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Lesson 28

W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1
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Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Test Record Form

Possible Criterion Student

Score Score Score

Skills in Context: Fact and Opinion, Target Vocabulary 10 8

Vocabulary: Target Vocabulary, Word Roots 10 8

Comprehension: Fact and Opinion, Selection Test 10 8

Phonics: Words with ough, augh 10 8

Language Arts: Commas in Sentences 10 8

TOTAL 50 40

Total Student Score × 2 = %

'/ /.

Test Record Form 7 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 2
Name Date

Becoming Anything
Fact and Opinion, He Wants to Be
Skills in Context

Target Vocabulary
Read the selection. Then read each question that follows that selection. Decide
which is the best answer to each question. Mark the space for the answer you
have chosen.

Applewood Community Center Is

Searching for Talent
1 Can you tell jokes or dance? Can you sing pretty
melodies? Can you juggle or do back flips? Whatever your
talent is, Applewood Community Center wants you to
show it off! This year’s talent show will be held on April
16, at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The show is open to
performers of all ages and backgrounds. Community
Center president Carol Lopez explains, “We’re inviting
everyone to take part in this exciting show. It doesn’t
matter if you are an old pro or if you’ve never held a
microphone. This is a night for everyone’s star to shine!”
2 This is the third talent show the center has hosted.
Every year the show gets better and better. Last year’s
show included a band of jazz musicians, a cowboy who
performed rope tricks, and a talking parrot. The first
place trophy went to a family of jugglers that included
Mom, Dad, three kids, and a dog. The evening’s funniest
moment came when the dog stole a ball and ran off stage.
“Some of the best parts of the show are unplanned,” says
Lopez with a laugh.
'/ /.

Skills in Context 8 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 8 6/29/09 3:14:09 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 3
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Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Skills in Context

3 There are prizes for first, second, and third place. Five
judges choose the winners. Each judge will give three
scores to each act. One score is for the level of talent
shown by the performers. Are they good at what they do?
The second score is for originality. Does the act show us
something different and new? The third score is for the
entertainment value. How entertaining and interesting
is the act? At the end of the talent show, the scores for
each act are added up. The act with the highest score
wins first place.
4 Applewood mayor Ron Ramirez served as a judge at
the talent show last year. “It was lots of fun,” remembers
Ramirez. “However, it was also very hard to give fair
scores. I wanted to give everyone a ten!”
5 This year’s judges will have a difficult task ahead of
them. Several amazing acts have already signed up.
They include a magician, a dog that does tricks, and a
trampoline artist. Several music students from the high
school orchestra will also perform. This is the perfect
place for them to display their skills.
6 There are some terrific prizes for performers this year.
The first-place winners will get a gift card from Terry’s
Toy and Hobby Shop. They will also be treated to dinner for
four at the China Palace Restaurant. Second- and third-
place winners will get gift cards from Megafoods Grocery
Store and from Sandy’s Sandwiches. All performers will
get an Applewood Talent Show T-shirt.
'/ /.

Skills in Context 9 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 9 6/29/09 3:14:06 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 4
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Skills in Context

7 Come be a part of this thrilling night! Sign up at

the Applewood Community Center or call for more
information. “A special talent is like a gift,” says Lopez.
“This show is a chance to share those gifts with others.”

'/ /.

Skills in Context 10 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 5
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Skills in Context

1 Why does the author begin the 3 Read this sentence from the
article with questions? article.
To list the things people The show is open to performers
must be able to do to of all ages and backgrounds.
enter the show
To tell readers which acts This sentence is a fact because
are most likely to win a it —
prize in the show can be checked
To encourage readers to tells how the author feels
think about what they uses the author’s own
could do in the show words
To inform readers what states something everyone
other performers are knows
going to do in the show
4 What does the word band
2 What does the word melodies mean in paragraph 2?
mean in paragraph 1? Group
Words Instrument
Pictures Audience
Voices Talent

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Skills in Context 11 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 6
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Skills in Context

5 Why does the author give 7 Which sentence from

information about the family paragraph 6 is an opinion?
of jugglers? There are some terrific
To advise performers to prizes for performers this
plan their acts carefully year.
To advise performers to The first-place winners
include dogs in their acts will get a gift card from
To show readers how Terry’s Toy and Hobby
entertaining last year’s Shop.
show was Second- and third-place
To show readers that winners will get gift cards
people of all ages can from Megafoods Grocery
learn to juggle Store and from Sandy’s
All performers will get an
6 What is the main idea of
Applewood Talent Show
paragraph 3?
The judges will decide
how entertaining each
performer is.
The scores for each
performer will be added
up at the end of the show.
There is a first-place
prize, a second-place prize,
and a third-place prize.
Performers will be judged
on talent, originality, and
entertainment value.
'/ /.

