Polytechnic Electrical Engineering Second Year Syllabus SESSION 2013-14 Detailed Syllabus Semester Iii

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SESSION 2013-14




Basic electronics has the close relation with electrical engg. and at present the knowledge of
basic electronics engg. is extensively used in all branches of engg. so for a diploma holder in
electrical engg., it has become essential to have adequate knowledge of electronic devices. The
course covered in this subject provides sufficient knowledge of semiconductor devices as well as
P-N junction, rectifiers, bipolar junction transistor, RC coupled amplifier, special devices,
feedback amplifier and oscillator. Basic digital electronic is the requirement of modern
computer, microprocessor and digital communication system. On the account of reliability and
accuracy digital electronic system are replacing conventional analog systems. A diploma holder
having knowledge of digital system will be useful to the industries.


Unit I

Semi Conductor Diode: Basic Introduction of P-N junction diode, Semiconductor diode as half
wave rectifier, Semiconductor diode as full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Overall comparison
between half wave and other full wave rectifiers, Peak inverse voltage (PIV), Use of filter circuit
in rectifiers, L filter, C filter, LC section filter, Section filter, , Construction, operation,
equivalent circuit and characteristics of JFET, MOSFET, CMOS, Semiconductor photo devices
such as LED, LDR, photo transistor, Varactor diode, Analog & Digital signals and its
representation, Advantages of digital techniques

Unit II
Bi-Polar Junction Transistor: Concept of transistor, Types of transistor and their working in
forward and reverse bias, Constants of transistor ( ), Analysis of transistor amplifier, load
line, Operating point and biasing, Input - output characteristics in CB, CC and CE configuration,
Low frequency small signal hybrid equivalent circuit of transistor, Derivation of voltage, current
and power gain, input and output impedance of CE configuration.

Unit III

R-C Coupled and Power Amplifier: Gain at low, mid and high frequency range, cut off
frequencies, Concept of power amplifiers, Types of power amplifier, Class A power amplifier,
output power analysis, Push-pull amplifier, Class - B power amplifier.

Unit IV

Feed Back and Oscillators : Basic concept of feedback and types of feedback, Advantages and
disadvantages of negative feedback for gain, stability, frequency and nonlinear distortion,
Voltage series, shunt and current series and shunt feed back circuit, Use of positive feedback for
oscillators, Barkhausen criteria, Principles of RC phase shift, Wein bridge oscillator.

Unit V

Boolean Algebra And Logic Gate: Basic laws of Boolean algebra, Proof by perfect induction,
De’Morgen’s theorem and its applications, Simplification of expression by Boolean algebra, K-
Map, Realization of simplified expression by logic gates, Introduction, Symbol and truth table of
NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR gates, Universal gates and realization of other
gates, Positive, negative logic.

Unit VI

Combinational And Sequential Circuits: Binary half and full adder, Binary half and full
subtractor, Binary serial, parallel and BCD adder, Parity bit generator and checker, Binary
comparator, Basic idea of multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder and decoder, Introduction to R-
S,D,J-K,T, M/s J-K and their truth table, Concept of edge and level triggering, Asynchronous
and synchronous counters – up, down and up-down, Mode counter – Mod - 3, Mod - 5, decade
counter, Ring counter, Johnson counter, Left, right and bi-direction shift register, Series and
parallel shift register, Use of shift register for binary multiplication and division.

Reference Books:

1. Electrical Engineering (Hindi & English) K.D.Sharma

2. Electrical Technology(Vol. –I) B.L.Theraja
3. Electrical Engineering Part-I D.R.Nagpal
4. Electrical Technology J.B.Gupta
5. Basic Electrical Engg. Nagrath & Kothari
6. Electrical Engineering Materials Raina, Bhattacharya
7. Electrical Engg. Materials B.R. Sharma
8. Electrical Engg. Materials P.L. Kapoor




A Diploma holder in electrical engineering is expected to be well conversant with the basics of
D.C. circuits, A.C. circuits, capacitive and inductive circuits. This subject covers the basic
principles, which are required for a thorough understanding of electrical Technology. In addition,
he may be required to procure, inspect& test Electrical Engineering materials. Knowledge of
properties of various types of materials is required in order to execute the above mentioned
functions. He may also have to decide for an alternative when a particular material is either not
readily available in the market or its cost becomes prohibitive.


Unit I

Circuit Theory: Resistance, specific resistance, Ohm's law, Resistance in series, parallel and
series parallel circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, Application of Kirchhoff's laws, Alternating quantity
and its equation, Maximum, Average and RMS values., Form factor, Behaviour of R, L and C in
A.C. circuits with phasor diagrams, A.C. through R-L circuit, power factor, active and reactive
component of current, power, Q-factor of a coil, A.C. through R-C circuit, dielectric loss and
power factor of a capacitors, Solving series R-L-C circuits, Solving A.C. parallel circuit by
phasor diagram and phasor algebra, Solving A.C. series and parallel circuits, Magnetic Circuits
Introduction, Comparison between magnetic circuit and electric circuits, Behavior of magnetic
circuits, Composite magnetic circuits, Parallel magnetic circuits, B-H curve, Rise of current in
inductive circuit, Decay of current in inductive circuit

