Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
W E E K LY T E S T S 9 . 1
Name Date
Kamishibai Man
Test Record Form
TOTAL 40 32
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Kamishibai Man
Target Vocabulary, Vocabulary
Dictionary/Glossary Entry
Use what you know about the target vocabulary and dictionary and glossary entries
to answer questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
1 What does the word rude 4 What does the word vacant
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
It is rude to speak too loud. We play in the vacant field.
Kamishibai Man
Kamishibai Man
Cause and Effect, Comprehension
Selection Test
Think back to the selection “Kamishibai Man” to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
1 Where does this story take 3 The truck driver honks his
place? horn at Jiichan —
India to say hello to Jiichan
China to make Jiichan move out
Japan of the way
America to tell other cars to make
room for Jiichan
to let Jiichan know that
2 What happens when Jiichan
he remembers him
comes to the city?
He does not know where
he is. 4 Why were the trees in the
He cannot remember his park chopped down?
stories. To make a new bridge
He sees the old bridge has into town
fallen down. To make roads for the
He hurts himself by cars and trucks
falling off his bicycle. To make a place for the
storyteller to stand
To make room for the
shops and restaurants
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Kamishibai Man
5 Why does Jiichan clap two 7 Why did Jiichan stop telling
wooden blocks together? stories so many years ago?
To keep time with a song Nobody wanted to eat
To warn people to stay his candies.
away The city became noisy and
To show he is angry that crowded.
the trees are gone He wanted to watch
To tell the children he is television instead.
there to tell stories The children stopped
coming to see him.
6 What happened when the poor
boy was the only child to come 8 What happened to the poor
to the park? boy that ran away?
Jiichan told the boy to He grew up.
go home. He became a storyteller.
Jiichan gave the boy He was never seen again.
some candy. He came back for more
Jiichan told the boy’s candy.
favorite story.
Jiichan watched television
at the boy’s house.
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Kamishibai Man
Kamishibai Man
Vowel Diphthongs ow, ou Phonics
Use what you know about vowel diphthings ow and ou to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
1 Which word has the same 4 Which word has the same
sound as the underlined part sound as the underlined part
of the word allowed? of the word crown?
Scowl Glow
Low Mouse
Fool Show
Boat Broke
2 Which word has the same 5 Which word has the same
sound as the underlined part sound as the underlined part
of the word flower? of the word about?
Crow Bought
Down Coat
Scoop Now
Home Woke
3 Which word has the same 6 Which word has the same
sound as the underlined part sound as the underlined part
of the word thousand? of the word pounding?
Should Rough
Soup Know
Toe Look
Frown Bounce
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Kamishibai Man
7 Which word has the same 9 Which word has the same
sound as the underlined part sound as the underlined part
of the word shouting? of the word around?
Could Would
Growl Snow
Own Found
Good Soap
8 Which word has the same 10 Which word has the same
sound as the underlined part sound as the underlined part
of the word town? of the word somehow?
About Shout
Brought Thought
Slow Blow
Road Hook
Kamishibai Man
Simple Subjects and Language Arts
Simple Predicates
Use what you know about subjects and predicates to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
race Five
will sailors
start sang
minutes song
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Kamishibai Man
Language Arts
gentle Long
breeze ago
blew buffalo
leaves grazed
Aubrey art
poured class
water learned
barrel use
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Kamishibai Man
Language Arts