Plumbing and Ventilation Parts

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W hat is a bilge pum p? A bilge pump is a device that can be used to pump excess w ater from the bilge o f the boat.

C a te g orie s
W hat is a Float switch? A Float switch is a device, which at a specific w ater level w ill activate the bilge pump(s).
v □
Bilge Pumps: It is advisable that all boats should have bilge pumps. These are divided according to the quantity o f w ater they can pump per hour. The Lalizas range A d v is o r In fo rm a tio n
includes bilge pum ps that can pump 500, 600, 700 or 1000 gallons per hour (1 gallon = 3,7854lt).
Float Switches: There are two types o f switches available from Lalizas. fT T T l
- M echanical Float Switch FS-40 and 91549. They are activated by the rising w ater level, which pushes upwards the built-in float.
- Environm ental Electronic Level Switch (EELS). The latest in technology, this switch has an electronic sensor which activates the bilge pum p as soon as it ‘senses’ 1 *1
the water level rising. The EELS has the unique ability to distinguish harm ful substances that may be found in the bilge, such as oil, gas etc. Even more im portant B est Value
W ith C a ble s
is the fact that it w ill not allow these substances to be pum ped out into the sea.
M aterials: All Lalizas bilge pum ps are made o f shatterproof ABS plastic and operate at 12V. On the other hand, the switches are made o f a com bination o f ABS
plastic and Nylon. The contacts o f the electronic switch are protected from environm ental factors, thus m aking it 100% waterproof.

# ¥
New C a p ta in ’s
P ro d u ct p ro p o sa l

Bilge Pumps

Use: Bilge pumps are used to rem ove excess w ater from the bilge o f the boat or transfer liquids. They are necessary equipm ent in your boat, as they free your hands from
removing the excess w ater from the bilge and assist in maintaining your boat in good condition. Before you choose a pump, you should consider the size o f the boat, the quantity
o f w ater pum ped and the discharge height. Please note that the higher the discharge height, the harder the pum p has to operate in order to push the water overboard. Generally
for 1m discharge height the following are suggested:
Boat < 6m => 600Lt/h (liters per hour)* Boat > 6m => 900Lt/h (liters per hour)* Boat > 6m => 1800Lt/h (liters per hour)*
* 1 G a llo n (G ) = 3 .7 8 5 4 lite rs (It)

Plumbing & Ventilation

In s tru c tio n s o f U se : An im portant prerequisite fo r the normal operation o f all electric devices is their connection to the main circuit. Lalizas bilge pum ps are connected in series to the main circuit
and it is suggested that you use a 10A fuse. It is very im portant that you follow the wiring instructions when connecting the pump. The device can be mounted vertically to the hull, at a point where
m ost o f the excess w ater is found. The bilge pump may be activated either manually via a switch installed by
you or autom atically by a float switch (sold separately). There are also versions with a built-in level switch.

M a inten a n ce / R e pla ce m e nt: Lalizas bilge pum ps are m anufactured so as to operate efficiently even after
long periods o f time. However, for the best perform ance you should use and maintain them properly.
Therefore Lalizas suggests the following:
- Use your bilge pump in com bination with a float switch
- Place a 10A fuse in series with the main circuit
- Clean the bilge pump from any dirt
- Check regularly that everything operates correctly
- Avoid the use o f any chem ical substances in the bilge

ATTENTIO N: If y o u ch o o s e n o t to use a flo a t s w itc h yo u s h o u ld su p e rv is e c o n s ta n tly th e o p e ra tio n o f

W atch the video on our channel
th e b ilg e p u m p and d e a ctiva te it w h e n all th e w a te r is p um ped, in o rd e r to a vo id o ve rh e a tin g it.
O ve rh e a tin g th e p u m p m ay s e rio u s ly a ffe c t its o p e ra tio n and re s u lt in p e rm a n e n t dam age.

' — ^

Bilge Pump “Zero Aqua Plus”
The ‘Zero Aqua Plus’ bilge pum ps have been designed for heavy-duty use.
Their rugged construction o f ABS is characteristic o f the high quality stan­ Code 31330 31331 31332 31333 31340 31341
dards set by Lalizas. They are very easy to mount and clean, since the
body can be removed, allowing full access to the strainer and the impeller. Gallons (GPH) 600 1000 1500 1500 3500 3500
The “Zero A qua Plus” bilge pum ps are available in four (4) sizes from 600 Volts (DC) 12 12 12 24 12 24
to 3500GPH. All models, apart from 31330 are supplied with non-return 68 68 124 124 124 124
A : Diam eter (mm)
valves, while the 1500 & 3500GPH model com e both in 12V and 24V. A d­
ditionally, Lalizas has a wide range o f non-return valves in various angles B: Height (mm) 102 102 160 160 160 160
which can be com bined with the bilge pumps.



