W2 - Principles of Fluid Flow - 2

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Prepared by:
Engr. Manuel B. Rustria
January 2018
➢ Define Total Dynamic Head, TDH, and derive the TDH of a typical
installation of a pumping system.
➢ Define pump power and brake power.
➢ Solve problems involving head of fluid, Bernoulli's equation, TDH, and
pump power.
➢ Head of Fluids
➢ Bernoulli's Equation
➢ Head or TDH of Pumps and Blowers
➢ Pump Theoretical and Brake Power
➢ Head of fluid is the height to which a column of fluid must rise to contain
the same amount of energy as contained in one unit weight or mass of
fluid under the conditions being considered.
▪ Forms of Head
1. Potential or actual head is a head based on the elevation of the
fluid above some arbitrarily chosen datum plane.
2. Kinetic or velocity head is a measure of the kinetic energy
contained in a unit mass of the fluid due to its velocity and is
given by the familiar expression for kinetic energy, .
3. Pressure head is the energy contained in the fluid as a result of
p p
its pressure and is equal to = .
ρg γ
➢ Bernoulli’s equation is an equation used to determine the head of fluid.
To derive the three forms of head, consider the piping line shown in figure
1.11 as a steady flow open system.

Figure 1.1
Bernoulli’s Equation
➢ Applying the first law of thermodynamics for a steady flow, open system,
and considering that energy losses are negligible:
Energy Entering the System = Energy Leaving the System + Energy Loss
EIN = EOUT + ELOSS , but ELOSS = 0 (for ideal system)

U1 + Ef1 + P1 + K1 + Q = U2 + Ef2 +P2 + K2 + W

where Q = heat transfer = 0 (adiabatic process)
W = shaft work = 0 (piping line only)
U1 = internal energy of mass entering the system
U2 = internal energy of the mass leaving the system
U1 = U2 and t1 = t2
P1 = potential energy of mass entering the system
P2 = potential energy of mass leaving the system
K1 = kinetic energy of mass entering the system
K2 = kinetic energy of mass leaving the system
Ef1 = flow of energy of mass entering the system
Ef2 = flow of energy of mass leaving the system
ELOSS = energy loss between boundaries
Then, Ef1 + P1 + K1 + Ef2 + P2 +k2
V12 V22
ρ1v1 + gz1 + = ρ2v2+ gz2 + , but v1 = v2 and ρ1 = ρ2 = ρ
2 2
p1 V12 p2 V22
+ gz1 + = + gz2 +
ρ 2 ρ 2
p2 − p1 V2 −V1
+ g(z2 – z1) + =0
ρ 2
Multiplying both sides of the equation by 1/g,
p2 − p1 V22 −V12
+ (z2 – z1) + = 0, but γ = ρ g
ρg 2g
p2 − p1 V22 −V12
+ (z2 – z1) + = 0,
γ 2g
p2 − p1 V22 −V12
+ + (z2 – z1) = 0 ⟶ Bernoulli’s equation
γ 2g

ΔHp + ΔHk + ΔHz = 0

(Hp2 – Hp1) + (Hk2 – Hk1) + (Hz2 – Hz1) = 0
p2 − p1
where ΔHp = = change in pressure head, m
Hp = =pressure head, m
V22 −V12
ΔHk = = change in velocity head, m
Hk= = velocity head, m
ΔHz=(z2 – z1)= change in static head, m
Hz = 𝑧 = static head, m
▪ Statement of Bernoulli’s equation for ideal system:
“Neglecting function, the total head, or the total
amount of energy per unit weight or mass, is the
same at every point in the path flow.”
➢ In an actual flow system, energy losses are considered, and the first law of
thermodynamics for steady flow, open system is applied

