Cad Cam Lab Manual r16
Cad Cam Lab Manual r16
Cad Cam Lab Manual r16
Provide student-centric education and training on cutting-edge technologies to make
the students globally competitive and socially responsible citizens. Create an environment to
strengthen the research, innovation and entrepreneurship to solve societal problems.
The Mechanical Engineering Department endeavours to be recognized globally for
outstanding education and research leading to well qualified engineers, who are innovative,
entrepreneurial and successful in advanced fields of mechanical engineering to cater the ever
changing industrial demands.
M1. Impart highest quality education to the students to build their capacity enhancing
their skills to make them globally competitive mechanical engineers and successful
M2. Provide the students with academic environment of excellence, state of the art
research facilities, leadership, ethical guidelines and lifelong learning needed for a long
productive career.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to create, constrain and
modify sketches; create and modify parts; perform Boolean operations on parts; integrate
surfaces and apply materials to parts. The student will be able to insert, manipulate, constrain
and modify components in an assembly; work with the links of the assembly; create parts
within the assembly structure; perform measurements, clash analyses and section analyses;
create scenes and annotated views; capture pictures and create xml files for external use and
utilize all of the navigation tools.
Course Outcomes:
1. CO 1: Able to insert, manipulate, constrain and modify components in an assembly.
2. CO 2: Able to work with the links of the assembly and create parts within the
assembly structure.
3. CO 3: Able to create scenes and annotated views.
4. CO 4: Able to perform measurements, clash analyses and section analyses.
Course overview:
Computer Aided Manufacturing is designed to prepare students as entry-level machinists in
many areas, including aerospace, computer industries, job shop, gun smithing, tool and die
making, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) operator, and CNC programmer. Students will
study machining processes and procedures using lathes, mills, drill presses, cylindrical
grinders, and surface grinders.
Course Objectives:
Basic CNC machines operations - Start-up and initialization procedure of the Victor CNC
machines including zero return and G92. Manual operation of the CNC lathe and mill
including turret indexing, tail stock motion, table motion and tool change Manual data input.
DNC Computer assisted programming for the CNC.
Course Outcomes:
1. CO 5: The student can able to perform different operations on CNC lathe and CNC
milling machine.
1. To perform facing operation for a given model by using CNC lathe machine
2. To perform parting-off operation for a given model by using CNC lathe machine
3. To perform step turning operation for a given model by using CNC lathe machine
4. To perform thread cutting operation for a given model by using CNC lathe machine
5. To perform different operations on CNC Milling machine.
Mapping Course Outcomes to PO’s and PSO’s:
PO’s PSO’s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14
CO 1 1 - 2 - 3 - - - - - - 2 3 3
CO 2 1 - 2 - 3 - - - - - - 2 3 3
CO 3 1 - 2 - 3 - - - - - - 2 3 3
CO 4 1 3 1 2 3 - - - - 1 1 2 3 3
CO 5 1 1 - - 3 - - - - - - 2 3 3
Note: 1-slight (low), 2-moderate (medium), 3-substantial (high), if no correlation put ’-‘
Lab Safety Guidelines
Obtain authorization from the lab In- charge prior to entering the lab working area.
Ensure that safety devices are adequate, appropriate and in good working order.
Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment when conducting work with
Eye protection should be worn when performing tasks with potential to generate
flying particles or debris. Most power tool related tasks generate such hazards.
Every Student should know the locations and operating procedures of all safety
Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located.
Procedure for conductance of lab
1. Class students are divided in to two batches like B1 and B2 each batch students
allowed the lab alternate week.
2. Batch students are divided in to no. of groups with the strength of 3 students.
3. Students are instructed to come prepared with the experiments which are going do on
that day.
4. All students register their experiment name and signature in log in book.
5. All group students allotted for individual experiments as per the lesson planner
6. Faculty explained the theory behind the experimental work and about experimental
test rig as well as operating procedure.
7. Students are conducting the experiments with the help of lab assistants.
8. After conducting the experiments students are allowed to do their calculation work
9. The lab observation is corrected by the faculty and marks are allotted as per the
DO’s & DON’Ts
1. Students should wear ID card in the laboratory.
2. Students should wear apron and shoes while entering into the lab.
3. Students should enter the details in the login register.
4. Students must read the instruction manual before starting the experiment.
5. Students should follow the guidelines given by the technician or staff.
6. Long hair must be tied back and dangling jewelry and loose or baggy clothing must
be secured.
7. Students should be aware of safety equipment like fire extinguisher etc.
8. Students should have the knowledge about first aid box to approach immediately
when injured.
9. Please concentrate on the work and report to the instructor or staff if any unsafe
condition of the equipment.
10. Please shut down the systems and turn off the power after the experiment is
1. Do not use pen-drives and hard disks in the lab.
2. Do not operate any equipment unless you are trained.
3. Don’t operate machinery without technician or staff in the workshop.
4. Don’t talk unnecessarily while doing the experiment.
5. Do not eat, drink or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.
6. Don’t play with electrical panels.
7. Don’t make strange or loud noises in laboratory.
8. Don’t attempt or apply oil, clean, adjust or repair any machine component while it is
9. Do not split and do not make the lab untidy.
10. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, startle other students or
interfere with the laboratory experiments of others.
1. Students are required to remove their footwear outside the center and keep it in the box
provided for the same.
