Effects of Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus Erosus (L) Urb Juice in Hampering Blood Glucose in Rat Models
Effects of Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus Erosus (L) Urb Juice in Hampering Blood Glucose in Rat Models
Effects of Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus Erosus (L) Urb Juice in Hampering Blood Glucose in Rat Models
Background : The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia tends to increase and is predicted to reach
21.3 millions in 2030. Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus (L) Urb. is one of the traditional medicine frequently
used in diabetes treatment.The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of bengkoang juice in
hampering blood glucose increase.
Methods : Fourty alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats were used in this study. After 16 hours of fasting,
the blood glucose was measured using glucometer EasyTouch Blood Glucose/Cholesterol/Uric Acid Multi-
Function Monitoring System. The positive control group was given 7 ml of distilled water and 50% glucose
solution with 2.5 g/kg dosage while the study group were given 7 ml of bengkoang juice and 50% glucose
solution with 2.5 g/kg dosage. Blood glucose was re-checked after 2 hours. This procedure was performed
in October 2012.The results were analyzed using Student’s T-test with α = 0.05.
Results : The result shows a significant difference in blood glucose increase between the control and study
groups with a score of 121.11 mg/dL and 324.45 mg/dL respectively. This result shows that bengkoang
juice increases blood glucose level in Wistar rats.
Conclusions: In conclusion, bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus (L) Urb. juice has no effect in hampering the
blood glucose level increase in Wistar rats. [AMJ.2014;1(1):25–9]
Keywords: Alloxan, blood glucose, diabetes mellitus, Pachyrhizus erosus (L) Urb.
Latar Belakang: Prevalensi diabetes mellitus di Indonesia cenderung meningkat dan diperkirakan mencapai
21,3 juta pada tahun 2030. Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus ( L ) Urb adalah salah satu obat tradisional yang
sering digunakan untuk pengobatan diabetes. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai efektivitas jus
bengkoang dalam menghambat peningkatan glukosa darah.
Metode: Empat puluh tikus Wistar yang telah diinduksi diabetes aloksan digunakan dalam penelitian ini.
Setelah 16 jam puasa, glukosa darah diukur dengan menggunakan glucometer Glukosa Darah EasyTouch /
Kolesterol/Asam Urat Monitoring System Multi- Function. Kelompok kontrol positif diberi 7 ml air suling
dan larutan glukosa 50 % dengan 2,5 g / kg dosis sedangkan kelompok studi diberi 7 ml jus bengkoang dan
larutan glukosa 50 % dengan 2,5 g / kg dosis . Glukosa darah diperiksa kembali setelah 2 jam. Prosedur ini
dilakukan pada hasil Oktober 2012 dianalisis menggunakan T -test Student dengan α = 0,05.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam peningkatan glukosa darah antara
kelompok kontrol dan kelompok studi dengan skor 121.11 mg / dL dan 324,45 mg / dL masing-masing .
Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa jus bengkoang meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah pada tikus Wistar .
Simpulan: Bengkoang ( Pachyrhizus erosus ( L ) Urb jus tidak berpengaruh dalam menghambat kenaikan
kadar glukosa darah pada tikus Wistar .
Kata kunci: Aloksan , glukosa darah , diabetes mellitus , Pachyrhizus erosus ( L ) Urb.
Correspondence: Adrian Dwiputra Widyarman, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung-
Sumedang Km.21, Jatinangor, Sumedang, Indonesia, Phone: +6281298004423, Email: [email protected]
Table 2 Blood Glucose Level Group 2 (Diabetic not given Bengkoang Juice)
Blood Glucose Level (mg/dL)
Fasting 2 Hours post-prandial Increase
560 700 140
167 250 83
325 524 199
515 700 185
295 125 -170
321 414 93
506 700 194
190 566 466
135 125 -10
Mean 334.89 456 121.11
The mean increase of blood glucose level is above, it can be concluded that bengkoang
324.45 mg/dL which is even higher compared juice have no effect in hampering blood glucose
to Group 2 (Table 3). increase in Wistar rats.
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Based on the analysis and discussions