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VOL. XLIII NO. 49 PAGES 40 NEW DELHI 9 - 15 MARCH 2019 `12.00


Shree Prakash Sharma hones the inherent talent and situation it is good to speak
"When it is obvious that goals unharnessed potential of a about your problems to your
cannot be reached, don't adjust student and enables him or her parents. Better would it also be
the goals, adjust the action to become confident to face the if students talk openly about the
steps."-Confucius of examination. problems with someone whom
The great Chinese teacher
S peak about examination
and often what a student
spontaneously plunges into is
and philosopher Confucius had
once said, "Our greatest glory
they confide in and trust most.
Sharing the problems this way
helps a lot to reduce the level of
is not in never falling, but in
the imbroglio of anxieties, stresses.
rising every time we fall."
stress and confusion. The sympathetic and caring
Despite failures galore we must
Have you ever imagined why attitude of the parents and
keep on studying sincerely and
some students get so much close friends may prove to be
labouring hard for achieving
stressed and disturbed when what we have dreamt. very beneficial to ease the
they are to appear in an psychological condition of an CONSISTENT HARD WORK Thoroughly and intensively stress which is generally the
examination? In fact, the examinee but also his HAS NO SUBSTITUTE study the subjects of syllabi by-products of unfounded fear
examination stress is caused academic performance and and practise more consistently and misconception.
Consistent hard work has no
due to apprehension and lack future career. However, the to retain the lessons. This ends The teachers too may play
substitute for accomplishing
of confidence of not performing psychoanalysts across the any task. Passing an up calming and strengthening vital role in allaying the fears
as per the expectation in a world now have started examination with marks and us to cope up with the and phobia of examination.
certain examination. But it has believing that stress, to some results expected is not at all pressures of examination, if They may guide and counsel
its firm roots in the lack of extent, is not always pernicious different from this truth. Who any. their students to boost their
preparation and absence of for students; rather it works as can deny that hard work works SPEAKING TO PARENTS confidence to substantially
chalking out suitable planning a motivation factor that keeps like a magic wand in AND SEEKING THEIR dispel the fear or phobia.
well in time for the examination. on preventing them from transforming the status of a GUIDANCE MAY PROVE TO ASK YOURSELF WHAT
The fear of examination, deviation and procrastination. student? It bears the BE MAGIC MAKES YOU STRESSED
generally called the We need to learn following miraculous power of converting Examination stress is the It is said prevention is better
'examination phobia', not only techniques to keep stress poor-achievers into highly than cure. Identifying the
most common phenomenon
adversely affects the brilliant students. Diligence
under control- among students and in this Continued on page 36

National Textile Corporation
Ltd. invites applications for
Vijay Prakash Srivastava science and technology, forest
goods and services, forest
various posts.
Last Date : 12.4.2019 I
f you ask young people, not
many of them are likely to tell
resource management, seed
technology, rangeland and
Page : 4 that they want to make a career pasture management,
in forestry. In fact a large
economics of forestry system,
NHAI section of young population
regional and global climate
National Highways Authority may not even be aware that
changes, forest geo
of India requires 141 Deputy there are courses and career
informatics, wildlife
options, available in forestry.
General Manager and conservation and ecotourism
Ecological balance and
Managers etc.
environment protection are
Last Date: 8.5.2019 Education
buzzwords now a days. The
Page : 5 Many colleges and
world is facing a number of
universities in the country offer
challenges today. One of these
NTRO is growing imbalances in the
undergraduate and
National Technical Research postgraduate courses in
environment for which one and other resources (like upon expanding forestation,
forestry by way of B.Sc.
Organisation requires 127 reason is depleting forest water) required to survive. rehabilitation of wastelands,
(Forestry) and M.Sc. (Forestry)
Technical Assistants resources and their Forests contribute towards enhancing forest productivity,
respectively. Most of the
Last Date : 4.4.2019 unreasonable exploitation by shelter, water, livelihood, food efficient utilization of wood and agricultural institutes and
Page : 10-11 mankind. We shouldn't forget items and fuel etc. Forest non-wood forest products, universities are offering these
that human society exists activities directly and indirectly development of eco- friendly courses. To do B.Sc. (Forestry)
CWC because forests exist. Many of add to our lives. Fruits, products and processes and of , students should've
Central Warehousing Cor- humanities needs are met by vegetables ,wood are more course conservation of forests completed plus two with
poration invites applications forests. This can be one reason obvious than many products and environment. science subjects viz. Physics,
for various posts for considering importance of and bi-products which are used Topics covered under a Chemistry and Biology. At few
Last Date : 16.3.2019 forests. However forests and in medicines , chemicals etc. forestry course include institutes candidates may
forestry should be considered Forests work as a habitat for plantation forestry, social choose forestry as one of the
Page : 20-22
valuable for making this earth wildlife which is no less forestry, agro-forestry, ecology, subjects at graduation level.
Follow us @Employ_News liveable. On many of the important than life elsewhere. biodiversity , tree improvement, For a master's degree in
planets there are no traces of What is covered in forestry forest hydrology and forestry, graduates in Science
facebook page
life because they lack in forests Study of forestry focuses watershed management, wood Continued on page 35
2 www.employmentnews.gov.in EDITORIAL Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

English rendering of PM's address in 53rd episode

of Mann Ki Baat on 24.02.2019
M y dear countrymen,
Namaskar. I begin 'Mann
Ki Baat' today with a heavy
Martyr Vijay Maurya of
Devariya, the parents of Martyr
Tilakraj of Kangra or the six
heart. 10 days ago, Mother year old son of Martyr Hemraj
India had to bear the loss of of Kota - the story of every
many of her valiant sons. family of martyrs is full of
These brave hearts made the inspiration. I urge the young
supreme sacrifice in securing generation to know and
the lives of a hundred & twenty understand the fortitude and
five crore Indians. In order to the sentiment displayed by
ensure that their fellow these families. To understand
countrymen could sleep the virtues of patriotism,
peacefully, these brave sons sacrifice and perseverance,
toiled relentlessly, day or night. one doesn't need to revert to
As a consequence of the strong feelings of sympathy for collective inner psyche' of all the brave sons of the historical events. These are but
Pulwama terror attack and the the martyrs & their family every citizen of the country; it country, who laid down their living examples before your
sacrifice of the brave jawans, members. The outrage that also echoes in pro-humanity lives, protecting the honour of eyes… these very examples
people across the country are singes your being and mine on communities of the world, their motherland, India. This are a source of inspiration for
agonized and enraged. All account of the terrorizing which sincerely believe in martyrdom will keep inspiring the future of a rising & glowing
around, there is a deluge of violence replicates itself in the humanity. I respectfully bow to us relentlessly to uproot the India.
very base of terrorism; it will My dear countrymen, the
fortify our resolve. We shall rather long wait after
have to take up this challenge Independence for a War
facing our country, forgetting all Memorial is about to be over. It
barriers of casteism, is natural for our countrymen to
communalism, regionalism and be curious about it. On the
other difference, so that, our Narendra Modi App, Shri
steps against terror are firmer, Onkar Shetty ji of Udupi,
stronger and more decisive. Karnataka has expressed his
Our armed forces have happiness on the completion of
consistently displayed the National War Memorial.
unparalleled courage and India not having a National War
valour. On the one hand, they Memorial used to surprise me,
have displayed exemplary pain me… a Memorial that
capabilities in restoring peace; would house the valour saga
on the other, they have series of our brave soldiers
retaliated in equal measure, in who laid down their lives, safe
a language the attackers guarding their nation's security.
understand. And I took a resolve that the
You must have seen how country must have such a
within a hundred hours of the Memorial.
attack, retributive action was We decided to erect the
accomplished. The Army has National War Memorial and I
resolved to wipe out terrorists am contented to see it attaining
and their harbourers. The completion in so little a time.
martyrdom of these brave Tomorrow, that is on the 25th of
soldiers brought to the fore, February, crores of we Indians
through the media, touching, will dedicate this National
inspiring stories of their kin, Soldiers' Memorial to our
which give hope and strength Armed Forces. On part of the
to the entire country. The nation, this will be a small step
fortitude displayed by Ram towards repaying a great debt.
Niranjanji, father of Martyr This new memorial has been
Ratan Thakur of Bhagalpur, instituted in the heart of Delhi,
Bihar, in this moment of in close vicinity of India Gate
tribulation is truly inspiring. He and Amar Jawan Jyoti. I do
has expressed the wish of believe that for our countrymen
sending his second son too, to a visit to the National War
take on the enemy; if need be, Memorial will be akin to a
he himself would go and fight. pilgrimage to a holy place. The
The country salutes the National Soldiers' Memorial is
indomitable courage of a symbol of the nation's
Meenaji, wife of Martyr gratitude to those men who
Prasanna Sahu of made the supreme sacrifice
Jagatsinghpur, Odisha. She after we gained Independence.
has vowed to send her only The Memorial's design
son to join the CRPF. When the symbolises the indomitable
mortal remains of Martyr Vijay courage of our immortal
Soren, draped in the tricolor soldiers. The concept of the
reached Gumla, Jharkhand, National Soldiers' Memorial is
his innocent son iterated that based on the notion of four
he too would join the armed concentric circles, which
forces. The mettle of this depicts the journey of a soldier
innocent lad is a representative from coming into being,
sample of the feelings of each culminating in his martyrdom.
& every child of the Nation The flame of the Amar Chakra
today. Similar sentiments are symbolizes the immortality of
coming to the fore in the the martyred soldier. The
households of our brave heart second circle, Veerta Chakra,
martyrs. No martyr, no family is depicts the courage and
an exception to that. bravery of our soldiers. It is a
EN 49/16 Whether it be the family of Continued on page 37
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 3
Fax : 011-23098552
No. A-35021/01/2019-Admn.II
Union Public Service Commission
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road
New Delhi-110069
Dated: 20/02/2019
Applications are invited for filling up of two (02) vacancies (which may be increased as
per requirement) of Technical Assistant (Accounts) (General Central Service,
Group- 'B' Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) in the office of UPSC in the scale of PB-
2(Rs.9300-34800/-) with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- (Level-6 of the Pay Matrix) on
Deputation/Absorption basis.
2. Eligibility Conditions: Deputation/Absorption:
“Officers under Central Government”-
(A) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis or equivalent in the parent cadre or
department; or
(ii) With six years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular
basis in the Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200/- with Grade Pay of Rs.2800/- (Level-5 in
revised Pay Matrix) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or
(iii) With ten years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a
EN 49/46 regular basis in the PB-1 of Rs.5200-20200/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/- (Level-4 in
revised Pay Matrix) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and
(B)(i) Possessing three years' experience in cash, accounts and budget works; or
(ii) Having completed training in cash and accounts work conducted by the Institute of
Secretariat Training and Management or equivalent training.
3. The details like General conditions, Eligibility Criteria, Age limit, proforma of
application form etc. are available on the website of UPSC i.e.
4. Interested and eligible officials may send their applications in prescribed proforma
alongwith copies of the APARs for the last five years (2013-14 to 2017-18) duly
attested on each page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt.
of India, cadre clearance and vigilance clearance through proper channel to the
undersigned within 60 days from the date of advertisement of this vacancy in the
Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar.
(J. Sivaramakrishnan)
Under Secretary (Admn.ll)
Union Public Service Commission
EN 49/18 Tel. No. 011-23388476

Union Public Service

The written result of the Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2019 has
been declared by the Commission and the same is available on the Commission's
Website, https://upsc.gov.in. All the written qualified candidates are required to
appear in the Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2019 to be held on 30th
June, 2019. The candidates may download their e-admit cards from the
Commission's Website around 3 weeks before the commencement of the
EN 49/61 Examination. For further details, written qualified candidates are requested to visit
the Commission's website.
EN 49/72

1-21/2015-PMU (Vol.-1)
National Disaster Management Authority
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India

National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project

Wing 14, First Floor, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi-110 029
«: 011-26701744, ¢: 011-26714321
Project Management Unit (PMU), NCRMP invites applications from eligible persons for the post of
Project Accountant/Administrative Officer (one post) (Under Secretary Level) in Level 11 (Rs. 67700-
208700) in Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) corresponding to Pay Band Rs. 15600-39100 + GP 6600 (pre-
revised) to be filled on deputation basis. Application to the post may be addressed to The Project
Manager, National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP), National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA), Government of India, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-
110029 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News.
The detailed terms and conditions containing eligibility criteria, duties and responsibilities including
application form are available at the NCRMP website www.ncrmp.gov.in and NDMA's website
EN 49/58 www.ndma.gov.in. EN 49/69
4 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

EN 49/38

Directorate General, Central

Reserve Police Force
Block No. 1, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003
Employment Notice Number : 01/2019
Applications are invited from eligible and willing candidates of
Indian nationality working in Offices of Central or the State
Government for filling up the following posts of Engineering Wing in
CRPF by Deputation /Re-Employment basis :-
Name of Post Pay Number Tentative Place
Level of Post of Posting
Commandant Level 13 04 Guwahati/Jammu/
(Engineer) Hyderabad/Kolkata
Deputy Level 11 11 All India Liability
Assistant Level 10 24 All India Liability
For general instructions, terms & conditions, details of posts,
eligibility criteria and bio data proforma, please visit CRPF website:
The applicants may send their application in Proforma (Annexure-
EN 49/48
I & II) alongwith requisite certificates etc. through proper channel to
the Deputy Inspector General (Pers), Directorate General, F. No. 1-1/2014-PMU/
CRPF, Block No. 1, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - National Disaster Management Authority
110003 so as to reach within 30 days of publication of the Vacancy Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
Circular/Advertisement in the Employment News.
Date: 21 Feb, 2019. (Sudhakar Upadhyay)
National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project
Place: New Delhi Inspector General (NCRMP)
davp 19140/11/0041/1819 EN 49/35 Wing 14, First Floor, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110 029
«: 011-26701744, ¢: 011-26714321
Project Management Unit (PMU), NCRMP, NDMA invites applications from eligible persons for one post
of Environmental Specialist to be filled on contract basis.
We take utmost care in publishing result of the various competitive Applications for the above post may be addressed to the Project Accountant/Administrative Officer,
examinations conducted by the UPSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA),
Government of India, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi -110 029 within 45 days from
Boards etc. Candidates are however advised to check with official
the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News. The details of advertisement may be
notification/gazette. Employment News will not be responsible for any seen in the project website www.ncrmp.gov.in and NDMA's website www.ndma.gov.in.
printing error going inadvertently. EN 49/20
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 DEPUTATION www.employmentnews.gov.in 5

EN 49/1

EN 49/11
EN 49/6
⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ◊ÊŸfl •ÁäÊ∑§Ê⁄U •ÊÿÊª
National Human Rights
◊ÊŸfl •ÁäÊ∑§Ê⁄U ÷flŸ, é‹ÊÚ∑§-‚Ë, ¡Ë¬Ë•Ê ∑§ÊÚêå‹Ä‚, •Ê߸U∞Ÿ∞
Ÿß¸U ÁŒÀÀÊË-110023 (÷Ê⁄UÃ)
Manav Adhikar Bhawan, Block-C, GPO Complex, INA
New Delhi-110023 (INDIA)
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nhrc.nic.in
Advt. No. 01/2019
Applications are invited against following vacancies in the Commission :
SI No. Name of Mode of No. Eligibility
Posts recruitment of Post
1. Assistant Registrar Deputation 1 For Deputation
PB-3 (Rs. 15,600- failing which Officers possessing a degree in law and
39,100/-) + Grade Pay by re-employ- holding analogous posts in Central Govt./
Rs. 6600/- ment/short- Supreme Court/High Court/CAT or officers
corresponding to L-11 of term contract of Central Govt./Supreme Court/CAT/High
7th CPC Pay Matrix Court in the Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34,800/-
+ GP Rs. 4800/-with 8 years of regular service.
For re-employment/short-term contract:- EN 49/70
Persons who have held analogous posts
on regular basis in Central Govt./Supreme (ii) Commission reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the vacancy.
Court/High Court/CAT and possessing a Applicants may kindly search of above mentioned Commission's
degree in law.
website for updation of information in this regard.
2. Assistant PB-2 Deputation 2 Officers under the Central Government;
(Rs.9300-34800) + GP (i) Holding analogous posts on regular 2. Last date for receipt of applications is 4th April 2019 .
Rs. 4600/- corresponding basis; or Application Form and other terms & conditions are available on
to L-7 of 7th CPC Pay (ii) With 5 years regular service in the posts
the website (www.nhrc.nic.in) of the Commission.
Matrix in Pay Band Rs. 5200-20,200/- +
GP Rs. 2400/- (Sanjay Kumar)
Note : 1. (i) Number of posts may vary. davp 53101/11/0037/1819 EN 49/13 Under Secretary
6 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

Continued on page 7
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 7
Continued from page 6

EN 49/79

OFFICE GUWAHATI" is hereby further extended up to 30-04-2019. Those
of India (UIDAI) who have applied against circular dated 12-09-2018 and subsequent
Regional Office, HOUSEFED Complex
circulars dated 20-11-2018 and 31-01-2019 through proper channel, need
Dispur, Guwahati 781006
not apply afresh. However, new applicants and applicants who have submitted
FILE No: - UIDAI/RO- GHY/ 07/2010/Vol-IV / 2732-37 only advance copy of the application may submit their applications complete
in all respect through proper channel within the extended date to Assistant
Sub: Extension of last date for submission of applications for filling up Director General, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI),
of one anticipatory post of Assistant Accounts Officer, on deputation Regional Office, 1st Floor Block-V, HOUSEFED COMPLEX, Beltola-
basis, at UIDAI, RO, Guwahati. Basistha Road, PO- Assam Sachivalaya Dispur, Guwahati-781006. Since
Reference: Vacancy circular of UIDAI, RO, Guwahati vide letter of even this vacancy is to be filled up on deputation basis, private candidates are not
number dated 12-09-2018, subsequent corrigendum dated 12-10-2018 eligible.
and circulars dated 20-11-2018 and 31-01-2019, extending the last date 3. Application received after the last date or otherwise found incomplete shall
for submission of applications for one anticipated post of Assistant not be considered. Further details may be obtained from the website
Accounts Officer (AAO) in its Regional Office, Guwahati in the Pay www.uidai.gov.in.
Matrix Level-8 (pre-revised Pay Band II Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay (PiyushChetiya)
of Rs. 4800/-), on deputation basis. Assistant Director General
The last date for submission of applications through proper channel "FOR davp 54111/11/0055/1819 EN 49/76
8 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

Board Deolali
Ref: Employment Notice No.
322/Empl-Exch/Jr Asstt/E-1/545
dt. 30.01.2019, published in daily
newspapers, Punyanagari &
Sakal (both Marathi),
Navbharat (Mumbai edition) and
Hindustan Times (Delhi edition),
all dt. 31.01.2019 & website of
this office www.canttboard-
One of the qualification required
for the post of Junior Assistant
was given as "MS-CIT
(Maharashtra State Certificate in
Information Technology)
completed from Govt.
Recognised Institute" may
please be read as "MS-CIT OR
CIT (Certificate in Information
Technology) from any Govt.
Recognised Institute OR
equivalent course in
Inormation Technology/
All other conditions will remain
the same.
Tele No. 02532491206
Fax No. 0253 2492599
No. 322/Empl-Exch/
Jr Asstt/ E-1/868
Office of the
Cantonment Board,
Deolali Cantt. 422401.
Dated: 18/02/2019
Chief Executive Officer Deolali
EN 49/5