Unit II

Capacitance: Capacitor, Capacitance of an isolated sphere, Parallel plate capacitor, Special

cases of parallel plate capacitor, Cylindrical capacitor, Capacitor in series and parallel, Capacitor
with compound dielectric, Energy stored in capacitor, Charging and discharging of a capacitor,
time constant, Different types of capacitor used in various electrical applications.
Polyphase System: Need and advantage of 3-phase system, Generation of 3-phase voltage,
Phase sequence, Star-Delta connections, Phase and Line relations of voltage and current in star -
delta connections (for balanced load), Expression of power in 3-phase circuits (for balanced
Unit III

Battery : Types of storage batteries, Construction and working of Lead acid batteries, Ni-Fe
batteries and Lithium ion batteries, Discharging and recharging of Lead acid batteries, Ampere
and watt-hour efficiencies.

Unit IV

Classification of Electrical Engineering Materials: General requirement of electrical

engineering materials, Classification of materials into conducting, semi-conducting and
insulating materials through a brief reference to atomic structure, Resistivity, Factors affecting
resistivity such as Temperature, Alloying, Aging effect, General Properties of following
materials, Low Resistivity Materials, High resistivity materials, Bruch materials, Contact
materials, Insulating Materials: Electrical properties, Volume resistivity, Surface resistance,
Dielectric strength, Dielectric constant, Physical, Thermal, Chemical properties, Classification of
insulating materials on the basis of temperature limit, Composition, properties and applications
of - Fibrous materials, Ceramics, Mica and mica products, Asbestos and asbestos products, Glass
and glass products, Natural and synthetic rubber, PVC, Bakelite, Properties of liquid insulating
materials such as - Transformer oils, Mineral insulating oils, Properties of gaseous insulating
materials such as- Hydrogen, Air, SF6

Unit V

Magnetic Materials and Special Purpose Material: Terminology and classification,

Diamagnetic material, Paramagnetic material, Ferromagnetic material, Effect of Curie
temperature, Soft and hard magnetic materials, Different magnetic materials such as- Soft
ferrites, Silicon steel, Nickel Iron alloys, Cobalt steel, Tungsten, steel, ALNICO, ALNI, Metals/
alloys for fuses with their properties composition & uses, Composition and properties of
soldering materials, Materials for thermocouple, Materials for bimetal, Super conductivity and
super conducting materials application and recent trend in this field.

Reference Books:

1. Electronic Principles V.K.Mehta

2. Electronics Devices & Circuits Sanjeev Gupta
3. Integrated Electronics Millman & Halkias (TMH)
4. Digital Principles & Application Malvino Leach
5. Digital Electronics T.C. Bartee
6. Modern Digital Electronics R.P.Jain


A Diploma holder in electrical engineering absorbed in State electricity boards & industries has
to deal with the different types of water turbines, pumps, steam engine & boilers, therefore the
basic construction/working of types of steam & water prime movers becomes essential. This
subject fulfills the above need.


Unit I

Basic Concept of Thermal Engineering: Energy, Internal energy, Potential energy, Kinetic
energy, Heat, Work and enthalpy, Specific heat, Specific heat ratio Characteristics gas equation,
Universal gas constant Electrical Engineering, First law of thermodynamics and Second law of

Unit II

Hydraulics: Physical properties of a fluid, Density, Specific volume, Specific weight, Specific
gravity, Viscosity, Pascal's law, Pressure Measuring Devices, Manometers, Simple manometers,
Differential manometer, Inverted 'U' tube, Pressure gauges, Continuity equation, Bernoulli's
Theorem-Energy of a fluid, Pressure energy, Velocity energy, Datum energy, Venturimeter & its

Unit III

Pumps and Turbine: Types of pumps, Centrifugal pump, Reciprocating pump, Their relative
advantages and performance, Working principles and types of water turbines, Selection of
turbines, Brief idea of turbine, Pelton wheel turbine, Francis turbine.

Unit IV

Properties of Steam: Generation of steam at constant pressure, Enthalpy of water wet steam,
Enthalpy of dry saturated stem, Dryness fraction, Superheated steam, Latent enthalpy, Enthalpy
of steam, Specific volume, External work during evaporation, Internal content enthalpy, Internal
energy of steam, Use of steam table, Simple numerical problems, Boilers-Classification of boiler,
Working of common boilers, Babcock and Wilcox, Chichram boiler, Boiler mounting and their
accessories, Introduction to modern high pressure boiler for thermal power station (Lamont
boiler, weffler boiler, Benson boiler and Velox boiler), Steam Turbines Introduction, Types of
steam turbine, working principle of steam turbine, Uses and advantages of steam turbine.

Unit V
I.C. Engines: I.C. engine cycle ( Otto , diesel), Working principle of -Two stroke petrol and
diesel , Four stroke petrol and diesel.

Unit VI

Transmission and Lubrication: Belt drive, Rope drive, velocity ratio, Tension ratio, Effect of
centrifugal tension, Application of these drives, Object of lubrication, Different methods of
lubrication, Properties of lubricants.