Hose Outlet 3/4” 1%”- 1%” 1%”- 1%”

Outlet Angle Non-Return Valves supplied
1” 90° x • X X x x
N on-R eturn


V alves

Inline X X X
3/4” 90° X • X X X X
1%’’ 90° x X • • • •
1%”- 1%” Inline x x • • • •

w w w .la liza m 63

Bilge Pumps

Non-return Valves
Lalizas non-return valves are ideal for use with all the “Zero Aqua Plus” bilge pump series. They feature a quick release clip, allowing you to service them easily and quickly. They are available as
in-line units o r with a 90o curve. Finally, their outlet connection allow the use o f either a 3/4 to 1” o r a 1 1/4” to 1 1/2” hose.

Code 31344 31345 31346 31347 31348

Hose Outlet 1” 3/4” - 1” 3/4” 1%’’ 1%”- 1%”
Hose Inlet 3/4” - 1” 3/4” - 1” 3/4” - 1” 1%”- 1%” 1%”- 1%”
Angle 90° Inline 90° 90° Inline

31344 31345 31346 31347 31348

Subm ersible Autom atic Bilge Pump 600GPH

The Lalizas Submersible Autom atic Bilge Pump com bines quality and ease o f use in one device. It has a built-in autom atic
float switch which activates the pump when the bilge water rises, thereby allowing the pum p to operate even when the boat
is unattended. The pum ping capacity is 600GPH through a 19mm (3/4”) hose. The pum p also features a manual test button
that allows you to test the level switch, as w ell as, the pump.
Easy to take apart Additionally, it has a snap on strainer base m aking installa­
tion and maintenance simple. The pum p housing is made of
for installation and cleaning
durable ABS plastic. 12V DC. Fuse 10A.
Plumbing & Ventilation

Test knob

Im peller guard . ,,
"-------' | — Remove screw
D epress tabs --------------- r " i ^
Switch 0V JU m j l
Code 31150


Test knob

- + Battery □

Subm ersible Bilge Pumps

The 12V subm ersible bilge pum ps are made o f shock resistant ABS plastic and powered by the w orld’s best com pact motor. The snap-on
strainer base makes installation a simple procedure. These reliable pum ps are available in fo u r sizes from 500GPH to 1000GPH.

0 4 ,5 m m 0 4,5mm

Code 30670 30671 30672 30673

GPH 500 600 700 1000
A(m m ) 60 60 70 70
B(mm) 90 90 95 95
C(mm) 20 20 25 30
D(mm) 15 15 20 25

64 lauzasA
Float Switches

Float switches are used to detect the presence o f excess w ater in the bilge o f a boat, and activate the pum p in order to rem ove it. It is suggested that you use the com bination
o f pump and switch, as it then excludes the possibility o f forgetting to switch o ff the pump, and w ill also prevent overloads.
O pe ra tio n
Mechanical Float Switches: They have a built-in float switch which activates the pum p when forced upwards by the rising water level. W hen the w ater level drops, the float lowers,
deactivating the pump. They operate w ith bilge pum ps rated up to 10A.
Electronic Environmental Level Switch E.E.L.S.: The E.E.L.S. has been designed to sense the conductivity o f liquids and distinguish the presence o f hydrocarbons in bilge water. Since hydro­
carbons are conductors o f lower intensity than water, the E.E.L.S. will switch o ff the pum p and not allow the film o f hydrocarbons, that may be present in the bilge, to be pum ped and discharged
into the sea, thereby preventing pollution. The E.E.L.S. Level switch operates with bilge pum ps rated up to 20A.
Lalizas Level and Float switches are com pact, need limited m aintenance and are designed for long service life.
In s tru c tio n s o f Use
Float switches should be installed vertically in the bilge o r in any area w here excess w ater is most likely to be collected. To safeguard against malfunction it is im portant to ensure correct connec­
tion o f the Float/Level switch to the bilge pump and to the boat’s main circuit. Both the typesof float switches should be connected in series to the main circuit. After connection and taking care to
follow the instructions, all you need to do is regularly check that the device operates smoothly.
M a inten a n ce / R e pla ce m e nt
Although these products need limited maintenance, Lalizas suggests that you:
- Place a fuse with an amperage relative to the pum p in series w ith the main power supply circuit
- C heck regularly that everything operates correctly
- Avoid the use o f any chem ical substances in the bilge
ATTENTIO N: A u to m a tic F lo a t s w itc h e s are d e s ig n e d to h e lp m a in ta in sm o o th e r o p e ra tin g boat d ra in a g e sys te m . T hey are n o t d e s ig n e d to c o n tro l o p e ra tio n o r rep la ce hum an
su rv e illa n c e .

Float Switch FS-40


Plumbing & Ventilation

The Lalizas Float Switch FS-40 has been designed to be used VMUE ng & Ventilation
with bilge pumps rated up to 10A. The FS-40 activates o r deac­
tivates the bilge pump, depending on the water level. Namely,
when the w ater level rises, it forces the float upwards, which
switches on the bilge pump. By installing the float switch, there f e r ’
is no need to monitor the w ater level and switch the pump on
o r off manually. A very im portant feature is that you can test the
sm ooth operation o f the switch at any time, just by using the \ ^ g
j S j f S »^i >~ -o ip
test button. The Float Switch FS-40 is made o f from tough ABS
T e s t b u tto n
plastic for long life.
Voltage: 12V - 24V DC Am perage: 10A
m V nu 1
111 W atch the video on our channel
Ilf //i C*
IE- ~ -■ ■ — 'W . _ 1.^.
S rl i ' 1!
Code.. .31170

Environmental Electronic Level Switch E.E.L.S.

