship class Commit to regularly
help me become more like when you wake up. at your church. practicing spiritual habits,
Christ. such as: having daily time
with God, praying, etc.
Have a spiritual companion
to help you evaluate what
habits you need to
■ Class 201 Introduction to Spiritual Maturity (or whatever similar discipleship class is in your
local church)
■ Fundamentals (Study of the 11 fundamentals of the Christian life. 24 weeks of study)
■ Grace: The Truth that Transforms (Study through the book of Romans)
Note: These resources are available on our website www.RecursosdeSaddleback.com in the Spanish
resources section.
Study a book: Choose a book from the Bible and study it carefully. Read the entire book two or three
times. By doing so, you begin to understand how it is structured, what the author's message is, who he is
speaking to, the purpose of the book, etc. Then, start studying it chapter by chapter, asking yourself the
same questions. You can use an exegetical commentary that teaches verse by verse to help you.
The ACT model: This is a prayer model that consists of dividing the focus of prayer into different
phases. The A means “worship.” The first part of our prayers should focus on worshiping God for who
He is, giving Him honor and glory. The C means “confession.” A basic part of our prayer should consist
of self-examination and settling our accounts with God, if we have sinned. This means: confession and
repentance. The T means: “I thank you.” This means: thank God for what He is and has done. The O
means: “Hear my plea.” In this part, you bring all your requests before God. This model will help us
have a balanced prayer life and in tune with the will of God.
Fasting: The purpose of a traditional fast is to abstain from food in order to focus more clearly on our
relationship with God. You can also fast from television, entertainment, reading, or anything else that
distracts you from your relationship with God. Pregnant women, people who are diabetic or suffer from
a serious illness should fast from other things that do not harm their health. Remember that the goal is to
focus better on God. When you decide to fast, consider the following:
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Journaling: Sometimes it is helpful to keep a personal journal to record what God is doing in our lives.
We should record in it all the struggles and victories of our spiritual pilgrimage. Write down the thoughts
and feelings you have as you go through the self-examination process. Decide to review your journal
annually to see how God has worked in your life over the past year.
The model of the Lord's Prayer: When his disciples asked him to teach them how to pray, Jesus taught
them the prayer we know as the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer is a model prayer that can be divided
into six parts. The first three have directly to do with our relationship with God:
1) Remember that God is near. (Our father who art in Heaven. Matthew 6:9)
2) Reflect on who God is (Hallowed be your Name. Matthew 6:9)
3) We focus our lives on His Kingdom and His will (Your Kingdom come, your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10)
4) Ask for your needs of the day (Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11)
5) Repent of the sins you have committed (forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 6:12)
6) Rest in the presence and deliverance of God in times of temptation (Lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:13)
Lightning Prayers: Frank Laubach calls “lightning prayers” those quick prayers for anyone we know.
He explains how he prayed for everyone he met or came into contact with, asking for God to touch their
lives. He would say these lightning prayers for every person he saw; on the bus, on the streets, on a
plane, etc. Invest time in experiencing this type of prayer. You can also say lightning prayers for those
you meet or meet at church. On all occasions ask God to pour out His joy and His presence on people.
Then wait for God to respond. Do you notice a difference in them?
The Bible as a Story: Many people find the Bible dry and boring, since they read it as if it were an
encyclopedia. Read the Bible as if it were a novel. Start from the beginning and go straight to the end.
Instead of looking for an object lesson for that day, look for overarching themes, descriptions of God's
character, and how He relates to people.
Money Management: Spend some time reviewing how you spend your money. If you don't have a
budget you should create one. Ask God what he wants you to do with the money he has given you. This
will help you budget your resources with God's priorities in mind. If you need help in this area, ask a
Christian financial counselor.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Use the table below to choose the step you would like to take; then transfer it to the Spiritual Health
Plan found on the inside back cover of this booklet.
List five ways you can Attend Class 301 or Commit to serving for
I regularly think of ways
make an impact in the whatever ministry class one year in the ministry
to impact
Kingdom: Ask your your church teaches. that best expresses your
God's kingdom
pastor for help, if you Discover your FIT for FORM.
need it. ministry.
I consider my painful
experiences as Tell a friend or your Tell your pastor about
Write how Christ has
opportunities to serve small group how God your painful experience
healed you, or used your
others. has healed you or used to see if you can use it to
painful experiences for
this painful experience help others in your
His Glory.
for His Glory. church.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
■ Class 301 Discovering Your FIT for Ministry (or whatever ministry class is taught at your
Note: These resources are available on our website www.RecursosdeSaddleback.com in the Spanish
resources section.
Join a ministry in your church that best suits your spiritual gifts, interests, passions, talents, personality
and experience.
Try any ministry: You discover your gifts when you get involved in a ministry. If you don't yet know
your gifts and abilities, find a ministry that sounds interesting to you and get involved. You will never
know if you are good at something until you start doing it. If it doesn't work, call it “an experiment” and
try something else. The Bible says, “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never accomplish
anything.” Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NLT).
Start a new ministry: You may have an idea for a ministry that currently does not exist in your church.
