Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology: Ec - 431 Microwave Engineering Lab
Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology: Ec - 431 Microwave Engineering Lab
Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology: Ec - 431 Microwave Engineering Lab
• To attain excellence in imparting technical education from the undergraduate through
doctorate levels by adopting coherent and judiciously coordinated curricular and co-curricular
• To foster partnership with industry and government agencies through collaborative research
and consultancy
• To nurture and strengthen auxiliary soft skills for overall development and improved
employability in a multi-cultural work space
• To develop scientific temper and spirit of enquiry in order to harness the latent innovative
• To develop constructive attitude in students towards the task of nation building and empower
them to become future leaders
• To nourish the entrepreneurial instincts of the students and hone their business acumen.
• To involve the students and the faculty in solving local community problems through
economical and sustainable solutions.
Vision and Mission of ECE Department
To be recognized as a premier education center providing state of art education and facilitating
research and innovation in the field of Electronics and Communication.
We are dedicated to providing high quality, holistic education in Electronics and Communication
Engineering that prepares the students for successful pursuit of higher education and challenging
careers in research, R& D and Academics.
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EC 431
1. Characteristics of Reflex Klystron oscillator, finding the mode numbers and efficiencies of
different modes.
2. Characteristics of Gunn diode oscillator, Power Output Vs Frequency, Power Output Vs
Bias Voltage.
3. Measurement of frequency and Guide wavelength calculation:
i. Verification of the relation between Guide wavelength, free space wavelength and cutoff
wavelength of X- band rectangular waveguide.
2 2
ii. Verification of the straight line relation between (1/lg) and (1/l0) and finding the
dimension of the guide.
4. Measurement of low and high VSWRs: VSWR of different components like matched
terminals, capacitive and inductive windows, slide screw tuner for different heights of the
tuning posts etc.
5. Measurement of impedance.
9. Measurement of radiation patterns for basic microwave antennas like horn and parabolic
reflectors in E-plane and H-plane. Also to finding the gain, bandwidth and beam width these
10. Study of various antennas like dipoles, loops, Yagi antenna, log periodic antenna and their
radiation pattern.
11. Mini Project
i. To design microwave components such as directional couplers, circulators and
hybrid junctions using simulation software tools.
ii. To design antennas arrays such as Binomial, Chebyshev using software tools.
11 Mini Project 51
Design of Microwave components, Antenna arrays
12 Appendix 52
To study the Microwave Components in detail.
Wave guides are manufactured to the highest mechanical and electrical standards and mechanical
tolerances. L and S band wave guides are fabricated by precision brazing of brass-plates and all
other wave guides are in extrusion quality. W.G. sections of specified length can be supplied
with flanges, painted outside and silver or gold plated in side.
EIA No. : WR - 90
X Band frequency: 8.2 - 12.4 GHZ
Waveguide slot width: 2.286cm Waveguide slot Height: 1.1016cm
Total Component width: 2.54 cm Total Component height: 1.27cm
Material: Brass/Copper.
Series 5000 fixed Attenuators are meant for inserting a known attenuation in a wave guide
system. These consists of a lossy vane inserted in a section of wave guide, flanged on both ends.
These are useful for isolation of wave guide circuits, padding and extending the range of
measuring equipments.
Fixed Attenuators are available for 3,6 or 10 dB attenuation values, but any attenuation valve
between 0 and 30dB can be provided.
A precision built probe carriage has a centimeter scale with a vernier reading of 0.1mm least
count and a dial gauge can be mounted easily if precise readings are required.
Model 6055 Tunable probe is designed for use with model 6051 slotted sections. These are
meant for exploring the energy of the EF in a suitably fabricated section of wave guide.
The depth of penetration into a wave guide - section is adjustable by the knob of the probe. The
tip pick up the RF power from the line and this power is rectified by crystal detector, which is
then fed to the VSWR meter or indicating instrument.