2. Students should leave their belongings outside the lab except their observation note book,
the concerned books/manuals and calculators.
3. Students are requested not to place their legs on the wall or on the table.
4. Students should refrain from leaning on the table and sitting on it.
5. Students should not use any disks or pen drives brought from outside without prior
permission from the concerned staff.
6. Students can get the required lab manual or observation book from the staff after signing
in the lab login register.
7. Students are not allowed to take any manual outside the center.
8. Edibles are strictly prohibited in the lab.
9. No internet browsing allowed during the lab hours.
No. of experiments possible to
Name of the equipment set Cycle
S.No. conduct and name of the
up No.
1. 2-D drawing practice
1 Computers – (30 no’s) 1
2. 3-D drawing practice
2 AUTOCAD 3. 3-D modeling practice by using 1
3 CATIA 4. Assembly of 3-D drawing 1
5. Solving structural problem using 2
6. Solving thermal analysis
problem using ANSYS 2
What is CAD/CAM?
CAD is the use of computer technology for design and design documentation. CAD/CAM
applications are used to both design a product and program manufacturing processes,
specifically, CNC machining. CAM software uses the models and assemblies created in CAD
software to generate tool paths that drive the machines that turn the designs into physical
parts. CAD/CAM software is most often used for machining of prototypes and finished parts.
Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture is the way things are made these
days. Without this technology we wouldn’t have the range and quality of products available
or, at least, they wouldn’t be available at a price most of us can afford. Hand-building and
manual techniques still very much have their place and Design Education needs to treasure
and foster these skills so that future generations will have the ‘hands-on’ skills to understand
the man-made world and provide the next generation of engineers, designers and technicians.
All of these professionals will be using CAD/CAM techniques or CAD/CAM products in
their work, alongside practical hands-on skill. Design and Technology education has to
reflect modern practice so it is crucial that students have the opportunity to use real
CAD/CAM tools in their designing and making.
1. Recognition of need
2. Definition of problem
3. Synthesis
4. Analysis and optimization
5. Evaluation
6. Presentation
A solid modeling system is usually an interactive computer graphics system that is intended
to create true three-dimensional components and assemblies. Recent advances in CAD
software, computers, and graphical displays have made it possible to use solid
representations of components being considered in the design process. These solid
models can be employed in numerous ways.
Advantages of Solid Modeling
A realistic visual display: By producing a shaded visible surface image of the solid,
solid modeling allows a designer to see exactly what has been created.
Easy to deal with different views: Once a part has been created, we have the ability to rotate,
shade, section, or produce almost any view required by a designer.
Single associated model database: The solid modeler provides the only database suitable for
all CAD operations. Almost all information needed for part generation is contained in
the solid model.The algorithm should be able to ensure that it represents physically
possible shape that is complete and unambiguous Applications. e.g., automatic generation
of a mesh for a finite element analysis.
(1) Shape data consists of both geometrical and topological information as well as part
features. Entity attributes such as font, color, and layer as well as annotation is considered
part of the entity geometrical information. Topological information applies only to products
described via solid modeling. Features allow high-level concept communication about parts.
Examples are hole, flange, web, pocket, chamfer, etc.
(2) Nonshape data includes graphics data such as shaded images, and model global data as
measuring units of the database and the resolution of storing the database numerical values.
(3) Design data has to do with the information that designers generate from geometric models
for analysis purposes. e.g., mass property and finite element mesh data.
(4) Manufacturing data consists of information such as tooling, NC tool paths, tolerancing,
process planning, tool design, and bill of materials.
Pattern: Create instances of the selected feature by varying some specified dimensions
“When a command prompts you for a point, you can use the pointing device to specify a
point, or you can enter a value on the command line. You can enter two-dimensional
coordinates as either Cartesian (X,Y) or polar coordinates.
A Cartesian coordinate system has three axes X, Y, and Z. When you enter coordinate values,
you indicate a point’s distance (in units) and its direction (- or +) along the X, Y and Z axes
relative to the coordinate system origin (0,0,0).
In 2D, you specify points on the XY plane, also called the construction plane. The
construction plane is similar to a flat sheet of grid paper. The X value of the cartesian
coordinate specifies the horizontal distance, and the Y value specifies the vertical distance.
The origin point (0,0) indicates where the two axes intersect.
The origin is marked by an object known as the UCS icon UCS = User Coordinate System.
This icon can be manipulated (moved and rotated) such that the origin point moves. But for
the purposes of learning the basics of coordinates, this post will treat the UCS icon as a static
object in a permanent position. Oddly enough, the UCS icon does have
permanent position that it can always be re-positioned to. This position is called the “World
Absolute Coordinates let you type in a specific X and Y location on the construction
plane.Use the picture below to work through the use of using absolute coordinates to create
the shape that is shown. Note that the coordinates that are shown in the lower left of the
screen (status bar) displays the coordinates of your cursor.
Note the all of the Drafting Setting toggles are turned off. this is because when DYN
(dynamic input) is turned on it changes how absolute and relative coordinates are entered.
Relative Coordinate
Relative Coordinate entry is simply specifying the next point as it relates to your previously
defined point whether you picked a point with the cursor or you entered a specific coordinate.
Think of this method as the last point you specified being equal to the coordinate 0,0.
