Surveying Manual

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Affiliated to Dr. B. A. Technological University, Lonere

NAAC 'A' Grade, ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 Certified, AICTE Approved.

Second Year B. Tech

Department of Civil Engineering

Lab Book

Page 1
Vision of Civil Engineering Department:

The department of Civil Engineering strives to produce qualified engineers, researchers and professionals to
serve the society with sustainable development. Mission of Civil Engineering Department:

• To provide quality education and prepare competitive graduates for successful career in Civil
• To develop research opportunities that creates competent professionals who are trained in the design
and development of environment friendly Civil Engineering system.

Programme Educational Objectives:

• Graduates of Civil Engineering Program will be prepared to take the challenges in the field of Civil
• To provide Graduates with a sound Knowledge in mathematical, scientific and Civil Engineering
fundamentals required to solve engineering problems and also to pursue higher studies.
• To train students with good scientific and engineering breadth in Construction industry & many field of
Civil Engineering.
• To build the confidence of students leading to professional and ethical integrity, effective
communication skill, leadership, so that they can apply engineering knowledge for betterment of
• To provide a good competitive learning environment so that graduates of Civil Engineering will be
ready to meet the needs of Indian and multinational construction industries.

Program specific outcomes

The students are able to demonstrate:

• The knowledge of planning and designing of the system components for building planning,
transportation, water resources, estimating, costing and scheduling the construction processes.
• The fundamental knowledge of analysis and design of various structures with an understanding of
associated safety, quality and economy.
• The knowledge of field data collection and material characterization to provide constructive and
creative engineering solutions that reflect social and environmental sensitivities

Page 2
Lab outcomes: After the completion of this course students will be able to,

CO1: Use the theodolite along with chain/tape, compass on the field.

CO2: Apply geometric and trigonometric principles of basic surveying calculations.

CO3: Plan a survey, taking accurate measurements, field booking, and adjustment of errors.

CO4: Apply field procedures in basic types of surveys, as part of a surveying team.

CO5: Employ drawing techniques in the development of a topographic map.

Mandatory instructions for students:

1. Students should report to the concerned labs as per the given timetable.
2. The components required pertaining to the experiment should be collected from Lab in-charge
well before experiment and the entry should be made in the log book.
3. When the experiment is completed, students should disconnect the setup made by them, and
should return all the components/instruments taken for the purpose and make the counter
entry in the logbook.
4. After completion of the experiment, the entries of observations should be made in the
observation table of lab book; all required calculations should be done along with result and
conclusion. Student should get it assessed through concerned faculty in-charge.
5. Any damage of the equipment or burnout of components will be viewed seriously.
6. Students should not leave the lab without concerned faculty’s permission.

Page 3
Chandralop Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s


Gut No 52, Tuljapur Shivar, Sawangi, Jalgaon Road, Aurangabad 431008

Title of Experiment Page Date Remarks Grade

Subject Teacher H.O.D. Principal

Page 4
Chandralop Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s



This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ……………………………………… Roll No.

………………….. Has been performed the practical /Term work /Project for the subject

…………………………………………………………… within the four walls of the Aurangabad College of Engineering, Aurangabad, for

the partial fulfillment of the First Year / Second Year / Third Year/ Final Year …………………………………….. of the Bachelor

of Technology of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Date: - …………………………..

Subject Teacher H.O.D. Principal

Page 5
Rubrics for the evaluation of practical sessions

1. Student participation and team work during the practical sessions.

2. Neatness and presentation of: field book, drawing and tracing sheets.
3. Punctuality during the practical sessions.
4. Focus and attention during the practical sessions.

Each practical session shall be graded from A to D. The marks corresponding to the grades are:

i. A–4
ii. B–3
iii. C–2
iv. D–1

One gets grade A, if all the rubrics are fulfilled, B if three are fulfilled, C if two are fulfilled and D
otherwise. At the end of the semester, the total number of A, B, C and D’s would be counted and would
be evaluated as follows:

( )×4+ ( )×3+ ( )×2+ ( )×1

× 60

Assuming that 60 is the maximum marks assigned for the term work

Time Allotted for each Practical Session = 02 Hrs

Page 6


Leveling is a method of surveying used for determination of the difference of elevations or levels of various
points on the surface of the earth. The elevation of a point is its' vertical distance above or below a reference
level, called datum. The most commonly used datum is the mean sea level (M.S.L.).