U1 + Ef1 + P1 + K1 + Q = U2 + Ef2 +P2 + K2 + W + EL12

where EL12 = energy losses between 1 & 2
p2 − p1 V2 2
−(V1)2 EL12
Then, + + (z2 – z1) + =0
γ 2g g
ΔHp + ΔHk + ΔHz+ HL = 0; HL = head losses, m
▪ Statement of Bernoulli’s equation if friction is
considered: “With continuous, steady flow, the total
head at any point in a stream is equal to the total
head at any downstream point plus the head loss
between two points.”
Example 1.10
A pipe 220 m long slopes down as shown, 1 in 100, tapers from 0.80-m
diameter at the higher end to 0.40-m diameter at the lower end, and
carries 100lps of oil (SG = 0.85). If the pressure gauge at the lower end
reads 50 kPa, determine the velocities at the two ends and the pressure at
the higher end. Neglect all losses.
Given: A pipeline shown
D1 = 0.80 m D2 = 0.40 m SG = 0.85
Q = 100 lps P2 = 50 kPag L = 200 m
The values of v1, V2, and p1
Solving for the value of z1, consider the triangle shown.
1 z1
Sinϕ= 2
1+ 100 200
Then, z1 = 2
1+ 100
= 1.999 m
Solving for the velocity of fluid at point 1,
Q 4Q 4 100 LPS
1000 liters
V1 = = 2= 2 = 0.199 m/s
A1 πD1 π 0.80M

Solving for the velocity of fluid at point 2,

Q 4Q 4 100 LPS
1000 liters
V2= = 2= 2 = 0.80 m/s
A2 πD2 π 0.80M
For the pressure gauge at point 1, consider Bernoulli’s equation
p2 − p1 V2 2 −(V1)2
+ + (z2 – z1) = 0
γ 2g
V2 −(V1)2
Then, p1 = ρog , + (z2 – z1) + p2 ,
where ρo = density of oil
0.80 2 − (0.199)2
p1 = (0.85)(1000)(9.8066), + (0 – 2) + 50000
p1 = 33583.95 Pag = 33.6 kPag
Example 1.11
At a point in a horizontal pipeline, the pressure of water flowing at a
velocity of 4.6 m/s is 177.3 kPaa; at another point close by, where the pipe
has a smaller section, the pressure is 110.4 kPaa.
a) Neglecting losses, find the velocity of flow at the second point.
b) If the head loss is 0.20 m, find the velocity at the second point.
Given: A pipeline shown 1
p2 = 110.4 kPaa
V1 = 4.6 m/s
p1 = 117.3 kPaa
a) Find V2, if losses are neglected.
b) If HL = 0.20 m, find V2.
a) Solving for velocity V2, use Bernoulli’s equation
p1 V12 p2 V22
+ z1 + = + z2 +
ρg 2g ρg 2g
where = 1 000 kg/m3 and z1 = z2
2(p1−P2) 117 300 −110 400)
Then, V2= + V12 =f + 4.62
ρ 1000

V2= 5.91 m/s

b) Solving for V2 if HL = 020m, use Bernoulli’s equation
p1 V12 p2 V22
+ z1 + = + z2 + + HL
ρg 2g ρg 2g
Then, V2 = + V12- 2gHL

2(117 300 −110 400)

V2 = + 4.62 - 2(9.8066)(0.20)
= 5.57 m/s
➢ Whenever problems involving fluids (liquid, vapor, and gas) are
encountered, always remember the first law of thermodynamics defined
by the general energy equation. This general energy equation is the most
important equation in thermodynamics.
➢ Consider Figure 1.12 (general energy diagram of a steady flow, open
Figure 1.12 Steady Flow, Open System
➢ From the first law of thermodynamics for a steady flow, open system,
energy entering the system is equal to energy leaving the system.
EIN = EOUT + Energy loss between boundaries