The way that you tell AutoCAD that you want to use relative coordinates is that you prefix
the coordinate with the @ symbol. Note that the first point that is specified is an absolute
coordinate since there is not a specified previous point.
Note the all of the Drafting Setting toggles are turned off. this is because when DYN
(dynamic input) is turned on it changes how absolute and relative coordinates are entered.
Relative Polar Coordinate entry is very useful but for some people it is easily forgotten. As
shown above, Relative coordinates use the @ symbol when specifying a point. As shown in
the picture below, relative polar uses the # symbol to specify the LENGTH of the object
followed by the < symbol to specify the angle.
Use the below picture to create the shape that is shown using Relative Polar
Coordinate entry. Turn off all toggles in the drafting settings.
As mentioned before each exercise, Dynamic Input when enabled turns your entry method to
an automatic Relative Polar method. This is confusing because when DYN is turned on and
say that you want to specify the coordinate of 0,0 you will not see anything happen. So in
order to force Dynamic input to use Absolute coordinates use the # sign before the
Experiment.1 2-D DRAWING PRACTICE.
Suggested Steps:
1. Select the XY plane (the plane the profile will be sketched on).
Reference Step 3 for information on selecting planes.
2. Enter the Sketcher Work Bench. Reference Step 4.
3. Sketch the profile of the part.
Hint: use the Profile tool.
4. Anchor the lower left hand corner of the sketch.
5. Constrain the profile to match the dimensions shown above.
Reference Step 18 for constraining a profile.
6. Exit the Sketcher Work Bench, return to the Part Design Work
Bench (the 3D environment). Reference Step 21 for exiting the
Sketcher Work Bench and entering the Part Design Work Bench.
7. Once in the Part Design Work Bench pad the profile to the
dimension shown (2”). Reference Step 22 for pading a profile.
8. Save the part .
To create a given model by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA
Hint: To help make it easier to sketch this part set the grid Primary Spacing to 1
and the Graduations to 4. This will put the grid lines in the Sketcher screen to a .25 inch
spacing. With that spacing all you have to do is snap to the intersections of the grid to sketch
the part.
Hint: It is not as complicated as it looks. If your grids Graduations are set to 10 just snap to
the intersections for the beginning and ending points of your lines. To set the constraint for
the angles select the angled lines and the angle constraint will appear. Reference Step 19 for
modifying the angle value.
To create a given model by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA
Hint: This part can be done using the radius option in the profile command.
Hint: Use the Line or Profile icon first to sketch the profile using sharp corners (no radius).
Once it is constrained to the dimensions above, go back and add in the radiuses using the
Corner icon.
To create a given model by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA
Aim: To develop rectangular block with cut outs as per give dimensions.
Apparatus/ Tools Required: Windows XP, CATIA V5 R20
1) Open > CATIA V5 R20 window.
2) Go to start > Mechanical Design and then to Sketcher and select any plane XY, YZ, or
3) Draw a rectangle and give constraints.
4) Exit workbench.
5) Select the pad option and give thickness as needed.
6) Then select phase and go to sketcher.
7) Then select the point in profile tool bar and place points randomly where required on
rectangular surface and draw a circles where point is placed as given dimension.
8) Then constrain the distance between them along with rectangular surface.
9) Exit workbench.
10) Select a hole option and give dimension as given and give depth upto last and click ok.
11) Repeat the step 8 for remaining three holes.
12) Then again select phase and go to sketcher.
13) Draw a axis line at center and select elongated hole and give radius and constrain it.
14) Exit workbench.
15) Then select pocket option and elongated hole > click ok.
16) Thus rectangular block with cut outs is completed and save it.
To develop the given model by Using CATIA
To model and assemble the universal coupling as per the dimensions given and also covert
the 3D model into the different views with the bill of material.
System Requirements:
Personal computer
3 shaft Fe -410 w 2
5 pin Fe - 410 w 2
6 collar Fe - 410 w 2
An universal or hooke’s coupling is used to connect the two shafts whose axis intersect at a small
The inclination is transmitted from one shaft to another.
The main application of the universal coupling is found in the transmission from the gear box to the
differential or back axle of the automobiles.
In such a case, we use two universal couplings. One at each end of the propeller shaft connects the
gear box at one end and the differential at other end.
The universal coupling is also used for transmission of power to different spindles of multiple
drilling machine.
It is used to a knee joint in the milling machine.
Command part Menu operation
sketch Draw toolbar
protrusion Feature toolbar sketch, specify direction thickness
Cutout Feature toolbar sketch- specify direction thickness
hole Feature toolbar sketch specified direction
pattern Feature toolbar select radius direction number of feature
round Feature toolbar select chain specified radius
Revolved cutout Feature toolbar sketch, specify radius direction
Assembly Menu operation
Axial align Relationship toolbar pick the object surfaces
Planar align Relationship toolbar, pick object and faces
mate Relationship toolbar. pick object surface and insect.
angle Relationship toolbar. specify the angle
Model different parts of the universal coupling using extrude, remove features.
Select the assembly in solid works main menu.
Using insert component icon of property manager, insert base component and next component to
the assemble.
Assemble using mate feature.
Continue the inspecting component and mating until the entire components are assembled.
Save assembly.
From the main menu of solid work, select the drawing option.
Select the drawing sheet format size (i.e) A4 size –landscape.