The leveling deals with distances from a vertical plane. Leveling is an important method of surveying for many
engineering works and construction projects. Leveling is required:
1. determine the undulations of the earth's surface for topographic mapping.
2. For the design of highways, railways, canals, sewers, etc., and for locating the gradient lines.
3. for the layout of construction projects,
4. for locating the excavation levels, and for the control of various elevations in buildings, bridges, dams,
etc. drainage characteristics of the area under study.

The observations from a levelling instrument of the leveling can be used to:
1. determine the volume of a reservoir
2. the volume of earthwork for roads, railways, etc.

Leveling is required in almost all engineering work of importance in one form or the other.


The basic purpose of a levelling equipment is to establish a horizontal line of sight.
It consists essentially of the following parts:
a. A leveling head for bringing the bubble of the level tube at the centre of its run.
b. A level tube for making the line of sight horizontal.
c. A telescope which provides a line of sight.
• It consists essentially of the following parts:
Most commonly used levels are:
1) Dumpy level
2) Tilting level
3) Automatic level
Currently the automatic level is the most widely used Leveling instrument.

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Dumpy level
The dumpy level shown in figure consists of a telescope, generally the internal focusing type, fixed on a vertical
spindle. The telescope tube and the vertical spindle are cast as one piece. The spindle revolves in the socket of
the leveling head. The leveling head consists of two parallel plates held apart by three (or four) leveling screws.
The upper plate is called tribrach and the lower one is called trivet stage. The telescope can be rotated in the
horizontal plane about its vertical axis.

A sensitive level tube is fitted on the top of the telescope or on its side. An inclined mirror is attached to the
level tube to enable the observer to view the bubble from the eye end of the telescope without moving round
the instrument. The cross hairs of the diaphragm normally have a vertical line and a horizontal line. When
instrument is in adjustment, the line of sight of the instrument is perpendicular to the vertical and parallel to
the bubble tube axis as shown in figure 1.

The modern dumpy levels are provided with a clamp for clamping the telescope to the tribrach in any desired
position. Also, a graduated horizontal circle is provided to determine the direction of the telescope. The dumpy level
is simple in construction and requires fewer permanent adjustments.

Fig.1.1 Dumpy level

Tilting level

The telescope of a tilting level is not rigidly fixed to the vertical spindle as in the case of dumpy level. The
telescope can be tilted on a pivot about a horizontal axis in the vertical plane upwards or downward through a
small angle by means of a tilting screw as shown in figure.

The bull's eye or circular level is fixed to the upper plate of leveling head for approximate leveling by foot
screws. The exact leveling of the instrument is done using the tilting screw before taking every reading. The
tilting screw is usually graduated to set out gradient lines.

Page 8
Tilting levels are more robust, compact and accurate than dumpy levels. These have shorter telescope and are
lighter. The tilting arrangement saves time required for temporary adjustments. A tilting level is most useful
when only a few readings are to be taken from one setting of the instrument.

Fig.1.2 Tilting level

Automatic level

The automatic level employs a gravity referenced prism or mirror compensator to automatically orient the line
of sight (line of collimation). The instrument is quickly leveled when a circular spirit level is used. When the
bubble has been centered or nearly so, the compensator takes over and maintains the horizontal line of sight,
even if the telescope is slightly tilted.

Automatic levels are extremely popular in present-day surveying operations. They are quick to set up, easy to
use, and can be obtained for use at almost any required precision.

Fig.1.3 Automatic level

Leveling Staffs used for leveling work are sectional and are assembled either telescopically or by slotting onto
one another vertically. Most modern designs are manufactured in an aluminum alloy. Staff lengths are either

Page 9
3m, 4m or 5m on extension. The graduations are 10 mm deep spaced at 10 mm intervals, the lower three
graduations in each 100 mm interval being connected by a vertical band to form an E shape, natural or
reversed. The 50 mm or 100 mm intervals are therefore located by these shapes. The graduations of the first
meter length are colored black on a white background, with the next meter length showing red graduations and
so on alternately.

Level Surface: A surface parallel to the mean spheroidal surface of the earth is called level surface, e.g., a still
lake. A level surface is a curved surface, every point on which is equidistant from the centre of the earth. It is
normal to the plumb line at all the points.