Reference Books:

1. Thermodynamics & Heat Power Engg. Mathur & Mehta

2. Thermal Engg. P.L. Ballaney
3. Hydraulics & Hyd. Machines Khurmi
4. Strength of Materials G.C.Singh
5. Heat Engines Pande & Shah



A diploma holder in electrical engineering where ever placed on job, has to select a suitable
measuring instrument for measuring electrical quantities, so he/she should have adequate
knowledge of construction, working, application, specification and errors of different measuring
instruments. This subject covers most commonly used electrical instruments and measuring
processes for above need. The course also aims at imparting the basic concept of
instrumentation. After studying this course the students will be capable of implementation of
these principles in process industries as well as engg. industries. Students shall be in a position to
upkeep and maintain instruments and control systems.


Unit I

Introduction to Measuring Instruments: Classification of M.I.- Absolute & Secondary

Instruments, Analog & Digital Instruments, Different Principles used in M.I., Sensitivity,
Accuracy and precision, Types of errors, Deflecting, controlling and damping torque, Different
Measuring Instruments, PMMC, moving iron and rectifier type ammeters and voltmeters,
Electrostatic voltmeter, Dynamometer type ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter, Induction type
wattmeter & energy meter, Blondels theorem and measurement of power by two wattmeter
method in 3-Phase circuits, Testing of single phase induction type energy meter by direct and
phantom loading, Adjustments of single phase induction type energy meter, Brief study of static
energy meter (single and 3 phase), Range extension using shunts and series multipliers, CRO,
Electronic voltmeter

Unit II

Measurement of Resistance: Classification of resistance, Measurement of low resistance by

Kelvin's double bridge, Measurement of medium resistance by Ammeter and Voltmeter,
Whetstone's bridge, Substitution methods, Measurement of high resistance and insulation
resistance, Megger, Earth tester and Ohmmeter, Potentiometers-Types of A.C. and D.C.
potentiometers, Construction, Standardisation, Applications

Unit III

A.C. Bridges: General equation for bridge balance, Maxwell's inductance bridge, Maxwell's
inductance -Capacitance Bridge, Anderson's bridge, Schering Bridge, Wien's bridge for
frequency measurements

Unit IV

Instrumentation System: Introduction to measurement system, Generalised block diagram

representation of instrumentation system, Brief description of components of instrumentation
system, Instrument Transformers-Definition of terms related to instrument transformers, Current
Transformer (CT), Potential Transformer (PT), Difference between CT and PT, Application of
CT and PT

Unit V

Transducers: Classification of transducer- Primary transducers, Secondary transducer, Active

transducer, Passive transducer, Analog transducer, Digital transducer, Construction, principle of
operation and application of the following transducers: Potentiometer, L V D T and R V D T,
Resistance strain gauge, Gauge factor, Gauge materials, Temperature compensation,
Thermocouple, Thermister, R T D, Photo cell, Piezo Electric, Capactive, Measurement of
Following Physical Parameter Using Suitable Transducers-Linear displacement, Angular
displacement, Strain, Stress and force, Velocity and Speed, Temperature, Pressure, pH value,
Flow measurement

Reference Books:

1. Electrical Measurement & Instruments J.B.Gupta

2. Electrical Measurement E.W.Golding
3. Electrical Measurement D.R.Nagpal
4. Electrical and Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation A.K.Sawhney.
5. Instrumentation and System Rangan & Sharma


Now a day the use of computer is very wide so for a diploma holder the knowledge of computer
is essentials. As the microprocessor is heart of computer, the knowledge of it is necessary. This
subject provides the brief idea of microprocessor. 'C' is computer programming language and
also structured programming language. In 'C' programming language we consider various syntax
used in programming. By having good knowledge of 'C', students can write modular application
and system programs. 'C' can be used in the engineering applications. By acquiring a sound
knowledge of 'C' students will be able to understand the concept of all the application areas. This
course is specially designed for engineering students of all diploma streams.


Unit I

Introduction: Evolution of microprocessor, Digital computer, Organisation of computer,

Definition of- Instruction, Program, Machine language, Assembly language, High level
language, Compiler and Assembler

Unit II

Microprocessors Architecture (Intel 8085): Functional block diagram, Pin-Out diagram with
description, Buses- Address bus, Data bus, Control bus, Registers, Arithmetic and logic unit,
Timing and control unit, Types of instructions and classification into groups, Types of
addressing modes, Status flags

Unit III

Programming and Application of Microprocessor: Some examples of assembly language

programme, Introduction to circuits (block diagram only) used in electrical application, ADC,
DAC, Analog Multiplexer, Sample and Hold, Programmable peripheral interface (PPI),
Measurement of Electrical Quantities : Frequency measurement Phase angle and power factor
measurement, Voltage and current measurement, Power and energy measurement, Measurement
of Physical Quantities : Temperature measurement, Deflection measurement, Water level
indicator, Angular speed, Traffic Control.

