Intel It Manufacturing Yield Analysis With Ai Paper

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White Paper

December 2021

IT@Intel: Transforming Manufacturing

Yield Analysis with AI

Intel IT is using artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate yield ramp by clustering

and classifying manufacturing failure patterns

Authors Executive Summary

Artificial Intelligence Group Expert yield analysis engineers have always performed end-of-line yield analysis
Nitzan Kalvari at Intel’s silicon wafer factories (fabs). But as the number of products and volume
AI Product Manager, Intel IT grow in Intel’s manufacturing environment, a manual detection approach to yield
analysis poses several challenges:
Nir Lotan
• Limited human-hour resources prevent engineers from reviewing and
AI Products Team Manager, Intel IT
documenting every issue in every wafer in every lot.
Merav Zidon • Detection accuracy depends on an engineer’s experience level.
Business Line Manager, Intel IT
• Knowledge sharing between fabrication sites is cumbersome and slow.
Intel Fab Sort Manufacturing Intel is changing the paradigm of yield analysis from this manual, reactive “pull”
Robert E. Lofgren approach to a proactive “push” approach, which is helping to find problems such as
Yield Analysis Engineer failing tools, fleet mismatches and process parameter shifts, quickly and accurately.
The more quickly such issues are identified, the sooner they get fixed and overall
yield is improved.
Table of Contents The solution is characterized by the following:
Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 • Advanced machine-learning and deep-learning algorithms for issue detection,
Business Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 clustering, classification, data gathering and in the future, root cause analysis.
Solution Overview: Automated, • Autonomous end-to-end detection, where the above tasks are performed
Integrated GFA Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 automatically and then the results are pushed to the yield analysis engineers for
Solution Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 further investigation.
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 • Tight integration with existing yield analysis tools and systems.
Next Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Our unique solution enables end-of-line issue detection to identify multiple
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 issues on the same wafer, and to examine 100 percent of wafers in every lot. The
combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and yield analysis engineers’ knowledge
Related Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 enables them to support more products, use knowledge captured collectively
across fabs and shorten time to resolution. Overall, this solution is propelling us
along our Industry 4.0 journey toward complete automation of the root cause
analysis process and better yield.
White Paper | IT@Intel: Transforming Manufacturing Yield Analysis with AI 2