U1 + Ef1 + K1 + P1± Q = U2 + Ef2 +K2 + P2± W + ELOSS

where 1 = stands for the system entrance
2 = stands for the system exit
U = internal energy, kW = U1 = U2 if t2 = t2
E1 = flow energy, kW
p = pressure, kPaa
v = specific volume, m3/kg
m = mass flow rate, kg/s
P = potential energy, mgz, kW
K = kinetic energy, kW
V = velocity of the fluid, m/s
Q = heat transfer, kW
• It is positive (+) if transferred to the system.
• It is negative (-) if rejected by the system.
W = shaft work of the system
• It is positive (+) if work is done by the system.
• It is negative (-) if work is done to the system.
ELOSS = energy losses between 1 & 2, kW
➢ Solving for W, and considering that Q = 0 and density is constant,
W = (Ef2 – Ef1) + (K2 – K1) + (P2 – P1)
p2 −p1 m
W=m + (V22 – V12)+ mg(z2– z1) + ELOSS
ρg 2
Dividing both sides of the equation by mg,
W p2 −p1 V22 – V12 ELOSS
= + +(z2 – z1) +
mg ρg 2g mg
p2 − p1
where ΔHp = = change in pressure head, m
V22 −V12
ΔHk = = change in velocity head, m
ΔHz =(z2 – z1)= change in static head, m
Hl= = head loss between 1 & 2, m
= TDH = total dynamic head, m
Therefore, TDH = ΔHp + ΔHk + ΔHz + HL (Bernoulli’s equation)

➢ Total dynamic head (TDH) is head corresponding to the energy input to

the system, m.
Figure 1.13
➢ Using Bernoulli’s equation, consider point A to point B and the datum line
is at the pump centerline.
HA + TDH = H8 + HLAB
pa VA2
where HA = + ± zA= total head at point A, m
ρg 2g
• Negative (-) sign is used if point A is below the pump centerline
(datum line).
• Positive (+) sign is used if point A is above the pump centerline
(datum line).
pa V82
H8= + ±z8= total head B, m
ρg 2g
pA = atmospheric pressure if the source is open to the
pB = atmospheric pressure if the discharge reservoir is
open to the atmosphere
VA = VB = velocities of fluid = 0
HLAB = head loss from A to point B (head loss due to friction
(hf) and due to turbulence (hT), m
HLA1 = head loss from point A to point 1, m
HL2B = head loss from point 2 to point B, m
➢ For total dynamic head.
TDH = (z8 ± zA)+ HLAB
➢ Note for the pumping system/installation shown in Figure 1.13
1. The datum line is the centerline of the pump. Vertical distance
below the datum line has a negative (-) sign.
2. The reference pressure is the atmospheric pressure. At sea level, it
is zero psig or 14.7 psia or 101.325 kPaa. Pressure above the
atmospheric pressure has a positive (+) sign and a necagive (-) sign
for vacuum.
3. All losses of head due to friction, turbulence, etc. in the suction line
have negative (-) signs; and all losses due to friction, turbulence,
etc. in the discharge line have positive (+) signs.
4. In the equation of TDH above, a positive (+) sign is used if point A is
below the pump centerline and a negative (-) sign is used if point A
is above the pump centerline.
5. zA is called static suction head when point A is above the pump
centerline, and zA is called static suction lift if point A is below the
pump centerline.
➢ The theoretical power input of the pump is obtained using the equation
WP =
where WP = theoretical power of the pump ) or water power), kW
TDH = total dynamic head or the pump head, m
Q = pump discharge rate, m3/s
𝜌 = density of the fluid, kg/m3
g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
= 9.9066 m/s2
➢ Brake power of the pump is the theoretical power divided by the pump
efficiency and obtained by the equation
BP = =
η 1000
where BP = pump brake power, kW
η = pump efficiency
Example 1.12
What power is required to pump 40 lps of water through q 100-mm pipe
from a pump to a point 10 m above. The figure is shown below. Assume an
overall efficiency of 65%. Determine the pressure intensities at points 1
and B. Neglect losses.
Given: A pipeline shown
Q = 40 lps
D1 = D2 = 100 mm = 0.10 m
η = 65%
The pump brake power and the pressure at points 1 and B
Solving for the velocity at point 1 and point 2,
4Q 4(0.04 m3/s)
V1 = = 2 = 5.093 m/s = V2
πD1 π 0.10m
Solving for the total dynamic head (TDH),
TDH = HS – HA + HLAB z = zA + zB = 10 m
where HLAB = 0
Solving for the water power (WP) or pump theoretical power,
ρgQ(TDH) 1000 9.8066 (0.04)(10)
WP = = = 3.923 kW
1000 1000
Solving for the pump brake power (BP),
WP 3.923
BP = = = 6.035 kW ANSWER
η 0.65
For the pressure at point 1, consider line from point A to point 1.
Using Bernoulli’s equation,
HA = H1 + HLAB
pA VA2 p1 VA2
+ – zA = + + z1 + HLTA
ρg 2g ρg 2g
where HLTA = 0 VA = 0
pA = 0 kPag z1 = 0
Then, solving for p1,
V12 5.093 2
p1 = –ρg zA + = –(1000)(9.8066) 3 +
2g 2(9.8066)