Using the model view manager browse the document to be open.
Click the view orientation from the model view manager and place the drawing view in the proper
place in the sheet as shown above.
Using the placed view as parent view project the other or needed views.
Move cursor to anyone view and right click the muse button.
Select the table BOM.
Place the BOM in the proper place in the drawing sheet.
Save the drawing sheet.
Thus the given universal coupling is modeled, assembled and different views are taken.
A knuckle joint is used to connect two rods which are under the action of tensile loads.
However if the joint is guided, the rods may support a compressive load.
A knuckle joint may be readily disconnected for adjustment or repairs.
It’s use may be found in the link of a cycle chain, tie rod joint for roof truss, valve rod joint with
eccentric rod, pump joint, tension link in bridge structure and lever and rod connections of the various
In knuckle joint, one end of one of the rods is made into an eye and the end of the other rod is
formed into fork with an eye in each of the fork leg.
The knuckle pin passes through both the eye hole and the fork holes and may be secured by means
of a small stop pin or plug.
In order to get a better quality of joint the series of the fork and eye are machined, the hole is
accurately drilled and pin turned.
The material used for one joint may be steel or wrought iron.
Command part Menu operation
sketch Draw toolbar
protrusion Feature toolbar sketch, specify direction thickness
Cutout Feature toolbar sketch- specify direction and
hole Feature toolbar sketch specified direction
pattern Feature toolbar select radius direction of feature
round Feature toolbar select chain specified radius
Revolved cutout Feature toolbar sketch, specify radius and direction
Assembly Menu operation
Axial align Relationship toolbar pick the object surfaces
Planar align Relationship toolbar, pick object and faces
mate Relationship toolbar. pick object surface and
angle Relationship toolbar. specify the angle
Using sketch protrusion, fillet, cutout, revolve cutout, mirror and pattern command as fork end of
the rod is created.
Using sketch protrusion, fillet, cutout, revolve cutout, mirror and pattern command an eye end of
the rod is created.
Using sketch protrusion and revolve cutout command a pin is created.
Using sketch protrusion, the revolve cutout command a collar is created.
Using axial align, planar align and angle command take fork end, eye end of the rod are assembled.
Using mate command, pin, taper pin and collar is positioned and assembled it.
Result: Thus the components of knuckle joint are created and assembled successfully.
To develop the given model by Using CATIA
AIM: To draw the detail view of the Stuffing Box and assemble the parts by using the pro-e
software and obtain its respective views.
COMMANDS USED: Sketch, pad, Shaft, Pattern, Mate, Align, Helical Sweep, Round, Chamfer
Using Pad, Cut and Round Commands the cylinder has been drawn.
Using Pad, Cut and Round Commands the nut has been drawn.
Using Pad and Cut Commands the gland bush has been drawn.
Using Pad and Cut Commands the piston rod has been drawn.
Using Shaft command the packing has been drawn.
RESULT: Thus the Detail View of the Stuffing Box and then its respective views have been
Stuffing box
To develop the given model by Using CATIA
(Screw jack)
Screw jack
Expand CATIAV5?
Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application.
Which is the tool used to exit from sketcher workbench to part design Workbench?
Exit Sketcher.
What are the default units of LMT (Length, Mass and Time)
mm, Kg, Second.
5. Drawing templates are held in files with the file extension: [a]
(a) *.dwt
(b) -*.dwg
(c) *.bmp
(d) *.dwr
6. A left-click on a name in a drop-down menu showing three dots (...) appearing after the name means
that: [b]
(a) A command name will appear at the command line
(b) A dialog will appear on screen
(c) A sub-menu will appear
(d) A tool will be activated
11. To call the Line tool from the command line, the following abbreviation can be entered:
(a) lin
(b) li
(c) l
(d) ln
12. When the F6 key of the keyboard is pressed, the following facility is toggled on/off: [ c ]
(a) Snap
(b) Ortho
(c) DUCS
(d) DYN
14. When enteringabsolute coordinate numbers at the command line, the coordinates are
preceded by: [d]
(a) The letter a (b) The symbol @ (c) The letters ab
(d) There is no need to enter anything in front of the coordinate numbers
15. The command line abbreviation for the Circle tool is: [b]
(a) cir
(b) c
(c) ci
(d) cl
16. What are the differences between outlines drawn using the Line tool and those drawn
using the Polyline tool? Outlines from the Line tool form separate objects. Those from the
Polyline tool form single objects.
17. The Arc tool can be called by entering the following abbreviation at the command line:
(a) ar [b]
(b) a
(c) ac;
(d) There is no abbreviation. The name arc must be entered in full
18. The set variable PELLIPSE can be set to either 0 or 1 when it allows the following
actions: [b]
(a) When set to 0 the Edit Polyline tool to be used on ellipses
(b) When set to 1 the Edit Polyline tool to be used on ellipses
(c) When set to 0 it allows ellipses to be drawn with the major axis at any angle
(d) When set to 0 ellipses become polylines
19. When saving an AutoCAD 2014 drawing it is filed with the extension: [b]
(a) *.drw
(b) *.dwg
(c) *.dwt
(d) *dg
20. What is the function of entering command line at the keyboard? [b]
(a) It enables the command line to be used for entering command
(b) It brings back the command palette when it has been hidden
(c) It can only be used when DYN is set on to allow Dynamic Input to work
(d) It places the command palette at the bottom of the screen
21. The Polyline Edit tool can only be used when working with polylines: [b]
(a) True
(b) False
25. When using the Break tool on circles and/or arcs: [c]
(a) Breaks can be made in any direction
(b) Breaks can only be made in a clockwise direction
(c) Breaks can only be made in an anticlockwise direction
(d) Break cannot be made in circles or arcs
AIM: Todetermine the stresses acting on a cantilever beam with a point load of 750 N
acting at one of its ends and perpendicular to the axis of the beam.
