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Course Outline

Department: BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT Name of Subject: SCIENCE IN ENGLISH Code: ว 21201

Level :
 Primary …/…..  Secondary: 1 / 1 - 5 1st Semester: 2014
Subject :
 Main Subject  Optional Subject  Development Activities for Students  Others
1) Course Description ( 1 Semester )
The Science in English for Secondary One Course aims to follow a study of Physical Sciences. The course includes the use of the main text book
“MY WORLD OF SCIENCE FOR SECONDARY I” which contains Science and Technology; Classifications of Matter; Elements and Compounds;
Mixtures; Solutions and Suspensions; Acids and Alkalis. These topics follow an activity – based, graded approach for development of concepts and
involve classroom discussions and lectures, reading and writing comprehension, pronunciation and speaking through graded recitations, experiments,
quizzes, and major test evaluations.

2) Learning Objectives ( 1st Semester )

Indicators of Semester In accordance with government curriculum
1. To define science and technology, identify their importance and examples.
2. To identify the classifications, properties and uses of matter and materials.
3. To define and differentiate elements and compounds.
4. To evaluate individual learning through practical and midterm tests.
5. To define and identify the properties of mixtures.
6. To define and identify solutions and suspensions.
7. To define and differentiate acids and alkalis.
8. To evaluate individual learning through practical and final written tests.

3) Contents of subjects: 1st Semester

Time Duration Subject Contents
Beginning of the session – Mid-term 1. Science and technology.
2. Classifications, properties and uses of matter and materials.
3. Elements and compounds.
4. Practical and midterm tests.
Post – Midterm – Final 5. Properties of mixtures.
6. Solutions and suspensions.
7. Acids and alkalis.
8. Practical and final written tests.

4) Evaluation
Average marks for evaluation
Authentic Assessment: Written / Practical Exam = 60 : 40

Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Semester Learning Objectives (Items)
1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

5) Details of Evaluation
1st Semester/2014
Pre-test marks: 30 Marks (Authentic Assessment)
Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
1 9. Book and Notebook ( seatwork, homework ) and Graded Recitations 10
2 10. Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks Quizzes 10
3 11. Drawings or Illustrations ( Project ) 10

Mid-term marks: 20 Marks (Written/Practical Exam)

Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
4 12. Practical and Written Midterm Tests based on the topics taught. 20
Post-Test marks: 30 Marks (Authentic Assessment)
Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
5 13. Book and Notebook ( seatwork, homework ) and Graded Recitations 10
6 14. Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks Quizzes 10
7 15. Illustrations or Illustrations ( Project ) 10

Portfolio : ______ Marks

Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
…………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………

Final marks : 20 Marks (Written/Practical Exam)

Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum marks
8 16. Practical and Written Final Tests based on the topics taught. 20
Course Outline
Department: BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT Name of Subject: SCIENCE IN ENGLISH Code: ว 21202


Level :
 Primary …/…..  Secondary: 1 / 1 - 5 2nd Semester: 2014
Subject :
 Main Subject  Optional Subject  Development Activities for Students  Others

1) Course Description (2nd Semester )

The Science in English for Secondary One ( Mathayom One ) Course follows a partial study of Biological and Physical Sciences. The course includes
the use of the main text book “MY WORLD OF SCIENCE FOR SECONDARY I which contains The Cell – Unit of Life; Organization in Living
Things; Transport in Living Things; Photosynthesis and Respiration, Heat Energy and Transfer of Heat Energy.
These topics follow an activity –based and interactive approach for development of concepts which involve classroom discussions and lectures, reading
and writing comprehension, pronunciation and speaking through graded recitations, experiments, quizzes, and major tests evaluations.

2) Learning Objectives (2nd Semester )

Accordance with governmental
Indicators of Semester
9. To define cell and identify its structure, shapes and sizes; and define microscope and identify
its parts and functions.
10. To identify the organization of living things.
11. To identify the transport in living things.
12. To evaluate learning through practical & midterm tests.
13. To differentiate photosynthesis and respiration.
14. To identify the nature of heat and its effects.
15. To identify the effects and transfer of heat energy.
16. evaluate learning through practical & final written tests.

3) Contents of subjects: 2nd Semester

Time Duration Subject Contents
Beginning of the session – Mid-term 17. Organization of living things.
18. Transport in living things.
19. Cell and microscope, their shapes, sizes and parts respectively.
20. Practical and written Midterm Tests
Post – Midterm – Final 21. Photosynthesis and respiration.
22. Nature of heat and its effects.
23. Transfer of heat energy.
24. Practical & final written tests.

4) Evaluation
Average marks for evaluation
Authentic Assessment: Written / Practical Exam = 60 : 40

Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Semester Learning Objectives (Items)
2 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

5) Details of Evaluation
2nd Semester/2014
Pre-test marks: _30_ Marks (Authentic Assessment)
Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
9 25. Book and Notebook ( seatwork, homework ) and Graded Recitations 10
10 26. Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks Quizzes 10
11 27. Drawings or Illustrations ( Project ) 10
Mid-term marks : _20_ Marks (Written/Practical Exam)
Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum marks
12 28. Practical and Written Midterm Tests based on the topics taught. 20

Post-Test marks: _30_ Marks (Authentic Assessment)

Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
13 29. Book and Notebook ( seatwork, homework ) and Graded Recitations 10
14 30. Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks Quizzes 10
15 31. Drawings or Illustrations ( Project ) 10

Portfolio: ………. Marks

Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum
………….. ……………………….. ……

Final marks: _20_ Marks (Written/Practical Exam)

Learning Objectives (Items) Criteria Followed for Assessment Maximum marks
16 32. Practical and Written Final Tests based on the topics taught. 20

1. My World of Science for Secondary I, by Vandana Tirath, et al.
2. Science and Technology 1, by Gloria Salandanan, et al.
2. Focus Science 1, by Chang See Leong, et al.
3. Exploring Science 1, by Mark Levesley, et al.
4. Modern Biology

Web – site resources for students / teachers:

1. ( Science & Technology and Biology )

Prepared by: Ms. Teresita Caloy Candelaria

ACR Bilingual Department
May – June 2014

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