The Lalizas Environmental electronic level switch is the latest in innovation, as it operates with an electronic sensor,
instead o f the air pressure or any moving parts. It has been designed to sense the w ater level with great precision u a
and accuracy, thus offering you the best possible result. O ne o f the most im portant advantages o f the Lalizas E.E.L.S
is that it is environm entally friendly. Lalizas designed this switch to operate only when it senses water. If there are
u tm s k
quantities o f hydrocarbons, such as oil, it switches the bilge pump off, thus preventing any pollution. Mounted verti­ Ir fr t1. I r o i i i f m - i ]
cally to the hull, the Lalizas E.E.L.S is connected inline with bilge pum p(s) even o f higher potency. Also its com pact
design allows a far greater freedom o f movement. On the other hand, in inboard vessels the minimum space it
occupies, leaves more loading space and the hatch space intact. O ther features o f note are the insulated electrical
contacts, casing from durable Nylon and ABS plastic, 100% im perm eability to water.
T e ch n ical c h a ra c te ris tic s I
The Lalizas Electronic Level Switch can be used with any bilge pum p up to 20A. The Electronic Level Switch has
the following electrical characteristics:
V oltage: 12V DC
C o n n e c tio n to th e m ain c irc u it: Inline
M axim um A m pe ra ge : 20A.
H o w to co n n e c t th e L a liza s E le c tro n ic L e v e l S w itch
C onnect a switch for the activation o f the autom atic operation o f the bilge pump inline to the positive pole o f the
battery. You should also connect inline a fuse, according to the am perage o f the bilge pump and up to 20A max (See
m anufacturer’s instructions). The w ires o f the Electronic Level Switch which are connected to the poles o f the battery
are RED (+) and BLACK (-). The other pair o f wires, BLACK (-) and BLUE (+) are connected to the negative and
positive pole o f the bilge pump respectively. Code 31010
It is necessary that you follow the polarity when making the connections, otherwise you run the
risk o f producing a short circuit leading to damage your Electronic Level Switch. Please check the
Fuse 22A
polarity before activating your new Float Switch. OFF/AUTO
■ ™

E n v iro n m e n ta l Float Switch

W IRING E le c tro n ic
Black: Negative (-) L e v e l S w itc h
R ed - Blue: Positive (+) +
Black - Red: Connection to the battery Battery 12V
Black - Blue: Connection to the Bilge Pump

w w w .la liza m 65

Float Switches

Automatic float switch, DC 12V/24V, 15A max

This float switch is designed for the automatic control o f electrically driven
bilge pumps. Designed with a reliable rolling-ball and switch system that
M S )
prevents rapid on/off cycling found on som e switches and is safer than Switch
m ercury switches. W hen water lifts the cham ber buoy up to 6cm, the switch
autom atically turns the bilge pump on until the bilge is em ptied. This automatic Fuse
float switch has a plastic housing.
C ode 91549

+ Battery 12V
P ow er: 12V/ 24V, Fuse: 15A max, M ate ria l: ABS plastic, D im e n s io n s: L 11cm W 7cm H 6.5cm

Bilge Pump Switch

Pum p Switch
Lalizas Pump Switch allows you to operate your boat’s bilge pump automatically, manually o r even switch it off. It is w ater resistant, with an indication light, so that you know when the device is operat­
ing. The Lalizas Pump switch is made o f Inox 316 fo r durability and lifetime protection against corrosion. It is available in charcoal colour.
Plumbing & Ventilation

Manual Bilge Pumps

Diaphragm Bilge Hand Pump

Ideal for use where battery pow er is not available or as a backup to electric pumps, the Lalizas diaphragm bilge hand pum p is easy to use and has a
capacity o f 6,5 gallons at 60 strokes. It features a built-in non-return valve, which can be easily rem oved with the quick release clip and two-position
handle for convenient use, depending on your requirements. Additionally, its outlet connection allows the use o f either a 3/4” or a 1” hose.

m m
Service Kit
for Hand bilge pump 31342
(includes diaphragm,
flapper valves, gasket)
C ode 31399
B. Vertical Position

Code Volt Lt/min Pressure

90274 12 9,5
2,4 bar
90275 24 12

66 ttuznsi
General Purpose Pumps

ATTEN TION: Make sure that the em pty

container is placed below the level o f the
container you wish to em pty

3. Stop pum ping and

place top end o f the hose
Suction hand pump, length 160cm in the container you wish
the hosepipe into the tank the hose vigorously up and
to fill and the liquid will S U IT A B L E F O R P E T R O L
with the liquid that you wish down until the liquid rises in
flow autom atically - D IE S E L - W A TER
Code 70002 70003 to pump out and hold the the hose, continue pumping
top end B o f the hosepipe until the liquid passes bal­
Diam eter (mm) 19 25
upright ance level