Skills in Context 12 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 12 6/29/09 3:13:56 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 7
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Skills in Context

8 Which sentence from the 10 Which sentence from the

article includes an opinion? article is a fact?
This year’s talent show The evening’s funniest
will be held on April moment came when the
16 at 7:00 p.m. in the dog stole a ball and ran
auditorium. off stage.
This is the third talent Applewood mayor Ron
show the center has Ramirez served as a judge
hosted. at the talent show last
“Some of the best parts of year.
the show are unplanned,” This year’s judges will
says Lopez with a laugh. have a difficult task ahead
At the end of the talent of them.
show, the scores for each This is the perfect place
act are added up. for them to display their
9 Which sentence from the
article states a fact?
Every year the show gets
better and better.
The third score is for the
entertainment value.
“However, it was also very
hard to give fair scores.”
Several amazing acts have
already signed up.


Skills in Context 13 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 8
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Becoming Anything
Target Vocabulary, He Wants to Be

Word Roots
Use what you know about the target vocabulary and word roots to answer
questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 What does the word slopes 3 What does the word

mean in the sentence below? educational mean in the
The family went skiing on the sentence below?
mountain slopes? We learned a lot about deserts
from the movie, which was
Clouds very educational.
Hillsides Peaceful
Forests Hardworking
Causing laughter
Providing information
2 What does the word landscape
mean in the sentence below?
The artist included trees, 4 What does the word steep
flowers, and a pond in her mean in the sentence below?
painting of the landscape. The boys could not climb the
cliff because it was too steep.
Scenery Hard to see
Vegetable At a sharp angle
Apartment Covered with rocks
Impossible to reach

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Vocabulary 14 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 14 6/29/09 3:13:51 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 9
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be

5 What does the word peak 7 What does the word

mean in the sentence below? automobile mean in the
The climbers planted a flag sentence below?
when they reached Everest’s We drove our automobile down
peak. the highway.

Size A car that moves by itself

Top An animal that pulls a
Snow wagon
Guide A tool used for making
A building with many
6 What does the word telephone stories
mean in the sentence below?
Pavel talked to his cousin on
8 What does the word paragraph
the telephone.
mean in the sentence below?
Something that makes Miguel’s paragraph was about
sounds by itself his trip to the zoo.
Something that plays
Something said
sounds over a speaker
Something drawn
Something that carries
Something moved
sound over a distance
Something written
Something that makes a
recording of sounds

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Vocabulary 15 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 15 6/29/09 3:13:48 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 0
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be

9 What does the word television 10 What does the word telescope
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
My family likes to watch We could see Mars through
television at night. the telescope.

A device that is used to A tool used for seeing

reach things up high things that are very small
A device that shows A tool used for seeing
pictures over a distance things that are under
A device that sends a water
written message through A tool used for seeing
wires things that are certain
A device that is used colors
to find metal objects A tool used for seeing
underground things that are very far


Vocabulary 16 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 1
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Becoming Anything
Fact and Opinion, He Wants to Be

Selection Test
Think back to the selection “Becoming Anything He Wants to Be” to answer
questions 1-10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 Which idea from the article 3 Which event probably first

states an opinion? showed Erik that his inability
Erik was angry about to see would not stop him from
losing his sight. doing things?
Erik was born with a rare Making it to the top of
eye disease. Mount Everest
Erik was without sight by Becoming captain of the
the time he was 13 years wrestling team
old. Failing math his first
Erik was the first person year in high school
who could not see to Writing a book that was
reach the peak of Mount made into a movie

4 Which word in the sentence

2 Which sentence from the below shows that it states an
article states an opinion? opinion?
It wasn’t always easy. He loved the feel of the wind
Then Erik started and the rock under his hands.
The partner had forgotten He
his helmet light. loved
He led the climb back rock
down to safety. hands

'/ /.