Unit IV

Introduction of ‘C’ Language: Scope of ‘C’ Language, Distinction and similarities with other
HLLs, Special features and Application areas, Elements of ‘C’, Character set, Key words, Data
types, Constants and Variables, Operators: unary, binary, ternary, Operator precedence, Console
Input-Output- Types of I-O, Console I-O, Unformatted console I-O: getchar(), putchar(), gets(),
puts(), getch(), getche(), Formatted I-O: scanf(), printf()

Unit V

Arrays, Function and Pointers: Basic concepts, Memory representation, One dimensional
array, Two dimensional array, Functions-Basic concepts, Declaration and prototypes, Calling,
Arguments, Scope rules, Recursion, Storage classes types, Library of functions, math, string,
system, Basic concepts, &, * operator, Pointer expression: assignment, arithmetic, comparison,
Dynamic memory allocation, Pointer v/s Arrays

Unit VI

Structure and Enumerated Data Types: Basic concepts, Declaration and memory map,
Elements of structures, Enumerated data types: typed ef, enum, Union, Control Flow- Statements
and blocks, if, switch, Loops-for, while, do-while, goto and labels, break, continue, exit, Nesting
control statements

Reference Books:

1. Microprocessor & Micro Computer B. Ram

2. Microprocessor, Architecture Programming & Applications Ramesh & Gaonkar
3. An Introduction to Microprocessors A.P. Mathur
1. 'C' Programming Stephen Kochan
2. Programming with 'C' Schaum's Series
3. 'C' Programming V.Balguru Swami
4. 'C' Programming Kernighan & Ritchie
5. Let us 'C' Yashwant Kanetkar



This subject will introduce the students about how to set up a small-scale industry. The subject
includes the procedure for how to select, proceed and start the SSI, which also involves a
concrete market survey report and project formulation. To achieve the target and goals in an
organisation it is essential to co-ordinate the entire system. For this purpose the knowledge of
principles of management, human resources development, material management and financial
management is required.


Unit I
Entrepreneurship: Role of entrepreneurship and its advantage, Classification of industries
(based on scale), Classification of industries (based on type), New industrial policy, M.R.T.P.
act, Product identification/ selection, Site selection, Plant layout, Institutional support needed,
Pre-market survey

Unit II

Entrepreneurship Support System: Role of District Industries Centre in setting up industry,

Function of NSIC, SISI, NISIET, NRDC, SSIC, SIDO, NMTC, KVIC, RSMDC, Role of state
finance corporation, state electricity board, pollution control board, RAJCON, BIS, I.S.O. etc.

Unit III

Principles of Management: Management, administration and organisation, difference between

them, Scientific management: Meaning, characteristics, object and advantage: Taylor's scientific
management – Fayol’s principles of management, functions of management, Types of
Raw Material Management: Allotment of iron and steel, coke/ coal, Allotment of other
indigenous raw material from NSIC, Allotment of imported raw material and parts

Unit IV

Marketing Facilities: Supply of product to state govt, to defence, to railways, to CSPO, to CSD,
Participation in international exhibition and fairs, trade centres, state emporium and departmental
stores, Quality consciousness and its effect on product sales
Marketing Management: Concept of Marketing, Problems of Marketing, Pricing policy,
Distribution channels and methods of marketing

Unit V

Setting up SSI: Registration of SSI, Allotment of land by RIICO, Preparation of project report,
Structure of organization, Building construction, Establishment of machines
Financial Sources for SSI: Various institutions providing loans for industries, various types of
loans, Subsidies

Reference Books:

1. Hand Book of Small Scale Industry P.M. Bhandari

2. Hand Book on Entrepreneurship Development O.P. Harkut
3. Entrepreneurial Development S.S. Khanka
4. Statistical Quality Control Mahohar Mahajan
5. ISO: 9000 Quality System S. Dalela
6. Industrial Management V.K. Sharma & O.P. Harkut
7. Industrial Engg. & Management O.P. Khanana
8. Industrial Engg. & Management T.R. Banga

1. Measurement of armature winding and series field winding resistance of a D.C. machine by
ammeter-voltmeter method.
2. Measurement of shunt field winding resistance of a D.C. machine by ammeter- voltmeter
3. Verification of Kirchhoff's laws in D.C. circuits.
4. Verification of Kirchhoff's laws in A.C. circuits.
5. Determination of B-H curve of a D.C. machine.
6. Measurement of power and power factor of single phase R-L-C series circuit.
7. Determination of R and L of a choke coil using 3-voltmeter and an ammeter.
8. Determination of R and C of a capacitor using 3-ammeter and a voltmeter.
9. Measurement of phase and line voltage and current in Star and Delta connection.
10. Measurement of power in 3-phase circuit (for balanced load).



1. Plot V-I characteristics of P-N semiconductor diode in forward and reverse bias.
2. Plot the V-I characteristics of a Zenner diode and design a voltage regulator using zener diode.
3. Observe the wave form for HWR and calculate ripple factor.
4. Observe the wave form for FWR and calculate ripple factor.
5. Observe the wave form for bridge rectifier and calculate ripple factor.
6. Observe the wave form for capacitor filter and find the effect of value of capacitor on ripple
7. Plot input output characteristics of P-N-P transistor in CB configuration.
8. Plot input output characteristics of P-N-P transistor in CE configuration.
9. Plot V-I characteristics of N-P-N transistor in CB configuration.
10. Plot V-I characteristics of N-P-N transistor in CE configuration.
11. Verify the truth table of NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR gates.
12. Design a NOT, AND, OR , EX-OR, EX-NOR gates using universal gates.
13. Design a binary half and full adder.
14. Design a binary half and full subtractor.
15. Verify the truth table of R-S, J-K, D,T, flip flops.

1. Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem.

2. Determination of coefficient of venturimeter.
3. Study of reciprocating pump and centrifugal pumps.
4. Testing of centrifugal pump for discharge & heads.
5. Study of Pelton wheel & Francis turbines.
6. Study of boiler available, its mountings & accessories.
7. Study of steam turbine.



1. Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter.

2. Calibration of dynamometer type wattmeter and induction type energy meter.
3. Measurement of power in 3-phase circuits by two wattmeter method
4. Measurement of resistance by Kelvin's double bridge
5. Measurement of resistance by Whetstone bridge
6. Measurement of Earth's resistance by Earth tester
7. Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter measurement of resistance by D.C. potentiometer
8. Measurement of inductance and capacitance with the help of a suitable A.C. Bridge
9. Measurement of frequency using CRO
10. Measurement of displacement using following transducers: Potentiometer, L.V.D.T.,
11. Measurement of temperature with the help of, Thermocouple, Thermister, R.T.D.
12. Measurement of strain with the help of strain gauge.
13. Velocity and speed measurement by suitable transducer
14. Study of instrument transformers & measurement of turn ratio of current transform and
potential transformer.



1. Study of Intel 8085 microprocessors

2. Program to add two 8-bit numbers
3. Program to subtract two 8-bit numbers
4. Program to find 1’s complement of 8-bit numbers
5. Program to find 2’s complement of 8-bit numbers
6. Program to shift an 8-bit number left by one bit
7. Program to mask of least significant 4 bits of 8 bit number
8. Program to mask of most significant 4 bits of 8 bit number
9. Program to find square from look up table
10. Program to find largest of two numbers
11. Program to find smallest of two numbers
12. Problems based on arithmetic expression, fixed mode arithmetic.
13. Problems based on conditional statements and control structures.
14. Problems based on arrays (1-D, 2-D), functions and pointers.
15. Problems based on engineering applications.
SESSION 2013-14






A diploma holder in electrical engg.is expected to analyse electrical and electronic circuits and
networks during his job. For this sound understanding of the concept and methods of analysis of
electrical circuits and network is a must for him. This course will develop analytical abilities of
students in solving problems.


Unit I

Network Parameters: Active and passive, Linear and non-linear, Unilateral and bilateral,
Lumped and distributed, Time varying and time invariant parameters, Voltage and current
sources (ideal and practical), Dependent and Independent sources, Source conversion techniques

Unit II

Network Theorems: Node and mesh analysis, Solution by Kramer's rule up to three variables,
Star-delta transformation, Superposition theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Thevenin's theorem,
Norton's theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Millman's theorem, Tellegen's theorem

Unit III

Resonance: Series resonance, Parallel resonance, Q-factor, bandwidth, selectivity, half power
frequencies, graphical representations, Importance of resonance

Unit IV
Circuit Transients: Introduction to Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transformations,
Laplace transformation of following functions- Unit impulse function, Unit step function,
Exponential function, Ramp function, Sinusoidal function, Derivative function, Integral function,
Laplace transformation theorem- Shifting Theorem, Shift in 's' domain theorem, Complex
differentiation theorem, Final value theorem, Initial value theorem, Complex integration
theorem, Solution of series RL, RC and RLC circuits by Laplace transformation

Unit V

Two Port Network: z-parameters, y-parameters, h-parameters, ABCD- parameters, Inter

relation among z, y, h and ABCD parameters., Special types of network such as T, π, Bridge - T,
Parallel-T and Lattice.

Unit VI

Complex Frequency and Pole-Zero Diagram: Concept of complex frequency, Poles and zeros
of simple function, Plotting of poles and zero diagram of a simple function (up to second order),
Necessary conditions of pole and zero locations of driving point functions.

Reference Books:

1. Electrical Circuit Theory Arumugam & Premkumaran

2. Electrical Networks Soni & Gupta
3. Electrical Network Analysis Umesh Sinha
4. Electrical Network Analysis G.K.Mithal
5. Text Book of Circuit Theory G.S. Verma
6. Electrical Circuit M.E. Valvenkerberg



An electrical diploma holder is usually placed in Electricity Corporation, industries, public

departments etc. An electrical diploma holder has to handle different electrical machines
required for various types of jobs. They are to supervise the selection, installation, operation,
maintenance, testing and repair of electrical machinery used in various industrial, domestic and
other applications. The most commonly used electrical machines are D.C. machines, A.C.
machines, transformers, rectifiers etc. Knowledge of construction working and performance
characteristics of such machines is a must for a diploma holder for doing job efficiently. D.C.
machines, transformers and rectifiers have been covered in this subject.