Chrome plated

Plumbing & Ventilation

Faucet, with adjustable spray
& shower tube 150cm “Rhea”
C ode 99960
* 240 *

i - D im ensions are in mm

Code 99959
D im ensions are in mm

Chrome plated

D im ensions are in mm
Faucet “A rtem is”
Code 99962

Chrome plated

no * s!
D im ensions are in mm
Faucet “A thina”
C ode 99961

Showers & Accessories

Shower Sum p System LSU 600, 12V

Designed especially for use on boats with built-in sink, shower or tub, the
LSU 600 will pump all w ater out o f the drain and into the tank. It is com pact
and can be mounted either against the floor o r against the walls, in which
case the two legs can be cut off. It has a built-in autom atic bilge pum p that
w ill start operating as soon as the float switch senses water. Additionally,
it features a filter, which can be easily serviced by removing the top trans­
parent cover and a non-return valve at the outlet hose. The LSU 600 case
is made o f resistant plastic and the lid from acrylic. Its power consum ption
is lim ited to 1,5A at 12V. The LSU 600 System has 3 inlet hoses (2 o f
19,1mm (3/4”) and 1 o f 25,4m m (1”)) and 1 outlet hose with non-return
valve for hose o f 19,1 (3/4”) and 25,4mm (1”) in diameter.

w w w .la liza m 67


Installation of the inlet and outlet fittings

Inlet and outlet fittings are supplied loose, so that you can install in any position you prefer. However,
you should always keep the outlet fitting (sm all) as low as possible. To install them, follow the steps below:
1. Mark the holes to be cut out using the inside perim eter o f ring (B)
2. Cut the marked holes with scissors, being careful not to cut the bottom side o f the tank
3. Insert the fittings in the cut-out holes, by folding the surrounding fabric slightly. Part (A) should be inside and ring (B)
outside the tank wall
4. Secure the fittings by fastening tightly the nut (C)

C le a n in g and M ainten a n ce
To maintain the tank in good condition follow the instructions below before winter: O u tle t
- Fill with w ater and some white vinegar to rem ove any algae that may have been formed F ittin g
- Rinse with fresh water and leave to dry com pletely
- Store in a dry place

Flexible W ater Tanks, grey

Flexible water tanks solve the problem o f storing water on your boat. Made o f non-toxic PVC, they are suitable even for drinking water. The tanks are supplied with a valve, which can be used for
ventilation and with two extra fittings (cut through hole: 48mm). They are easy to store and use. Lalizas flexible water tanks are available in rectangular and triangular models.

Code 31325 31326
Plumbing & Ventilation

Dim ensions (cm) 86x21x93 108x21x108

Capacity (Lt) 55 100

Code 31321 31322 31323 31324 31329
Dim ensions (cm) 74x60 74x84 74x100 74x125 74x150
Capacity (Lt) 55 75 100 120 150

Outlet Fitting Inlet Fitting

diam.: 48mm for Valve for Flexible W ater
diam.: 48mm for
5/8” hose, black Tanks (31321-6, 31329)
1 1/2” hose, black
Code 31352 C ode 02022

W ater Shower Tank , flexible

- It is made o f PVC and can heat 20lt o f w ater
- It is lightweight & small, saving you a lot o f space Code 99976
- It is environm ental friendly, since the construction material doesn’t contain any toxin Capacity (Lt) 20

Marine Toilets & Accessories

In o rd e r to b oth p ro lo n g th e life o f y o u r
p o rta b le to ile t and m a in ta in its fu ll fu n c ­
tk n w e re com m e n d yo u th e fo llo w in g :
- Avoid exposing the toilet to high tem peratures
(over 60oC)
- Make sure that there is always enough water in the
fresh w ater holding tank before use Portable Toilet
- Clean the waste holding tank regularly. Ideally, it should be This portable toilet is suitable for interior and
cleaned every tim e the fresh w ater tank is empty. exterior use. It is self-contained and it doesn’t
- You can use any tank detergent, strictly according to its in­ require any external water o r pow er connec­
structions tions. It consists o f tw o separate tanks; a
fresh w ater holding tank o f 12lt capacity and
M ainten a n ce a waste holding tank o f 10lt. However, you
- Lubricate the slide valve periodically can change the waste tank’s capacity to 20lt,
- The slide valve may be removed for service or cleaning, by by replacing the 10lt waste tank with the 20lt
ju st unscrewing counter clockwise waste tank (11869).
- Clean the exterior parts o f the toilet w ith a mild, non-abrasive The toilet is made o f high-density plastic with
cleaner matt finish for greater resistance to scratches. 31cm

C o d e ...11867

68 muzasi
Code 11873 Spare slide valve for the spare
tanks 11868 & 11869

Spare waste hold­

Code 11872 Spare cap for the waste holding
ing tank, for the
tank of the portable toilet 11867
portable toilet 11867
Base for the portable toilet
11867, Height 125mm
C ode 11870 Code 11868 11869
Spare cap for the fresh water tank of
Code 11871
the portable toilet 11867 Capacity (Lt) 10 20

