Pre-Action Protocol For Judicial Review

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Pre-Action Protocol for Judicial Review, UKBC-WHITEBK 458574160 (2024)
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\u169\'3f 2024 Thomson Reuters.
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Pre-Action Protocol for Judicial Review
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li0
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li0
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White Book 2024
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li0
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Volume 1
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li0
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Section C - Pre-Action Conduct and Protocols
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li0
{\b0 \cf25 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa200 \sb200
Pre-Action Protocol for Judicial Review
{\shading10000 \b0 \cf1 \cfpat32 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
Annex B \u8212\'3f
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb400
Response to a letter before claim
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b1 \cf21 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs48 \li200
{\b1 \cf21 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs48 \li200
{\b1 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs48
{\b1 \cf21 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs48 \sa0 \sb160
Information required in a response to a letter before claim
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
The claimant
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri10080 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li-760
{\b1 \cf18 \f2 \ri10080 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li-760
{\b1 \cf18 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa100 \sb0
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Insert the title, first and last names and the address to which any reply should
be sent.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Insert the name and address of the defendant.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Reference details
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Set out the relevant reference numbers for the matter in dispute and the identity
of those within the public body who have been handling the issue.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
The details of the matter being challenged
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Set out details of the matter being challenged, providing a fuller explanation of
the decision, where this is considered appropriate.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Response to the proposed claim
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Set out whether the issue in question is conceded in part, or in full, or will be
contested. Where an interim reply is being sent and there is a realistic prospect
of settlement, details should be included. If the claimant is a litigant in person,
a copy of the Pre-Action Protocol should be enclosed with the letter.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Details of any other Interested Parties
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Identify any other parties who you consider have an interest who have not already
been sent a letter by the claimant.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
ADR proposals
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Set out the defendant\u8217\'3fs position on any
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
proposals made in the letter before claim and any
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
proposals by the defendant.)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Response to requests for information and documents
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
(Set out the defendant\u8217\'3fs answer to the requests made in the letter before
claim including reasons why any requested information or documents are not being
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \ql \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0

{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb200
Address for further correspondence and service of court documents
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri200 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li200
{\b0 \cf23 \f2 \i0 \fs20
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa200 \sb0
(Set out the address for any future correspondence on this matter)
{\b0 \cf1 \f2 \ri0 \i0 \qj \fs20 \li0 {
{\trowd \lastrow \trleft0
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End of Document
}\b1 \cf24 \f2 \strike0 \i0 \fs16 \sa0 \sb0 \ri24 \ul0 \ql \li24 \chcbpat2 \intbl \
cell \intbl
{\ri30 \li30
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{\b1 \cf24 \f2 \ul0 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0
\u169\'3f 2024 SWEET & MAXWELL
}\b1 \cf24 \f2 \strike0 \i0 \fs20 \sa0 \sb0 \ri30 \ul0 \ql \li30 \chcbpat2 \intbl \
cell \row }}\par
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