Model 4051 Tunable Detector Mount is simple and easy to use instrument for detecting
microwave power through suitable detector. It consists of a detector crystal mounted in a section
of a Wave guide and shorting plunger for matching purpose. The output from the crystal may be
fed to an indicating instrument. In K and R bands detector mounts the plunger is driven by a
Model 2051 Klystron mounts are meant for mounting corresponding Klystrons such as 2K25,
723A/B, 726A or RK - 5976 etc. These consists of a section of wave guide flanged on one end
and terminatedwith a movable short on the other end. An octalbase with cable is provided for
Klystron mount
Klyston tube
Model 6021 and 6022 are T and Y types of three port circulators respectively. These are
precisely machined and assembled to get the desired specifications. Circulators are matched
three port devices and these are meant for allowing Microwave energy to flow in clockwise
direction with negligible loss but almost no transmission in the anti-clockwise direction.
Model No. : X - 6021 Frequency Range (Ghz) : 8.6 - 10.6 or 10.2 - 12.2
Min. Isolation (dB) : 20 Max. Insertion Loss (dB) : 0.4
Max. VSWR : 1.20
Model 4041 slide screw tuners are used for matching purposes by changing the penetration and
position of a screw in the slot provided in the centre of the wave guide.
These consists of a section of wave guide flanged on both ends and a thin slot is provided in the
broad wall of the Wave guide. A carriage carrying the screw, is provided over the slot. A VSWR
upto 20 can be tuned to a value less than 1.02 at certain frequency.
Model 6000 series Multihole directional couplers are useful for sampling a part of Microwave
energy for monitoring purposes and for measuring reflections and impedance. These consists of a
section of Wave guide with addition of a second parallel section of wave guide thus making it a
four port network. However the fourth port is terminated with a matched load. These two parallel
sections are coupled to each other through many holes, almost to give uniform coupling;
minimum frequency sensitivity and high directivity. These are available in 3,6,10,20 and 40dB
Model 3061 E - plane tee are series type T - junction and consists of three section of wave guide
joined together in order to divide or compare power levels. The signal entering the first port of
this T - junction will be equally dividing at second and third ports of the same magnitude but in
opp. Phase
Model 3065 H - Plane Tee are shunt type T - junction for use in conjunction with VSWR meters,
frequency - meters and other detector devices. Like in E-plane tee, the signal fed through first
port of H - plane Tee will be equally divided in magnitude at second and third ports but in same
Model 3045 E - H Tee consists of a section of wave guide in both series and shunt wave guide
arms, mounted at the exact midpoint of main arm. Both ends of the section of wave guide and
both arms are flanged on their ends. These Tees are employed in balanced mixers, AFC circuits
and impedance measurement circuits etc. This becomes a four terminal device where one
terminal is isolated from the input terminal.
Model 4081 movable shorts consists of a section of waveguide, flanged on one end and
terminated with a movable shorting plunger on the other end. By means of this noncontacting
type plunger, a reflection co-efficient of almost unity may be obtained.
Model 4000 are low power and non-reflective type of terminations. It consists of a small and
highly dissapative taper flap mounted inside the centre of a section of wave guide. Matched
Terminations are useful for USWR measurement of various waveguide components. These are
also employed as dummy and as a precise reference loads with Tee junctions, directional
couplers and other similar dividing devices.
Model No. : X - 4000, Freq. Range (Ghz) : 8.2 - 12.4 Max VSWR : 1.04
AV Power : 2W, WG Type (WR-) 90, Flange Type (UG-/U) : 39
Model 5041 pyramidal Wave guide Horn antenna consists of waveguide joined to pyramidal
section fabricated from brass sheet. The pyramidal section shapes the energy to concentrate in a
specified beam. Wave guide horns are used as feed horns as radiators for reflectors and lenses
and as a pickup antenna for receiving microwave power.
Model 2151 Gunn Oscillators are solid state microwave energy generators. These consists of
waveguide cavity flanged on one end and micrometer driven plunger fitted on the other end. A
gunn-diode is mounted inside the Wave guide with BNC (F) connector for DC bias. Each Gunn
osciallator is supplied with calibration certificate giving frequency vs micrometer reading.
Model 451 pin modulators are designed to modulate the cw output of Gunn Oscillators. It is
operated by the square pulses derived from the UHF(F) connector of the Gunn power supply.
These consists of a pin diode mounted inside a section of Wave guide flanged on it’s both end. A
fixed attenuation vane is mounted inside at the input to protect the oscillator.