Vertical line: It is a line from any point on the earth's surface to the centre of the earth. It is commonly
considered to be the line defined by a plumb line.

Leveling: It is a line lying on a level surface. It is normal to the plumb line at all the points.

Horizontal plane: It is a plane tangential to the level surface at the point under consideration. It is
perpendicular to the plumb line.

Horizontal line: It is a line lying in the horizontal plane. It is a straight line tangential to the level line.

Axis of telescope: It is a line joining the optical centre of the objective to the centre of the eyepiece.

Line of collimation: It is a line joining the intersection of the cross-hairs to the optical centre of the objective
and its continuation. It is also called the line of sight.

Axis of level tube or bubble tube: It is an imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the tube at its

Height of instrument (H.I.): It is the elevation of the plane of collimation when the instrument is leveled. It
should be noted that the height of instrument does not mean the height of the centre of the telescope above the
ground, where the level is set up.

Back sight (B.S.)

It is a staff reading taken on a point of known elevation, e.g., a sight on a bench mark or on a change point. It is
the first staff reading taken after the level is set up. It is also called plus sight.
Fore sight (F.S.)

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It is a staff reading taken on a point whose elevation is to be determined, e.g., a sight on a change point. It is also
called a minus sight. It is the last staff reading and denotes the shifting of the instrument.

Intermediate sight (I.S): It is a staff reading taken on a point of unknown elevation between backsight and

Change point (C.P.) or turning point (T.P.): It is a point, denoting the shifting of the level. Both F.S. and B.S.
are taken on this point.

Station: A point, whose elevation is to be determined is called station.

Parallax: It is the apparent movement of the image relative to the cross-hairs when the image formed by the
objective does not fall in the plane of the diaphragm.

Bench Mark: It is a fixed reference point of known elevation. Depending upon the permanencyandprecision.


OBJECTIVE: To find out reduced levels of given points using dumpy/Auto level.

Apparatus: Dumpy level, tripod stand, leveling staff etc.

Theory:-The dumpy level is a simple and compact instrument; the telescope is rigidly fixed to its supports. it
can be rotated about its longitudinal axis. Level tube is permanently placed so that axis lies in same vertical
plane. A focusing screw near the eye piece provided to get clear image of the object and to Bisect cross hair.
Reduction of levels H.I method:- The reduced level of the line of collimation is said to be the height of the
instrument. In this system height of the line of collimation is found out by adding back side reading to the R.L of
bench mark on which BS is taken. Then RL of intermediate points and the change point are obtained by
subtracting the respective staff reading from the height of instrument (HI). To find new HI of change point BS is
taken on last point.


Page 11
Let A and B be the two given points whose difference in elevation is to be found. Set the level at convenient
Carryout temporary adjustments ( tripod leveling, centering leveling of dumpy level )etc and take B.S on A
1. Take FS on the Point C 1. Shift the instrument to point O2 and perform temporary adjustments.
2. Take B.S on C.
3. Take F.S. on D.
4. Shift the instrument to point O3 and perform temporary adjustments.
5. Take B.S on D
6. Take F.S on B.
7. Find the difference in elevation between A and B by both the methods.

Observation Table

Back Height of Reduced

Station Chainage Intermediate Fore Sight
Sight Instrument Level Remark
point (m) Sight (I.S) (F.S)
(B.S) (H.I) ( R.L)

Page 12
Back Height of Reduced
Station Chainage Intermediate Fore Sight
Sight Instrument Level Remark
point (m) Sight (I.S) (F.S)
(B.S) (H.I) ( R.L)

Page 13
Result: Level Difference between A & B is …………..

Page 14

Objective: To perform fly leveling with an Auto /tilting level.

Apparatus: Dumpy level, Telescope Staff, Tripod.

Theory: Fly leveling is done to calculate RL of a particular point from the known bench mark e.g. in fig
showing R.L of particular point is A is calculated taking back sight on BM & F.s on A.