Unit I

D.C. Generator: Construction of D.C. machine, Lap and wave winding (Brief idea), Principle of
D.C. generator, Excitation methods and different types of D.C. Generator, E.M.F. equation, D.C.
generator characteristics, Losses, Efficiency and condition for maximum efficiency, Concept of
armature reaction, Effect of armature reaction on commutation and generated voltage, Parallel
operation of DC generators and load sharing

Unit II

D.C. Motor: Different types of D.C. motor, Principle of D.C. motor, Concept of back emf,
Torque, speed and power relations, Starters for D.C. shunt and compound motors, Characteristics
of D.C. motor, Speed control of D.C. motor, 1 Field control, Armature control, Series parallel
control, Testing of D.C. machine by, Direct loading, Swineburn's test, Hopkinson's test and,
Calculation of efficiency as a generator and motor from above test

Unit III

Transformer: Construction of single phase and three phase transformer, Principle of operation,
Emf equation and Turn ratio, Idea of leakage reactance, Transformer phasor diagram, At no load,
At load (Lagging, Leading and UPF), Equivalent circuit of single phase transformer, Losses,
efficiency and regulation, Condition for maximum efficiency, All day efficiency

Unit IV

Transformer testing- By direct loading, By open circuit and short circuit test, Determination of
equivalent circuit parameters, Back to back test, Parallel operation of single-phase transformer
with equal and unequal voltage ratio., Off load and on load tap changers, Auto transformer,

Unit V

Poly phase connection (Descriptive study): Scott connection, Open-Delta connection, Star-Star
connection, Delta - Delta connection, Parallel operation of 3-phase transformer

Reference Books:

1. Vidyut Engg.(S.I.Units) (Hindi) K.D.Sharma

2. Electrical Engg. part I& II(Hindi) D.R.Nagpal
3. Electrical Machines J.B.Gupta
4. Electrical Technology S.L.Uppal
5. Electrical Technology Vol.-II B.L.Theraja
6. A Basic Course in Electrical Engg. Sharma & Gupta
7. Electric Machine P.S. Bimbra
8. Electric Machine Nagrath & Kothari


Most of the diploma holders get employment in Electricity Corporation and industries. They are
required to handle responsibilities in generating stations. The work of an engineer is for
operation and maintenance of equipments and supervisory control in power plants. It is expected
that the different power stations taught in this course content shall make an engineer suitable for
operation, maintenance and commissioning of power stations. The conventional sources of
energy are depleting day by day and will not be sufficient to meet the future demand of energy.
Therefore, there is a need for generation of energy by using non-conventional sources. With this
in view diploma holders should be conversant with basic knowledge and practical applications of
non-conventional sources of energy in rural, cottage and small industries. For rural development
it is desirable to ensure the living conditions of the people in villages. For this purpose
technology transfer to meet the rural needs, with the facilities available is essential, i.e.
appropriate technology.


Unit I

Introduction: Electrical energy demand and electrical energy growth in India, Electrical energy
growth in India, Electrical energy sources, Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels, Preesent status of
electrical demand in Rajasthan

Unit II

Hydro Electric Power Plants: Selection of site, Advantages and disadvantages of hydro power
plant, Hydrology, Classification based on- Water flow regulations, Load, Head, Element of
hydro power plant and their functions- Dam, Storage reservoir, Fore bay, Surge tank, Pen stocks,
Spill way, Head race and tailrace, Types of turbines, Specific speed, Brief idea about small and
mini hydro plants, Pumped storage plant
Diesel Power Plants: Main components and working of diesel power plant with the help of
block diagram, Advantage and disadvantage of diesel power plant, Application of diesel power
plant, Principle and operation of gas turbine plants, Comparison of different power stations, Inter
connection of power stations

Unit III

Nuclear Power Station: Introduction and selection of site, Block diagram of plant and its
working, Main components and their function, Energy mass relationship, Energy due to fission
and fusion, Nuclear chain reaction, Multiplication factor and critical size, Moderators materials,
Fissile and fertile materials, Classification of Nuclear reactor, main parts and their functions,
Safety measures required in nuclear plant, Disposal of nuclear waste
Thermal Power Station: Selection of plant location, Block diagram of plant and its working,,
Coal handling plant, Pulverising plant, Draft system, Boilers, Ash handling plant, Turbine,
Different types of condensers, Cooling towers and ponds, Feed water heater, Economiser, Super
heater and reheater, Air preheater

Unit IV

Solar, Wind and Ocean Energy: Application, Unit of solar power and solar energy, Historical
review and future prospects, Schematic diagram of a solar thermal power plant, Solar central
receiver thermal power plant, Solar pond thermal plant, Solar thermal power supply system for
space station, Introduction to photo voltaic system, Merits and limitation of solar PV system,
Principle of photo voltaic cell, Transparent, insulating and absorbing materials, Building heating
by active and passive system, Solar still, solar dryer and solar cooker,
Wind Energy- Introduction to wind energy, Merits and demerits of wind energy, Wind power
and energy pattern factor, Wind machine, Horizontal axis wind machine, Vertical axis wind
machine, Site selection of a wind machine, Application of a wind machine
Ocean Energy- Introduction to ocean energy, Types of ocean energy, Open cycle, Closed cycle

Unit V

Bio-Gas Energy: Introduction to bio-gas energy, Properties of bio-gas, Principle of bio-gas

production, Chemical and microbiological processors, Factors which affects bio-gas production,
Different feed stocks for bio-gas production, Classification of bio-gas plant- Fixed dome type,
Floating type, Comparison between fixed dome and floating type bio-gas plant, Site selection of
bio-gas plant, Bio gas lamp and chulha, Bio gas storage and transportation