Young’s modulus = 2e5
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Length of the beam = 2 m = 2000 mm
Breadth of the beam = 80 mm
Height of the beam = 40 mm
STEP 1: From the Main menu select preferences
Select structural and press OK
STEP 2: From the main menu select Pre-processor
Element type Add / edit/Delete Add BEAM – 2D Elastic 3 Apply
Material properties material models Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic
EX = 2e5; PRXY = 0.3
STEP 3: From the main menu select Pre-processor
Sections Beam Common Sections Select subtype as Rectangular section
Enter B = 100, H = 50 Apply Preview
Real constants Add Add Ok Geometric Properties Area = 5000,
Izz = 4170000, Height = 40 Ok Close
STEP 4: From the main menu select Pre-processor Modeling
Create the key points in the Workspace
Create Key points in active CS
X 0 2000
Y 0 0
Click APPLY to all the points and for the last point click OK
Create LINES using the Key points
Create Lines Lines Straight Line Click on Key points to generate lines
Select Plot controls from menu bar Capture image file save as and save your
Figure: Model
1. Deformation
From the main menu select General post processing
General post processing Plot Results Deformed Shape
Select 'Def + undef edge' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed and the
undeformed object.
1. If a cantilever beam has a uniformly distributed load, will the bending moment diagram
be quadratic or cubic?
2. Name the element type used for beams?
3. Define Analysis and its Purpose?
4. What are the modules in Ansys Programming?
5. What are the Real Constants & Material Properties in Ansys? Explain?
AIM: To determine the nodal deflections, reaction forces, and stress of the indeterminate
truss system when it is subjected to a load of 2000 N.
APPARATUS:Ansys 12.0
Young’s modulus = 2e5
A = 3250mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
STEP 1: From the Main menu select preferences
Select structural and press OK
STEP 2: From the main menu select Preprocessor
Element type Add / edit/Delete Add Link – 2D spar 8 ok close
Real constants Add Geometric Properties Area = 3250
Material properties material models Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic
EX = 2e5; PRXY = 0.3
STEP 3: From the main menu select Pre-processor Modeling
Create the key points in the Workspace
Pre-processor Modeling Create Nodes In active CS
0 0 0
5 0 0
10 0 0
15 0 0
2.5 2.5 0
7.5 2.5 0
12.5 2.5 0
Click APPLY to all the points and for the last point click OK
1. Deformation
From the main menu select General post processing
General post processing Plot Results Deformed Shape
Select 'Def + undef edge' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed and the undeformed
Figure: Y-Component displacement of the Model
1. Ansys needs the final element model(FEM) for its final solution.(T/F)
2. Element attributes must be set before meshing the solid model. (T/F)
3. In a plane strain, the strain in the direction of thickness is assumed to be zero.(T/F)
4. The ______ elements are used for in-plane bending problems.
5. Which one of the following elements is required to define the thickness as a real
a. Beam
b. Shell
c. Solid
d. None
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever
beam and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool,
also list the results according to the given loads.
1. Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add > select Beam -2D
elastic3 > click ok > close.
2. Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Click ok >
Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia ( IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, >
click ok > close.
3. Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model > structural >
linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok > close.
4. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS > (Enter
X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1 i.e., 0,0,0 and
10,0,0 thus two nodes are created.
5. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto numbered > through
nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with this elements are created.
1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes (Pick the
node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select DOF or UX
or UY or UZ as required > click ok.
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.
2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes > select node
> middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem > click ok. In the
above problem load acting downwards i.e. in negative Y-direction at node -2 of about
General post processor:
1) General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence
number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close.
2) General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3) General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click ok.
4) General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click ok.
5) General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results > use the
6) Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment diagram.
7) General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8) General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9) General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.
Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear force
,bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted.
Viva Questions:
1. What is ANSYS?
2. Why ANSYS is used?
3. What is Structural Analysis?
4. What is Thermal Analysis?
5. What is the difference between Structural Analysis and Thermal Analysis?
6. What is node?
7. What is element?
8. What is difference between node and element?
9. What are the minimum requirements to develop a drawing ANSYS?
10. What is general post processor?
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever
beam with uniformly distributed load and point loads and draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the
given loads.
3t 10N/m 2.5t
1m 1.5m 2m 1m
1) Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add > select Beam -2D
elastic3 > click ok > close.
2) Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Click ok >
Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia ( IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, >
click ok > close.
3) Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model > structural >
linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok > close.
4) Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS > (Enter
X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1 i.e., 0,0,0 and
1,0,0, 2.5,0,0, 4.5,0,0, 5,0,0 thus five nodes are created.
5) Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto numbered > through
nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with this elements are created.
1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes
(Pick the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click >
select DOF or UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok.
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.