1. Set up the level on the tripod at a convenient height and bring the foot screws approximately to the
middle of its rim.
2. By temporary adjustments bring the bubble at centre open out typical leveling field book columns.
3. Sight the given points and take the staff reading and note down the readings at the appropriate
4. If there are any points for away and is not clearly visible take. A change point and the leveling is
5. After finishing the leveling, calculate the elevations by the rise and fall method and apply necessary

Observation Table

Back Height of Reduced

Chainage Station Intermediate Fore
Sight Instrument Level Remark
(m) point Sight (I.S) Sight (F.S)
(B.S) (H.I) ( R.L)

Page 15
Back Height of Reduced
Chainage Station Intermediate Fore
Sight Instrument Level Remark
(m) point Sight (I.S) Sight (F.S)
(B.S) (H.I) ( R.L)

Page 16

Objective:: To measure the sensitiveness of the level tube

Apparatus:: Dumpy level, tripod stand, levelling staff, measuring tape or chain.

Definition: The sensitiveness of a level tube is defined as the angular value of one division marked on
the tube. It is the amount the horizontal axis has to be tilted to cause the bubble move from one
graduation to the other.
A tube is considered to be more sensitive if the bubble moves by more divisions for a given change in
the angle.

If the tilting is 20” of arc, when the bubble moves 2mm, then the sensitiveness is expressed as 20” per

The sensitiveness can be increased by:

• Increasing the internal radius of the tube
• increasing the diameter of the tube
• increasing the length of the tube
• decreasing the roughness of the walls
• Decreasing the viscosity of the liquid.

Page 17

Method 1:
• Set the instrument at a point O and level it accurately
• Put the staff at a distance D from the instrument.
• Sight the staff and note down the reading (CF)
• Change the location of the bubble by divisions and note the reading again (CE)
• Find the difference between the two staff readings. = −
• From ∆ we have approximately = =
AB nl
• Similarly from ∆ , = = , where ! is the radius of curvature of the bubble tube, and "is

the length of one division of the bubble tube. (Measure this using a scale).
nl nlD
• Therefore we have, s = ⟹!=
D R s
• Now =

• Therefore, sensitivity of the bubble tube ( ′)

l= l = s = radians = 180sdegrees = 648000sseconds.
R nlD nD nDπ ndπ
( )

Tabulation 1
Distance of the instrument from the levelling staff (D): 10m
Reading of the staff when the instrument is level (CF): m
S.No. Number of divisions Reading of the staff Difference in the Sensitivity of the
( ) on shifting n reading bubble tube
divisions = − ' 648000
(CE) *+
1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

Average Sensitivity of the bubble tube: _ seconds.

Page 18
Tabulation 2
Distance of the instrument from the levelling staff (D): 15m
Reading of the staff when the instrument is level (CF): m
S.No. Number of divisions Reading of the staff Difference in the Sensitivity of the
() on shifting n reading bubble tube
divisions = − ' 648000

Average Sensitivity of the bubble tube: _ seconds.

Tabulation 3
Distance of the instrument from the levelling staff (D): 20m
Reading of the staff when the instrument is level (CF): m
S.No. Number of divisions Reading of the staff Difference in the Sensitivity of the
() on shifting n reading bubble tube
divisions ' 648000
(CE) *+
1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

Average Sensitivity of the bubble tube: _ seconds.

Page 19
Method 2:
• Set the instrument at O and keep the staff at C.
• Consider the left divisions as positive and right divisions as negative.
• Move the bubble to the extreme left division. Read both the ends of the bubble. Let the reading
of the left end be , and the reading on the right end be .
• Let the staff reading be CE.


• Move the bubble to the extreme right division. Read both the ends of the bubble. Let the
reading of the left end be , and the reading on the right end be .
• Let the staff reading be CF.
• Calculate . = −

• If A and B, represent the centres of the bubble in the two positions. The net travel of the bubble
is equal to
n= (l1-r1)-(l2-r2)/2

• Considering similar triangles GEF and ABO, we get, as before,

l radians = s radians = 64800 seconds

R nD ndπ

Page 20
S. No. D CE l1 r1 CF l2 r2 = − n
1 10m

2 15m

3 20m

Average sensitivity of the level tube: seconds.

Page 21

Objective: Study of plane table equipment and accessories.

Introduction to plane table:

Plane table surveying is a graphical method of surveying in which field work and plotting are done
simultaneously in the field.
The plain table consists of the following:
1. Drawing board mounted on a tripod
2. Straight edge called an alidade.

The drawing board: The board is made of well-seasoned wood and varies in size from 40cm x 30 cm to
75cm x 60cm or 50 – 60 cm square.

The Alidade: The alidade consists of metal or box wood straight edge or ruler about 50cm long. The be
welled edge of the alidade is called the fiducially edge.