Government of India

Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, Food and
Public Distribution

Department of
Food & Public
Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi EN 49/4
Dated the
for submission of application F. No. A-12023/04/2012.Estt.l
22nd February, 2019 has been extended upto Government of India
VACANCY CIRCULAR 31.3.2019. The eligible officials Ministry of Rural Development

Subject: Applications are

are requested to submit their
application by 31.3.2019. The
Department of Rural Development
invited for filling up one post of Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
vacancy circular with details
Manager Grade-II on Dated the 22nd February, 2019
regarding pay, eligibility criteria,
deputation basis for the Extension of last date for submission of application
age limit, tenure etc. and
Departmental Canteen of
application proforma is placed In reference to the vacancy circular published in Employment News dated 10.03.2018-16.03.2018 &
Department of Food & Public
on the website of this 23.06.2018-29.06.2018 & 06.10.2018-12.10. 2018, the last date of receipt of applications for filling up two
Distribution - extension of last
Department i.e. http:dfpd.nic. post of Accounts Clerk in Level-4 (Rs. 25,500 - 81,100/-) in the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC in the Ministry of
in. Rural Development on deputation basis is extended up to 25.03.2019. The detailed vacancy circular is
Please refer to publication of available on www. rural.nic.in. Those candidates who have applied earlier need not apply afresh.
(Ram Chandra)
above vacancy circular in the (Dheeraj Kumar Ranjan)
Employment News/Rozgar Under Secretary to the Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Samachar dated 8-14, Government of India Tel No. 011-23070978
December 2018, the last date EN 49/17 Tel: 23097038 EN 49/26 Email id: [email protected]
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 9
National Council for Cement and Building Materials
(Under the Administrative Control of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)
34 km stone, Delhi-Mathura Road (NH-2), Ballabgarh-121004, Haryana, India
Ph: +91-129- 4192222/2242051 Fax: +91-129-2242100
S. Post Qualification & Experience Consolidated Age No. of
No. Salary (Rs.) Limit Posts
(Per Month)
1. Training Diploma/Degree in Engineering (or Post Graduate
Manager in Science) with Graduate/Diploma in Management
(Technical & (Like MBA/PGDBA etc.) 80,000/- 55 yrs 01
Behavioral)* Experience in Functions in Cement Industry is
desirable, Additional certification in training (e.g.
Certified Trainer) will be an added advantage.
Minimum 15 years experience.
2 Electrician SLC/Matriculation having 2 years regular I.T.I.
5 years in Electrical works like handling of LT &
HT panels, repair of laboratory equipment like 17654/- 35 yrs 02
Autoclave, Curing tank, UTM/CTM machine control
panel etc., Diesel Generator set and various
Electrical maintenance works, maintenance of
store inventory.
3 Laboratory B. Sc./Diploma in Civil or Mechanical Engineering 20,000/- to
Assistant with 5 years experience in Quality Control/Testing 25,000/-
of materials preferably in Non- Destructive Testing depending upon 30 yrs
of concrete structure and concrete making materials. qualification &
Note : Retired person having requisite qualification experience
& experience and age not more than 63 years
may also apply. 02
4 Senior B.Sc. Diploma in Civil or Mechanical Engineering 25,000/- to
Laboratory with minimum 10 years experience in Non- 30,000/-
Assistant Destructive Testing of concrete structure and depending upon 40 yrs
concrete making materials. qualification &
Note: Retired person having requisite qualification experience
& experience and age not more than 63 years
EN 49/30 may also apply.
*Key Requirement of Post : Proven work experience as a Training Manager, Technical Trainer or
File No. II/4(1)/2016/NCB/Estt- 371
similar role, Knowledge of web-based learning platforms and modern educational techniques, Excellent
Government of India communication skills, Experience in developing and conducting of technical & behavioral training course.
Ministry of Home Affairs *Job Responsibilities: Conducting individual and team skills gap analyses, developing & conducting
technical training courses for various levels professionals (beginners, intermediate and advanced).
Narcotics Control Bureau Developing & conducting behavioral training courses like Leadership, Time management,
Communication etc. for NCB Employees, Liaise with industry experts and organize workshops and
West Block No.1, Wing No. 5 classroom-style training.
R K Puram, New Delhi-110066 NOTE
1. Preference will be given to candidates having meritorious academic qualifications and relevant
Dated: 26 February, 2019 experience.
Corrigendum 2. Age Relaxation is applicable as per Government of India Rules to candidates belonging to 'SC', 'ST'.
'OBC' categories
Subject: Filling up of the post of Deputy Director/Zonal
3. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing influence political or otherwise will be treated as a
Director in the Headquarters and Zones of Narcotics Control disqualification for the post.
Bureau (NCB) under the Ministry of Home Affairs on deputation 4. Interim queries will not be entertained.
5. Council reserves the right to raise minimum standards and /or relax age, experience in deserving
basis: Regarding.
cases. Number of Post may increase or decrease according to the need of the council.
In continuation to Narcotics Control Bureau vacancy circular F.No. 6. Interested candidates may apply on the above address by sending their application (along with
II/4(1)/2016/NCB/Estt-1673 dated 22/11/2018, and recent passport size photograph ) to the Director General within 15 days of publication of this
advertisement (in Employment News) on plain paper giving all details related to name, age,
No.ll/4(1)/2016/NCB/Estt-149 dated 17/01/2019 on the subject, the
qualification, experience, postal address (contact number) etc along with self attested copies of all
last date for receipt of applications for the post of Deputy mark sheet / degrees and experience details. Application received through email and fax will not be
Director/Zonal Director has been extended upto 15/03/2019. considered.
7. For detailed information, please visit our website http://www.ncbindia.com. All corrigenda,
2. This issues with the approval of DG,NCB.
addendum, amendments, clarification etc. to this advertisement will be posted on this website only.
Assistant Director(Admn) DIRECTOR GENERAL
EN 49/51 Tele: 011-26192577 davp 05207/11/0022/1819 EN 49/33

Deendayal Krishi Vikas Avam General Instructions :

1. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project however,
Anusandhan Samiti (DKVAAS) candidate are liable to be terminated at any time if their service, performance and
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of conduct are found not satisfactory.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raisen (M.P.) 2. The age limit as on date of closing is (Maximum) 35 years and the SC, ST & OBC
Advertisement No.DKVAAS/ KVK/RSN/Estt/2019 candidates will be considered as per govt. rules.
S. Name of the post No. of Qualification for the post Pay Scale & 3. Preference will be given to candidates with experience working in Krishi Vigyan
No. Post Grade Pay Kendra or similar institutes with computer proficiency especially in MS Office must
1. SMS (Agriculture 01 Essential: Master Degree in the 15600-39100 & Field experience.
Extension) relevant field. Grade Pay 4. Only screened candidates will be called for Interview. No TA/DA will be admissble
Knowledge of local language 5400 to attend the Interview.
(Hindi) read & write. 5. For all posts NOC from last employers with reference, address & phone number
Desirable: 5 years experience in are required at the time of recruitment.
Research/Teaching, Extension
6. The service is terminable of one month notice for either side.
Education, Ph.D in Agriculture
7. Application complete in all respect with attested photocopies of documents with
resumes and Non- refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- in favour of
2. SMS (Fisheries 01 Essential: M.F.Sc in Fisheries/ 15600-39100
Deendayal Krishi Vikas Avam Anusandhan Samiti Payable at Bhopal should
Science) Aquaculture Knowledge of local Grade Pay
language/communication skill 5400 reach to Secretary, DKVAAS, F-102, HIG- 34, Sahara Homes, Shivaji Nagar,
Desirable: 5 years experience in Bhopal- 462016 (M.P.) send by post and also Email resume to:
Resarch, Teaching, Extension [email protected] within 10 days from the date of advertisement.
Education, Ph.D in Fishery, and 8. Society may kept the original documents & degrees in the event of selection
also experience in fish production of candidates.
and breeding technology, speciali- Secretary
zation in RAS Technology. EN 49/55 DKVAAS, Bhopal
10 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
Government of India

National Technical Research Organisation

NTRO Technical Assistant Examination-2019
Start of online Application/Registration : 15 March 2019 (09:00 AM)
Closing date of online Application/Registration : 04 April 2019 (05:00 PM)

ONLINE applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the post Registration March 15, 2019 (09.00 AM) and the link would be active for a period
of Technical Assistant in the National Technical Research Organisation, a premier of 21 days, i.e. April 04, 2019 (05.00 PM). The tentative date of Tier-I Examination
organisation under the Government of India. is April 28, 2019 (Sunday) and for Tier-II Assessment, if required, tentative date is
2. The details/description of the post, number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, 18-19 May, 2019 (Saturday, Sunday).
permissible age relaxation beyond the upper age limit and service conditions are given 5. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION : The assessment of the candidates will be made on
below :- the basis of performance in Tier-I and further in Tier-II, if required.
(A). DESCRIPTION OF POST Tier-I : Computer Based Examination consisting of Objective/Multiple Choice
Name of the Post Classification Pay Scale, Allowances & other benefits Questions and the details of subjects, marks and number of questions, duration of
examination are given below :-
Technical General Central Pay Scale : Level-6 of the Pay Matrix (Rs.
Assistant Civil Service, 35,400 -1,12,400/-) Subject/Stream No. of Maximum Duration of
Group-B' (Non- Allowances & other benefits : Dearness Questions Marks Examination
Gazetted, Non- Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Electronics : General Science Current Affairs, 100 - 400 (4 Two Hours
Ministerial) Allowance, Leave Travel Concession, Children Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning and Questions marks
Educational Allowance, Special Allowance, Concerned Subject/Stream (i.e. Electronics). each)
Medical facilities, Central Government Computer Science : General Science Current 100 - 400 (4 Two Hours
Employees Group Insurance Scheme, etc. as Affairs, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning and Questions marks
admissible to Central Government employees. Concerned Subject/Stream i.e. Computer Science). each)
(B) NUMBER OF VACANCIES : NOTE : There will be negative marking of 01(one) mark for each wrong answer and 00
Subject/Stream Vacancies* (zero) mark for the question not attempted.
(i) Candidates will be shortlisted for Tier-I Computer Based Examination based on the
Electronics 20 09 05 03 15 52 Including 01 vacancy reserved
percentage of marks in Essential Qualification as indicated by them during online
for PWD (01-OL) category
application/Registration. Candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:50, i.e.
Computer 28 13 07 05 22 75 Including 02 vacancies reserved 50 candidates for every vacancy, subject to availability of sufficient number of
Science for PWD* (01-OL and 01-HH) eligible candidates. Candidates will be shortlisted by applying suitable cut off in the
category percentage of marks, in multiples of two. The number of candidates shortlisted may
GRAND TOTAL: 48 22 12 08 37 127 be slightly more or less due to the criteria of applying cut off in multiples of two. The
* The number of vacancies is provisional and liable to change. criteria followed in short listing candidates for Tier-I Computer Based Examination
# Reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) as per Department of will be final. No appeal or representation will be entertained against such short
Personnel & Training OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dated 31st January 2019. listing criteria.
(C) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Note-I : Where the result of the candidate is indicated in the consolidated Final Year
Mark Sheet in CGPA without indicating the corresponding percentage of marks,
Subject/Stream Essential Qualification Age Limit
such candidate, during the online application/registration, is required to carefully
Electronics Bachelor's Degree in Science with Mathematics or calculate and mention the correct corresponding percentage by following the
Physics as one of the subjects from a recognised Not criteria/formulae, if any, indicated therein. In all other cases, the conversion formula
University; or Three years Diploma in Engineering exceeding of CGPA (as indicated in the Final Year Mark Sheet) multiplied by (x) 9.5 will be
or Technology in Electronics/Communication/ 30 years applicable to arrive at corresponding percentage. Where percentage of marks is
Electronics & Communication/Telecommunication/ clearly mentioned in the consolidated Final Year Mark Sheet, the candidate is
Electronics & Telecommunication from a recoginsed required to mention such exact percentage during the online
Institute; or Diploma/Technical Proficiency Certificate application/registration.
in Engineering or Technology in Electronics/ Note-II : The information furnished by the candidates during online application/
Communication/Electronics & Communication/ Registration will be verified with reference to their original documents
Telecommunication/Electronics & Telecommunication subsequently. During such verification of documents, if it is found that any
awarded by the Armed Forces; and Having working information furnished by the candidate in the application is wrong, his/her
knowledge of computer. candidature will be cancelled/rejected forthwith. No appeal or representation
Computer Bachelor's Degree in Science with Mathematics or against such cancellation/rejection of candidature will be entertained. The
Science Physics as one of the subjects from a recognized candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information during the
University; or Bachelors Degree in Computer online application/Registration.
Application from a recognized University or Institute; (ii) The candidates will be arranged in order of merit in each category based on their
or Three years Diploma in Engineering or Techno- performance in the Tier-I Computer Based Examination. Further shortlisting of
logy in Computer/ Computer Science/ Computer candidates to appear for Tier-II Assessment, if required subsequently, will be made
Technology/Computer Science & Information Tech- by adopting suitable ratio for each vacancy. The National Technical Research
nology/Information Technology from a recoginsed Organization will have the full discretion to fix separate minimum qualifying marks,
Institute; or Diploma/Technical Proficiency Certificate if required, in Tier-I or Tier-II or both. In case two or more candidates secure same
in Computer/Computer Science/ Computer Techno- marks, the tie will be resolved by the following procedure:-
logy/Computer Science & Information Technology/ (a) On the basis of date of birth with the older candidate being placed higher in merit.
Information Technology awarded by the Armed (b) Alphabetical order of names (as mentioned during online application/registration)
Forces; and Having Working Knowledge of computer. of the candidates, if the date of birth is also the same.
(D) SERVICE CONDITIONS : The candidates appointed as Technical Assistant are (iii) In case of non-availability of sufficient number of candidates to fill the reserved
liable to serve throughout the territory of India and outside India. They shall be liable to vacancies in a particular subject/stream such vacancies may be offered to
field service, including service on sea platform, in respect of such work as may be candidates belonging to same reserved category in the other subject/stream.
approved by the organization in public interest. (iv) Mere selection will not entitle the candidate for appointment unless he/she is
(E) AGE RELAXATION : Upper age limit is relaxable for Scheduled Caste (SC), declared medically FIT to join the post. Candidates should note that for the purpose
Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Person With Disability (PWD) and of Medical Fitness for the said post, 'Color Vision Deficiency' is considered as a
reason for being 'UNFIT' for appointment.
other special category candidates as per the instructions issued by the Central
Government in this regard for appointment to the post under Government of India. The
The Tier-I Computer Based Examination is tentatively scheduled to be conducted at the
detailed category wise age relaxation is available in the website https://ntrorectt.in for
following locations. The candidate has to choose any three different examination
information. The age relaxation for reserved category applicants is admissible only in
centres in order of preference. Efforts will be made to accommodate the candidate's
the case of vacancies reserved for such categories. Applicants shall check their
choice of preference in allocating examination centre. However, the National Technical
eligibility for seeking relaxation in upper age limit carefully. In case of claiming wrong
Research Organisation reserves the right to add/delete any examination centre and
age relaxation by the applicant during online application/Registration, age relaxation
allot the candidates to any examination centre depending upon the number of
allowed at the application/registration stage will be withdrawn and his/her application
applicants and availability of the Centres, etc: No request for change of examination
will be rejected on account of not falling under the age limit prescribed for the particular
centre or date of examination will be entertained.
3. The desirous applicants are requested to go through the complete advertisement SI.No. Examination Centre SI.No. Examination Centre SI.No. Examination Centre
carefully and satisfy themselves about their suitability before filling up the application (i) NOIDA (Uttar (vi) Lucknow (Uttar (xi) Hyderabad
form ONLINE. Candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria of the post are required to apply Pradesh) Pradesh) (Telengana)
ONLINE at the website https://ntrorectt.in only. The applications submitted through (ii) New Delhi (NCR-Delhi) (vii) Pune (Maharashtra) (xii) Kolkata (West
any other mode will not be accepted. Candidature of applicants shall be purely Bengal)
PROVISIONAL at all stages of the recruitment process, subject to his/her satisfying the
(iii) Jaipur (Rajasthan) (viii) Bengaluru (xiii) Bhubaneswar
prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after
(Karnataka) (Odisha)
examination/selection, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility
conditions, his/her candidature for the said examination shall be cancelled/rejected at (iv) Mohali/Chandigarh (ix) Chennai (Tamilnadu) (xiv) Vijayawada
any stage of the recruitment process without any notice and liable for termination from (Andhra Pradesh)
service, if appointed. (v) Guwahati (Assam) (x) Thiruvananthapu- (xv) Ranchi (Jharkhand)
4. IMPORTANT DATES : The tentative date for start of Online Application/ ram/Kochi (Kerala) Continued on page 11
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 11
Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University
The First Pharmacy University of India
(Established under Act 07 of 2008, Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR included)
Pushp Vihar, Sect-Ill, M.B. Road, New Delhi- 110017
The details of reservation in aforementioned posts will be notified before the start of
Online-Applications are invited (online in the prescribed format with a hard copy) for the
recruitment process and shall be as per the UGC letter No : F.No. 59-6/2012(CU)
following posts at Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University. dated: 03/June/2016 and other rules notified from time to time and as per DPSR
S. Post No. of Pay Band Grade Level university roster, at the time of start of recruitment process.
No. Post Pay (7th CPC) The details of qualifications and experience for the above posts are available on the
1. Professor in Pharmacy DPSRU website www.dpsru.edu.in.The candidates will be shortlisted based on the
merit of the candidates for which the University has the sole right. The candidates will
1. Pharmacology (1)
be called for the written test/Interview, the dates for written test/Interview will be notified
2. Pharmaceutics (1) 04 37400- 10000/- 14
later on the DPSRU website. A candidate may have to come for both written test as well
3. Pharma chemistry (1) 67000/- as interview on different dates and no TA/DA will be admissible.
4. Pharmacognosy (1) Interested person(s) with the requisite qualifications and age as applicable to the
2. Associate Professor post(s) may submit application(s) online on or before Monday, 25th March, 2019.
in Pharmacy A print out of the online Application Form accompanied by self attested copies of
1. Pharmacology (1) Educational and Professional Qualifications, Experience, Caste Certificate, PH
2. Pharmaceutics (2) 06 37400- 9000/- 13A Certificate, Ex-Serviceman certificate (in case claiming benefit of reservation) must
3. Pharmachemistry (2) 67000/- also be submitted in the University to the, Assistant Registrar (Admin.) , DPSRU or
4. Pharmacognosy (1) sent by post so as to reach the Assistant Registrar (Admin.), Delhi
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University, Pushp Vihar, Sector -3, M.B.
3. Assistant Professor Road, New Delhi-110017 latest by Monday, 25th March 2019, tune 05:00 PM. (In
in Pharmacy case the closing date happens to be a public holiday the next working day will be the
1. Pharmacology (2) last date for receiving of applications and the University will not be responsible for any
2. Pharmaceutics (3) 11 15600- 6000/- 10 postal delay or loss.
3. Pharmachemistry (4) 39100/- Registrar
4. Pharmacognosy (2) EN 49/36 DPSRU