p1 = –42 389.12 Pag = –42.4 kPag ANSWER

For the pressure at point 2, consider line from point 2 to point B.
Using Bernoulli’s equation,
HA = H1 + HLAB
pA VA2 p1 V12
+ – zA = + + z1 + HLTA
ρg 2g ρg 2g
Then, p2 = ρg zB −
5.093 2
p2= (1000)(9.8066) 7 −
= 55 676.88 Pag = 55.7 kPag
Checking: Consider point 1 to point 2.
p2 VA2 p1 V12 p2 −p1
TDH = H2 – H1 + HL12 = + – – =
ρg 2g ρg 2g ρg
(55 676.88 +42 389.12)
TDH = = 10 m
1 000(9.8066)
Example 1.13
A pump draws water from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir B as shown in
the figure. The loss of head from A to 1 is three times the velocity head in
the 15.24-cm pipe and loss of head from 2 to B is 20 times the velocity head
in the 101.6-mm pipe. The pump discharge rate is 40 lps. Determine the
a) Pump head
b) Pump theoretical power
c) Pump brake power if the pump efficiency is 78%
d) Pressure head at point 1
e) Pressure head at point 2
Given: Pump system shown
Q = 40 lps HLA1= 3
HL2B = 20
a) TDH
b) Pump WP
c) BP if pump efficiency is 78%
d) Pressure head at point 1
e) Pressure head at point 2
Solving for the velocity at point 1,
4Q 4(0.04)
v1 = 2= 2 = 2.19 m/s
πD1 π 0.1524
Solving for the velocity at point 2,
4Q 4(0.04)
v2= 2= 2 = 4.93 m/s
πD2 π 0.1016
a) Determination of the pump head, TDH
TDH = zB – zA + HLAB
where HLAB = HLA1 + HL2B
V12 2.19 2
HLA1= 3 =3 = 0.73 m
2g 2(9.8066)
V22 4.93 2
HL2B = 20 = 20 = 24.78 m
2g 2(9.8066)

Therefore, TDH = 36 – 6 + 0.73 + 24.78

= 55.51 m ANSWER
b) Solving for the pump theoretical power or water power,
pgQ(TDH) 1000(9.8066)(0.04)(55.51)
WP = =
1000 1000
= 21.77 kW ANSWER

c) Solving for the pump brake power,

W𝑃 21.77
BP = = = 27.91 kW ANSWER
𝜂 0.78
d) Solving for the pressure head at point 1, consider point A to
point 1.
Using Bernoulli’s equation,
HA = H1 + HLA1
pA VA2 p1 V12
+ + zA = + + z1 + HLA1
ρg 2g ρg 2g
where VA = 0 pA = 0 kPag
z1 = 0
p1 V12
Hp1 = = zA– + HLA1
ρg 2g
2.19 2 ANSWER
=6– + 0.73 = 5.03 m
e) Solving for the pressure head at point 2, consider line from
point 2 to point B.
Using Bernoulli’s equation,
HA = H1 + HLA1
p2 V22 pB VB2
+ + z2 = + + zB + HL2B
ρg 2g ρg 2g
where VA = 0 pA = 0 kPag
z1 = 0
p2 V22
Hp2 = = zB + HL2B –
ρg 2g
4.93 2
= 36 + 24.78 –
= 59.54 m ANSWER
Example 1.14
A pump discharges 126 lps of brine (SG – 1.2). The pump inlet, 304.8 mm in
diameter, is at the same level as the outlet, 203.2 mm in diameter. At the
inlet, the vacuum is 152.4 mm of mercury. The center of the pressure
gauge connected to the pump discharge flange is 122 cm. This gauge reads
138 kPag. For a pump efficiency of 83% , what is the power output of the
Given: A pump as shown
SG = 1.2 Q = 126 lps η = 83% p2 = 138 kPag
D1 = 304.8 mm p1= –152.4 mm Hg = –20.318 kPag
D2 = 203.2 mmρ= 1000(1.2) = 1200 kg/m3
Required: The motor power output
Solving for the velocity at point 1,
4Q 4(0.126)
v1 = 2= 2 = 1.727 m/s
πD1 π 0.3048
Solving for the velocity at point 2,
4Q 4(0.126)
v2 = 2= 2 = 3.885 m/s
πD2 π 0.2032
Solving for TDH using Bernoulli’s equation,
TDH = (H2 – H1) + HL12 where HL12= 0; z1 = 0