2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes >
select node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the
problem > click ok. In the above problem load acting downwards i.e. in
negative Y-direction at node -2 and 5 of about 3tones and 2.5 tones.
3. Solution > define loads > apply > structural > pressure (applied or uniformly
distributed load) > on beams > select beam middle click(Enter pressure value
at the both ends) i.e., at I & J , enter 1 and 1 > click ok
Solution > solve > click ok.
General post processor:
1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence
number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close.
2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click
4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click
5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results >
use the
6. Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment
7. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8. General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9. General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.
Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear force,
bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted.
Viva Questions:
1. What is nodal solution?
2. What is pre processor?
3. What is post processor?
4. What is modeling?
5. What type of options we use in preferences?
6. ANSYS is it a tool or software?
7. What is the difference between Animation and Modeling?
8. What is DOF?
9. How to create a Node?
10. How to create an Element?
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever
beam with uniformly distributed load and point loads and draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the
given loads.
1. Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add > select
Beam -2D elastic3 > click ok > close.
2. Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add >
Click ok > Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia
(IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, > click ok > close.
3. Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model > structural
> linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok >
4. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS >
(Enter X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1
i.e., 0,0,0 and 1,0,0, 0.5,0,0, 1,0,0, 1.5,0,0 , 2,0,0 thus six nodes are created.
5. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto numbered >
through nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with this elements are
1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes
(Pick the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click >
select DOF or UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok.
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.
2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes >
select node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the
problem > click ok. In the above problem load acting downwards i.e. in
negative Y-direction at node -2 ,3,4,5and 5 of about
400kg.300kg.800kg.500kg and at node-1 a force in MZ direction of about
2700 kgm is acting , pick node-1 > middle click > select MZ > enter value as
1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence
number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close.
2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click
4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click
5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results >
use the
6. Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment
7. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8. General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9. General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.
Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear
force, bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted.
Viva Questions:
1.5m 2.5m 2m 2m
1. Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add > select
Beam -2D elastic3 > click ok > close.
2. Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add >
Click ok > Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia
( IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, > click ok > close.
3. Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model > structural
> linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok >
4. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS >
(Enter X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1
i.e., 0,0,0 and 1.5,0,0, 3.5,0,0, 5.5,0,0, 7.5,0,0 , 2,0,0 thus five nodes are
5. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto numbered >
through nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with this elements are
1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes (Pick the
node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select DOF or UX
or UY or UZ as required > click ok
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.
2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes > select node
> middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem > click ok. In the
above problem load acting downwards i.e. in negative Y-direction at node -2, 3,4 of
about 4KN, 10KN, 7KN.
General post processor:
1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence
number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close.
2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click ok.
4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click ok.
5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results > use the
6. Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment diagram.
7. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8. General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9. General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.
Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear
force, bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted
Viva Questions:
A steel link, with no internal stresses, is pinned between two solid structures at a reference
temperature of 0 C (273 K). One of the solid structures is heated to a temperature of 75 C
(348 K). As heat is transferred from the solid structure into the link, the link will attemp to
expand. However, since it is pinned this cannot occur and as such, stress is created in the link.
A steady-state solution of the resulting stress will be found to simplify the analysis.
Loads will not be applied to the link, only a temperature change of 75 degrees Celsius. The
link is steel with a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa, a thermal conductivity of 60.5 W/m*K
and a thermal expansion coefficient of 12e-6 /K.
"A sequentially coupled physics analysis is the combination of analyses from different
engineering disciplines which interact to solve a global engineering problem. For
convenience, the solutions and procedures associated with a particular engineering discipline
[will be referred to as] a physics analysis. When the input of one physics analysis depends on
the results from another analysis, the analyses are coupled."
Thus, each different physics environment must be constructed separately so they can be used
to determine the coupled physics solution. However, it is important to note that a single set of
nodes will exist for the entire model. By creating the geometry in the first physical
environment, and using it with any following coupled environments, the geometry is kept
constant. For our case, we will create the geometry in the Thermal Environment, where the
thermal effects will be applied.
Although the geometry must remain constant, the element types can change. For instance,
thermal elements are required for a thermal analysis while structural elements are required to
determine the stress in the link. It is important to note, however that only certain
combinations of elements can be used for a coupled physics analysis. For a listing, see
Chapter 2 of the ANSYS Coupled-Field Guide located in the help file.
The process requires the user to create all the necessary environments, which are basically the
preprocessing portions for each environment, and write them to memory. Then in the solution
phase they can be combined to solve the coupled analysis.
3. Define Keypoints
We are going to define 2 keypoints for this link as given in the following
4. Create Lines
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > In Active Coord
For this problem we will use the LINK33 (Thermal Mass Link 3D conduction)
element. This element is a uniaxial element with the ability to conduct heat
between its nodes.
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal > Conductivity >
In the window that appears, enter the following geometric properties for steel:
i. KXX: 60.5
8. Define Mesh Size
Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls>ManualSize> Lines > All Lines...
For this example we will use an element edge length of 0.1 meters.
Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'
The thermal environment (the geometry and thermal properties) is now fully
described and can be written to memory to be used at a later time.
Preprocessor > Physics > Environment > Write
In the window that appears, enter the TITLE Thermal and click OK.
Since the geometry of the problem has already been defined in the previous steps, all that is
required is to detail the structural variables.