Business Challenge • Limited experience. It takes many years for yield analysis
engineers to gain experience in manufacturing process
Intel is one of the world’s leading high-volume manufacturers, technologies to perform GFA detection accurately. This task
with 15 wafer fabrication plants (fabs) in production worldwide tends to be a balance between art and science; engineers
at 10 locations. Like all manufacturers, Intel strives to improve need many years of experience to learn how to distinguish
manufacturing yield without driving up costs. Artificial accurately between random statistical “noise” and real
intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to help achieve this GFAs/patterns/signatures. Thus, results of analysis and
goal, moving us closer to the Industry 4.0 vision of complete consistency depend heavily on the engineer’s skill.
automation of manufacturing processes.
• Convoluted by multiple failures. Two or more inline
In semiconductor manufacturing, a single silicon wafer is problems may have affected a wafer, potentially leading
composed of tens to hundreds of individual microelectronic to multiple patterns on one wafer. Due to resource and
integrated circuit units called dies. Wafers are produced in experience constraints, yield analysis engineers may
“lots,” meaning product that is manufactured during a specific identify and characterize only one inline problem, while
time period. Each wafer undergoes many manufacturing line the other problem(s) go undetected and unresolved,
(also known as “inline”) steps as it moves through the fab, which may hinder fixing the root cause of both issues.
each of which involves a complex interplay between state-
• Siloed information. Because Intel manufactures wafers
of-the-art manufacturing tools and highly advanced electro-
in several sites in parallel, knowledge transition between
chemical-mechanical processes. Various problems can occur,
yield analysis engineers requires meetings, which can slow
such as a tool beginning to fail, the fleet of tools running
knowledge sharing.
mismatched or a change in one processing step inadvertently
impacting another processing step. All of these issues—and • Delayed issue detection. New issues can appear that are
many others—can introduce manufacturing line variability, not on the list of baseline patterns. These unknown issues
negatively impacting the end-of-line yield. may go undetected until their repeat occurrence is captured
by an experienced human eye. Delays in new issue detection
Yield analysis engineers inspect end-of-line wafer for die-
due to limited visual sampling or experience may come at a
level functional health indicators. One thing they look for
significant cost to manufacturing health and yields.
are gross failure areas (GFAs),1 which appear as patterns
that indicate a problem has occurred in the fab. Different Speedy detection and quantification of material at risk due
problems cause different-looking patterns (see Figure 1). to a fab event or excursion is highly critical. Intel’s fabs run
Until recently, the yield analysis engineers used a manual 24/7 and process thousands of wafers every hour. The
technique to deduce what went wrong inline from the end-of- longer a failed tool, mismatched fleet or an unintentional
line perspective. This exercise in pattern recognition serves process shift runs uncontained, the more the material is at
as input for root cause analysis of an issue. Over multiple risk of degraded yields. An automated GFA classification
years of experience with wafer analyses, yield analysis solution can help improve yield by alerting the yield analysts
engineers have cataloged dozens of baseline patterns that of inline problems that can then be quickly addressed—
relate to specific inline problems. preventing even more wafers from being affected.
As Intel’s product portfolio expands and becomes more
Signature Patterns on Wafers complex, the business risk of undetected issues, incorrect
Different problems cause different-looking patterns
signature attribution and the time it takes to identify even
known signatures continues to grow. Intel IT is committed
to helping Intel Manufacturing accelerate issue detection,
improve accuracy and provide multi-product coverage for
the issue detection cycle through an automated AI-based
solution (see Figure 2).

Figure 1. Different inline problems with manufacturing tools
ithin the Fab

and process manifest in different patterns on wafers.

The typical “pull” approach to identifying a GFA involves
Time is
many challenges: Critical

• Time-consuming. GFA detection is a repetitive and labor-



intensive job. And, as the number of products and volume a

grow in Intel’s manufacturing environment, it is impractical Ro o
to hire enough yield analysis engineers to review and
document 100 percent of the end-of-line material. Due
to human resource constraints, this manual approach is Figure 2. To minimize inline problems’ impact on yield and
time-consuming and non-scalable. cost, we engage in an ongoing—and time-critical—cycle of
issue detection, root cause analysis and in-fab correction
Although not an industry-standard term, we commonly refer to GFAs as “crashes” and of problems.
hence to our AI engine that automates GFA detection as “Auto Crash.”
White Paper | IT@Intel: Transforming Manufacturing Yield Analysis with AI 3