(p2 −p1) (V22 −V12)

Therefore, TDH = + + (z2 – z1)
ρg 2g
138000+20318 3.885 2 − (1.727)2
TDH = + + 1.22
(1200)(9.8066) 2(9.8066)
= 15.29 m
Solving for the theoretical power of the pump,
pgQ(TDH) 1200(9.8066)(0.126)(15.29)
WP = =
1000 1000
= 22.67 kW
Solving for the pump brake power,
WP 22.67
BP = = = 22.31 kW
η 0.83
For the motor power output, if motor is directly coupled,
MP = BP = 27.31 kW
Note: For standard size of motor, use a 30-kW motor.
➢ Head loss due to friction in a straight pipe is obtained using the equation
L V2
HL= f
D 2G
where HL = head loss due to friction, m
f = fiction factor
L = length of a straight pipe, m
D = inside diameter of the pipe, m
V = velocity of fluid, m/s
g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
= 9.8066 m/s2
η = pump efficiency
Example 1.15
In a pumping system handling water, the level in the suction tank is 3m
below the pump shaft centerline; and the level in the discharge tank is 21 m
above the pump shaft centerline. The inlet piping is 7.62 cm in diameter
and together with its valves and fittings is equivalent to 26 m of straight
steel pipe. The discharge line, 6.35 cm in diameter, with its valves and
fittings, is equivalent to 72 m of straight steel pipe. If the motor delivers 7.1
kW to the pump shaft, what is the pump efficiency for a discharge rate of
12.6 lip? Assume that the friction factor for a steel pipe is 0.024.
Given: A water pumping system
zA = 3m zB = 21 m
D1 = 7.62 cm D2 = 6.35 cm
Ls = 26 m Ld = 72 m
f = 0.024 Q = 12. 6 lps
BP = 7.1 kW
Required: The pump efficiency
Solving for the velocity at point 1,
4Q 4(0.126)
v1 = 2= 2 = 2.763 m/s
πD1 π 0.0762
Solving for the velocity at point 2,
4Q 4(0.126)
v2 = 2= 2 = 3.979 m/s
πD2 π 0.0635
Solving for head loss from point A to point 1,
Ls V12 26 2.763 2
HLA1=f = (0.024) = 3.19 m
D1 2g 0.0762 2(9.8066)
Solving for head loss from point A to point 1,
Ls V22 72 3.979 2
HL2B= f = (0.024) = 21.97 m
D2 2g 0.0635 2(9.8066)
Solving for TDH of the pump,
TDH = (zB + zA) + HLAB
= (21 + 3) + (3.19 + 21.97 )
= 49.16 m
Solving for the theoretical power of the pump,
pgQ(TDH) 1000(9.8066)(0.126)(49.16)
WP = =
1000 1000
= 6.07 kW
Solving for the pump efficiency,
WP 6.07
η= (100%) = (100%)= 85.49% ANSWER
BP 7.1
➢ Fluid machinery is an equipment capable of handling fluid, either moving
the fluid or moved by the fluid.
1. Pumps
a) Centrifugal Pumps
• Centrifugal flow
• Propeller or axial flow
• Mixed flow
• Peripheral flow
b) Rotary Pumps
• Screw-type pump
• Gear-type pump
• Cam-type pump
• Vane-type pump
c) Reciprocating Pumps
• Direct-acting pump
• Indirect-acting pump (Power-driven)
d) Deep-well Pumps
• Reciprocating pump
• Air lift
• Injector centrifugal pump
• Turbine type
2. Hydraulic Turbines
a) Impulsive Turbines
• Pelton wheel
b) Reaction Turbines
• Radial flow Francis
• Mixed flow Francis
• Axial flow
▪ Kaplan – adjustable blades
▪ Propeller – fixed blades
3. Fans and Blowers
4. Compressors
a) Centrifugal compressors
b) Reciprocating compressors
c) Rotary compressors
5. Fluid coupling and torque converter – pump and turbine built together to
transmit power smoothly.
▪ The above-listed machines (except the positive displacement pumps) are
called turbo machines. In the turbo machines, there is a change of
momentum in moving fluid; force is exerted on the vanes (blades, runner);
and work is done by displacement of the vane. The analysis of turbo
machines involves the principles of fluid dynamics.
▪ In the case of axial flow, centrifugal pumps, blowers, and compressors,
energy is added to the fluid by continuously doing work on the fluid. In
turbines, energy is extracted from the fluid to produce torque on the
rotating shaft.
▪ In the case of a roto-dynamic pump, a rotating element called impeller
