Lecture 1 Obs Yosor PDFF
Lecture 1 Obs Yosor PDFF
Lecture 1 Obs Yosor PDFF
Clinical Findings:
• Hyperemesis gravidarum: extreme form of nausea and vomiting, characterized by dehydration, weight loss (up
to 5%), ketonuria. Tx with oral pyridoxine 10 - 30mg 3 to 4 times a day if mild w/o dehydration
• Montgomery’s tubercles (portion of the areolar glands visible on the skin surface, Breast engorgement,)
• Fetal movement (quickening): 18–20 weeks’ in primiparous, 14 weeks’ in multiparous
• Skin changes: 1. CHLOASMA: skin darkening of the forehead, bridge of the nose, or cheek bones. after 16
weeks’ gestation. Chloasma is exacerbated by sunlight
2. LINEA NIGRA: darkening of nipples and lower midline from the umbilicus to pubis (linea nigra)
3. STRIAE: breast, abdomen appear as irregular scars. Appear late in pregnancy and caused by
collagen separation.
4. SPIDER TELANGIECTASIA: elevated plasma estrogen. vascular stellate skin lesions and palmar
• Pelvic organ changes:
1. CHADWICK’S SIGN: Congestion of pelvic vasculature causes bluish discoloration of the vagina
and the cervix
2. HEGAR’S SIGN: widening and softening of the body or isthmus of the uterus (6 -8 weeks)
3. PELVIC LIGAMENTS: relaxation of the sacroiliac and pubic symphysis (due to relaxin hormone
produced from the corpus luteum)
4. LEUKORRHEA: vaginal discharge, containing epithelial cells and mucous
• Braxton Hick’s contractions: —Painless uterine contractions, begin at 28 weeks, disappear with
walking, exercise, or hydration, and do not cause cervical dilation
• Sac is seen 4-5 weeks
• Sac diameter > 25 mm must have embryo
• Sac: regular, well-defined, double ring, echo lucent
• To assess for viability, cardiac activity should be noted
by transvaginal ultrasound when the fetal pole
measures 7 mm, which corresponds to a gestational
age of 6.0–6.5 weeks
• Using transabdominal ultrasound, cardiac activity
should be noted when the fetal pole corresponds
with a gestational age of 8 weeks
• Most common cause 70% is constitutional (maternal body dimension)
• Most common pathological cause: hypertension
Fall 2017
Which maternal factor is the most common cause of IUGR?
• GERD-Reflux affects 30-80% of women (52% in 1st trimester. 24% in 2nd vs. 8.8%in 3rd )
• Greater production of gastrin > increases stomach volume and acidity of gastric
• ** The underlying predisposition to reflux in pregnancy is related to hormone-mediated
relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter - PROGESTERONE
• RBCs: mass expands 33% (Hb, Hct decrease slightly) → red cell mass expands during
pregnancy, there is a greater increase in plasma volume. This leads to overall dilutional
effect on hemoglobin. Thus, pregnancy results in decreased hemoglobin counts.
• WBCs: total blood leukocyte count increases (5000-12000), During labor 20000-25000
• Platelets: increased production of PLTs (thrombocytopoiesis), accompanied by
progressive platelet consumption (REMEMBER) (so static or slightly decrease< 150000
in 6% of pregnant)
• Clotting factors: Fibrinogen (factor I) and factor VIII levels increase markedly
Factors VII, IX, X, XII increase to a lesser extent (XI, XIII not changed)
Fibrinolytic activity is depressed –decreased
• Nails become brittle and can show horizontal grooves (Beau’s lines).