Reference Books:

1. Generation of Electrical Energy B.R. Gupta

2. Power Plant Engg. Domkundwar
3. A course in Electrical Power Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar
4. Energy technology S.Rao & B.B. Parulekar
5. Non-conventional Energy Sources A.N. Mathur & N.S.Rathore
6. Non-conventional Sources of D.M. Agrawal & S.K.
Bhatnagar energy and appropriate technology
7. Non-conventional Energy Sources G.D.Rai
8. Solar Energy Garg & Prakash



A diploma holder in electrical engineering has to perform supervisory duty in industries and
Electricity Corporation. He/ She should have adequate knowledge as well as should be able to
educate his/her subordinates for electrical wiring, wiring circuits, fault investigation and repair of
domestic appliances. A diploma holder in electrical engineering has to perform supervisory duty
in industries and Electricity Corporation. He / She should have adequate knowledge as well as
should be able to educate his/her subordinates for electrical wiring installation and full
investigation and repair of domestic appliances. This syllabus deals with above topics in details.
Many of electrical technicians employed in state electricity boards or other industries are
engaged in installation, maintenance and repair of a variety of electrical machines. Such areas
may include generation, transmission and distribution systems and different types of electric
drive used with a variety of mechanical gadgets. Normally manufacturers of heavy electrical
machines provide service manuals, instructions for installation, maintenance and fault location.
This syllabus has been designed to provide certain guidelines and broad principles regarding the
above activities and after undergoing this course the technician shall be fit to undertake repairs
and maintenance of electrical equipments.


Unit I

Safety Measures: Study of various safety devices and appliances in an electrical workshop,
Safety measures for working on low, medium and high voltage main and the study the apparatus
used, Use of fire fighting, electric shock treatment, first aid, and safety posters etc.
Domestic Appliances: Introduction, Appliances making use of thermal effects, Design of
heating elements wire, Study of the followings – Table fan, Ceiling fan, Washing machine,
Emergency light, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Water cooler, MCB, ELCB

Unit II

Wiring: Systems of wiring, Types of wiring and their application,Wiring Diagram of Different
Lamp Control Circuits and Their Working, Bell indicator, Fluorescent tube (single and double),
Mercury vapour lamp, Sodium vapour lamp, Neon sign lamp, Flasher, Wire Joints-Different
types of joints, their uses
Fault Investigation and Testing: Specification, wiring, dismantling, fault investigation,
repairing, assembling and testing the following electrical appliances- Electric heater Electric
immersions heater, Room heater, Electric kettle, Electric soldering iron

Unit III

Introduction of Electrical Maintenance: Fundamental of electrical maintenance and repair,

Classification, scope and frequency of electrical maintenance and repair work, General structure
and equipment of electrical repair shop, Repair records and maintenance schedule.
Maintenance and Repair of Storage Batteries: Inspection and checking of storage batteries,
Trouble and its shootings, Repair of storage batteries
Maintenance and Repair of Transformers: Introduction, Transformer inspection, Periodical
overhauling of transformer, Location of transformer defects, Winding and core repairs, Bushing
repairs, Repair and maintenance of conservator, Dismantling and assembling of transformer,
Transformer drying out, Maintenance of Buchholz’s relay, Maintenance of transformers while in
services, Electrical characteristics of transformer oil, Transformer oil purification methods

Unit IV

Maintenance and Repair of D.C. Motors and of A.C Motors: Identification of terminals of
D.C. compound motors, Testing of armature and commutator, Over hauling of D.C. Machine,
Repairing of field winding, Sparking at brushes and its remedies, Commutators and brush
mechanism and its defect, A. C. Motors-Different tests on 1- φ capacitor type A.C. motor-Open
capacitor, Short capacitor, Change of value, Test for open and short circuits faults, Checking of
centrifugal switch, Over hauling, dismantling and assembling of ceiling fan and table fan,
Identification of terminals of 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor, Electrical fault location,
Mechanical fault location, Drying and testing of insulation, Abnormal heating at bearing,
Greasing, degreasing and impregnating, Alignment and rotor balancing

Unit V

Maintenance and Repairs of Circuit Breakers: Maintenance and troubleshooting of, Oil
circuit breakers, Air blast circuit breakers, SF6 circuit breakers, Preventive maintenance of relays

Unit VI

Automobile Electrical System: Dynamo, Self starter, Voltage regulator, Ignition coil, Lighting
circuit- Four Wheeler, Two Wheeler

Reference Books:

1. Study of electrical appliances and devices K.B. Bhatia

2. Workshop practice in electrical engineering M.L. Gupta
3. Electrical wiring Arora, B.Dass
4. Domestic Appliance S.E. Board Rajasthan, Ajmer
5. Basic shop practicals in electrical Engg. Vinod kumar, & K. Vajay
6. Study of Electric Appliances and Devices K.B.Bhatia
7. Basic of Practicals in Electrical Engg. Vinod kumar & K. Vijay
3. Electrical Gadgets H. Partab
4. Electrical Wiring Arora, B. Das.
5. Workshop Practices in Electric Engg. M.L.Gupta
1. Installation, Fault Location & Maintenance T.T.T.I,Bhopal.
2. Operation & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment (Vol. I & II) B.V.S.Rao
3. Preventive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Charles I Hubert.
5. Electrical Maintenance & Repair Mahendra, Bhardwaj

This subject will introduce the students about how to set up a small-scale industry. The subject
includes the procedure for how to select, proceed and start the SSI, which also involves a
concrete market survey report and project formulation. To achieve the target and goals in an
organisation it is essential to co-ordinate the entire system. For this purpose the knowledge of
principles of management, human resources development, material management and financial
management is required.