Solution Overview: Automated, One important note: Our solution is not intended to replace
yield analysis engineers. Instead, machines execute what
Integrated GFA Detection they do best, and the engineers perform more complex
Overall, integrating AI into all of Intel’s manufacturing intellectual tasks, such as applying business knowledge and
processes to solve a variety of manufacturing challenges is finding the root cause of detected issues.
part of our vision for the Factory of the Future. As part of that The combined solution—algorithm, automation and
effort, we have developed a transformational approach to integration—currently provides two services:
improving and accelerating yield analysis. AI performs the
• Baseline pattern detection. For 100 percent of end-of-line
repetitive, labor-intensive detection, then pushes the results
wafers, the solution can use the pattern examples provided
to yield analysis engineers for root cause analysis.
to it to automatically determine if a wafer has a known
The solution encompasses three key elements that make our (baseline) inline issue, without manual intervention. This
solution unique in the industry: aspect of the solution looks for issues we know exist in the
• AI model. We developed a dedicated AI workflow that uses manufacturing environment to some extent.
machine-learning, deep-learning and image-processing • Unknown pattern detection. The solution can also report
techniques to perform automated pattern recognition. AI information about all the patterns that are currently impacting
can identify and document multiple GFAs per wafer, and yield and the level of impact. Yield analysis engineers can
learn to capture patterns that affect yield. use the report to identify new insights, such as a new pattern,
• Autonomous end-to-end detection. While the algorithm a known pattern that has a changed definition or a change
is important to the success of the overall solution, in level of yield impact. This latter information can help
automation is the real game-changer. The legacy GFA tools engineers set their investigation priorities. Once the engineers
were limited and required manual intervention and manual complete the root cause analysis for a previously unknown
queries. Now, the automated push approach produces data pattern, the new pattern is added to the baseline pattern
for root cause analysis and calculates yield impact trends. repository, and the AI model is retrained to recognize it.
• Holistic integration. The algorithms’ results are seamlessly This solution accelerates the speed at which inline problems can
integrated into the existing manufacturing workflow methods be identified, tagged and subsequently resolved for increasing
and tools, which improves ease of use and our ability to total yields. The solution can help yield analysis managers
extend the algorithms’ business value to additional use cases. increase yield in a talent-constrained environment. In other
words, the solution helps maintain a high-quality product
Other important aspects of the solution include structured
without additional yield analysis engineering head count.
data collection without manual documentation, a shift from
monotonous pattern classification to focus more on root While the manufacturing industry has made previous steps
cause analysis and replacing local execution with a central toward automating GFA detection, our use of machine-learning
system that can process and store far more data than is operations (MLOps) to drive acceleration and scalability is
possible on a local client. unique. The solution is providing transformational business
value (see Table 1).

Table 1. Transformational Business Value Accruing from AI-based GFA Pattern Detection

Manual Analysis AI-based Analysis

Benefits of AI Limited scalability: Only a subset of end-of- Highly scalable—every wafer of every lot is analyzed,
line volume on one product or across multiple which catches more issues, and can be used as an
products is analyzed. accurate dataset for root cause investigation. The
solution can quickly expand to multiple products.
Limited to a single gross failure area (GFA) Multiple GFAs can be found and documented
identification and documentation per lot. per wafer.
Quality of issue identification is based on a yield Consistent, objective and reproducible tagging of
engineer’s experience—it may be biased, and known patterns, plus the ability to find new GFAs for
differs from person to person. investigation. As the solution improves over time, it can
potentially achieve experienced human-level accuracy
for all baseline patterns for a variety of products.
Benefits of end-to-end “Pull” reactive approach for GFA search. “Push” approach to help automatically detect active GFAs.
Requires about two days to update the aggregated Yield impact summary is automated.
yield impact summary report.
Dataset creation for root cause analysis, trend and Enables easy dataset generation for root case analysis,
yield impact calculation is labor-intensive. including trends over extended periods of time and
yield impact calculation.
Knowledge sharing (see the sidebar, “A Closer Virtual Factory integration is automatic and fast,
Look at the Virtual Factory”) is based on meetings enabling easy knowledge-capturing and sharing, which
and presentation materials, which can slow down in turn speeds inline fixes.
inline fixes.
Benefits of holistic integration Analysis results are isolated from other analysis Results are fully integrated with existing processes and
with manufacturing environment and data exploration tools. tools, making the solution easy to adopt and use.
White Paper | IT@Intel: Transforming Manufacturing Yield Analysis with AI 4

