3 IS DLP WEEK 1 February 5 9

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Jose Panganiban National High

School Grade Level 12

Gerry B. Dacer
Rama Lormella Albano Inquiries, Investigation &
Teachers Learning Area
DAILY LESSON Romelin Centeno Immersion
PLAN Jovelyn Florece
Teaching Dates February 5-9, 2024
Quarter 3rd Quarter
and Time 7:30am-5:10pm
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates brainstorming for research topics
B. Performance Standards The learner can create class research agenda
The learner presents prepares a plan and a focus on issues and ideas in their
respective field.

Specific Objectives:
C. Learning
a. Explain brainstorming and research agenda
b. Discuss the different issues and ideas in respective fields
Write the LC code for each
c. Appreciate the importance of brainstorming to come up with the best
issue to cater to
d. Prepare to plan a research agenda in preparation for possible issues or
topics of a research study.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K TO 12 MELC PAGE 569
2. Learner’s Material Pages LAS 1 Week 1, Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
3. Textbook Pages NA
4. Additional Materials from Deped TV E-Tulay Video
Learning Resource (LR)
Google Meet, Google Classroom, Power Point presentation
B. Other Learning Resources
Activity sheets, Pictures, Videos and UPLIFTS Module
A. Reviewing previous lesson or PRELIMINARIES
presenting new lesson Prayer: Student will be the one to lead
Energizer: Students to follow the video presented by the teacher

The teacher will ask the students to recall some of the important classroom
norms that must be strictly followed during the Virtual class and Limited face to
face Session

Activity 1: FACT or BLUFF (Classpoint Integration)

Directions: Using the code given in classpoint by the teacher the students need
to login and enter their name to answer, internet or data connection is required in
this activity.

1. Research is an investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery

an interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the
light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories
or laws. (FACT)
2. Research provides the best solution to some of the world problems and
also enhances the knowledge of the researchers. (FACT)
3. Research DOES NOT inform action, proves a theory and contribution to
develop knowledge in a field or study. (BLUFF)
4. An inquiry is a method that has the aim of extending knowledge,
undertaking doubt, or solving problem.(FACT)
5. Brainstorming is a way of inquiring ideas that will NOT help you to
develop concepts and focusing techniques by asking questions and
knowing the interests of the persons involved in the said issues (BLUFF)
B. Establishing a purpose for the Activity 2: Picture Analysis
lesson Directions: Students to cite their opinions and ideas about the picture that the
teacher presented

Picture1: Job Fair in Dumaguete City

Source: https://negroschronicle.com/jobs-mismatch-still-crucial-in-job-hiring/

Guide Questions:(OBJ. 1, OBJ.2 and OBJ. 3 and HOTS)

1. What is the Picture all about?
2. What do you think is the man doing in the picture?
3. Based on the picture given, What did the People do?, What is your
analysis in that place or in that geography?, How does the job hunting is
important to increase the work force? As what we study in Social
Sciences? (Geographical Isolation and Urban Resettlement and moving
across and within the curriculum)
4. In what way that the Inquiry help them to land or get the right job for

Picture 2: News headline on the Dumagmang armed conflict investigation

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y68H25f_BeQ

Guide Questions:(OBJ. 1, OBJ.2 and OBJ. 3 and HOTS)

1. What is the Picture all about?
2. In what way that the Inquiry and Investigation help those people to give
justice to the victim of the arm conflict?
3. How this investigation and inquiry by the authority give a resolution to
the Armed conflict in that municipality or barangay? (Displacement due
to Armed conflict and moving across and within the curriculum)
Picture 3: Deped Townhall make a presentation on the COVID 19 vaccine
Deployment plan.
Source: https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1142109

Guide Questions:(OBJ. 1, OBJ.2 and OBJ. 3 and HOTS)

1. What is the table and picture all about?
2. What do you think is the role of of Deped and DOH on the Vaccine
deployment plan?
3. As what you tackled in your science subject, how vaccine is important to
solve the chronic illness that we are facing now? How Inquiry and
Investigation Help you to analyze if you are going to participate in the
vaccination program? (Chronic Illness and moving across and within the

 Students will give their insights about the different pictures

 Teachers to ask the different process questions to integrate the lessons
and talk about the integration of within and across curriculum

 The teacher will let the students read the objective for today’s lesson.

