Spiritual Growth Assessment
Spiritual Growth Assessment
Spiritual Growth Assessment
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Seldom - 2
Occasionally - 3
Frequent - 4
Always - 5
1. I practice a regular quiet time and look forward to that time with Christ.
2. When making choices, I seek Christs guidance first.
3. My relationship with Christ is motivated more by love than duty or fear.
4. I experience life change as a result of my worship experiences.
5. When God makes me aware of His specific will in an area of my life, I follow His
6. I believe Christ provides the only way for a relationship with God.
7. My actions demonstrate a desire to build Gods kingdom rather than my own.
8. Peace, contentment, and joy characterize my life rather than worry and anxiety.
9. I trust Christ to help me through any problem or crisis I face.
10. I remain confident of Gods love and provision during difficult times.
Abide in Christ Total
1. I regularly read and study my Bible.
2. I believe the Bible is Gods Word and provides His instructions for life.
3. I evaluate cultural ideas and lifestyles by biblical standards.
4. I can answer questions about life and faith from a biblical perspective.
5. I replace impure or inappropriate thoughts with Gods truth.
6. I demonstrate honesty in my actions and conversation.
7. When the Bible exposes an area of my life needing change, I respond to make
things right.
8. Generally, my public and private self are the same
9. I use the Bible as the guide for the way I think and act.
10. I study the Bible for the purpose of discovering truth for daily living.
Live By Gods Word Total
1. My prayers focus on discovering Gods will more than expressing my needs.
2. I trust God to answer when I pray and wait patiently on His timing.
3. My prayers include thanksgiving, praise, confession, and requests.
4. I expect to grow in my prayer life and intentionally seek help to improve.
5. I spend as much time listening to God as talking to Him.
6. I pray because I am aware of my complete dependence on God for everything in
my life.
7. Regular participation in group prayer characterizes my prayer life.
8. I maintain an attitude of prayer throughout each day.
9. I believe my prayers impact my life and the lives of others.
10. I engage in a daily prayer time.
Pray In Faith Total
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Minister to
Abide in
to the
Build godly
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Pray in Faith
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Pray in Faith
Minister to Others
d. Compare the scores with your personal assessment totals. Ask yourself these
questions and discuss your answers with your accountability partner:
i. Where do the observer scores agree with my personal scores?
ii. Where do the observer scores disagree with my personal scores? If
the observer scores disagree with my scores, do they agree with each
other? If so, could this be a blind spot for me that needs attention?
iii. Review any NO (not observed) responses. Should the people closest
to me be seeing more of these actions? If your answer is yes, consider
addressing this on your Annual Spiritual Growth Action Plan.
3. Complete your Annual Spiritual Growth Action Plan.
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Not observed-NO
1. Peace, contentment, and joy characterize life rather than worry and anxiety.
2. Demonstrates trust in Christ when facing life problems.
3. Participates in church worship experiences.
4. Expresses love for Christ.
5. Engages in a personal quiet time.
Abide in Christ - Total (add lines 1-5)
6. Teaches others biblical truth.
7. Public and private self are the same.
8. Biblical truth guides personal actions.
9. Demonstrates self-control in stressful situations.
10. Talks about biblical standards for life actions.
Live in the Word - Total (add lines 6-10)
11. Engages in a daily prayer time.
12. Talks about Gods answers to personal prayers.
13. Solicits prayer concerns from others.
14. Encourages others to pray.
15. Initiates times of prayer in group settings.
Pray in Faith - Total (add lines 11-15)
16. Admits errors in relationships and seeks forgiveness.
17. Demonstrates humility in relating to others.
18. Seeks unity in relationships rather than creating division.
19. Encourages other instead of criticizing.
20. Gentle and kind in interactions with others.
Fellowship with Believers - Total (add lines 16-20)
21. Participates in evangelistic mission efforts.
22. Makes faith known to neighbors and/or fellow employees.
23. Helps others understand how to effectively share a personal testimony.
24. Shares a personal testimony with non-believers.
25. Prays for non-believers by name.
Witness to the World - Total (add lines 21-25)
26. Treats others needs as important as his/her own.
27. Contributes time to a ministry at church.
28. Demonstrates an attitude of servanthood.
29. Contributes finances to help others in the church and community.
30. Serves others expecting nothing in return.
Minister to Others - Total (add lines 26-30)
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Minister to Others
1. Complete a spiritual gifts inventory. Download a spiritual gifts inventory at
2. Volunteer for a ministry in your church where you can use your spiritual gifts,
interests, and natural abilities.
3. Send encouragement notes to your church staff.
4. Visit one homebound person each week.
5. Look for new baby bows on mailboxes in your neighborhood. Send a note of
congratulations and drop off a gift or meal.
6. Volunteer to baby sit for a single parent in your church to give them a night out
each month.
7. Volunteer to serve meals at a local shelter.
8. Volunteer to tutor students or help in a classroom at a local school.
9. Ask a member of your church staff to help you discover ways to minister to people
on your street. For example, hold a small group meeting in your home quarterly to
discuss topics such as marriage and parenting.
10. Lead a small group study related to ministering to others.
2006 LifeWay Christian Resources. Permission is granted to download, store, print, and distribute this document for its
intended use. Distribution for sale is strictly prohibited.
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