Continued from page 10

8. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : https://ntrorectt.in and applications will NOT be accepted through any
(i) The requisite information relating to this examination will be available on the above other mode.
mentioned website from time to time. The candidates are advised to visit the said (ii). The requisite information relating to this examination will be available on the above
website frequently for the latest information/updates, if any, about this recruitment mentioned website from time to time. The candidates are advised to visit the said
process. Candidates are also advised to fill their correct and active e-mail address website frequently for the latest information, if any, in connection with the
and mobile number during the online application/registration as all correspondence recruitment process. Candidates are also advised to fill their correct and active
will be made through e-mail/sms only. e-mail address and mobile number during the online application/registration
(ii) The crucial date for determining the age limit, educational qualifications, as all correspondence will be made through e-mail/sms only.
certificates/testimonials, caste, category, etc., shall be the closing date of online (iii) Candidate should provide all the required details while filling up the Online
application/registration for this examination. Application/Registration. Mandatory fields are marked with *(asterisk) sign.
(iii) The date of birth as well as the name of the applicant will invariably be taken from (iv) Wrong information in any column may lead to the application getting rejected
the matriculation/10th certificate issued by a recognised board. No other proof of altogether.
date of birth and name shall be accepted. (v) The candidates are advised to keep the soft copy of the following documents ready
(iv) Certificates in support of qualifications, caste etc. must have been,obtained on or (confirming with size of digital file mentioned against each) before starting
before the closing date. online application/registration since these are required to be uploaded to
(v) Degree/Diploma etc. obtained through Open Universities/Distance education mode successfully complete their registration without any hassle :-
will not be accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification unless it is (a) Recent passport size colour Photograph ( jpg / jpeg file should be minimum 20
recognized by Distance Education Council in terms of Ministry of Human Resource KB & maximum 40 KB ).
Development Notification No. 44, dated 01.03.1995 published in the Gazette of (b) Scanned Signature ( jpg / jpeg file should be minimum 10 KB & maximum 20
India dated 08.04.1995 for the relevant period when the candidate acquired the KB).
relevant qualification. (c) Matriculation/10th Certificate ( pdf file should be minimum 120 KB & maximum
(vi) Candidates must ensure before applying for the post that he/she is eligible for the 200 KB ).
post in terms of age, qualification, etc. as laid down in this advertisement. If the (d) Final Pass Mark sheet of Essential Qualification ( B.Sc with Mathematics or
information furnished by the candidate at the time of applying for the post is found Physics/ Bachelors Degree in Computer Application/ Three Years Diploma in the
to be incorrect at a later date, the candidate himself/herself will be solely relevant stream of Engineering or Technology/for Armed Forces Personnel
responsible and his/her candidature/ service is liable to be terminated at any stage Diploma/Technical Proficiency Certificate in the relevant stream of Engineering or
during his/her service. Technology as the case may be ) ( pdf file should be minimum 120 KB & maximum
(vii) Candidates must note that BE or B.Tech or MCA is NOT the essential qualification 200 KB ).
for the post. The marksheet of essential qualification(s) as mentioned at Para-2 (C) (e) SC/ST/OBC Certificate ( pdf file should be minimum 120 KB & maximum 200
above will only be accepted. KB), if applicable. The specimen formats are available in the above mentioned
(viii)Candidates may fill up their respective category in the application form carefully. It website.
is made clear that category once mentioned in the form shall NOT be changed in (f) Income & Assessment Certificate to be produced by Economically Weaker
any circumstances. The candidate will have to produce the certificates issued by Sections (EWS) ( pdf file should be minimum 120 KB & maximum 200 KB ), if
the Competent Authority in support of his/her claim at the time of verification of applicable. The specimen format is available in the above mentioned website.
documents. (g) Central Government Civilian Employees - Certificate & Declaration by the
(ix) Candidates claiming benefit of OBC Category should ensure that they belong to applicant (pdf file of both together should be minimum 120 KB & maximum 200
OBC Category as per the notification of the Central Government meant for KB), if applicable. The Specimen formats are available in the above mentioned
appointment to the posts under the Government of India (and not as per the website.
notification of the State Government) and also they DO NOT belong to the creamy (h) Disability Certificate ( pdf file should be minimum 120 KB & maximum 200 KB ),
layer. The candidate will have to produce the OBC certificate along with the if applicable. The specimen format is available in the above mentioned website.
undertaking in the proforma available in the above mentioned website (click
(vi) At the end of the online application/Registration, candidate shall be prompted to
instructions-Format of Certificates). The certificate in any other proforma will not be
confirm the information/ details provided by him/her and to make, corrections, if
any. Once the candidate has completed his/her registration, he/she will not be able
(x) Candidates already in Government service or working with PSUs/Autonomous
to correct/amend their registered online application.
Bodies should inform their Employer or obtain necessary permission, as the case
(vii) Upon successfully registration of their online application, the candidates are
may be, before applying for the said post. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the
advised to keep the Registration Number and print-out of his/her application form
Employer is required to be furnished before appointment, if selected.
in safe custody which will be required to be submitted by them at later stage, as
(xi) Consequent upon final selection, only the Roll No./Registration No. of the selected
candidates will be made available in the said website. However, no other details of and when asked for.
the selection process will be available for general information. The candidates, who (viii) Registration number will be informed to the candidate through e-mail/sms. Admit
are empaneled for appointment after final selection, will be intimated through e- Cards for the Tier-I Computer Based Examination will be sent through e-mail.
mail/Speed Post for processing pre-appointment formalities viz. Medical Applicants are therefore advised to check their email (inbox as well as spam folder)
Examination, Character & Antecedents Verification etc. from time to time for updates related to the examination.
9. HOW TO APPLY : 10. CANVASSING : Canvassing in any form will disqualify the applicant.
(I) Applications should be submitted ONLINE only by logging on to the website davp 58101/11/0064/1819 EN 49/32
12 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 13
14 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

Continued on page 15
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 15
F.No. 4-14/ESTT/DHS/2018/785
National Council for Cement and Building Materials
•á«U◊ÊŸ ÃÕÊ ÁŸ∑§Ê’Ê⁄U ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ (Under the Administrative Control of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)
Andaman & Nicobar Administration 34 km stone, Delhi-Mathura Road (NH-2), Ballabgarh-121004, Haryana, India
SflÊSâÿ ‚flÊ ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ Ph: +91-129- 4192222/2242051 Fax: +91-129-2242100
Directorate of Health Services
SI. Post Qualification Experience Age Consolidated No. of
Port Blair dated 19 Feb, 2019
No. Limit Salary (Rs.) Posts
Walk in Interview
1. Project First Class B.E/B. Tech 2- 5 Years For B.E./B. Tech. 35 40,000/- to 04
An interview for short term vacancy of Dental Specialist (Oral & Engineer (Civil Engg.), preferably 1-5 Years For M.E./ M. Tech. Years 55,000/-
Maxillofacial Surgeon) under the A & N Health Department will be (Civil) M.E. / M. Tech (Civil Engg.)
held on every Wednesday from 3.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m from NOTE
06.03.2019 onwards in the chamber of the Director of Health 1) Candidates should be minimum 1st division / 60% in class Xth/XlIth and minimum 7.00 CGPA/70%
Services, A & N Administration, Port Blair. in Graduation/Post Graduation.
2) Interested candidates must bring their bio-data and original documents along with self-attested
Dental Specialist (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon) - 01 Post
photocopies of all degrees, experience certificates and one recent passport size photograph.
Qualification :- 3) Written test (1 hr) will be conducted at NCB-Ballabgarh at 10.00 am on 21st March 2019
(1) A qualification included on part I and part II of the schedule of (Thursday). The shortlisted candidates shall be interviewed on the same day.
Dentist Act, 1948 (16 of 1948) 4) Preference will be given to candidates having meritorious academic qualifications and relevant
(2) A Post - Graduate Qualification in Dentistry i.e. M.D.S Oral
5) Salary will be fixed depending upon qualification and experience of the candidates.
Surgery from a Recognised University in India. 6) Age Relaxation is applicable as per Government of India Rules to candidates belonging to 'SC', 'ST',
(3) 07 years of experience in dental work which should include 'OBC' categories.
minimum of 3 years experience in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery after 7) Canvassing in any form and/or bringing influence political or otherwise will be treated as a
disqualification for the post.
post graduation.
8) Interim queries will not be entertained.
(4) Should be registered with Dental Council. 9) Council reserves the right to raise minimum standards and /or relax age, experience in deserving
Age Limit : Not exceeding 40 years. cases. Number of Post may increase or decrease according to the need of the council.
The candidate should also bring their original 10) Candidates unable to attend for walk-in-interview may apply on the above address by sending their
application (along with recent passport size photograph) to the Director General within 15 days of
Certificates/documents relating to proof of Age, Educational
publication of this advertisement (Employment News), on application format giving all details
Qualification, etc. for verification. No TA/DA shall be paid for along with self attested copies of all mark sheet / degrees and experience details. Application
attending interview. All other Terms & Conditions may be seen on received through email and fax will not be considered. These applications shall be considered later
the website of A & N Administration (www.and.nic.in / if required.
www.andaman.gov.in). 11) For detailed information, please visit our website http://www.ncbindia.com. All corrigenda,
addendum, amendments, clarification etc. to this advertisement will be posted on this website only.
EN 49/41 Director of Health Services davp 05207/11/0024/1819 EN 49/34

Continued from page 14

EN 49/10
16 www.employmentnews.gov.in BANK Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 BANK www.employmentnews.gov.in 17

EN 49/45
18 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

EN 49/24

EN 49/40

NCC Directorate Rajasthan, Jaipur

Publishing of Merit List of LDC Exam 19 October 2014, which was
Conducted at Bhawani Niketan College, Jaipur
1. Reference to Rojgar Samachar 28/16 dated 13-19 Oct 2012 (Photocopy attached for ready Ref).
2. Fresh LDC exam was conducted on 19 Oct 2014 at Bhawani Niketan College, Jaipur.
3. Hon'ble High Court Jaipur & DGNCC has permitted to publish the Merit List of LDC Exam.
4. Merit List of LDC Exam is as under :-
Ser No. Roll No. Name of Candidate Father Name Position Remarks
1. 1064 Siddharth Singh Rathore Bhawani Singh Rathore I Selected
2. 917 Mandeep Jha Kuldeep Jha II Reserve-1
3. 3 Mohammed Imran Lal Mohammed III Reserve-2
4. 1392 Adarsh Gautam Vinod Kumar Gautam IV Reserve-3
EN 49/59
5. 1745 Kuldeep Jain Shripal ji Jain V Reserve-4
6. 1045 Bhupendra Kumar Jagadesh Prasad VI Reserve-5 Note :-
7. 59 Sumit Singhal Rajkumar Singhal VII Reserve-6 'Selection will be subject to final outcome of the Writ Petition
8. 600 Mahendra Yaduvanshi Gopal Singh VIII Reserve-7 No.17538/2012 filed by Shri Manoj Kumar Kok against UOI’.
9. 627 Deepak Ram Kumar IX Reserve-8 Station : Jaipur (RK Uikey)
10. 1258 Manoj Kumar Kok Madan Singhl Kok X Reserve-9 Dated: 08 Feb 2019 Adm Officer (Civ)
EN 49/54 For Dy Dir Gen NCC (Raj)
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 19

EN 49/56

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Ministry of Environment, Forest and

Climate Change Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Ali Ganj, New Delhi Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change requires services of
Ali Ganj, New Delhi
suitable officers on deputation (including short term contract)/absorption
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change requires services of
basis to fill up the following post:-
suitable officers on deputation including short term contract basis to fill up the
Name of the Post No. of Post (s) Pay Scale following post:-
Library and 1 Level 6 in the Pay Name of the Post No. of Post(s) Pay scale
Information Matrix, Rs. 35,400- Research Officer 08 Level-7 in the Pay
Assistant 1,12,400/- (Environment) Gr.ll Matrix, Rs.44,900- 1,42,400/-
2. The Ministry's website: www.moef.nic.in may be referred to for details. 2. The Ministry's website: www.moef.nic.in may be referred to for details.
davp 13101/11/0024/1819 EN 49/28 davp 13101/11/0017/1819 EN 49/27
20 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
Government of India
Ministry of Law & Justice

of Legal
Call for applications/
nominations for the post of
Secretary, Department of
Legal Affairs.
Government of India invites
applications/nominations for
the post of Secretary to the
Government of India in the
Department of Legal Affairs
2. The mandate of the
Department of Legal Affairs
is as follows :-
(i) Advice to Ministries on
legal matters including
interpretation of the
Constitution and the laws,
conveyancing and
engagement of counsel to
appear on behalf of the Union
of India in the High Courts
and subordinate courts where
the Union of India is a party.
(ii) Attorney General of India,
Solicitor General of India, and
other Central Government
law officers of the States
whose services are shared by
the Ministries of the
Government of India.
(iii) Conduct of cases in the
Supreme Court and the High
Courts on behalf of the
Central Government and on
behalf of the Governments of
States participating in the
Central Agency Scheme.
(iv) Reciprocal arrangements
with foreign countries for the
service of summons in civil
suits for the execution of
decrees of Civil Courts, for
the enforcement of
maintenance orders, and for
the administration of the
estates of foreigners dying in
(v) Authorization of officers to
execute contracts and
assurances of property on
behalf of the President under
Article 299(1) of the
Constitution, and
authorization of officers to
sign and verify plaints or
written statements in suits by
or against the Central
(vi) Indian Legal Service.
(vii) Treaties and agreements
with foreign countries in
matters of civil law.
(viii) Law Commission.
Continued on page 21
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 21
Continued from page 20

(ix) Legal Profession

including the Advocates Act,
1961 (25 of 1961) and
persons entitled to practice
before High Courts.
(x) Enlargement of the
jurisdiction of Supreme Court
and the conferring thereon of
further powers; persons
entitled to practice before the
Supreme Court, references to
the Supreme Court under
Article 143 of the Constitution
of India.
(xi) Administration of the
Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of
(xii) Income-tax Appellate
3. Essential Qualifications
for the post are as follows :
A Law graduate from
recognized university or
B (i) is or has been a District
Judge. OR
(ii) Officer of Indian Legal
Service working in the scale
of Additional Secretary to the
Government of India having
experience of one year in that
scale. OR
(iii) Is a person of ability and
having special knowledge of
Law and professional
experience of not less than
25 years in the areas of law,
legal affairs, or any other field
which in the opinion of
Central Government would
be useful to the post. OR
(iv) Practicing advocate: -
(a) having not less than 25
years of experience in the
field of Law as advocate in
the Supreme Court/High
Court and
(b) must have 25 recorded
judgements with applicant as
the lead advocate. OR
(v) Law Officer working in
public/ reputed private sector
organizations/law firms of
repute at senior and
responsible positions having
not less than 25 years'
experience in handling legal
issues/cases pertaining to
Constitutional Law/ Service
Law/Commercial matters,
Arbitration etc.
Note : An applicant, with
combined experience of 25
years as practicing advocate
in the Supreme Court/High
Court (Category B (iv) above)
and as Law Officer working in
public/reputed private sector
organizations/law firms of
repute at senior and
responsible positions

Continued on page 22 Continued on page 22

22 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
Continued from page 21 Continued from page 21

(Category B (v) above), will

also be eligible to apply.
4. Tenure : Upto five years or
till the age of 60 years,
whichever is earlier.
5. Mode of Appointment :
In case of District Judge/
Central Government Ser-
vants/ State Government
Servants/employees of
Autonomous Bodies/
Universities etc. on
deputation basis and in case
of other categories on direct
recruitment basis.
6. Age Criterion : Preferably
below the age of 57 years as
on last date of receiving the
7. Pay and Emoluments :
Rs. 2,25,000/- (Level 17 of
the pay matrix) and other
allowances as admissible in
respect of Secretary to
Government of India.
8. The Search-cum-Selection
Committee reserves the right
to suitably modify the
eligibility criteria, if
considered necessary and
also to consider outstanding
candidates who have not
applied for the post.
9. Last date for receiving
12th April, 2019.
EN 49/43
10. Address for receiving
Applications /nominations
may be sent by post/courier
to Shri A.K. Joshi, Deputy
Secretary, Room No. 418-A,
A-Wing, Fourth Floor,
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi -
110001 superscripting
Application for the post of
Secretary, Department of
Legal Affairs.
davp 24201/11/0004/1819
EN 49/65

No. A-12025/01/2019-Ad-1

Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi
the 15th February, 2019
Subject: Filling up one post
of Programmer in level-8 of
pay matrix (PB-2 with GP of
Rs. 4800/- in 6 CPC scale) in
Cabinet Secretariat on
deputation basis.
Applications are invited for
filling up one post of
Programmer in Cabinet EN 49/50
Secretariat in Level-8 of pay
matrix (PB-2 with GP of Rs. Secretariat at https://cabsec. gov.in/ under the 60 days of publication of this Notice in the IMPORTANT NOTICE
4800/- in 6th CPC scale) on heading- 'More'-subheading- ‘Vacancies'. Employment News. We take utmost care in publishing result of
the various competitive examinations
deputation basis. For eligibility Applications in the prescribed format and through (K.J. Sibichan) conducted by the UPSC, SSC, Railway
Recruitment Boards etc. Candidates are
conditions and proforma for proper channel may be forwarded to Director Deputy Secretary to the Government of India however advised to check with official
sending of applications, please (Administration), Cabinet Secretariat, Tel: 23014224 notification/gazette. Employment News will
not be responsible for any printing error
refer to the website of Cabinet Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004 within EN 49/53 going inadvertently.
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 DEPUTATION www.employmentnews.gov.in 23
Saha Institute of
Nuclear Physics
Recruitment of Registrar
Applications are invited from
eligible Indian Nationals for
filling up the following posts
on direct recruitment basis.
D.A., H.R.A., Transport
Allowance etc. will be
admissible as per the rules
of this Institute.
1. Registrar (01-UR) - Pay
Level 13;
2. Dy. Controller of
Accounts (01-UR) - Pay
Level 11
For essential qualifications
and other details please log
on to our website www.
saha.ac.in. Applications in
the prescribed format may
be sent to the Professor-in-
Charge, Registrar's Office,
Saha Institute of Nuclear
Physics, 1/AF, Bidhan-
nagar, Kolkata-700 064 so
as to reach on or before
25th March, 2019 by post.
Dated: 22.02.2019
davp 48135/11/0023/1819
EN 49/67