Accessories to the plane table

1. Trough compass
2. U – frame or plumbing fork
3. Water proof cover.
4. Spirit level or level tube
5. Drawing sheet
6. Pencil or eraser

Trough compass: The compass is used to mark the direction of the meridian on the paper.

U- frame or Plumbing fork:U frame with a plumb bob used for centering the table.

Water Proof Cover: Water Proof cover protects the sheet from rain.

Spirit level or level tube:A level tube is used to level the plane table.

Drawing sheet:The drawing sheet is fixed on the top of the drawing board.

Pencil and eraser:For drawing purposes.

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Setting up the plane table
Setting up the plane table comprises of the following three operations.
1. Centering the plane table
2. Leveling the plane table
3. Orientation of plane table

Centering the plane table:The table should be set up at a convenient height for working say about 1m.
The legs of tripod should be spread well apart and firmly fixed in to the ground. The table should be
approximately leveled by tripod legs and judging by the eye. Then the operation of centering is carried out
by means of U-frame and plumb bob. The plane table is exactly placed over the ground station by U-frame
and plumb bob.

Leveling the plane table:The process of leveling is carried out with the help of level tube. The bubble of
level tube is brought to center in two directions, which are right angles to each other. This is achieved by
moving legs.

Orienting the table:The process of keeping the plane table always parallel to the position, which is
occupied at the first station, is known as orientation. When the plane table is oriented, the lines on the
board are parallel to the lines on the ground.

Page 23

Objective:Setting up the plane table and plotting a few objects by radiation method.

1) Plane table
2) Tripod
3) Alidade

Radiation: The plane table is set up over only one station from which the whole traverse can be
commanded. It is suitable for survey of small areas.

Figure.3 (a).1

1) Select a point “O ” so that all points to be located are visible from it.
2) Set up the table at “O”, level it, and do centering.
3) SELECT A POINT “O” on the sheet so that it is exactly over station “O” on the ground.
4) Mark the direction of the magnetic meridian
5) Centering the alidade on “O” BISECT the objects of traverse A, B, C and D.
6) Measure the distances OA, OB, OC and OD and plotted to convenient scale to locate a, b, c and d
7) Join the points a, b, c and d on the paper.

Page 24

Objective: Plotting building and other features of the compass by Intersection method.

1) Plane table
2) Tripod
3) Alidade


1) Select two points P and Q such that the points (building corners) to be plotted arevisible from
their stations.
2) Set the table on P and locate on the sheet.
3) Pivot on P bisect Q draw a ray.
4) Measure the distance PQ and locate Q on the sheet to a convenient scale.
5) Now pq is known as the base line.
6) Pivot ‘p’ bisects the inaccessible objects A and B (building corners) and draw rays.
7) Shift the table to ‘a’ such that q is over Q and do temporary adjustments.
8) Place the alidade along qp and the rotate the table till p is bisected clamp table.
9) Pivot on q bisect the objects A and B and draw rays.
10) The instruction of rays drawn from P and Q will give the points a and b.
11)To check the accuracy measured AB and compare with plotted distance ab.

Page 25
12) The same procedure is applied for other features of the campus. each point is bisected from two

Page 26

Objective: Determination of area of irregular figure by using planimeter .

Instrument:Digital Planimeter.

Planimeter: A Planimeter is a mechanical integrator is used by engineer for measuring area of figure
which is been plotted scale particularly when the boundaries are irregular are curved mathematically
it is difficult to find the area of such irregular figures. Planimeter is largely used for finding the areas of
contour in determining the capacity of storage server.

Method of using planimeter

The planimeter is used in determining the area of the figure in two ways.
1) By placing the anchor point outside the figure and
2) By placing the anchor point inside the figure.
If the figure is large the anchor point may be kept inside while if it small the same may be placed
outside. The larger figure may be divided into parts and the area of each part is measured separately
and the results so obtained are added together to get required area

The procedure is common for both the above cases.