Model X-110 Gunn Power supply comprises of an regulated DC power supply and a square
wave generator, designed to operate Gunn-Oscillator model 2151 or 2152, and pin modulators
model 451 respectively. The DC voltage is variable from 0 - 10V. The front panel meter
monitors the gunn voltage and the current drawn by the Gunn diode. The square wave of
generator is variable from 0 - 10V. in amplitude and 900 - 1100 Hz in frequency. The power
supply has been so designed to protect Gunn diode from reverse voltage application over
transient and low frequency oscillations by the negative resistance of the Gunn-diode.
The three port circulators Model 6021 may be converted into isolators by terminating one of its
port into matched load. these will work over the frequency range of circulators. These are well
matched devices offering low forward insertion loss and high reverse isolation.
1. What is microwave?
2. Mention the frequency band for a millimeter wave.
3. List some of IEEE microwave frequency bands.
4. List some of characteristic feature of microwave.
5. List some of the application of microwave technology.
6. Draw a simple microwave system.
7. What are waveguide `Tees’?
8. List the basic type of waveguide tees.
9. What is an isolator?
10. What is a circulator?
11. What is a directional coupler?
12. What is velocity modulation?
13. Mention the Principle used in Klystron?
14. When the o/p power of reflex klystron maximum?
15. What is meant by attenuator?
Output Wave
Meter guide
1) During operation of Klystron, repeller does not carry any current and as such it may severely
be damaged by electron bombardment. To protect repeller from such damage, the repeller
negative voltage is always applied before anode voltage.
2). Therepeller voltage should be varied in one direction to avoid hysteres is in klystrons
3) The heater voltage should be applied first and cooling should be provided simultaneously after
some time other voltages should be applied taking precaution
4) While measuring power, the frequency meter should be detained each time because there is a
dip in the output power when the frequency is tuned.
5) To avoid loading of the klystron an isolator/attenuation should invariably be used between
klystron and the rest of the set-up.
(i) Knowing mode top voltages of two adjacent modes, mode numbers of the modes is
computed from the equation,
N2/ N1= V2/ V1= (n+1)+3/4/n+3/4
where V1 and V2 are the values of repeller voltages required to operate the klystron in mode
numbers N1 and N2.
(ii) Knowing mode number, transit time of each mode is calculated from
t 1 =(n+3/4)/f01= N1/f01
(iii) ETR – Electronic tuning range i.e, the frequency band from one end of the mode to another
is calculated by
Tabular column
Expected Graph:
Output I (mA)
Result: The characteristics of Klystron Oscillator are verified and modes are calculated.
1. List two basic configurations of Klystron tubes.
2. What is velocity modulation?
3. List the characteristic of two cavity klystron amplifier.
4. Write a note on mode of oscillations.
5. Draw the reflex klystron modes.
6. Higher order mode occurs at ____________ repeller voltage.
7. When the o/p power of reflex klystron maximum?
8. List the application of reflex klystron.
9. What is transit time?
10. Which mode number is most frequently used? Why?
Some bulk semiconductor materials such as Gallium arsenide (GA As), Indium phosphide (InP)
and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) have two closely spaced energy bands in the conduction band.
At lower electric field strengths in the material, most of the electrons will be transmitted into
higher energy band. In the higher energy band the effective electron mass is longer and hence the
electron mobility is lower than what it is in the lower energy band. Since the conductivity is
directly proportional to the mobility there is an immediate range of electric field strengths for
which the fraction of electrons that are transferred into higher energy low mobility conduction is
such that the average mobility and hence conductivity decreases with an increase in the electric
field strength. Thus there is a range of voltage over which the current decreases with the
increasing voltage and a negative instrumental of resistance is displayed by the device. A Gunn
device is also called a transferred electronic device since the negative resistance arises from the
transfer of electrons from the lower to higher energy band. The oscillations that occur in the
material with energy band structure noted above was discovered by J.B.GUNN. The probability
of obtaining negative differential resistance had been predicted earlier by Ridley and Watkins.