imparts energy to the liquid and the pressure rise. A positive
displacement by a gear system rotating in a closed housing (gear pump) or
a piston (plunger) moving in a cylinder (reciprocating pump). It discharges
a definite quantity of liquid (apart from any leakage) irrespective of head
on pump, hence, there is a positive displacement.
➢ Hydraulic machine is a machine powered by a motor activated by the
confined flow of a stream of liquid, such as oil or water under pressure.
1. A machine designed to utilize energy for the purpose of moving fluids
2. A machine designed to develop power from hydraulic machine
(hydraulic power)
3. A machine designed to control and transmit energy by hydraulic means
(hydraulic control, hydraulic actuators)
4. A machine designed to use power for various purposes (hydraulic jack,
hydraulic motors)
▪ Hydrometer is a device used to determine the specific gravity of liquids.
▪ Pitot tube is a device used to measure fluid velocity. It is also used to
measure the velocity of fluid inside a pipe.
▪ Continuity equation is an equation used in the conservation of mass.
▪ The continuity equation for an ideal fluid flow states that energy is
constant anywhere in the fluid or in the flow path.
▪ An ideal fluid is a fluid that is frictionless and incompressible.
▪ Cohesion is the property of fluid whereby its own molecules are united or
attracted to each other.
▪ The pressure of a fluid at any point in the line will not be the same in all
directions if the fluid is viscous and in motion
▪ Adhesion is the volumetric change of the fluid caused by a resistance.
▪ The upper critical Reynolds number for pipe flow has no practical
importance to designers.
▪ The Reynolds number for a pipe flow is given by the equation , where
ρ is density in kg/m3, D is the inside diameter of pipe in m, V is the mean
velocity of the fluid in m/s, and μ is the viscosity in Pa-s.
▪ Density in terms of viscosity is defined as the absolute viscosity of
dynamic viscosity divided by kinematic viscosity.
▪ The Critical Reynolds number is the demarcation between laminar flow
and turbulent flow.
▪ Bernoulli’s equation states that the total energy in the steady flow of a
frictionless and incompressible fluid is constant.
▪ Reynolds number is the ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces
and is give by the equation .
▪ Viscosity, 𝜇 , is the property of a fluid by virtue or its resistance to shear.
The unit in SI is Poise or g/cm-s (= 1 Pa-s). At 20.0°C, the absolute
viscosity of water is 1 centiPoise and air is 0.17 centiPoise.
▪ 1 centiPoise is equal to 1/100 Poise.
▪ Steady flow is the flow in which the quantity of fluid per unit time is
▪ Unsteady flow is the flow in which the quantity of fluid per unit time is
not constant.
▪ Laminar flow is the flow in which the paths of the individual particles of
fluid do not cross each other. The Reynolds number is less than 2000.
▪ Turbulent flow is the flow in which the paths of the individual particles
cross each other particles have no definite paths. The Reynolds number is
greater than 4000.
▪ One-dimensional flow is the flow of fluid or stream which may be
represented by a straight line.
▪ Two-dimensional flow is the flow of fluid or stream which may be
represented by a curve.
▪ Volume, specific volume, and volume flow rate of a fluid are functions of
▪ Viscosity is practically independent from pressure and depends on
temperature only.
▪ A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the application of a
shear force. It cannot sustain a shear force at rest.
▪ A fluid may be a gas, a liquid, or a fluidized solid powder and is known to
consist of finite particles.
▪ Ideal fluid is a fluid that is frictionless and incompressible.