Page 27
1) Set out the index arm on the tracing arm (position of measuring unit), to given scale as per
manufactures instruction, exactly by using the clamp and fine motion screw.
2) Stretch the map sheet until it is flat and free from wrinkles.
3) Fix the anchor point firmly in the paper outside or inside the figure according as the figure is small
or large.
4) Mark a point on the boundary of the figure and set the tracing point exactly over it.
5) Now take initial reading (I.R) as described previously, reading the dial, wheel and vernier. It is not
necessary to set the dial and wheel to zero.
6) Move the tracing point exactly around the boundary, always in clockwise direction using one hand
to keep the point exactly on the boundary and the other hand to keep the anchor point from moving,
stop exactly at the starting point.
7) While tracing point is moved along the boundary of the figure, note the number of times the zero
mark in clockwise or anticlockwise direction. Again take the reading of dial, wheel and vernier
recording it as the final reading (F.R) .
The area of the figure is then calculated by using the following formula.
The calculated area (A) = m (FR-IR +10N+C)
Where, M=multiplying constant which is different for different scales and supplied in the instruction
sheet by the manufacture. It is equal to the area of one revaluation of the wheel i.e unit area.
F.R.= the final reading
I.R= the initial reading Department of Civil Engineering Survey-I
N=number of times the zero of dial passes the fixed index mark use the +ve sign when moves
clockwise & -ve sign moves anticlockwise.
C= constant of instrument supplied by manufacture & different for different scales & it is offset when
anchor point is kept inside otherwise it is taken zero if it is kept outside.
Area of the zero circles i.e. Mc is defined as the correction circle which is defined as a circle found the
circumference at which if the tracing point is moved wheel will slide without rotation in a reading.
This is possible when tracing arm is placed in such a position relative to the anchor of arm that the
plane of the roller passes thought the anchored point the multiply constant of Planimeter is equal to
the number of unit of area per revolution of the roller.

Page 28
Observation table:-

Position of anchor point Initial Reading Final Reading Value of N Remark

Result: The area of irregular figure is found to be -------------- Sq-m

Page 29

Objective : To study different parts of transit Theodolite

Instrument: Transit Theodolite


Page 30
Vertical Axis:
It is the axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a horizontal plane.
Horizontal Axis:
It is the axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a vertical plane.
Line of Collimation:
It is the imaginary line joining the intersection of the cross hairs of the diaphragm to the optical center of
the object glass and its continuation.
Axis of The Telescope:
It is the line joining the optical center of the object glass to the center of the eye-piece.
Axis Of The Level Tube:
It is the straight line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the level tube at the center of the tube.
The process of setting the theodolite exactly over the station mark is known as centering.
It is the process of turning the telescope in vertical plane through 180º about the trunnion axis.
Description of Equipment:
It consists of eye-piece , object glass and focusing screw and it is used to sight the object.
Vertical Circle:
It is used to measure vertical angles.
Leveling Head:
It consists of two parallel triangular plates called tribrach plates. Its uses are
1. To support the main part of the instrument.
2. To attach the theodolite to the tripod.
Lower Plate:
It consists of lower clamp screw and tangent screw.
Upper Plate:
The upper plate is attached to the inner axis and it carries two verniers. It consists an upper clamp screw
and tangent screws. These screws are used to fix upper plate with lower plate accurately.]
Foot Screws:
These are used to level the instrument
Plumb Bob:
It is used to center theodolite exactly over the ground station mark.
Swinging the Telescope:

Page 31
It means turning the telescope about its vertical axis in the horizontal plane. A swing is called right or left
according as the telescope is rotated clockwise or counter clockwise.
Face Left:
If face of the vertical circle is to the left side of the observer, then the observation of the angles taken is
known as face left observation.
Face Right:
If the face of the vertical circle is to the right side of the observation, then the observation of the angles
taken is known as face right observation.

Page 32

Name of the experiment: Using the Total Station


Total station, tripod, retroreflecting prism, prism stand, measuring tape

Introduction to the equipment:

The total station is a combination of a theodolite and the EDM (Electronic Distance Measurement) device, mounted
together with the help of an electronics controller board. By default, it measures the horizontal angle (from a given
bearing direction), the vertical angle, and the slanting distance from the sensor to the object. Internally the
controller board is able to convert the coordinates into a cartesian system (Easting(x), Northing (y) and Up (z))
coordinates. The schematic diagram or the total station is given in the following figure.

Figure 6.1: Generic schematic diagram of a Total Station

Experimental steps:

(a) Levelling and centering the total station:

Page 33
i. Stage I – Rough levelling:

First, all the legs of a tripod are brought to equal length, and the legs clamps are tightened properly. The legs of the
tripod are then spread out equally in all the three directions.