No. 60/3/2018-Admn.I
Government of India
Ministry of New &
Renewable Energy
Block No. 14, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003
Applications are invited for
filling up the post of Scientist
'G' (01 Post), on deputation
basis, in the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy in
the Level 14 (Rs. 144200-
218200/-). Full details of the
vacancy circular are
available on Ministry of New
and Renewable website
The last day for receipt of
applications in prescribed
format at the following
address is 30 days from the
date of publication of this
advertisement in the
Employment News.
(Arvind Pokhriyal)
Under Secretary to the
Govt. of India
Tel. No.: 011-24362621
E-mail: [email protected]
davp 28101/11/0019/1819
EN 49/68 EN 49/44
24 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
Requisition Form
Requisition form to be used when calling for
Chandigarh Administration
Department of Medical Education & Research
application in Employment Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh
Exchanges For Recruitment to Govt. Vacancies website http://www.gmch.gov.in
(Please use separate form for each type of post and for each of the categories of
workers enumerated under item 6(a) below)
1. Office/Department and Address : Cantonment Board, Subathu Applications are invited to fill up the one post of Professor (Radiotherapy) in the pay
2. Name and Designation of Officer with : Ms. Tanu Jain, Chief Executive Officer, scale of Rs.18,600-500-22100+ NPA (plus other allowances as admissible to UT
Telephone Number. Subathu, Telephone No.-01792-275025. Government employees) (Unrevised) (Revised Pay Scale Rs. 37,400-67,000 + Grade
3. Name and Designation of the Officer with : -do- pay Rs.10,000/-) in Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, under the
Telephone Number to whom applicants aegis of the Department of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh
should report. Administration, by way of Composite method (Deputation/(ISTC) plus Promotion)
4. Date, time and place of interview. : Please forward the list of candidates with through Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi.
full address to this office by 18-3-19. The educational and other qualifications, experience etc. required for the post of
Date of interview will be intimated to Professor (Radiotherapy) to be filled up by way of Composite method
them by this office. (Deputation/(ISTC) Plus Promotion), are as under: -
5. (a) Designation of the Post(s) to be filled : Resident Medical Officer. DEPUTATION/(INCLUDING SHORT TERM CONTRACT) PLUS PROMOTION)
(b) Scale of Pay, Allowances. : Rs. 15600-39100+5400 (Grade Pay) 1. Officers under Central Government/State Governments/Union Territories
plus NPA and other allowances. Administrations/Public Sector Undertakings/Universities/Recognized Research
(c) Place of work. : Subathu Cantt. Institutions/Semi Government or Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Organizations; -
6. (a) No. of Post to be filled. : One (A) (i) Holding the Post of Professor in concerned subject on regular basis in the
(i) Reserved for SC/ST : No (Un- reserved) parent cadre/Department; OR
(ii) Reserved for Ex-Service : N.A. (ii) Associate Professor with three years regular service in the concerned subject
personnel priority/reserve for Ex- in parent cadre/department : and
Service personnel non-priority. (B) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience as indicated
(iii) Reserved for other categories : N.A. below.
such as disables Ex-Serviceman/
Physically handicapped persons.
(i) A basic University or equivalent qualification included in any one of the
(iv) Un-reserved (priority/non-priority) :-
Schedules of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and must be
(b) Duration of vacancies
registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register;
(i) Permanent : Yes
(ii) Doctor of Medicine (M.D. Radiotherapy) OR DNB (Radiotherapy), or
(ii) Temporary : N.A.
equivalent from a recognized University/Medical College /Teaching Institution.
(a) Less than 3 months : N.A.
(iii) Ten year's experience in the subject after acquiring postgraduate qualification
(b) Between 3 months and 1 year : N.A.
out of which three year's should be as Reader/Associate Professor in the
(c) Likely to continue :-
concerned subject in a Recognized Medical College.
(c) Probable date by which the : Immediate after interview.
(iv) Minimum four Research Publications in indexed /National Journals, provided
vacancy will be filled
that these research publications are published/ accepted for publications in
7. Qualification required (including age limit)
indexed/National Journals as first/second author on cumulative basis, out of
(a) Priority candidates M.B.B.S. from recognized university/
these four research publications, minimum two research publications must be
: college/institute.
published during the tenure of Associate Professor (or as per requirement of
(i) Essential. : 18 to 30 years.
guidelines issued by MCI, at the time of making recruitment to the post.)
(ii) Desirable.
(iii) Age limit. Note 1: The Departmental Officer in the feeder grade post of Associate
(b) Non-priority candidates : N.A. Professor/Reader (Radiotherapy) [ in PB-4, Rs. 37,400-67,000 plus Rs. 8,900 +
(i) Essential. :- NPA] with two year's regular service in the grade and possessing the
(ii) Desirable. :- educational and other qualifications prescribed for deputationist will also be
(iii) Age limit. :- considered alongwith outsiders in case he/ she is selected for appointment to the
8. Whether willing to wait and consider : All the Employment Exchanges are post, the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion.
applicants from other exchange areas in also being requested to forward the Note 2: The Departmental Officer in the feeder category who are in direct line of
case local applicants are not available. list of eligible candidates. promotion will not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation
9. Any other information considered relevant. : Nil similarly, deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by
Chief Executive Officer, Subathu. promotion.
EN 49/7 (Tanu Jain) (Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post
held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organization/ department of the Central Government, shall ordinarily not to
Sainik School Ambikapur (Chhattisgarh) exceed five year's, the maximum age limit for appointment by deputation
(including short-term contract) shall be not exceeding fifty six year's as on the
(Run under the aegis of Sainik Schools
closing date of receipt of applications)
Society, Ministry of Defence) Note 3: For the purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered
RECRUITMENT on regular basis by an officer prior to 01.01.2006 (the date for which the revised
pay structure based on the 6th CPC recommendations has been extended)
1. Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts on shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/Pay
regular scale for a fully residential English medium school : scales extended based on the recommendations of the pay commission except
TGT (MATHEMATICS) where there has been merger of more than one pre- revised scale of pay into
one grade with the common grade pay/pay scale, and where this benefit will
Essential Qualifications extend only for the post (s) for which that grade pay/pay scale is the normal
(a) Bachelor Degree in Mathematics with at least 50% marks in Mathematics and replacement grade without any upgradation.
aggregate with a combination of any two of the following subjects viz Physics, AGE LIMIT : For appointment by Deputation (including Short-term Contract) not
Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics from a recognised University exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
and B.Ed. from NCTE recognised institution (OR) 4-years integrated course of
The eligible officers should apply for the aforesaid post and also forward their
Regional College of Education of NCERT in Mathematics with at least 50% marks in
applications through their department. While forwarding the applications of the eligible
aggregate and in Mathematics.
officers, the concerned department should furnish the following certificates alongwith
(b) Pass in Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Paper II, conducted by CBSE. the application/curriculum Vitae Proforma of the officer so recommended: -
Note : BA (Hons) in Maths and B.Sc (Hons) in any subject other than Maths are (i) Up-to-date Annual Confidential Reports in original of the applicant(s) for the last
not eligible for the post of TGT (Maths). five years.
Age : Between the age of 21-35 years as on 01 Apr 2019 (ii) Integrity Certificate signed by the Head of the Institution.
Pay Band/ Grade Pay : Rs. 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay Rs. 4600/- (iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate indicating that no disciplinary proceedings or
MESS MANAGER Criminal proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the Officer
Essential Qualifications concerned.
(i) Matriculation or equivalent. (iv) Certificate regarding no court case is pending against the officer concerned
(ii) Diploma/Degree in catering from a recognised institution. signed by the Head of the Institution.
(iii) At least five years experience of running a catering organisation independently (v) Statement of major/minor penalties, if any, imposed on the candidate during the
in civil, Defence Services or in any other similar organisation. last 10 years or a no penalty Certificate, as the case may be.
(iv) Ability to maintain mess accounts. Applications, duly completed in all respect, should reach the Director, Medical
Age : Between the age of 18 - 50 years as on 01 Apr 2019 Education & Research, Government Medical College & Hospital, Block 'D',
Pay Band/Grade Pay : Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- Sector-32, Chandigarh, within 60 (sixty) days from the date of its publication in
2. Application Form, Perks and Allowances and other details will be available on the 'Employment News'. The above said vacancy alongwith Curriculum Vitae
school website "sainikschoolambikapur.org.in". Proforma (Annexure-A) can be downloaded from our website http://www.
3. The applications alongwith requisite documents should reach the Principal, Sainik gmch.gov.in.
School Ambikapur within 21 days from the date of publication of the Director,
advertisement. Medical Education & Research
EN 49/52 PRINCIPAL EN 49/64 Chandigarh Administration
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 25
Chandigarh Administration
Department of Urban Planning
(Town Planning Wing)
Filling up of one post of Planning Officer Group- ‘C’ post on
deputation basis.
Recommendations are invited from the Punjab, Haryana State/U.T.
Administration holding analogous post for sending panels of
minimum 3 officials for filling up of 01 (one) post of Planning Officer
Group-‘C’ post having age not more than 56 years on deputation
basis in the Department of Urban Planning (Town Planning Wing),
Chandigarh Administration, U.T., Secretariat Building Sector-9,
Chandigarh-160009 as follows:-
Sr. Name of Post Pay Scale No. of
No. Post
1 Planning Officer Rs. 10300-34800+Rs. 5000/- 01
GP (One)
Eligibility:- Deputation
ii) By deputation from Pb. and Hr. State/U.T. Administration
holding analogous post.
Possessing the following educational qualifications and
Educational Qualification:-
(i) Bachelor of Technology (Planning) or Bachelor of Planning or
equivalent Degree in Town Planning;
(ii) Bachelor in Architecture or any other equivalent degree in
Architecture recognized by the Institute of Architects (India). or
(iii) Degree in Civil Engineering or AMIE (Civil) or any other
equivalent degree in Civil Engineering recognized by the
Institute of Engineers (India) for its membership.
Age:- The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation
(including short term contract) shall not be exceeding 56 years as on
the closing date of receipt of application.
Standard terms and conditions of the Govt. employees on
deputation with Chandigarh Administration.
1. Period of Deputation : One year in the first instance & to be
extended from time to time or reduced according to recruitment
2. Pay : He will draw pay in his own scale of pay without any EN 49/57
deputation allowance.
3. DA, Local Allowance : According to the Punjab Rules so long the d. Last five years ACR’s/attested photocopies thereof in respect of
employees of Chd. Admn. are also governed by these rules. the officials. Secretariat of
4. T.A. Joining Time & Transfer T.A. : According to the rules of
Govt. to which deputed i.e. Chd. Admn.
e. Bio-data of the each official duly signed by the official.
f. Consent of the official to work on transfer on deputation in Chd.
the Election
5. Leave & Pension : The Rules of the parent Govt.
6. Leave Travel Concession, Medical Concession &
The suitable and willing officers must apply through proper channel
Accomedation : According to parent Deptt. within 60 (Sixty) days of the Publications of the advertisement of India
7. Leave Salary and Pension Contribution : The allocation of in the Employment News. The complete application alongwith all Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka
leave salary and pension charges payable by this Administration will the requisite documents as enlisted above may be forwarded to the
Road, New Delhi-110001
be regulated under the rules of the parent Govt. Chief Architect, Department of Urban Planning Chandigarh
Necessary recommendation along-with following documents of the Administration 2nd Floor, U.T. Secretariat Building Sector-9,
No. 181/6/2018
recommendees should reach on the address mentioned below Chandigarh - 160009. The above advertisement also available at Dated: 20.02.2019
within two months from the date of publication of this notice:- the website www.chdpr.gov.in. CIRCULAR
a. Integrity Certificate. Senior Town Planner,
Election Commission of India
b. Whether any Vigilance enquiry is pending against the concerned For Chief Architect
proposes to fill 01 (One) post of
official. Department of Urban Planning
Library and Information
c. Statement of penalties imposed if any. EN 49/63 Chandigarh Administration
Officer on deputation basis in
Level 11 [Rs. 67,700-2,08,700]
of the Pay Matrix in the
Secretariat of the Election
Commission of India.
2. Officers of Government of
India/State Governments/ Union
Territories and PSUs below 56
years of age as on closing date
i.e. 21.03.2019 and possessing
qualifications/experience as laid
in circular are eligible to apply
for the post. For details please
visit the website of the
Commission www.eci.nic.in
under the link https://eci.
pa y - m a t r i x - p b - 3 - r s 1 5 6 0 0 -
(B.C. Patra)
davp 52101/11/0033/1819
EN 49/31
EN 49/12
26 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