Tight integration with existing downstream visualization and

analysis tools enables engineers to perform deep-dives into
A Closer Look at the Virtual Factory the data when warranted. They can also perform additional
Sharing solutions across factories leads to increased custom analysis if necessary. For example, the yield analysis
manufacturing efficiency and quality operational management tool allows engineers to customize
Intel implemented a “Virtual Factory” concept their analysis views of data and also allows fab users to have
nearly 20 years ago. The foundational assumption simplified web-based assessments for data viewing and data
is that Intel’s factories have many commonalities, entry. Other tools integrated with the AI-based GFA detection
so sharing solutions and information across all sites solution include a root cause analysis tool and a dashboard
helps eliminate unnecessary effort and allows every and reporting tool.
factory to benefit from a breakthrough solution or The solution is designed for scalability. We use industry-
idea. Whether it is an ergonomic solution, a new standard software throughout (see Table 2), and we also
Manufacturing Execution System (MES) or an upgrade use a modular approach so that we can add more models
to a fab tool, once validated, the change is “Copy as the solution grows, to support additional product types.
Exactly!” to all the factories. Our AI-based solution that The algorithms combine several models that include both
automates GFAs on end-of-line wafers is no exception. machine learning and deep learning. In late 2021, we had
We have integrated the solution into the Virtual Factory 16 models in production tagging about 2,500 wafers per
network. When the solution finds a new gross failure day—and these numbers continue to grow as we add new
area (GFA) pattern and the yield analysis engineers patterns to the baseline pattern repository and add support
complete their root cause analysis, the new pattern for additional products.
can be added to the list of known patterns at all fabs—
improving yield not only at the fab at which the issue
Table 2. Automated GFA Detection Solution Software
was found, but at all of Intel’s fabs around the world.
Component Technologies
Programming Language Python

Solution Architecture Machine- and Deep-

learning Frameworks
Python, TensorFlow, Seldon

Our AI-based GFA detection solution is part of our overall

Analytics Argo, Apache Kafka based on the
effort to use AI throughout Intel’s business processes to Orchestration Confluent Platform
improve business outcomes (see the sidebar, “Using MLOps to
Storage MinIO database, Network File System (NFS),
Accelerate AI Model Productization”). The solution consumes ElasticSearch
data from the existing fab data lake, such as a list of wafers
Containers Docker, Kubernetes
that previously suffered from a particular pattern signature
and information about the overall wafer population. The OS Linux, Ubuntu
AI-based models are trained using the baseline patterns.
Once training is complete, the models are inferenced on all The solution is built using cloud-native microservices running on
streaming material and provide classification results, along a central server. Both model training/retraining and inference run
with yield impact measurements, to existing yield analysis in a private cloud, using a 20-node Kubernetes cluster equipped
tools. In parallel, AI models are running to identify new with Intel® Xeon® Silver 4215R processors (see Figure 3).
patterns that exist on wafers. The cluster, which also runs several other manufacturing AI
solutions, serves all of Intel’s fabs around the globe.

20-node Kubernetes Cluster Fab Visualizations

Factory Transactional with Intel® Xeon® Silver 4215R Processors User Interface
Data Repository Investigation
Data Retraining Tools



Results Fab Database

Figure 3. Our AI-based solution for detecting gross failure areas (GFAs) includes input data, the ability to retrain the models
and full integration of results with existing analysis and visualization tools and processes.
White Paper | IT@Intel: Transforming Manufacturing Yield Analysis with AI 5