A round pencil is placed over the tripod (see Figure 1), parallel to one of the sides of the tripod head, and is set free.
If the pencil rolls, then the leg on the opposite side of the pencil is adjusted to increase or decrease the height of the
particular leg.

Figure 6.2: Rough levelling of the tripod stand

The above process is repeated for all the other sides.

ii. Stage 2 – Coarse levelling:

The coarse levelling process is conducted by turning the foot screws, with the aid of the bubble level. First, the panel
of the total station is aligned parallel to the line connecting any of the two foot screws. Then, these two foot screws
are either rotated together, inside or outside. After bringing the bubble to the center in one of the directions, the
other opposite screw is turned either clockwise or anti-clockwise. By repeatedly, doing this process, the bubble of
the spirit level with arrive at the centre.

Figure 6.3: Coarse adjustment by foot screws

Page 34
iii. Stage 3 – Fine levelling and centering

The fine levelling process, is conducted by using the laser plummet. As soon as the total station is switched on, the
laser plummet turns itself on. If the levelling is tilted, the laser plummet footprint will appear light and elliptical. By
turning the levelling screws perfect levelling can be achieved, until the laser light is circular on the ground. In case
there is grass or undulating ground under the total station.

If the point on the ground is already marked, and the laser plummet does not fall on the said point, then the clamp
screw under the total station can be loosened, and the instrument can be slightly displaced.

(b) Setting up the equipment for recording observations

(a) (b)

Figure 6.1: (a) Cross hairs and (b) retroreflecting prism

i. Opening a new / existing survey file:

When a survey is be begun / continued, a survey file is to be opened. This survey file is usually stored in the
memory of the total station, or on an external USB pen drive. In the Pentax Total Station this can be done by

ii. Setting up the total station for survey

Setting up the total station means

(i) Entering the coordinates of the base station into the total station, along with the instrument height
and the prism height.
(ii) Entering the azimuth of the line connecting the base station to the north. (For temporary surveys,
any arbitrary point visible near the surveying area can also be taken e.g. an electric pole, corner of a
building etc.
(iii) For entering the azimuth, the total station has to be turned in the horizontal plane and the vertical
line has to be sighted first through the collimator and then through the telescope. Fine adjustment
for aligning the vertical line of the cross hair to the vertical line on the field can be done with the
tangent screws.

Page 35
The instrument height can be measured with the help of a measuring tape, from the optical axis of the telescope to
the ground. Most total stations have a “+” mark outside the telescope for indicating the optical axis.

iii. Setting up the prism for survey

The prism has to be properly screwed over the prism rod. Next the height of the prism rod can be
increased/decreased by first loosening the screw. The height of the prism rod has to be fed into the total station, for
the facilitation of the readings and proper calculations of the N, E, Z coordinates.

(c) Taking readings

First, the cross hair on the telescope and the prism cross lines are to be aligned such that the intersection points
meet. If the intersection points do not meet the readings will take longer time.

A careful and professional sighting process involves, sighting the intersection point of the prism through the
collimator first, and then finely adjusting the telescope by the use of the tangent screws.

The readings are to be taken by pressing [F3] on the Pentax Total Station. In case there is a change in the prism
height or the point code, the same has to be edited before the [F3] button is pressed.

(d) Handling obstructions

Obstructions are handled by increasing or decreasing the height of the prism. As mentioned before, if there is any
change in height of the prism, it has to be entered into the total station, before the readings are taken.

(e) Viewing data

Once all the readings have been taken, the [ESC] button has to be pressed to come out of the observation mode. The
data can therefore be graphically or numerically viewed.

(f) Downloading data

The data can be downloaded from the PENTAX total station by using the Putty tool. In advanced total stations, a USB
key is provided, where the data is directly stored.

(g) Tabulation of the data

S. No. Northing (N) Easting (E) Up (Z) Point ID

Page 36
S. No. Northing (N) Easting (E) Up (Z) Point ID

Page 37
S. No. Northing (N) Easting (E) Up (Z) Point ID

Page 38
S. No. Northing (N) Easting (E) Up (Z) Point ID


i. The tripod stand should be stable when the total station is mounted on it.
ii. While taking the reading, the body of the observer should have minimum contact with the machine.
iii. The prism rod should be maintained steady when the readings are being taken.
iv. While turning the levelling screws, jerky movements should be avoided.
v. The clamp screw under the total station should be securely tightened before switching it on.
vi. While taking the readings, the horizontal and vertical clamp screws should be tight, so as to avoid the
movement of the telescope in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Page 39

Objective: Reciprocal Leveling

Instrument: Dumpy level, Leveling Staff, Tripod.


