Electromagnetic Im#10
Electromagnetic Im#10
Electromagnetic Im#10
IM No.10:Eng’g7-2nd SEM-2021-2022
College: Engineering
Campus: Bambang
We have introduced the potential concept by considering the work done, or energy expended, in
moving a point charge around in an electric field, and now we must tie up the loose ends of that discussion
by tracing the energy flow one step further.
Similarly, we may express the work required to position each additional charge in the field of all
those already present:
Work to position Q3 = Q3V3,1 + Q3V3,2
Work to position Q4 = Q4V4,1 + Q4V4,2 + Q4V4,3
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.10:Eng’g7-2nd SEM-2021-2022
and so forth. The total work is obtained by adding each contribution:
where R13 and R31 each represent the scalar distance between Q1 and Q3, we see that it might equally
well have been written as Q1V1,3. If each term of the total energy expression is replaced by its equal, we
Adding the two energy expressions (39) and (40) gives us a chance to simplify the result a little:
Each sum of potentials in parentheses is the combined potential due to all the charges except for the
charge at the point where this combined potential is being found. In other words,
V1 is the potential at the location of Q1 due to the presence of Q2, Q3, .... We therefore have
In order to obtain an expression for the energy stored in a region of continuous charge distribution,
each charge is replaced by ρvdv, and the summation becomes an integral,
Equations (41) and (42) allow us to find the total potential energy present in a system of point
charges or distributed volume charge density. Similar expressions may be easily written in terms of line
or surface charge density. Usually we prefer to use Eq. (42) and let it represent all the various types of
charge which may have to be considered. This may always be done by considering point charges, line
charge density, or surface charge density to be continuous distributions of volume charge density over
very small regions. We will illustrate such a procedure with an example shortly.
Before we undertake any interpretation of this result, we should consider a few lines of more
difficult vector analysis and obtain an expression equivalent to Eq. (42) but written in terms of E and D.
We begin by making the expression a little bit longer. Using Maxwell’s first equation, replace ρv
by its equal ∇·D and make use of a vector identity which is true for any scalar function V and any vector
function D,
This may be proved readily by expansion in rectangular coordinates. We then have, successively,
Using the divergence theorem from Chapter 3, the first volume integral of the last equation is
changed into a closed surface integral, where the closed surface surrounds the volume considered. This
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.10:Eng’g7-2nd SEM-2021-2022
volume, first appearing in Eq. (42), must contain every charge, and there can then be no charges outside
of the volume. We may therefore consider the volume as infinite in extent if we wish. We have
The surface integral is equal to zero, for over this closed surface surrounding the universe we see
that V is approaching zero at least as rapidly as 1/r (the charges look like point charges from there), and
D is approaching zero at least as rapidly as 1/r 2. The integrand therefore approaches zero at least as
rapidly as 1/r3, while the differential area of the surface, looking more and more like a portion of a sphere,
is increasing only as r2. Consequently, in the limit as r → ∞, the integrand and the integral both approach
zero. Substituting E = −∇V in the remaining volume integral, we have our answer,
We may now use this last expression to calculate the energy stored in the electrostatic field of a
section of a coaxial cable or capacitor of length L.
where ρS is the surface charge density on the inner conductor, whose radius is a. Thus,
This same result may be obtained from Eq. (42). We choose the outer conductor as our zero potential
reference, and the potential of the inner cylinder is then
The surface charge density ρS at ρ=a can be interpreted as a volume charge density ρ v = ρS/t,
extending from ρ = a – 1/2 t to ρ = a + 1/2 t, where t << a. The integrand in Eq. (42) is therefore zero
everywhere between the cylinders (where the volume charge density is zero), as well as at the outer
cylinder (where the potential is zero). The integration is therefore performed only within the thin cylindrical
shell at ρ = a,
from which
once again.
This expression takes on a more familiar form if we recognize the total charge on the inner
conductor as Q = 2𝜋aLρS. Combining this with the potential difference between the cylinders, Va, we see
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.10:Eng’g7-2nd SEM-2021-2022
the charges themselves, in the field, or where? No one can offer any proof for his or her own private
opinion, and the matter of deciding may be left to the philosophers.
Electromagnetic field theory makes it easy to believe that the energy of an electric field or a charge
distribution is stored in the field itself, for if we take Eq. (44), an exact and rigorously correct expression,
we obtain a quantity 1/2 D· E, which has the dimensions of an energy density, or joules per cubic meter.
We know that if we integrate this energy density over the entire field containing volume, the result is truly
the total energy present, but we have no more justification for saying that the energy stored in each
differential volume element dv is 1/2 D· E dv than we have for looking at Eq. (42) and saying that the
stored energy is 1/2 ρvVdv. The interpretation afforded by Eq. (45), however, is a convenient one, and
we will use it until proved wrong.
1. A copper sphere of radius 4 cm carries a uniformly distributed total charge of 5 µC in free space.
(a) Use Gauss’s law to find D external to the sphere. (b) Calculate the total energy stored in the
electrostatic field. (c) Use WE = Q2/(2C) to calculate the capacitance of the isolated sphere.
2. A sphere of radius a contains volume charge of uniform density ρ0 C/m3. Find the total stored
energy by applying (a) Eq. (42); (b) Eq. (44).
VII. EVALUATION (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)
1. Four 0.8 nC point charges are located in free space at the corners of a square 4 cm on a side. (a)
Find the total potential energy stored. (b) A fifth 0.8 nC charge is installed at the center of the
square. Again, find the total stored energy.
2. Surface charge of uniform density ρs lies on a spherical shell of radius b, centered at the origin in
free space. (a) Find the absolute potential everywhere, with zero reference at infinity. (b) Find the
stored energy in the sphere by considering the charge density and the potential in a two-
dimensional version of Eq. (42). (c) Find the stored energy in the electric field and show that the
results of parts (b) and (c) are identical.
IM No.10:Eng’g7-2nd SEM-2021-2022
A. Book/Printed Resources
▪ Morrison, R., 2002, ‘The Field of Electronics: Understanding Electronics Using Basic
Physics’, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
▪ Plonsey, R., and R. E. Collin. Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1961. The level of this text is somewhat higher than the one we are
reading now, but it is an excellent text to read next. Gauss’s law appears in the second
▪ Plonus, M. A. Applied Electromagnetics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. This book contains
rather detailed descriptions of many practical devices that illustrate electromagnetic
applications. For example, see the discussion of xerography on pp. 95–98 as an
electrostatics application.
▪ Skilling, H. H. Fundamentals of Electric Waves. 2d ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1948.
The operations of vector calculus are well illustrated. Divergence is discussed on pp. 22
and 38. Chapter 1 is interesting reading.
▪ Hayt, W. J., & Buck, J. A. (2001). Engineering Electromagnetics Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill
▪ Thomas, G. B., Jr., and R. L. Finney. (see Suggested References for Chapter 1). The
divergence theorem is developed and illustrated from several different points of view on pp.
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