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PROCEEDTNGS NO.563 1/R1-3/2014. DATED:9-1-2015.

Sub:- MINES AND QUARRIES -Quarry Lease for Colour Granite over an extent of
11.410 Hectares in Sy.No.28 of Manala Village, Malyal Mandal, Thimmapur
Mandal, Karimnagar District held by M/s. SLN Stonex, rep by its
Mg.Partner Smt. P.Arunalatha - Quarry Lease Transferred infavour of
M/s. SLN Baba Granites, rep by its Mg.Partner Sri B.Laxman for the
unexpired portion of the lease period upto 22.08.2033 - Permission -
Accorded - Orders - Issued.

Ref: - 1. DM&G., Hyderabad, Procd.No.19303/R6-3/201O,dt.20.O7.2013.

2. Transfer of Quarry Lease Application dated: 21.08.2014 from M/s. SLN
Stonex, rep by its Mg.Partner Smt, P,Arunalatha.
3. File.No. 5161/Q/2010, dated. 25.O9.2014 from ADM&G., Karimnagar.

Through reference 1't cited, a Quarry lease for Colour Granite over an extent of
11.410 Hectares in Sy.No.28 of Manala Village, Malyal Mandal, Karimnagar District was
granted to M/s. SLN Stonex, rep. by its Mg. Partner Smt. P.Arunalatha vide Proceeding
No.19303/R6-3/2010 dated 20.O7.2013. The Quarry Lease deed was executed on
23.08.2013 and the Quarry Lease will be inforce upto 22.08.2033.

Through the reference 2nd cited, M/s. SLN Stonex, rep. by its Mg. Partner Smt.
P.Arunalatha filed application on 21.08.2014 in Form-R for transfer of quarry lease for
Colour Granite held in the subject area in favour of M/s. SLN Baba Granites. rep by its Mg.
Partner Sri B.Laxman for the unexpired portion of the lease period, duly signed by both
the Transferor and Transferee in the office of the Assistant Director of Mines and Geology,
Karimnagar on 21.08.2014.

M/s. SLN Stonex, rep. by its Mg. Partner Smt. p.Arunalatha submitted a notarized
affidavit stating that she is unable to operate the quarry lease due to financial and
personal problems. Therefore. she decided to transfer the quarry lease held by her to
M/s, SLN Baba Granites, rep by its Mg. partner Sri B,Laxman for a consideration of
Rs.50,000/- towards actual expenditure incurred for development of quarry.

The transferee, M/s. SLN Baba Granites, rep by its Mg. partner Sri B.Laxman also
submitted a notarized affidavit accepting to take the euarry lease on transfer for the
unexpired of the portion of lease i.e. upto 22.oa.2033 repeat and there is no speculation
involved in the proposed transfer of Quarry lease.

Through the reference 3'd cited, the Assistant Director of Mines and Geology,
Karimnagar submitted proposals and Informed that the area proposed for transfer was
inspected by the Technical Assistant of the office of ADM&G, Karimnagar on 17.09.2014
and reported that the quarry is working \/ith (10) labours, (1) proclain, (1) compressor
and (5) Jackies. There are (27) undressed blocks covering a quantity or izb.:os cu.vts
and the lessee erected boundary pillars around the leased area. The Technical Assistant
recommended for transfer of QL in favour of M/s. sLN Baba Granites, Rep. by its Mg.
Pa rtner Sri B.Laxman.

The surveyor, conducted check survey on 16.09.2014 and reported that the
Transferor is working within the. leased area as per the executed sketch. There are (3)
working pits admeasuring to (L)24x26.5x2. smts (2)21x52x2mts (3)9X52X3.5mts. The
surveyor recommended for transfer of eL in favour of M/s, sLN eaba'Granites, nep. by its
Mg. Partner Sri B.Laxman.
Further, the transferor M/s. sLN stonex has submitted MRcc issued by DDM&G,
warangal valid upto 30.09.2014 the Tl'ansferee i.e., M/s. sLN Baba eranites,'rep uy
Mg. Partner sri B.Laxman submitted notarized affidavit in lieu of Mineral ievenue
clearance certificate as the firm is they not holding any leases in the state of relangana,

Further, the zonar Joint Director of Mines and Georogy, Hyderabad, vide
Lr.No.8625/M P-KMN R/2012, dt. 30.11.2013 approved the Mining pta-n or N7s. siru
rep. by its Mg. partner smt. p.Arunalatha. The Ministry of Enviro-nment ano roreitsliiueo


Environmental Clearance through Order No. SEIAA/APIKRM-201/2013, dt.08.03.2013. The

APPCB has issued Consent for Establishment vide Order No.441-RGM/APPCB/ZO-
HYDICFEI2OL3-|4O7, dt.02.O7.2013 and Consent for Operation vide Order No.441-
RGM/?CBIZOH| CFO/ 2Or3-27 66, dt.06. 1 1.2013.

Finally, the Assistant Director of Mines and Geology, Karimnagar recommended for
transfer of Quarry lease held by M/s. SLN Stonex, rep. by its Mg. Partner Smt.
P.Arunalatha for Colour Granite over an extent of 11,410 Hectares in Sy.No.28 of Manala
Village, Malyal Mandal Mandal, Karimnagar District infavour of M/s. SLN Baba Granites,
rep by its Mg. Partner Sri B.Laxman for the unexpired portion of lease period upto
22.08.2033 subject to the terms and conditions laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Minor
Mineral concession Rules, 1966 and Granite Conservation and Development Rules, 1999.
The Zonal Joint Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad agreed with the proposals and
recommended for transfer of quarry lease in favour of M/s. SLN Baba Granites,

In view of the above circumstances, permission is hereby accorded for transfer of

quarry lease held by M/s. SLN Stonex, rep. by its Mg. Partner Smt. P.Arunalatha for
Colour Granite over an extent of 11.410 Hectares in Sy.No.28 of Manala Village, Malyal
Mandal Mandal, Karimnagar District infavour of M/s. SLN Baba Granites, rep by its Mg.
Partner Sri B,Laxman for the un-expired portion of lease period upto i,e,,22,08.2O33
under Rule 12(5) (h) (viii) of Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1955 and
Development Rules, 1999, and subsequent amendments received there on from time to
time and conditions mentioned in the original grant order and subject to the transferor
shall obtain transfer of EC, CFE and CFO from Competent authority within (3) months held
in the name of transferee.




M/s. SLN Stonex,
Mg. Partner Smt. P.Arunalatha,
H.No.2-10-1647 /39, Flat No.508,
Poladi Satya Towers, Chaitanyapuri,
Karimnagar District. (By RPAD)

M/s. SLN Baba Granites,

Mg. Partner Sri B.Laxman
H. No.3-4-170l1, Sainagar,
Karimnagar, (By RPAD)

Copy to the Asst, Director of Mines and Geology, Karimnagar. - (By RPAD)
Copy to the Zonal Joint Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad.
Copy to Stock File.

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