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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte


Science 7
Science 7 QUARTER 4 – Chalk &  Explain how REVIEW/ Elicit:  Explain how Quarter 4-LAS 7- Shadows and Eclipses
WEEK 5 Chalkboard, Laptop solar and Direction: Four pictures will be projected solar and lunar
& Projector, lunar eclipses ELICIT on the board; they will also arrange the eclipses occur; Student will answer/perform the following
Illustrations, And occur; (Determines the jumbled words and try to guess what S7ES-IVj11 1. Activity 1: Let there be Light
Manila Paper & S7ES-IVj11 extent of the concept these pictures are trying to and Darkness
Pen Touch, learners’ prior show/imply. 2. Activity 2: How does solar and
Styrofoam Ball, learning through a lunar eclipse happen?
Etc. pre-test or activity to 3. Analysis
Power point review previously 4. Abstraction
presentation learned 5. Application
https:// skills/concepts.)
www.unawe.org/ Note: Uplift modules will be used for
activity/eu- NOTE; This is the remedial lesson.
unawe1302/ Reviewing previous
https:// lesson or presenting
www.csmonitor.co new lesson in the
m/1988/0321/ DLP
olips.html Engage (Objective 1)
ACTIVATE/ Perform an Activity: Shadow Play.
ENGAGE Direction: The teacher will use a flashlight
(Establishes the and used a human figure puppet or any
purpose of the object to create shadow.
lesson, provides Guide Question
activities for the a. What is projected on the paper?
development of the b. How are shadows formed?
lesson and presents c. What did you noticed to the shadows
examples and while the object changes its distance from
practices new skills.) the flashlight?

(Initiates discussion
and provides
interactive activities
Activity 1: Is there a shadow in space?
to deepen
(Objective 16)
understanding of
construct a model that will
demonstrate the occurrence of
Step 1-Divide the class into 3 groups.
Give each group the materials to make
You may present 1
their own model of the Sun-Moon-Earth
or 2 or more
activities depending
Step 2-Take one cardboard tube and make
on the level of
students’ ability
and the time frame.

a series of small (2-cm deep), even,

vertical cuts around the circumference of
each end.
Step 3-Bend the cut pieces out at each end
and then stand the tube upright. The cut
edges should fan out like a flower.
Step 4 - Using adhesive tape, fasten one
end of the cardboard tube to the cardboard
strip to create the base of the model. The
tube should be at least 30 cm from one end
of the cardboard strip.
Step 5 - Using tape or glue, attach the
larger ball to the top of the tube. This ball
represents the Earth
Step 6-The smaller ball will serve as the
Step 7-Insert one end of the wire into the
top of Earth so that the wire is vertical.
Step 8-Measure approximately a finger’s
length along the wire and bend the wire
here at a right angle, creating a horizontal
Step 9-About halfway between the Earth
and the far end of the cardboard strip,
measure a finger’s length along the wire
and bend it again. This time bend it
downwards at a right angle, towards the
cardboard base.
Step 10-Insert the other end of the wire
into the "Moon". The Moon’s equator
should be at the same height as the Earth’s

Step 11-Balance the torch on a stack of

books or magazines at the opposite end of
the cardboard strip from the “Earth”.
Make sure the height is correct: the middle
of the torch beam should hit Earth’s
If the beam is too diffuse, attach the
second cardboard tube to the end of the
torch to direct the light. Ensure that the
beam directly hits the nearest half of the
Earth and the Moon. If the beam is not
bright enough, move the stack of books
Step 12- Create solar eclipse using your

constructed model
Step 13- Create lunar eclipse using your
constructed model

Activity 2:
Using the given graphic organizer, fill in
the missing boxes to complete the entire
concept. (fast learners)
Objective 2
Arrange the model you created like the
picture below. Then, describe the model
by answering the table below and choose
your answer from the box. (average


Identify the following pictures and choose
your answer on the table below base on
the color of the words. Objective 9

Analyze the picture and answer and

guided questions:
Picture 1
Guide Question:
 Does the shadow of the Moon A fall
to Earth surface?
 How about the shadow of Moon B
does it fall to earth surface?
 Does the shadow of the Earth fall
moon surface?
 Why the shadow of moon doesn’t fall
to Earth surface?

Picture 2

Guide Question:
 Does the shadow of the Moon A fall
to Earth surface?
 How about the shadow of Moon B
does it fall to earth surface?
 Does the shadow of the Earth fall
moon surface?
 Why does the shadow of the moon
fall to Earth surface?