The learner demonstrates brainstorming for research topics

Specific Objectives:
a. Explain brainstorming and research agenda
b. Discuss the different issues and ideas in respective fields
c. Appreciate the importance of brainstorming to come up with the best
issue to cater to
d. Prepare to plan a research agenda in preparation for possible issues or
topics of a research study.

-Students may be asked if they have questions about the objectives

C. Presenting examples/instances of The students will watch the video presentation adopted from the Deped TV,
the lesson about the Brainstorming for Research Topics
Picture 4: Screenshot of Deped TV Episode 1 of 3i’s
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVw8KsopzXE&t=344s

Guide Questions: (OBJ. 1, OBJ. 3 and HOTS)

1. What is the video all about?
2. What is the purpose of the producer/agency in creating this Video
3. How this video help you in understanding the Brainstorming for
Research topics?, Do you find it diffeicult in understanding the delivery of
of the
4. As a student would you participate in this census of population? Based
on your previous subject in PR1 is the Survey or a Census is part of your
research? (Moving within and across the curriculum)

Activity 3: HOW MUCH DO YO KNOW?

Directions: Answer the following questions, Select the letter of the correct answer
1. Which of the following refers to a systematic inquiry that utilizes a formal
method of studying a problem with the ultimate goal of expanding an
existing body of knowledge.
a. Immersion
b. Inquiry
c. Investigation
d. Research
2. What do you call the formal inquiry that requires a through attempt to
learn the facts about something complex or hidden.
a. Immersion
b. Inquiry
c. Investigation
d. Research
3. A researcher engages himself in the data he gathered by reading and
analysing the findings of his research study. What did the researcher
a. Immersion
b. Inquiry
c. Investigation
d. Research
4. What do you call to the process of asking for information through investigation.
a. Immersion
b. Inquiry
c. Investigation
d. Research
5. What course aims to further strengthen the critical thinking and problem-
solving skills of Senior High School students through the conduct of qualitative,
quantitative, or mixed method researches?
a. Inquries, Investigation and Immersion
b. Qualitative Research
c. Quantitative Research
d. Work Immersion
What is Brainstorming?
 Is a group problem solving technique where inputs and contributions of
all members of the group are being consolidated to come up with a
 Brainstorming can help you in choosing a research topic. It is a method
used to generate in each specific topic. It encourages individuals to
come up with the thoughts and ideas that can be crafted into original,
creative solutions to a problem, while others can give even more ideas.
 Brainstorming can be done through the use of concepts maps and mind
maps, a mind map is a type of graphic organizer that uses a diagram to
visually organize concepts and ideas. The topic is placed in the center of
the diagram, and then related ideas are added to it in a circular manner.

Example of Mind Map

1. Concepts maps are outlines for visualizing the relationship between

broad, cross-functional ideas, with the use of boxes or circles and
connecting lines, concept maps connect ideas and illustrate their
relationship to each other. It is a diagram that goes from the top to
bottom of a page with the core concepts

D. Discussing new concepts and Students and Teacher to discuss the Research Agenda
practicing new skills #1
Being a good researcher, you should possess a lot of virtues and skills to face all
the challenges along your way in conducting research. One of the required tasks
is to develop a research agenda.

What is Research Agenda

 It’s a plan that emphasizes on issues and ideas in a subset of your field.
You cannot study everything in your field during your time in college
schooling, so decide what to focus on now, and what to resolve until
another day.

How to Get Started with Your Research Agenda

1. Refine your focus. What do you want to work on?
2. Trends, baselines, research groups and programs. What is happening?
3. Field of interest. What is already known?
4. A topic, a method, an approach. Can you identify a research question to
5. Refine, refine, refine. Venn diagrams, concept maps and discussions
with peers may help in with focusing your agenda on a specific problem.
Students and Teachers make a discussion about the Research title formulation.