Tabular column:
Expected Graphs:
Apparatus: Klystron power supply or Gunn Power supply, Klystron mount with klystron tube
(R.K.O) or Gunn oscillator, Variable attenuator, Frequency meter, Slotted Section with Tunable
Probe, wave guidedetector, Output Meter, Matched Termination
Output Probe
meter Carriage
Power /
For dominant mode TE10in the rectangular wave guide λo, λc, λg are related by this equation
1/λo2= 1/ λg 2+ 1/ λc2
3. Adjust the probe depth of the standing wave detector till a deflection is observed on the
5. Energize the klystron. Use the mode at about -160V reflector voltage module with 1khz square
6. Adjust the reflector voltage to get maximum deflection on the V.S.W.R. meter.
1. Tune the frequency meter until a dip observed in the V.S.W.R. meter deflection. Tune the
frequency meter to obtain minimum deflection.
2. Note the frequency meter setting.
1. Replace the termination with the variable short. Detune the frequency meter.
2. Move the probe along the line and watch the V.S.W.R. meter, the deflection will vary
3. Move the probe to a minimum deflection point. To get an accurate reading, it is necessary
to increase the V.S.W.R. meter gain when close to a minimum.
4. Note and record the probe position.
5. Measure the wave-guide inner dimension. a = (22.860+0.046mm)or 2.29cm.
6. Calculate the frequency.
Sl. Distance
– VR Output
No. g
Expected Graph:
g/2 Distance
Matched SS Tuner
The electromagnetic field at any point of a transmission line (eg a wave guide) may be
considered as the sum of two travelling waves. The incident wave propagates from the generator,
the reflected wave propagates towards the generator .The reflected wave is set up by the
reflection of the incident wave from a discontinuity on the line or from a load impedance not
equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. The magnitude and phase of the reflected wave
depends upon the amplitude and phase of the reflecting impedance. The magnitude also depends
Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology Page 29
on the amplitude losses on the line. On a lossy line the reflected (and incident) wave will be
attenuated. If the line is uniform and infinitely long there would be no reflected wave. The same
applies for a line of finite length which is matched i.e. has a load equal to the characteristic
impedance of the line. The presence of two travelling waves gives rise to standing wave along
the line. The electrical (and mechanical) field varies periodically with distance. The maximum
field strength is found where the two waves add in phase and the minimum where the two waves
add in opposite phase. Figure above shows the voltage standing wave patterns for different load
impedances. The distance between two successive minima (or maxima) is half the wavelength on
the transmission line. The ratio between the electrical fields of the reflected and incident wave is
called the voltage reflection coefficient, being a vector, which means that is phase varies along
the transmission line. The voltage standing wave ratio VSWR on a transmission line is defined as
the ratio between maximum and minimum field strengths along the line.
ρ = Er / Ei ,
S = Emax / Emin = (Ei + Er) / (Ei - Er)
Reflection Coefficient =(S – 1) / (S+1)
Range - 40dB/50dB
Mod switch - AM
Beam voltage knob - fully anti-clockwise
Repeller voltage knob - fully clockwise
AM amplitude knob - around fully clockwise
AM frequency - mid position
5. Switch ON the Klystron power supply, VSWR meter and cooling fan.
8. Tune the output by turning the reflector voltage, amplitude and frequency of AM modulation.
9. Tune plunger of klystron mount and probe for maximum deflection in VSWR meter.
10. If required change the range dB switch variable attenuator position and gain control knob to
get deflection in the scale of VSWR meter.
2. Adjust the VSWR meter gain control knob or variable attenuator until the meter indicates1.0
on normal VSWR scale.
3. Keep all the control knob as it is, move the probe to next minimum position. Read the VSWR
on scale.
4. Repeat the above step for change of S.S tuner probe depth and record the corresponding SWR.
5. If the VSWR is between 3.2 and 10, change the range dB switch to next higher position and
read SWR on second VSWR scale of 3 to 10.
2. Move the probe along with slotted line until minimum is indicated.
3. Adjust the VSWR meter gain control knob and variable attenuator to obtain a reading of 3 dB
in the normal dB scale (0 to 10 dB) of VSWR meter.
4. Move the probe to the left on slotted line until full scale deflection is obtained on 0-10 dB
scale. Note and record the probe position on slotted line let it be d1.
5. Repeat the step-3 and move the probe right along the slotted line until full scale deflection is
obtained on 0 – 10 dB normal dB scale. Let it be d2.
7. Measure the distance between two successive minima positions of the probe, twice the
distance is guide wavelength λg.