▪ Discharge is the volume of the fluid that flows through a section of a
channel or pipe per unit time, expressed in m3/s
▪ Pascal’s law states that “pressure set up in a confined liquid acts equality
in all directions, and is always at right angles to the containing surfaces.
▪ Path line is a line followed by the fluid particles in motion.
▪ Streamline is the imaginary line tangent to which at any point indicates
the direction of motion at that point.
▪ Streak line is the instantaneous position of all fluid particles that pass
through a given point.
▪ Uniform flow is the type of fluid in which the velocities of liquid particles
at any sections of the pipe or channel are equal. It is generally referred to
as flow in channel.
▪ Non-uniform flow is the flow in which velocities of liquid particles at all
sections of the pipe or channel are not equal.
▪ The motion of a fluid element may be divided into three categories:
translation, rotation, and distortion. Distortion can be further subdivided
into angular distortion and volume distortion.
▪ Newton’s second law of motion, the continuity equation, and the principle
of conservation of energy always apply to any fluid.
▪ The energy equation for fluid flow is based on the first law of
thermodynamics which states that the heat input into the system added
to the work done on the system is equal to the change in energy of the
1. What is the size of pipe to carry 1 m3/s at an average velocity of 2 m/s?
2. What is the flow rate of water, in lpm, in a 0.20-m diameter pipe if the
average velocity of flow is 1.5 m/s? If the pipe’s diameter is reduced to
0.10 m at another section, what is the velocity of flow in that section?
3. A pipe hose should deliver at least 1200 lpm. If the nozzle has a diameter
of 30 mm, what is the velocity of the issuing jet?
4. A pump delivering 0.227 m3/s of water has a 30.48-cm diameter suction
flange and a25.4-cm diameter discharge flange. The suction pipe is 4 m
long and the discharge pipe is 23 m long. The water is delivered to a
reservoir 16 m above the intake water level. Neglecting turbulence losses
in the pipe, determine the following:
a) Pump head
b) Pump theoretical power
c) Pump brake power if the pump efficiency is 85% (Assume a friction
factor of 0.02 for cast iron pipe)
5. A pump delivering 31.5 lps of water has a 40.64=cm diameter suction pipe
and 35.56-cm diameter discharge pipe. The suction vacuum gauge that is
8 cm below the pump centerline reads 127 mm of mercury below
atmospheric pressure. The discharge gauge that is 46 cm above the pump
centerline reads 73.14 kPa. What is the head of the pump? Determine
the pump brake power if the pump efficiency is 82%.
6. It is desired to pump 1000 gallons per hour of gasoline (SG = 0.85) from
the bottom of a storage tank at ground level to the top of a fractionating
column 27.5 m high. The total length of pipe (actual + equivalent lengths
of valves and fittings) is 38.5 m. The pipeline is a 5.08-cm diameter
standard steel pipe. Calculate the size of motor needed, if the efficiency
of the pump and drive is assumed to be 60%. Assume a friction factor of
0.022 for the standard steel pipe.
7. One thousand gallons of benzol are to be pumped per hour through a
3.175-cm steel pipe to the top of a reaction tower. The equivalent length
of the line, including pump is 305 m and the pipe outlet is 15.5 m above
the level of the benzol in the supply tank. The temperature is 21°C; the
specific gravity of benzol is 0.88. the pump is directly connected electrical
centrifugal with an overall efficiency of 60%. Calculate the size of the
motor driving the pump. Assume a friction factor of 0.02.
8. Water is pumped from a reservoir to a tank with a lift of 6 m. The suction