1. Applications are invited from eligible male candidates of Indian Nationality for the Group 'C' post of Industrial Mazdoor, Fire Engine Driver & Fireman to reach 898
AT Bn ASC, PIN-905898, C/O 56 APO by registered post. The scale of pay, number of vacancies, educational qualifications and other requirements are as under :-
Ser. Name of Pay in Pay Categories Total Eligibility Criteria Remarks
No. Post Matrix as per UR SC ST OBC Vacancies
7th CPC (Gen)
(a) Fire Engine Driver Rs 21,700/- 02 - - 01 03 Essential :
(I) 10th Standard pass or equivalent from a recognized
(ii) Must have atleast three years experience of driving
heavy vehicles and be in possession of valid driving licence.
(iii) Must be physically fit and capable of performing stren-
uous duties and must have passed the physical fitness test
as under :-
(aa) Height without shoes : 165 cms; provided that a
concession of 2.5 cms in height shall be allowed for members
of the Scheduled Tribes.
(ab) Chest (un-expanded) : 81.5 cms
(ac) Chest (on-expanded) : 85 cms
(ad) Weight 50 kgs (minimum)
(ae). Endurance Test :-
(aaa) Carrying a man (fireman lift of 65.5 kgs to a distance
of 183 metres within 96 seconds).
(aab) Clearing 2.7 metres wide ditch landing on both feet
(long jumps).
(aac) Climbing 3 metres vertical rope using hands and feet.
Desirable :
(i) Should be familiar with maintenance and operation of
various types of fire appliances.
(ii) Experience of having worked in a regular civil or Defence
Fire Brigade as Fireman Grade I or Senior Fireman.
(iii) Should have passed the general Fire Fighting Course
from Defence Institute of Fire Research, Ministry of Defence,
New Delhi or the Sub-Officers Course from National Fire Ser-
vice College, Nagpur or any other similar recognized course.
(b) Fireman 19,900/- 05 01 01 02 09 Essential : One vacancies
(I) 10th Standard pass or equivalent from a recognized Board. reserved for
(ii) Must be conversant with the use and maintenance of all ESM, one
types of extinguishers, hose fittings and fire appliances and vacancy
equipments fire engines, trailer, pumps, foam branches. reserved for
(iii) Must be familiar with the use and maintenance of first-aid Physically
fire fighting appliances and Trailer Fire Pump. Handicapped
(iv) Must know elementary principles of Fire Fighting methods (HH) and one
employed in fighting different types of fire. vacancy
(v) Must be conversant with foot and appliance Fire Service reserved for
Drills and be able to perform the task allotted to the members MSP.
of fire crew.
(vi) Must have served in a recognised Civil or Defence Fire
Brigades as Fireman Grade II for a minimum period of three
(vii) Must be physically fit and capable of performing
strenuous duties and must have passed the physical fitness
test as under.
(aa) Height without shoes : 165 cms; provided that a con-
cession of 2.5 cms in height shall be allowed for members
of the Scheduled Tribes.
(ab) Chest (un-expanded) : 81.5 cms.
(ac) Chest (on-expanded) : 85 cms.
(ad) Weight 50 kgs (minimum).
(ae) Endurance Test :
(aaa) Carrying a man (fireman lift of 65.5 kgs to a distance
of 183 metres within 96 seconds).
(aab) Clearing 2.7 metres wide ditch landing on both feet
(long jumps).
(aac) Climbing 3 metres vertical rope using hands and feet.
(c) Industrial Mazdoor Rs 18,000/- 02 - 01 01 04 (a) 10th Standard pass or equivalent from a recognized One vacancy
Board. reserved for
(b) Must be physically fit and capable of performing stre- PH (HH)
nuous duties and must have passed the physical fitness test
as under:-
(i) Height without shoes : 165 cms; provided that a con-
cession of 2.5 cms in height shall be allowed for members
of the Scheduled Tribes.
(ii) Chest (un-expanded) : 81.5 cms.
(iii) Chest (on-expanded) : 85 cms.
(iv) Weight 50 kgs (minimum).
(v) Endurance Test :
(aa) Carrying a man (fireman lift of 65.5 kgs to a distance of
183 metres within 96 seconds).
(ab) 1600 Meters Run in 05 Minutes 20 seconds to 06
(ac) Push Ups minimum 25 Nos.
(ad) Chin Ups minimum 06 Nos.
(ae) Sit-ups minimum 35 Nos.
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 27
2. The above posts are subject to all India Service liability including field service. (iv) General Awareness (25 Questions, 25 Marks).
3. Age Limit and its Relaxation. 11. Practical Trade Test. Practical Trade test will be put through a trade test suitably
Ser. Category Age Limit Age Remarks designed for the respective trade as approved by a board of officers.
No. Relaxation 12. Canvassing in any from shall disqualify the candidates. No inquiry or
(a) UR 18 to 25 Yrs Nil Relaxable for government servants upto correspondence will be entertained.
the age of 40 years in case of general 13. Own Risk Clause : Candidates will appear for physical test/ endurance test at their
candidates and 45 years in the case of own risk/ any injury/accident if sustained by the candidates during the test, authorities
candidates belonging to the SC or ST in will not be responsible to pay any compensation.
accordance with the instructions or orders 14. Selected candidates will be given appointment letter by concerned
issued by central government. authorities subject to verification of character and antecedents/ education
(b) OBC 18 to 25 Yrs 03 Yrs Relaxable for government servants upto certificate from concerned District Magistrate/ authorities and medical fitness
from medical authorities.
(c) SC/ST 18 to 25 Yrs 05 Yrs the age of 40 years in accordance with the
15. Probation Period : The selected candidates will be on probation for two years. The
instructions or orders issued by central
appointment of the selected candidates will be made on the satisfactory report from
concerned civil authority on verification of character and antecedent/education
(d) ESM - - Service rendered in Army/Navy/Air Force certificate with date of birth/ caste certificate and medical fitness examination.
shall be deducted from age and resultant
16. No TA/DA is admissible, Duration of each test can be 02 to 05 days or more.
age should not exceed the maximum age
Candidates will make their own arrangement for lodging/ boarding during the test/
limit i.e 25 years prescribed for the post
by more than three years.
17. Vacancies may vary (increase/ decrease) subject to availability of post or change
(e) PH (UR) 18 to 25 Yrs 10 Yrs PH person should be in possession of in PE and non-extension of validity of NAC.
(f) PH 18 to 25 Yrs 15 Yrs Disability Certificate issued by CMO/Civil 18. Detailed Eligibility Criteria and application form is also available at
(SC/ST) Surgeon of Government Hospital certi- www.indianarmy.nic.in and Employment News' news paper.
(g) PH (OBC) 18 to 25 Yrs 13 Yrs fying the disability. 19. Application NOT conforming to the format given in the website will NOT be
(h) MSP (UR) 18 to 25 Yrs 05 Yrs accepted.
20. Place of appointment and employment Place of appointment and employment
(i) MSP 18 to 25 Yrs 10 Yrs
(SC/ST) will be Akhnoor & Rajouri (J&K) with All India Service Liability.
21. Candidates will enclose self addressed one envelopes, affixing postal stamps of Rs.
(j) MSP 18 to 25 Yrs 08 Yrs
25/- alongwith the application required for dispatch of Acknowledgement / Admit Card
if screened successfully so as to reach 898 AT Bn ASC within 30 (THIRTY) days from
The crucial date for determining the age-limit in the case of candidates, from the the date of publication of this advertisement. The candidates are required to
Employment Exchange shall be the last date up to which the Employment Exchanges superscribe on the top of envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
are asked to submit the names. “________________________” ALONG WITH SELF & FATHER’s NAME.
Abbreviations : Gen (UR) – General (Unreserved), SC - Scheduled Caste, ST – Acknowledgement/Admit Card and Certificate from Attesting Authority to be typed on
Scheduled Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Classes, ESM-EX-servicemen, MSP- separate A4 size plain papers. Application will not (WILL NOT) be entertained without
Meritorious Sports Persons, PH-Physical Handicapped. Appendix ‘A’ , Annexure-I & Annexure-II or non receipt of separate envelopes duly
4. Candidates will forward application as per Appendix A, Annexure-I & II duly affixed with postal stamps of Rs.25/- and after closing date i.e. 30 days from the date
completed, properly sealed in an envelope to the address mentioned against the post of publication of this advertisement notice in Employment News and/or other
applied for, through Registered post/ Speed post. Application in person will not be Newspapers. This HQ will not be responsible for any postal delays and no application
accepted. Candidates are requested to superscribe the words, “APPLICATION FOR will be entertained after the due date.
THE POST OF” on the top of envelope while sending the application form. 22. Individual who has furnished wrong information in the application form, false
5. The last date of receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of certificate to avail benefits /reservation, false/wrong information in the application form
the advertisement in the Employment News. In case of candidates belonging to regarding relatives or who have fully or partially suppressed any material information
Ladakh Sub Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul & Spiti District of Pangi Sub shall be liable to cancellation of candidature at any stage of recruitment process and/
Division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island & or termination of service, if the candidate has been selected.
Lakshadweep the last date for receipt of application shall be 37 days from the date Appendix A
of publication of this advertisement. However, the crucial date for determining the APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT
age limit for all shall be closing date for receipt of application i.e 30 days from Recruitment Notice No..................................................
publication. To, Affix recent self
6. The photocopy of the following documents/ certificate to be attached alongwith Commanding Officer Attested
application duly, self attested. 898 AT Bn ASC, PIN – 905898 passport
(a) Three self attested latest passport size photographs, one pasted on top right c/o 56 APO Size photograph
corner of the application, second on the Acknowledgement card cum call letter 1. Post applied for _______________________________________________
and third on the admit card for written examination. 2. Name of candidate (in Block letter)________________________________
(b) Attested copies of following certificates will also be submitted with application:- 3. Father’s Name ________________________________________________
(i) Educational qualification certificate. 4. Date of birth
(ii) Date of Birth Certificate. D D M M Y Y Y Y
(iii) Caste certificate where applicable.
(iv) Discharge certificate for Ex-Servicemen or NOC from the competent authority
for serving Defence Personnel who are completing the prescribed period of Army 5. Correspondence Address :-
Services within a year from the last date for receiving application. House No./Street/Village ____________________Police Station ___________
(v) Certificate of award at appropriate level in the list of game/sports in Appendix- Post Office ________________________ District _______________________
I of Section 5 of OM No. 14034/01/2013-Est (D) dt 03 Oct 73 for MSP. State _________________________ PIN Code ________________________
(vi) Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License issued by RTO where applicable. 6. Permanent Address :-
(Vii) Experience Certificate where applicable. House No./Street/Village ______________________Police Station _________
(c) Self addressed envelope affixing postal stamps of Rs 25/- Post Office _________________________ District ______________________
Note : Central Government Civilian Employees must furnish ' No Objection Certificate' State _________________________ PIN Code ________________________
from their employer/ office else their applications will not be considered. 7. Educational Qualification (Enclose photocopy of certificate):-
7. Incomplete/ineligible applications will be deemed invalid and rejected without S. Qualification Name of School/ Name of Board/ % of marks
intimation to the candidate. No. College University obtained
8. It is made clear that merely fulfilling the basic essential qualification requirements
does not automatically entitle a person to be called for the test. In case the Number of
short listed candidates post scrutiny of applications exceeds 100 per vacancy existing
in each post, call letters will be issued to the limit of 100 per vacancy considered in
merit as per essential and desirable QR. The selection will be made strictly on merit. * To reduce the number of candidates for written examination for one category of post,
The decision of appointing authority regarding selection/ rejection will be final. It is also screening of applications will be carried out in the ratio 1:50 (fifty application for one
made clear that the numbers of posts/ vacancies are tentative and recruitment process post) based on the percentage of marks obtained in the examination mentioned as
can be cancelled/ suspended/ terminated by the Appointing Authority at any stage, due essential QR.
to administrative reasons. 8. (a) Category for which applied (please tick to choose) :
9. Place of practical / Physical/ Written test : Will be notified to candidates separately UR SC ST OBC
to the selected candidates after scrutiny of application.
10. Written Test : The written test will comprise of four parts and the Question-paper-
cum-Answer sheet will be bilingual i.e English and Hindi. However, the questions on the (b) Whether belongs to (please tick to choose) :
portion of English language will be in English only. Candidates scoring min 33% marks PH ESM MSP Others
in each part will only be considered in merit list. Details are as under:-
(a) Time - 2 Hours.
(b) Question Paper - Objective * PH, ESM & MSP candidates to mention their category (Gen/UR, SC, ST & OBC)
(c) Negative Marking - 0.25 marks for wrong answer will be deducted. 9. If applied for the post as Ex-serviceman
(d) Topics :- Date of enrollment (in Army/ Navy / Air Force) …......................... Date of
(I) General Intelligence & Reasoning (25 Questions, 25 marks) retirement.................................
(ii) Numerical Aptitude (25 Questions, 25 Marks). Total Service ….............Yrs...................Month..............Days (attached copy of
(iii) General English (25 Questions, 25 Marks). discharge certificate/NOC)
28 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
10. If applied for the post as PH category : registered with them. Individuals who are not in possession of Admit Card or
Type of disability (OH,HH,VH) Percentage of disability original certificates will not be entertained.
6. Application which is incomplete, incorrect, wrongly filled, without signature, without
11. Whether registered with any employment exchange ? (Yes/No) (If yes, mentioned photograph, photo with wearing cap and goggles/coloured glasses, or without
registration No. and name of Employment exchange). enclosing attested copies of photograph/documents by serving Group A /B
12. Whether employed in Central Govt. services ? Yes/No if yes, give details as
Gazetted Officer or equivalent if applicant is found under / overage on last date of
under :-
receipt of application will be rejected on the spot without any reasons/notice.
Name of Office Address Name of the Date of appointment
Employer post Application can also be rejected by any other reason as observed by the Board of
7. Candidates living with more than one spouse or married another spouse while the
DECLARATION first spouse is alive are not eligible to apply, if such case(s) comes to light at any
I hereby certify that above particulars mentioned in the application are correct and true stage of recruitment or post appointment stage the appointing authority will
to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of my information
terminate the appointment.
being found false or incorrect at any stage or not satisfying the eligibility criteria
according to the requirements of the advertisement, my candidature of appointment is 8. Candidates already employed in Centre/State Govt offices/PSU should submit their
liable to be cancelled/ terminated. I am willing to serve anywhere. I agree that application through proper channel duly submitting service certificate and ‘No
department has the right to transfer me to anywhere in India. Objection Certificate’ from the employer.
(Signature of candidate) 9. The number of candidates to be called for written test will be restricted to ten times
Place : of the numbers of vacancies. A bench mark percentage will be fixed for the same
FOR OFFICE RECORD ONLY depending on the number of applicants. Since the applications may be short-listed,
1. Application received on _______________________________________
mere fulfillment of essential qualifications and experience does not vest any right
2. Application accepted/ rejected _________________________________
3. Reason for rejection : Underage/Overage/Documents incomplete/Photo or in a candidate for being called for written/physical test. All applications received will
documents not attested/Any other reasons to be specified :- be scrutinized / screened and Selection Board / Board of Officers(s) so detailed will
____________________________________________________________________ organize a written test, physical & practical test. The Selection Board / Board of
____________________________________________________________________ Officers reserves the right to call for Test only screened-in candidates and will not
4. Index No. _________________________Date of Test _______________________ entertain any correspondence in this regards.
Annexure-I 10. A select panel equal to the number of vacancies notified and based on the
No. ______________
performance of candidates in written test will be drawn up. All the candidates on
1. Name _______________________________ the select panel will be offered an appointment subject to medical fitness test,
2. Date of Birth __________________________ Affix recent self
Police verification, Education and Caste certificate verification before actual
3. Father’s Name ________________________ Attested passport
size photograph appointments. The reserve panel will be operated strictly as per merit only in case
4. Address for Correspondence
House No./Street/Village _______________________________________________ a candidate from the select panel refuses appointment or is disqualified. The
Post Office _________________________ Tehsil ___________________________ reserve panel will not be operated for any subsequent recruitment i.e. additional
Distt: _________________________ State________________________________ vacancies in the same year or next year.
PIN Code _________________________
11. Candidate who apply against OBC category shall attach and produce “Other
5. Date of reporting for written exam _____________________________________
6. Venue of test _____________________________________________________ Backward Class” certificate applicable for Central Government service and not the
Signature of Controlling Officer “Backward Class” Certificate duly signed by the appropriate authority.
12. The Appointing Authority or the Officer nominated by him reserves the right to
TO BE FILLED IN BY CANDIDATE withdraw the vacancies and terminate the appointment during the period of
1. Name ______________________________________________ Affix recent self probation without assigning any reasons.
2. Date of Birth ________________________ Age ____________ Attested 13. Medium of writing in application form and test etc will be in Hindi / English only.
3. Father’s Name _______________________________________ passport
4. Category : OBC/SC/Gen(UR)/Ex-Servicemen_______________ size 14. The date of publication of advertisement will be the first day towards the accounting
5. Address for Correspondence photograph of number of days for submission of applications.
House No./Street/Village _______________________________________________ 15. The recruitment process can be cancelled/suspended/postponed without
Post Office _________________________ Tehsil __________________________
assigning any specific reasons. The decision of Appointing Authority will be final
Distt: _________________________ State________________________________
and no (NO) appeal will be entertained. Recruitment will be carried out as per latest
PIN Code _________________________
6. Application accepted/ rejected _______________________________________ amendments and all prevailing Government Rules and Regulations.
7. Reason for rejection _______________________________________________ 16. All candidates considered for selection should have passed in each test. The
8. Date of reporting for test ____________________________________________ candidates not passing in any test will not (WILL NOT) be permitted to appear in
9. Venue of test ___________________________________________________
the subsequent test(s). The minimum standard for passing in each test will be as
10. Index No. ___________________________________________________
(Please affix latest self photographs and Fill up column 1 to 5 only) under :-
Signature of Controlling Officers (a) Written Test - Minimum 33%.
GENERAL INSTRUCTION (b) Physical/Practical Test - Qualifying in nature.
1. All part of the application to be filled by the candidate in their own hand by blue ball 17. Any dispute with regards to the recruitment will be subject to jurisdiction of HQ 16
point pen only. Corps.
2. Before applying for the post, the candidates should ensure that he fulfills the 18. Candidates application will be rejected if “POST APPLIED FOR” column & SELF
eligibility and other criteria. Recruitment authorities would be free to reject & FATHER’s name is left blank on the envelope submitted by the candidate
application not fulfilling the requisite criteria, at any stage of recruitment and if alongwith application.
erroneously appointed, such candidates shall be liable to termination from service 19. SC/ST/OBC candidates who apply against un-reserved post will not be given any
if appointed. age or other concession meant for SC/ST/OBC. Similarly, SC/ST/OBC candidates
3. No (NO) application will be accepted in person by hand or through any selected on merit vis-a-vis the general candidates would not be counted towards
representative. The application must be posted to the addressee only under SC/ST/OBC quota.
REGISTERED/ SPEED POST. Application posted through Normal Post & Courier 20. Candidates can apply for both post for which they would be required to process
etc will not (WILL NOT) be accepted. The unit will not (WILL NOT) be responsible separate applications. If a candidate comes in merit list for both post, he would be
for any kind of postal delay either in receipt of application or in dispatch of given an opportunity to choose the post of his liking.
acknowledgement cards. Two applications will not (WILL NOT) be accepted in a WARNING:-
single envelope. 21. All the candidates are warned to be careful from self styled agents/touts and also
4. No (NO) traveling allowance will be admissible for the test. Candidates will make requested to report the same to the Brig ASC, HQ 16 Corps or the Commanding
their own boarding/lodging arrangement for test. The Govt or the unit detailed to Officer/Officer Commanding of the unit conducting of the tests against any
conduct the tests will not be responsible to pay any damages in case of malpractice seen/observed by them.
injury/death of candidate during various test. 22. Any mis-representation of facts or other details shall invite rejection of candidature
5. Date, time & place of test will be mentioned in the Admit Card. No separate letter and registration of criminal proceedings against such candidate(s).
except Admit Card will be issued. At the time of test the candidates should be in File No: 4365/Rect/ST-12 (Civ)
possession of original stamped Admit Card sent by this unit, all ORIGINAL Date : 23 February 2019
certificates in support of age, educational qualification, experience, caste and Brig ASC, HQ 16 Corps
registration certificate from their local Employment Exchange names already davp 10602/11/0041/1819 EN 49/66
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 29
No. A-12025/01/2019-Ad-1

Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi the 15th
February, 2019

Subject : Filling up one
post of Programmer in
level-8 of Pay Matrix (PB-
2 with GP of Rs. 4800/- in
6th CPC scale) in Cabinet
Secretariat on deputation
Applications are invited for
filling up one post of
Programmer in Cabinet
Secretariat in Level-8 of
Pay Matrix (PB-2 with GP of
Rs. 4800/- in 6th CPC
scale) on deputation basis.
For eligibility conditions and
proforma for sending of
applications, please refer to
the website of Cabinet
Secretariat at
h t t ps : / / c a b s e c . g o v. i n /
under the heading - 'More' -
subheading- ‘Vacancies’.
Applications in the
prescribed format and
through proper channel
may be forwarded to
Director (Administration),
Cabinet Secretariat,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New
Delhi-110004 within 60
days of publication of the
this Notice in the
Employment News.
(K.J. Sibichan)
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of India
Tel: 2301 4224
EN 49/25 EN 49/74