SWR =λg/𝜋 𝑑2 − 𝑑1
d2 d1
1. Low VSWR =
2. High VSWR =
Klystron Tube, Klystron Power supply, Klystron Mount, Isolator, Frequency Meter, Variable
Attenuator, Slotted line, VSWR Meter, Waveguide Stand, SS tuner, Movable Short/Termination
The impedance at any point on a transmission line can be written in the form R+jX. This SWR
can be calculated S=(1+R) / (1-R)Where R is reflection coefficient = Z-Zo /Z+Zo where Z0 is
the characteristic impedance of the waveguide at the operating frequency. Z is the load
impedance. The unknown device is connected to the slotted section and the position of one
minima is determined. The unknown device is replaced by Movable short to the slotted section.
Two successive minima positions are noted. Twice the difference between the minima positions
will be guide wavelength. One of the minima is used as reference for impedance measurement.
Find the difference of reference minima and minima position obtained from unknown load. Let it
be‘d’. Take a Smith chart, taking ‘l’ as center; draw a circle of radius equal to ‘S0’. Mark a point
on circumference of Smith chart towards load side at a distance equal to d/λg. Join the center
with this point. Find the point where it cuts the drawn circle. The coordinates of this point will
show the normalized impedance of the load.
Movable SS Tuner
short with
Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology Page 33
1. Set up the equipment as shown in the figure.
6. Switch ‘ON’ the Beam Voltage Switch position and set beam voltage at 300 V with the help
of beam voltage knob.
7. Adjust the reflector voltage knob to get some deflection in VSWR meter.
8. Maximize the deflection with AM amplitude and frequency control knob of power supply.
12. Tune the frequency meter knob to get a ‘dip’ on the VSWR scale, and note down the
frequency directly from frequency meter.
13. Keep the depth of the pin of SS Tuner around 3-4 mm and lock it.
14. Move the probe along the slotted section to get maximum deflection.
15. Adjust VSWR meter gain control knob and variable attenuator until the meter indicates 1.0
on the normal dB SWR scale.
16. Move the probe to next minima position and note down the SWR S0 on the scale. Also note
down the probe position, let it be ‘dx’.
17. Remove the SS Tuner and matched termination and place movable short at slotted section.
The plunger of short should be at zero.
18. Note the position of two successive minima position. Let it be d1 and d2. Hence λg = 2(d1 –
d = dx – d1
19. Calculate d/λg.
20. Find out the normalized impedance as described in the theory section.
21. Repeat the same experiment for other frequency if required.
d1 = mm.
d2 = mm
λg = 2(d1 – d2) mm.
SWR = S0 =
d/λg =
Normalized impedance =
1. To protect repeller from damage the repeller negative voltage is always applied before anode
2. While modulating repeller should never become positive with respect to cavity.
To study the function of multi hole directional coupler by measuring the following parameters.
1. Coupling factor 4 Isolation Loss
2. Insertion loss
3. Directivity
Microwave source (Klystron or Gunn diode), Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator,
Slotted line, Tunable probe, Detector mount, Matched termination, MHD coupler, Waveguide
Stand, Cables and Accessories, VSWR meter.
Port 3
Port 4
Port 1 Port 2
A directional coupler is a device which is used to measure the incident and reflected wave
separately. It consists of two transmission lines the main arm and the auxiliary arm.
Electromagnetically coupled to each other refers to the fig. The power entering in the main arm
gets divided between port 2 and 3 and almost no power comes out in port 4 power entering at
port 2 is divided between port 1 and 4.
The coupling factor is defined as
Coupling (dB) = 10 log10 (P1 / P3) where port 2 is terminated.
Isolation (dB) = 10 log 10(P2 / P3) where P1 is matched with built in termination and power
entering at port 1 the directivity of the coupler is a measure of separation between incident wave
and the reflected wave directivity is measured indirectly as follows
Hence directivity D (dB) = 1-c = 10log10 (P2 / P1)
Main line insertion loss is the attenuation introduced in the transmission line by insertion of
coupler. It is defined as
Insertion loss (dB) = 10log10 (P1 / P2).
Output Detector
1. Set up the components and equipment as shown in the figure.
3. Remove the multi hole directional coupler and connect the detector mount of the frequency
meter. Tune the detector for maximum output.
4. Set any reference level of power on VSWR meter with the help of variable attenuator, gain
control knob of VSWR meter, and note down the reading (reference level let X).