H . t >

The fresh water tank Heavy duty, corrosion The double sealed drain Both waste and fresh water The detached waste hold­
provides up to 50 flushes resistant side latches lock valve protects against tanks feature one-piece ing tank (10lt or 20lt) can
the tanks together leakages and odours construction; no seam s be easily em ptied, without
involved. using any tools

Plumbing & Ventilation

Electric Marine Toilet LT-0E & LT-1E
Electric toilets LT-1E and LT-0E, can be supplied as e ither 12V or 24V and have been designed to make your life on-board easier, because o f their self-prim ing
double action pumps. By ju st pushing the on/off switch, which can be installed anywhere in the toilet cabin, you activate the pum p and while fresh water rinses in
the bowl, the m acerator grinds up and pumps out the waste.
The LT electric toilets can be easily installed, either above or below the waterline. Please note that when they are installed below the waterline, it is necessary to
use an antisiphon loop fo r preventing w ater inflow into the interior. Furtherm ore, the toilets are supplied, either with a com pact (LT-0E) or a regular bowl (LT-1E)
Additionally, the LT toilets have been designed with a quick fit locking m echanism, which allows you to easily rem ove the pum p’s base, in order to clean the exposed
w aste surfaces. All parts are made o f corrosion resistant materials.

Voltage Dim ensions (mm)

Code Description
(V) A B C

11874 12
LT - 0E 400 435 370
11875 24

11876 12
LT - 1E 480 460 400
11877 24 You can install the pum p in four
different positions.

Kits Available for Electric Marine Toilets

Code Description Key

11452 Cover Set fo r manual toilet LT-IE 33

11519 Cover S et fo r manual toilet LT-0E 33

11896 Toilet bowl for the toilets LT-0E, ceram ic, white 34

11897 Toilet bowl for the toilets LT-1E, ceram ic, white 34

11879 Repair kit for the electric toilets 24V, LT-0E & LT-1E 1-32

11878 Repair kit for the electric toilets 12V, LT-0E & LT-1E 1-32

You can always assem bly the Lalizas electric marine toilets, LT-0E & LT-1E, by using the relevant spare parts included in the following table.
F o r instance, i f you w ant to a ssem bly the electric to ilet LT-0E (11874), then y ou are going to n ee d the 11896, 11519 & 11878 spare parts,
Do it yourself which a re also h ighlighted in the above picture.

Voltage Dim ensions (mm)

Code Description Key
(V) A B C
11874 12 11896 + 11519 + 11878
LT - 0E 400 435 370
11875 24 11896 + 11519 + 11879

11876 12 11897 + 11452 + 11878

LT - 1E 480 460 400
11877 24 11897 + 11452 + 11879

w w w .la liza m 69

Marine Toilets & Accessories

Marine Manual Toilets LT-0 & LT-1

The LT-0 and LT-I toilets are especially designed fo r long term use. They are available in tw o sizes com pact (LT-0) and regular (LT-I).
Both can easily be installed above or below the waterline. If they are installed below the w aterline, it is necessary to use an anti-siphon
loop to prevent water inflow into the interior. Furtherm ore, these toilets can be installed with the pum p either at the right or the left side of
the porcelain bowl. The valves have been designed for a longer and more reliable service life. The drain plug has been designed with a
quick fit locking mechanism for easier and more effective drainage o f the toilets. All the parts are m ade o f corrosion resistant materials.

Dim ensions (mm)

Code Description

11510 LT-0 400 430 330

11412 LT-I 450 470 360

Kits Available for Marine Manual Toilets

Plumbing & Ventilation

Code Description Key

11451 Kit E, Base to Bowl Mounting Kit 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

11452 Cover Set for manual toilet LT-I 2, 3

11519 Cover Set for manual toilet LT-0 2, 3

11453 Kit G, Intake Seal for manual toilet LT-I 4, 5, 6

11447 Kit A, M ajor S ervice Kit for manual toilet LT-I 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 30, 33

Assem bled Spare Pump for Manual Toilet LT-0 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
and LT-1 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

11896 Toilet bowl for the toilets LT-0, ceramic, white 1

11897 Toilet bowl for the toilets LT-1, ceramic, white 1

You can always assem bly the Lalizas marine manual toilets, LT-0 & LT-1, by using the relevant spare parts included in the following table.
Do it yourself F o r instance, ify o u w ant to assem bly the m anual toilet LT-0 (11510), then you are going to n eed the 11451, 11519, 11453, 11535 & 11897 spare parts, which
are also highlighted in the above picture.