Picture 3

Guide Question:
 Where is the moon located in
relation to the sun and earth?
 Does the shadow of the moon reach
the earth surface?
 What do you think this phenomenon
is called?
 Why do we call this as solar eclipse?
Picture 4
Guide Question:
 Where is the moon located in
relation to the sun and moon?
 In this case shadow is formed in
moon surface. What do you think
this phenomenon is called?
Picture 5

Guide Question:
 Is the shadow of the small ball
uniformly dark?
 What did you observe?
SYNTHESIS How past civilizations and tribes viewed
solar eclipses Objective 1
ELABORAT Guide question: What are the common
beliefs about eclipses that Jose
E Panganiban’s people still practicing until
(Leads students to a now? Localization
generalization and
Situation: Objective 10
directs them to
Let us say that you are one of the
practical application
indigenous people living here in the
of concepts.)
Philippines and you are living in the
beliefs of your tribes about eclipse, but at
the time pass by when you went to school
you learned that eclipse is a natural
phenomenon wherein the earth, sun and
moon were aligned together and formed
eclipse. Are you going to share your
knowledge you get from school or you
will still continue to believe?
Perform an Activity: Fact or Bluff
 The teacher will project statements
and the students will guess if the
statement is true or not by answering
Fact if true and Bluff if not true.
The students will explain if the
statement is not true.
 Bakunawa is a giant snake that
engulf Sun during solar eclipse.
That’s why we cannot the sun
 Pregnant women should avoid
witnessing an eclipse, so when the
babies born they would not have the
habit of winking the eyes
 It is bad to look directly at the Sun
during a solar eclipse.
 An eclipse was the result of human
sins and was a warning sent to all
 Eclipse will harm their unborn baby.

 What does the darkness represent in

your life? How it affects you?
 In your honest opinion, do you
believe that there’s always light after
the darkness?
EVALUATE Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the Multiple choice: Write the letter of the
correct answer. correct answer
(Provides an
1. What is the thing that is formed when 1. What is the thing that is formed when an
an object blocks light? object blocks light?
a. shadow c. season a. shadow c. season
b. light d. eclipse b. light d. eclipse
2. Which type of eclipse occurs when the 2. Which type of eclipse occurs when the
moon is between the earth and sun? moon is between the earth and sun?
a. solar Eclipse c. earth Eclipse a. solar Eclipse c. earth Eclipse
b. lunar Eclipse d. none of the above b. lunar Eclipse d. none of the above
3. Which type of eclipse occurs when the 3. Which type of eclipse occurs when the
earth blocked the sun preventing its light earth blocked the sun preventing its light to
to reach the moon? reach the moon?
a. solar Eclipse c. earth Eclipse a. solar Eclipse c. earth Eclipse
b. lunar Eclipse d. none of the above b. lunar Eclipse d. none of the above
Use this illustration to answer 4-5. Use this illustration to answer 4-5.

4. Which of the following refers to X? 4. Which of the following refers to X?

a. solar Eclipse c. Umbra a. solar Eclipse c. Umbra
b. lunar Eclipse d. Penumbra b. lunar Eclipse d. Penumbra
5. Which of the following refers to Y? 5. Which of the following refers to Y?
a. solar Eclipse c. Umbra a. solar Eclipse c. Umbra
b. lunar Eclipse d. Penumbra b. lunar Eclipse d. Penumbra
6-10 Write Right if statement is true, and 6-10 Write Right if statement is true, and
Wrong if false. Wrong if false.
6. It is a sign of apocalypse 6. It is a sign of apocalypse
7. the mighty Sun and the brilliant Moon 7. the mighty Sun and the brilliant Moon
fight during an eclipse and it is up to the fight during an eclipse and it is up to the
humans to encourage them to resolve their humans to encourage them to resolve their
disputes disputes
8. A pregnant woman who watches a lunar 8. A pregnant woman who watches a lunar
eclipse is in danger of having a eclipse is in danger of having a miscarriage.
miscarriage. 9. An eclipse was the result of human sins
9. An eclipse was the result of human sins and was a warning sent to all humans.
and was a warning sent to all humans. 10. Looking directly at the sun can damage
10. Looking directly at the sun can your eyes.
damage your eyes.
PLUS/ Extend: Extend:
What are the types of Solar and Lunar What are the types of Solar and Lunar
EXTEND eclipse? Describe the formation of sun, eclipse? Describe the formation of sun,
(Gives an moon and earth in each type of eclipse. moon and earth in each type of eclipse.
assignment or
additional activities
for enhancement or
reinforcement or

Prepared by: Checked and reviewed by: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher II Department Head

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