DLP Lesson 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research

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Daily Lesson Plan in Practical Research 1

Date: November 13-15, 2019 Week: 2 Quarter: 3rd
Subject: Practical Research 1 Grade: 11 Semester: Second


The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

A. Content Standards
 The value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses,
strengths, and weeknesses
B. Performance
The learner is able to:
 Decide on suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of
C. Learning
qualitative research CS_RS11-IIIb-1
 Differentiate Quantitative and Qualitative Research
 Enumerate the value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics,
uses, strengths, and weeknesses

Quantitative and Qualitative Research
A. References
Practical Research 1 Book
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Manual pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resources K to 12 Basic Education Senior High School Curriculum Guide


Class before we start, please stand up and let us pray.

A. Preparatory activity Good morning class.
You may now take your seats. Is there any absent today group leaders?

Activity - Deal or No Deal: Knowing the Nature and Characteristics of Research

Directions: Say “DEAL” if the given statement is true and “NO DEAL” if
1. Research must always give correct or accurate data.
B. Reviewing previous lesson
2. Research and inquiry and two different entities.
or presenting new lesson
3. Research must be instrumental in solving problems affecting the lives
of people in a community.
4. Good research report uses complicated language.
5. Research must take place in an organized or orderly manner.

 Why do we need to understand the nature and characteristics of
 How important is research to our life?

Activity – A Picture that Paints a Thousand Words

Directions: The teacher will flash set of pictures one at a time. While the first
picture is shown, the teacher will play a music and pass a ball to the students.
As the music stops, the one holding the ball will form a question or problem
about the given the picture. The procedure is repeated until the last picture.
C. Establishing a purpose of
the lesson
Questions for Processing:
1. How will you find the answers or solutions to the questions or problems
you have formulated?
2. Is research applicable in these situations?
3. Do you have any idea about the methods of research that we can use
in these situations?

The teacher will present the topic and the learning objective of the lesson.
D. Presenting
examples/instances of the A. ACTIVITY
new lesson Group Activity – Critique Me if You Can
Directions: Divide the class into several groups. Give each group two samples
of research report to read and evaluate. Use the given checklist to evaluate
the two samples.

E. Presenting new concepts

and practicing new skills 1

Group Activity
 The class will be divided into three groups.
 Each group will have a problem task to solve using the IBL process.
F. Presenting new concepts
 After 15 minutes, the group will present in a creative manner the
and practicing new skills 2
process and solution to their given problem. Presentation time is
maximum of 3 minutes.
 At the end of the report, they will also state one good reason why
research is important in their daily life.

Ask the following questions:

1. What are your important observations about the two research
2. Which of the two aims to test the hypothesis and look for cause and
effect? What about to explore?
G. Developing mastery 3. Which of the two is subjective? Is objective? Why?
(ANALYSIS) 4. What is the data collection technique used in sample 1? In sample 2?
5. Which is analyzed statistically? Which is not?
6. In terms of outcome, which has the measurable results?
7. Based on your evaluation, which do you think is a qualitative research?
Which is a quantitative research? Why?

H. Finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
(APPLICATION) After the report, present the slides on the importance of research in our daily
lives. Compare it with the student’s report – are these learning similar? Is there
any additional reason that the students missed or contributed? Discuss briefly.
I. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson 1. Discuss the quantitative and qualitative research.

Determine whether the following statements tell about Qualitative Research or

Quantitative Research.
_____________________ 1. In this research, data are analyze through descriptive
J. Evaluating learning
inferential statistics.
_____________________ 2. This research is often subjective.
_____________________ 3. These studies are conducted in small/limited scope.
_____________________ 4. This research is exploratory in nature.
_____________________ 5. This research designs aim at an in depth
understanding of human behavior.

K. Additional activities for
Think at least 3 researchable problems/questions related to your specialization
application or remediation
and be able to determine whether it can be solved qualitatively or
quantitatively. Write your answers in your notebook.

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher

Noted :

OIC-Assistant Principal II
SHS Principal II

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