Given the examples of research topics in the maps, you can decide on a
research title for your study. For example, you choose academic performance as
your research topic. Make it even narrower to come up with a research title. An
example title for this is “IMPROVING THE TEST SCORES OF TECHNICAL-


As stated by Bernardez (2011), we should consider the following research
questions in formulating the research title
1. What is the main focus of the problem?
E. Discussing new concepts and 2. What are the major issues that should be included in the study?
practicing new skills #2 3. Does the title embody the major problems or issues that sought to
be investigated?

Activity 3: MAKE IT WITH YOU!

Directions: Using the worksheet given, think for a possible research topic you
want to study. Then write a research title, Share it with your classmates.
Remember to consider the guide questions in formulating the research title.

Content: 25 points
Organization of Ideas 15 points
Presentation: 10 piints
Total 50 points

Activity 4:
Instructions: Read the sentences below, write the word easy if it is easy for you
to do and difficult if it is difficult that you need help from your groupmates or
teacher. If your answer is easy, write how you can do the task if it is difficult for
you, write your questions about the tasks. Write your answer below each task in
a separate sheet of paper.

1. Talk with your group members about your general interests. Use
members as a resource to find out which topics are over-studied
and where additional work is needed.
2. If there are groupmates with similar or overlapping interests, get
their perspectives as well.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
3. Read a great deal, be opened to reading research outside your
immediate areas of interests and seeing how they link to your own
4. Be sure to follow up on citations that are interesting or intriguing.
5. Identify key authors relevant to your interests. Read their
scholarship and understand the work that has informed their
LETS APPLY NOW: (OBJ. 1, OBJ. 2. OBJ. 3 in the COT and
OBJ.4(Linguistics) and HOTS)

Now that you are already equipped with some of the needed information, I
think you are now ready to apply your learning from this session. The answer can
be a form of phrase, sentence, group of sentence or paragraph.

a. If you want to conduct a research study about your favorite restaurant in

town, How brainstorming and making your research agenda help you to
G. Finding practical application of
have a good research?
concepts and skills in daily living
b. Given the chance to research, would you choose quantitative research
right away? Explain your reason

Pointing system:
10 points: gave more than 3 clear and valid explanations.
9-8 points: gave 1 to 3 clear and valid explanations.
7 and below: gave explanation about their answer.
(Moving within and across the curriculum)

The students will be asked the following questions:

 What is research Agenda?

H. Making generalizations and
 How Brainstorming is important in creating your research study?
abstractions about the lesson
 What are the different questions that you need to consider in making or
formulating your research study?

Unleashing the Power (Differentiated Instruction and Special need of

students) (OBJ. 1, OBJ. 2. OBJ. 3 in the COT and OBJ.4(Linguistics) and

Activity 5: Love Me! Or Love Me Not! (Quizziz Integration)

Direction: Type Love Me! If the statement is CORRECT, and Love Me
NOT, if the statement incorrect about the criteria in choosing a research topic.
1. It should be something new or different from what has already been
written about. (LOVE ME)
2. It should be SMART (LOVE ME)
3. It should NOT consider the availability of data involved in the study and
the methods and techniques to be employed in gathering them (LOVE
I. Evaluating learning
4. It should NOT be significant to the field of study or discipline (LOVE ME
5. It must necessarily arouse intellectual curiosity (LOVE ME)
6. It should NOT consider the availability of effective instruments for
gathering the data and their treatment (LOVE ME NOT)
7. It should consider the financial capacity of the researcher to support the
project (LOVE ME)
8. It should consider the time factor involved in the undertaking (LOVE ME)
9. It should be hard one for a beginner to be carried out within a limited
period of time.(LOVE ME NOT)

J. Additional activities for Activity 6. Let’s Do the Challenge!

application or remediation Direction: Read and answer the questions below and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
What research topics are you Choose one among the given
passionate about? general topics. What specific or
subtopics can you give?
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What specific theme would best What are the possible resources in
describe your research? your study?
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3

Guide Questions:
1. What possible learning you gain in this activity?
2. Do you find the activity challenging? Why?

12 –resilient
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require 12 – Resilient
additional activities for remediation
and who scored below 80%
12 –Resilient
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

12 – Resilient
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my strategies worked

well? Why did these works?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher II,

Reviewed by:


Master Teacher I, English Department


Head Teacher III, English Department

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