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic
In the window that appears, enter the following geometric properties for steel:
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Thermal
Expansion Coef> Isotropic
If the Physics option is not available under Solution, click Unabridged Menu at the
bottom of the Solution menu. This should make it visible.
3. Apply Constraints
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Thermal > Temperature > On Keypoints
The thermal solution has now been obtained. If you plot the steady-state temperature
on the link, you will see it is a uniform 348 K, as expected. This information is saved
in a file labelled Jobname.rth, were .rth is the thermal results file. Since the jobname
wasn't changed at the beginning of the analysis, this data can be found as file.rth. We
will use these results in determing the structural effects.
7. Apply Constraints
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Temperature > From
As shown below, enter the file name File.rth. This couples the results from the
solution of the thermal environment to the information prescribed in the
structural environment and uses it during the analysis.
Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Settings > Reference Temp
For this example set the reference temperature to 273 degrees Kelvin.
10. Solve the System
1. Hand Calculations
Hand calculations were performed to verify the solution found using ANSYS:
As shown, the stress in the link should be a uniform 180 MPa in compression.
Since the element is only a line, the stress can't be listed in the normal way.
Instead, an element table must be created first.
General Postproc> Element Table > List Elem Table > COMPSTR > OK
The following list should appear. Note the stress in each element: -0.180e9 Pa, or 180
MPa in compression as expected.
Machine Specifications:
1. Height of centers: 70mm
2. Distance between centers: 310mm
3. Swing over bed: 100 mm
4. Swing over cross slide: 60mm
5. Traverse of cross slide: 55mm
Head Stock:
1. Spindle Taper MT 2
2. Hole through work spindle 16mm
3. Spindle range 50-3200 RPM
4. Output power 0.3 KW
Tail Stock:
1. Spindle Diameter 22mm
2. Spindle Taper MT 2
3. Sleeve stroke 35mm
Feed Rate:
1. Rapid traverse 700mm/min
2. Auto feed rate 1-699mm/min
Main Specifications:
1. Table Size: 420x125mm
2. Max. Job weight: 20Kg.
Axes Travel Ranges:
1. Longitudinal (Table): 200mm
2. Cross (Saddle): 125mm
3. Vertical: (Spindle): 200mm
4. Distance from spindle nose To Table top: 25-225mm
5. Distance from spindle centre line to column: 155mm
6. Spindle Centre to table top (Horizontal mode) 114-314mm
1. Spindle nose: ISO 30
2. Spindle motor: 0.44 KW
3. Speed Range: 200-2000 RPM (Infinitely Variable)
4. Tool change: Manual with CNC prompting
5. No. of tools: 8 No.
6. Axis drive: Through stepper motor 1.8 step angles, on all the 3 axes.
7. Machine weight including CNC system: 200 Kg
8. Overall machine dimensions with control system: 1800x1000x800mm
AIM: To study the “G” codes and “M” codes for the CNC milling machine.
1. Codes are model and do not have to be repeated in every sequence line.
2. All dimensions are entered as decimals.
RESULT:Thus the “G” codes and “M” codes for the CNC milling machines were studied.
Viva Question:
1. What is CAM?
2. What is CIM?
3. What is P code?
4. What is G code?
5. What are the advantages using Computer Aided Lathe Machine over Conventional
6. What are the advantages of CAD?
7. What is mean by G21?
8. What is mean by G00?
9. What is mean by G71?
10. What is mean by G98?
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given lathe job.
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1500
G00 X26 Z1
G01 Z1 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G01 Z1 F50
G28 U0 W0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
Viva Questions:
1. What is mean by M05?
2. What is mean by U00?
3. What is mean by W00?
4. What is mean by M30?
5. What is N series?
6. What is the difference between Manufacturing and Production?
7. What is Counter?
8. What is ASP?
9. What is F30 command?
10. How you fix the tool?
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given lathe job.
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1500
G00 X26 Z1
G28 U0 W0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
Viva Questions:
ø25.4, L=70
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given lathe job.
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1200
G00 X26 Z1
G71 U0.5 R1.0
G71 P01 Q02 U0.2 W0.2 F50
N01 G01 X8
G01 Z0
G01 X10 Z-2
G01 X10 Z-12
G02 X15 Z-14.5 R2.5
G01 X15 Z-24.5
G03 X20 Z-27 R2.5
G01 X20 Z-32
N02 G01 X25.4 Z-32
G70 P01 Q02 F40
G28 U0 W0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given lathe job
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1500
G00 X26 Z1
G90 X25 Z-35 F50
G90 X24 Z-5 F50
G00 X26 Z-5
G90 X25 Z-15 R0 F50
X25 Z-15 R-0.5 F50
X25 Z-15 R-1.0 F50
X25 Z-15 R-1.5 F50
X25 Z-15 R-2.0 F50
X25 Z-15 R-2.5 F50
G00 X26 Z-20
G90 X25 Z-30 R0 F50
X24 Z-30 R0.5 F50
X23 Z-30 R1.0 F50
X22 Z-30 R1.5 F50
X21 Z-30 R2.0 F50
X20 Z-30 R2.5 F50
G00 X26 Z-30
G90 X24 Z-35 F50
G28 U0 W0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given lathe job.
