Oral Comprehension: 3.1.1. Reception Activities Oral Comprehension: 3.1.1. Reception Activities Oral Comprehension: 3.1.1. Reception Activities
Reception activities Oral comprehension
The expression “oral comprehension” covers comprehension in live, face-to-face communication and its remote and/
or recorded equivalent. It thus includes visuo-gestural and audio-vocal modalities. The aspects of oral comprehension
included here under reception are di erent kinds of one-way comprehension, excluding “Understanding an
interlocutor” (as a participant in interaction), which is included under interaction. The approach is strongly in uenced
by the metaphor of concentric circles as one moves out from a role as participant in an interaction towards a one-
way role of an overhearer or bystander, to being a member of a live audience, to being a member of an audience
at a distance – via media. Scales are provided for “Understanding conversation between other people” (as an
overhearer) and for “Understanding as a member of a live audience”. To these scales particular media are added, with
“Understanding announcements and instructions”, and “Understanding audio (or signed) media and recordings.”
There is also a separate scale for “Watching TV, lm and video” included under audio-visual comprehension.