EN 49/71 EN 49/21
30 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
Government of India
Office of the Principal Chief Commissioner
of Income Tax, Delhi
Central Revenue Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002
Subject : Recruitment of Meritorious Sportspersons to the posts of Income Tax S.No. Competition Authority awarding certificate
Inspector, Tax Assistant, Stenographer Grade II and Multi Tasking Staff-regarding
1 International Secretary of the National Federation of the game
Applications are invited from the meritorious sportspersons fulfilling the eligibility criteria
as per particulars mentioned in Annexure I for appointment to the posts of Income Tax
Inspector, Tax Assistant, Stenographer Grade II and Multi Tasking Staff, in Income Tax 2 National Secretary of the National Federation or the Secretary
Department, Delhi Region. of the State Association of the game concerned.
2. The willing and eligible candidates can send their application form as per Annexure-II
3 Inter-University Dean of Sports or other Officer in overall charge of
on or before 31.03.2019 (15.04.2019 for candidates domiciled in North Eastern
States, Andaman Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala), to tournament Sports of the University concerned.
the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (Hq)(Personnel)(NG), 3rd Floor, Room 4 National/Sports/ Director of Additional/Joint or Deputy Director in overall
No. 378A, Central Revenues Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002. games for School charge of Sports/games for schools in the Directorate
(Divya Chaudhary) of Public Instructions/Education of the State.
Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax
(Hq) (Pers.)(NG), New Delhi 5 Physical Efficiency Secretary or other Officer in overall charge of Physical
Drive Efficiency in the Ministry of Education and Social
Welfare, Government of India.
Recruitment of Meritorious Sports Persons in the Office of the Principal Chief
Commissioner of Income-Tax, Delhi Region 06. SELECTION OF THE CANDIDATES:
The Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi, invites applications for the Subject to fulfilling of the qualification against Sl. No. 02 above, the applications shall
recruitment of meritorious Sportspersons in different games, sports as listed below for be scrutinized and suitable candidates will be short listed for further selection
the following posts:- procedure. For selection, the short listed candidate will be required to appear for
interview and if further required, the players may be required to undergo
S.No. Post Pay Band (Pre- Grade Pay(Pre-
ground/proficiency test also.
revised) revised)
Success in the above test confers no right to appointment unless the Department
1 Income Tax Inspector 9300-34800 4600 is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the
2 Tax Assistant 5200-20200 2400 candidate is suitable in all respect for appointment to the post.
4 Multi Tasking Staff 5200-20200 1800
S.No. Game/Sport Remarks/Event/Position
The posts are temporary but likely to be permanent. The probation period is of 2 years.
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 01 Athletics 1 Male High Jump & 1 male 5000 mtrs, 10000 mtrs
01. AGE LIMIT : 1 Male Long Jump & 1 male 110 mtrs Hurdles
For Inspector of Income Tax : 18 to 30 years of age 1 Female High Jump & 1 Female Sprinter, 100 & 200 mtrs
For Tax Assistant/Stenographer/Multi Tasking Staff : 18 to 27 years of age 1 Female Long Jump & 1 female 1500 mtrs
Relaxation of Age : 5 years for General/OBC candidates 02 Kabaddi 3 Male
10 years in case of SC/ST candidates 03 Football 4 Male
(As per Govt. of India instructions for meritorious Sportspersons)
04 Badminton 1 Male
Note : Cut off date for all the eligibility criteria, including age and education is
31.03.2019 05 Table Tennis 2 Male
1. For Income Tax Inspectors:- (i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent 07 Hockey 4 Male
2. For Tax Assistants:- (i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent
08 Swimming 2 Male & 1 Female
(ii) Having Data Entry Speed of 8,000 Key depressions per hour
3. For Stenographer Grade II :- (i) 12th class pass or equivalent from a recognized 09 Body Building 1 (<70 Kgs) & 1 (>70 Kgs)
board or university (ii) Dictation: 10 minutes @ 80 words per minute (iii) Transcription: 10 Basketball 1 Male
50 words per minute (English) or 65 words per minute (Hindi) (Only on Computer) 11 Cricket 4 Male ( two spinner all-rounder & two batsmen)
4. For Multi Tasking Staff:- (i) 10th class pass or equivalent from a recognized board
Note: In case suitable candidates are not available in any of the above Games/Sports,
or university
the Department will reserve its right not to consider such games/sports and allot the
vacancies reserved for such games/sport to any of the remaining games/sports in the
No. of Posts above list or games notified by DoPT as per Annexure 'A' of O.M. No. 14015/1/76-
(i) Income Tax Inspectors 01 Estt.(D) dated 4th August, 1980, Para 1 of O.M. No. 14034/4/85-Estt.(D) dated 18th
(ii) Tax Assistants 18 September, 1985, Appendix to O.M. No. 14034/1/91-Estt.(D) dated 21st March, 1991
(iii) Stenographer Grade II 08 & Para 3 of O.M. No. 14034/1/2009-Estt(D) dated 24th November, 2009.
(iv) Multi Tasking Staff 08 08. HOW TO APPLY:
04. SPORTS ELIGIBILITY: Applications must be submitted in following format addressed to: The Deputy
Appointment can be made of a sportsperson considered meritorious with reference to Commissioner of Income-tax (Hqrs.- Personnel), Room No. 378A, C.R. Building,
the following criteria:- I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110 002 by post/by hand on or before 31.03.2019 (15.04.2019
Sportspersons having represented for candidates domiciled in North Eastern States, Andaman Nicobar Islands,
(i) A State or the Country in a National or International Competition in any of the Lakshadweep, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala).
games/sports as mentioned in Para 7; or Also clearly write on the envelope:
(ii) Their University in the Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Inter- “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF INSPECTOR / TAX ASSISTANT /
University Sports Board in any of the games/sports as mentioned in Para 7; or STENOGRAPHER GRADE II / MULTI TASKING STAFF UNDER SPORTS QUOTA.
(iii) The State Schools Team in the National Sports/Games for schools conducted by All NAME OF THE SPORT ________________________________________________”
India School Games Federation in any of the games/sports as mentioned in Para 09. The candidate on appointment will be liable for posting at any place in Delhi Region.
7; or 10. The applicant shall enclose attested copies of the following certificates:
(iv) Sportsperson who has been awarded National Awards in Physical Efficiency under (i) Matriculation/SSC or equivalent certificate for proof of age.
National Physical Efficiency Drive. (ii) Certificates of Educational qualifications.
(iii) Sports/games certificates as mentioned at S.No. 05 above.
Note : The merit of sportspersons, who fulfill the aforesaid eligibility conditions, shall be
(iv) SC/ST/OBC caste certificate.
considered/decided in the order of preference given above. Further, priority would be
(v) Copy of Aadhar Card
given to current players i.e. who have represented in international and national level in
The candidate must be in possession of the requisite qualification for the concerned
the last three years in tournaments of the recognized sports federation.
post as on 31.03.2019. Further, latest colored photograph duly attested by a Gazetted
NOTE: The best of three performances in the Calendar Year (in the descending
Officer should also be pasted on the application form.
order) 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and after 01.04.2014 shall be considered for
11. Sports persons who are already employed in Central Government or State
Government or PSU should submit an NOC from the present employer which should
be enclosed with the application.
Only certificates awarded by the authorities mentioned hereunder will be taken into 12. The selected candidates will be on probation for 2 years or such period as per the
account as evidence in support of having participated in competitions in any of the extant instructions of the Government of India. The selected candidate will be required
above Sports events/Games while considering eligibility of the applicant. A candidate to represent the Income Tax Department, Delhi Region in the tournaments/meets as
who cannot produce self attested copies of at least one certificate issued by one of the decided. The selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking not to apply
authorities mentioned here under along with application need not apply. for inter charge transfer for a minimum period of 10 years. Continued on page 31
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 31
Continued from page 30
13. The declaration to this effect to work at any place under Pr CCIT (CCA), Delhi
Region, should be submitted along with the application.
14. Application duly signed and completed in all respect, should reach to the office of
the undersigned by 31.03.2019 by post/by hand (15.04.2019 for candidates
domiciled in North Eastern States, Andaman Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep,
Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala).
15. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained under any
circumstances. Incomplete, unsigned and application without annexures will be
rejected and no correspondence in the matter will be made with the applicant. Eligible
candidates will be called for above said tests and interview. The date and venue for
tests and interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course by the
authorized officer.
16. Any form of canvassing by any candidate will render his/her candidature liable to
be rejected summarily at any stage of recruitment process.
17. The Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi, has right to cancel the
recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reason.
18. In the event of any tie, the decision of Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi
shall be final.
Deputy Commissioner of Income-Tax
(Hqrs.-Pers.)(NG), New Delhi.
Post applied for Income Tax Inspector Latest pass-port
Tax Assistant size coloured
photograph of
Stenographer Grade II the candidate
Multi Tasking Staff
(Please mark your preference as 1,2,3,4, in the given
box above. If not applying for any post, please mark (x)
against that post. If any person is not found eligible for a
particular post, his/her next preferred post shall be
counted. The blank column shall be considered as (x).
EN 49/62
(Please fill the form in black ink in Capital Letters)
A) Full Name
(Surname first)
B) Father's Name
# 480, 1st Floor, Khivraj Complex 1, Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai 600035
C) Gender (Male/Female)
Ph. No. 044-24313094-97 Date: 08.03.2019
D) Permanent Residential Address Indbank Merchant Banking Services Limited (Indbank), a subsidiary of Indian Bank,
E) Address for Communication with headquarters in Chennai, engaged in Stock Broking, Depository Participant
F) Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Activities, Distribution of Mutual Fund and other Investment products, Merchant
Banking and Advisory Services invites applications from eligible candidates for the post
G) Age (as on 01-08-2018)
of (a) Secretarial Officer –Trainee (Back Office Staff) on contract basis & (b)
H) Whether General/OBC/SC/ST Dealer (Stock Broking).
I) Educational Qualification Last date for receipt of duly filled in application with the copy of the enclosures
J) Sports event/game 31.03.2019
(Give detailed information along with 1. DETAILS OF POSITION(S)/DISCIPLINE(S):
certified copies) S.No. Name of the position(s)/discipline(s) Vacancies
K) Details of Best Performance : 1 Secretarial Officer –Trainee ( Back Office Staff) 4
(Please enclose proof) 2 Dealer (Stock Broking) 4
a) International (mention the name of event,
year & month when event was held and
position secured)
b) National (mention the name of event, Secretarial Officer –Trainee ( Back Office Staff) Rs. 9000/- p.m. (Consolidated)
year & month when event was held and Dealer (Stock Broking) Rs. 2.00 – 2.50 lakh p.a.
position secured) *Compensation is not constraint for highly deserving candidates and having proven
L) Details of latest performance track record.
M) Documents to be submitted : Dealer (Stock Broking) Secretarial Officer–Trainee
a) Graduate/Post Graduate Marks List and (Back Office Staff)
Certificate of the University (as applicable)
Minimum Age* 21 Years 21 Years
b) Age proof (as per matric certificate)
c) Sports Certificates Maximum Age* 30 Years 30 Years
d) Caste Certificate (in case of OBC/SC/ST Educational Graduate with NISM/NCFM Graduate
candidates) Qualification* qualification (NISM/ NCFM qualification
N) Telephone No. preferable)
O) E-mail ID, if any. Experience* Minimum one year experience in Minimum one year experi-
DECLARATION dealing/ back office ence in back office desirable

I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and Security Deposit Two months gross emoluments Two months gross emolu-
(Interest free) ments (Interest free)
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any
Place of posting All over India. Chennai
information being false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the
(Preferred location may be
tests/interview my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated. I have considered as per requirement of
not submitted any other application for this post. I am aware that if I contravene this the Company).
Rule, my application will be rejected summarily by the Department. *Cutoff date for Age, Educational qualification and Experience is 01.01.2019
I further declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limit, Note:
a. All Educational Qualification prescribed shall be from the University/Institution/Board
educational qualification & sports eligibility, etc., prescribed for the post.
recognized by Govt. of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.
Place : Signature of the candidate
b. Any Degree wherever mentioned shall be FULL TIME course only.
Date : FULL NAME c. Experience relevant to the post will only be counted for reckoning the attribute of
davp 15403/11/0012/1819 EN 49/77 experience. Continued on page 32
32 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

Requirement of
Assistant Teacher,
Electrician, Ayah,
Mali, Chowkidar and
Board, Jabalpur
The Cantonment Board

Jabalpur has published

advertisement for

recruitment on various posts

in Employment News dated

16-22 February 2019 at

page 17 in which the

category of post of Peon is

erroneously published as

Unreserved (UR) due to

some clerical mistake. The

post of Peon is vacant for

ST category only. Hence the

category of the post of Peon

is read as ST in place of

Unreserved (UR).

CEO, Cantt Board,


EN 49/37

The views expressed by the
authors in the articles
published in the Employment
News are their own. They do
not necessarily reflect the
views of the government or
the organisations they work
for. The contents of the
advertisements published in
the Employment News belong
to the organisation or their
representatives. The
Employment News is in no
way responsible for any
liability arising out of the
contents/text of these
EN 49/42
Continued from page 31
Personal Interview will be intimated by email to the email address, furnished by
Candidates having above qualifications may download the application form from
e. The admission to personal interviews will be purely provisional without verification
our website www.indbankonline.com and send duly filled in applications with the copy
of age, qualification etc. of the candidates with reference to documents.
of the enclosures through courier/Registered Post to the above mentioned address,
addressed to Assistant Vice President, HRD. Candidate can also send f. Candidates will have to produce original relevant certificates like educational
the scanned copy of the duly filled application with the enclosures to qualifications, experience, age, etc. at the time of interview, in support of his /her
[email protected]. eligibility, as per the details furnished in the application, failing which his / her
5. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS candidature will be cancelled.
a. Before applying for the post, candidate should verify and satisfy himself/herself g. Decision of the Company in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the
that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be
Company would be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment produced for the purpose of the, interview, selection and any other matter relating
process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post for which he/she has to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or
applied. The decision of the Company shall be final in deciding about qualifications, personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Company in this regard.
experience and other eligibility norms. h. Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole
b. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill jurisdiction of the Courts situated in Chennai.
any of the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false i. In case, any dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than
information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her English, English version will prevail.
candidature will be cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even j. Company does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to
after appointment, his/her contract is liable to be terminated. submit their applications within the last date on account of loss in transit or for any
c. The Company reserves the right to alter, modify or change the eligibility criteria and other reason beyond the control of the Company.
/ or any other terms and conditions spelt out in this advertisement. Chennai Assistant Vice President, HRD
d. Only those candidates who have met with the eligibility criteria for appearing in the EN 49/47
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 ADMISSION www.employmentnews.gov.in 33

EN 49/29 EN 49/14

EN 48/6

EN 49/2

EN 49/23

The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the Employment News are their own. They do not
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34 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019



1. Refer to notification regarding recruitment of Tradesman Mate in Indian Navy, Licence/Voter's Card/ Bank Passbook with Photograph in original to the
published in Employment News dated 02-08 Mar 19. Examination Venue, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the
2. Following amendments stands incorporated in the notification, with other terms same.
and conditions remaining unchanged. 13. Mobiles and other electronic gadgets including Bluetooth devices are banned
Para 1 within the premises of the Examination Centres. Possession of such equipment
Command Distribution of vacancies whether in use or in switch off mode, during the examination will be considered
(Subject to variation) as use of unfair means. Candidature of such candidates will be cancelled. They
UR SC ST OBC EWS Total Horizontal will be liable for further action including initiation of criminal proceedings and
Reservation debarment from Indian Navy's examinations, as may be decided by the Indian
ESM PwBDs Navy.
Eastern Naval 20 07 03 12 04 46 05 02 (01- LV 14. In case of fake/fabricated application/registration by misusing any dignitaries
Command 01-OL) name/photo, such candidate will be held responsible for the same and liable for
suitable legal action under cyber/ IT act.
Western Naval 227 58 24 143 50 502 50 33# (OL-16,
Command HH-11, 15. The decision of the Indian Navy in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance
LV-06) or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection,
conduct of examination(s), allotment of examination centres and preparation of
Southern Naval 02 01 01 01 01 06 Nil Nil
merit list & force allocation, debarment for indulging in malpractices will be final
and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be
3. Following be also inserted at Para 17 & 18. entertained in this regard.
1. BEFORE APPLYING, CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO GO THROUGH THE If candidates are found to indulge at any stage in any of the malpractices listed below
INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE NOTICE OF EXAMINATION VERY during the conduct of examination, their candidature for this examination will be
CAREFULLY. cancelled and they will be debarred from the examinations of the Indian Navy for the
2. The Indian Navy will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the period mentioned below:
eligibility and other aspects at the time of online examination and, therefore, S. Type of Malpractice Debarment
candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to No. period
go through the requirements of educational qualification, age etc. and satisfy 1. Taking away any Examination related material such as Rough 2 Years
themselves that they are eligible for the post. Supporting documents uploaded Sheets, Indian Navy's Copy of Attendance Sheet etc. from the
by the candidate will be verified at the time of Document Verification. When examination hall or passing it on to unauthorized persons during
scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found the conduct of examination.
substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the Indian Navy's decision
2. Misbehaving, intimidating or threatening in any manner with the 3 Years
shall be final.
examination functionaries' i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security
3. Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/ Guard or Indian Navy's representatives etc.
ESM must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility
3. Obstruct the conduct of examination/instigate other candidates 3 Years
prescribed by Government of India and in the Notice. They should also be in
not to take the examination.
possession of the certificates in the prescribed format by Government of India,
in support of their claim. The formats of various certificates are also available in 4. Making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing 3 Years
the 'Reference Documents'. material information, submitting fabricated documents, etc.
4. Candidates with physical disability of 40% and more only would be considered 5. Obtaining support/ influence for his/ her candidature by 3 Years
as Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) and entitled to reservation for any irregular or improper means in connection with his/ her
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. candidature.
5. Central Government Civilian Employees claiming age relaxation should produce 6. Possession of Mobile Phone in 'switched on' or 'switched off' 3 Years
a certificate in the prescribed format from their office at the time of document mode.
verification in respect of the length of continuous service which should be for not 7. Appearing in the same examination more than once in contr- 3 Years
less than three years during the period immediately preceding the closing date avention of the rules.
for receipt of application. They should remain Central Government civilian 8. A candidate who is also working on examination related 3 Years
employees till the time of appointment in the event of their selection. matters in the same examination.
6. When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted 'Provisionally'. 9. Damaging examination related infrastructure/ equipments. 5 Years
Candidate should take printout of the application form for their own records.
10. Appearing in the Exam with forged Admit Card, identity proof, 5 Years
Printout of the 'Application Form' is not required to be forwarded/submitted to the
Indian Navy at any stage.
11. Possession of fire arms/weapons during the examination. 5 Years
7. Only one online application is allowed to be submitted by a candidate for the
Examination. Therefore, the candidates are advised to exercise due diligence at 12. Assault, use of force, causing bodily harm in any manner to the 7 Years
the time of filling their online Application Forms. In case, more than one examination functionaries' i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security
applications of a candidate are detected, the Indian Navy will consider latest Guard or Indian Navy's representatives etc. Threatening/
application. If a candidate submits multiple applications and appears in the intimidating examination functionaries with weapons/ fire arms.
examination (at any stage) more than once, his/her candidature will be 13. Using unfair means in the examination hall like copying from 7 Years
cancelled and he/she will be debarred from the future examinations of the Indian unauthorized sources such as written material on any paper or
Navy. body parts, etc.
8. The candidates must write their name, date of birth, father's name and mother's 14. Possession of Bluetooth Devices, spy cameras, and any other 7 Years
name strictly as given in the matriculation certificate otherwise their candidature electronic gadgets in the examination hall.
may be cancelled as and when it comes into the notice of the Indian Navy. 15. Impersonate/ Procuring impersonation by any person. 7 Years
9. Applications with illegible/ blurred Photograph/ Signature will be rejected 16. Taking snapshots, making videos of question papers or 7 Years
summarily. examination material, labs, etc.
10. Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form, once 17. Sharing examination terminal through remote desktop software/ 7 Years
submitted, will not be entertained under any circumstances. Apps/ LAN/ VAN, etc.
11. Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail addresses and 18. Attempt to hack or manipulate examination servers, data and 7 Years
mobile number in the online application as correspondence may be made by the examination systems at any point before, during or after the
Indian Navy through e-mail/ SMS. examination.
12. The candidates must carry at least one latest photo bearing identification proof
such as Aadhar card with a photograph /PAN Card/ Passport/Driving davp 10702/11/0234/1819 EN 49/78

Government of India For application format, eligibility conditions, requisite qualifications and other details,

Ministry of Electronics and log on to Ministry's website www.meity.gov.in or Department of Personnel and
Training's website www.dopt.gov.in.
Information Technology Application forms in the prescribed format and duly completed must be submitted
Filling up the posts of Senior Secretariat Assistant in MeitY within 45 days from the date of publication to Deputy Director (Personnel),
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO
invites applications for filling up the 13 posts of Senior Secretariat Assistant at Complex, New Delhi-110003.
Level-4 of the Pay Matrix, on deputation basis. davp 06101/11/0015/1819 EN 49/75
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 EDITORIAL www.employmentnews.gov.in 35