Comprehension 17 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 17 6/29/09 3:13:42 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 2
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Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be

5 Which mountain is found in 7 Under which heading can the

Australia? reader find information about
Mount Elbrus other things that Erik has
Mount McKinley accomplished?
Mount Aconcagua A Hard Beginning
Mount Kosciuszko The Thrill of the Climb
Climbing the Seven
6 Read this fact from the article.
Not Just a World-Class
The Seven Summits are the Climber
highest mountains on each of
the seven continents.
8 What is the goal of the group
This sentence is a fact called No Barriers?
because — To teach school children
it was written by the how to build barriers
author To help people with
you can find the same disabilities overcome
information in reference barriers
books To raise money through
you can ask friends if races and other sporting
they have climbed any events
mountains To encourage people who
everyone knows which cannot see to become
mountains are the mountain climbers
highest in the world

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Comprehension 18 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 18 6/29/09 3:13:36 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 3
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be

9 Which statement expresses 10 The author wrote this

the author’s opinion? selection to —
Erik is a great athlete. persuade the reader to
Erik has made an take up sports
adventure movie. explain what the Seven
Erik competes in tandem Summits are
bicycle races. tell how learning Braille
Erik proved he could lead helped one man
other climbers. give information about
Erik Weihenmayer

Mark Student Reading Level: 34/0

____ Independent ____ Instructional ____ Listening

Comprehension 19 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 4
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Becoming Anything
Words with ough, augh He Wants to Be

Use what you know about words with ough and augh to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 Which word rhymes with the 4 Which word has the same
word laugh? sound as the uff in the word
Staff muffin?
Snow Caught
Stuff Fought
Slaw Tough
2 Which word rhymes with the
word rough? 5 Which word has the same
Crow sound as the augh in the word
Puff daughter?
Too Jaw
Proof Jay
3 Which word rhymes with the
word enough?
Hoof 6 Which word has the same
New sound as the ough in the word
Know bought?
Fluff Low
'/ /.

Phonics 20 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 5
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be

7 Which word has the same 9 Which word has the same
sound as the ough in the word sound as the ough in the word
thought? ought?
So How
Soup Hook
Sow Hawk
Saw Huff

8 Which word has the same 10 Which word has the same
sound as the augh in the word sound as the augh in the word
naughty? taught?
Drew Load
Draw Law
Draft Left
Down Lay


Phonics 21 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 6
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Becoming Anything
Commas in Sentences He Wants to Be
Language Arts

Use what you know about commas to answer questions 1-10. Mark the space for
the best answer to each question.

1 Which sentence uses commas 3 Which sentence uses commas

correctly? correctly?
Yes, Lori is coming to the Our state flag, is red
concert. white and blue.
Yes Lori is coming, to the Our state flag is red
concert. white, and blue.
Yes Lori is, coming to the Our state flag is red,
concert. white, and blue.
Yes, Lori, is coming to the Our state flag, is red,
concert. white, and blue.

2 Which sentence uses commas 4 Which sentence uses commas

correctly? correctly?
Mr. Anders Mrs. Sanchez Next everyone will eat
and my grandma, cleaned lunch, in the park.
up the park. Next everyone will eat,
Mr. Anders, Mrs. Sanchez, lunch in the park.
and my grandma cleaned Next everyone, will eat
up the park. lunch in the park.
Mr. Anders, Mrs. Sanchez, Next, everyone will eat
and my grandma, cleaned lunch in the park.
up the park.
Mr. Anders, Mrs. Sanchez,
and, my grandma, cleaned
up the park. '/ /.

Language Arts 22 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 22 7/8/09 9:54:19 PM

Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 7
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Language Arts

5 Which sentence uses commas 7 Which sentence uses commas

correctly? correctly?
There are sheep chickens The store is open on,
and pigs, on the farm. Mondays Tuesdays and
There are sheep chickens, Wednesdays.
and pigs on the farm. The store is open on
There are sheep, chickens, Mondays Tuesdays, and
and pigs on the farm. Wednesdays.
There are sheep, chickens, The store, is open on
and pigs, on the farm. Mondays Tuesdays and
The store is open on
6 Which sentence uses commas
Mondays, Tuesdays, and
No I do not have time to
wash the car.
No, I do not have time to 8 Which sentence uses commas
wash the car. correctly?
No, I, do not have time to Dad, washes the pants
wash the car. shirts and socks.
No I, do not have time to Dad, washes the pants
wash, the car. shirts, and socks.
Dad washes the pants,
shirts, and socks.
Dad washes the pants,
shirts, and, socks.

'/ /.

Language Arts 23 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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Lesson 28
W E E K LY T E S T S 2 8 . 1 8
Name Date

Becoming Anything
He Wants to Be
Language Arts

9 Which sentence uses commas 10 Which sentence uses commas

correctly? correctly?
The farmer planted peas, Well it is, time for us to
carrots, and green beans. leave.
The farmer planted peas, Well, it is time for us to
carrots, and green, beans. leave.
The farmer, planted, peas Well it is time, for us to
carrots, and green beans. leave.
The farmer planted, peas, Well, it is time, for us to
carrots, and green, beans. leave.


Language Arts 24 Grade 3, Unit 6: Make Your Mark

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3_246239RTXEAN_U6W3.indd 24 6/29/09 3:13:18 PM

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