13 - 10 June 24
13 - 10 June 24
13 - 10 June 24
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided
2.2.2 Check
steps needed to complete short classroom tasks
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S) By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a) Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent writing
b) Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions
Creativity and Innovation
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S) By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a) Agree a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom task – spell most high
frequency words accurately in independent writing
b) Ask about and describe future plans or events
Creativity and Innovation + Language
PRE-LESSON 1. Pupils greet the teacher.
2. Play a game to review will and won’t, for example Stand up, Sit down: the teacher/a
pupil says a sentence and pupils stand up if they agree or sit down if they disagree.
Use statements which focus on schools and classrooms of the future. Remind pupils
of the use of will and won’t to talk about predictions, and elicit from pupils how we
talk about future plans (using going to or present continuous).
LESSON DEVELOPMENT 3. Show the pictures of futuristic classrooms. Talk to the pupils about what they show
and ask for more ideas and opinions about how classrooms will be in the future. Make
notes on the board. (HOTS)
4. Pupils work in groups of four. Set the main task (see Step 4). Have pupils discuss the
task and decide on different roles within the group, for example one pupil to
draw/design, one to write, one to search for or brainstorm ideas, one to prepare the
5. Pupils create a poster to show a classroom of the future. They will present their
poster to the class in Step 5. Encourage pupils to label the poster. They should draft
these labels before writing them on the poster. Encourage pupils to check spelling
using a dictionary or to ask you. Pupils can use the internet to search for ideas if
available, although monitor this to ensure safety online. (CBA)
Remind pupils to use as much English as they can when working in groups.
6. Groups present their poster to the class. Each group listening should ask at least one
question or make one comment. (21st CA)
POST-LESSON 7. Give feedback on each group’s poster and presentation. Encourage peer feedback
from the class on each one. Focus on content, language and teamwork as well as
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided
2.2.2 Check
steps needed to complete short classroom tasks
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S) By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a) Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent writing
b) Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions
Creativity and Innovation