5. Insert the directional coupler as shown in second figure with detector to the auxiliary port 3
and matched termination to port 2, without changing the position of variable attenuator and gain
control knob of VSWR measurement.
6. Note down the reading on VSWR meter on the scale with help of range – dB switch if
required let it be Y.
8. Now carefully disconnect the detector from the auxiliary port 3 and match termination from
point 2 without disturbing the set up.
9. Connect the matched termination to the auxiliary port 3 and detector to port 2 and measure the
reading on VSWR meter, suppose it is Z.
12. Connect the directional coupler in the reverse direction i.e. port 2 to frequency meter side
matched termination to port 1 and detector mount to port 3 without disturbing the position of the
variable attenuator and gain control knob of VSWR meter.
13. Measure and note down the reading on VSWR meter. Let it be Yd. X – Yd gives isolation.
Pb =backward power
AIM: To study the characteristics of waveguide Tees and to find its scattering matrices.
Klystron/ Klystron/G
Gunn unn Variable Frequency Wave
Tee Output
Power Oscillator Isolator Attenuator Meter Guide
( E & H ) Meter
Supply Detector
Measure the output current in the test set up and note it as I1 after adjusting the reflector voltage
to the maximum output.
2. Measure the output current at the other ports and note it as I2&I3.
3. Observe.
1. Make out the differences between E-Tee, H-Tee & E-H Tee.
2. Change the frequency from f1 to f6 & repeat the experiment procedure at different
distance (d) & plot the pattern on polar graph paper & determine 3dB beam width &
1. Test set up
2. Ammeter
3. Circulators
Gunn /
Gunn / Test
Klystron Frequency Wave
Variable Output
Klystron Isolator Component
Power Meter Guide
Attenuator (Circulator) Meter
Supply Oscillator Detector
Y – Type T – Type
1. Switch on the KPS after keeping reflection voltage knob to maximum and beam voltage
knob to minimum. .
2. Allow sufficient time & increase beam voltage to 290V or 300V.
3. Decrease the reflector voltage and the maximum current at the output. Note it as I1.
AIM: To determine the relationship between transmitting antenna & receiving antenna and to
measure radiation pattern.
Wave Output
Klystron Klystron /
Variable Frequency Guide Meter
/ Gunn Gunn Isolator
Attenuator Meter Detector
Power Oscillator
Transmitter d Receiver
A horn antenna may be regarded as a flared out or opened out wave guide. A wave guide is
capable of radiating radiation into open space provided the same is excited at one end and
opened at the other end. However, the radiation is much greater through wave guide than the 2
wire transmission line. To overcome reflection and diffraction in the wave guide, the mouth of
the waveguide is opened out which assumes the shape of a electromagnetic horn. If the wave
guide is terminated by any type of horn, the abrupt discontinuity existed is replaced by a gradual
transformation, then all the energy incident in forward direction in the waveguide will now be
radiated, provided the impedance matching is proper. This improves directivity and reduces
diffraction. If flaring is done only in one direction, then sectorial horn is produced. If flaring is
done along both the walls, then pyramidal horn is obtained. By flaring the walls of the circular
waveguide, a concial horn is formed. The fields inside the waveguide propagate in the same
manner as in free space, but on reaching the mouth of the waveguide, these propagating fields
continue to propagate in the same general direction but also starts spreading laterally and the
wave front eventually becomes spherical. However this may be treated as transition region where
the change over from the guided propagation to free space propagation occurs. Since the
waveguide impedance & free space impedance are not equal, hence to avoid standing wave ratio,
flaring of walls of waveguide is done which besides matching of impedance also provide
concentrated radiation pattern(ie)greater directivity and narrower beam width. It is the flared
structure that is given the name electro magnetic horn radiator. The function is to produce a
uniform phase front with a larger aperture in comparison to waveguide and thus directivity is
greater. If flare angle is very large, the wavefront on the mouth of the horn will be curved rather
than plane. This will result in non-uniform phase distribution over the aperture, resulting in
increased beam width and reduced directivity, and vice versa occurs if the flare angle is very
small. The directivity of the horn antenna is given as D = 7.5 A/λ2 where A area of horn mouth
opening. Horn antennas are extensively used at microwave frequencies under the condition that
power gain needed is moderate.