Dim ensions (mm)

Code Description Key

11510 LT-0 400 430 330 11451 + 11519 + 11453 + 11535 + 11897

11412 LT-I 450 470 360 11451 + 11452 + 11453 + 11535 + 11896

Covers set for LT Toilets Toilet bowl for LT toilets,

Repair kit for LT electric toilets
ceramic, white
Code For Toilets Material
Code For Toilets W eight (Kg) Code For Toilets
11519 LT-0 LT-0E MDF (V)
LT-1 LT-1E PP 11896 LT-0 LT-0E 6 11879 11875 11877 24
11897 LT-1 LT-1E 7,75 11878 11874 11876 12

70 ttuznsi
Anti-Vent Loops

Anti-vent loop connection, nylon

An anti-vent loop connection is required when the toilet installation is below the waterline. This Code Ext. Diam eter (cm)
prevents w ater inflow into the interior. The Lalizas anti-vent loop connection is made o f ABS and
is available in two different sizes. 90184 1,9

90185 3,8

Toilet Sanitizing & Cleaning

D isinfectant Sanitizing Release Unit DSRU

The D S R U is a unit that keeps your toilet bowl clean and free from limescale. The unit should be attached to the
pipe, w here water flows from the flush pump to the toilet. As water is pumped towards the bowl it sucks a quantity
o f the disinfectant inhibiting lim escale, it also colours the water (green or blue) and deodorizes. Each unit is
supplied with two tablets, ‘M arine’ (blue) and ‘Pine’ (green) scent respec­
tively. The tablets are also sold separately, but the DSR U is designed to
fit any tablet in the market sm aller than 30x30x40mm.
The DSRU is very easy to install, requires minim um maintenance and
has a discreet and com pact design.

Spare Disinfectant Tablets

Code... 11865 for ‘DSRU’ Marine, & Pine (2

Plumbing & Ventilation

Code 11866

Hose Clamps

Heavy-duty Inox 316 hose clamps

Lalizas hose clam ps are designed for heavy-duty secure hose connections, such as exhaust hoses. T hey are made o f S tainless S teel 316 for the ultimate resistance to corrosion. Each Hose features
smooth im perforated band surface and rolled edges, so as to prevent hose dam age. Sizes varying from 29m m up to 175mm with band spreads from 2mm to 12mm and width from 20 mm up to 26mm
depending on the model, will guarantee that you will find the ideal hose for your requirem ents.

Hose clam ps
316 ipwjrm





10284 1 10285 1 10286 1 10287 1 10288 1 10289 10290 1 10291 1 10292 1 10293 1 10294

W idth(m m ) 20 22 24
Diam eter(m m ) 29-31 31-34 36-39 40-43 44-47 47-50 52-55 56-59 60-63 64-67 68-73 74-79 80-85 86-91 92-97

Code 10295 1 10296 1 10297 1 10298 10299 1 10300 1 10301 1 10302 1 10303
W idth(m m ) 24 26
Diam eter(m m ) 98-103 104-112 113-121 122-130 131-139 1 3 9 -1 4 7 1 148-160 162-174 175-187

Hose clamps Inox 304 & 316

Lalizas hose clam ps are especially designed for marine use, with band, housing and screw all made o f Stainless Steel fo r extra resistance to corrosion. They feature fixed housing and bevelled
edges, - the com plete smoothness o f the internal surface will ensure protection from any kind o f hose dam age. Lalizas hose clam ps are available in various sizes from 8m m to 140mm with band
spreads from 8m m to 20mm and width o f 9m m o r 12mm depending on the model and in tw o types depending on their material, stainless steel 304 and 316.


Hose clam ps 1.4401 316 316S16 Z6CND17.12 316

Screw 1.4401 316 316S16 Z6CND17.12 316 INOX INOX
Hose clam ps 1.4301 304 304S15 Z6CN18.09 304 316 304 pecsTum
Screw 1.4301 304 304S15 Z6CN18.09 304

Code 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130

X W idth(m m ) 9 12
Diam eter(m m ) 8-16 12-20 16-25 20-32 25-40 16-27 20-32 25-40 32-50 40-60 50-70 60-80 70-90 80-100 90-110 100-120 110-130 120-140

Code 11479 11480 11481 11482 11483 11484 11485 11486 11487 11488 11489 11490 11491 11492 11493 11494 11495 11496
W idth(m m ) 9 12

Diam eter(m m ) 8-16 12-20 16-25 20-32 25-40 16-27 20-32 25-40 32-50 40-60 50-70 60-80 70-90 80-100 90-110 100-120 110-130 120-140

w w w .la liza m 71

Thru-Hull Plastic Fittings

/ / Code Diam. (mm) Suitable for Drains

Expanding drain plugs 22 95793
The Lalizas series o f expanding drain plugs includes 4 drain plugs o f different
diam eter for different drain sizes. They are made o f Nylon, supplied in black and 95786 25 10250, 10251, 10254 & 10255
each o f the drain plugs can be applied to specific drains in the Lalizas range. 95787 35 10259
95785 40 10252, 10253, 10256 & 10257

H I Long drain
Diam. 22mm, L 125mm, white

Outlet Fitting Inlet Fitting Oval Drain Socket with

diam.: 48mm for diam.: 48mm for O-ring 0 26.3mm
5/8” hose, black 1 1/2” hose, black
Code 31352 Code.......95781 95782
Non return valve for drain,
Code 31351 Colour W hite Black Diam. 22mm