CAREERS IN ... example some of the areas of benchmark qualification is not Veterinary Science. Graduates Institute, Shimla
Continued from page 1 specialization are agroforestry high. in Agriculture, Forestry or Institute of Forest Productivity,
, environment management, Forest Range Officers: Engineering are also Ranchi
with subjects of Physics, forest genetic resources, Every state and union territory considered eligible. Tropical Forest Research
Chemistry and Biology or medicinal & aromatic plants, has requirements of forest The written examination is Institute, Jabalpur
Agriculture / Horticulture/ wood science & technology, range officers/rangers for divided into two parts. The Institute of Forest Genetics &
Forestry are considered watershed management, which they advertise from time preliminary examination is Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
eligible. silviculture, sustainable to time. For this position also, conducted with Civil Services Advanced Research Centre
M.Sc. (Forestry) course is development, forest biology & a formal qualification in (preliminary) examination for Bamboo & Rattans, Aizwal
conducted at the following tree improvement, forest forestry is not mandatory and which has objective type Centre for Social Forestry &
institutes. Few of these offer products & utilization etc. generally graduates from questions. Those declared Ecological Rehabilitation,
M.Sc. (Horticulture) having While some universities take agricultural/ science and successful in the preliminary Allahabad
close connection to forestry. candidates selected through technological background are examination have to apply for Forest Research Centre,
Awadhesh Pratap Singh the entrance examination considered eligible. However Indian Forest Service (Main)
University, Rewa Hyderabad
conducted by Indian Council other things being equal, those examination. The number of
Navsari Agricultural University, Centre for Forestry Resources
for Agricultural Research, with a B.Sc. (Forestry) degree candidates admitted to main
Gujarat & Human Resource Develop-
others have their own entrance may have some advantage. examination will be 12 to 13
Chaudhari Charan Singh ment, Chhindwada
examination/selection process Selection is usually through a times of the vacancies.
Haryana Agricultural Rain Forest Research
details of which can be written test followed by The preliminary examination
University, Hisar interview. Only if you pass the consists of 2 papers. The first Institute, Jorhat
checked with respective
Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh written test, you'll be called for paper will have questions Indian Plywood Training and
Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola interview. After selection related to current events of Research Institute, Bengaluru
Forestry is taught at many
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna overseas institutions also such extensive training is offered. To national and international International organiz-
Garhwal University, Srinagar, as University of Forestry, Sofia fulfil the training needs of importance, Indian and world ations: Forestry is a globally
Uttarakhand , Bulgaria; Beijing Forestry forest range officers and other history/geography, economic important issue and as such
Orissa University of Agriculture University, China; Mosco State employees of state forest and social development, polity offers international career
& Technology, Bhubaneswar Forest University, Yale School departments, good and governance, environment, opport-unities also. Those
Pandit Ravishankar Shukla of Forestry & Environment infrastructure has been climate change and general interested may explore
University ,Raipur Studies, Forestry University of created. Many states have science. In paper II, opportunities to work with
Bastar University, Jagdalpur, British Columbia and others. their own training candidate's communication organisations like-Food &
Chattishgarh Although M.Sc. -Forestry establishments for the skills, logical reasoning, Agricultural Organiz-ation
Sher-e-Kashmir University of course covers inputs in purpose, such as mathematical/ analytical (FAO),The International
Agricultural Science & management to a certain Forest Training Institute, ability, problem solving and Tropical Timber Organization,
Technology, Jammu/Srinagar extent, a full-fledged Dharwad, Karnataka decision making and data Centre for International
Campus Telangana State Forest interpretation skills are tested.
managerial course in Forest Forestry Research, Indonesia,
Krishi Vidyapith, Dapoli, Academy, Hyderabad The main examination will
Management can also be Inter-national Union for
Maharashtra Gujarat Forest Rangers have 4 papers of which 2 are
pursued. Indian Institute of Conservation of Nature,
Ganga Kaveri Institute of College, Rajpipla common and 2 elective.
Forest Management at Bhopal Switzerland, Bioversity, Italy;
Science & Management, Central Forest Rangers Common papers will be on
is a very well-known for its International Union of Forest
Bengaluru College, Chandrapur General English and General
Postgraduate Diploma in Research Organizations,
Guru Ghasidas University, Uttarakhand Forestry Training Knowledge. Elective papers
Forest Management Austria; World Agroforestry
Bilaspur Academy, Haldwani are prescribed to assess
equivalent to MBA. It has also Centre, Kenya and many
Kumaun University, Nainital Tamilnadu Forest Academy, subject knowledge in the
launched Postgraduate others.
Mizoram University , Aizwal Coimbatore chosen subject like Botany,
Diploma in Sustainability You can see forestry offers
Punjab Agricultural University, Forest Training Institute, Zoology, Chemistry,
Management. The institute is
Ludhiana Jaipur Engineering etc. all forms of career opport-
recognised as research centre
College of Horticulture & Forest Training Institute and Based on their position in unities-scientific, administr-
for pursuing doctoral research
Forestry, Jhalawar, Rajasthan Rangers' College, Sunder merit list, candidates in a ative, academic and
of the Forest Research
Sarguja University Nagar Himachal Pradesh certain ratio of available managerial. The other way to
Institute, Dehradun. Some of
,Ambikapur, Chattishgarh Other than induction vacancies, are called for look at forestry careers may be
the organizations which have
Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar training, such institutes personal interview. Those in terms of the environmental,
recruited candidates from this
University, Agra organize refresher and finally selected are allocated developmental and
reputed institute are- The
Tamilnadu Agricultural performance development cadre of a particular conservational needs. Of
Nature Conservancy, Water
University , Coimbatore programmes also. state/union territory, undergo course requirements and way
Aid, World Wildlife Fund,
University of Agricultural Indian Forest Service: a long duration induction of approaching these careers
United Nations Development
Sciences, Dharwad Most of us are aware about training at Forest Research may differ, as has been
Programme (UNDP),
Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwa the Civil Services examination Institute, Dehradun which may explained in this article.
Grameen Foundation India
Vidyalaya Cooch Behar conducted annually by Union followed by on the job training Wildlife Sanctuaries, Paper
The Energy and Research
North Eastern Regional Public Service Commission and then get their regular manufacturing companies,
Institute, Spandana Sphoorty
Institute of Science & (UPSC) and the prestige posting mostly as Divisional microfinance organizations,
Financial Corporation, Swades
Technology ,Nirjuli, associated with being finally Forest Officer in a forest conservation bodies, packed
Foundation, Technoserve,
Arunanchal Pradesh selected in the process. UPSC division. food manufacturing
Periyaar Tiger Reserve,
Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar also conducts other All India Academics: For an
Microsave, Jaipur Rugs, companies, wood product
University of Horticulture & Services Examinations of academic career you may join
Jeevikaa Livelihoods Support companies, pharmaceutical
Forestry, Solan, Himachal which one is Indian Forest an agricultural
Organization, etc. companies in public and
Pradesh Service (constituted in 1966) university/college where
Those holding a private sector offer job
College of Horticulture & postgraduate qualification in examin-ation conducted every forestry and related subjects
opportunities to those
Forestry, Hamirpur, Himachal management with year. As every district in the are taught. For the purpose
educated in forestry.
Pradesh specialization in Agri - country has a district you have to meet the
Requirements for success
College of Forestry, Business, Rural Management, magistrate, district/ divisional requirements of Universities
A career in forestry can be
Velaanikkara, Kerala Rural Development may also forest officers are also Grants Commission.
both physically and mentally
College of Horticulture & find managerial careers in a appointed in districts and Research: There is ample
demanding, depending on the
Forestry, Pasighat, Arunanchal forestry related enterprise. divisions. Indian Forest scope of research in various
Pradesh work and the role you've to
Jobs & Careers Service officers are selected disciplines of forestry.
Uttarakhand University of Research can be pursued at play. You should, in general,
There are different routes to for filling up these positions
Horticulture & Forestry, and may reach the positions of universities, forestry institutes be physically fit with love for
approach forestry as a career.
Bharsar, Pauri Garwhal deputy conservator of forests, and specialised research nature and outdoors. You've to
The following description
The above is only an conservator of forests, Chief agencies established by be curious with an aptitude for
about different opportunities
indicative list. Definitely there available may be of help. Conservator of forests, government bodies. Research conservation of natural
are more colleges and Forest Guard: To become a Principal Chief Conservator of can be followed after resources. Those desirous of
universities in India offering forest guard one should have forests. postgraduation in forestry and making an academic career
courses in forestry/allied passed 10+2. Recruitments To appear in Indian Forest allied subjects. Some of the will do well to become learning
subjects. are made at state level. For Service examination you research institutes are as and research oriented.
Most of the institutes/ this position no special should have taken at least one follows- (The author is a career
universities have a general qualification in forestry or of the following subjects in Arid Forest Research Institute, counsellor based in Mumbai
course in forestry. However related subjects is required. your graduation-Physics, Jodhpur Email: v2j25@ yahoo.in)
some of these offer courses Usually vacancies announced Chemistry , Zoology, Botany, Institute of Woods Science & Views expressed are
with specialization in particular are in large numbers but so is Mathematics, Statistics, Technology, Bengaluru personal.
branches in forestry. For the number of candidates as Geology, Animal Husbandry & Himalayan Forest Research (Images Courtesy : Google)
36 www.employmentnews.gov.in EDITORIAL Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019
not help much in the long run everything seems to be working
COPING WITH ... because its retention period is against him. This is a very serious
Continued from page 1 very less. What we learn by rote problem which eats into the
evaporates very soon especially, inherent capability of a student.
reason of worries is the first step
when students need it most. And Believing in your strength helps
in the direction of taming the
the failure to retrieve the learnt you stay motivated and
stress. Once the reason of
lessons at various levels of ambitious. With positive bent of
worries and stress is known, only
examination causes tension. mind and unshakeable faith in
then can we overcome them fast.
However, some concepts and your capability, you can
For some students, lack of
formulae are worth-parroting but accomplish any task however
completion of syllabi of
it must not be done without difficult it may be. Examination
examination poses the great
keeping some clues and tips in preparation is not a different art
problem while for others lack of
mind. from this.
retention power of lessons learnt
It is always advantageous to Students must have
seems to be their Achilles' heel.
understand the processes and indomitable faith in their talent
Some students do suffer from the
clearly know the way a certain and keep on pushing hard for
problem of understanding the
theory functions. Give time to what they want to achieve. This is
topics and feel very helpless to
understand the various concepts bound to bring about much-
face examination. Problems need
of the subjects. Learning by cherished success to the
to be fixed before solving them
understanding is considered as students and keep stresses at
and preventing them from
the perfect way to master a bay.
adversely affecting the mental
condition of the students.
An honest assessment of one's
REALISTIC GOALS Practice makes a man perfect.
strength and weakness is very
Everyone dreams to achieve By persistently working on a
much necessary. Do your best to
what he or she loves or needs certain topics and subjects,
improve the areas which you find
most in life. But what one dreams student is bound to get mastery
problematic with the help from the
to achieve must also be based upon them with so much ease
professionals and experts. Faster
upon the real assessment of and so soon. Sometimes,
you master these areas of
one's capability and resources methods of practicing differ
lacunae the sooner will you be
available for realizing it. Only subject to subject but one
able to drive the fears out to
when we do not set our goals common practice, irrespective of
EN 49/19 finally become confident and
realistically then worries arise, all the subjects, is to learn the
stress starts rearing its ugly head things by repeatedly writing them.
which leads to frustration and Repeated writing practices
depression. make learning easier. It also
Chalking our suitable plans is a
That is why the first task is to increases the writing capacity.
sine qua non of what you want to
identify yourself, know who you Prepare notes of the topics of all
achieve in your life. A planned life
are and honestly assess your the subjects, understand them
is a well-spent and well-lived life.
own strengths and weaknesses. well and write them again and
But majority of students fail to
On the basis of these strength again to ensure that they are
plan and that is why they do not
and weaknesses we need to set completely mastered and fixed in
have any knowledge of how
our goals for examination and the mind.
much tasks they need to
which is sure to be accomplished Solving the questions given in
accomplish in the time to come. It
and achieved. This eases worries the exercises of all the chapters
also means mapping out and
and stress. can also fill a student with
measuring the contours of
PRIORITIZE SUBJECTS amazing confidence and self-
responsibilities to be taken over a
Have you ever realized that esteem and this may prevent
certain period.
students get considerably students from being vulnerable to
Planning late is also not good
stressed when they find the time frustration and stresses.
for examination purpose because
available for examination TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU
in this case students are left with
preparation is relatively shorter EAT
less time to accomplish the tasks
than the tasks to be mastered Good health is the sine qua
which lands them in trouble. A
over? In this situation, it becomes non of all achievements which the
well-planned study schedule for
virtually difficult to go through human beings aspire for and
various subjects to be covered
every chapter of a particular chase after. It requires regular
during the academic year
subject. That is why students exercise, meditation and good
provides the much-required
must categorize the syllabi into nourishing diets.
confidence to face the
the chapters with very high and What we eat substantially
examination stress.
low weightage of marks. The determines our physical and
Students need to chalk out a
chapters may also be classified mental health condition. For this,
comprehensive time plan at the
on the parameter of theirs being one must avoid items of fast or
outset of the session for all
simple, easily comprehensible junk food as they badly affect the
subjects. While planning for
and hard to master.
study, it is beneficial to digestion and immunity power of
Besides, we also need to
emphasize more upon those the body. Normally including
EN 49/22 identify the easiest and the
subjects which are supposed to green and leafy vegetables, fish
toughest subjects so that we
be difficult for them. Moreover, and fruits in the diets goes on
could rationalize the time
sticking to the planned study fulfilling the energy need of a
distribution accordingly for their
hours is also of prime importance. student. This sort of balanced diet
preparation. The tougher subjects
This habit helps utilize the keeps the students away from
may be assigned relatively more
available time in the best manner variety of ailments and finally free
time in comparison with easier
and for the best results. from any mental pressure.
The practice of regular AND FAMILY
The whole world seems to
meditation awakens the dormant Friends and family work as
have been shattered in view of
energy and brings about cushion in the difficult times
likely failure. Nothing seems to be
tremendous transformation in the
enjoying and interesting worth because they support and boost
mind and body. It also brings
living the life. But panic response us more than anyone else. But
about peace of mind and
does not pay. At this crossroads unfortunately we blunder ignoring
comforts the body. Inner energy
of life, students need to be very them while chasing our goal and
gets released and strengthened.
Anxiety level substantially falls rational and must stay stoic and hankering after dreams. And that
down. firm. is why we are left with none to
The goal of meditation is to Panicking would even take care of ourselves. It is a very
focus and quieten one's mind. aggravate the situation. So dangerous condition.
Most importantly, meditation whenever you find yourself in the Psychologists across the world
helps develop immense power of whirlpool of non-performance- have now established that talking
intuition which also substantially induced-worries-induced - and sharing the problems,
helps reduce the stress-related frustration - and- stress control whether academic or personal,
pressure and problems. This your emotion and behave with the friends and family
personal metamorphosis in the patiently. Always believe that members releases the much-
form of sharper mind, enhanced however dark the path may be
unwanted tension and pressures.
focus and strengthened there is always a light at the end
However, one must decide very
concentration helps the students of the tunnel.
judiciously how much time a
to grasp the subject matters and BE POSITIVE
student must spend with friends
to stay calm and cool. Unlike success, failure makes a
lest study schedule should get
CEASE CRAMMING, TRY TO man cynic and pessimist. Due to
this he starts doubting even disturbed.
EN 49/3 Learning a lesson by rote does himself and his own potential and Continued on page 39
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 EDITORIAL www.employmentnews.gov.in 37
distinguished personalities loving personality, Morarjibhai are announced, and people establishing the institution
MANN KI BAAT ... brought glory & honour not just was one of the most disciplined are inquisitive about the named Chakshu Mahila
Continued from page 2 to Jharkhand, but the entire leaders. In Independent India, awardees. In a way, I consider Sevakunj, through the medium
country. The country is indeed the record of presenting the this to be a huge pat on the of which she has been
gallery whose walls are grateful for their contribution. budget the maximum number back because these are engaged in a virtuous
inscribed with soldiers' tales of Today, if an inspiring of times is held by Morarjibhai people who are not on the front endeavour to make visually
valour. This is followed by the personality is required for ably Desai. Morarji Desai steered page of a Magazine or challenged children self-reliant.
Tyag Chakra. This circle guiding our youth, it certainly is the course of the country Newspaper or on our TV The story of 'Kisan Chachi', i.e.
stands for the sacrifice of our that of Bhagwan Birsa Munda. through some difficult times, screens. They are far removed 'Farmer Aunty' of Muzaffarpur
soldiers. This bears the names The British tree treacherously when the very democratic from the world of glitter and in Bihar, or Rajkumari Devi is
of soldiers who made the arrested him when he was fabric of the country was under glare, and are people who do very inspiring. She has
supreme sacrifice, in letters of asleep, in a covert manner. Do a threat. To save democracy, not care about name or fame established a precedent in the
gold. Following that is the you know why they had to Morarji Desai flung himself in but simply believe in toiling at direction of women
Rakshak Chakra which depicts resort to such a cowardly the movement against the proletarian level. empowerment and farming.
the spirit of security. This circle operation? Because even the imposition of Emergency.For They believe in living in the Rajkumari Devi added 300
houses a row of dense trees. British who raised a mighty this, he had to pay a heavy manner as preached by the women of her area to a 'Self
These trees represent soldiers empire used to be terrified of price in his old age. The shloka of Srimadbhagvad Gita Help Group' and motivated the
and send a reassuring him. Bhagwan Birsa Munda government of that time 'Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam', entire lot become financially
message to the country's took on the might of the guns & arrested and incarcerated him. or excellence in action is yoga. self-reliant. She not only
citizens that our soldiers cannons of the British, using But when the Janata Party won I would like to tell you about trained the women of the
vigilantly guard borders round traditional bows and arrows, to the general elections in 1977, some of these people. You village in pursuing other gainful
the clock and that they, the shake them apart. The fact is, he became the Prime Minister must have heard about means of employment, but
citizens are safe. If you take a when people are blessed with of the country. During his Odisha's Daitari Nayak, who is most importantly she
holistic view, the National exemplary leadership, the tenure, the 44th constitutional not nicknamed the 'Canal Man integrated technology with
Soldiers' Memorial is sure to might of arms pales in amendment was introduced. of Odisha' for nothing, Daitari agriculture and my dear
turn out to be a sacred site, comparison to the collective This was important because Nayak chiselled through the countrymen, it has perhaps
where people will throng, to get will power of the people. the 42nd amendment which mountain literally with his happened for the first time, that
information on our great Bhagwan Birsa Munda not only was brought during the hands and carved a three in the roll of Padma awards
martyrs, to express their waged a struggle against the emergency, curtailed the kilometers long canal in his bestowed this year, 12 farmers
gratitude, to conduct further British for political freedom; he powers of the Supreme Court village, and put to rest forever have been the recipients.
research on them. This place also actively fought for the and implemented provisions the problem of irrigation and Generally, very few people
stands testimony to a series of social & economic rights of the which stood to violate our water by the sheer dint of his associated with the agricultural
sacrifices of men who laid tribal folk. And he democratic values, was struck labour. Take the case of Abdul world or those very few who
down their lives for the sake of accomplished all this in his down. The 44th amendment, Ghafoor Khatri of Gujarat, who can be labeled as real farmers
their country, so that we could rather short life. He let made it mandatory that the has done an amazing job of have ever found their name in
live, so that the country could sunshine peep into the proceedings of Parliament and reviving the traditional Rogan the list of Padmashree awards.
be safe & secure, paving the darkened lives of the deprived Legislative Assemblies were painting form of Kutch. He is This in itself presents the live
way for development. One falls and the oppressed. Bhagwan made public through the doing a great job of extending and vibrant image of a
short of words in assessing the Birsa Munda sacrificed his life newspapers. This amendment, this rare painting art form to the changing India.
enormous contribution of our at the tender age of twenty five. restored certain powers of present generation. I had gifted My dear countrymen, today I
Armed Forces, Police and Illustrious sons of Mother India, Supreme Court and declared a Rogan painting titled 'Tree of wish to narrate a heart rending
Para Military Forces in the such as Birsa Munda have that the fundamental rights Life' done by Abdul Gafoor, to experience with you which I've
strides of progress achieved by come into being in each & granted under Article 20 and the former President of USA, been wanting to do past few
the country. every part of the country. There 21 of the Constitution could not Mr. Barack Obama. days. At present, whenever I'm
In the month of October last must've been hardly any part of be abrogated during the Among the recipients of the touring, it is my sincere effort to
year, I was blessed with the India, which did not produce Emergency. Padma award, Shabbir Sayyed meet people beneficiaries of
opportunity to dedicate the someone who contributed in For the first time of Marathwada is known as the 'PMJAY' scheme under
National Police Memorial to the the long freedom struggle,that constitutional safeguards servant of Gau-Mata. The Ayushman Bharat's umbrella.
nation. That too echoed the spanned centuries. But it's a guaranteed that the President manner he has spent his entire 'PMJAY' means to some of the
same sentiment, and we misfortune that these tales of could only announce the life in the service of Gau-mata, beneficiaries, like the single
believe that we should be ever valour and sacrifice did not emergency upon the written is unique in itself. Madurai mother whose unable to set
grateful to those policemen & reach the new generations. If recommendation of the Chinna Pillai is the same her small children treated due
police women, who relentlessly the valourous Bhagwan Birsa Cabinet, and that the period of person who at first tried to to lack of money or the head of
ensure our safety & security. I Munda made us aware of our emergency could not be empower the downtrodden and the family who was sustaining
do hope that you will pay a visit existence & identity, far- extended more than six the exploited through the his family by the sweat of his
to the National Soldiers' sightedJamsetji Tata created months at any stretch of time. Kalanjiyam movement in Tamil brow and met with an accident
Memorial and the National great institutions for the In this way, Morarji Bhai Nadu and initiated community and was unable to work, he too
Police Memorial. Whenever country. Jamsetji Tata was a ensured that the way based microfinancing. has benefitted due to this
you are there, do capture true visionary, who not only democracy was assassinated America's Tao Porchon-Lynch scheme, regained his health
images and share them on foresaw India's future, but also in 1975 by imposition of will leave you astounded, and is virtually living a new life!
social media so that others get duly laid strong foundations. emergency, could never be Lynch has become a living Brothers and Sisters, about
inspired to come & visit this He knew very well that making repeated again in the future. institution of yoga today. Even 12 lakh impoverished families
sacred site with eagerness. India a hub of science, The upcoming generations of at the age of 100, she is have benefitted from this
My dear countrymen, for technology and industry was our nation will always training yoga to people from all scheme over a period of last
'Mann Ki Baat', I keep getting imperative for her future. It was remember his priceless over the world and till now has five months. I have found that it
thousands of letters and his vision that culminated in the contribution in maintaining the trained 1500 as yoga teachers. brings about a transformation
comments from your side, on establishment of the Tata sanctity of Indian democracy. Jamuna Tudu, famous in the life of the have-nots. If
various platforms. Once while I Institute of Science, which we Once again I pay my homage nicknamed 'Lady Tarzan' in you know a poor person who is
was going through your know as Indian Institute of to a great leader like him. Jharkhand, most valiantly took unable to procure treatment
comments, I came across an Science today. Not just that, he My beloved countrymen, this on the Timber Mafia and due to lack of money, do inform
interesting point by Atish also established world year too, there was a great Naxalites, and not only saved him about this scheme. In fact
Mukhopadhyayji. He has renowned institutions and buzz about the Padma award. the 50 hectares of forest but this scheme is meant for the
written that on the 3rd of industries such as Tata Steel. Today as we head towards a also inspired ten thousand benefit of such underprivileged
March, 1900, the British On a voyage to America, new India, in which we want to women to unite and protect the people.
arrested Birsa Munda, when Jamsetji Tata met Swami honour those who are doing trees and wildlife. It is a tribute My dear countrymen, exam
he was just 25 years old. Vivekananda on the ship, and their work at the grass-root to Jamunaji's diligence that time in schools throughout the
Coincidentally, the 3rd of an important topic of their level without any care for a today, on the birth of every nation is soon going to dawn
March is also the birth discussion was the outreach & reward. They, by their child, villagers plant 18 trees. upon us. In the next few weeks
anniversary of Jamsetji Tata. spread of Science & diligence, are powering Also, 10 trees are planted on various education boards
He further states that despite Technology in India. It is said… positive changes in the lives of the marriage of a girl in the across the country will initiate
both personalities hailing from this very discussion led to the others in myriad ways. In village. the process for the board
diverse family backgrounds, founding of the Indian Institute reality they are true The story of Muktaben examinations of the tenth and
they enriched the legacy and of Science. 'Karmyogis,' who are selflessly Pankaj kumar Dagali of twelfth standards. My best
the history of Jharkhand. My dear countrymen, our engaged in public service, Gujarat will fill you with wishes to all the students
Paying tributes to BirsaMunda former Prime Minister Morarji social service and, above all, in inspiration despite being a who're going to appear for their
and Jamsetji Tata is, in a way, Desai was born on the 29th of the service to the nation. You divyang herself, it is difficult to examinations, their parents
salutation to the glorious February. All of you know that must have been a witness find an example than what and all the teachers as well.
legacy and history of this day comes just once in yourself to the curiosity in the Muktaben did for the upliftment
Jharkhand. These two four years. A simple, peace air when the Padma awards of divyang women by Continued on page 40
38 www.employmentnews.gov.in EDITORIAL Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