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0101
M03 S1500
G00 X26 Z1
G90 X25 Z-40 F50
G28 U0 W0
M06 T0202
M03 S300
G00 X26 Z1
G92 X22 Z-20 F2
G28 U0 W0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
Compact machine with heavy milling capabilities
LM guideways for all three axes
BT-30 spindle
12 tool ATC
Chip to Chip time of 2.7/3.5 sec
50/50/40 m/min rapid rate for X,Y and Z axes
Ergonomically designed structure for outstanding dynamic rigidity
Effective chip disposal design
Model Unit DART M
Table longitudinal travel ( X - Axis) mm 500
Table cross travel ( Y - Axis) mm 400
Headstock travel ( Z - Axis) mm 350
Distance from Spindle nose face to table top mm 220-570
Table size mm x mm 800 x 400
Max. load on table kgf 350
Spindle taper 7 / 24 No. 30
Spindle speed - Std. rpm 80 - 8000
Opt.. rpm 100 -
10000 Spindle power kW 5.5
Feed rate mm / min 1 - 10000
Rapid traverse - X / Y / Z - Std. Opt m / min 50 / 50 / 40
Guideways Type LM
Tool change system Disc Armless
Tool storage capacity - Std. / Opt. Nos. 12 / 16
Max. tool dia with all pockets full mm 80
Max. tool dia with adjacent pocket empty mm
Max. tool length mm 200
Max. tool weight kgf 2.5
Chip to chip time sec. 2.7 / 3.5
Tool shank type BT - 30 / BBT -
CNC System Std/Opt FANUC 0iMate MD / Siemens
828 D
Power supply (Basic Machine) kVA 15
AIM:To perform a rectangular milling operation by using CNC milling programming codes.
1. CNC machine
2. Personal computer
3. CNC software
M 03 S 1500
G21 G98
G00 X0 Y0 Z5
G00 X10 Y10 Z5 F120
G01 X60 Y10 Z-3 F120
G01 X60 Y60 Z-3 F120
G01 X10 Y60 Z-3 F120
G01 X10 Y10 Z-3 F120
G00 X0 Y0 Z5
M05 M30
Thus the rectangular milling operations by using CNC milling programming codes
were performed
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given milling job.
1. To write the program for given job.
2. To type G and M CODES.
3. To give the tool size and stock dimensions.
4. Finally to run the machine to the operation.
G21 G94
G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
M06 T1
M03 S1500
G00 X30 Y20
G00 Z5
G01 Z-0.5 F30
G01 X70 Y20 F50
G03 X80 Y30 R10 F50
G01 X80 Y70 F50
G01 X70 Y80 F50
G01 X30 Y80 F50
G02 X20 Y70 R10
G01 X20 Y30 F50
G01 X30 Y20 F50
G01 Z5 F50
G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given milling job.
G21 G94
G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
M06 T1
M03 S1500
G00 X30 Y20
G00 Z5
G01 Z-0.5 F30
G01 X70 Y20 F50
G03 X80 Y30 R10 F50
G01 X80 Y70 F50
G03 X70 Y80 R10 F50
G01 X30 Y80 F50
G03 X20 Y70 R10 F50
G01 X20 Y30 F50
G03 X30 Y20 R10 F50
G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
AIM:To write the part programming and simulation them to the given milling job.
G21 G94
G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
M06 T1
M03 S1500
G00 X30 Y20
G00 Z5
G01 Z-0.5 F30
G01 X70 Y20 F50
G02 X80 Y30 R10 F50
G01 X80 Y70 F50
G02 X70 Y80 R10 F50
G01 X30 Y80 F50
G02 X20 Y70 R10 F50
G01 X20 Y30 F50
G02 X30 Y20 R10 F50
G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
BILLET SIZE (100X100X10, Z= -10)
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given milling job.
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
BILLET SIZE (100X100X10, Z=-10)
AIM: To write the part programming and simulation them to the given milling job.
G21 G94
G28 Z0
G28 Y0 X0
M06 T1
M03 S1500
G00 X25 Y50 Z5
G01 Z-1 F100
G02 X25 I25
G00 Z5
G28 Z0 Y0 X0
Thus the part program was written and simulated for given job.
Develop a 3-D model-1(Nut &Bolt) by using 3-D Printer
As per the given parameters the models have to develop by using 3-D Printer.
Develop the bolt and nut as per given dimensions by using AUTO CAD/CATIA.
Save the model in stl file or format.
Import the file from stl to qura 3 D software.
Generate the G-Code for the imported model.
To copy the G-Code program in memory card
Switch on the 3-D printer machine.
Set the build plates in 3-D Printing machine.
Print the G-Code program.
Result: The given model has been developed in 3-D printer build plates.
As per the given parameters the models have to develop by using 3-D Printer.
Develop the bolt and nut as per given dimensions by using AUTO CAD/CATIA.
Save the model in stl file or format.
Import the file from stl to qura 3 D software.
Generate the G-Code for the imported model.
To copy the G-Code program in memory card
Switch on the 3-D printer machine.
Set the build plates in 3-D Printing machine.
Print the G-Code program.
Result: The given model has been developed in 3-D printer build plates.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
The following are the program Specific outcomes:
PSO1. To solve complex mechanical engineering problems which enables students
employable in reputed industries or self-entrepreneurs.
PSO2. To develop the new products/systems in collaboration with research & development
centres and to continue higher education.