Prayas JEE 2.0 2025: Chemistry Atomic Structure
Prayas JEE 2.0 2025: Chemistry Atomic Structure
Prayas JEE 2.0 2025: Chemistry Atomic Structure
Q1 Which of the following electron transitions in a Q6 No. of visible lines when an electron returns from
hydrogen atom will require the largest amount 5 th orbit to ground state in H spectrum.
of energy?
Q7 What is the lowest energy of the spectral line
(A) From n = 1 to n = 2
emitted by the hydrogen atom in the Lyman
(B) From n = 2 to n = 4
(C) From n = 5 to n = 1
(A) 5hRH c
(D) From n = 3 to n = 5 36
(B) 4hRH c
Q2 What is the shortest wavelength line in the (C) 3hRH c
Paschen series of Li2+ ion?
(D) 7Rh
(A) R9
(B) R9 Q8 Calculate wavelength of 3 rd line of Brackett
1 series in hydrogen spectrum
(C) R
9R 784
(D) (A) 33 R
(B) 33
Q3 The number of possible spectral lines in (C) 784 R
Brackett series in hydrogen spectrum, when the 33
(D) 784 R
electrons present in the ninth excited state
return to the ground state, is Q9 As the number of orbit increase from the
(A) 36 (B) 45 nucleus, the difference between the adjacent
(C) 5 (D) 6 energy levels:
(A) Increases
Q4 Find the value of wave number (v̄ ) in terms
(B) Remains constant
of Rydberg's constant, when transition of
(C) Decreases
electron takes place between two levels of
(D) None of these
He+ ion whose sum is 4 and difference is 2 .
(A) 8R
9 Q10 An electron jumps from the fourth orbit to the
(B) 9
first orbit in a H-atom. The number of photons
(C) liberated out will be:
(D) None of these (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 6
Q5 The shortest wavelength in H spectrum of
Lyman series when RH = 109678 cm−1 is. Q11 The number of possible spectral lines in the
(A) 1002.7 Å Brackett series in the hydrogen spectrum, when
(B) 1215.67 Å electrons present in the ninth excited state
(C) 1127.30 Å return to the ground state, is
(D) 911.7 Å (A) 36 (B) 45
(C) 5 (D) 6
Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q7 (C)
Q2 (C) Q8 (A)
Q3 (D) Q9 (C)
Q6 3