The Devops Journey: Disrupt or Be Disrupted

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The DevOps Journey

Disrupt or be Disrupted
Cosmo Schillaci, IBM
[email protected]

Continuous delivery of software innovation on hybrid cloud

The market & customer demands are changing
Became a top 10 Worlds largest
e-commerce site Taxi company
Stock outperformed Owns No Vehicles
Google 2004-2016

Worlds largest Over 1 Billion SMS/MMS

media company users displacing telcos
Creates No Content Has No Network

Worlds largest Worlds largest

retailer accommodations company
Has No Inventory Owns No Real Estate

Do you want to be the predator or the prey?

Business Leaders are counting
on IT to deliver the right
outcomes at the speed the
market demands!
Analyst are saying

By 2018, over 60% of new apps will use cloud-enabled

continuous delivery and cloud-native application
architectures to enable faster innovation and business
agility. IDC FutureScape, November 2015

Today, 10% of global enterprises are implementing ARA

as part of a DevOps solution. By 2018 that number goes
up to 50%. Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application
Release Automation, August 2016

Average spending on quality assurance as a percentage

of total IT budget projected to rise to 40% by 2018. Many
organizations spend more than 1/3rd of testing budget on
test environments. CapGemini World Quality Report,
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production

Planning takes too long. Poor visibility across teams.

Release contains too many changes.
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production


Applications are complex.

Scope constantly changing.
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production


Builds are automated

but kicked off manually.
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production


Each environment is different.

Deployments are manual & error-prone.
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production


Architectural issues - Functionality defects Testing is manual.

Security vulnerabilities - Performance issues
Dev & Test are out of sync.
What is slowing IT down from delivering faster?
You are only as fast as the
slowest point!

Develop Build Deploy Test Release

Planning Production

Lack of
Successful transformations span all layers

Changing the
People culture is a

Optimizing the how

Process things are done
accelerates delivery

Automating the what is done

Tools delivers consistency, repeatability,
& reliability advancing a shift left
Delays impact the business!

Missed market Dissatisfied Increasing

opportunity Link Customers Link cost of IT Link

Major e-tailer suffers 80% to 90% of all Average spending on

sporadic technical mobile apps are quality assurance as
issues throughout the uninstalled from a percentage of the
Thanksgiving device after one use. total IT budget is
weekend, creating an projected to rise to
extended outage Users cite issues
40 percent by 2018.
during one of the such as freezing,
crashing, or not living More than 1/3 of the
year's busiest testing budget is
shopping periods. up to expectations.
spent on test labs.
Productions incidents impact the business!

Damaged Lost Revenue

reputation Link customers Link impact Link

Major airline refuses Unhappy customers Now defunct, market

to honors thousands are 3x more likely to managing firm loses
of tickets resulting tell others about a $440M (USD) in 30
from web app bad experience. minutes!
glitch. De-listed from stock
80% of customers
Later recants will not buy from a exchange and sold
position in favor of vendor with negative for pennies on dollar.
the customer. customer reviews.
IT must automate delivery of
high quality software with
increased predictability,
accuracy, and visibility!
Optimizing the How with best practices
Culture Think
IBM Bluemix Build diverse teams Use design thinking
Garage Method Define organizational roles Define minimal viable
Work in autonomous product
co-located squads Plan using rank order
Learn Adopt agile principles Execute playbacks Code
Run A/B tests Daily standups
Drive development with Pair programming usig TDD
hypotheses Continuously integrate
Continuously experiment Automate testing
Use analytics tools

Manage Deliver
Automate monitoring Deliver continuously using a
Enable fast recovery automated pipeline
Be resilient Automate deployments
Automate operations
Build high availability
Dark launches and feature
Automate & SHIFT LEFT!
Accelerate Delivery
Minimal Viable Product

Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery

Automated Delivery Pipeline

Develop Build Provision
Development Integrated Toolchain Template Production
Close Feedback Loop
Continuous Integration

Develop & Build

1. Integrate version control and build automation
Development commit launches automated build process
2. Modernize existing applications
Micro-services & Containers (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes)
3. Implement support for dark launches
Business toggles / Feature Flags

Continuous Delivery

Provision Dynamic Infrastructure

1. Deploy to any Cloud
Bluemix, AWS, Azure
2. Treat infrastructure as code
Patterns / Blueprints
3. Automate full stack deployments
Broker Orchestrate Automate Deploy

Continuous Delivery

Automate Deployment
1. Integrate build automation with deployment automation
Successful build starts deployment process
2. Use a consistent deployment process
Use the same process across all environments - test to production
3. Leverage canary deployments
Limit risk exposure to the business

Continuous Delivery

Test Continuously
1. Include test automation as part of deployment process
Deploy process kickoff automated tests for immediate feedback
2. Shift left with service virtualization to test earlier
Simulate dependencies; Test what you want, when you want, how you want.
3. Test across all channels
API, functional, performance, security test automation

Continuous Delivery

Manage for Operational Readiness

1. Include monitoring as part of deployment process
Enable fast recovery
2. Execute automation runbooks in the deployment process
Configure test labs like production
3. Mirror production in each test lab
Reliability, availability, security, serviceability

Continuous Delivery

Release Management
1. Manage the deployment of change across environments
Execute manual and automated deployment steps without delay
2. Release together what has been tested together
Ensure quality criteria has been met in each test environment
3. Log release actions for audibility and compliance
Automatically capture the who, what, when, where, result outcomes

Wrapping up!

Transform Deliver Respond

@ Speed @ Speed @ Speed

Create a culture Innovate faster by Improve customer

of continuous accelerating software engagement by
improvement and delivery across shortening feedback
trust hybrid environments loops

High Performers are realizing
2016 State of DevOps report
24x faster recovery
from failures

200x more frequent

deployments 29%
more time spent
developing new
lower failure

1.8x 2555x 22%

more employee
less time spent on
unplanned rework

recommendations faster lead time

My team has a great
working environment! more employee 50%
2.2x recommendations
Great place to work!
higher market cap
growth over 3 years
Source: Puppet Labs 2016 State Of DevOps
IBMs client are achieving business results
Bluemix cut Cost per year

95% $2.3M
time by
avoidance of
on a single

items of mobile

1000+ 99% app feedback in

two weeks
Time required for
software releases
down by
Reduced production
Reduced system incidents by factor of Reduced system
downtime by

8x 4 hours
integration testing
time from 3 weeks to

70% Improved code

quality by

50% 125x Reduction in time

needed for testing
IBMs DevOps Journey our key takeaways
Skills, quick wins, measure and stay the course
1. Look for quick wins to gain momentum then scale out
2. Automated delivery pipeline is the heartbeat of the team
3. Foster champions for change at all levels of the organization
4. Measure for business objectives not metrics for the sake of
5. You wont get it right the first time: perseverance and
endurance required
Thank You

Continuous delivery of software innovation on hybrid cloud

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