Through Hull Drain 90 degrees for 1’’ and 1 1/4’’ Hose

Adjustable drain Adjustable drain
20-40mm, white 40-80mm, white
Plumbing & Ventilation

Code Description
10254 W ith adjustable length
10255 W ith stead face


Through hull drain for 3/4” hose

Through Hull Drain for 1 1/2” Hose
Through Hull Drain for chrom e plated with
white chrom e plated with W hite plastic nut
1 1/4’’ Hose, white plastic nut

C ode 70600 Code 10250 Code 70597
Code 10252 Code 10253

Outlet with reverse flow

Through Hull Drain for 1’’ Hose
Outlet with reverse flow protection protection valve for 1 %” hose
chrom e plated with chrom e plated with
valve for 1 1/4’’ hose, white white
white ^--*1?!% plastic nut plastic nut

C ode 10256 C ode 70603 Code 10251 Code 70598
Code 10257

Lever, Ball & Safety Valves

Non-return Valves
Lalizas non-return valves are ideal for use with all the "Zero A qua Plus" bilge pump series. They feature a quick release clip, allowing you to service them easily and quickly. They are available as
in-line units o r with a 90o curve. Finally, its outlet connection allows the use o f either a 3/4 to 1" or a 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" hose.

Code 31344 31345 31346 31347 31348


Hose Outlet 1" 3/4" 1%" 1%"- 1%"

Watch the video on our channel


Hose Inlet 1%"- 1%" 1%"- 1%"

Angle 90° Inline 90° 90° Inline

72 ttuznsi
Non return valve for drain,
Diam. 22mm

Lever operated ball valve F-F, Lever operated ball valve F-F,
SeaWare, nickel plated SeaWare, nickel plated
brass, for gas brass, for water

Code W eight (gr) M H L D A G Code W eight (gr) M H L D A G

96569 122 71 45 41 10 10,5 1/4" 70150 122 71 45 41 10 10,5 1/4"
96570 115 71 45 41 10 10,5 3/8" 70151 115 71 45 41 10 10,5 3/8" Ball valves, PVC
96571 148 90 50 47,5 14 10,5 1/2" 70152 148 90 50 47,5 14 10,5 1/2" Code D iam eter
96572 220 92 53 53,5 18 12 3/4" 70153 220 92 53 53,5 18 12 3/4" 90373 1/2"
96573 310 114 57 62 21 12,5 1" 70154 310 114 57 62 21 12,5 1" 90374 3/4"
70155 520 136 70 72 29 13,5 1 1/4" 90375 1"
70156 750 150 76 78,5 32 16 1 1/2" 70979 1 1/4"
70980 1 1/2"

Plumbing & Ventilation


Made o f strong ABS ensuring a long and
durable life. There are two sizes available, Code 01685 01686
115mm x 127,5mm and 90mm x 255mm re­
Colour W hite
spectively. The integrated design produces
Dim ensions
easy screw mounting . 11,5X12,7 9X25,5

Ventilators “EVO” Connector “EVO” 91.5x91.5x66mm, white

"EVO" ventilators achieve natural air circulation in the interior o f your boat. They im prove air quality, reduce hum idity and elim inate carbon diox­ "EVO" connectors are attached to ventilators to
ide concentration indoors. A healthy atm osphere insures crew com fort and prolongs electrical device’s life. "EVO" ventilators 70231-70233 and support the bulkhead o f your boat. The advantage
70235-70237 are made o f highly resistant plastic and 70234 and 70238 are made o f ABS. They com e in both rectangular and square shapes o f these connectors is their unique design, which
and they can be com bined w ith connector 70239 fo r better performance. You will find “EVO” ventilators in white, black, grey and chrom e colour. prevents heavy w ater inflows in rough sailing.
"EVO" connectors are made o f w hite highly resist­
ant plastic.

Code Dim ensions (mm) Material Colour Code Dim ensions (mm) Material Colour
70231 W hite 70235 White
Highly Resistant Highly Resistant
70232 Black 70236 Black
183x91,5x16,5 Plastic 91.5x91.5x16.5 Plastic Code 70239
70233 Grey 70237 Grey
70234 ABS Chrome 70238 ABS Chrome

Louver Ventilator, Inox 316

Ventilator, Inox 316 Code Diam eter (mm) Thickness (mm)
Code Diam eter (mm) Thickness (mm) 99810 102
125 0,8 0,8
99808 99809 126

w w w .la liza m 73

Vent, Inox 316
Louve Ventilator, Inox 316 B Code 92790 92789
A(m m ) 11 16
Code Length (mm) W idth (mm) Thickness (mm) B(mm) 27 50
99063 127 C(mm) 42,2 62,50
99064 230 0,8
A *Surface E.P = Electro polished
99065 228 127

Cabin Vents
Cabin vents offer natural ventilation indoors and prevent w ater leaks from waves and rain. They open and close manually. W hen open, air is circulated and w ater stays out o f your boat. Cabin vents
are made o f plastic.The vent w ith code num ber 98621 is equipped with an inox cover.