Unit I

Contracts and Tenders: Type of contracts, Necessity of contract and tenders, Type of tenders,
tendering procedure

Unit II

Project Report: Procedure of preparing a project report, Format of project report, Preparation of
project report for some SSI items
ownership, sole trading, partnership, joint stock, co-operative and public enterprise, Types of
organisation, different types and their charts., Importance of human relation professional ethics,
Need for leadership, leadership qualities, Motivation

Unit III

Human Resources Development: Introduction, object and functions of human resource

development department, Recruitment, sources and methods of selection, need for effective
training, method of training, duties of supervisor / Formen, role of HRD in industries.

Unit IV

Wages and Incentives: Definition and requirements of good wage system methods of wage
payment, Wage incentives - type of incentive, difference in wage incentive and bonus. incentive
to supervisor.
Tax System and Insurance: Idea of income tax, sales tax, excise duty and custom duty,
Industrial and fire insurance, procedure for industrial insurance.

Unit V

ISO: 9000 Series of Quality System: Definition of few important terms related to ISO quality
system, Various models for quality assurance in ISO: 9000 series, Various elements of ISO:
9001 model (20 points), Benefits by becoming an ISO: 9000 company, Introduction to total
quality management (TQM)
Unit VI

Labour Legislation and Pollution Control Acts: Industrial acts : factory act 1948, Workmen's
compensation act 1923, Apprentices act 1961, Water pollution contract act 1974 and 1981, Air
pollution contract act 1981, Environmental protection act 1986, Forest (animal conservation act
1972), Pollution control provisions in motor vehicle act.

Reference Books:

1. Hand Book of Small Scale Industry P.M. Bhandari

2. Hand Book on Entrepreneurship Development O.P. Harkut
3. Entrepreneurial Development S.S. Khanka
4. Statistical Quality Control Mahohar Mahajan
5. ISO: 9000 Quality System S. Dalela
6. Industrial Management V.K. Sharma & O.P. Harkut
7. Industrial Engg. & Management O.P. Khanana
8. Industrial Engg. & Management T.R. Banga



1. Study of constructional features of D.C. machine and identify the terminals of D.C. shunt
2. Determination of O.C.C of D.C. shunt generator
3. Determination of external characteristics of D.C. shunt generator.
4. Determination of external characteristics of compound generator
5. Study of constructional features of D.C. shunt and compound motor starter and connecting,
starting and reversing the direction of D.C. shunt motor.
6. Performing Swineburne's test on a D.C. machine
7. Performing Hopkinson's test on a D.C. machine.
8. Speed control of D.C. shunt motor by rheostatic control (both field and armature control)
10. Study of constructional features of single phase and three phase transformers
11. Determination of transformation ratio, regulation and efficiency of a single-phase
transformer by direct loading.
12. Open circuit and short circuit test of a single-phase transformer and determination of its
equivalent circuit parameters, efficiency and regulation.
13. Parallel operation of single-phase transformers with same voltage ratio and sharing of loads.

1. Preparations of joints on multi strand insulated wire: Twisted joint, Married joint, Plain
cross joint, Duplex cross joint
2. Preparation of wiring diagram and wiring of the following -Sodium vapour lamp, Mercury
vapour lamp, Corridor wiring, Row of lamps (decorative light), Double Fluorescent tube of 40
3. To make the positions, fix and complete the internal wiring of the fitting of a switch board,
containing at least four switches, one plug and one regulator.
4. Assembling, dismantling and fault investigation in the following domestic appliances:
Electric heater, Electric immersion heater, Room heater, Electric kettle, Electric soldering iron
5. Dismantling, identifying of various parts, finding fault, removing the fault, assembling and
testing of- Table fan, Ceiling fan, Electric washing machine, Room cooler, Electric toaster and
sandwich maker, Electric mixy, Water cooler
6. Study the construction of telephone and its circuit
7. To make connection of supply and consumer board
8. Study of contactors and time delay relays
9. Soldering practice and lugs jointing.
10. Perform the following test on 1-phase transformer
10.1 Insulation resistance test.
10.2 Ratio test.
10.3 Polarity and phasing out test.
11. Transformer oil dielectric strength test.
12. Fire point, flash point and sludge test of transformer oil
13. Study of choke winding.
14. Prepare coil winding of a small transformer.
15. Rewinding of a ceiling fan.
16. Fault location and remedies in star-delta starter.
17. Fault location and remedies in rotor-resistance starter.
18. Preparation of periodical maintenance schedule for a power transformer.
19. Study of fire fighting equipments
20. Study of electric shock treatment, preparation of treatment chart.

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