• Thickening of the hair during pregnancy is caused by an increased number of follicles in anagen (growth)
phase, ends 1–5 months postpartum with the onset of the telogen (resting) phase, Normal hair growth
returns within 12 months
• The average weight gain during pregnancy is 12.5 kg
• Circulatory Function: A. Uteroplacental Circulation: uterine blood flow near term is 500–700 mL/min,
85% of uterine blood flow goes to
cotyledons, blood flow in placenta is 400– 500 mL/min
B. Fetoplacental Circulation: total umbilical blood flow of 350–400 mL/min
1st Stage:
• Active phase arrest: > 6 cm dilated with ruptured membrane who fail to progress
despite at least 4 hrs of adequate contractions, or 6 hrs of oxytocin
2nd Stage:
• Cardinal movements of fetus take place
• Descent of the fetus is evaluated by measuring the relationship of the bony
portion of the fetal head to the level of maternal ischial spines (station)
• 30 minutes to 3 hours in primigravid women and from 5–30 min in multigravida
• Arrest of labor: cervical exam > 6 cm with membrane rupture and 1 of the
1. > 4hrs of adequate contractions
2. > 6 hrs of inadequate contraction and no cervical change
Contraindication regional anesthesia: משוחזר
1. Valvular heart disease
2. Infection, bacteremia
3. Coagulopathy
4. Hypovolemia
5. Progressive neurologic disease
6. Patient refusal
3rd Stage:
• Placenta separates within 30 min
• Signs >> 1. fresh show of blood appears from the vagina
2. umbilical cord lengthens outside the vagina
3. fundus of the uterus rises up
4. uterus becomes firm and globular
• Mt 3rd stage: →uterine massage, oxytocin (PPH)
→prophylactically administration uterotonic agents
→Timely cord clamping (delayed 30-60 sec, prevents anemia,
increases Hb level, improves iron stores)
→controlled traction of the cord
Fall 2019
A 24 year old primigravida at 40 weeks gestation in the delivery room
progressed from 6 cm cervical dilatation to 9 cm within 2 hours. What
is your Dx?
(1)Normal labor progression
(2)Prolonged latent phase
(3)Protracted active phase
(4)Active phase arrest
(5)Arrest of descent
Induction and Augmentation of Labor
Induction of labor is the process of initiating
labor by artificial means
Augmentation is the artificial stimulation of
labor that has begun spontaneously
Fall 2019
Which of the following cases has a Bishop score above 7?
(1)Soft cervical consistency, posterior cervix, 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and fetal
head position -1
(2)Soft cervical consistency, posterior cervix, 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and fetal
head position -2
(3)Stiff cervical consistency, posterior cervix, 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and fetal
head position -2
(4)Soft cervical consistency, middle cervix, 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and fetal
head position -2 (correct_
(5)Stiff cervical consistency, middle cervix, 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and fetal
head position -2
1. Preeclampsia, eclampsia Absolute: 1. Contracted pelvis
2. HELLP 2. Placenta previa
3. Previous classical CS
3. Diabetes
4. Myomectomy entering the endometrial cavity
5. Transverse lie
• Fetal: 1. Post-term Relative: 1. Breech
2. Fetal abnormality 2. Previous CS with low transverse uterine scar
3. Chorioamnionitis
5. Placental insufficiency
6. Oligohydramnios
7. IUGR, fetal demise
8. Multiple gestation
Forceps indications:
• Non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
• Shortening of 2nd stage of labor for maternal reasons
• Prolonged 2nd stage of labor not due to dystocia (nulliparous patient, a prolonged second stage is defined as >3
hours with a regional anesthetic or >2 hours without a regional anesthetic. In a multiparous patient, more than 2
hours with a regional anesthetic or more than 1 hour without a regional anesthetic)
• Delivery of aftercoming head in a breech presentation
1. Complete cervical dilatation
2. Ruptured membranes
3. Fetal head engaged with the fetal head position known
4. Empty bladder
5. No evidence of cephalopelvic disproportion
Complications: Maternal trauma (episitomy, laceration), Facial and brachial plexus palsies,
Cephalohematoma, ICH, seizure
VACUUM indications:
• Non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
• Shortening of the second stage of labor for maternal reasons
• Prolonged second stage of labor
• Face presentation
• Breech presentation Retinal hemorrhage 50%
• True cephalopelvic disproportion Cephalohematoma 6%
Subgleal hematoma 50/10000 0.5%
• Congenital anomalies of the fetal head (hydrocephalus)
• Gestational age < 34 weeks
• Unengaged fetal head
• Fetal demineralization disorder (osteogenesis imperfecta)
• Fetal weight > 4000 g (relative)
Spring 2018
Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for vacuum
assisted delivery?
(1)Vaginal tear on previous delivery
(2)Maternal HBV infection
(3)Fetal estimated weight above 4000 gr
(4)Premature labor at 33 weeks of gestation
(5)Occiput posterior presentation
Caesarean section indications:
• Repeat CS
• Cephalopelvic disproportion/ dystocia
• Abnormal lie/ malpresentation
• Fetal HR tracing abnormalities
• Other: placenta previa, preeclampsia-eclampsia, placental abruption, twins, active genital
herpes infection