Pray for a while, seeking to know if this ministry could be for you. If so, contact your pastor or leader in
charge of your local church ministries.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Use the table below to choose the step you would like to take; then, transfer it to the Spiritual Health
Plan found on the inside back cover of this booklet.
Attend Class 401 or a Have your small group Form a small group for
I feel a responsibility to
similar evangelism class study a series on people with spiritual
communicate my faith to
offered by your church. evangelism concerns
those who do not know
My relationship with
Write your testimony Have your small group
Christ always comes to Lead a small group for
and tell it to a friend of study a series on
light in any conversation spiritually concerned
yours. evangelism.
I have with non- people at your work or
believers. neighborhood.
■ Class 401: Discovering My Life's Mission (or whatever class on evangelism is taught at your
■ New Beginning with God (4-Week Study for New Believers)
Note: These resources are available on our website www.RecursosdeSaddleback.com in the Spanish
resources section.
You must be ready to show love: for both the hungry and the needy, wherever you go. Always carry
cards with you to purchase merchandise from different stores, such as Wal Mart, Target, etc. These cards
can be given immediately to people who have an urgent need, without having to worry about handling
cash. Carry the phone numbers and addresses of local homes, shelters, and food services with you to
give this information to people living on the streets. Buy an extra hamburger or donut to give to someone
who needs it.
Compassion for community: Look for opportunities to meet the needs of your community. There are
many community programs that can be a vehicle to help you spread faith in Jesus Christ through meeting
the needs of others. Look for ways to take your faith outside the walls of your church.
Deliver food: Set aside time with your family or small group to volunteer at a local food delivery
service. Transform it into a special occasion; Then go out to dinner or lunch together and talk about how
it felt to serve others. Were we able to make others see Christ through our actions?
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
What is your style? When it comes time to talk about Jesus Christ, you may feel pressured because you
feel like you are selling people the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelizing is something that can happen in
different ways. Discover your style. You could read Becoming a Contagiuos Christian , by Mark
Mittelberg and Lee Strobel, or take a class at church. You may feel more comfortable talking about Jesus
directly and bluntly; Or maybe it's easier for you to let the topic come up spontaneously in conversation.
Find out what your style is and start talking about Christ with others.
Tell conversations: We often place too much emphasis on people “converting” or having all the
answers. The Holy Spirit is the one who converts people, not us. All we have to do is talk about the
gospel (read Matthew 28:19-20). Instead of counting the number of people you lead to Christ, start by
counting the number of conversations you have had about Jesus Christ with other people. You will be
very surprised to see how easy it is to talk about Jesus when you don't feel the pressure for people to
Pray for your friends: Decide to pray specifically for all the people you know who don't know Jesus.
You may want to write their names in a bookmark inside your Bible or in a prayer journal. Pray for them
every day.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
You have a rare privilege! A person who trusts you has given you this Review by a Friend. By asking
you to complete it, they are telling you that your opinion is important. You are likely a close friend,
spouse, or spiritual companion of this person; Therefore, she will know that you will answer each of the
questions on the evaluation questionnaire honestly and prayerfully.
Why do they ask someone to do the Friend Review ?
To maintain physical health, we need to have regular checkups with the doctor, who must evaluate our
vital signs: blood pressure, temperature, weight, etc. To maintain our spiritual health, we also need to
regularly check whether the five vital signs of our Christian life are in balance.
Pray: Ask God to sharpen your mind and speak to your heart as you complete the assessment.
Read each sentence carefully and respond to the best of your ability. If you can't answer a
particular question because you don't know the person well enough, just rate it a “3.” Mark those
questions so that when you return the questionnaire, your friend can identify them.
Return the evaluation to your friend and offer to answer any other questions they might have.
Remember that the Spiritual Health Assessment and Spiritual Health Planner measure our spiritual
health at a given moment. They are not a means to compare myself with others, nor a tool to know how
perfect we are. We all know that we will never be perfect as long as we live on this side of eternity.
Rather, this is a tool that will help your friend evaluate their spiritual health and help them develop a
plan that will enable them to balance God's five purposes in their life.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Does not describe Describes describes
Worship: You were planned to please God..................................... partially generally
Total in
Total in
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Total in Evangelism___________
Transfer your results to the Spiritual Health Plan on the inside back cover of this booklet.
At Ministries with Purpose we are constantly developing new resources, as well as study guides specially
designed to deepen and strengthen the five purposes in your small group. We also have leadership tools
and training materials to help your small group leaders. Go to the site www.RecursosdeSaddleback.com )
Resources in Spanish
Learn more about the resources available for purposeful living at Saddleback.com Resources
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Visit www.RecursosdeSaddleback.com R ecursos en Español, to learn more about the resources that can
help you on your spiritual pilgrimage, in order to live a life with purpose. Subscribe to daily readings for
personal devotion and free online Bible reading programs; Learn more about other Purpose Driven
Ministries offerings.
Learn more about the resources available to pastors and churches at Saddleback.com Resources
Pastors and leaders can register at [email protected] to receive the free daily
electronic devotional: Daily Hope by Rick Warren.
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner
Spiritual Health Assessment & Planner