E Maternal Adaptations To Pregnancy
E Maternal Adaptations To Pregnancy
E Maternal Adaptations To Pregnancy
20 weeks: at the level of umbilicus
24 weeks: two fingers above umbilicus
28-30 weeks: midway between umbilicus and xiphoid
36 weeks : at the level of xiphoid process
40 weeks: two fingers below xiphoid, drops because of
Uterine shape changes
Theuterus loses its pear shape
during pregnancy. It becomes
spherical around 8 weeks gestation
and becomes ovoid from 16 weeks
until term.
Dextrorotation of the uterus
Asthe fetus grows larger, occupy much
space in the abdominal cavity, the uterus
displaces the intestines to the sides of the
abdomen, shifts the diaphragm and liver
upward, compresses the stomach and the
Uterine consistency:
Uterusbecomes increasingly softer
because of the growth of deciduas and
presence of amniotic fluid.
Uterine contractility
Uterusundergoes irregular
contraction starting on the first
trimester. Late pregnancy-Braxton –
hicks or painless uterine contraction
causing minor discomfort during
It is the narrow portion of the uterus that joins the
connective tissue of the cervix to the muscle fibers of
the body of the uterus.
From 0.5 cm at 12 weeks, it expands to 10cm in
responsiveness .
Decreased vaginal pH 3 to 4.more acidic vaginal pH.
Softening of the vagina under the influence of
Breast changes
Increased breast size is due to alveolar tissue growth,
fat deposition and increased vascularity.
Breast changes associated with pregnancy include:
1. feeling of fullness
2. tingling sensation
3. darkening of the skin around the areola
4. Montgomery glands enlarge and become prominent
Breast changes
5. nipples become more erectile
6. A clear fluid, called colostrum, can be expressed from
it as early as the fourth month.
* increase heart rate
* benign cardiac enlargement
* displacement of the heart by the uterus-
3. displacement of the diaphragm by the enlarging
Gastrointestinal system
Effects of estrogen
1. Ptyalism : increased salivation
2. Epulis : hypertrophy or swelling of the gums.