Procedure :

1. Suppose A and B are two points on the opposite banks of a river.

2. The level is set up very near A and after proper temporary adjustment, staff readings are taken at A ad B.
3. The readings are a1 and b1
4. The level is shifted and set up very near B and after proper adjustment, staff readings are taken at A and
5. The readings are a2 and b2

Page 40
6. h is true difference of level between A and B
And e is combined error due to curvature refraction and collimation.
7. Calculations
A) In the first case
Correct staff reading at A = a1
Correct staff reading at B = b1-e
True difference of level between A and B
h = a1- (b1-e) ........................................................................... (a)

In the second case

B) Correct staff reading at B = b2
Correct staff reading at A = a2-e
True difference of level between A and B
h = a1- (b1-e) .............................................................................(b)

From Eqn a and b

h = (a1-b1) + (a2-b2)

Page 41

Objective: To measure the horizontal angle AOB by repetition method.

Instrument: Theodolite, ranging rods and arrows.
Theory: The method of repetition is used to measure a horizontal angle to a finer degree of accuracy. By
this method, an angle is measured two or more times by allowing the vernier to remain clamped each time
at the end of each measurement instead of setting it back at zero when sighting at the previous station.
Thus an angle reading is mechanically added several times depending upon the number of repetitions. The
average horizontal angle is then obtained by dividing the final reading by the number of repetitions. For
very accurate work the method of repetition is used.

Procedure :

1. Select a station point O.

2. Set the theodolite at O and do the temporary adjustments. The telescope is adjusted for right face right

3. Set the vernier A to zero using upper clamp. Loosen the lower clamp, direct the telescope to the station
point A and bisect A exactly by using the lower clamp and lower tangent screw.

4. Note the vernier readings (A and B).

5. Loosen the upper clamp and turn the telescope clockwise until the point B is exactly bisected.
6. Note the vernier readings (A and B).
7. The mean of the two vernier readings gives gives the value of <AOB.

8. Loosen the lower clamp and turn the telescope to station point A and bisected A by using the lower
clamp and lower tangent screw.

9. Loosen the upper clamp and turn the telescope clockwise until the point B is exactly bisected. Now the
vernier reading is twice the value of the angle.

10. Repeat the process for the required number of times (usually 3).

Page 42
11. The correct value of the angle AOB is obtained by dividing the final reading by the number of

12. Adjust the telescope for left face left swing.

Observation table:-
Instrument Staff Face Mean Mean
Station Station
Reading Reading Vernier Vernier Angle

Vernier A Vernier B Vernier Vernier


Initial Final Diff Initial Final Diff

Observation table:-
1. Repeat the whole process.

2. Take the average of face left and face right observation to give the horizontal Angle AOB.

Result:-The horizontal angle AOB =

Page 43

Objective: - To measure vertical angle between two points using theodolite.

Instruments: Transit theodolite Tripod, ranging rod, pegs etc.

Procedure: To measure the vertical angle of an object P

1. Set up the instrument over station O and level it carefully with respect to altitude bubble.

2. By means of vertical circle clamp and tangent screw, set 0 of the vertical circle exactly to 0 of the circle.

3. Bring the bubble of the altitude level to the centre of its run by means of foot &clip screw.

4. The line of sight is thus made horizontal.

5. Loose the vertical circle clamp and direct the telescope in vertical plane towards the object P, and bisect
exactly using vertical tangent screw.

6. Read both the vernier C and D, the mean of two readings gives angle for that face.

7. Change the face and repeat the above process, and get the face reading.

8. The average of two face values gives exact value of required vertical angle .

Page 44
Observation table:-
Instrument Staff Face Mean Mean
Station Station
Reading Reading Vernier Vernier Angle

Vernier A Vernier B Vernier Vernier


Initial Final Diff Initial Final Diff

Page 45

Students should write description of following instrument with sketch:

1. Line ranger


Page 46

2. Prism Square

Page 47
3. Optical Square

Page 48
4. Prismatic compass


Page 49

Page 50

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