1. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach. How does it differ from traditional file systems? 2. With a neat diagram explain the simplified database system environment. 3. Explain the main advantages of using a DBMS. 4. With a neat diagram explain the three schema architecture of database systems. 5. Explain the component modules of DBMS and their interaction, with the help of a diagram. 6. Explain with a neat diagram the main phases of database design. 7. Explain the types of relationship types with an example. Explain the types of constraints on relationship types with an example. 8. List the summary of the notations for ER diagrams. Include symbols used in ER diagram and their meaning 9. Design an ER diagram for company database taking into account at least 4 entities 10. What is an actor on the scene? And explain the types of actors on the scene. 11. What are workers behind the scene? And explain the types of workers behind the scene Data model and categories 12. What is data independence? Explain the types of data independence. 13. Explain the types of database languages. Explain the types of DBMS interfaces 14. Explain the component modules of DBMS and their interaction, with the help of a diagram. 15. Define the following Database, Data, Database Snapshot, Canned Transaction, DBMS, Database System, DBMS Software, Meta data, Schema Diagram, Schema construct, database state, Intension, Extension, Degree of a Relationship type, Cardinality and Participation, Weak Entity, Entity, Attribute, Relationship, Attribute and different types of attributes, entity type, entity set, primary keys, candidate key, super key, value sets,
MODULE2: Relational Model and Relational Algebra
1. Define the following terms with an example for each Super key, candidate key, tuple, domain, nulls, relational database schema, entity integrity constraint, referential integrity constraints. 2. Explain the characteristics of relation. 3. Discuss the Domain constraints, entity integrity and referential integrity constraints. Why is each considered important. 4. Discuss various types of join operations. Why is theta join required? 5. Explain with an example the violation of the integrity constraint in each of the three types of update operations. 6. Explain the union, intersection, set difference and division operations with an example. 7. Explain the steps involved in ER to relational mapping algorithm with an example. 8. Explain foreign key and its importance. Can a foreign key exist, only for a single table? 9. How can an intersection operator be implemented using union and minus operator? 10. Consider the company Database EMPLOYEE(fname,minit,lname,ssn,bdate,address,sex,salary,super_ssn,dno) DEPARTMENT(dname,dnumber,mgr_ssn,mgr_start_date) DEPART_LOCATIONS(dnumber,dlocation) PROJECT(pname,pnumber,plocation,dnum) WORKS_ON(essn,pno,hours) DEPENDENT(essn,dependent_name,sex,bdate,relationship) Specify the following queries using Relational Algebra. For every project located in Stafford, list the project number, the controlling department number and the department manager’s last name, address and birthdate. (3) Retrieve the birthdate and address of the employees whose name is John B Smith. (1) Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the research department (1) Retrieve the salary of every employee (1) To select the tuples for all employees who either work in department 4 and make over $25,000 per year, or work in department 5 and make over $30,000 (2) Retrieve the name of the manager of each department (2) 11. Consider the following schema: SAILORS(sid,sname,rating,age) BOATS(bid,bname,color) RESERVES(sid,bid,day) Write the queries in relational algebra to: Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats called interlake. (2) Find the sids of sailors with age over 20, who have not reserved a red boat. (2) Find the names of sailors, who have reserved at least two boats. (2) Find all sailors ID of sailors who have rating of 10 or reserved the boat 105. (2) Find sailors whose rating is better than a sailor called “RAJ” (2)
Mitigating Dos Attacks With A Null (Or Blackhole) Route On Linux A Guide On How To Lessen The Damage of A Dos Attack by Using A Null Route in Linux Written by Benjamin Cane On 2013/01/14