The success of our use of AI for end-of-line quality control Using MLOps to Accelerate AI Model
and root cause analysis can be measured in several ways— Productization
decrease in defect density, GFA detection accuracy and Deploying AI faster and enabling self-maintaining,
coverage are several metrics that we track. Our results cost‑effective AI services in production at scale
include the following achievements:
Intel IT works with Intel Manufacturing to apply
• Early detection of GFAs, including unknown issues that artificial intelligence (AI) across Intel to transform
could not have been identified by humans. critical work, optimize processes, eliminate scalability
• Detection of multiple GFAs on a single wafer, enabling bottlenecks and generate significant business
multiple root causes to be fixed simultaneously. value (more than USD 1.5B return on investment in
2020). Our efforts unlock the power of data to make
• Solution deployment to all factories producing Intel’s Intel’s business processes smarter, faster and more
leading products, enabling emerging issues in one factory innovative, from product design to manufacturing to
to all be communicated to all the factories. sales and pricing.
• 100 percent coverage of the wafers and lots.
To enable this operation at scale, we developed
• >90 percent accuracy in detecting baseline patterns. Microraptor, which is a set of machine-learning
operations (MLOps) capabilities that are reused in all
By adding AI to the yield analysis process and integrating
of our AI platforms. Microraptor enables world-class
the overall solution into the manufacturing environment
MLOps to accelerate and automate the development,
using automation, we have transitioned from a manual
deployment and maintenance of machine-learning
“pull” approach to a far more efficient “push” approach. This
models. Our approach to model productization
helps us maintain the high yield we had in previous process
helps avoid the typical logistical hurdles that often
generations while keeping the same level of yield analysis
prevent other companies’ AI projects from reaching
staff. Plus, the yield improvement we are gaining can enable
production. Our MLOps methodology enables us
earlier release of products to market.
to deploy AI models to production at scale through
continuous integration/continuous delivery,
Next Steps automation, reuse of building blocks and business
process integration.
We continually improve the AI-based GFA detection solution
by retraining models and adding new models and algorithms. Our MLOps methodology provides many advantages:
Additional improvements include the following: • The AI platforms abstract deployment details and
• Correlate inline data to patterns detected at end-of-line to business process integration so that data scientists
provide more precise inputs for root case analysis. can concentrate on model development.

• When applicable, perform automated root case analysis • We can deploy a new model in less than half an hour,
and provide details about the tool, process or parameters compared to days or weeks without MLOps.
that caused the issue. • Our systematic quality metrics minimize the cost and
• Link patterns between different fabs. effort required to maintain the hundreds of models
we have in production.
• Broaden the solution’s use of historical information to
provide additional insights. For example, the solution could For more information, read the IT@Intel white paper,
point out that a similar pattern was handled by a particular “Push-button Productization of AI Models.”
yield analysis engineer. Also, expanded historical data may
uncover commonalities between patterns.
• Incorporate employee feedback with regard to new issues
and the system’s performance in the case of false detection.
• Scale to more products and new silicon process
White Paper | IT@Intel: Transforming Manufacturing Yield Analysis with AI 6

We are committed to providing continuous innovation that
will improve the quality and velocity of Intel’s manufacturing We connect IT professionals with their IT peers inside
environment. We are taking a unique approach to GFA Intel. Our IT department solves some of today’s most
detection, using AI and automation to transform end-of-line demanding and complex technology issues, and we
yield analysis. The solution we developed for autonomous want to share these lessons directly with our fellow
end-to-end issue detection achieves greater than 90 percent IT professionals in an open peer-to-peer forum.
accuracy in baseline pattern recognition and can now
identify multiple GFAs per wafer, enabling us to perform Our goal is simple: improve efficiency throughout
root cause analysis on several issues at once to improve the organization and enhance the business value of
wafer quality. Our solution is tightly integrated into the IT investments.
existing manufacturing tools, such as those used for data
Follow us and join the conversation on Twitter or
visualization, making it easy for Intel Manufacturing staff
at #IntelIT.
to adopt and use the solution.
Visit us today at or contact your local
Although our current solution is specific to GFA detection Intel representative if you would like to learn more.
on silicon wafers, our overall push approach to yield analysis
can be applied to other AI-based product types:
• Use AI to mimic experts work, where machines execute
better than humans. Refocus experts in more complex
intellectual tasks, such as applying business knowledge. Contributors
In our case, conducting root case analysis. Alex Freilikhman, Yield Analysis Engineer,
• Autonomous end-to-end process provides users with the Intel Fab Sort Manufacturing
output they can evolve to future needs. In our case, all Andrew Marin, Yield Analysis Engineer,
active GFAs, known and new. Intel Fab Sort Manufacturing
• Adopt the solution easily and quickly, and integrate it with Amrish Menjoge, Yield Engineering Manager,
existing processes and tools. Intel Logic Technology Development
• Plan for scale in order to increase business impact and value. Shai Monzon, Industry 4.0 Engagement Manager,
Intel IT
Yossi Revah, ISR Analytics Manager,
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