Cabin vents I
W ater pushes the special M
balls inside the vent to
shut ventilation holes and
Plumbing & Ventilation

ensure absolute im perm e­


Code Diam eter (cm) Cut area (cm) Cover

Watch the video on our channel
70158 W hite
20 9,5
98621 Inox

W ater pushes the special
Solar Vents balls inside the vent to
Solar vents provide m echanical ventilation utilising solar energy. The solar panel shut ventilation holes and
activates the fan, which allows the air to flow in. These autonom ous vents detect ensure absolute im perm e­
water flow s from w aves and rain, while refreshing the atm osphere even on those ability
calm windless days. Special balls inside the vents are pushed by the water to shut
ventilation holes and ensure imperm eability. They have two functions; one function
activates solar function and the other modifies the fan’s function from clockwise to
counter clockwise. Solar vents are made o f white plastic, w hile the 98681 vent is Solar panel
equipped with an inox cover. O perates with Solar En­
ergy. Activation with on/off
Code Diam eter Cut area Cover switches
98680 W hite
20cm 9,5cm
98681 Inox

“24 hours” Vent

"24 hours" vent is com pletely autom atic as it works w ith solar energy in sunny days and batteries, during the night. Forced ventilation is
controlled through a dynam ic impeller, which turns clockw ise to inflow and counter clockwise to exhaust air. The user adjusts the vent on the
corresponding function through on/off switches. Active air m ovem ent absorbs moisture and refreshes the interior o f your boat completely.
Simultaneously, when w ater enters the vent special balls inside block its entry to achieve absolute imperm eability. "24 hour" vents are made of
white plastic. The 99689 vent is equipped with inox cover.

Code Diam eter Cut area Cover W ater pushes the special
balls inside the vent to
99688 W hite
20cm 9,5cm shut ventilation holes and
99689 Inox ensure absolute im perm e­

Solar panel
Battery PCB O perates with Solar En­
Rechargeable battery, charged Three functions PCB to activate solar function, ergy. Activation with on/off
autom atically by the solar panel. activate battery function and modify fan function switches.
Activation with on/off switches. from clockwise to counter clockwise turn.

74 ttuznsi

W hat is a dehumidifier
A dehum idifier is a unit that circulates air turning excess hum idity into water.

1. Standard function: Plug in the dehumidifier. Turn the control to set the level o f humidity. The extracted water w ill be collected into the 2.5lt tank. W hen the w ater tank is full, the
“full-tank light indicator” will turn on and the unit w ill autom atically stop operating. Empty the water from the tank and the dehum idifier will start w orking again.
2. Continuous drainage function: Connect a hose to the drainage outlet at the backside o f the dehumidifier, in order to override the tank. The hose w ill lead to the w aste tank. Plug in the dehum idi­
fier; set the level o f hum idity and the unit will start working.
Once the hum idity in the cabin reaches the pre-selected hum idity level, the unit will switch off automatically, in order to avoid dryness. The dehum idifier will keep checking the hum idity level and
as soon as the pre-selected hum idity level is exceeded, it will autom atically start operating again.
The dehum idifying capacity varies according to different tem peratures and relative hum idity levels. As the relative hum idity or tem perature increases, the dehum idifying capacity also increases.
On the other hand, if the tem perature and relative hum idity decreases, the dehum idifying capacity will also decrease. It can extract up to 10lt per day.

M aintenance
The dehum idifier’s perform ance may be reduced if the unit is not m aintained properly. For this reason it is highly recom m ended to:
■Check the filter o f the dehum idifier regularly and clean it every 2 weeks
■Avoid using strong detergents to clean the dehum idifier

Alw ays follow the m anual’s instructions for the use a nd m aintenance o f the dehumidifier.

Portable Sea Dehum idifier 10lt

The Sea D ehum idifier is one o f the most effective ways to control humidity. It is especially designed for m arine use and will help you prevent moisture on the walls, as well as, the unpleasant odour,
during the w inter months, when the level o f hum idity is high.
The Sea Dehum idifier is efficient, with a durable com pressor and features a handle that allows you to carry it easily. Moreover, it is silent and its low profile and com pact design makes it ideal to fit

Plumbing & Ventilation

into any space. The Sea D ehum idifier is available in white colour.

S p e c ific a tio n s
Capacity: 10 lt/day
W orking Space: 15-20m2
Voltage: 220-240V
Rated Power: 260W
W orking Temperature: 5-35oC
Noise Level: <46dB(A)
W ater tank capacity: 2.4Lt
E nvironm ent friendly refrigerant R134a
W ater level detection and autom atic shut o ff when tank is full
Full-tank indicator light
W ashable dust filter
Autom atic defrosting function 480mm
Net W eight: 13kg



F u ll-ta n k
H a n d le in d ic a to r lig h t A ir o u tle t

Pow er W a te r ta n k c a p a c ity 2 ,5 lt
s w itc h

w w w .la liza m 75

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