1. Measure the output current in the test set up of transmitter output a frequency(f1) & note it as
I1maximum output.
2. the given attenuator as in the set up and measure the output (power) current & note it as Io, for
the frequency(f1) & repeat the same experimental procedure for various frequencies upto (f6)-
Place Connect the antenna, after the Frequency meter.
3. Connect similar antenna with W.G. detector to the receiving circuit.
4. Turn the receiving Antenna and note the reading for the Near field and also far field pattern.
Tabular column:
Sl Sl
Angle Output Angle Output
No. No.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
Expected Graphs:
0 Angle
The radiation pattern of a half wave dipole antenna that the direction of maximum sensitivity or
radiation is at right angles to the axis of the RF antenna. The radiation falls to zero along the axis
of the RF antenna as might be expected.
In a three dimensional plot, the radiation pattern envelope for points of equal radiation intensity
for a doughnut type shape, with the axis of the antenna passing through the hole in the centre of
the doughnut.Small Loop Antennas: The small loop antenna is a closed loop as shown in Figure
1. These antennas have low radiation resistance and high reactance, so that their impedance is
difficult to match to a transmitter. As a result, these antennas are most often used as receive
antennas, where impedance mismatch loss can be tolerated.The radius is a, and is assumed to
be much smaller than a wavelength (a<< ). The loop lies in the x-y plane.
Since the loop is electrically small, the current within the loop can be approximated as being
Yagi-Uda Antenna
i. The number of experiments in each laboratory course shall be as per the curriculum in the
scheme of instructions provided by OU. Mostly the number of experiments is 10 in each
laboratory course under semester scheme and 18 under year wise scheme.
ii. The students will maintain a separate note book for observations in each laboratory
iii. In each session the students will conduct the allotted experiment and enter the data in the
observation table.
iv. The students will then complete the calculations and obtain the results. The course
coordinator will certify the result in the same session.
v. The students will submit the record in the next class. The evaluation will be continuous
and not cycle-wise or at semester end.
vi. The internal marks of 25 are awarded in the following manner:
a. Laboratory record - Maximum Marks 15
b. Test and Viva Voce - Maximum Marks 10
vii. Laboratory Record: Each experimental record is evaluated for a score of 50. The rubric
parameters are as follows:
a. Write up format - Maximum Score 15
b. Experimentation Observations & Calculations - Maximum Score 20
c. Results and Graphs - Maximum Score 10
d. Discussion of results - Maximum Score 5
While (a), (c) and (d) are assessed at the time of record submission, (b) is assessed during the
session based on the observations and calculations. Hence if a student is absent for an experiment
but completes it in another session and subsequently submits the record, it shall be evaluated for
a score of 30 and not 50.
viii. The experiment evaluation rubric is therefore as follows:
Write up 15
Results and 10
Discussion of 5
ix. The first page of the record will contain the following title sheet:
x. The 15 marks of laboratory record will be scaled down from the TOTAL of the
assessment sheet.
xi. The test and viva voce will be scored for 10 marks as follows:
Internal Test - 6 marks
Viva Voce / Quiz - 4 marks
xii. Each laboratory course shall have 5 course outcomes.
On successful completion of the course, the student will acquire the ability to:
1. Conduct experiments, take measurements and analyze the data through hands-on
experience in order to demonstrate understanding of the theoretical concepts of
_______________________, while working in small groups.
3. Employ graphics packages for drawing of graphs and use computational software for
statistical analysis of data.
4. Compare the experimental results with those introduced in lecture, draw relevant
conclusions and substantiate them satisfactorily.
xiii. The Course coordinators would prepare the assessment matrix in accordance with the
guidelines provided above for the five course outcomes. The scores to be entered against
each of the course outcome would be the sum of the following as obtained from the
assessment sheet in the record:
xiv. Soft copy of the assessment matrix would be provided to the course coordinators.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and
IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects
and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO2: The ECE Graduates will develop preliminary skills and capabilities necessary for embedded system design
and demonstrate understanding of its societal impact.
PSO3: The ECE Graduates will obtain the knowledge of the working principles of modern communication systems
and be able to develop simulation models of components of a communication system.
PSO4: The ECE Graduates will develop soft skills, aptitude and programming skills to be employable in IT sector.