pipe which connects the reservoir to the pump is 30.48 cm diameter and
8 m long. The discharge pipe which connects the pump to the tank is 25.4
cm in diameter and 137 long. Both pipes may be classified as clean,
smooth, cast iron pipes. The suction pipe projects into the reservoir and
the discharge pipe projects into the tank. The efficiency of the pump is
60%. Considering all losses, calculate the horsepower required to operate
the pump to discharge 85 lps into the tank.
9. A pump that delivers 320 lps of oil (SG = 0.90) has a 400-mm diameter
suction pipe and a 35-cm diameter discharge pipe. The suction vacuum
gauge located 10 cm below the pump centerline reads 125 mm Hg. The
discharge gauge which is 48 cm above the pump centerline reads 75 kPa.
Determine the pump power if the pump efficiency is 79%.
10. A pump draws water (SG = 0.985) from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir
B, with a static suction lift of 8 and a static discharge head of 25. the
diameter of the suction pipe is 15.24 cm and the diameter of discharge
pipe is 4.0 inches. The total head loss from A to B is 25% of the total
dynamic head (TDH), and the head loss at the discharge side of the pump
is 90% of the total head loss. The pump capacity is 100 lps. Determine
the following:
a) Pump brake power if the efficiency is 78%
b) Reading of the pressure gauge installed at the suction side of the pump
c) Reading of the pressure gauge installed at the discharge side of the
11. A pump draws water from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir B as shown
in the figure below. The loss of head from A to 1 is three times the
velocity head in the 15.24-cm pipe and the
loss of head from 2 to B is 2 times the velocity
head in the 101.6-mm pipe. Compute the
brake power of the pump if the efficiency is
82% and the pressure heads at points 1 and
2 when the discharge is
a) 12.6 lps, and
b) 38 lps.
12. The plan is to pump 1.05 lps of gasoline (SG = 0.85) from the bottom of
one tank to the top of another. The level in the inlet tank is 1.2 m above
the pump centerline, and the level in the discharge tank is 29.5 m above
the pump centerline. The inlet-pipe diameter equals the discharge-pipe
diameter of 5.08 cm. The total length of the steel pipe is 38 m. If the
pump efficiency is 80%, what is the required power output of the motor?
13. A double suction, single stage, centrifugal pump delivers 900 m3/hr of sea
water (SG = 1.03) from a source where the water level varies 2 m from
high tide to low tide level. The pump centerline is located 2.6 m above
the surface of the water at high tide level. The pump discharges into a
surface condenser, 3 m above the pump centerline. Loss of head due to
friction in the suction pipe is 0.8 m and that in the discharge side is 3m.
Pump is directly coupled to a 1750 rpm, 460 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hz.
Calculate the following:
a) Total suction head, m b) Total discharge head, m
c) Total dynamic head of the pump, m d) Theoretical pump power
e) Pump brake power if the pump efficiency is 82%
14. What is the flow rate of water in lpm, in a 0.3-m diameter pipe if the
average velocity of flow is 1.5 m/s? If the pipe’s diameter is decreased to
0.10 m in another section, what is the velocity of flow in that section?
15. Water from the reservoir is pumped over a hill through a pipe 900 mm in
diameter and a pressure of 1 kg/cm2 is maintained at the pipe discharge
where the pipe is 85 m from the pump centerline. Pump has a static
suction head of 5 m. The pump capacity is 1500 liters per second.
Friction losses are equivalent to 3 m of head loss. Determine the
a) Total dynamic head (TDH)
b) Waterpower
c) Pump brake power if the efficiency is 82%

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