Physiological Changes in Pregnanacy
Physiological Changes in Pregnanacy
Physiological Changes in Pregnanacy
during Pregnancy
1.Vulva &Vagina
2. Uterus
3. lsthmus
5. Fallopian Tube
6. O v ar y
• Oedematous
• More Vascular
• Superficial varicosities may appear
specially in multiparae.
• Labia minora are pigmented and
• Vaginalwalls become
hypertrophied, oedematous
and more vascular.
• Increased blood supply of the
venous plexus
surrounding the walls gives
bluish discoloration of the
mucosa (Jacquemier’s sign)
• The length of the anteriorvaginal wall
is increased.
Secretion becomes copious,
thin and curdy white due to
marked exfoliated cells and
• pH becomes acidic (3.5-6) due
to more conversion of glycogen
into lactic acid by the lacto
bacillus acidophilus consequent
in high estrogen level.
• Non-pregnant state weighs about
50gm, with a cavity of 5-10 ml and
measures about 7.5 cm in length, at
term, weighs 900-1000 gm and
measures 35cm in length
• Changes occur in all the parts of uterus
isthmus and cervix.
•Increase in growth and enlargement of
the body of the uterus.
Enlargement- It is affected by the
following factors;
Changes in the muscles
(1)Hypertrophy and hyperplasia-occur
under the influence of the hormones-
oestrogen and progesterone
(2)Stretching: The muscle fibres
further elongate beyond 20
weeks due to distension by
the growing foetus. The wall
becomes thinner and at term,
measures about 1.5cm or less.
The uterus feels soft and elastic in
contrast to firm feel of the non
gravid uterus.
Arrangement of the muscle fibres
1)Outer longitudinal — follows a hood like
arrangement over the fundus; some fibres
are continuous with the round ligaments
(2)Inner circular — It is scanty and have
sphincter like arrangement around the tubal
orifices and internal os
(3) Intermediate - It is the thickest and
strongest layer arranged in criss-cross
fashion through whichblood vessels run.
Simultaneous increase in number and size
of the supporting fibrous and elastic
Apposition of two
double curve muscle
fibres give the figure of
‘8’ form, when the
muscle contract , they
occlude the blood
vessels running
through the fibers and
hence it called as
living ligature.
Vascular system
• Uterine artery diameter becomes double
• Blood flow increases by eight fold at 20
weeks of pregnancy.
• Vasodilatation is mainly due to estradiol
• Veins become dilated and are
valveless. Numerous lymphatic
channels open up.
Vascular changes are most
pronounced at the
placental site