Module 1&2 Questions

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1. Discuss the advantages of DBMS over the traditional file system.

2. Discuss the different user friendly interfaces.
3. With a neat diagram explain the three-schema architecture.
4. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from
traditional file systems
5. Discuss different types of End-Users?
6. Define the following terms with an example.
1. Weak Entity type
2. Cardinality ratio
3. Participation constraint
5. Meta data
6. Entity Type
7. With a neat diagram explain the component modules of DBMS and their
8. Write the ER diagram for an employee database. The constraints are as follows:
1. An employee works for a department
2. Every department is headed by a manager
3. An employee works on one or more projects
4. An employee has dependents
5. A department controls the projects
9. Draw an ER – diagram of an Airline reservation system, taking into account at
least five entities. Indicate all keys, constraints and assumptions are made.
10. Draw an ER – diagram of Banking system taking into account at least five
entities, indicate all key constraints and assumptions are made.

1. Outline the steps to convert the basic ER Model to relational Database schema
2. Describe the characteristics of relations.
3. Explain the following Relational model Constraints with example :
1. Domain constraint.
2. Entity Integrity constraint
3. Referential Integrity constraint
4. Explain the following relational algebra operations. Illustrate with an example for
iii. UNION
5. Write the SQL queries for the following relational schema:

Sailors(Sid, Sname, Rating, Age)

Boats(Bid, Bname, color)

Reserve(Sid, Bid, Day)

1. Retrieve the sailor’s name who have reserved all boats.

2. Find the names of sailors who are older than the oldest sailors with a rating
of 10
3. Find the sailors whose rating is better than same sailor called “Ramesh”.
4. Retrieve the sailor’s name who have reserved red and green boat.
5. Retrieve the no: of boats which are not reserved.
6. Retrieve the sailor’s name who have reserved boat number 103.

6. Given the following schema:

Emp (Fname, Lname, SSN, Bdate, address, gender, salary, superSSN, DNO)
Dept (Dname, Dnumber, MgrSSN, mgrstartdate)
Dept_loc (Dnumber, Dloc)
Project (Pname, Pnumber, Ploc, Dnum)
Works_on (ESSN, Pno, Hours)
Dependent (ESSN, dependent_name, gender, bdate, relationship)
Give the relation algebra expression for the following:
1. Retrieve the name of the manager of each department.
2. For each project retrieve the project number, project name and number
of employees who worked on that project.
3. Retrieve the names of employees who work on all the project
controlled by department 5.
4. Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents.
5. Retrieve number of Male and Female employee working in the

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