News Digest
National time, or it will refund the full price of the ticket. It also said that if a passenger is
„ The Indian Air Force conducted an air strike on informed of flight cancellation less than two weeks before departure, the airline must
the biggest terror camp of Pakistan based offer an alternate flight to passenger or refund the ticket completely.
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) in Balakot in the International
wee hours on February 26. Briefing the media „ The US has reaffirmed its demand that Pakistan
in New Delhi, Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale abide by its UN Security Council commitments to
said, credible information was received that deny safe havens to terrorists and block their access
JeM was attempting other suicide terror to funds. The US welcomed Islamabad's decision to
attacks in the country and terrorists were being release the captured Indian Air Force pilot. Pakistan
trained for that purpose. Prime Minister Imran Khan said that Wing Comman-
„ India has said, it has conclusive evidence of Pakistan F-16 jets violating Indian air- der Abhinandan Varthaman will be released as a
space to target its military posts following which the Indian Air Force shot down one F-
gesture of peace.
16 in aerial engagement. In a joint press briefing of the three Services in New Delhi
„ The United States and North Korea have failed to reach a formal deal at the Hanoi
Air Vice Marshal R G K Kapoor said, Pakistan Air Force's jets attempting to target mil-
Summit. Talking to reporters after the summit, US President Donald Trump said, the
itary installations were intercepted by Indian Air Force fighter aircraft which thwarted
talks ended with no agreement after he refused North Korean demand to lift all inter-
their plans.
national sanctions.
„ Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the
„ The United States, Britain and France have asked the United Nations Security Council
nation the National War Memorial near India
Gate in New Delhi. He lighted the eternal flame at to blacklist Masood Azhar, the head of Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Moham-
the central obelisk in the war memorial complex. mad (JeM).
The memorial honours about 26 thousand sol- „ Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has been re-elected for a second four-year
diers, who have laid down their lives in the term, after the election commission declared the results of the poll plagued by claims
service of the nation since Independence. The of rigging.
National War Memorial commemorates the sol- Business & Economy
diers who participated and made the supreme sacrifice in Peace Keeping Missions „ The country's goods and services exports will
and Counter Insurgency Operations. The complex includes a central obelisk, an cross 500 billion dollars during the current
eternal flame and six bronze murals depicting famous battles fought by Indian Army, fiscal despite challenges being faced on the
Air Force and Navy. Busts of the 21 awardees of Param Veer Chakra have been global trade front. This was stated by the Com-
installed at Param Yoddha Sthal. merce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu
„ External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj briefed the while speaking at the Rising India Summit
Opposition leaders on the air strike conducted by 2019 in New Delhi. Mr Prabhu said that
Indian Air Force on Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp. exports are recording healthy growth so far
Talking to media after an all-party meeting convened in and this fiscal will record the highest-ever
New Delhi, Ms Swaraj said leaders of all the parties
growth rate. He said the ministry is working on
praised the security forces and supported the govern-
identifying new products and new markets to further push the shipments.
ment's anti-terror operations.
„ Indian economy is expected to grow at 7.3 per
„ President Ramnath Kovind gave away the
cent in calendar years 2019 and 2020, the US-
Gandhi Peace Prize for four years from 2015
to 2018. Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, based rating agency Moody's has said. In its quar-
got the award for 2015 for their contribution to terly Global Macro Outlook for 2019 and 2020
rural development, education, development of released, the agency said the country is less
natural resources. For 2016, it has been jointly exposed to a slowdown in global manufacturing
given to Akshaya Patra foundation for its con- trade growth than other major Asian economies
tribution in providing mid-day meals to children and emerging markets and is poised to grow at a relatively stable pace in the two
and Sulabh International for improving the con- years. Moody's said the announcement in Interim Budget 2019-20 on direct cash
dition of sanitation and emancipation of manual scavengers. Ekal Abhiyan Trust has transfer programme for farmers and the middle-class tax relief measures will con-
won the award for 2017 for their contribution in providing education to rural and tribal tribute a fiscal stimulus of about 0.45 per cent of GDP. Moody's growth estimates are
children in remote areas, rural empowerment, gender, and social equality. Goodwill based on the calendar year. India, however, measures its economic growth on the
Ambassador of the World Health Organisation for Leprosy Elimination Yohei basis of the fiscal year from April to March.
Sasakawa has been honoured with Gandhi Peace Prize for 2018 for his role in leprosy
„ External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj
addressed inaugural plenary of Foreign Minis-
„ Union Cabinet approved setting up of a
ters' meet of the Organisation of Islamic Coop-
Railway Zone at Vishakhapatnam in Andhra
Pradesh and a new division with headquarter eration (OIC) in Abu Dhabi. Mrs. Swaraj said
at Rayagada in Odisha by reorganizing the that the fight against terrorism is not a con-
existing South Central Railway and East Coast frontation against any religion. She said that
Railway. Setting up of the new Railway Zone every religion in the world stands for peace,
will bring optimality with regard to size and compassion & brotherhood. The Minister said
scale of railway operations and also meet the that in the past four years, few relationships
persistent demand and aspirations of the have seen as much engagement, or has been so transformed, as India's relationship
people of the area. Southern Coast Railway will be 18th Railway zone of the Indian with UAE and with the entire Gulf and West Asia Region. The Minister said that Ter-
Railways. rorism and extremism bear different names and labels and it uses diverse causes and
„ Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed in each case it is driven by distortion of religion, and a misguided belief in its power to
the need to connect people with innova- succeed. Mrs.Swaraj also said she carries the greetings of 1.3 billion Indians, includ-
tion, science and technology. He was ing more than 185 million Muslim brothers and sisters adding that India's Muslims
speaking after giving away the Shanti
brothers and sisters are a microcosm of the diversity of India itself. This is for the first
Swarup Bhatnagar Prizes for Science
time that India has been invited to an OIC meeting as guest of honour.
and Technology for the years 2016, 2017
and 2018 in New Delhi. Mr Modi said the Sports
theme for this year's National Science „ National champion Deepak Singh was the lone
Day, which is, Science For Society and Indian boxer to notch up a gold while five
Society For Science is very relevant. Eleven scientists were given the Shanti Swarup others claimed silver medals in the Makran
Bhatnagar Prize for 2016. The awardees include Dr Rishikesh Narayan of Indian Insti- Cup in Chabahar, Iran. Deepak (49-kilogram)
tute of Science, Bengaluru and Dr Amalendu Krishna of Tata Institute of Fundamental defeated Jaafar Naseri in the finals. However,
Research, Mumbai. Among the ten scientists who got the prize for 2017 are Dr none of the other five Indian finalists could win
Deepak Gaur of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and Dr S Suresh Babu of Vikram their summit clashes. Finishing second on the
Sarabhai Space Centre. There were thirteen prize winners for 2018. They include Dr podium were P Lalitha Prasad (52kg), Com-
Amit Kumar of IIT, Delhi and Dr Nitin Saxena, IIT, Kanpur. The Shanti Swarup Bhat- monwealth Games silver-medallist Manish Kaushik (60kg), Duryodhan Singh Negi
nagar Prize is the most coveted national recognition bestowed upon young scientists (69kg), Sanjeet (91kg) and Commonwealth Games silver-medallist Satish Kumar
and engineers to honour their research and developmental work in India. It was first (91kg). Manish, also a national champion, lost to Danial Shah Baksh, while Satish was
instituted in 1957 to honour the eminent scientist Dr Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar who beaten by Mohammad Mlias.
was also the founder Director and the chief architect of Council of Scientific and Indus- „ India lost to Uzbekistan 0-1 in their opening
trial Research, CSIR. It is awarded annually for notable and outstanding research, match of the Turkish Women's Cup football in
applied or fundamental, in Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmos- Alanya, Turkey. An early goal by Uzbekistan's
phere, Engineering Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Medical Sciences and Physical Burhanova Malika in the 4th minute made the
Sciences. difference as India struggled for the equaliser in
„ Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu the remainder of the game. The Indian team will
released the passenger charter which speci- also be facing Turkmenistan and Romania in
fies rights of air travellers, at an event in New
group A of the tournament. The group B com-
Delhi. The charter states that if a domestic
prises teams from Jordan, Northern Ireland, France (B) and hosts Turkey. The tour-
flight is expected to be delayed by more than
nament is part of the Indian team's preparation for the AFC Olympic Qualifiers Round
six hours, then the airline will offer an option of
2 in April and also next month's SAFF Women's Championship.
alternate flight to the passenger within that
(Images Courtesy : Google)
Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019 EDITORIAL www.employmentnews.gov.in 39


Continued from page 36

A balanced and planned
examination preparation works
as an antidote to the examination
stress. Following are some time-
tested tips for the better
preparation of the examination
which, if religiously and
determinedly adhered to, can
substantially help decrease the
stress level -
** They say that if you fail to
plan then it means you plan
to fail. Hence planning to
achieve your target is very
essential. Pre-planning and
strictly following it is what we
may call the gateway to
** Be familiar with entire
material and syllabi of the
** Prepare notes, summarize
and highlight important points
so that they become more
easy to use when needed
** Focus on understanding the
material. Cramming wouldn't
prove more beneficial in the
long run.
**Browse through the chapters
to get their central ideas. Read a
paragraph, fold the book, close
your eyes and ask yourself what
you have learnt from the reading.
This process would help you to
concentrate, learn and retain
better while you go through a
certain chapter.
** One can discuss the topics or
the lessons with his friends
and share the knowledge.
** Visualize what one has read.
Visualizing is making the
picture of ideas in one's
mind. It helps get the subject
matter fixed permanently in
the mind.
** While sitting for the study, try
not to let your mind wander.
Try to focus on your study
with hundred percent
** Everyone has his or her own
way of revising or studying
routine. Find out which one
suits you the best - morning
or late at night, without music
or with music. Do not try to
blindly follow the routine of
others. This would only
discourage you and dampen
your enthusiasm.
** Always plan well in advance
to prepare for the
** Have a realistic goal. Your
goal must be based upon
self-assessment of your
capabilities, resources and
interest. Do not fix your target
having been influenced by EN 49/9
the pressure from parents,
teachers or peers. anything else. If watching - Start early for the venue of sheets. Even if you have answering the question as per
** Include breaks or intervals television is so essential, you examination lest you should committed any mistake fear your choice.
between your study hours. must fix time for it and get delayed due to traffic jam not, request your invigilator - Keep a few minutes in reserve
Doing this will keep you religiously stick to it. or reasons beyond your and he or she will do the to revise your answers at the
recharging for longer hours of ** Stay confident and do never control. needful to correct it. last moment.
study. underestimate yourself. For - Carry the admit card or hall - Go through the questions very - Mention the question numbers
** Do not feel shy to ask help this avoid the company of the tickets and other writing carefully before answering very legibly and encircle them
from the teacher, tutor, negative-thinking- people. paraphernalia, extra pens of them. on the answer sheets.
parents or the people around And what about the day of the very high quality, a scale, - Leave the questions which you - Keep gap between the
you whom you trust most. examination? pencils with a very good find very difficult and come to answers of the questions. You
** Take break to talk or have fun The day of examination is a sharpener and an eraser with them later when the time must avoid overlapping your
with your friends or do the very big day and for some also yourself. permits. answers.
works that you enjoy most. the day of confusion, worries and - Read the instructions of the - First answer those questions - Draw a line at the end of an
This would favourably fear. So, first you must be question paper carefully. the answers of which you answer before you start
condition your mood for the confident and courageous to - Get help from your invigilators know the best. However, answering another question.
longer and focused study dispel the fears of examination. to correctly fill the entries on writing the answers in - Do not repeat nor spread the
period. On the day of examination a the answer books. Do not sequence is considered as the answers of the same
** Avoid watching television. It student must keep in his or mind make any incorrect entries on best practice. But it is not a questions on various pages of
wastes time more than the following essential things - the front page of answer rule and you can choose
Continued on page 40
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Air Surcharge 20p for Srinagar, Leh, Kalimpong, Imphal, Dimapur, Agartala, Duliajan, Karimganj, Chabua, Diphu, Dibrugarh, Tezpur, Haillakandi, Mariani, Jorhat, Shillong, Digboi, Silchar, Port Blair

40 www.employmentnews.gov.in EDITORIAL Employment News 9 - 15 March 2019

them, a visually challenged
MANN KI BAAT ... young man, and he mentioned
Continued from page 37 that he happened to be a stage
artist, and specialized in
A few weeks ago, an mimicry during entertainment
immense event entitled programs, so just like that I
'Pariksha Pe Charcha' was asked him as to who all he
organised in Delhi in the format could imitate! And he told me
of a Town Hall programme. In that he could mimic the Prime
this Town Hall programme, I Minister. So I requested a
had the opportunity to talk with demonstration and a pleasant
crores of students from India surprise was in store for me.
and abroad, and also with their He mimicked the very exact
parents and teachers; a way I converse with you during
possibility through the aegis of 'Mann Ki Baat'. I was very
technology. One of the focal happy to hear that people not
points of 'ParikshaPeCharcha' only listen to 'Mann KI Baat' but
was that there were lively also remember it on many
interactions on various topics occasions. I was really
related with the entire process impressed with the prowess of
of examinations. There are that divyang young man.
many such aspects which My dear countrymen,
emerged out of these connecting with all of you,
discussions which are courtesy the 'Mann Ki Baat'
definitely going to be beneficial program has been a really
for the students. All the wonderful experience for me.
students, their teachers and Through radio I connect every
parents can watch the month with millions of families.
recording of this entire event Many times while conversing
on YouTube, and I take this with you, reading your letters or
opportunity to wish all the best listening to your thoughts sent
to all my'exam warriors', for on the phone, I feel that you
their upcoming examinations. have adopted me as part of
My dear countrymen, no your family. This has been a
mention of India can be very sublime experience for
complete without citing its me.
festivals. It is just not possible Friends, elections are the
that a day passes without any biggest celebration of
significance associated with it, democracy. In the next two
or does not herald a festival! months, we will be busy in the
Our culture has a continuum hurly-burly of the general
spread over many millennia elections. I myself will also be a
and it is a part of our heritage. candidate during this election.
In a few days from now, In maintaining respect for
Mahashivrartri will be healthy democratic traditions,
celebrated, and that too on a the next episode of 'Mann Ki
Monday, and when a Shivratri Baat' will be broadcast on the
falls on a Monday, it becomes last Sunday of the month of
May. This means I shall take up
all that special in our heart of
our thoughts and ideas
our hearts! I extend felicitations
accumulated over the three
on this pious occasion of
months of March, April & entire
Mahashivratri to you all.
May after the Elections, with
My dear countrymen, some
confidence anew. With the
days ago I went to Kashi and power of your blessings, once
there I got a chance to spend again I shall begin this series
time with my divyang brothers of conversations through
and sisters. Many topics were 'Mann Ki Baat'… and shall
discussed in their company keep doing 'Mann Ki Baat' with
and their confidence was really you for years. Once again, I
striking -it was inspiring. During thank all of you from the core of
the conversation with one of my heart. -PIB

marks in the examination. Life is

COPING WITH ... the greatest gift offered by the
Continued from page 39 Almighty God and we can make it
worth living any time as per our
your answer book. Examiners choice.
are smart and intelligent and The psychoanalysts say that
this would irritate them. examination stress is just a state
Last but not the least of mind. With low self-esteem
Examination stress - it is and shattered self-confidence,
merely a state of mind, fight it the examination stress goes on
bravely mounting with the speed never
The great Tibetan spiritual seen before. So, mould the mind
leader Dalai Lama once had and bring about change in the life
said, "Remember that sometimes style and philosophies of life -
not getting what you want is a you would never be under
wonderful stroke of luck." It has a stresses, worries would never
great philosophy of life. It is so haunt you and pressure would
solacing and inspiring for the not ever trouble you.
students who fall vulnerable to
(The author teaches at
vortex of worries and stresses
Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya, e-
after having failed to get the
expected results. Life does not mail: spsharma.rishu@gmail.
cease to exist and all paths of com)
career do not get blocked if you Views expressed are personal.
fail to achieve the much-dreamed (Images Courtesy : Google)

Printed & Published by Additional Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Amar Ujala Publication Ltd., C-21 & 22, Sector-59,
Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Hasan Zia

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